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Persephone Morgan Hauls

"Knowledge is everything, it's the power of everything, but unfortunately knowledge can't be everything. Body sometimes takes over mind."

0 · 368 views · located in United States Of America

a character in “Venus”, as played by Onica-Louis


Lower Class Template
oPersephone Morgan Hauls

"Genius is 1% talent and 99% percent hard work."


Persephone Morgan Hauls

Eighteen, February 14th, 2019


Persephone is bisexual, due to the fact she gets payed to please both sexes, she never spends time with people to much and tends to feel like everyone is an opportunity to fall in love.

Her mother was Brazilian and her father, French; she looks more like her mother. Persephone was a born and raised American citizen though.

Persephone isn't skinny nor fat, but a good in between. She's 5'6", weighs 115 pounds, and her measurements are 35-25-39. She exercises everyday, which gives her a fit look with flat abs. On her heart shaped face you'll find a scar under her right eyebrow. Persephone's eyes are a bright blue; the left one's a little darker than the right and next to her right eye she has a small beauty mark. Her nose is slender, unlike most Brazilian descent noses that are wider and nose bridges that aren't very visible. She has no scars on her body whatsoever. She has a medium skin complexion due to her race, a caramel color to her skin. Her hair is below her chest, normally in big loss waves, and a dark brown color with natural highlights. When it comes to dressing she's very classy, never anything to tight or short or reveling in normal public. She normally wears something with a collar, dresses an shirts, and commonly known for wearing a tank-top with a see through button-downed collared shirt, but when it comes to her job what she likes to wear changes. She has to wear pretty skimpy things due to her being a stripper, usually fancy lingerie and heavy over-dramatic makeup.

Sadly, Persephone happens to be a stripper in the red light districts of lower America. She only works when she desperately needs the money, and in fact that's how she was discovered to be a wife by an Upper Class. She normally works once every other month for one night, which she makes $8,900, she happens to be very good at her job, which she takes no pride in.

Will You Get the Pill:
She will be given the pill.

"The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it."

Persephone was raised by two parents, a nurse of a mother and a historian for a father. Every since she was young she was taught about medical things, how to stop a wound from bleeding so much, how to stitch yourself up if you must, and other things from her mother and with her father he taught her other things to like: past wars, famous people, our founding fathers and other things. He use to give her little scenarios for her to figure out. Her fondest memory of one was when her father had returned home from an eight hour shift when she was ten. He has sat down on the couch and she'd ran over to him and sat in his lap. He chucked and began speaking. "Find the flaw," he had told her, "April 15th, 1865 at 9:50 P.M. Abraham Lincoln was assassinated." Persephone gave a small giggle, "That's simple. He was killed at 10:15 P.M.!" She was so excited about how she was right. Her father had told her how smart she was and how she was so intelligent. "Correct!" He how'd shouted for for.

With her fathers inspiration when she turned sixteen she started going with her fathers to conventions where he'd be told information of the advances and histories of cultures outside the fortress. Everything she'd learned stuck with her. With her parents being what they were they had some money to travel America a little, taking Persephone to see some historical landmarks of the world the just lived in. Her favorite was the White House, she loved all the old paintings, the statues, and the new information she gathered from the holographic informers. At the time she was seventeen. And this was the best thing she's seen so far in her life, and for a while the last.

A few months after the Washington trip she went to work with her mother. They were in her office as she filled out some paper work about the birth she'd just delivered, a pretty, young, Upper Class girl. "Did she buy the pill for her baby?" Persephone asked her mom. "Yes." "Why don't you ever take the pill for yourself, Mom?" Her mom said and looked at her with eyes of warmth, "Because I can't afford it and stealing is wrong." Persephone smiled back. "I'm going to go use the restroom." She told her mother and left the room.

Once she was done in the bathroom she could hear a large commotion outside the door. "Give me all your pills!" Persephone could hear men continuously yell and gun shots and screams followed. Persephone's mother had been murder for refusing to give away Venus without pay, even if it costed her life which it did. Persephone took that as a lesson that everything comes with a price.

With her mothers death her father grew ill from heartbreak. He was sick and now jobless, leaving the family income-less. Losing most of their money they were forced to move and live in an even lower section of town. Where she lived had little to no jobs, but one day she stumble on a strip joint and was afford a job. She hated the thought if working there, and found it disgusting, but took it. Every time she'd come in was only when money was needed badly and usually making around 8,000 dollars when she went to work.

A little after being eighteen she was at work doing her job when a clean cut fellow came in. He was very sharp and nice looking. "Hello, Beautiful." He said to Persephone as he walked over to her. "How may I help you?" She asked him. He smirked and up his watch to her face, it produced a small spray, she soon last consciousness.

After awakening she was in a line up with a lot of other young males and females like herself. The stood inside an abandoned building. The man that had seeming kidnapped her started speaking. "Soon, very rich people will arrive her to pick some of you to marry. If you're lucky you'll get picked, if not picked.... well you'll see."

β€œThe person, be it gentleman or lady, who has not pleasure in a good novel, must be intolerably stupid.”

Persephone is a very nice girl, very love able and very kind. She can forgive anyone for their wrong, expect the killer that killed her mother. After her death she became more reserved, rarely leaving to have friends. She tends to keep to herself, but if she happens to leave her home or someone comes over she's extremely nice and warm to them. She likes other people, but to her she's somewhat disgusting from what she does. Even though she's a little reserved she loves to laugh and joke around. She enjoys laughing so much, and playing games is hilarious to her. She has the type of smile that can light up a room within seconds. Being alone so much when she does laugh and spend with others it feels good and warming to her, she knows she should get out more, but when she leaves it's only for her job when she really needs money.

Persephone happens to work as a stripper in the red light districts of America, even though everything got better, some parts got worse. She hates it, dancing for men in skimpy outfits, and she only does it when she absolutely needs the money. Every time she comes home after her job, which she makes about 8,900 dollars each times she goes, she'll scrub herself clean in the bath tub for hours. She knows she could do better, but she was dragged into and doesn't know how to get out.

Persephone has a case of OCD, once she has a compulsion she must carry it out to the best, no matter how much she doesn't want to; she must cross her T's and dot her I's. After her mother was killed her OCD got worse, before it was just organization perfectly or a sparkling clean house or wrinkle-free clothing. Her OCD causes her to make everything perfect, she has a perfection complex type think. She can spot a flaw in anything, and will always try her best to fix it.

She had always been good at learning, for she always loved to study, and with her father being a historian whenever he'd get a call to learn about newly discovered things outside of the fortress shes always go with him to learn. History has always been her passion, and it's been growing for years. History made her grow up a book-worm. She loves to read anything and everything, especially non-fiction, it's her favorite. She feels like she could never know enough, and will do anything to get her hands on something to read. Persephone feels like a world without books is like a world without living, with out knowledge we are nothing. Persephone is the type to judge, but if you don't take pleasure from reading she probably won't take to much interest in you.

Persephone loves love. She loves to see couples together smiling whenever she leaves, and wants to be in love and loved back so badly. She's the type of girl that will take a flower and pull the petals off one-by-one saying: "He'll love me, he'll love me no, he'll love me...." She knows that everyone has a someone, but she feels like she won't, who could love a confused stripper?

So begins...

Persephone Morgan Hauls's Story

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It was cold and damp in this abandoned building. People around me sob and whimper as we are all forced to stand in a straight line. "Hello," who had captured me beings to speak," I and my fellow friends have brought you here to have all your wildest dreams come true, perhaps. Soon a large group of Upper Class people will come to examine you, and if lucky you'll get picked to marry them." A smirk wiggles across his face indicating he is thinking something more sinister within.

Looking from side to side I can tell he's collected all of us from different forms of life. There's a short girl with large green eyes dressed in a summer dress, a large boy with nothing but tags for clothes, and then there's me wearing nothing but lingerie. I feel naked and disgraced. I hate my job, the clothes I must wear, and I especially hate being seen this way. Mentally I know no one's looking at me, but inside I feel like all stares are on me hiding me. I cross my arms around my chest to try hiding my chest some, my legs automatically cross themselves and my face burns. I feel my whole body burning in fact, like a thousand fire ants biting at once. This feeling isn't new though, I'd came across it a few times at work, but this is much worse. This embarrassment is almost unbearable and the fear unrealistic.

"And," the man continues, "failure to be picked will have you sent off into the red light districts to gain me and my associates money." His grin is wicked and so unfair. "They'll be here to inspect you soon." The cries and weeps grow louder as my body begins to tremble. I don't know how to think correctly if I were to try to run I'd most likely be killed and if I'm chosen I'll be wed and if not it'll be nothing knew. Two large limos pull into this waste land. From each limo a large man with black glasses and a sharp suit on comes over to the large line and begins inspecting. Taking in a deep breath I stop my trembling, if this is a test on beauty I know I can pass, well at least I think. Sooner then I thought the men arrive at me, they both take off their glasses and begin touching me. One starts on my thighs while the other my waist, their hands both gloves but cold. The feel of their touch is awkward, but doable, nothing I'm not use to. The one at my thighs pulls out pen and paper and starts writing something down and once done he feels around my chest, face, and hair and gots more things down. "Out of line." He says to me placing a gentle hand on my right shoulder he pulls me kindly over to the limo, it is shocking how gentle he is being, the first kind thing that's happened so far in this trashy place. "You'll be perfect." He tells me with a smile. "The rich will be here soon and for sure you'll be one they pick." Pick? I thought this was the rich ones, but I guess my thought was wrong.