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Ness Oberlin

"For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others."

0 · 1,254 views · located in New York

a character in “Uptown Living”, as played by SuperfluousBuns




{ Full Name }
Vanessa Joan Oberlin

{ Nickname }
Ness, Nessa

{ Birthday }
September 18th, 1997 (Leo)

{ Age }
Seventeen (Very Soon Eighteen)

{ Sexual Orientation }

{ Grade Level }
Twelfth Grade

{ Hometown }
Quebec, Canada

{ Ethnicity }
50% French-Canadian 50% Ethiopian

{ Character Role }
The Angel

{ Dialogue Color }


Adeline Oberlin || Mother || "As far as professional socialites go, she's pretty cool."
Adeline is a former Broadway Starlet turned Producer, which as far as Ness is concerned just requires knowing the right people and going to the right parties. Her mother has a huge personality, and hates to have anyone else be in the spotlight- the exception being her darling daughter, of course. She and Ness have a very mixed up relationship- one moment they are Chip and Dale spending the day laughing, the next Ness is being berated and doing her best to avoid Adeline. It all depends on the Tony-Winning Ex-Diva's mood.
Richard Oberlin || Father || "Yes, the Richard Oberlin."
Adeline and Richard are very similar when it comes to career paths. A Former Boy-Band Member turned Solo Artist turned Actor/Director, her father has done quite a lot in his 54 years, and still considers himself in his prime. Although she sometimes tires of being in the Oberlin shadow, Ness adores her father when he's around. Of course, he's often off on shoots these past several years. But Hey, his assistant never forgets the right dates to send flowers or a card.
Richard Oberlin Jr. || Half-Brother || "My favorite heart throb."
Richard is ten years older than Ness, and the product of her father's first marriage to pop sensation Willow Santigold. He's a very popular actor right now, best known for playing brooding heart throbs, but more importantly he's always in New York to make his famous Mushroom Mac'n'Cheese for Ness on her Birthday.

{ Home Life }
From the moment she was born, Ness was in the public's eye. The daughter of a famous Broadway actress and an even more famous Celebrity Father, half-sister to an already increasingly successful child star half-brother, the child had very big shadows to grow out from behind. She was born in Quebec, Canada, where her parents had purchased their first home together with the intention of staying out of the limelight for a while, until she was older. So she grew up learning the French and English of her mother's home city. It was more peaceful a life than she may have otherwise been afforded, at least for her first few years, growing up in a spacious penthouse in a wealthy neighborhood, with her mother and father occasionally out of the house to work on smaller projects, leaving her with a housekeeper who doubled as a nanny to the child. She was a quiet, agreeable child from the beginning. Perhaps in the presence of such loud parents, her mother belting in the morning and her father memorizing lines and laughing his famous laugh with guests, she remained quiet to maintain a balance. Her little brother thought her absolutely hilarious, stumbling around the house and falling all the time. She was slow to learn how to walk, instead crawling at mach-speed until she was nearly two years old.

Her parents, lovers of their audience, couldn't stay away from their city for too long. She was barely six when they swept back to New York City, and from there rarely stopped travelling. Her father was often on the other side of the United States, her mother always at another opening night party, another late rehearsal, another gala of some sort. She idealized them in their absence, her father a great man and performer, her mother the most beautiful woman alive. They couldn't possibly live up to the ideas she made in her head at such a young age, but she could certainly try to be as good as them. She took singing lessons, and failed atrociously, much to her mother's dismay. Still, she smiled on, eager to please, happy to be her father's "sweet little smiling girl." She couldn't sing for the life of her, was terrible at complex choreographed dancing, and her all too expressive face failed to hide her true self behind a character on the stage. Her parents had to admit that she would likely not be the performer that they or her brother was. Of course, they would never stop loving her because of this- though on bad days her mother will loudly bemoan her daughter's lack of star power, her waste of a pretty face, the weight she's definitely gaining from all of that junk food, etc. She wasn't even a particularly interesting child- didn't give the paparazzi anything to talk about with her good behavior and normalcy in being a sweet, happy, hard working child.

As she grew older, into a young woman, she was enrolled in Constance because her brother had attended St Jude's and of course their daughter must go to the best school money, name, and a good enough brain can get you. Her mother continues to fret over whether her daughter is popular enough, whether she is hanging with the right people, etc- she may be a producer but she acts as though she's her daughter's life agent. Her father is often gone but present through his secretary's thoughtfulness. Her brother is talented and a doting older sibling. Besides the critical nature of her mother, Ness has never really had a reason to rebel or act out. She started out simply not seeing the allure of drinking and partying and sex, and eventually was simply left behind and believed to be a goody-two shoes, labelled an angel for her incredibly sweet nature as well has her spotless reputation- one her father jokes makes her a bad celebrity's kid. Ness has been content to be kind and sweet and perhaps foolish but still cheerful.

But it is her last year- and it wouldn't be so wrong to try putting a few spots on her reputation before she leaves, would it? She's not going to stop being sweet, of course. But Ness has begun to wonder if she's been missing out on a different side of life. The Upper East Side.

{ Academic Career }
Though she may come off as an airhead due to her ever-present smile and tendency to giggle like a complete fool whenever nervous or uncomfortable, Ness is a bright young woman who does relatively well in her classes, usually scoring a high B or low A in her classes depending on the subject. She has a reputation in the school for being sweet to a fault and completely incapable of even formulating a decently biting insult when pressed. She is active in the theatre department as the set and costume designer, although she has occasionally performed in some ensemble roles. She is Treasurer of the school's Key Club, a community service club, and president of the gardening club, which has five members. Ness is famous for getting very excited about strange and obscure club ideas that are always shut down by the administration, and was asked to resign as class Treasurer her sophomore year because she had a difficult time saying no to any club asking for more funds. She's now the secretary because it means less power over such things.

{ Future Plans }
Ness's dream is to attend Boston University or Carnegie to double major in Fashion and Technical Theatre- ideally she will work as a set or costume designer for plays and musicals in New York or Chicago, or for movies and TV shows. She's lucky to have a family deep-seated in the industry, even if they are known more as performers than behind the scenes workers until recently.


{ Kind, Bleeding Heart, Careless, Protective, Stubborn, Impulsive, Silly, Idealistic }
Ness is generally agreed upon as one of the sweetest girls at Constance, and even the most cynical of students must grudgingly admit to the truth of this. It's no secret that she has an almost child-like desire to make people smile, one that manifests itself in absolutely terrible jokes and puns, spontaneous presents, hand made birthday cards for every girl in the school, and an inability to walk past someone in need without stopping. There is a running joke that Ness will never get to school with a full wallet, as every scrap of cash she has on her will eventually be given away to someone else. More than one of her old jackets can be found on someone else's back come winter, and she never forgets a face. Her kindness borders on carelessness at times- she once broke her leg trying to get a kite down from a tree in Central Park. Her utter lack of self preservation makes her a parent's nightmare when it comes to safety, truth be told. She'd open the door without a second thought if told that someone needed help or was hurt on her doorstep. Perhaps it is karma, or more likely luck, that has kept her from being seriously duped by now- only encouraging her idealistic view of the world. Ness is not sheltered or naive- she knows that there is bad in the world. She knows that there are risks. They just don't outweigh the benefits in her mind- she'd rather be mugged than run the risk of letting someone die because she didn't run head first towards someone crying for help. Her mother is quite certain it'll get her killed one day- she's already got a few scars to show for her actions.

She doesn't care, of course. Ness brings a smile and an open hand to a gun fight. But she'll show up to the gunfight all the same- the foolish girl can't help but stick her nose in other's business, and is deeply protective of the little guy. If she sees a larger kid picking on a smaller one, she'll step in- even if the bigger kid is larger than she is. So far, recognition of her face and admiration for famous relatives has had people step down from threatening her- celebrity relatives do that. But in other times, she has gone to the nurse with a bruise and a very large smile. Once she's made up her mind she doesn't blink and doesn't look away. The young woman is as fiercely stubborn as her mother, well known as the most tenacious producer in town. When she gets it into her mind to do something, no matter how impossibly stupid it may be, she does it. And when she gets into an argument with someone, typically her mother or someone like the Bully, she won't back down. She doesn't know her own lack of strength, and acts as though she's invincible- a sadly untrue thing. Ness is a kitten who believes she is a lion.

This presumed invincibility fuels her impulsive nature. She does not plan things ahead very well, instead preferring spur of the moment adventures. Her best friends are those who say yes to midnight texts asking if they want to go play basketball or see a concert that started half an hour ago. And yet nothing she does can really be considered bad or rebellious, even when she does such things on impulse. Her reputation as an angel stems not just from sweetness, but from a reputation clean of drinking, drugs, sex scandals, etc. She is simply silly and bright, child-like and brave, incredibly stupid and incredibly intimate. Ness knows the first half of countless books, but couldn't wait around for the second half. She can't wait around for someone to help other people- she has to do it. With stupid jokes, an open expression, and an open palm. Ness would sooner hug someone that hates her than hit them.

{ Hobbies }
|| Gardening || Running || Riding the Subway And Getting Off At Random Stations || Playing Video Games || Basketball || Swing Dancing || Sketching || Sewing (She makes her own clothing) || Making Cards || Reading ||

{ Bad Habits }
|| No sense of Personal Space || Terrible Punctuality || Overestimates Her Own Strength || Reckless || Her Facial Expressions Broadcast Her Thoughts || Makes Plans on Impulse || Disorganized || Eats a Whole Lot of Junk Food || Poor Sense of Money || Doesn't Finish Books ||

{ Likes }
|| The Subway System || Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream || Cacti || Gardening Club || Giving Presents || Birthday Cards || Making Clothing || Costume and Set Design || The Theatre || Friends || Feeling Helpful || Spontaneity || Ginger Ale || Surprises || Video Games || Animated Movies || Reading (Sort of) || Basketball || New York || People || Mediation || Cuddling || Swing Dancing || Eating Out || Clean Windows || Architecture || The Highline Park || Dogs || Flowers || Dresses & Skirts || Hair with Personality || Broadway Shows || Feeling Part of a Community || Making People Smile ||

{ Dislikes }
|| Being Called Childish or a Prude || Bullies || Hard Candy || Finishing Books || Long-term Plans || Long Movies || People Who Are Glued to Netflix || Chunky Boots || Tight Pants || Ramen Noodles || The Violin || Her Mother's Sour Moods || Crying || Seeing Others Cry || Forgetting Birthdays || Losing Things || Sitting Down for Long Periods of Time || Dark Colored Clothing || Creamy Peanut Butter || The Jock || Deception || Sneaking Around Others || Being Called an Angel "It's not that I wouldn't try things- I just haven't. I don't know." || Cinnamon || Nay-Sayers || The Crucible ||


{ Face Claim }
Isabella Peschardt

{ Height }

{ Weight/Build }
115lb || Slender

{ Hair Color }
Dark Brown

{ Eye Color }
Dark Brown

{ Other }
|| Ness Has Never Had Alcohol Outside of Her Home || Has Never Tried Any Drugs || Has Never Broken Any Serious School Rules || Has Never Done Anything Beyond Kissing || Has Never Knowingly Hurt Someone || Has Never Been Subject of a Scandal ||

|| Some Call Her an Angel in a Condescending Way- She is Considered Inexperienced and a bit of a Goody Two Shoes By Many ||

So begins...

Ness Oberlin's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adeline Arnault Character Portrait: Cassidy Knox Character Portrait: Sydney Persson Character Portrait: Lani Amasio-Ellison Character Portrait: Liam Koch Character Portrait: Anissa Savage
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#, as written by royals
It was September 3rd, a Thursday, and the first official day of school at St. Jude's, and its sister school, Constance Billard. The day before had been orientation day, a day that was mostly scheduled for freshman, but technically required for all students. Most juniors and seniors were finished with orientation day by noon, or so, after sitting through short introductions to each of their classes, while following that, the freshman had to sit through a presentation about their school, that always seemed to drag on. Hunter could still remember how he had nearly fallen asleep during his freshman year presentation. Not even the jitters and excitement of attending a new school could keep him from quickly growing uninterested when the dean of students took the stage and began to lecture on and on about St. Jude's history. It got to a point where most kids actually preferred the real first day of school, even though that entailed doing actual work and assignments, over orientation day. It was easier to appreciate the first day of school though, when the week started on a Thursday, and after that day of classes, and Friday's, the students were treated to a long holiday weekend, thanks to Labor Day. Even if you weren't one of the students invited to Sydney Persson's annual Labor Day white party in the Hamptons, Labor Day was likely something you looked forward to. If you didn't have an event to attend, at least it was like you were given one extra day to finish up any missed summer plans. Hunter was one of those students who did have Sydney's party to look forward to on Sunday, but additionally, he was planning to throw a big, impromptu party on Friday night. Like most of Hunter's parties, it wouldn't be anything official, like what Sydney would be hosting over the weekend. There wouldn't be any fancy decorations or little finger sandwiches, or wait staff there to keep guests happy. Hunter would simply wait until his parents left for their own Hamptons weekend, have his friends haul the kegs up to his apartment, bring in the bottles, and maybe some weed or party drugs, if anyone wanted, and then in would come all of his friends and guests. It wouldn't be anything fancy, but in a world where everything had to be fancy to be socially acceptable, sometimes it was nice to act like normal high school kids, just trying to get away with a house party... even if that "house" the party was being thrown in wasn't some shabby house in the suburbs, but a penthouse apartment in the Upper East Side.

Right now, Hunter knew that he needed to put the focus of his party on the back burner, for the time being. He had an hour, or so, until he needed to leave for school, and he had only just rolled out of bed. Before hopping into the shower, he sent out a few text messages to some friends. Though he had seen most of his guy friends the day before at orientation, he hadn't stuck around for long enough to socialize with any of the Constance Billard girls, so he texted a few of them, as well as Liam Koch.

To: Liam
Gonna stop for a BLT on the way. Want me to bring u anything or you good?

To: Lani, Adeline, Sydney
Keep your schedule clear for Friday, ladies

To: Ness
So... since you came to my final party of last year, I expect to see you at my first of this year, on Friday. No excuses ;)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adeline Arnault Character Portrait: Anissa Savage Character Portrait: Ness Oberlin Character Portrait: Avan Harrison Character Portrait: Nova Blanchett
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0.00 INK

#, as written by la.lune

Nova was up bright and early, pouring over a seemingly never-ending pile of plays. Sure, school was just back in session but would that stop her from picking out the fall musical early? Definitely not. Chewing thoughtfully on the end of her pen, Nova fiddles with a lock of golden hair as she sighs. She'd managed to narrow it down to The Wizards Of Oz and Chicago. They were both easily favourites of hers, and Nova hoped to be playing the lead in whichever one the drama teacher picked out. She could see it now, either dressed in pigtails and a cheesecloth dress singing down the yellow brick road, or playing Roxie Hart in Chicago - No, Velma Kelly. Nova still couldn't decide.

Glancing at her clock Nova realised that if she didn't get a move on, she'd be late for her first day of school. "Damn it," She huffs, jumping up from her seat and proceeding to knock into her desk in doing so, causing a cascade of paper to fall onto her bedroom floor, "What's wrong with me today?" Nova grimaces, rubbing her thigh where it was hit and stepping over the plays. She'd deal with them later, right now she had to get ready. Nova hadn't realised how absorbed into her research she'd become and had completely lost track of time.

Luckily, Nova had already preplanned her outfit for today - it is the most important day of term, Nova knew she had to look her best - and was able to just throw it on. Brushing through her blonde locks, Nova's phone beeps with an incoming text and she picks it up to see a message from Adeline.

To: Adeline
Glad to see you're back :-) I'll definitely come find you girls at lunch.

With her phone still in her hand, Nova decides to send off a couple texts of her own,

To: Ness
Still can't decide which play I wanna submit for the fall musical, help me decide at school?

To: Anissa
You at school yet? Let's catch up at lunch :-)

Placing her phone into her school bag, Nova gives herself one last look over in the mirror deciding on a last minute pop of red for her lips and walks out of her bedroom. Making her way into the kitchen, Nova is annoyed to see her stepfather already up and awake sitting at the breakfast bar. She was going to grab breakfast before school, but Nova really couldn't face Vincent so early in the morning and attempts to sneak past him. Nova has almost reached to door when she hears her stepfather laugh, "Morning Nova." She frowns, he hadn't even turned around how did he know it was her. "Yeah, morning Vincent - look I really gotta run, can't be late for my first day after all!" Nova lies, she definitely had time for a quick meal but there was no way she was about to endure breakfast with Vincent sitting in awkward silence. "Sit down, your mother wouldn't want you going out without breakfast." Vincent commands, while Nova rolls her eyes at his turned back. Yeah right, She thinks to herself, I'm sure Rose would be happier to see me starve. Not even Nova's stepfather knew that she wasn't really Rose's child. "I'll just take a muffin to go, I'd love to sit and chit chat but I really can't," She says as she hurriedly makes her way to the door, cutting Vincent off as he's about to speak again "Ok bye, wish me luck." And with a slam of their front door, Nova breathes a sigh of relief. She's free.

Walking down the steps that lead to their apartment, Nova embraces the crisp morning air and starts heading to school. She would take a car like all of her rich peers but she lived so close to the school, Nova thought driving was just a little excessive, and this way she could stop off at her favourite coffee shop and grab her morning latte. After staying up late planning her outfit for today and then waking up early to look over plays, Nova definitely needed something to keep her awake. A latte would do but Nova knew she'd need some more of her usual from Avan if she was to get through this semester.

As she heads into the coffee shop, Nova's phone bleeps again, and if by fate, it's Avan asking her if she wanted a hookup. Glancing up from her phone to make sure no one she knows is around, Nova quickly responds to Avan as she begins to queue for her drink.

To: Avan
I think I can handle it, how'd 15 sound? This is gonna be a long semester.

The adderall was fairly expensive but Nova would let Rose take the hit. She needed Nova for her grandfather's inheritance, and anyway, she doubted Rose would notice a couple hundred missing. The woman had more money than sense - all thanks to her rich husband. Nova figured she'd stock up now instead of having to keep going back to Avan, she didn't want to start looking suspicious after all. Hearing her name being called took Nova out of her little thought bubble and back into the real world, thanking the barista and grabbing her drink, Nova heads to school now, noticing the sudden influx in teens as she nears the building, pulling up in all manner of expensive cars, driven by hired help. This world still felt unreal to her, despite having lived within it for years, Nova couldn't help but think back to her childhood - Something she often tried to forget. This was a whole other world, and Nova loved it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lani Amasio-Ellison Character Portrait: Hunter Devlin Character Portrait: Ness Oberlin Character Portrait: Avan Harrison Character Portrait: Nova Blanchett Character Portrait: Jamie Parata
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0.00 INK


xxxxEver a bundle of energy, Ness has been up for an hour and a half by the time she is standing outside of Jamie Parata's bedroom, rapping her knuckle against the door with an enthusiasm that seems entirely inappropriate at any hour before 10am. Earbuds are draped over her shoulder, and you can just catch "Moving Too Fast" drifting out from them. She's probably been listening to her ever growing morning playlist, a staple of the Ness Oberlin morning. With all of her almost sickeningly sunny energy, she's been on a run, showered, sketched, dressed, and went on an idle walk (with many stops to take photos of interesting things on her phone so that she can sketch them later), before arriving at Parata residence, which neighbors her own. Mr. Parata let her in with a smile and an offer of coffee-declined because she's never been one for coffee. It makes her sort of jittery, and she can never quite find the right amount of sugar and cream to put in it. Well- perhaps she hasn't given it enough tries to hit that sweet spot.

xxxx"Five more minutes," the drowsy teen on the other side mutters at a just audible level. His voice is thick with sleep- Ness still remembers when his voice had been at the same pitch as hers. He could have sung soprano with the middle school choir, if he'd wanted to. Jamie would never put himself anywhere near a stage, of course.

xxxx"In five more minutes you'll want five more minutes. C'mon Billy Buddy, rise and shine," she swings open the door and wrinkles her nose as that classic musty morning smell slams into her. Jamie is by all accounts, or at least by her own, a wonderful person. But boy, does he not know how to take care of himself or his own living area. Photographs are scattered on the ground, his trash bin needs to be emptied, and she nearly steps on a book when she steps in. A small girl with dark brown hair and clear green eyes seems to materialize behind Ness.

xxxx"Jay! You have to walk me to school don't forget that you promised. I'm not gonna be late!" and with all the dignity of a queen knowing she'll be obeyed, the girl walks off. Jamie sighs and sits up in his bed, hair a dark cloud over sleepy brown eyes. He's never been much of a morning person- it's something that won't go away as he ages. Jamie will have bags under his eyes for the rest of his days.

xxxx"The princess has spoken- get dressed Billy Buddy,"
Ness grins before stepping out and shutting the door behind her. She sits at the kitchen table, where Elia is making her own lunch- stubbornly refusing offers of help from her mother and father. The Parata family doesn't employ the staff that many of their peers do- probably because Mr. and Mrs. Parata think it unnecessary. Elia seems to do well enough at making her lunch without the help of a personal chef- although her lunch may be a bit unbalanced by the number of goldfish and Ritz crackers stuffed into her little Batgirl lunch box.

xxxxA laser noise draws her attention down to a text from Hunter, resident party king, and twin brother to an old friend of Ness's. She's mildly surprised at the direct invitation. One is always extended one way or another, but she usually doesn't receive a text from Hunter, likely due to the understanding that she doesn't often partake in the party scene. And when she thinks of his end of the year party in June- well, it certainly makes her very confused on whether she'd want to go to another one. It had been fun, sure, but a certain interaction left her with very confused opinions of house parties.

To: Hunter
I'm pretty creative- surely I can think of a few. Thanks for the invite!


xxxxOf course Jamie would never break a promise made to Elia- he absolutely dotes on his younger sister. So her works wake him up where Ness's fail, and after a little while he resurfaces, hair sort of smoothed, face washed, and clothing changed to a soft sweater and jean duo that fits enough within the parameters to work for the first day of school, if nothing else.

xxxx"What, you didn't make me any Breakfast El?" he says in mock offense, pouring himself a tall glass of orange juice and sitting beside Ness. He looks down at his phone, lit up with a text that must have come while he was getting dressed. He shifts away from Ness, who side glances at the screen curiously, and sends a quick response.

To: Lani
Good Morning

xxxxFar more to the point than he'd normally be with Lani, his best childhood friend, cousin, and. . .well. A plate clatters against marble countertop in front of him as El places a toast sloppily smeared with raspberry jelly on the counter for him, an almost smug and certainly proud smile on her face. Pocketing his phone, Jamie laughs and ruffs her hair. "Just the way I like it. You'll be a 5 star chef yet, princess."

xxxxPerhaps used to such flattery, Elia is more focused on making sure he scarfs down the toast and brushes his teeth quickly so that the trio can head out the door already. Luckily they live rather close to the elementary school, which traditional feeds into the private schools just a block or so away from it. They drop the little princess off, with a little hug from Ness and a big, spinning hug from Elia's elder brother. Just walking, he can pretend that he isn't going to have to deal with seeing Lani again after his little evasion act. Even he's kind of embarrassed of resorting to avoidance, but the kid is at a loss for what else to do.

xxxx"C'mon, Billy Buddy. Want to grab a smoothie on the way to school? Unless that toast was more filling than it looked, of course," Ness nudges Jamie and smiles, but she does seem slightly concerned for her friend, who seems more distracted than he normally is. Jamie smiles. This is why he's glad to have Ness around. Lani is amazing and beautiful, but it's nice to be close to someone who he isn't increasingly nervous around. Ness will never be anything more than a friend to him, and that provides more safety.

They pick up smoothies and arrive at the school a bit sooner than most familiar faces would have. Jamie raises his hand in greeting to Avan, and says hello to a few members of the soccer team while Ness is already speaking to a member of the Theatre department, curious about her plans for the set of the fall play. The discussion reminds her of Nova.

To: Nova
Hey! Have you chosen your side for play auditions yet? They're weirdly early this year, huh?

The school is putting on August: Osage county, which Ness is over the moon about. She loves house sets, and her plans for it are a bit ambitious. Luckily this school has the money to fund such ambition.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cassidy Knox Character Portrait: Ness Oberlin Character Portrait: Avan Harrison Character Portrait: Nova Blanchett
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0.00 INK

#, as written by la.lune

As Nova enters the school grounds her phone bleeps with an incoming text responses from both Ness and Avan, scanning them quickly Nova shoots off a quick reply, sipping on her latte as she tries to wake herself up a little more.

To: Ness
Ahhhh I'm still not sure, there's so many kickass women in it - think I could pull off Violet?

To: Avan
After school? wherever's best for you

Thinking about the play, Nova tries to envision herself as each character, and although she knew they were putting on the play - not the film - she still couldn't help but feel a need to play Meryl Streep's character, just to see if she could pull it off. Violet was definitely gonna be difficult, but there was something about her character that drew Nova toward her. She'd have to discuss it with Ness and see what she thought, but Nova figured playing such a complex character would make her stand out against some other applicants to Juilliard.

Nova receives Cassidy's text and just as she's about to send a reply, a familiar voice calls out to her and a small smile forms at the corners of Nova's lips. She needn't reply to the text as there Cassidy stood, right in front of her. "Make myself look cooler?" Nova questions with a raise of her right eyebrow, "Come on Cass, you know I'm already the coolest there is," She teases flicking a piece of blonde hair off her shoulder, before glancing around to see if the others were around just as Cassidy reassures her they aren't, "It's not my fault you had to insult what seems like, the entire student body." Nova jokes. She actually very much so enjoys Cassidy's honesty and refusal to be anyone but unapologetically herself. Nova couldn't even say that about herself, she'd do anything to fit it. That's what was so different about the pair, otherwise they were both very similar and got along incredibly well, so long as the 'popular' girls weren't around. Nova definitely felt she could be far more authentic with the girl, and didn't need to pretend to be the sweet, slightly ditzy character she played around Sydney and the others - because she honestly couldn't be further from that.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adeline Arnault Character Portrait: Sydney Persson Character Portrait: Lani Amasio-Ellison Character Portrait: Liam Koch Character Portrait: Hunter Devlin Character Portrait: Ness Oberlin
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0.00 INK


Mood: Hungry Outfit Location: En Route to Three Guys

"You know what," Lani practically growled in a low tone as she typed out a message to Sydney in response. Sydney's impatience could take a backseat at the moment. Lani was trying to be a good friend and she understood Sydney's ire (anyone with a heart would), she really did, but Lani was too hungry and already too done with school to be done - already - with one of her own best friends. Besides, there was a Cajun chicken sandwich and sweet potato fries calling her name, damnit. To distract herself from the texts she had to delete so as not to send to Sydney her actual displeasure, Lani also took the time to text her friends.

To: Ness, Kat, Jamie
Where r my peoples? Haven't seen anyone

To: Syd
Walking now babe. B there soon

Lani had been waiting on Adeline, who had been lagging for some inexplicable reason, when Sydney had left on her own volition. Lani had, for once (it really wasn't for once considering she did a lot of things Sydney asked her to do; see Winter Gala 2014 for proof), done as the blonde had asked. As she knew it would earlier, it wouldn't be hard to ignore Liam. She tried doing that on a regular basis and by the time the trio made it to Constance, he was already gone from his perch. It didn't help that girls were quick to inform them of who he had been there with, but the point was that Lani had made it her principal move of the day to avoid the bastard. It was less because of Sydney's order and more for Liam's own benefit if he didn't want his so-called pretty face to get bruised. Lani could do the bruising; bruising was easy. Anissa had been another situation altogether, and that was because this time around, much like last year, their schedules had been pretty much the same. She only had three classes with Sydney, one of those being the only one she had with Adeline, and then everything else consisted of Anissa and a few other good friends. She had been able to chalk her mood up, earlier, to just not wanting to be bothered for the day and a continued jet-lag, which wasn't a hard thing to believe. The flight back from Spain had been exhausting and Lani had been nothing, if not on the move since she landed. So, when Sydney texts them back with her impatience (and attitude for the day) on full display, Lani was quickly ready to add her to the list of people she wanted to strangle for the day.

"Your friend," she told Adeline as they began their brisk walk to the familiar lunch spot that both Constance and St. Jude's students went to if they didn't have a driver bring their lunch. Or didn't just go home since that was actually an option. Lani liked going home some days to get fried plantains from her kui fefine, but that wasn't an option today. Lani pointed directly at Adeline. "As of right now, she is your friend and your friend is gonna catch these hands if she rushes me more time before I have food in my stomach. I mean it, I will hilifaki that child, and not in the good way." (Lay hands on). Lani had never actually done a thing to Sydney before other than throw a pillow at her face during a sleepover and Adeline had heard her toss way too many idle threats Syd's way to actually take them seriously, but still. As much as she understood her friend's plight, the way Sydney was going about it - snapping at them - wasn't helping. It made Lani snappy, which was why she turned back to Adeline a second later to demand, "And what the hell were you doing that took you so long anyway? You're usually the first one out of class."


Mood: Indifferent ☸ Outfit ☸ Location: St. Jude's School for Boys

"Yooooo, Hunter," Liam called from the double door entrance of St. Jude's main building. Of course, he wasn't surprised that before he could get anywhere, Coach had stopped him in the middle of the hall. Liam had debated just walking as if he hadn't heard the older man; it would be easy. All Liam would have had to do was grab the nearest classmate by the shoulder, continue to talk to them without warning since most turned their faces towards the person - even in their confusion - that was speaking to decipher who they were and why they were speaking to them, and then head towards the exit. However, that action would serve to make practice time a lecture time and then a lesson time, and it was bad enough that Liam was going to have to sprint laps just to get the coach off his back. So, like the good little boy Liam could be because he was nothing if not indulgent to those who at least did something for him, Liam endured the tiny lecture about sportsmanship, team togetherness and fairness. It all went over his head, but with a promising smile and nod to Coach, he was on his way, laughing with a few guys from the team once he was far enough away to go on about his day. He really didn't care about a thing Coach said other than when he acknowledged that Liam was "one of the best players on the time. Liam had already surmised in his head that he was the best and the coach just didn't want to be caught in the middle of the hallway admitting that lest some poor, emotional sucker got in his feelings over Liam being praised. It wasn't Liam's fault that he was great and others were...well, just not.

"Sorry about that, man," he exclaimed, clapped a friendly hand on Hunter's soldier before starting to jog down the steps lightly. "Coach stopped me to give me the infamous "there's no I in team speech" since I missed boot camp. Not like it's the first time a captain's missed practice, but whatever." Liam shrugged to further exemplify his overall nonchalance towards anything that this random authority figure in his life had to say, grinning a bit at the prospects of eating food since his stomach had been throwing too much of a bitch fit in his last class for Liam to not know that he was hungry, but also because he was in the presence of someone he genuinely thought of as a friend. Sentimental or not, Liam may have liked to have it in his head that he didn't need emotional connections, but it was nice to hang out with people he genuinely liked for a change. Plus, Hunter was cool people and one of the most fun he hung out with. "Leave it to you to try to throw a bomb ass party just before Syd's. What, you competing with the queen now, bro?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cassidy Knox Character Portrait: Ness Oberlin Character Portrait: Nova Blanchett
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0.00 INK

#, as written by la.lune


|| OUTFIT ||

Nova had been so absorbed in the script for the new fall play that she almost missed lunch. Not hearing the bell ring, it took one of her drama buddies nudging her for Nova to actually come back to the real world, "Oh shoot," She huffs, bouncing up from her seat on the schools stage where she had been sitting with her legs dangling over the edge, absentmindedly swinging. Brushing down her white skirt and shoving the script into her schoolbag, Nova smiles at her friend and thanks them for reminding her before walking over to their drama teacher. "Hey Richard, I'm gonna head to lunch now - I could not be more excited for this play though," Nova beams, cheekily calling Mr. Williams by his first name - Something he would usually get mad about, but he harboured a soft spot for Nova and so let her off - "You know I'm gonna kill it at the auditions for Violet, I honestly don't even know why you're holding them." She teases with a wry smile, blowing on her nails and rubbing them on her lapel. "While I do envy your cockiness Miss Blanchett," Mr. Williams laughs from his seat on one of the many chairs arranged around the auditorium, "You'll just have to prove at the auditions that you can live up to the standard of acting you hold yourself at." Nova rolls her eyes, enjoying the back and fourth she got with Mr. Williams, he was certainly her favourite of all the teachers and actually treated her as another human being instead of a child. "Oh you will, Richie, and you'll wish you never doubted me." Nova finishes with a wink before waltzing out of the auditorium in true diva fashion. One role, if nothing else, she was certainly born to play. On her way to lunch, Nova decides to send Ness another text, concerned about not having seem her in the auditorium where the two, usually, practically lived.

To : Ness
You around? Still need to chat about this play, missed you at the auditorium today! :-(

Walking out of the school gates, Nova looks around for someone she may know, hoping to possibly run into Cassidy or even Anissa but couldn't find either so decided to join her theatre friends, Jenny and Cole as they walked over to 3 guys. The one good thing about living in the upper east side - among a long, long list of good things - was the food. Even in a fast-food joint like 3 guys everything looked delicious, and Nova had a hard time choosing. As she pondered over what to eat, Nova's roped into a conversation with two of her friends about Hunter's upcoming party, "Yeah should be good," She smiles, far more interested in the food than the excited chatter from the two people next to her, where Jenny had now turned the topic on what clothes she was planning on wearing "I'll probably just throw something together last minute." Nova lies, attempting to keep her cool composure always at school, when she had actually already planned the outfit in her head. Not even because she was that excited for it, but because that's what Nova always did - plan ahead. She couldn't stand the thought of not being prepared, that kind of uncertainty gave Nova insane anxiety and that wasn't something she needed right now. Finally reaching the front of the queue Nova decides upon a caesar salad and vanilla milkshake - with a side of fries because really, how could she resist? Especially when in 3 guys who make pretty much the greatest fries on the upper east side. As the small group grabs a seat, Nova decides to send Cassidy a text asking her to join them as she couldn't see Sydney or Adeline around.

To: Cassidy
You coming to 3 guys? I'm already there :-)

Then, turning her attention back to the friends directly in front of her, Nova sips on a milkshakes and joins in on their conversation which had now, thankfully, switched to the play. Something Nova couldn't be more excited for. "You know I've just gotta play Violet," She says, thinking about how amazing it would be to play her. "Honestly I won't let Mr. Williams cast anyone else." Nova laughs before launching into what was pretty much a speech she had about why exactly she thought she should play Violet.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adeline Arnault Character Portrait: Sydney Persson Character Portrait: Lani Amasio-Ellison Character Portrait: Ness Oberlin Character Portrait: Nova Blanchett Character Portrait: Jamie Parata
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0.00 INK


Ness, in her typical vein of dreaminess, for the most part just floats through the first half of the school day without much of anything interesting happening. Her mind is occupied with plans for a two floor set riddled with knick knacks to make it feel homey, a white porch front and driveway stage right. She's already sketching out plans on every syllabus handed to her, a funny little smile pulling at the left corner of her mouth. It's as though she has a little hook that always latches on when she's imagining something wonderful that she has the chance to bring to fruition. Much like Nova, on the other side of the stage, she sees this as something which can give her yet another edge in getting into the technical theatre program of her dreams. Not that a famous family hurts her chances, of course. She hardly registers the response received from Nova about playing the part of Violet until after the bell has rung, bringing her out of her little dream land of set design and costuming. The backstage of a theatre is perhaps the ideal place for someone so fond of dreaming things up.

She slides all of her papers into that terrible mess which is her backpack (already frightening on the first day of school), save for one which she folds into a paper airplane and tosses out the second story window. It flies quickly at first, eventually floating slowly down until it is caught in a bush in the courtyard below.

To: Nova
I can't picture anyone else in the department. Either Violet or Barbara, for sure. I've already started sketches for a set. Are you going to 3G with drama gals? I'm gonna grab Jamie and head over!

To: Lani
Going to 3G. You there?

Ness loves the way everyone goes to eat at Three Guys without fail. It creates this loud, bustling atmosphere that she has always adored- the core of any city. Of course, this crowd is a bit more posh than the one found bustling about on the subway running beneath them. Ness meets with Jamie at the courtyard and the pair walk over together.

"I'm eating with Nova I think- sit with Lani, please,"
the moment they are within a few feet of the restaurant, Ness springs this on Jamie. She knows he's avoiding her, and is fairly certain he's in love with her. She just has no idea why he'd do anything but act on it- she's fond of watching people make each other happy, and is certain Jamie and Lani would do that excellently. Jamie looks at her like a man who has just been betrayed, eyes wide and frown half-surprised. He hadn't even responded to Lani's text asking where they were. He could see her at Three Guys, of course she'd be there with Sydney and Adeline and the rest of her other friends, but he figured he'd be able to sit off with Ness or something. The fact that she'd suggest otherwise throws him off guard a bit.

"C'mon, Ness. I feel like we haven't seen each other- let's just eat together?" he offers weakly, as she has already guided him into the crowded restaurant. Ness is simply not having it.

"Please. We live next to each other, we've seen plenty of each other. Lani misses you- and you miss her you big lump," Ness's plan fails in that she and Jamie arrive just a bit before Sydney, and thus before Adeline and Lani. She skips over to Nova's table and takes a seat with them- Jenny and Cole are Ness's friends as well. Everyone knows everyone in the theatre department, and all the more bearable people tend to clump together somehow.

Jamie makes a move to sit with them, but Ness stops him.

"Hey now, Billy Buddy. Lani's had to wait the whole summer to see you, right? You can sit when you've at least said a proper hello," she decides this as she sees the trio standing just in front of the restaurant through the glass. Seeing Sydney, she realizes Jamie may not be as welcome at that table. And seeing Adeline- well there are a different sort of mess of feelings when Ness sees that girl. A sudden unleashing of butterflies in her stomach, this clenching nervousness of a cliffhanger left out for too long. Jamie doesn't miss a thing.

"And you don't have someone to talk to, Ness? Is it alright if I pull up a chair?" this one is directed at Nova and the other theatre kids at the table. Ness sighs, defeated.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adeline Arnault Character Portrait: Cassidy Knox Character Portrait: Sydney Persson Character Portrait: Lani Amasio-Ellison Character Portrait: Ness Oberlin Character Portrait: Avan Harrison
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0.00 INK

She smiled brightly as they approached Sydney, trying to mirror the same positivity that Lani showed in her words, despite the way she had reacted to Sydney's text just minutes before. They were just being good friends, and since she and Lani were both pretty familiar with how Sydney could get, it didn't feel too abnormal. Plus, while Lani had the tendency to react in a manner that was sometimes as equally fiery and sharp as Sydney, Adeline tended to back down in the face of confrontation. She would very, very rarely shoot back at Sydney, especially when she was in one of these moods. Claiming that Sydney was being mean to her wasn't atypical, but Adeline wouldn't actually return any of the shots that Sydney would sometimes unjustly fire her way, when she was angry about something else, and needed someone to take her anger out on. Regardless of being used to it, after so many years of friendship with Sydney, it didn't fail to wipe the smile off of her face when Sydney's only form of a greeting to them was informing Adeline that if she was going to be late again, they were going to leave her. As if that hadn't dampened Adeline's mood enough, Cassidy appeared only a beat later, with Avan Harrison in tow. The latter acknowledged her in the most proper form out of the two of them, with a mere raise of his eyebrows as an acknowledgment of her presence. Since Adeline was content with them knowing each other beyond an acquaintance level being a secret, it didn't offend her, and was actually what she preferred. However, for the many ways that Avan didn't overstep his boundaries, Cassidy did, and the words that she left them with had Adeline very tempted to just call it a day and go home, and not return to school at all. For someone who could easily be called emotionally fragile on a normal day, after being snapped at by Lani, and then Sydney, and now dealing with Cassidy, her ability to handle things was definitely being pushed right now. And Sydney pushing the idea that she order something didn't help.

Normally, Adeline would have flashed Lani some sort of a pleading look, but she was too thrown off to even do that. Cassidy's outlandish reference to cocaine wasn't even what was really bothering her, since because it wasn't true, Adeline didn't even pay attention to it. It was the way that her two friends both seemed bothered by her, coupled with her feeling uncomfortable in a restaurant, on top of Cassidy's other comments, that had her head suddenly pounding. And then there was Ness Oberlin... the absolute last person that Adeline needed to see, once they got into the restaurant. Her head was spinning but if she already felt like the victim of a verbal assault now, she knew that getting up and leaving would only make things worse. So, she slid into the side of the booth opposite of Sydney, and remained silent as she turned to her backpack, skipping past the brown paper bag containing her lunch, as she searched for Advil.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adeline Arnault Character Portrait: Sydney Persson Character Portrait: Lani Amasio-Ellison Character Portrait: Liam Koch Character Portrait: Hunter Devlin Character Portrait: Ness Oberlin
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0.00 INK


Mood: Hungry Outfit Location: En Route to Three Guys

Both of Lani's eyebrows rose at Sydney's harsh statement to Adeline and while Lani did not say a word, she did shift on her feet so that she was still standing closer to Adeline as opposed to Sydney, brushing shoulders with the brunette as a sign of solidarity. On most days, Lani defended Adeline verbally and she had half the mind to do so. However, she also knew that today wasn't just any other day. Again, and it seemed she had to consistently remind herself of this for the sake of not losing her own patience, Sydney was hurting. Or at least, Lani believed that she was. Her friend could be cold and as primitive or unintelligent the word was, Sydney was also a savage. Lani had always been sure that if she looked the word up, considering the fact that she had not touched an actual dictionary in years thanks to the technological advancement of the modern age, a sketch of Sydney Persson's face would be right there beside the word. So, this display of casual frigidity and hostile indifference? Not particularly new. That revelation did not make Sydney's attitude any less grating.

Luckily, as a temporary distraction, Cassidy had appeared with Avan right on her tail. Lani wasn't much of a judgemental person, or at least, she tried not to be. Which is why she chose not to vocalize her displeasure with Cassidy's character change as the years have gone by. They've clashed, and that honestly should not turn her on as much as it does, but she knew she barely had room to honestly and truly judge anyone. Avan was an entirely different story as Lani didn't have a past with him nor had any other reason than his chosen occupation to actually dislike him. She just did. If you chose to feed someone's addiction to drugs simply to put money in your pocket, even when everyone around you buzzed with the whispered knowledge of said addiction, Lani couldn't respect you. And if you could honestly call yourself an entrepreneur when most of your transactions were probably enough to get your ass sent to detention or even juvie, then Lani damn sure didn't respect you. Luckily, he had nothing to say with Cassidy having spoken enough for the both of them, so Lani didn't have to have any voice in her head telling her that her self-righteousness was uncalled for. Cassidy didn't acknowledge her and Lani made it a priority to not look at her or say a word, though the other brunette's obvious jabs at Adeline did make her edge closer to the point that she had subtly shifted so that she was only slightly in front of Adeline, arms folded over her chest, by the time Cassidy admitted to not sitting with them. Not that she was, in the first place. Especially not with Sydney's mood. Then she and her buddy were gone, and the girls were alone once more.

"Just share with me," she told Adeline conspiratorially as they headed inside after Sydney, pretending to whisper even though she was loud enough for the blonde to hear her. "I could honestly eat for the both of us at this point." Sydney had made it a point to not be as frigid by the time they made it to their usual table, which made Lani's face soften just enough. "Monday. We've gotta start planning for the charity event for this semester and the Winter Gala so we can get the location that I want. Also, we're in charge of senior class trip, so there's planning for that and getting a survey out to the rest of you so we can narrow down our locations before the spring semester." Lani had made it a point to schedule their first meeting next week. She wasn't in the mood to sit after school to discuss a thing with anyone if it didn't include getting their nails done or going for a swim. She also knew that everyone else wasn't either, so it worked in everyone's favor. A bit more relaxed now that they were seated and food was going to be a sure thing, Lani glanced around before her eyes fell on Ness and Jamie at a table away. Frowning slightly, Lani pulled out her phone, glanced at Jamie again, before texting him.

To: Ness
Here w/ da girls.

To: Jamie
U can't read texts now lol?


Mood: Indifferent ☸ Outfit ☸ Location: St. Jude's School for Boys

Liam couldn't help but laugh at Hunter's answer about not being suicidal as it pertained to competing with Sydney Persson. Even if you acknowledged the fact taht Hunter did, in fact, host the best parties on the Upper East Side, you wouldn't be foolish enough to say that in front of Sydney or any of Sydney's followers really. That was literally you on the cusp of social suicide and just asking for her to deliver you that one final blow. Even Liam didn't even think to do that, and he had his impulsive moments. Then again, his intelligence was probably being questioned by the majority of the student population at both St. Jude's and Constance Billiard for ditching their queen. The truth of the matter was that he didn't owe not a single one of them an actual answer. Not really, anyway. Maybe Sydney, but that was just being optimistic that Liam would actually want to discuss his reasoning with her. Or be near her, to be honest. At least, for right now. Again, he wasn't stupid. "Nah, man, I'm good. First boys' soccer match is in two weeks, I've gotta pretend to catch up on conditioning and I'm staying away from some stuff for awhile. As long as you got a good brew, though. I'm down for that."

Knowing Liam, he probably wouldn't go tomorrow night without at least getting his hands on a little marijuana. He couldn't deny that it really chilled him out and along with the mood stabilizers he had gotten from Avan before, he had less outbursts, less total loss of control. It was a heady feeling, going on as if nothing could stop you. It was how Liam's year had gone so damn great and part of the reason why he had been so ready to get with Sydney, if he were being honest. He didn't feel weak. By the end of last semester, however, David had given one of his infamous speeches lambasting the idea that so many people had mental disorders. He questioned the validity of Upper East Side children having actual mental disorders as opposed to just simply being victims of bad parenting and before Liam had known it, he was flushing his mood stabilizers down the toilet. He still contacted Avan for marijuana since the Upper East Side's infamous Hookup seemed to find some of the best strains of the stuff, but the more expensive and honestly more needed drug that his former therapist would have rather had him gotten years ago? Liam was going to ween himself off of it and fast. That was part of his reasoning for getting Anissa to California. His worst episodes were on the Upper East Side and Avan was here. Too much temptation for one guy to handle.

It took Liam a bit longer than he would have liked to answer Hunter when he started questioning him about Sydney and Anissa. As he still was telling himself, Liam didn't feel like he owed anyone, not even his best friend, an explanation. But he also understood that not providing some kind of Liam-like answer wasn't going fly either, so he smirked. "What can I say? The grass isn't always greener and there's an honest to God reason why they call her Elsa with a tan." He stated with a shrug, knowing damn well that mostly anyone else who uttered such a statement to absolutely anyone else worth mentioning would probably be tumbling down the ladder so fast, it wouldn't even be funny. But it wouldn't be Liam without cockily upholding an unfathomably sure comfort in the thought that he was untouchable. Then his smirk transformed into a grin as he stared at Hunter knowing and added, "'Sides, perfect opening for you, right? Loses me as a catch and you swoop in like Captain-Save-A-Hoe. Everything works out for everybody." It wouldn't work out and Liam couldn't even promise himself that he would be necessarily happy with Sydney being with anyone who wasn't him, but he wasn't going to be the one to say that.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ness Oberlin Character Portrait: Nova Blanchett Character Portrait: Jamie Parata
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0.00 INK

#, as written by la.lune


|| OUTFIT ||

Pausing mid sentence when she hears her phone beep with an incoming text, Nova pulls it out of her handbag and glances at a message from Ness. Happy to get a response from the girl, Nova can't help but enjoy the slight ego stroke as Ness tells her she couldn't picture anyone else playing Violet. That's exactly how she thought and was glad to see she wasn't the only one.

Then spotting Ness come into Three Guys, Nova shoots her a wide smile and puts off replying to her text as she takes a seat in front of her, glad to have another theatre friend to perform her speech to. Cocking her eyebrow slightly at Jamie, someone who wouldn't typically choose to sit with Nova and her friends, she nods at him so he knows it's fine to sit. The two had hardly spoken, and besides sharing a few of their classes, didn't really see each other much. Of course she knew who he was, and Nova reckoned Jamie knew her too - most likely through Ness, their mutual friend. Nova figured it'd be interested to get to know an unfamiliar face, and see what she could get from him, if anything.

Taking a sip of her milkshake while Jenny and Cole greet the new arrivals to their table, Nova joins in "Ness! Am I glad to see you," She beams, toying with her salad, "You gotta tell me your plans for the staging, and we should definitely read lines together when I get the part of Violet." Nova deliberately chooses to say when instead of if. Then turning to Jamie, Nova leans her head in her right and and gives him a small smile, "Hey, I don't suppose you're going to audition for the school play, huh Jamie?" She kids, while Nova may not know the guy well, everyone knew how soft spoken and reserved he was, "Or am I wrong? Are you secretly harbouring some amazing acting skills we have yet to see?" Nova only means this as a joke, although some sensitive people could take it to heart Nova only teased him, and perhaps pushed slightly, trying to figure out where they boundaries lie with him.

Waiting for a response, Nova takes a bite of her salad, glancing around the quickly filling Three Guys and over to neighbouring tables, noticing Sydney, Adeline and Lani on one and Cassidy sitting with Avan on another, Nova noticed Cassidy riling up the popular threesome and stifled a giggle, while she pretended to be vaguely friends with the girls, she couldn't help but enjoy Cassidy's careless attitude - if nothing else it sure was entertaining.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adeline Arnault Character Portrait: Lani Amasio-Ellison Character Portrait: Ness Oberlin Character Portrait: Nova Blanchett Character Portrait: Jamie Parata
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0.00 INK


Jamie manages to sit relatively still, despite the desire to fidget about with some degree of antsiness. He feels somewhat awkward sitting with Ness and her friends, especially when he doesn't really know any of them (of course he knows about them in that way he always manages to). So they chat about theatre, primarily, and he listens silently. At least now he knows what the play is going to be- Jamie will occasionally pop by to help build things with Ness, but usually doesn't interact with any actors, like those sitting before him. He glances around the restaurant, making his usual notes of who is here, who is sitting together, who is not. It's become second nature to look for these things, though he can't really pinpoint when that became the case. It's as though he's checking up on people, including those who don't know him beyond a tearful drunk confession at a party.

And then he spots Lani and her friends sitting down, and immediately turns back into his seat to return to the conversation at hand. Truth be told, he's never really liked Sydney, though she is Lani's best friend discounting him. Well, perhaps including him, nowadays. She has a way of making people feel on edge. It's not that he dislikes her, or wouldn't be able to hold a conversation with her. She just makes Lani feel even further away. They grew up together, and yet upon coming to New York she skyrocketed to the top and he remained middle-tier. It does little for his confidence in matters regarding her, though he's always known she's far above him.

"Of course! I want a very homie sort of set- half house half wraparound porch. You'll love it, trust me. And no need for any major stage crew besides clearing props, which'll be good. The house has to be wonderful because truth be told the costumes may be a bit dull,"
Ness is speaking, tearing Jamie away from his semi-dazed state. He registers that he is being addressed by Nova. He glances down at his phone briefly to see a text from Lani, and then fixes his focus back onto Nova.

Jamie smiles in response, a little sharp exhale taking the place of a snort. "Yeah, you got me- Behind this boyish exterior is a broadway diva waiting to break loose. No, I'll leave the spotlight to the professionals- I'd probably have a heart attack up there."

Ness had taken this opportunity to see Lani's text to her as well, and twists in her chair to wave at Lani before giving Jamie a light nudge so that he has no choice but to turn and do the same, though his is a slower, more ashamed wave. He finally responds to her text.

To: Lani
Yeah, sorry. I've just been kinda distracted lately.

It's a half-assed excuse but not technically untrue. He's certain that he'll be called out on it though, knowing Lani. And despite what Sydney or Adeline or that gang may think, Jamie is certain that if there is one thing he knows, it's Lani. Sometimes the known can be just as nerve-wracking as the unknown. He glances over at Ness, who seems strangely fixated by something over at Lani's table. He traces her line of sight to one Adeline Arnault, and raises an eyebrow. He won't press it until later, of course. He knows the vaguest of details of what's up there, of course, but is curious for more.

The waiter comes round with Ness and Jamie's food, which they take gratefully. The waiters at Three Guys tend to like Ness in particular because she is known for giving way too much money as a tip- she tends to forget the value of money at times, and while she spends nothing on things like jewelry, will drop plenty on a tip or an interesting new meal or concert ticket.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adeline Arnault Character Portrait: Sydney Persson Character Portrait: Lani Amasio-Ellison Character Portrait: Liam Koch Character Portrait: Hunter Devlin Character Portrait: Ness Oberlin
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0.00 INK

Image Image
Outfit || Shoes
Adeline was so lucky that Lani jumped in with her own complaint, which seemed to come with its own serving of genuine annoyance, but whether it was intended to do so or not, also told Sydney that she needed to simmer down. Lani was there, and just because Adeline was getting on every last one of her nerves (even though really, the girl was doing nothing abnormal and Sydney was just having a bad day...), she couldn't ruin their lunch. The sharpness that accompanied Lani's words to their waitress strangely forced Sydney to relax a bit too, because someone else being edgy made her feel more comfortable, through the thought process that revolved around "at least I'm not the only bitch at the table". It was probably that thought process that actually made she and Lani's friendship work. Rather than being blatantly competitive with each other, the two seemed to have formed a bit of an unspoken alliance around both being very strong presences in the school, and just having that edge to their personalities in general. Unlike Adeline, Lani seemed to be a bit more understanding of where Sydney came from with the attitude and harshness, when the time called for it. Maybe that couldn't always be applied to situations like the one that they were in in the present, when Addy, a common friend, was the victim of the anger, but in other situations where Sydney was lashing out at other peers, or Lani was plotting to destroy someone, the girls seemed to think on a similar wavelength. Maybe it was a bit sick that it brought Sydney comfort that Lani was also dishing out an attitude to someone else, who probably didn't deserve it, but it did, and she let Adeline's very unnecessary comment about Liam slide, with only a very long glare being sent her way.

"Yeah, I'm going to get the mango salad, and also just an order of mozzarella sticks, and as she said, we don't have all day here, so would you make sure to expedite our order to the front of the list?" It was more of an order than a demand, and though it might have seemed strange, considering that Sydney knew that the entire world did not revolve around her, she didn't doubt that it could be done, because it had been done before. While Sydney's social power was mainly focused over the youth of Manhattan, she knew that there was a way to gain power in the "real world" too, and that power came in the form of money. Money talked, and as the girls' experience over the last few years proved, it only took a couple of nicely endowed tips to their usual waiters and waitresses to make their regular lunch spots very easy and quick places to eat at. She didn't even look at Adeline, before glancing down at the menu, and then back at the waitress. "Actually, swap out the mozzarella sticks for the Appetizer Sampler plate. She'll have that." The order of mozzarella sticks had originally been for Sydney, since with how today was going, she figured that she deserved a little bit of junk food to pick at with her salad, just to give her a little bit of joy today. However, with what Cassidy had said minutes ago still irking Sydney, in the back of her mind, coupled with the low blow that Addy had just shot her way, Sydney decided that she could just take the mozzarella sticks off of this combo tray of mozzarella sticks, buffalo wings and chicken wings, that she had ordered for Addy, and force the girl to eat the rest of the food. Sydney didn't even want to humor Cassidy's claim that Adeline was addicted to cocaine and had been in rehab for that, but wasn't actually better, hence the suppressed appetite that was common in cocaine users, but she was also just feeling petty towards Adeline today.

"I'm not saying that we can't go Friday," Sydney said, once the waitress was gone. She had caught Liam and Hunter entering out of the corner of her eye, but refused to look at them as they came in. They weren't important...or at least, Liam wasn't. Repeating that in her head definitely played into her deciding that he shouldn't stop her from socializing at a party she knew he would be at. "I'm sure that Hunter would appreciate us coming, and then you guys can sleep over my house, and we'll do some shopping on Saturday morning and then take the seaplane out to the Hamptons midday, so you can help me prep for the party on Sunday." Even if she hadn't been distracted by the people waving at Lani from a few tables away, Sydney wouldn't have considered that her friends might have had other plans for Saturday. As her best friends, it seemed like a requirement that they would clear their schedules if she needed them, but at least in her defense, she would do the same for them. As she allowed her eyes to fall upon the two people who had been acknowledging Lani, a small smile formed on her lips. It was Jamie and Ness. Sydney wasn't particularly close with either of them, but she didn't have any major problems with them either. Ness was too much of a goody two shoes for her, but another one of Cassidy's probably-completely-made-up comments had made her seem a tad more interesting today. Additionally, Jamie wasn't someone who would ever really catch Sydney's attention, but she would have been a fool not to note that he seemed to have a lot of friendly connections around school, with possibly the most major one being with Lani. And simply because Lani liked them, Sydney would be friendly... and again, she was feeling petty and in the mood to make people other than herself feel uncomfortable, because she had experienced enough feelings in the past few days alone to last her a lifetime. "Why don't you tell your friends to eat with us? We can make space for them. I feel like you've never given me a chance to get to know them, and I can only imagine that they're more alluring than they seem on the surface level that I know them on, if you like them. Especially since we heard that Adeline's given her own stamp of approval on Ness' character. Wasn't that what Cassidy was saying earlier?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adeline Arnault Character Portrait: Cassidy Knox Character Portrait: Sydney Persson Character Portrait: Lani Amasio-Ellison Character Portrait: Liam Koch Character Portrait: Ness Oberlin
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0.00 INK


Mood: Annoyed Outfit Location: Three Guys Restaurant

Lani smiled, just a little, when Sydney directed her ire towards their waitress. The woman appeared as under attack as she was and Lani felt a minuscule sense of guilt for starting it, but it wasn't enough to say a word to Sydney. Though, she did tilt her her head just-so when Sydney ordered for Adeline. It wasn't a new concept; she had done it once or twice before. It usually was because Sydney knew what Addy would like better and could just take over like that. So, the surprise wasn't in that Sydney had ordered, but what she ordered. No matter how many times the girls had pigged out on junk food and such, Adeline had always been the one to gravitate towards the more healthier options. Always. This...Sydney ordering items she knew Addy wouldn't partake in unless she was too drunk and needed to eat something to cure the hangover before it began seemed cruel.. Which, again, wasn't a surprise when it came to the things Sydney could do, but it didn't make the situation settle nicely in Lani's stomach. And especially because it was because of something Cassidy said. Lani may have thought the girl was above gorgeous, but it didn't negate the protectiveness that arose at the girl acting like she knew something about Lani's friend that Lani didn't know. Or that even Sydney didn't know.

What Adeline said next was the thing that tried a nerve Lani hadn't been prepared to have messed with for the day. She understood that Adeline had a lot of...naive sensibilities. In the most delicate manner of speaking, and it had to be delicate because Lani was a good friend who rarely snapped at Adeline, the girl was sheltered. She was an Arnault; it wasn't too much of a surprise. At the same time, while there was a part of her slightly miffed that Adeline painted Ness as some kind of deviant simply by her non-delicate phrasing, the fact that it had to be a weird lesbian thing instead of a hook-up that really made her turn sharply to the brunette. Lani was a lot more open and honest, comfortable, with her sexuality now than she had been about two years ago. It had been to the girls she was sitting with that she had even made the distinction first, even before Jamie. And while Adeline always had the propensity towards insensitivity - and Lani was pointedly ignoring the feeling she actually had about the idea of Cassidy and Ness together for reasons that needed not be addressed - it didn't stop Lani from feeling attacked. She was a second away from snapping at Adeline when Sydney popped in with her suggestion and Lani sat back in their booth, taking a breath that was shakier than she needed.

"I'll be back," she stated crisply and rose without waiting for anyone to say another word, pointedly ignoring Katherine's warning about probably having to include Nova. She didn't have to include anyone in anything if she didn't want to. Out of the three of them, Lani didn't really like Nova and she didn't pretend to do so. There was nothing but cordial indifference since the girl had done nothing more than rub her the wrong way. Which was why Lani didn't see the point of really acknowledging her as anything other than another one of their classmates, not one of their supposed friends or even near their clique. But of course, that was the superficial way of the Upper East Side and so the most she did was either nod in the girl's direction or answer when spoken to. Lani walked in the direction of Jamie's table, noting Hunter and Liam as they entered the building. "What's up, Ellison?" The bastard decided to go with and Lani didn't falter in her steps, just throwing a "Hey, Hunter!" over her shoulder lest she actually stop and present Liam the nice right hook she was storing. It wasn't long before Lani was standing before Nova's table and whatever conversation that lay on Jenny's lips died at the sight of her. Lani knew what she looked like - barely contained, ominous energy. So, she smiled - briefly - at the theater kids, offered a softer look towards Ness, and finally turned her gaze to Jamie. "Now that you're not so distracted, come sit with me. I'm sure Ness could do with some time with her peeps before class, isn't that right?"


Mood: Amused ☸ Outfit ☸ Location: Three Guys Restaurant

"It is what it is," Liam declared after a beat, still relaxed despite Hunter's warning. He had already thought about the prospects of Sydney's possible retribution, of her friends' and followers' wrath. And he would handle them as they came. If it turned too extreme or at least too out of his control, then he would act accordingly. But he wasn't about to spend his senior year huddled in a corner like Sydney Persson's little bitch. She had enough of those chasing after her during the school day, hoping for a second to gain a spot of approval or gratifying acknowledgement from her. Liam wasn't one of them - never had been and never will be. If she wanted to do something, she was going to do so. He could deal with her being upset. He could deal with her even deciding not to speak with him. He wasn't afraid of her. Sure, the wrath of Constance's queen bee wasn't something to take lightly, but it also wasn't the end of the world, particularly for him. That might have been more of his egoism speaking as opposed to the logical side of his mind, but at the moment, Liam was more interested in getting something to eat and enjoying his day. Which he had been - at Sydney's expense.

With that said, Liam continued on their path without responding to Hunter's request for him to behave. It wasn't like he expected everything to be all hunky dory now that she obviously knew he cheated and left her for someone else, but for one, he didn't behave even for his family. How the hell he was supposed to do so for Hunter, of all people? Two, he was here for food wasn't he? Liam didn't play when it came to food. He just played when they were in the waiting process, which they were about to be once they were seated. As he and Hunter headed towards a table near the middle of the restaurant, Liam spotted Lani about to cross their path and he smirked. He couldn't help it. While others admired her for her leadership skills, which were phenomenal if he was showing his rare foray into actual honesty, Liam loved fucking with her. There was a thrill in messing with Lani that there wasn't with other people, something rankling just below the surface of the aloof Madam President that Liam just wanted to graze. To tempt to full display. Of course, she never officially rose to the bait, but he could tell that, because of the current situation, she would be closer this year than before. Naturally, in his head, a part of the tension between them was the fact that she was undoubtedly as attracted to him as she disliked him, and he was always down for a fight with a girl like that - whether they happened to make it to a bedroom or the nearest closet. That just obviously wasn't happening now.

"You know, she wants me right?" He decided to joke to Hunter offhandedly. "Only a matter of time now, really. I mean, unless you're interested, man. Ellison's hot ass and since Syd isn't the one for you, you've gotta be looking elsewhere, right? Senior year and all." Liam spotted a two-seater right beside Avan and Cassidy, and while he had made it his mission to avoid Avan a bit this year, Liam wasn't above being at least slightly cordial. "Knox," he acknowledged before nodding to Avan. Wassup, Harrison? How was the summer?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lani Amasio-Ellison Character Portrait: Ness Oberlin Character Portrait: Nova Blanchett Character Portrait: Jamie Parata
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0.00 INK

#, as written by la.lune


|| OUTFIT ||

Nova nods at Ness' ideas, I wide smile on her face, "Ness that sounds amazing!" She beams, "I honestly can't wait." Hearing Jamie finally pipe up, Nova couldn't help but laugh at his comment, "Aw, you know you had me convinced for a minute there." She kids, slightly more intrigued by the usually reserved guy who she had barely spoken to before. He was much more interesting that she had given him credit for and Nova began to see why Ness was so tight with him. Their other theatre buddies began excitedly chattering more about the play, and for a while Nova joined in. That was until she noticed Sydney's table peering over at them. Cocking her right eyebrow slightly, Nova wonders what they could possibly want. Of course, she know that Lani was close with both Ness and Jamie - There's no way she couldn't have missed seeing a 'popular' girl hanging out with an innocent angel and a shy guy, oh how crazy of her, how generous to dip out of her elitist pool and befriend them.

Watching as Lani strolled over past their table toward Hunter, the party host himself, Nova noticed her glances over at Ness and Jamie and almost laughed. Was she that jealous that they had other friends? Could they not sit with anyone but her - must she always be surrounded by an adoring audience? Of course, Nova had no real problem with the girl, in fact, she was probably a sweetheart and had never given the girl a reason to dislike her, other than making her feel very obviously that Lani disliked her. And while Nova could never be one to call other person fake, seeing as she practically switched personality every five minutes, she couldn't help but get that vibe from Lani. She seemed almost perfect and Nova knew for a fact that wasn't at all possible. Nobody is perfect, no matter now much Nova may wish she could be.

As Lani then appeared in front of Nova, standing at the foot of her table, the genuine smile that had once been on Nova's lips during her conversation with her friends quickly faded and was replaced by a curious smirk. Jenny, noticing Lani, quickly stopped her excitable talk as she was more than confused by the sight of her. In fact, almost all three theatre friends questioned why Lani would be there, albeit silently but they still wondered. Hearing her comment to Jamie, Nova pouts. "Stealing him so soon?" She asks, feigning sadness, "That sucks, and just as I was getting to know our new friend too!" Nova then looks over at Jamie with warm eyes, she wanted him to know that he didn't have to go with Lani and by the look on his face earlier when he glanced at the girl, Nova figured he maybe didn't want to.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lani Amasio-Ellison Character Portrait: Ness Oberlin Character Portrait: Nova Blanchett Character Portrait: Jamie Parata
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0.00 INK


xxxxNess is positively glowing when she speaks about her plans for the set, going into little details like a little electric fireplace or a tv that will play reruns of shows from that era whenever it's turned on. There is a reason that she wants to major in set and costume design- the young woman has no happier place than discussing the things she wants to create and the plans she is drawing up. Perhaps the sweetest expression to ever pass across her features is that when she is sketching out plans for a set on which she is giving free reign. No nit picky little details to remember for the director, no specific paint colors that have to be used up. Fall shows are her favorite because they are a chance to start anew, to some extent. She is too absorbed to notice the looks being thrown towards their table from the far more intimidating one where Lani sits, and certainly is oblivious to the way that the people she is sitting with throw occasional looks back at the table in return. Some say ignorance is bliss- but in fact, her bliss creates an ignorance to her surroundings- one of Ness's shortcomings.

xxxxSo she sits happily, oblivious to the way Adeline is tossing her under the fresh wheels of her friends' expensive cars. Oblivious to the way that Jamie is continuing to fidget under the looks from the table- looks he, unlike Ness, does not miss in the least. Jamie smiles back at Nova's comment and allows Jenny and Ness to take over the conversation discussing the play and any theatre that they were involved with over the summer. He's more than happy to sit back and allow others to have their conversations without him playing any role in them whatsoever. And in listening to it, and seeing how happy Ness, practically a sister to him, is speaking about her craft, he can almost pretend he doesn't see Lani walking over towards their table.

xxxxGod, she's beautiful. She's been dazzling since they were children growing up on the beach. Doing something as mundane as walking through a restaurant she stands as a cut above the rest. As far as he's concerned, the worshiped Sydney Persson herself can hardly compare. But of course, he is a bit biased. As soon as she's close enough to notice his staring he busies himself with his drink, hating himself for acting like a complete fucking idiot around someone whom he has known for almost literally his entire life. Sure, he isn't as suave as Liam Koch or one of those other types, but he definitely shouldn't be dodging about like a criminal hiding from the cops every time he sees her.

xxxxOr perhaps he should be. For one thing, falling for your cousin who doesn't realize she's your cousin is just strange. For another, thinking that he might ever be even a fraction of the way to being on her level is absolute insanity- and is why Jamie, with is already shit self esteem, would never think such a thing. He was happy just being her friend until eventually his stupid angsty self could not even allow that one good thing to remain the case.

xxxxHe feels a sudden nudge at his side from under the table. Ness is looking at him with those doe-eyes that seem to overlook any and every evil in the world, looking half confused half encouraging. Somewhat dazed from his own little pity party, Jamie had only half processed that of course Lani had made her way to the table. She'd invited him to sit with her, as though that would free him from sitting through drama geek conversations. As though this hadn't been intended as a sanctuary from his own self-loathing and the person who, honestly, only worsens the problem with her halo and seeming ability to do everything perfectly.

xxxx"Yeah, Jamie- you haven't seen Lani all summer practically. I'll see you after school for ice cream anyway, right? Lani, you too? C'mon billy buddy- I think the waiters deliver their food faster anyway," stupid, idealistic Ness thinks she's helping Jamie. She's been trying to get him to talk to Lani again for most of the summer, as soon as she realized he'd been avoiding her. And now Jamie's stuck. Perhaps she is helping him, forcing him to actually cope rather than just sulk and fake a smile about his problems. Nova looks at him in an offer of help, but it's too late now. Ness smiles at him in that way of hers which makes it impossible to blame her for anything at all- pure good intentions and light. His best friend is a Disney Princess and it can sometimes be a real pain.

xxxxJamie looks up at Lani and manages a half smile, although he feels the need to squint at her. Lack of exposure makes her all the more dazzling to look at. His ears are bright red but he's praying the lighting in the restaurant will conceal this.

xxxx"Uh, yeah, sure. Of course,"
he gets up, plate in one hand and glass in the other "See ya later, Ness. Nova, Jenny, it was nice talking. See you in Bio, Cole."

xxxxHe turns to Lani, waiting for her to lead the way. It's been this way since childhood- Jamie being pulled along by Lani and her vivacious personality. He's been along for the ride his entire life it seems, even if he hasn't always realized it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lani Amasio-Ellison Character Portrait: Ness Oberlin Character Portrait: Nova Blanchett Character Portrait: Jamie Parata
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0.00 INK


Mood: Territorial Outfit Location: Three Guys Restaurant

Lani hated the fact that Jamie would even think to hesitate before acquiescing to her. She didn't believe that she made it a habit of monopolizing all of his time. Lani liked to believe that when they arrived in the Upper East Side, that she had been the one to be more adamant about them both finding their own niches within this new society. She wasn't exactly all for not having Jamie with her at all times as she hardly had a childhood memory that didn't consist of him on her right, but she had dealt. It never would have occurred to her that perhaps he was content with not being with her and she refused to allow the thought to sit in her mind for too long. She hated that Jamie had to look to Ness before even giving her an actual smile and the one she received was lackluster at that. She did her best to retain the blank expression she had arrived with, but Lani couldn't help but feel hurt that his gaze traveled to Ness and Nova before finally returning to Lani. But what she hated - abso-fucking-lutely hated - was that Nova gave him this look as if Lani was unwelcomed in his space. The very idea made her clench her jaw, even as Nova gave her a little smirk.

I could give a rat's ass if you found out what his favorite color is, she thought pettily, but did not vocalize it. He's mine. Lani rationalized that she was internally being ridiculous and that there was no reason to feel the need to stake her claim like linking her arm with Jamie's the second he was up on his feet, as if she could somehow tether him to her person before someone convinced him to stay. Which she did, and Lani felt faintly guilty for it. It wasn't enough to bear her conscience down or make her release him, but she knew she was being stupid. And Nova more than likely didn't mean anything as an insult, but with the unexplained distance between herself and Jamie - combined by the fact that he obviously wasn't too distracted if he was spending time with getting to know someone else - Lani just felt like...well, damn it, he was her friend. And she was allowed to want to spend some kind of time with him.

"Yeah, sure," she replied distractedly to Ness, breaking the glare she had felt forming on her face towards Nova so that she could softly acknowledge Ness once more. "We've gotta start scheduling movie nights this year too. I heard Beyond the Lights was actually a good one." Belatedly, Lani realized that she could have invited Ness - no, she should have. She loved the other girl and she was a mutual friend of Jamie and Lani's. And yet, despite having to go back to Sydney and Adeline, Lani wanted this to be a bit of her own time with the guy. Again, absolutely irrational and uncalled for, but it was what it was. Satisfied with her possession, Lani nodded to the table once more before tugging Jamie lightly, walking away. However, she didn't head immediately back to Sydney and Adeline. It was a slightly longer route around tables and would lead them towards the bathrooms just a bit before circling back to her girls, but she felt the need to have Jamie completely alone before forcing him to deal with girls he wasn't that familiar with. They stopped once they were by the door where servers came out with freshly prepared foods and while Lani's stomach was adamant that the next nice-smelling plate be hers, she pointedly ignored it to face Jamie with her arms folded over her chest. "You're getting to know new friends while I can't even get one phone call in Spain now?" She asked in a low tone, leaning over just a little so that only he could hear her. "Tell me I'm just being paranoid and I'll drop it, I missing something here?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adeline Arnault Character Portrait: Lani Amasio-Ellison Character Portrait: Ness Oberlin Character Portrait: Nova Blanchett Character Portrait: Jamie Parata
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0.00 INK

#, as written by la.lune


|| OUTFIT ||

Watching as Jamie is dragged from his seat at the table and possessively bound to Lani, his arm linked firmly in hers, Nova half rolls her eyes before catching herself and stopping. Sure Lani's weird behaviour was definitely eye-roll inducing but Nova knew better than to make her reaction obvious. Instead the blonde turns her attention back to the table Lani had made a beeline for - there sat Sydney and Adeline who seemed to be wrapped up in a situation of their own. Nova wasn't surprised in the slightest though, it was a rare day when you didn't see Sydney snapping at someone. Pondering over what it could be they were arguing about now, perhaps Sydney was mad over Adeline's unusual disappearance over the summer break. But then again, just because she didn't know about it Nova was certain Sydney must know what happened, right? Bringing her focus back to the table and her friends in front of her, she decides to involve them in her questioning.

"Where'd you think Adeline disappeared to this summer?" Nova asks the table, her voice slightly more hushed than usual. While she was sure the two girls at the other table were far too busy with their tiff, she didn't want to become 'that girl'. The one known solely as the gossip, so she kept it on the lowdown. Jenny, always quick to pipe up with her own comment swiftly replies, "Didn't she say she was in California or something?" Cole nods before adding, "Yeah Nova, that's what I heard." Of course Nova had heard that too, but something about that didn't quite seem right. Nova had absolutely no reason to doubt the girl, but then again she liked to pride herself on being pretty good at seeing through lies (being an expert liar herself) and she got the strangest feeling that Adeline wasn't where she says she was. However, not one to tattle - unless it was to her benefit - Nova merely shrugs, keeping her thoughts to herself, "You're probably right." She says finally, dropping the subject. She wouldn't bring it up with the table again, but would be sure to keep an ear out incase any other gossip surrounding the whole Adeline situation came out, not that you should ever believe the whispers that transpire between Constance girls. Looking over to Ness, Nova found herself keen to hear the girls thoughts on the subject. She had no idea whether the two had ever even spoken before but figured everyone would know about the whole ordeal by now.

While she waited for Ness to comment, Nova allowed herself to take another glance around the almost packed 3 guys. Even more people had arrived, those of interest including Liam and Hunter. Nova couldn't say she was particularly close with either, but had engaged in a few conversations here and there. Their choice of seating, next to Avan and Cassidy's table, seemed curious to Nova but she figured Hunter was just trying to get a hook-up for his next party. Out of the pair Nova probably knew Hunter a little better, and usually got an invite to his parties (along with most of those 'known' in Constance and St Judes). He was familiar to her only as 'the party guy', which to Nova, wasn't necessarily a bad thing. Considering how much she enjoyed partying and getting up to mischief. Liam wasn't someone Nova knew well at all and really, he never seemed to interest her before today. When she heard the news about him breaking up with Sydney. She couldn't really see why he'd do such a thing, considering Sydney had pretty much the entire school body under her command - something Nova so longed for and was certainly jealous of - dating her meant Liam had almost as much power. And now? Well, he was really just another jock. Although Nova couldn't say she wasn't impressed that a jock could break up with the queen bee. He must have some serious guts.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lani Amasio-Ellison Character Portrait: Hunter Devlin Character Portrait: Ness Oberlin Character Portrait: Nova Blanchett Character Portrait: Jamie Parata
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0.00 INK


xxxxIn a possessive motion that Jamie can't recall having seen since they were kids, Lani loops her arm through his as she leads him off. To an outside viewer it may simply look like two friends walking arm in arm to navigate though the incredibly busy establishment, but Jamie knows much better. Lani has that miffed look on her face that tells him he's going to have to answer for the entirety of the summer in a few short moments. The fact that they are clearly taking the long way to get to the table where her friends, who he doubts will genuinely welcome him though they will of course put on smiles out of respect for Lani, are sitting. Even with the knowledge of the upcoming reprimanding he cannot formulate an acceptable reason for his absence, because it is twenty years to soon for him to tell Lani that he's been avoiding her because he's in love with her and doesn't want to risk royally fucking everything up. Not that spending two months avoiding her is the best way to keep everything just the way it always was, clearly. He feels like a child caught with a hand elbow deep in the cookie jar- if the cookies were cough syrup flavored and honestly too unpleasant to be worth risking being busted for in the first place.

xxxxAnd here it comes. Her arms cross and her mouth twists ever so slightly in that way that he's known all of his life. Jamie could write a thesis on Lani at this point- he knows every little expression, every change in tone. He knows her better than she knows him, without a doubt. Of course, he's always been looking more closely than she has. "Am I missing something here?"

xxxxJamie drops his eyes to the floor. He deserves the third degree right now, of course. That makes it not a shred less nerve-wracking for him. Being right next to the kitchen, boiling heat while it churns out meal after meal, hardly helps. He manages a sheepish smile and rubs the back of his neck, half ashamed half frustrated. He wants to be mad at Lani, angry that she won't let him branch out. Angry that she thinks she can pull him away at the drop of a dime and have that be okay. Angry that she feels the right to be so possessive over him, friend or not. But instead he just feels embarrassed. Plenty of guys would kill to have Lani Ellison lead them by the arm to a more secluded part of a restaurant- a more secluded part of anywhere. But at the moment, he just wants to hide from her eyes that dare him to try and feed her another bullshit excuse.

xxxx"I'm sorry. I don't know, I just thought I needed to branch out I guess. I don't know. You've always been there, but in a year that won't be the case- I guess I was having a hard time coming to terms with that, and I just kinda didn't deal with it well. Sorry, I suck," it comes out all as a flood, all technically true. Everything he says has flashed through his mind at some point or another. Knowing they can't always be attached at the hip, that she'll go to some Ivy League while he, if his father will come to terms with the fact that he doesn't want to go to Stanford, will go somewhere to study education or nursing. They just don't match up. They haven't since they were kids. The future separation may not be the reason, but without a doubt it's a reason.

xxxxIt doesn't even occur to Ness to be offended or hurt that she hadn't been invited over to eat with Lani and her power duo friends. For one thing, she had actually maintained in contact with Lani throughout the summer while Jamie pretended that every text from her didn't exist. Besides, Ness tends to have difficulty realizing when she's been slighted in any way unless it is painfully obvious. It goes with her tendency to believe the best of people, and makes her very difficult to anger when it comes to insults towards her own person. So she is happy to continue chatting with her theatre peeps. It's only when the subject of Adeline comes up that she feels a bit clammier.

xxxxShe looks away from the table, as though fascinated by the other people crowding tables at the restaurant. After all, why would she care where Adeline went? Why would she mind that the girl had disappeared without a trace, had completely vanished right after- well. There's not really a reason to care at all, right? Ness figures something came up. She figures that it was just a stupid drunk moment on Adeline's part, and doesn't blame the girl for vanishing afterwards- she probably doesn't even remember. Still, her head feels a bit funny for a moment thinking of it. Not one to frequent parties, she'd never been in that situation before. Truth be told, she's not even kissed very many people, despite the reputation her school has for their shenanigans.

xxxxIn her attempt to keep herself out of the conversation, her eyes find Cassidy Knox and Avan Harrison. Cassidy is Adeline's new step-sister- surely she would know. But Ness could never ask Cassidy. When the bullying had embittered Cassidy towards the world, the two of them had quite the falling out. She quickly moves her gaze over and catches Hunter looking over at her table. There is a very brief moment of eye contact, so of course Ness smiles and waves, a tiny motion, before Jenny asks her what she thinks about the subject.

xxxxThe girl whips around, thanking god that her complexion means that she doesn't turn completely red when blushing. Lord knows her skin is heating up from the question alone, though it ought not be. "Huh? Um. I don't know. I've never really spoken with her before, so I don't know. Maybe she was on a family vacation? Or some sort of spa retreat- I think going off the map for vacations are actually kind of a good idea. More relaxing. But yeah, I wouldn't know," she is far too flustered for someone who genuinely has no interest in the situation, and rambles on a bit more than necessary. An actor, Ness is not. Her every thought is written across her face, as per usual.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adeline Arnault Character Portrait: Sydney Persson Character Portrait: Lani Amasio-Ellison Character Portrait: Ness Oberlin Character Portrait: Jamie Parata
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Mood: Amused Outfit Location: Taxi w/ Adeline & Sydney

Without having to take care of many of her Student Government Association responsibilities thus far, Lani had had a pretty decent first week of school. It wasn't a full week, for which she was grateful, but it was enough to assauge any worries she had about how the upcoming school year was going to be. The classes were pretty straight forward, teachers seemed to know what they were doing (and were less excited to be back than the students, but that was neither here nor there), and she was ready for the rest of what was to come. She probably wasn't as ready for the college application process and all that that entailed, but for now, Lani was pretty good. She was somewhat secure in not having any issues with Jamie for now, she had even gotten the ice cream with Ness after school the other day, and after school today, she had managed to get a pretty sweet manicure and matching pedicure at the Cornelia Spa at the Surrey with her kui fefine upon the older woman's return from Lanai. The skin softening experience of the Honey Harmony treatment along with the manicure and pedicure left her feeling readier than ever for Hunter's party. And if she happened to have chosen a much more licentious attire for the evening in lieu of her feel-good mentality, well, that was also neither here nor there. Her skin was super soft, her makeup was still more relaxed than a good number of her classmates' usually were on a good day, and she was in a great mood. Lani felt like she deserved to show off every now and then. Plus, conditioning in these last few weeks for the upcoming volleyball season had her abdomen just slightly more defined than its simply flat quality from earlier in the summer and Lani felt too proud to hide.

As a last minute decision on the way to Hunter's party to have a nail post for Instagram, Lani had just finished adding the faintest hint of a filter to the pic she had chosen when Adeline grasped her free hand, and the excitement from the other girl had Lani grinning widely. For the sake of the group, Adeline's better mood in the last few days had helped significantly. Sydney had slowly become less cold towards them and while Lani knew this wasn't the end of her rightful reaction towards Liam's fuckery, Adeline also being of a bad disposition did no one any favors. And Lani preferred the brunette the way she was now - exuberant and vivacious. Which was why she only laughed when her friend exclaimed that she obviously needed to give Evan a chance. Her laugh only continued when Sydney decided to hop on the let's-hook-Lani-up brigade. "Thanks, mom, I'm so glad I have your approval," she sarcastically joked, leaning back a bit more in the backseat of the taxi they took. Lani's laugh simmered down to chuckling before she bit her lightly glossed lower lip, humming to herself before grinning again. "And we may or may not have...indulged ourselves a little last year. But I didn't sleep with him!" The insistence was genuine, despite the laughing smile on her face. Because she didn't sleep with him. That didn't mean Evan had walked away completely unscathed if the plethora of hickeys Lani had left behind in their makeout session had anything to say about it. Evan had ended up being really cool later and while Lani had never slept with him, it wasn't like she hadn't entertained the idea of it. She also wasn't against it. However, if she was doing any hooking up, then both her friends had to be up for it as well. "But I better not be the only one letting loose tonight. I have two very hot and gorgeous friends who better not be lurking along the walls when there are probably gonna be hot guys all around," she exclaimed, a pointed look at Adeline before her gaze fell on Sydney. "And as much as we're avoiding speaking on it, the way I see it is this...the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else...or on top of it. Or you can use them to make a point, I don't really care. You can pick and choose, queenie, but anyone who manages to get Sydney Persson interested enough to stare at them more than her drink gets my approval for the night." She stated the last part with a wink, grin returning at the thought. For one, Liam was going to eat his heart out because Sydney was just always gorgeous and he was missing out while being an unworthy douche. But two, the idea of either of her friends hooking up and having fun was definitely something to enjoy. Especially if Lani got to hear about it later.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ness Oberlin Character Portrait: Avan Harrison Character Portrait: Nova Blanchett
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#, as written by la.lune

Coating her bottom lashes with a thin layer of mascara, Nova smiles into the mirror, finishing up her minimal makeup routine for Hunter's party. It was rare to see the girl wearing much makeup and due to her natural attractiveness, she liked to keep it simple. While to school she'd really only wear mascara and a coat of lipgloss, parties were the rare time she'd put on a nude lipstick and dust some highlight onto her cheekbones. The look was still light compared to most, but definitely out of the ordinary for Nova. Her outfit for the night was also a change from her typically casual yet slightly preppy attire and Nova had opted for a black lace vest top and tight, wet look jeans with a pair of killer black heals and a faux leather jacket (she'd never wear real leather - that's just wrong). Keeping her hair as it naturally falls - long and wavy - Nova gives herself a once over before grabbing her red bag and heading out of her room.

"And where do you think you're going?" A voice calls out to her as she passes through the kitchen and Nova sighs, turning on her heels and giving her step mother a tight smile, "A guy at my school is having a party and I-" Before Nova can even finish her sentence she's cut off by Rose, "If you think I'm letting you leave this house you're delusional," She barks, moving closer to Nova, her usually delicate features contorted into a deep scowl at the younger girl. "You're lucky I even let you stay here, you know if I had it my way you'd be back on the streets with that whore mother of yours." Nova takes a step back from Rose, a pained look on her face at the mention of her real mother. "How long are you going to hold that over me?" Nova bites back, feigning nonchalance to cover her hurt, "As if I care, kick me out if you want, and I'll tell everyone who my real 'whore' mother is." Knowing she'd backed Rose into a corner, a small, sly smile slips onto Nova's face as Rose's expression turns from anger to conflict. "You little brat," She mutters, knowing full well that if Nova were to expose her true parentage, her reputation and social standing would be down the drain. "Fine, go, but don't you dare come stumbling in during the early hours and wake me up." Rose hisses before finally backing off.

Sending Rose a wave and sarcastically cheery "Bye, mother." As she steps out of the house, Nova breathes a sigh of relief once she's shut the door behind her. Feeling a cool night air on her skin settles Nova's mind and she makes her way toward the black car waiting for her. She'd phoned ahead and booked Rose's chauffeur without the woman realising, and hoped she wouldn't find out. Ducking down into the car and finding a seat on the plush interior, Nova is greeted by her first friendly face of the night as the car speeds off. "Miss Blanchett, so nice to see you again," The driver, George, smiles at her in the mirror. "Nice to see you too, Georgie," Nova giggles, happy to be back in the company of her father's old chauffeur - and someone she had spent much of her childhood with. Brushing a blonde strand from her face, Nova relaxes back into the car seat, letting the excitement she felt at heading to a party overtake the sad thoughts Rose had placed into her head. "Where might you be heading then?" George pipes up, making conversation but still with his eyes placed firmly on the road ahead. "This guy - Hunter - Is having a kind of back to school party tonight," Nova explains, checking the time on her phone to make sure she wasn't too late (but wasn't too early either). "Ah I see, don't do anything I wouldn't do!" George chuckles, his infectious laugh spreading to Nova as she joins in with her soft laugh. "So I can do anything then huh?" Nova teases, "Don't forget, I've heard the stories about you when you were my age." Nodding his head admittedly, George gives Nova a quick wink before settling back into driving.

Picking up her phone, Nova decides to text Ness to see whether she's already there or not - She didn't want to be stuck in a room full of jocks and airheads all night. Remembering Avan too, she texts to see whether she could pick up tonight or not.

To: Ness
Please tell me you're going to Hunter's, I don't wanna be stuck in a party full of Sydney Persson clones by myself :-(

To: Avan
Think I could get what I asked for tonight? I'm omw to Hunter's and I figured you'd be there too.

Putting down the phone, Nova rests her head back against the seat and lets her mind drift to thoughts of the party and what mischief she might get up to tonight.