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Anthony Jeremy White

"Just...let me sleep, okay? Unless you've got some steak....."

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a character in “Victims of the Bond”, as played by Scorpion01


Name: Anthony Jeremy White

Nickname: "AJ" or "Fang"

Age: 18

God: Artemis

Powers: Anthony, commonly called AJ, or Fang, is blessed with the power to project his aura around his body in the shape of a Bengal Tiger, thereby allowing him to acquire the strength, speed, senses, and reflexes of the powerful animal. The Aura also protects him from some damage, and can intimidate those who are very easily unnerved. His normal immune system is also strengthened by at least three times as well, regardless of whether his powers are activated or not.

When activated, Anthony is surrounded with an Orange, Flame like aura, which, depending on how much he is using, can seem like a small flame on his arm or leg, or completely surround him in the shape of a Bengal Tiger's head whose movements mimic his own faces. When he is at full power he floats inside his aura as it forms a full Tiger body the size of a bus.

Simply put, the more power he exerts, the more aura is expelled from his body, doubling everything mentioned above with each stage.

Weaknesses: When he is not in his Aura-Form, as he's taken to calling it, he is very much a normal human being. He has a crippling fear of being locked up in any sort of way; one sight of chains or cages makes him freeze in his tracks out of fear. Using his Aura-based powers is also extremely taxing, and as such, he could end up actually damaging his own body to the point of hacking up blood.

Sexuality: Heterosexual.

*Note: he doesn't actually wear glasses, this is merely a reference.
AJ is commonly seen wearing a simple green hoodie, a normal black T-shirt, and brown Cargo pants held up by a belt of black leather. Around his feet are regular running shoes that look a little worn out from use. He stands at approximately six feet two inches tall, and has a toned muscular build which makes him look rather unassuming. His eyes are a rather unnatural yellow hue due to being blessed his his powers by Artemis, and are feline in nature, the pupils moving from circles to slits depending on his mood, the situation, or the lighting. He was given his nickname "Fang" because his canine teeth were always so sharp compared to everyone around him, and looked feline in nature as well. His skin has a very light tan, and his hair isn't anything special, being a dark shade of brown that he keeps short because of how curly it gets when it is long.

1. A good long nap
2. A medium-rare steak
3. Loyal friends
4. A good long nap
5. Peaceful, calming music
6. Being called by his real name, and not "Fang."
7. Did I mention a good long nap?

1. Not getting his good long nap.
2. Disloyal people
3. People who run from fights
4. Criminals
5. An unfair fight
6. Being forced to do something he doesn't want to do.

1. Waking up in a cage.
2. Silence.
3. Death.

Anthony is generally a pretty nice guy; he loves to joke around, he likes to hang out, and he just likes being around people in general. He is also quite lazy, sleeping most of the day somewhat like a cat and usually being active at night. He is a hard worker, however, and does what is necessary to get what he wants when he wants it, whatever the task. He is extremely stubborn at the same time, however, and tends to be like a blank wall made of concrete with a foundation at least ten feet in the ground when he doesn't want to do something while someone is trying to convince him to do it.

He has a nasty temper though, and when set off he can be the meanest, cruelest, most heartless person one could ever meet. His verbal abuse alone has caused some muggers and thugs that have picked fights with him to turn tail and run away from him. He is fiercely loyal and protective of those close to him, and will fight to the death if necessary to protect them at all costs.

Anthony didn't have a good history..... Because of his abnormally large fangs, his parents kept him locked up in a cage for most of his days, thinking he was some sort of monster, even though he otherwise was completely human. His mother however did show him some kindness, as all mothers should, and was usually the one who let him out of his cage and gave him the attention he so desperately needed and wanted. For years he lived like this, however his father only got colder, and harsher as time went on, insisting that Anthony wasn't his son.

At the age of five, the Goddess Artemis appeared before Anthony and offered him a choice; be stuck living in this cage forever, or get powers of whatever he wanted. Around Anthony were stuffed Tigers, and while hugging one close he told the Goddess that he wanted to be "Strong and cool, like the tiger!" The Goddess Smiled, and granted his wish, allowing him to use his aura and emotions to fuel his powers. For a few more years, however, he lived in that cage, and when he was about eight years old, he finally grew tired of it, using his now almost mastered powers to break out and escape his home, never to return.

Now that he is free, he lives in an apartment with two or three other people who mind their own business. Their names are Jack and Andrew; Jack being a female and Andrew being obviously male.

Aside from his Mother and Father, whose Names he never knew he knows of no other family members as he was locked in that cage for most of his life.

Nothing worth Noting.

So begins...

Anthony Jeremy White's Story


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Character Portrait: Aeron Diane Smith Character Portrait: Anthony Jeremy White
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What about you? Do you have super hunter skills or something? With Artemis being the goddess of the hunt, your powers must be much more impressive.” She gave him a wink as she said this.

“Oh! How did you want to go? I have my car if you want or I can ride with you. Whatever you prefer.”

Anthony let out a playful scoff as Aeron listed off her powers and abilities, chuckling a little. "Man, you do have the freedom to do as you please. I envy you a little, to be perfectly honest." he admitted, a smile on his face still. He didn't seem to mind that she liked to talk; he was willing to listen. After all, it's not every day that you get bonded to a person you've never met before yet are stuck with for the rest of your life. Might as well make the most of it.

At Aeron's question Anthony raised his eyebrows and lifted a hand up, lightly tapping one of his canines. "Well, you're close, but not exactly right." He chuckled. With that the hand that tapped his canine flicked out and flame surrounded it, forming the paw of a tiger. "As you can already guess, I'm pretty cat-like in my appearance. Always have been. My canines were always sharp, and I liked Tigers, still do. Anyway, long story short, I can use my aura to heighten my senses, reflexes, strength, and alter my body. As you can see here, my hand is now a paw." He said. With that he lowered his hand and the flames disappeared. "My eyes gained their color because of my powers; it was an added side-effect you could say.

"My aura can also shield me from rain, rocks, the occasional bullet or knife." He shrugged. He then playfully put his arm around Aeron's shoulder and pulled her into a sort of hug. "And if someone is inside my aura, they're protected too, I would assume...haven't tried it yet." he chuckled.

"You have a car? Great! I walk everywhere, so..." He blushed and shrugged; his demeanor still sweet, gentle, and playful. He followed Aeron to her car and opened the driver side for her, closing it after she entered before literally hopping over the car and landing on the other side without a sound, flames around his legs and feet, making them appear cat like for a second before vanishing as he opened the car door and sat in the seat.

"Now, let's see.... which steakhouse to go to..." He contemplated. "Oh! There's Christos Steak House on 23rd Avenue. Some of the best steak in town, and they've got Greek sides. Kinda geeky for a first date, if you wanna call it that, since we were chosen by Greek gods, but.....oh well! Steak awaits!" He says, pointing triumphantly and puffing out his chest as if he were an action hero.


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Character Portrait: Aeron Diane Smith Character Portrait: Anthony Jeremy White
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Aeron listened carefully as Anthony talked about his powers. It was an interesting concept. He was not quite a shapeshifter but he did have some super neat abilities. Her's weren't nearly as interesting in retrospect, but he said he was a little envious of her, and that made her feel good. It made getting to work and school and lawyer appointments a snap to be able to blink and be there. The difficult part was getting there all in once piece and without being seen.

"My aura can also shield me from rain, rocks, the occasional bullet or knife." He continued to explain. As he lifted his arm to bring her into a hug, she flinched ever so slightly. It was barely noticeable, but a nasty habit she had. She eased into and laughed with him. "And if someone is inside my aura, they're protected too, I would assume...haven't tried it yet." he chuckled.

“That's pretty impressive! I feel safer already!” She teased. She curtsied playfully as he opened her door for her. As he leaped over her vehicle she laughed and shook her head. He was energetic and pleasant to be around. She could have faired much worse as bonds went.

"Oh! There's Christos Steak House on 23rd Avenue. Some of the best steak in town, and they've got Greek sides. Kinda geeky for a first date, if you wanna call it that, since we were chosen by Greek gods, but.....oh well! Steak awaits!"

Date? Aeron thought. She smiled. She supposed it was. She had never really been on a date before. Between work and school she never had the time for a normal social life. She had only ever had one boyfriend and she ended up breaking things off about three months before because she didn't want to string him along knowing the bond was coming along.

”What are you worried about kiddo? I have it on good authority from Artimis herself that this kid is nothing more than an overgrown kitten with a hot temper. You can tell him I said so.” Aeron chuckled a little.

“Hermes has informed me that your patron goddess has called you an 'overgrown kitten with a hot temper'” Aeron suddenly looked over at her date, worried this would offend him. “He talks a lot, sorry if he says something rude. I can't really deny passing along his messages.” It wasn't long before they were pulling into the steak house. Aeron started calculating her funds, this place looked fancy. She didn't have a lot of extra dough. All her money went to her lawyer as it were.

“This place looks upscale,” she tried her best to keep the worry out of her tone. She flashed a sweet smile to cover it. She straightened her dress and pink hair. At least she was dressed the part.


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Character Portrait: Aeron Diane Smith Character Portrait: Anthony Jeremy White
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Anthony gently patted her shoulder gently at her teasing, and chuckled again. As she spoke of what Artemis had told Hermes, a large blush came to his face and he was quiet for a few seconds before awkwardly laughing and clearing his throat. "O-oh really?" he chuckled, "I....guess I am? I could do without the temper, to be honest...but there isn't anything I can do about it....." he admitted.

He chuckled awkwardly again and scratched the back of his neck out of habit. "It's's what Hermes does; pass messages along." He said. As he saw the steakhouse he smiled and sat forward with interest.

"Don't worry about paying...I have plenty from a job I did earlier this week." He said, seeing the slightly worried look on her face. "Plus, I come here often; they give me a discount." He laughed softly as they pulled into a parking space and he exited the car, walking around to open the door for Aeron and offer her and hand to help her out of her car now.

After they entered, the service at the desk gave Anthony a small knowing nod, and he returned it. Another waiter came up and smiled "Always a pleasure, Anthony! Right this way." With that Anthony hooked his arm in Aeron's and walked with her after the waiter, who took them to a quiet booth in a corner of the steakhouse. "The usual for you, Anthony?" The waiter asked, at Anthony's nod he smiled and wrote it down. "And what will you have, Ma'am?" the waiter asked Aeron with a smile.

After they both ordered, Anthony sat back and yawned, his canines showing again for a second before he leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table as he looked at Aeron. "So....tell me. What made you make your deal with Hermes?" He asked rather calmly. "I can understand if you don't want to tell me; my reason for making the deal with Artemis isn't very....pretty, either." he added softly, but loud enough for her to hear him.


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Character Portrait: Aeron Diane Smith Character Portrait: Anthony Jeremy White
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Anthony was so cute, the way he blushed and scratched his head. Aeron smiled at him widely as he explained that he couldn't control his temper.

“It's nothing to be ashamed of. I don't think there is any reason to hide the way you feel. Everyone should just be themselves.”

”You are one to talk, oh-one-of-hiding-everything” She smiled to hide that Hermes was talking to her. She was always hiding everything with a smile.

Aeron flinched again as Anthony linked arms with her, but eased into it. It was a really sweet gesture, and for someone who hadn't ever really been on a real date like this, it felt rather nice. She allowed herself to be lead to the table.

Aeron stared down at the menu. She was having difficulty deciding, she didn't want to cost Anthony too much after he was being kind enough to pay for her. She played with a strand of her deep pink hair as she considered what to get, curling it around her finger.

“Uh... I'll take the 8oz sirloin, medium rare and the mashed potatoes?” She nodded as if to confirm it to herself, and handed the menu back to the server. She looked over at Anthony and he showed his canines and it caused Aeron to smile. She could see where some people would find them really intimidating, but she just found everything about him rather endearing. Was that the bond working? Or was it just her being attracted to him? She had been so guarded around men her entire life because she knew eventually this bond was going to happen. Maybe for the first time she was just allowing herself to realx.

"So....tell me. What made you make your deal with Hermes? I can understand if you don't want to tell me; my reason for making the deal with Artemis isn't very....pretty, either." Anthony said in a low voice. Aeron's heart sank. This wasn't a conversation she had been looking forward to having.

“Oh well I have six sisters. Back then, we were all pretty much identical. I'm the middle child so I never got a lot of attention,” Aeron was taking careful consideration of her face, trying to keep it from looking upset. “So Hermes came to me and offered to make me different, unique. He told me about the bond but being only eight at the time I didn't really care or understand what he was asking of me. I accepted. Since then my hair has been this color!” Aeron said happily. “...and of course I got my powers.” She looked up into Anthony's yellow eyes and considered for a moment telling him about how becoming different had backfired for her. How she was now an outcast in her own home, but thought better of it.

“That makes us kind of similar. You got your eyes and I got my hair,” She winked at him. “You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, about your past. I will understand if you don't want to go into it. I am just happy you are here. I'm really glad to have met you.” Aeron said with a slight blush. Anthony really did make her feel safer. Maybe that’s why Hermes sent him to her.

“Of course you can tell me if you want to! I just don't want you to feel pressured.”

The server brought them their food and Aeron started to eat slowly. It had been a while since she had eaten something this rich. It tasted heavenly.

“You weren’t kidding! This is amazing,” She said through a giggle. As the server left she locked eyes with Anthony and asked the question she had really been wanting to ask.

“So how do you feel about this whole bonding business? Were you excited, or nervous? Was it something you were dreading? I just find every one's opinions interesting. So I'm curious.” She knew she sounded weird but waved it off.


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Character Portrait: Aeron Diane Smith Character Portrait: Anthony Jeremy White
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Anthony listened calmly as she explained her reason for taking the deal with Hermes and he nodded understandingly. "I see..... well, you seem to have gotten what you wanted. I still had to work for my-" Then she asked him the question as to his own past and he paused for a second, waiting until the food had been brought to them and the server left them in quiet.

" told me, so I guess I owe you...." He looked around to make sure no one was listening and cleared his throat, scooting closer to Aeron and speaking low.

"My parents thought I was a monster when I was a child; my teeth frightened them, and they locked me in a cage for most of my life. When Artemis came, well, I got my powers, but I stayed there, thinking that my parents would change their minds about me, but they only shunned me more because of my eyes. For three years I begged for their love....for three years I grew closer to Artemis and mastered my powers." he explained calmly. Every now and then he paused to put a piece of food is mouth and eat it.

"I escaped, and lived on my own from then on until I moved into the apartment I'm living in now with two people who hardly know I exist, which is fine, 'cause they wouldn't understand me anyway." He chuckled softly, sadness in the undertone of his chuckle.

"But, yea, that's all about me... As for how I felt about the Bond, well..." He smiled and scooted away from Aeron just a tad so he had some elbow room to eat. He swallowed down his last piece of steak and continued. "I didn't feel anything about it until it was happening; at that point fear filled me, and I thought it would be another cage; not being able to do everything I want. But now.....I'm rethinking it." He said softly, an undertone of happiness and playfulness returning to his voice as it was his turn to wink at Aeron.

He found her stunningly beautiful; crazy pink hair and all, and enjoyed her presence; it filled him with energy he usually never had, and he felt complete....Wait..what? What was this? Love? Already? He barely met her! Oh man this Bond stuff was weird...... And it wasn't that bad.

Anthony blinked himself back to reality and smiled at Aeron; not knowing what else to say at the moment as the two ate their food together.


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Character Portrait: Aeron Diane Smith Character Portrait: Anthony Jeremy White
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As Anthony spoke Aeron felt a weight in her chest. He had been through so much. No one deserved to be treated that way. As she felt outrage at Anthony's parents she felt the crushing realization that her parents were the same. They considered her a freak, an outcast. The only difference was that instead of keeping her in a cage they barely cared what happened to her at all. She supposed hers was better.

Aeron reached out and grabbed Anthony's hand, almost on reflex. She wanted to comfort him, be there for him, but the words didn't form. All she could do was sit there and hold his hand and hope that her intentions were known.

“You are really strong, for having gone through all of that.” She said softly, her grey eyes full of emotion. She quickly dissipated it with a smile however, like she always did.

"But, yea, that's all about me... As for how I felt about the Bond, well...I didn't feel anything about it until it was happening; at that point fear filled me, and I thought it would be another cage; not being able to do everything I want. But now.....I'm rethinking it." Anthony said. Aeron smiled brightly.

“I have something kind of silly to admit. But as a little girl I used to fantasize about it all the time. My bond became kind of like how many girls think about their prince charming. Not that I really expect it to be like that any more. However I guess I always wanted to really like the person I was bonded too. I'm pretty lucky to have gotten you.” She gripped his hand and smiled brightly, before realizing she was holding it for a while. She coughed, a slight pinkness coming to her cheeks.

“It's pretty cool that you live in your own place now. I can't wait. I'm currently trying to get emancipated. It costs a lot. My parents don't know yet. I'm waiting until just before the court case to tell them. I don't think they would take the news well.” She kept her smile on her face the entire time she spoke of home, it was habit.

“Seriously though, thanks so much for dinner. It's been forever since I've eaten this well.” She looked over her new companion.

“Do you think I could try something? I don't get many people willing to do it with me. I don't get to practice talking telepathically with anyone other than Hermes.” She looked a little shy. “If that's okay with you.”


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Character Portrait: Aeron Diane Smith Character Portrait: Anthony Jeremy White
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As Aeron reached out and grabbed his hand, Anthony very gently closed his hand around hers, sensing the comfort she wanted to give him, and accepting it. Having powers that gave him abilities and sense akin to an alpha predatory had its perks; whether he wanted to or not, Anthony could always read body language as if he were hunting the person he looked at, and could sense just about everything about their current emotions by the way they moved and held themselves.

"Thank you." He said softly, giving her hand a small squeeze. "Of course, I was innocent back then; I had no real clue why they did it until after I escaped. My mother tried to be a good one by giving me some attention while I was in my cage, but she never let me out nor got too close." He sighed and then laughed, giving Aeron's hand another little squeeze. "I guess....they turned me into the kitten that I am...." he laughed again.

As Aeron admitted to him what she thought the bond would be like he couldn't help but chuckle, his eyes closed in amusement, and as she finished her sentence and gripped his hand, his eyes opened and he gripped her hand right back, noticing her blush he chuckled again. "I see that it's your turn to blush now." He said playfully.

He shrugged at the next part. "I guess it's okay; I sleep most of the day and my room-mates don't bug me all that much. They don't know I have powers, but they sense something different about me.....I wonder what it is!" this last part of his sentence was overly sarcastic, his canines showing while he laughed about it. He then tilted his head softly, his brow furrowed in concern. "Emancipated?" he asked quickly, his eyes narrowing to stop her from answering his question as he stared at her. He didn't even let her finish her story about the court case; he knew her smile was fake this time, his eyes showed it.

After she then thanked him for the meal he smirked and blinked his serious look vanishing as he shook his head. "It's the least I could do for a first date." He said, playfully raising her hand to his lips and kissing the back of it gently since they were still gripping each other's hands.

He tilted his head again at her next question and thought it over. "Sure! Don't be insulted if I don't respond all the time while we're around each-other. I prefer to read body-language; kind of a trait I get for being the Chosen of the Huntress Goddess." He said, smiling. "I can teach you to read body language, too if you want." He offered.

Soon the waiter came back and gave them their bill. Anthony looked at it for a second before pulling out a $100 Dollar bill and handing it to the waiter. "Here, keep half of what's extra for yourself, and the other half of what's extra to the cook. I insist." Anthony said, handing the server the bill and the bank note.

The server stood motionless for a while in disbelief and then smiled. "Y-yes! Thanks!" He said before turning and walking away quickly to get everything in order so Anthony and Aeron could leave. With that Anthony cleared his throat again. "Would you like to stay here for a little while and talk? Or maybe head somewhere else for a little while?" He asked; he was fine with it either way. After all, he was pretty laid back.


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Aeron felt stupid as those yellow eyes narrowed on her. She said to much, but he was being so honest. She thought maybe she could start to open up as well. She realized now that she was wrong. If she told him what was going on she would only worry him.

As his lips brushed the back of her hand she smiled and enjoyed the blush that came to her cheeks. It felt nice to have an affectionate touch. He had joked twice now about it being a first date, and Aeron thought now that it really was. Nice steak dinner, pleasant company.

“I'd love to learn!” Aeron said enthusiastically. “I can read people pretty well as it is, but I'm sure you are way better at reading body language.” She wanted to ask what her's said to him no, but refrained a little nervous as to what the answer would be.

”Did you want to go for a walk? I love New York at night. She asked mentally, testing her powers. She waited for his response.

“You can send messages back mentally too, but I've only ever had one person be able to do it. I think it takes some practice.” Aeron said aloud. She stood, straightened her dress and reached for Anthony's hand. She was getting rather fond of holding it. She knew she would have to end the night sooner than she would like, having both school and work the following day. She wondered what would happen once they parted ways. Would he want to see her again? She wanted to hold on to this evening as long as she could. Finally having someone that didn't see her as a freak was the most wonderful thing. She hadn't felt that relaxed in a long time.


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Character Portrait: Aeron Diane Smith Character Portrait: Anthony Jeremy White
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Anthony smiled as she said she'd love to learn how to read body language, and chuckled as she said he was probably better than her. Well, he did it all the time; preferring not to talk to people he doesn't know unless he likes their body language. He was loving hers; and wanted to see and read more of it. But he noticed something strange about it; something she was hiding. He couldn't decipher what it was, but he knew she was hiding something. Exactly what she was hiding however he'd have to ask her about, but not after more observation.

Anthony blinked as he heard her voice in his head and smiled, nodded. "Sure! I love a good walk at night as well." he told her mentally, hoping she'd hear it. He smiled as she said it required practice. "So does reading body language, as there is a lot to take in at once that you have to decipher as to how the person is feeling, if they're lying, etc." He listed, taking her hand in his again, and entwining his fingers with hers.

With his other hand he adjusted his hoodie and waved to the receptionist at the front desk of the steakhouse before opening the door for Aeron with a small smile. With all the hand-holding they were doing, they really did turn this into a first date, and Anthony knew it, but then again, he was enjoying himself, and Aeron seemed happy as well, which made Anthony even happier.

With that he let Aeron take the lead now; not knowing where she wanted to walk. Wherever she went, however, he stayed right next to her and held her hand, his fingers still entwined with hers. He kept his eyes looking around, being his usual observant self. Soon enough he saw someone that stood out from the still occupied streets of New York down the road and stopped, making Aeron stop.

"You see that man down there?" He asked, nodding towards him without looking at Aeron. "You see his stance? The way he holds himself?" His eyes were laser focused in on this man, and he wasn't blinking. "He is drunk, and he is looking for a fight." He said, giving her hand a squeeze. "I suggest we turn around now before he sees us." Anthony offered calmly. "I can't afford to lose a friend so soon after meeting them; let alone being bonded to them for the rest of our lives." He looked at her then, his eyes glimmering in the low light of the street they were currently on.

"It also wouldn't be very fun to show you how nasty I can get with someone when I lose my temper.......It would scare you." He said; his tone of voice alone was proof enough.

With that Anthony turned and gave Aeron's hand a light tug; wanting her to now follow him back to her car so he could see her home safely, or at least spend more time with her wherever she wanted to go.


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Character Portrait: Aeron Diane Smith Character Portrait: Anthony Jeremy White
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Aeron squealed in delight as Anthony's voice sounded in her mind. Only her last boyfriend had been able to talk to her in that way, and it had taken them a long time before they were able to. It must have been the bond that allowed them to talk so easily.

As his fingers laced with hers Aeron blushed, but was very smiley. She enjoyed the feel of his hand in hers. It felt right, complete. For the first time she felt totally safe and secure.They walked down the street, the colored lights of the city shining brightly around them. She felt like this whole day was a fairy tale. Here she was with a sweet, attractive boy, holding hands in the city she loved. She felt like nothing could go wrong. She was dreading going home, she knew as soon as she pulled in that drive way all of her good feelings would go away.

"You see that man down there?You see his stance? The way he holds himself?" Aeron looked to where Anthony was pointing.

“Yeah I see him.” She replied. Something was off about him, Aeron could tell that much.

"He is drunk, and he is looking for a fight." Anthony gave her hand a firm squeeze as he said it. I suggest we turn around now before he sees us. I can't afford to lose a friend so soon after meeting them; let alone being bonded to them for the rest of our lives." Anthony turned and looked at her. His yellow eyes meeting her Grey ones in the dim light. He was serious, there was a deadly calm about them.

"It also wouldn't be very fun to show you how nasty I can get with someone when I lose my temper.......It would scare you." his tone was hard and cold, but Aeron wasn't afraid of him. She was more scared of the man ahead of them.

”I'm not scared of you.” She said sweetly. As he took her hand and lead her away she followed Anthony. The man started calling to her. She regretted wearing the fancy dress she had picked out suddenly, because the man was cat calling after her. She kept a firm grip on Anthony's hand to keep him from doing anything to him.

“Here, I'll get us out of here,” She said softly to him. She led him into an alley where no one could see them. “Just trust me okay?” She faced Anthony and wrapped her arms around his neck, she was very close to him now. She was blushing like crazy as she realized how close they were standing. She cleared her mind and closed her eyes, when she opened them she and Anthony were standing in the parking lot of the restaurant in the same stance they had been in seconds before.

Aeron coughed and slid back a ways from Anthony, taking her arms from around his neck.

“I'm pretty good at getting away from bad situations,” She said with a chuckle. “I don't really want to go home yet, but I probably should. It's getting late.” Aeron said with a sigh. She looked at Anthony, twirling her pink hair. She really didn't want to leave yet.

“Well, actually if you are free I have a really cool place to show you. I go there all the time, I think you would like it.” She climbed in the car and waited for her date to join her.


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Character Portrait: Aeron Diane Smith Character Portrait: Anthony Jeremy White
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As Aeron told Anthony she wasn't scared of him, he chuckled softly. "It helps that I'm not a very intimidating guy to look at, I assume." he said. Anthony's hand tightened around hers as the drunk man cat-called to Aeron, but Anthony didn't stop or turn to look; that's how fights start.

Suddenly Aeron took the lead and he followed her to an Alley way. At her question to trust her, he nodded, and blushed darker than she did when she wrapped her arms around his neck, and in return he put his arms around her waist; just feeling that if a pretty girl was gonna do this to him, he might as well do it back as best he could. Now that she was this close and her eyes were closed, Anthony got a really good look at her, and reveled in how beautiful she actually was, his blush lightening up a bit as he calmed down.

However as they appeared in the parking lot, Anthony blinked and looked around; he'd forgotten for a second that she can teleport. As she slid backwards and took her arms away from his neck, he smiled and laughed awkwardly, scratching the back of his head again.

"I can tell!" He smiled and then he sighed; a sigh of jealousy. "It must be nice, being able to teleport like that. So much freedom...." he said, envy in his voice. He then looked back and sighed. "But you can't run from every problem you run in to....can you?" He asked, not as a rhetorical question, but as a legitimate question for her to answer. "I'm constantly reading your body language, to be honest; it's a habit...." he sighed, his breath visible because of the cold air.

"If you don't want to tell me, it's fine, I won't pry if you don't want to." He said calmly, patting her shoulder gently before following her into her car, and sitting in the passenger seat, nodding with a smile now.

"Sure! I'm pretty much always free, we go to our next adventure!" He said playfully, the playfulness filling his eye. Once they started driving to their next stop, Anthony cleared his throat. "So, you gonna tell me where we're going? Or am I gonna have to figure it out when we get there?" he asked, the playfulness still oozing out of his voice as he looked at her.

He'd never been so happy before! He found it strange how a beautiful girl like Aeron could be bonded to him, like him, and have himself like her back! He just couldn't figure it out yet, and he could only assume it was the Bond between them, and maybe even the Gods playing with them a little bit. But aside from that....he didn't know.


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Character Portrait: Aeron Diane Smith Character Portrait: Anthony Jeremy White
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Aeron smiled as she saw the blush on Anthony's cheeks. She was happy to see that she had the same effect on him that he had on her. She could still feel his hand on her waist. The feeling left her feeling very light hearted.

"But you can't run from every problem you run in to....can you? I'm constantly reading your body language, to be honest; it's a habit...." Anthony told her as he climbed into her car. "If you don't want to tell me, it's fine, I won't pry if you don't want to."

Aeron sighed as she started the engine to her car. Of course he could see through her, he was a hunter, he could read body language and no matter how many times she practiced smiling in the mirror , Anthony had seen what her real smiles looked like. She was sure he could tell the difference.

“I don't like being at home much. My sisters, despite being all different ages are all blonde and pretty and similar. I'm the black sheep. So they are like this clique and I'm not. I'm different. My parent's don’t like me for being different either. When I'm at home it's like I don't exist. It gets pretty lonely.” Aeron explained. “That's why I'm trying to get emancipated, and why I work a lot. I'm ready not to live there anymore.”

When Anthony asked about where they were going she grinned. He always knew what to say to lighten the mood.

“I am not sure you would be able to guess. It's nothing special, but I come here a lot.” She parked the car. But it appeared they were just in a vacant area. “It's pretty far away, it will be quicker to do it this way.” She explained. She waited for him to exit the vehicle and then wrapped her arms around him again. She breathed slowly, closing her eyes and when she opened them they were in a wooded area.

“I'll make sure you make it back to the city in one piece.” She said, lingering a little with her arms wrapped around him. She then smiled and backed up. Trying not to come on to strong to fast. However, she was enjoying herself around him a lot. She wasn't fighting the feelings as she had been at first. It didn't matter to her if she had a crush on Anthony or if she was just feeling the effects of the bond. What mattered was they were both enjoying themselves. She took Anthony's hand and led him a ways in to the woods.

“I promise I'm not some crazy person dragging you off into the woods,” She joked. “Not that you are worried, you could probably take me.” Aeron let out a gentle laugh. Soon they were at a tree with a ladder. She climbed up the ladder into a little balcony built around the trunk of the tree. From up there the stars were clear and it was quiet, the only noises were that of the woods alive around her. It was her favorite spot.

“We used to live out here, my dad built this place for me and my sisters to play, but I'm the only one who comes here now.” Aeron stated. “I come here a lot, so I figured I would show it to you. And with you being a mighty hunter, I figured you would enjoy it.”


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Character Portrait: Aeron Diane Smith Character Portrait: Anthony Jeremy White
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As Aeron started to explain her situation at home, Anthony listened quietly and nodded in a bit of understanding, and when she was done he put his hand on her shoulder gently again. "Living alone is pretty lonely, too, you know. Trust me I know...that's how I lived eight years of my life; Alone with no one to talk to. No one to one love." He said, looking at her as he realized what he said, and blushed.

Her grin put a smile on his face again, and he chuckled as she explained it just a little, getting out of the car as she did, looking around them before his attention was captured again by her wrapping her arms around him again, again making him blush as he put his arms around her in return. Suddenly the smell of the woods filled his nostrils and he blinked a few times, not used to it as he looked around, keeping his arms around Aeron's waist and not letting her go until he realized he was still holding on, at which point he cleared his throat and chuckled, stepping back. He had done this maybe a few seconds after she let go of him and tried to step away as well, which made him chuckle awkwardly even more.

He gave her hand a light squeeze as she took his in hers and lead him to the tree-ladder. He laughed at her joke and it left a smile on his face. "I dunno, last I checked it wasn't very cool to hit a girl." he joked in return, patting her shoulder again. Aeron had probably already guessed that he really was an overgrown kitten; what with how touchy he was with her.

He followed her up the ladder and onto the balcony, and his eyes widened as he looked around, standing on the balcony and staring at all the stars, and listening to the nature around them. "This is beautiful, Aeron......" He said, amazed. He looked at her, and then back to the sky. "I mean....I've never seen so many stars in my life.....its......" His voice trailed off as he stared and listened. Eventually, his hand found hers, and he entwined his fingers with hers again. He then decided to sit and lean against the tree trunk, pulling Aeron down with him as he just sat there in silence and let this moment sink in.

After a long while of just silence he blinked slowly and turned his head to look at Aeron dead in the eyes. "This is so much better than what I did for you....Thank you." he said, leaning his head against hers, as if connecting their thoughts together. So far he didn't see any hesitation of the intimacy between them from Aeron, and that meant he could kiss her right now, but he didn't, fearing that he was misreading her.

For now he just sat in silence, and looked deeply into her eyes, not even trying to read her anymore; just letting himself get lost in those eyes of hers.


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Character Portrait: Aeron Diane Smith Character Portrait: Anthony Jeremy White
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"This is beautiful, Aeron......I mean....I've never seen so many stars in my life.....its......" Anthony trailed off his voice was full of awe. She was a little started as his hand was drawn to her own, their fingers lacing together. He sat down, pulling Aeron down with him, they sat against the trunk together, their bodies close in the cool weather. The silence was welcoming. It was nice just to enjoy each other's company. He had said only moments before that he had no one to hold. No one to love. She was starting to feel like that could defiantly change for both of them.

She found herself staring into his deep yellow eyes. She felt somewhat like what a prey would feel like. Paralyzed under his gaze. But not in a bad way at all. She just felt like she could stare at them forever."This is so much better than what I did for you....Thank you." He leaned his head against hers and she returned the gesture, leaning into his embrace. She was amazed at how magical this whole night had become. She went from being scared about the Bond to almost not being able to imagine her life without it.

Was she reading him correctly? Did he want to kiss her now? His eyes were on hers, but it was different now. He wasn't reading her, or analyzing her. He was just enjoying the moment with her. For the first time in her entire life she felt safe and at ease. She never wanted to leave the tree tops. For the first time in her life she wasn't a freak. In fact he had openly stated how cool her powers were. She wasn't alone any more.

She wanted to kiss him too, but she wasn't sure how to proceed. She had never made the first move before, and she wasn't the master of body language like Anthony she could be totally off base. Was it too soon? Her mind was flooded with questions. She tried to push them all from her mind. Just enjoy yourself with him, try not to stress. She told herself. She deserved to have a night like this.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and nestled into him, enjoying the warmth that came off his body. With her arms bare, she was a little cold but she didn't mind. She was so comfortable right now, she couldn't imagine being any where else in the entire world.

She raised her head up, locking eyes with him again. Their faces close, she stayed there for a while longer. Her hands ran up the back of his neck, she blocked out all the worried thoughts and just enjoyed feeling close to him.

”This has been the best night of my life”She told him weakly. She didn't have the courage to say it out loud.


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Character Portrait: Aeron Diane Smith Character Portrait: Anthony Jeremy White
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Anthony's breathing started to slow down as he became more and more relaxed, but his heart kept pounding in his chest the closer Aeron got to him. When she lifted her head and locked eyes with him again, their faces close, Anthony let out a long, slow breath as his heart pounded in his chest as hard as it could.

He felt her hands on the back of his neck and knew from that alone that she, too, wanted to kiss him. He leaned his forehead against hers one more time as she told him "This has been the best night of my life" and he smiled softly. His heart stopped for a second and his eyes blinked suddenly, his yellow eyes softly glowing and the pupils adjusting to the light as he stared into her eyes. Did he just hear her correctly? He had to of; his hearing was so good!

His heart beat faster and faster and harder as well, and his breathing started to quicken as he got nervous. This was it, he was truly falling in love with this girl. He knew somewhere Artemis and Hermes were leaning forward with anticipation as to what was going to happen next, but he didn't care. He was here, now, with this beautiful girl so close to him, and he didn't want to be outside of a few inches away from her, so he scooted closer just a bit, their bodies and legs touching as they sat together.

"I-I'm glad.....It's been the best night of my life, too." He whispered softly to her. Now was the time, he thought, for that kiss. With a bit of hesitation, Anthony slowly closed his eyes and leaned forward a bit more, his lips heading directly for Aeron's. After an agonizingly long second of suspense, his lips met hers, and held it there for a while, making the kiss as deep as a first kiss between a couple could get.

Anthony's right hand gently moved up to cup Aeron's face and hold her there while he pulled back from this kiss. Truth be told, this first kiss nearly knocked him out because of how unbelievably nervous he was, and he pulled back to take a breath briefly before moving in again for another one, already addicted to the kiss, to this love...

...and to Aeron.


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Character Portrait: Aeron Diane Smith Character Portrait: Anthony Jeremy White
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As he shifted closer to her Aeron's heart got caught in her chest. There was something totally different here than there was the last time she had gone on a date. Everything felt right and natural. The last time things had made her nervous and fearful. Maybe it was the bond, maybe it was love. All Aeron cared about now was the warmth that washed over her as he moved closer to her.

"I-I'm glad.....It's been the best night of my life, too." Anthony whispered in her ear. There was something so sensual about his breath so close to her. It gave her goosebumps down her arms. She wasn't even cold any more. He was so close to her now, his lips hovering just above her own. She denied every urge inside her that wanted to pull him down to finish the connection. She waited in agony as he did. Finally his lips fell down on hers. As Anthony deepened the kiss she tightened his arms around his neck, falling helplessly into it. It was bliss. She had never felt closer to another person before. This kiss, her first, was the most amazing thing she had ever experienced.

Her mind filled with images she couldn't explain. It was a heightened world, she could see everything. But in the center of it all was her. Aeron barely recognized herself in the images. She was stunning, she almost seemed to glow with life. It moved her almost to tears for anyone to see her in that light, she realized that this was how Anthony saw her.

He pulled away and Aeron was jolted back to reality. With his hand cupping her face, she was staring at his yellow eyes in awe. She had never done that before. The most she ever was able to do was give short messages over a few miles, never had she been able to see inside someone's mind. It was a beautiful thing.

It didn't take him long to lean into her again, she met him half way, loosing herself in the kiss, her fingers found themselves in his brown hair, pulling him deeper into the embrace. This time she didn't get any images, just a feeling of happiness and a mix of some other emotions she couldn't quite place. When the kiss ended she found herself still holding on to him, afraid if she let go that she would be swept away from reality and into his mind.

“Woah...” She said breathless. She didn't know how to explain to him what had just happened, honestly she was a little afraid to. Would he feel violated. She decided honesty was the best policy. It would only be worse if she chose not to tell him. What if it got worse, what if eventually she saw things she wasn't supposed to.

“This is new to me...” She said slowly, trying to regain her composure. She was giddy, she couldn't stop smiling despite what she was trying to tell him. “I don't know if it was the bond or what... but I got flashes from you when we kissed,” She said trying to explain it. “I'm not sure what it was but for a second I could see through your eyes.”

“Sorry if that's invasive, I didn't do it on purpose,” She was blushing now. She could barely look him in the eye, instead she just nestled into his chest.

A few moments later her phone vibrated. Aeron sighed not wanting this night to be over, but it was getting quite late. Reluctantly, she pulled away and pulled her phone out of her bag. It was a text from the oldest sister. Brittany.

It's late. I know you have some freak thing going on, but you should probably get home before it gets serious thats all it said. Aeron allowed her face to go to stone, so she wouldn't alarm. Anthony.

“I hate to do this, I would stay here forever if I could, but I should probably drive you home.” She slowly untangled herself from him and stood offering him her hand.


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Character Portrait: Aeron Diane Smith Character Portrait: Anthony Jeremy White
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Anthony chuckled at how cute she seemed; however, in truth, he was inexperienced as well, having never gotten this close with anyone before. As she explained the flashes she got from their kiss, he blinked slowly and let out a rather interested "huh..." he then thought about it, and it was his turn to blush deeply again. She had seen what she looked like through his eyes, hat he thought of her, what he saw. She saw the beauty that Anthony could see pouring from her body.

"'s fine. I don't mind it too much. I don't have much to hide in there anyway." He said softly to her, kissing her forehead. He then cleared his throat and sighed. "To be honest...I'm inexperienced with this whole....lovey-dovey stuff too...." He said, blushing and looking away from her in embarrassment. "That....was my first kiss." He admitted. As she nestled into his chest he blushed more and smiled softly as well. She would be able to hear his heartbeat, loud, slow, strong, and proud like a drum.

As Aeron's phone buzzed and she read the text, Anthony noticed the change in facial expression. He was about to ask her what was wrong before she suddenly started talking. He bit his bottom lip and sighed. "Well...why can't you stay forever?" He asked jokingly, not intending her to answer as he stood up with her, holding her hand in his and giving it a playful, yet gentle squeeze.

" suppose I should go home, however....I'll give you directions once we're in your car." He said softly, his tone gentle, soothing, and honestly? a bit love-struck. Once Anthony and Aeron were in her car and driving, Anthony directed her towards a little apartment building not too far from Central Park. As Aeron stopped and parked the car, Anthony smiled and unbuckled his seat belt.

"Thanks....I'll see you tomorrow?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. He didn't want to be separate from her for a second, and simply couldn't wait to be back with her again; to hold her in his arms, to himself around her.


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Character Portrait: Aeron Diane Smith Character Portrait: Anthony Jeremy White
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It didn't take long to get back to the car. Aeron was able to just blink back to the parking lot her car was at. All Aeron could think of while they were driving was that she wished this emancipation stuff would have happened a bit sooner. They could be lounging on her couch right now, cuddled up but instead she was having to break her magical night to go home to her soul crushing family.

“That was my first kiss to,” Aeron said softly. The delay seemed silly to her, but she felt strange saying it. “I couldn't tell that it was yours. It was....” She looked for the word. She took her eyes off the road for a moment to look at him. “..perfect.”

She parked in his parking lot, not wanting to say goodbye. She wanted to go back to the woods. She wanted to go back to the diner. Even back to that stressful little coffee shop. Anywhere as long as she could take Anthony with her. The last place she wanted to go was home, without him.

"Thanks....I'll see you tomorrow?" He asked as he unbuckled his seat belt. Aeron leaned across the console and gave him another kiss, her hand on his face.

“Of course,” She whispered. “Oh! I don't know how far my connection goes just yet. I should probably give you my number.” She said suddenly and fumbled around in her bag for a pen. She found the little notebook she kept with her to keep up with all her appointments and ripped out a lightly pink tinted page. She jotted down her number and handed it to him.

“I have school tomorrow morning, and then a short shift at work. But I get off at eight if you want to do something,” For the first time in her life she wished she didn't have school or work. She just wanted to spend time with Anthony.

She gave Anthony another kiss goodbye before driving sadly driving off. Under normal circumstances, this close to being able to go to sleep she could just blink her car home. But she wasn't in any rush to get there. She drove slowly, wishing her passenger seat still had a certain sharp toothed, yellowed eyed person sitting in it.

The house was quiet when she came in, her parents probably already in their room. She closed the door quietly and walked along the carpeted hallway. She was almost to her room when Brittany stepped out of hers.

“Finally home I see?” She said snootily. Aeron only nodded, not wanting to have a confrontation. She had had too good of a night to ruin it now.

“So what kind of Freaky little things were you doing 'Oh Goddess'” Her sister mocked her, gesturing to the dress. Aeron ignored her and went into her bedroom. There was no lock on her door or she would have locked it for good measure. Brittany followed her in.

“Don't want to talk about it? Fine. Just keep all of your creepiness away from the other girls okay? I don't want them to become infected." Brittany closed the door and left Aeron alone. Aeron sighed and thanked Hermes for small favors. She removed her dress and hung in her closet, and put on an oversized t-shirt. She crawled into bed. Even Brittany couldn't bother her tonight, she was high on life. Tomorrow evening couldn't come fast enough.

”I don't know if you can hear me, but I'm so glad I met you. Not to sound clingy or anything.” She added as an after thought. She thought about texting him, just to feel a bit of that safe feeling before she went to sleep but thought better of it. She didn't want to seem needy. She laid in bed for some time before dozing off, phone clutched in her hand.


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Anthony blushed as he learned that it was Aeron's first kiss as well, and he sighed, half relief, half....he didn't know what; love, he supposed. For the rest of the ride his mind was racing of all the things that Aeron did that made him happy, even if he had known her for such a short while. He came to realize that the only thing she did that he didn't like was hide something from him. For now, however, he understood; he was something new that she would have to adjust to, but then, she seemed well enough adjusted by now.

As she leaned over the console and gave him a kiss, he kissed her right back, leaning his face into her hand like a purring kitten. He then took the slip of paper with her number on it and nodded, returning her next kiss before leaving the car and watching her drive off. After she left his sight he stood there, half wanting to follow her, half wanting to sleep. He decided that he should sleep; having not slept since Artemis unceremoniously woke him up at least four hours ago.

He walked up to his door and unlocked it, closing it and locking it behind him. He was greeted by the sight of Andrew passed out on the sofa, and Jack sitting at the dinner table with nothing but a form-fitting tank-top and sweats on. He raised his eyebrows and walked over into the fridge, pulling out a pitcher of filtered water and pouring himself a glass.

"Surprised to see you're awake, AJ." Jack said to him. Anthony looked to the female and smiled, chuckling. "Honestly, we'd thought you forgotten about us." Jack was sarcastic as Anthony put back the pitcher and took a drink.

"To tell you the truth, Jack, I sometimes think you two forget about me more than I sleep." Anthony chuckled as Jack stood up and faced Anthony. He'd known she harbored feelings for him because of his exotic look, but he never let her act upon them; knowing the bond was coming. "If you're thinking of doing something, Jack, stop. I'll explain everything to you in the morning, or...whenever I wake up tomorrow if you're around." He said, finishing the cup of water and washing it before heading to his room and locking his door.

He sighed and took off his clothes, tossing his shirt, jacket, pants, and shoes all into the same pile on a chair on the other side of his room, and pulling a pair of sweats on as well as a loose-fitting tank-top which showed off his toned muscular arms. He yawned and collapsed onto his bed, laying there for quite a while before suddenly: ”I don't know if you can hear me, but I'm so glad I met you. Not to sound clingy or anything.”

Anthony blinked and tensed up for a second before he recognized Aeron's voice and calmed down, smiling softly. "I can hear you loud and clear, and it was an absolute pleasure to meet you as well, Aeron. And don't worry about being clingy; like Artemis said....I'm an over grown kitten, remember?" he laughed softly to himself before turning onto his side and falling asleep.


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Anthony's voice was the last thing Aeron heard as she lost consciousness. She didn't have time to be amazed at the distance she had been able to get, let alone Anthony's response. They were miles away. It had to be the bond. Soon she was sleeping.

When she dreamed, she dreamed of Anthony, of his yellow eyes filling her with warmth and life as they sat amongst the stars. It was a sappy dream, but when she woke she felt so happy, she was humming as she started her day. She dressed a little more plainly today, but still wanted to look nice. She had Anthony to look forward too after school and work.

She pulled on a white skirt, the front was shorter, hitting just above her knee, the back almost hitting her ankles. On top of that she added a form fitting black top. She put gladiator style gold sandals that went up her calves. She brushed out her pink curls and did some light make up. Satisfied with how she looked, she was able to get out of the house before her sisters woke. She briefly considered skipping class and going to see Anthony, but thought better of it. She needed to stay focused on her studies now more than ever. She couldn't screw up, she was so close to getting her emancipation.

She drove herself to school resisting the urge to text Anthony. Even if he was an overgrown kitten, she didn't want to seem like she was some crazy stalker girl. Classes went by in a blur, Aeron was barely there, she took her notes and did her best to pay attention, but she found herself staring at the clock and wishing it was time to see Anthony. She broke down and texted him when she got out of school.

Hey! I would have just asked you the 'usual way' but I didn't want to startle you. What were you wanting to do today? Do you want to meet me at work or should I come pick you up?” she asked.

She refreshed her make up a bit in the car before she headed to work, eating a protein bar during the drive. She pulled into the Game Stop parking lot, grabbed her name tag out of the glove box and went into work.

She worked hard, trying to make sure she and the other worker could get out of there as early as possible. When eight hit she waved goodbye to her co-workers and went to her car, quickly fixing herself back up and then drove over to Anthony's house. With a deep breath to calm her nerves, she got out of the car, fixed her skirt and then walked up to his door and gave a knock.