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Chris Flynn

"My pain, my mistakes, they define me."

0 · 1,614 views · located in New York

a character in “Victims of the Bond”, as played by CutUp


Centuries| Fall Out Boy || This Is Gonna Hurt| Sixx A.M. || My Demons| Starset
"I don't know why I do the things I do. I just do it."


Name: Christopher Toby Flynn
Nickname: Chris
Age: 18
God: Zeus
Powers: Electrokinesis- Chris has the ability to create, and manipulate electricity. He can absorb, and is immune to electricity. Other than the obvious uses of his powers in the form of electrical attacks, he can also enhance his strength, and reflexes by stimulating his nerves. He can also use his powers to heal himself by stimulating his molecules, thus renewing damaged cells, this can also provide energy to reduce fatigue, and allowing for optimal health. He does have the capacity to heal others as well, but he lacks the fine control to do it safely.
Miner Atmokinesis- He has a very limited ability to alter the weather. He can only make small thunderclouds, which allow him to unleash a powerful strike of lightning. This needs a lot of energy, so he rarely uses it.
Weaknesses: Water- His biggest weakness is large bodies of water. Water shorts out his powers, thus making them weaker or completely depleted.
Temper- His temper can get the better of him.
Women- He can be easily distracted by a pretty face.
Sexuality: Heterosexual

"I'm 6 feet of pure rugged good looks, and sass."


Chris is a 6'2, blonde, and highly athletic young man. He weighs roughly around 200 pounds. He has dark green eyes. He generally carries himself as a confident, self-assured, and happy-go-lucky guy. He has several deep scars on his back, scars that he won't talk about to anyone. He also has a tattoo on his inner right forearm of a lightning bolt.
He generally wears simple clothing, nothing to flashy. For example a pair plain jeans, sneakers, and a button down shirt. Most of the shirts he wears are red, his favorite color. He also wears a necklace of a dream catcher with a eagle in the center at all times.

"People don't change, who they think they are does."


•Lemon-Lime Sodas
•Rock Music
•TV Shows

•Large bodies of water
•Being told what to do
•Enclosed spaces

•Tight spaces
•Death because of him

"I'm just me. If you can't deal with it, then go screw yourself with a power drill."



{Stubborn, Ill Tempered, Impulsive, Caring, Sarcastic, Flirty, Brave}

Chris is very stubborn, and never gives up on anything. He can he very difficult to work with due to this. He is very ill tempered and has very poor impulse control, which often leads him to fights, and due to his stubborn, and brave nature he will never back down from a fight, especially a good one. Despite his more violent tendencies he is a very caring guy to those he is close too, and considers a friend.

He is very sarcastic, and loves to make jokes, usually they are extremely cheesy, the kind you just have to laugh at due to there horribleness. He loves flirting with just about any woman he sees, with some equally cheesy pick up lines. Though most of the time it's just 'art appreciation' rather then a real interest. Despite all that he can have surprising moments of insight, and wisdom.

He is pretty rebellious, and dislikes being forced to follow orders. He also enjoys getting a rise out of people, and annoying them. He is pretty opinionated and when there's something he doesn't like, he'll make sure you know it. He also doesn't talk much about his past, and one can tell that he holds some kind of guilt over something.

"There's always pain before you get better. That's how we heal."


Chris was born and raised in the backwoods of Kentucky, the youngest of two boys. His father was a sadistic, abusive, drunk bastard of a man who took great pleasure beating on his sons, and on occasion his wife. His mother was a broken woman who allowed it to happen. Due to them living in such a rural area, no one paid any mind to them. Even when the boys went to school people didn't notice, or tried their best not to.

Things came to a head when he was 5 years old, when the ruler of the Olympians, the Father of the Gods and men, Zeus himself came to Chris. Zeus said that he would give him the power to fight back, to never be threated this way ever again. He didn't go into the exact details of what his future as one of the chosen would hold, but Chris didn't care, he accepted without hesitation, anything was worth getting out of that hell.

Zeus gave him his powers, and disappeared just as mysteriously as he came. Next Chris just waited. When his father ordered him to do something, Chris responded with a smart-ass comment. That enraged his father, and he started to 'punish' Chris. But Chris fired a powerful bolt of lightning at him. Chris bombarded him with a steady stream of electricity, releasing years of pent up rage, and pain. His mother tried to stop him, but Chris was blind by rage, and attacked her as well.

Chris' lightning caused a fire in their home, and his brother calmed him down so they could escape the inferno. Him and his brother escaped unharmed, their parents weren't as fortunate. His brother, who was 18 at the time, took care of Chris. They left Kentucky behind and started traveling the East Coast. They eventually settled in Boston.

Although he never showed it, his brother was scared of Chris' powers, but he still loved his brother and would do anything for him. Chris found himself feeling guilty over what happened to his parents. He started acting out, he got into fights, and trouble. His brother tried to talk some sense into him, to no avail. Chris left his brother when he turned 18, because he knew something was going to happen.

Franklin Flynn| Father| Deceased
Bonita Flynn| Mother| Deceased
Jack Flynn| Brother| Alive

FC: Alexander Ludwig

So begins...

Chris Flynn's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chris Flynn Character Portrait: Katherine Amelia Jones Character Portrait: Jaime Character Portrait: Aeron Diane Smith Character Portrait: Anthony Jeremy White Character Portrait: Lewis Hartley
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Now this one has potential, much more interesting then the others. Jamie thought with a small smile as the chosen of Apollo introduced herself. Meredith, nice name.

Her appeal was sealed in the Beserker's mind however when she replied that she could also use a real drink. And when the woman derided the situation earned Meredith bonus points in Jamie's mind. Suddenly this bonded thing didn't seem so bad in his mind. Ares being the eternal jester the Vice President of the Southside Demons Motorcycle Club knew he'd just as likely end up with that mouse of woman handing out the name tags. there is an idea. Teach ya to ignore me skreb. Ares spoke with laughter tinging his speech.

Just try it Ares but remember even a God can die. The scarred and tattoed street fighter answered the mental equivalent of dropping the gauntlet.

And that is why I love ya, you got the balls to challenge the God of War himself.

His conversation with the chosen of Apollo ended however as the summons to some sort of dinner was announced. At that Jamie's newest companion's stomach growled, a feeling he could sympathize with. One did not get to become the Berserker's size without learning the value of a square meal.

" Sure sounds like a date." He replied to Meredith's question with a decisive nod that spoke volumes to those that knew him. The bitch that was Lady Fortuna could rope him into a bond but his life was his own in the end. Filing into the dining room with the others he took a seat at the far end of the table, pulling out a chair for Meredith as he did.

Piling a plate with a lot of everything he dug around the inner pockets of his leather jacket and withdrew a silver flask engraved with his MC's crest. Opening it he poured a few drops onto the floor, whispering a prayer for the fallen. Then he took a sip and placed it by his table indicating Meredith was free to take a sip herself.

" Russian Vodka, Pyatizvyozdnaya. Nothing but the best for a Southside Demon. "

Eating with deft but quick bets he scanned the room taking it all in. All the theories about the table decorations and its link to their current situation. He also found himself agreeing with the chosen of Athena and his speech about being the real masters of their fate.

You listening skreb, ya still free. A bond is hardly the steel bars of a cage.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chris Flynn Character Portrait: Katherine Amelia Jones Character Portrait: Jaime Character Portrait: Aeron Diane Smith Character Portrait: Anthony Jeremy White Character Portrait: Lewis Hartley
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#, as written by CutUp

Chris continued to stuff his face when the gothic looking chick, Hades pick of course, started shooting out insults at him. 'What did I do?' He thought to himself. 'Do you need a list?' The voice of the almighty Zeus thundered in his mind. 'Dammnit Zeusy! You know I hate that telepathic BS!' Chris shouted in his mind. He's a little uncomfortable with him being in his deepest thoughts, a feeling that Zeus most likely shares. 'You say that like I should care. I'm just checking in. Making sure you haven't sullied my name too much.' Zeus stated. 'No more than usual. Now please get out of my head! Or else you're gonna see some shit. Do you really want to see what I filter?' Zeus didn't give a reply.

Now onto the matter at hand. Chris got up from his chair, and relocated next to Hades' pick. And now the games begin. "What's the matter Doom N' Gloom? Jealous? Not gettin' enough attention from the big dog?" he asked with a sly grin. "Don't like me much huh? Oh! And look at that you're Hades pick as well. Ain't that something. Hades' pick doesn't like Zeus'. That's very stereotypical of you." He smirked. "Tell me, are you just as obvious? Do you like bad poetry, and heavy metal too? Do you just feel no one understands you, and all that angsty junk?" He said with a chuckle.

His attention then turned to the newest arrival, Hermes' pick. And what a fine pick she was. "Hi Aeron." He calmly, and suavely answered with a charming grin. "I'm Chris, and the pleasures all mine my dear." He then gently took her right hand, and gave it a gentle kiss, all while he kept one eye on Lennon's face, watching for her reaction, and gave her a small wink. That little show was all to annoy her. He then leaned back in his chair with a satisfied smile. He looked over at Lennon, a look that almost dared her to do something.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chris Flynn Character Portrait: Katherine Amelia Jones Character Portrait: Jaime Character Portrait: Aeron Diane Smith Character Portrait: Anthony Jeremy White Character Portrait: Lewis Hartley
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Lennon's eye started twitching in the middle of Chris's speech. There was no way she was going to let on how much he hit home. Was she really a stereotype? Thinking about, she realized that she was a match for everything people thought of about the goth and punk lifestyle.

Another girl came in and introduced herself as Aeron. She rolled her eyes at Chris's greeting to her. He sat back down and gave her look that just pissed her off. ”Barf. At least I'm comfortable in my own skin and don't have to seek the approval of others in order to feel good about myself. Flirting with women just to get validated by their attention is just sad.” She had no idea if she was anywhere close to hitting the mark, but she hoped she was at least in the ballpark. She's known quite a few guys like this before, and that's how it always was with them.

'Hades, your brother's Chosen is ticking me off,' she thought, knowing full well he wouldn't answer.

She realized that she was probably making a scene, but didn't really care. She did feel for Aeron coming when she did, though. The girl probably did not expect to be walking into this.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chris Flynn Character Portrait: Katherine Amelia Jones Character Portrait: Jaime Character Portrait: Aeron Diane Smith Character Portrait: Anthony Jeremy White Character Portrait: Lewis Hartley
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#, as written by Belynta
Meredith Mackenzie

Meredith had to stop herself from staring at just how much Ares's chosen had piled on his plate, she had a healthy appetite but doubted she would manage half of what he had in front of him. She had some idea of how he had gotten to be so big and how he stayed that way. Not that she was complaining, he had very nice biceps, but it also occurred to her that if he really wanted to he could flatten her without much effort. Yet surprisingly given his size and intimidating appearance she found herself feeling oddly safe around him probably because she knew he could take on anything that happened to be threatening her. She already liked the way he looked but when he pulled a chair out for her he rose in her estimation. A guy with manners was not easy to find nowadays.

She piled a her plate with food and although small compared to the giants next to her it was large in comparison with what most people Meredith knew ate. But then she had always needed to eat a lot, a downside of her 'gifts' from Apollo, she had long ago stopped worrying whether others thought she was greedy or piggish and so she simply focussed on enjoying the food. She had to admit it was good, whoever had organised this had spared no expense and Meredith couldn't remember the last time she had eaten so well. In between bites she watched as Jaime took out a hip flask and poured out a few drops on the floor before taking a sip, he then placed it on the table and invited her to have some.

Meredith drank quite often, as with her higher metabolism she could drink more often and in larger quantities than most people as her body quickly burned up the alcohol. Due to this she had gotten used to having either a glass of wine with her dinner or a bottle of fruit cider. She didn't often drink vodka but she knew the good stuff when she heard it. She lifted the hip flask and took a sip appreciating the pure flavour and burn as it slid down her throat.

"That's good." She said appreciatively before taking another sip.

She observed the others as she ate and saw a few were talking with each other and some were not. She noticed the goth looking girl looking particularly pissed off, the blonde guy had started talking to her and clearly he wasn't welcome. She didn't blame the girl and smiled at her sympathetically before turning back to Jaime.

"So what do you reckon they'll get us all doing? I mean, are we gonna have to hold hands and have them tied together or something? God I hope not, being bonded sounds bad enough but actually being tied together?" She shuddered in disgust at the idea. Then she grinned. "Though depending who you're tied with it could be fun." She said wickedly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoebe Cadwell Character Portrait: Chris Flynn Character Portrait: Katherine Amelia Jones Character Portrait: Jaime Character Portrait: Aeron Diane Smith Character Portrait: Anthony Jeremy White
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Phoebe Cadwell

Phoebe was underneath a car when Hephaestus suddenly appeared beside her. ”Hello, miss Cadwell,” came his rough, booming voice.

It startled Phoebe so much that she jerked and banged her head on the car. She had put her hand to her forehead and felt it a goose-egg. ”Shoot. You scared the heck out of me. You've got some bad timing, my friend.”

He pretended he didn't know what happened. ”Guess what, Sugar Tits, tonight is the Bonding ceremony. So you better get your ass in gear and head over there.”

Still rubbing her sore head, she looked over at him and said, ”You couldn't have given me more notice?”

Again, he pretended like she didn't speak. ”It's starting soon. At the coffee shop on 22nd Main Street. You'd better start getting ready unless you want to go looking like a grease monkey.” At that, he was gone.

Sighing, she slid out from underneath the car. Heading toward the back of the shop, she called out, ”Got somewhere to go Uncle Vick. Be back later.” All she got was a grunt in response, not that she expected in different.

In the back of the shop was an apartment-like room where her uncle used to live, and gave to her when she came to work for him. It was basically a bedroom with a full bathroom. She shed her clothes and hopped in the shower to wash off the grease that she was practically covered in. Afterward, she finished getting ready, and put on a fancy blue dress that was way too formal for a coffee shop. Not that she cared.

It didn't take long for her to get to the coffee shop, she only lived a few blocks away,but she was still going to be late. She practically sprinted inside, almost knocking over the receptionist. ”Oh, I'm so sorry!” she said.

The receptionist looked flustered, but smiled. ”It's alright, the party is that way.” She started walking away, and led Phoebe into the dining room.

She was the last to arrive. Of course. She walked over to the table and smiled. ”Hi everyone. I'm Phoebe. Phoebe Cadwell. I'm so happy to be here.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoebe Cadwell Character Portrait: Chris Flynn Character Portrait: Katherine Amelia Jones Character Portrait: Jaime Character Portrait: Aeron Diane Smith Character Portrait: Anthony Jeremy White
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Kat Jones

As the last one introduced herself a sinking feeling hit with Kat, this was it. They had no one else to wait for. The time was very close. She began looking around wildly trying to figure out who she was going to be bonded too.

”Quit freaking out Kat. It's time. Take a deep breath and it will all be over.” She wasn't entirely sure if it was in her head or out loud, but it was Dionysus's voice. Kat obeyed, breathing in slowly and deeply. When she opened her eyes she was surprised.

There was blackness. Total dark. She couldn't see anything. Kat was very frightened, she had never really liked the dark. She called out, but she realized she couldn't hear anyone else around her. Was she suddenly alone? Then there was a eerie red glow. It started slow, like an ember until it was so bright she couldn't take it. She raised her hand to cover her eyes but realized she couldn't, something was keeping her hand back. She looked down, a red cuff around her right wrist. When she pulled, it was like she was tied to a wall, it wouldn't budge.

Then all at once reality came back in a fade. The red light slowly left, leaving Kat back in the dining room, but the table and food was gone. She was standing. She tried to shake away the confusion, she felt like she had been hit in the head, her vision was blurry and slowly coming back to her. She looked down at her hand.

Was that the bond?
Was it over?
Her right hand was crossed over another very strong looking hand. Their wrists tied together with a red satin ribbon. It was glowing, but slowly fading out. As the light coming from the tie dissipated so did the string all together until it was just her hand lying on top of another.

That was it. She was Bonded. Kat panicked, working up her courage to look up from their hands. Finally she slowly raised her head to meet Chris' face. Her legs felt weak and she tried her best not to stumble into the prodigy of Zeus.

Her prodigy of Zeus. They were Bonded. But what did that mean? She barely knew how to make full sentences around this guy, how was she supposed to spend the rest of her life time being connected to him.

“Um...hi,” She said very lamely. She felt it though, the effects of the ceremony. She didn't know why but she felt a...draw to him. She realized her hand was still on his and wasn't sure what to do with it. She left it for now, afraid of moving, she still felt weak and her knees were wobbly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoebe Cadwell Character Portrait: Chris Flynn Character Portrait: Katherine Amelia Jones Character Portrait: Jaime Character Portrait: Aeron Diane Smith Character Portrait: Anthony Jeremy White
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Hmm not bad O God of War. Jamie thought with a humorous tone as he watched Meredith take an appreciative sip of the Pyatizvyozdnaya he preferred above all other booze out there. Now this was a woman he wouldn't mind being bonded to.

Nah think I'm going to stick ya with Hades chosen.

Jamie took a look at the goth girl embroiled in a heated conversation with the chosen of Zeus and decided that Ares had to be messing with him.

Come on I'm sure she's right up your alley. The scars and tattoos I'll bet she'll eat that right up.

I'd sooner date the neko freak. The Beserker replied with disdain colouring his mental speech. Taking a look at said Neko freak Jamie did decide it'd be a kinder fate then living dead girl. At least the cat looked low maintenance. Truth be told though he was hoping Ares would match him with Meredith. Any girl that could take a shot of Pyatizvyozdnaya like she could was worth dating.

What's it worth to ya Jamie boy?

How about I'll listen to your next bit of advice.

Tempting, very tempting skreb.

" I doubt the gods are into the kinky stuff, I mean look at this lame dinner. No strippers, music, or even good vodka." Jamie replied to Meredith's question if the bonding would involve an actual binding with a dersive laugh. His right hand indicating all and sundry. He was also half tempted to drink another swig from his flask but didn't. Mainly because he had to be sober enough to ride his Harley Davidson Fatboy out of this little meeting.

" Though one can always hope." He answered Meredith's wicked smile with one of his own. The Vice President of the Southside Demons Motorcycle Club was really beginning to like the way the evening was shaping up. True the others weren't to his taste but the scarred and tattoed street fighter was liking what he saw in Apollo's chosen.

Tell ya what, if you are a very nice skreb I'll think about it.

Jamie Delmont Southside wanted to tell the Ares his standard go fuck yourself reply but suddenly everything was darkness. Not the darkness of an unlit room or a starless night. But the darkness only a man born blind might know.

In this place the normally carefree chosen of Ares felt the slightest concern over his fate. For all his senses felt severed from his mind. Sight, sound, touch, taste they were gone. The body he kept in peak shape felt gone.

But even as the Berserker felt his concern rising sight returned at least along with touch. Looking down at his hand where he felt pressure around his right wrist. A fragile looking red ribbon was tied around it. Wanting a closer look at it Jamie tried to lift his hand and failed. And here the Harley riding Southside Demon felt the greatest concern of his life. For his strength had always proven greater then anything thrown against him.

Then normality of everyday life returned. The dinning room of earlier only devoid of the feast. And the Vice President of the Southside Demons MC was standing tied hand and hand to Meredith. His dark silver eyes looking into hers. The chosen of war and the chosen of dawn were bonded.

I believe I'm owed some thanks.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoebe Cadwell Character Portrait: Chris Flynn Character Portrait: Katherine Amelia Jones Character Portrait: Jaime Character Portrait: Aeron Diane Smith Character Portrait: Anthony Jeremy White
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Lewis Hartley

Downing the rest of his drink and throwing the apple core in the glass Lewis nodded the best greeting he could to what was apparently the final missing piece to this strange spectacle and once again found himself spacing out, this time at nothing in particular as he played with his string of his hoodie.

So when’s this thing starting? He wondered rubbing his eyes.

Why it already has darling. The sultry voice chimed in.

Opening his eyes was hardly an accomplishment. The room was completely dark and as he went to turn something jerked his arm. ”The hell?” Looking closer a bright red ribbon was tied around his wrist and unless he grew another hand he was tied to another. Subconsciously tilting his head he followed the arm up to the face and with the everything returning met Lennon’s.

Looking back around he noticed everything coming back into place except for the food. Where did they go? he wondered and if anywhere how long were they gone? This a very strange experience for him and he wasn’t too sure how to react. There was a strange sensation about the whole thing that he could feel surge through him. It was entirely uncomfortable. This was not a feeling he knew, it was completely foreign. What am I feeling? I don't like it.

You'll get used to it...maybe. Doll I can't tell you everything, I want to see how this plays out.

As helpful as always Aphrodite. Turning back to Lennon, the red ribbon slowly vanishing, shrugged “I guess this means we’re bonded.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoebe Cadwell Character Portrait: Chris Flynn Character Portrait: Katherine Amelia Jones Character Portrait: Jaime Character Portrait: Aeron Diane Smith Character Portrait: Anthony Jeremy White
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The next few minutes happened in a blur. Aeron supposed that's what she got for being late. She walked in to a fight between Hades and Zeus' chosen, in which she was given a very charming kiss on the hand (one she would have found more charming if it was not being done purely to annoy the goth girl in the first place.)

Then another girl walked in, Hephaestus. As she introduced herself everything got strange.

”Ready for a wild ride kid?” Hermes voice asked. Suddenly the room went dark, there was a bright red glow. She wasn't afraid, she trusted Hermes, they had always had a good connection.

As the glow disappeared she noticed she was back in the dining room. They all were. Her hand tied to another. The ribbon faded leaving only their hands and she looked up into the yellow eyes of Anthony. The boy hadn't even spoken to her but she already felt something strange. Was this the power of the bond?

“Hi!” She gave him a bright smile. “So we are bonded huh? It's nice to meet you.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoebe Cadwell Character Portrait: Chris Flynn Character Portrait: Katherine Amelia Jones Character Portrait: Jaime Character Portrait: Aeron Diane Smith Character Portrait: Anthony Jeremy White
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The Chosen of Hephaestus stepped into the room, introducing herself as Phoebe. Wearing a blue dress that would fit into any formal dinner party, she seemed much more confident than he had been. At least he had said something. A thought struck him, causing a feeling of dread to settle in his stomach. With each passing moment it grew, becoming an effort to keep himself outwardly calm.

No no no no no no no, Athena!

Calm down, Andrew. You will be fine. Just different.

Closing his eyes, Andrew slowly began hyperventilating. Why had he ever agreed to the bond? Sure the powers that had come with it had been helpful, but he should have seen this coming. There had to be a way to back out. There had to be!

Warmth began to seep through his skin, and he flung open his eyes. A void greeted him, bereft of sensory perception except for the heat and a red light that came from everywhere and nowhere. The heat flared, searing his skin. Pain swept through his body as he struggled helplessly against the Bond. He. Would. Not. Go! As quickly as it had come, the darkness faded away. Blinded by the light coming from the lamps, it took him a few moments to adjust. Realizing his hand was resting on something he looked down and then back up.

His hand rested on Adriana's, tied to it by a red ribbon. He tried to pull away, but it would not move. The ribbon dissipated, but he did not move. Could not move. The dread that had filled him earlier was replaced by shock. In the back of his mind was a little space that had not been there before, filled with Adraina's presence. If he walked across New York he could have pointed straight to her.

Trust in her, Andrew. But trust in yourself. Remember the words you said. Your destiny is your own. I shall support you, whatever your choice, Athena spoke into his mind.

Looking into her azure eyes, he let go of his earlier shock. Slowly, but he let go. Still too unsure to move his hand, he simply said, "I guess we're bonded then..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoebe Cadwell Character Portrait: Chris Flynn Character Portrait: Katherine Amelia Jones Character Portrait: Jaime Character Portrait: Aeron Diane Smith Character Portrait: Anthony Jeremy White
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#, as written by CutUp

Chris was about to reply to Lennon's comment about him seeking approval from others. It was probably going to be something snappy, semi-clever, and borderline sexual harassment. But his vision began to fade, darkness enveloped everything. "The hell? Zeusy, you doin this?" Chris asked, and of course there was no answer, at least not right away. "It is done." Zeus' thunderous voice bellowed. "Done?! What?! That's it?! Dammnit Zeusy! Showmanship! Turning out the lights ain't good enough!" Chris yelled out in frustration. He then felt something tugging on his left wrist, he looked down to see a red cuff on it. Then a brilliant red light flashed, it surrounded him and suddenly he was back in the dining room.

He was a little shaken up, who wouldn't be? He looked down at his wrist, and saw he was holding hands with someone. His eyes were transfixed on the ribbon that tied the hands together. Then the ribbon disappeared. He finally snapped back into reality, having processed what happened. He looked up from the pale, and slender hand to meet eyes with his bond mate, Kat. Odd pairing to be sure, but admittedly it wasn't that bad. It's not like they've been at each others throats like him and Hades chosen. But still, she's pretty awkward, and shy compared to himself.

She was the first to break the awkward silence between them with a nervous hi. He just noticed that she was shaking. 'Why is she nervous?' He thought. He gave her a reassuring smile, one that said that everything's ok. He looked back down at their still intertwined hands. "Soooooo, does this count as first base?" Chris smirked, hoping a slight joke might lighten up the mood. "So Kitten, we're bonded huh? I'm probably not your first choice huh?" He looked at her, and noticed she was somewhat weak. "Here, sit down." Chris said as he pulled her chair out, and guided her to set down. He took the seat next to hers, and let go of her hand. "Well, now that we' I guess me should get to know each other huh?" Chris was a little nervous about her knowing about his past, but he hid it with a comforting smile. Hopefully he can give her some half-truths, and she wouldn't read too deep into it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoebe Cadwell Character Portrait: Chris Flynn Character Portrait: Katherine Amelia Jones Character Portrait: Jaime Character Portrait: Aeron Diane Smith Character Portrait: Anthony Jeremy White
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Kat Jones

"Soooooo, does this count as first base?" Kat laughed so hard she snorted a little and turned bright red. But the joke did it's what it intended and calmed her down a little.

"So Kitten, we're bonded huh? I'm probably not your first choice huh?" Chris said. Kat shook her head violently in protest.

”No no! Don't say that!” She protested.

"Here, sit down." Kat let herself be lead to a chair. He sat down next to her, removing his hand. She kind of missed it's warm, strong presence. She shook her head a little still trying to clear it after all the madness. He was being incredibly kind. She was touched that he was taking the time to care for her when he could just as easily walk out the door after the ceremony.
"Well, now that we' I guess me should get to know each other huh?" Chris gave a nice comforting smile that instantly put Kat more at ease. She decided she was going to talk her way around her mother and her powers. It wasn't that she was embarrassed of her mom, it was just a sensitive subject. No one in her life knew about it other than her dad and Anthony. And even Anthony had never met her mom.

”That's probably a good idea,” she confirmed. ”The first thing you should know...well you probably already do...I'm not great at talking to people. Especially attractive people.” Her eyes widened in horror at what she just said. ”Not that I think you are attractive...not that I think that your not...” She threw her face in her hands.

”Let me start over. I'm Kat. I live with my dad, he works a lot so I don't see him much. I'm still in high school, I graduate in the spring. No job right now, so I'm free a lot. Which is good! I think... anyway. What about you?”

'Nailed it..' she thought sarcastically.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoebe Cadwell Character Portrait: Chris Flynn Character Portrait: Katherine Amelia Jones Character Portrait: Jaime Character Portrait: Anthony Jeremy White Character Portrait: Lewis Hartley
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#, as written by CutUp

"Got cha, the same amount of social skills as a drunk puppy." Chris chuckled as she stumbled around on her words. "Well, I'm from Boston. I was raised by my older brother, Jack. I've graduated high school, but no job." Chris said, not even mentioning his parents. "I left home a couple of weeks back. I don't know how to explain it, I just got this feeling in the back of head that said something was about to happen. I didn't want to drag my brother into this. Gods, Magic, I chose my path, he didn't, he shouldn't have to follow it. Since then, I've been bumming around. Living in cheap hotel rooms." Chris then looked around to check and see if any of the coffee shop's employees were watching, and they weren't.

He held out his hands out at about a foot apart. Then a arc of blue electricity jumped between his hands. He held the arc for a few seconds before he put his hands down. He looked back around, and luckily no one noticed, well no one normal, he wasn't watching for the other chosen. "Yeah, I got lightning in my veins. Think of me like Cole MacGrath....he's from a.....never mind." He said, assuming she doesn't know what he's talking about. "Anyways, I just pump a little juice into a ATM, and boom! I make it rain!" Chris said with a sly grin, not even thinking about whether or not she'd approve of his money methods.

"Plus it knocks out the security cam, so I don't need to worry about that. I can also heal myself. Other people, not so much. I tried it with a pigeon one kind of exploded......oh the smell." Chris then shuttered a little bit as he remembered that day. The horror. "Anyways, it's just been me for awhile. Living on the road. Well me, and Denise." He said, not even thinking about clarifying that Denise is his car. "So what's your thing?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoebe Cadwell Character Portrait: Chris Flynn Character Portrait: Katherine Amelia Jones Character Portrait: Jaime Character Portrait: Aeron Diane Smith Character Portrait: Anthony Jeremy White
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Kat Jones

As she listened to Chris, she could understand where he was coming from, she had often thought about running away from home. She felt like all her...strange-ness was just too much for her dad at times. If she wasn't the only communication for her mother, she probably would have.

She shot back a little in shock as the blue electricity sparked between his fingers. She shouldn't be surprised, being of Zeus and all. The electricity was kind of beautiful. It made her understand why Chris was the way he was. Electricity was life, it was pure energy. If he was holstering so much of it, how could he not be the way he was.

She decided she rather liked this personality. It was different from her own but in a good way, it a way that she hoped that would help her learn to branch out a little more.

Cole MacGrath? Like from Infamous? Did he like video games? Did that mean he wasn't going to think she was lame for spending all of her money on games and comics and such. Did that mean he wasn't going to think she was a nerd. She suddenly started fantasizing about them in her room playing Soul Caliber and Mario Kart together. She was put at ease.

She laughed lightly at the pidgeon, and at the ATM, everything he did was pretty humorous to her. All things she wouldn't have the guts to do.

”"Anyways, it's just been me for awhile. Living on the road. Well me, and Denise. So what's your thing?"

Kat panicked. Powers. Not something she wanted to talk about. She didn't have anything cool like electricity, all she had was a power that made people un-trusting of her. That was not something she wanted out of her Bond Mate.

And who was Denise? She tried to ignore the pang of jealousy in her side. She just MET this guy.

”I loved Infamous, just so you know. I played through it a couple of times just because choosing between good and bad was a lot of fun.” She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. ”My powers are...strange. It's not something I could show you easily. Many people know Dionysus as the god of parties, but he is also the god of madness. I have a little of both sides of him. I can intoxicate people if I want, kinda lame I guess. I can also control my dreams entirely, and can even on rare occasions go visit other people's dreams. I can also tell how people are feeling, always. I try to ignore it most of the time though. She chose to omit the part where she could actually alter how those people felt if she wished.

”I'm going to risk something and try to be confident for once,” She confided in him. With a deep breath she flashed the most confident smile she could muster and said...

”It's kinda tense in here, everyone getting bonded and all. Did you want to maybe go somewhere?” She forced the blush that threatened to come up down. ”Also who is Denise?”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chris Flynn Character Portrait: Katherine Amelia Jones
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#, as written by CutUp

Chris listened as Kat explained her powers. It had to be hard for her, knowing what everyone around her is feeling. He couldn't even imagine how she'd learn control over something like that. Of course she probably feels the same about his powers. It could explain her awkwardness, trying to keep from sensing everyone's feelings must be unnerving. But he's glad it's not full on telepathy, he's not sure how he'd handle that. "Oh by means, let's see the confident Kat!" Chris smirked at her about ready to saw something risky, well risky for her at least.

So, she wanted to get out of here? 'Denise? What kind of question is that? Wait.....crap I forgot to clarify that Denise is my car didn't I?' He's been alone on the road a lot, and he can sometimes forget about making a few things clear. He then looked closely at her face. 'Wait, is she jealous? Oh man she is! Does she have a crush on me?' He pondered. "Sure, a change of scenery sounds nice. But I'm just gonna tell you right away, I don't put out on the first date." He couldn't even keep a straight face to finish that sentence.

"Come on, Denise is waiting outside. You can meet her yourself." Chris got out of his chair, and took Kat's hand in his, and lead her out of her seat. "So, with your powers, does that make you like a Counselor Troi on steroids? Just remind me not to play poker with you Kitten." Chris smirked. Whether she'd follow him or not, he left the dining room and went outside.

Once Chris got outside he went straight to his red Mustang Denise. "Hey baby miss me?" Chris said as he ran his index finger across his car's hood. "Denise, my pride, and joy! The most beautiful thing I've ever seen." Chris just oozed pride, and love over his car, having helped built her from pretty much scratch with his brother.


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Character Portrait: Chris Flynn Character Portrait: Katherine Amelia Jones
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Kat Jones

Meet Denise? She felt like she was being silly but was suddenly filled with dread. It would be her luck that the person she was going to feel drawn to the rest of her life probably had a girl friend or something. Now that she thought about it, of course he had a girl friend. Look at him, he was freaking gorgeous. She was probably someone really cool that didn't mind him flirting too much because she knew how devoted he was or something like that. That's why he made the joke about putting out on the first date that had Kat a pretty pink color.

She had never even had a kiss before, except once in second grade, but she hardly thought that counted. Not that she was a prude or anything, she just didn't branch out to meet people often. You have to meet people to kiss them.

Star Trek references? The gods really knew who to pair her with it would seem after all. She followed him outside taking a deep breath and preparing for the worst.

"Denise, my pride, and joy! The most beautiful thing I've ever seen." He was beaming with pride over the mustang in front of him. She could feel it coming off of him, all the love and memories he held with his car. His car. His car was named Denise. Relief flooded through her. She did her best to cover her sudden change of emotion. She smiled

”Nice to meet you Denise,” there was a slight chuckle to her tone. ”Did you build her? She's beautiful. My dad dabbles in cars so I know a little about them,” she admitted.

Speaking of her dad... she checked her phone, it was almost time for her dad to be home. She assumed he wanted to hear all about the ceremony. Instead there was a text.

Sorry Kit-Kat, working late. We will talk when I get home. Love you She tried her best to mask the disappointment He was always working late, most of the time she felt like she lived alone.

”Well I'm free all evening it would seem, we can do whatever. It's pretty nice out if you wanted to walk, but I would be lying if I said I didn't want to ride in Denise,” She tried to give a flirtatious smile as she said so. ”We just ate, but I could still eat if your hungry.” She felt pretty lame for not having a plan after asking him to leave. She didn't know where people went. She never went anywhere really. Well except one place.

”There's a uh...bookstore type thing, down the ways a little we could go to, unless you have something better in mind.”' She was having a hard time describing the cafe. It was like a small diner that the upstairs was comic books and they had gaming tournaments and such at. If that didn't scare him off, due to her nerd-ness nothing would.

Kat wasn't sure why but she was very trusting of Chris for having just met him. Maybe that was the bond. She felt like she could trust him, that she was safe around him. It would be pretty weird of her to get into some other stranger's car.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chris Flynn Character Portrait: Katherine Amelia Jones
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Kat Jones

The more Chris talked the more she liked him. He had an uncanny ability to put her at ease about her dorky nature. Maybe it was the waves of confidence she felt rolling off of him, maybe it was contagious.

Something was nagging at her though. What did this bond mean for her? For them? She barely knew this guy. Where they going to continue to be friends after this or were they going to play this day out and never speak again. The thought worried her and she pushed it aside. She spent so much of her time worrying. She really needed to just relax. Just enjoy the time with him and see where it went.

She smiled at him as he opened the door, and gracefully sat down inside. The car was phenomenal.

“Woooow...” she whistled as she looked around inside. “Denise is beautiful.” She gave him directions. The book store wasn't far.

“They have all sorts of stuff there! But you don't need to buy Walking Dead, I have the whole series at home....” She stopped short and blushed. She didn't even know if this guy was going to want to hang out with her after today. She didn't need to be offering to loan him all her books. She took the opportunity while he was driving to examine him a little more closely. She was lucky, he was friendly and attractive, so attractive in fact that being near him made her a little on edge, but he wasn't at all what she thought he was going to be when he introduced himself earlier that day.

“You know...” She began and then stopped looking for the right words. “I don't know how to say this without sounding super weird so...just bare with me? You don't make me as nervous as I thought. I mean... how do I say this.” Kat stumbled over her words. Took a deep breath and continued. “I just mean that since you are like a “cool guy” I just expected for you to think I was lame. But you've been really nice to me, so thank you.” She chewed her lip, still not happy with how that came out, but hoped she got her point across. Despite the flutters she felt from having social interaction with a super hottie, she felt pretty normal around him. He didn't make her feel out of place or abnormal, the way she felt around a lot of people and it was really nice. Chris was super confident, but it didn't make her feel less so the way other confident people did. It was strange but nice.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chris Flynn Character Portrait: Katherine Amelia Jones
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#, as written by CutUp

"No problem." Chris answered to Kat's thank you. Really he didn't know what she was thanking him for, but who doesn't like a good thank you? "Maybe you're more comfortable because you're being yourself." Chris stated as they drove down the road to the book store. "Just be yourself Kitten. That's what I do. If people don't like me, then screw 'em. I learned a long time ago that you can't please everyone. And if you try, you're not being true to yourself." Chris said in a stern voice. "I think it was Dr. Seuss that said 'Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind'." Chris then realized what he just said. He hoped she didn't think of him as some smart guy. "Unless you like Michael Bay movies. Then I'll throw your skinny ass out on the curve. Zeus be damned." Chris sarcastically said.

They soon arrived to the bookstore. "I guess this is it." He stated. "Hope they have some Dune. Left my Dune Messiah back in Boston. I've read it a dozen times." Chris said as he parked the car next to the sidewalk, and took the keys out. "I need to read Dune at least once a month. I need my Alia fix, I love that little crazy bitch. Oh! I hope they got I, Robot too! Daddy gets cranky if he doesn't get robots, and or spaceships." Chris then stepped out of the car. He went around and opened Kat's door. "So, you and what's his face. The cat guy, Artemis' chosen..." Chris said, realizing that Kat is the only other chosen's name he knows. "You guy's are friends? I haven't met another chosen before today, did you know he was one of us when you met him? Do we have like a 'Highlander' buzzing thing that we get when around other chosen? Chris asked. "Must have been nice to have someone to talk to about all this. Zeusy isn't the warm and fuzzy type, and Jack.....I just couldn't be completely truthful to him. As far as he knows I'm just like a X-Man-style mutant."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chris Flynn Character Portrait: Katherine Amelia Jones
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Kat Jones

Kitten had never been a nick name she had liked, but Kat liked the way it sounded off of Chris' lips. It made her feel warm and accepted, not something she was used to. The more he talked the more she realized she was right. She was being herself around him. She didn't have to hide her nerdy jokes and references. If anything he made more than she did. It was freeing.

“You know, I'm not 100 percent sure I know how to be myself. I'm constantly worried about what people think. You make a lot of sense. It's really nice to feel” She blushed as Chris opened her door and she exited Denise.

"So, you and what's his face. The cat guy, Artemis' chosen...You guy's are friends?” He asked as they walked up to “The Last Word.” Kat looked him over. Was he jealous? She didn't have room to talk, the first sign of a girl's name and she freaked out. She was probably reading too much into it as per usual.

”I haven't met another chosen before today, did you know he was one of us when you met him? Do we have like a 'Highlander' buzzing thing that we get when around other chosen? Must have been nice to have someone to talk to about all this. Zeusy isn't the warm and fuzzy type, and Jack.....I just couldn't be completely truthful to him. As far as he knows I'm just like a X-Man-style mutant." Kat immediately felt bad about thinking it was a jealousy thing. She was really lucky, she still had at least one parent and she was going to school and had at least one friend and for the most part had a normal childhood. She could feel the pain rolling off of Chris. She wanted to ask about Jack, but didn't want to pry. Instead she put a hand on Chris' arm, she resisted the urge to ease his suffering with her powers, and instead just tried to give a gentle, comforting gesture.

“Yeah, I'm pretty lucky I guess,” Kat admitted. “I stumbled into one of Anthony's dreams by mistake. So he knew about my powers almost immediately. I could feel there was something different about him. Maybe it was part of my Empathy, so we got to talking and we found out we were both Chosen and we both knew about the bond.” Kat gave Chris a mischievous smile. “Why? Are you jealous?” She asked teasing. She was slowly becoming more comfortable around the tall, lighting throwing boy. Plus she assumed the gentle flirting would make him smile.

“Come on! Let's go find you some Dune. I can't have you getting withdrawals on me.” She went with the confidence she was feeling due to Chris's Dr. Sues inspired pep talk and grabbed his hand pulling him toward her favorite spot in the entire world.

When she entered, the lady at the counter gave her a familiar wave and Kat returned the favor. She gave Chris a sheepish grin.

“I sorta come here a lot. It's really neat they have gaming tournaments here from time to time, and the food isn't half bad. And there are all kinds of games to buy, table tops and card games. And of course books,” She realized she was nerding out and blushed and rolled her eyes a little at herself.

“Sorry, I just really like this place.” Why was she always apologizing?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chris Flynn Character Portrait: Katherine Amelia Jones
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#, as written by CutUp

Chris smiled. "Jealous? Why would I be jealous? Is there something to be jealous about? The only thing I'm jealous about is that I didn't know you sooner. I bet you were much more awkward when you were younger." Chris smirked, and followed with a slight chuckle. "Ok, no more coffee for you." Chris said as she dragged him inside. Chris gave the lady at the counter a smile, and a flirtatious wink. "Ok, sounds good." Chris replied to Kat's explanation of the place. "Not really interested in card, and table top games though. Just not as exciting to me as a video game, or a comic." Chris stated. He raised a eyebrow over her apologizing.

"Dude seriously, quit apologizing for being yourself. Makes life so much more fun." Chris smirked. He really just couldn't grasp why she was apologizing so much. Chris started to browse around, until he heard Thunderstruck by AC/DC, and felt a vibration on his leg. He took out his IPhone, and saw that Jack was calling him. Yes his ringtone is Thunderstruck, and yes some could consider it a bit corny for a guy who can shoot lightning to have such a ringtone, but he doesn't care, it's a good song. Chris sighed, he's been dodging Jack's calls ever since he left. He isn't quite sure what to say to him. "I better take this." Chris sighed. He pulled his arm away from Kat and walked away.

He slide his finger across the touchscreen to answer. "Yeah?" Chris nervously answered. He knew he had to answer him sometime, and has been dreading it. "About damn time! Where the hell are you?!" Jack answered in a understandably angry tone. "Right now? On Earth. They haven't made space travel quite commercially available yet." Chris smirked. "Ha, ha, you're so funny Christy. Where are you?! I've been worried sick! I'm gonna kick your ass when I see you again you selfish little....""Such a way with words. And you never could take me. It's a little embarrassing if I might add." Chris interrupted. "Shut up. Just tell me where you are." Jack demanded, he was beginning to calm down.

"I'm in New York if you must know." Chris begrudgingly answered. "New York? Why the hell....whatever, I'll be on the first flight." Jack stated. "I can take care of myself." Chris argued. "I know that, you're my baby brother, I'm always going to worry. Especially when you can power an entire city. I'm coming, that's the end of it." "I said no! There's things going on that I don't want you apart of." Chris interjected. "What's going on? Are you in trouble? Let me help." Jack pleaded. Chris sighed, and wiped his hand across his face. "No, I'm fine. It's just.....I can't tell you." Chris said. "We've had each others back since the beginning. You can tell me anything." Jack stated. "I's complicated. Just trust me on this. Please don't come." Chris pleaded.

"You know I can't promise that. You're the only thing I got, and whether you like it or not you're stuck with me." Jack said in a calm voice. "I....I know. Just....I can't explain right now, I'll call you later. Just don't come here, ok?" Chris asked as he rubbed his eyes. "Fine. I'll wait. But you're not talking me out of this." Jack stated. "Alright, bye." Chris said before he hung up. Chris sighed.