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Mysterious human whom seemed not to have allied himself with either side. He constantly watches each side, and sometimes, for the right price, might offer this information to the other side.

0 · 222 views · located in Deadend City

a character in “Vampire Wars (Revival)”, as played by Vio-Lance


Full Name: Ave'Sha'Heznat Enefiti Ruxia

Instead of having to try(and fail) at pronoucing his name, he simply has people adress him as Asher.

Race: Human...?

Age: Appears early 30s.

Height: 5'9

Weight: 150

Appearance: Asher has a head of spikey, bleach blonde hair. His eyes (or eye) are(is) a deep, deep blue. VERY blue. Only his left is visable though, his right is covered by a dark brown, almost black leather eyepatch. His body, if you ever saw him without his clothing, is lean and slim, but covered in scars that dance across his body in every direction. He dresses in a light brown cloak that covers his body from neck to ankles, and he is wearing leather boots. He smells oddly, as if to throw off his natural scent, he purfumes himself with all different kinds of scented oils, making sure that each time you see him, his smell changes.
He is extremely agile and dexterious, and able to leap extreme distances and run quite quickly for a "human".


Asher is mysterious. He likes to keep it that way. His voice is soft, yet bold at the same time, and it's almost as if you always can hear him. He simply annouces his presense, even if you don't see or hear him. He often simply steps from the shadows, and gives a bow. He seems chilvalrous, and almost playful as he laughs and talks easily. But his sentences always have a deeper meaning, or have some kind of puzzle worked into them. It was almost like he was testing your wit while conversing with you.


Armor: Just in case one of his meetings go bad, he always wears a suit of leather armor underneath his cloak. It offers him enough protection without hampering his movements, and would honestly protect against most vampire bites on his body. It even comes up to cover his neck, but leaves his face exposed.

Weaponry: As any good man has, Asher has ways to defend himself other than armor. He carries a shortsword and a dagger, usually concealed by his cloak.

Dagger: Enforcing Penetrator- Despite the silly name, this dagger is a fierce weapon that tends to go straight through lighter armors, and it loves to grab hold of intestines when thrust into the stomach. The brass knuckles are also a bonus, when going for non-leathal, but painful strikes.

Shortsword: White Whisper- A delicate looking weapon forged from the toughest steel. It's durability is truely underestimated, as most foes find out when this small blade can even block claymores. It's point is deadlier than it's edge, but still cuts through flesh like paper. The ivory handle only adds to it's true beauty.

If, by any means, he knows he goes to a fight, then he brings a longsword to the battle, his father's old warblade. It is strapped to his back, over his cloak.

Longsword: Ruxia the Banished- The sword that actually gave Asher's family their last name. It is said that the bearer was to be an outcast from any civilization. And it has been true to this day.


Asher has a mysterious history to go with his mysterious style. He is very unlikely to share it, unless you happen to befriend him VERY closely.

Son of Saunto Ruxia the mercenary, Asher was surely to follow in his footsteps. However, the son instead of following fortune, followed his heart for the longest while. He was a peaceful child for the majority of his childhood. Untill he was 16, where his father was brutally slaughtered in front of him. Trying to avenge his fallen family member, Asher fought the man whom slew his father, of course, ending with his defeat. But instead of ending his life, the murderer took Asher as a slave. A personal servant, as if to degrade him even more.

The man's name was Lester Vastious, a wealthy noble. He rather had quite the rage fits, and if not taken care of appropreatly, then his violent temper would erupt onto something of value, or someone whom didn't deserve it. This is where Asher came in. Every time Lester had one of his bouts of rage, Asher was called to his side, where he was promptly beaten. Tortured even. He was hit, kicked, stomped, whipped, cut, choked....whatever happened to make the noble relieve himself. More than once it took more than just beating the boy to resolve his anger...
This was indeed where Asher got all of his bodily scars, and his eye not just slashed, but cut out entirely.

And his life was all but this. From age 16 to 22, all he was was a servant and a punching bag. It took a terrible toll on the man's mind....some of the others in Lester's employ even questioned his remote sanity. But despite all, he was still right minded. He couldn't escape, however, which seemed to drive him mad. Everything that could be used as a leathal weapon was kept from his remote reach. His "room" (more of the cellar) was an empty room with a filthy bedroll.

But liberation was soon brought to Ave'Sha, as Lester had been arrested, and his house siezed. This meant that he was free of his own accord. He would've ran straight from the place if he could've ran, but in his ill, battered condition, he wasn't in any way to do anything drastic. He took a large portion of the noble's own funding for his own use, and rented a room at the town's inn for several months. He used this time to recover, and to build his body back to physical fitness. Never again was he to be in that situation again.

He knew that fighting would eventually lead to defeat. Noone was unbeatable. So Asher just took the side that seemed most logical: His own. He is a neutral party between everyone. And this goes for the gangs as well. He stays away from them, untill he wishes to speak with them, or vice versa.

Though, he knew that even with a neutral attitude, he'd never truely be unassaulted. He took another large portion of his money to arm himself with the weapons above. The rest he keeps to sustain his lifestyle. He already had his father's longsword, but he needed weapons that were concealed...didn't scream hostility.

Even now, he watches over both gangs, noting their progress in what directions. He is generally accepted by both groups, though they both hold him at arms distance.

So begins...

Al'Sha'Heznat's Story
