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Hikari Kimura

You always will see only one part of Me.

0 · 348 views · located in Temple

a character in “Victus Per Vitualamen”, as played by SofiUnnie


NAME: Hikari Kimura
NICKNAMES: Luce; Lucelle; Kari-chan; Nee-chan; Hiiiiiiikari
BASE NAME: Sasaki Nozomi
AGE: 19
SPECIES: Human; but her real form is being a magical, ancient weapon that her body and soul can be turned into
HEIGHT: 164 cm
OCCUPATION: Student; 'Adoptive Daughter of Kimuras'; Little Sister

With hourglass shape of a body, Hikari looks like a princess with her big, round eyes; perfectly shaped face, long brown hair and the way she carries herself. There is a small birth-mark and a strangely shaped scar around it in between her breasts, and some have said that it looks like a keyhole; which isn't too far from the truth.

As Hikari is rather popular at school thanks to her beautiful and doll-like looks, she is quite timid, shy and cheerful person, and giving off the vibe of now knowing about the underworld of the evil of the world - but she is capable of showing the innocent side of herself to all those that need to see it to decieve the fact that she has seen quite a lot of horrific things, gore and blood equally.

Hikari is still cheerful, bubbly and energetic; enjoys things that are light, beautiful and loves to mingle with people and meet more of them. Her kindness is limitless, as it often seems, and she won't hesitate to help anyone out; but as soon as her true self feels that she is being used, she may snap at people for trying to step on her kindness. Although, it doesn't happen often, and thus she gets used by people all the time.

The horror and violence doesn't faze her, although it should - but it is something that is in the depths of her nature, and although most of the time it's hidden and blocked away, from time to time it shows. Like she can trail her finger through someone's blood on their cheek, and lick her own skin clean, only to forget that she ever did anything creepy like that.

+ Using a special key - which only Kochou/Takeshi have - and special spell being called out, her body can be turned into a completely black katana. But when she is used as a weapon, she loses her memories and her real self comes forth in the form of a spirit inside the katana, which also comes alive in a way.

+ Minor martial arts that she has learned from Uncle Luscious.
+ Strange ability to pinpoint out people' deepest desires and details.
+ Amazing voice of singing.
+ Hidden talent and skill in using katanas or swords - but she doesn't show it too often, though.

x Baking and making sweets.
x When Ichiro comes to visit and spends time with her.
x Surprising her 'Aunt Kochou' and 'Uncle Takeshi' at their work-place with bento boxes.
x Learning how to do martial arts from Uncle Luscious.

o Not remembering some parts of her life - when she 'faints due to anemia'.
o Having some stupid crushes on boys.
o Living alone, most of the time, in this big house.
o People using her kindness.

x Photographic memory.
x Nerves of steele.
x Talent in baking and learning new recepies really fast.

o Loss of memory, from bits and pieces here and there. It can go so far that she might even actually forget some humans or weaker supernaturals.
o Her human body is rather weak and is prone to getting sick easily.
o In extreme stress-situation, Hikari' true personality comes forth, and it can get a bit violent at times, or just pushing and arrogant.

Hikari, as a weapon, was created a very long time ago; by a blacksmith that knew the darkest and deepest magic that this world has ever seen. She was in the form of a sword for many long centuries, until the true self of her decided to protect the magic within itself and chose a picture perfect body of a young, teenager girl. Hiding the key, so only she would know where it is, she lived her life in many forms, just like the woman upon whom she was fated to stumble into.

As soon as Kochou had seen Hikari, or Lucelle as she was named during the past, she knew of what and whom she was; but before managing to grab her for herself, Luce was gone once again.

Being sold to the slavery, she met with a man named as Takeshi Kimura and Ichiro Matsumoto; and during a strange encounter with the older male, he agreed to become her guardian and eventually, he was the first person after hundreds of years to wield her as a weapon. These two were those to whom she somehow felt closest to. The pact had been made, and she left the slavery along with him, only to meet the woman she had once met and whom Hikari was unable to forget, for unknown reasons.

As her 'uncle and aunt' were working to establish their business again and make it up and running; Luce whom was named as 'Hikari' by Ichiro, started to attend a regular high school in more richer neighbourhood; and although she has to stay back at home from time to time thanks to her 'anemia' and the memory-loss that comes with it, she is one of the most hated and loved student among the other members of the school.

She keeps her identity as secret as possible, for not to be a trouble or weakness-point for those in power of VPV. Or the fact that she is part of this infamous and dangerous gang.

She has a small toy on her bag, or wherever she goes - it is a talisman in a shape of strange bear, and she calls it simply as 'Hiro', after Uncle Hiromasa. The toy is able to take the shape of a shinigami, cursed to be in this body and can only take the form when Hikari is in danger or seems to be in danger.

'Hiro' can also talk to Hikari telepathically, and vice versa.

So begins...

Hikari Kimura's Story