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Jason Todd

Now you see him, Now you don't

0 · 322 views · located in san francisco

a character in “View Of Terror”, as played by museman


Name- Jason Todd
Age- 27
Height- 6 foot exactly
Weight- 170 lbs.
personality- Jason is charismatic. That's what makes him perfect at stealing. He has a silver tongue. He also chats up a lot of people to make friends and to have a lot of connections in desperate times when he needs help. He is brave too. He doesn't show it, but he is when put in a certain situation which makes hims stand up for others.
Status- Single and ready to mingle
Powers- Invisibility. Really helps when he doesn't wanna be caught

Messing with people
Getting quick bank

Getting Caught Stealing
Losing a Girlfriend
Losing anything for that matter

The Law
Junk Food
Flames and Electricity

His Powers

BackStory- Jason has always been the guy to get into all sorts of trouble. Back when he was a kid he would get caught writing hurtful things on lockers and chalkboards in school. When High School came around he was a player with mostly all the popular girls in his school. He got expelled for being in the wrong locker room once too. When he was out of school his life took more of a drastic turn for the worst. He needed money so he took a loan from a loan shark. Jason got in debt and "accidentally" killed him. He started stealing from banks too and just normal pick-pocketing on the streets.

So begins...

Jason Todd's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Todd Character Portrait: Phoebe Jackson Character Portrait: Paz / Issac
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Phoebe hugs her knees.."Jason.." She says in a whisper

"I wish you were by my side so I could give you a hug.." She says. She looks over to see James is gone she doesn't really are that much. She looks up at th ceiling and screams. She can't take this she needs to get out she doesn't do good in small spaces. She gets up and starts to bang on the walls of the cell throwing a chair at the glass trying to break it. She takes her hands and puts it through her hair.

"I need to get out of here!!! Please.." She falls to the ground in frustration and just sits there. She looks down as her hair gets in her face. Phoebe can't be confined in this kind of situation. It's too much for her to take in all in one day, she needs space not a tight cramped cubical.

"I just want to get out of here..." She whispers


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Todd Character Portrait: Phoebe Jackson Character Portrait: James Matthews Character Portrait: Paz / Issac
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Paz was on the stair well not to far away listening to the conversation down the hall way, well the echo of it anyways. He laughed a little hearing the zap on the cell from her. He was kneeling over tying a translucent tripwire to the railing

"They asked me to come in to ask Phoebe some questions but she wouldn't talk, but later i'm having a TV crew come in a film as we try and get her to talk, I'm sure she'll let some information go later." James had said as he headed up the stairs.

"Do you thing man, just make sure you check in with Isaac so he doesn't shoot you on your way in or way out." Paz said hiding the flash grenade out of sight for anyone walking down the stairs. Anyone who tried to go down theses stairs would be blind and deaf for about a minuet and a half, they wouldn't have time to react as he came from the only other stair well. so either way , they were dead if they tried to get down here. The tripwire would be set off by anyone unless they had some serious training or something.

Paz stretched a bit , adjusting his Kevlar vest as he stood, damn thing was heavy and annoying, not as much as a plate carrier but hey. He started down the hallway, relaxed using the one point sling and just his shooting hand to hold his rifle whistling a song as he came closer to the cell.

Issac was on the first floor now, walking around, unlike paz he made sure his shoes didn't click when he walked, tho this was just training rather than active thought. He checked his wrist when he felt it tighten , that was how it alerted him something was going on. She had just tired to get to close to the wall. He tapped the camera icon and used it to check on the lower floor. Hmm... just James or Paz messing with her... He walked down the hall way further when his wrist was tugged on again. 'God how much are they gonna fu---- wait...' His eyes narrowed. The motion sensors outside had been tripped... They were standard as of 2008

He clicked spoke into his radio quietly. " Paz, be advised we have a guessed, cleared for soft contact with lethal force. "
Isaac started down the hallway to the control room being extra quiet, his rifle shouldered and ready to go, safety off.

"So, cute thing stuck in a prison cell. Why'd you do it? " Paz asked siting on the far corner of the room that was near her prison cell, he picked this spot so he could watch both hallways just by moving a step or two , but otherwise wouldn't be in their line for sight first. they'd have to run down a hallway, with him waiting at the end of it with his rifle ready and waiting.

" Paz , be advised we have a guessed, cleared for soft contract with lethal force " Paz's radio buzzed. Paz's eyes lit up like a puppy. "Looks like I get to shoot people." He grinned at her and took up a spot watching the one hallway that wasn't rigged with a trap. He took a sitting position, resting his elbows on the me meat just above his knee sitting cross legged. The rifle rested snug in his shoulder pocket as the front sight post rested at the door of the hallway. He flipped the safety off with his thumb, you could hear the quiet " click " in the empty hallways.

" Major, be advised, Poseidon 1-1 is in position, kill zone echo."
"Major tallies , be advised moving to the brain. "
"Poseidon tallies"

Isaac started walking when he felt his wrist tighten again, the camera's had gone out.
'Damn it they're here already?!' He picked up the pace , rifle up. He checked both corners of the main hallway with a quick glance and then pushed on , heading to the control room.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Todd Character Portrait: Phoebe Jackson Character Portrait: Paz / Issac
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She looked at him from where she sits. "He hurt someone close to me....but why would you care..." She says to him. She looks back at the wall. But soon gets up to sit on the bed and rest there for a bit. When she leaned at the wall. She spotted Jason in the air duct.

Her eyes widened and she smiles, her lips moved to form ."Jason? What are you doing here?" But she didn't actually say it because Paz was there. She shot Paz a look

"shoot someone? Why?" She looks back and forth from Paz to Jason. She fixed her eyes on Jason, "god I missed you!" She says to Jason with no actually words coming out of her mouth. Phoebe just hopes the guard can't read lips.

"Why would anyone want to break into a prison?" Phoebe says looking in Paz's direction. Phoebe gets up and walks by the glass and acccidently got to close causing the collar to shock her..

"ouch! Come on is this really necessary?" She steps back a foot. She looks at Jason out of the corner of her eye. She looks at Paz with an angry expression her her face. How can they live with their self knowing they are helping someone get killed

"How can you sleep at night, knowing the pain your causing people and their family's huh?" She yells, phoebe doesn't think thats the best thing to do its horrible.

"Its one thing to actually put someone to death for something they actually do all the time but not just one person for using a different method...I may kill demons all the time and thats to protect people like you..I don't know why we do it sometimes the innocents can be cruel and they don't understand but we do it any way..." Phoebe pauses

"You know, it doesn't hurt once in a while to understand why we do it, it's not like I meant to its just if you hurt someone I love an care for I'll be coming after you sometime in you life." Phoebe admits, she looks at Jason and and gives him a smile, she looks back at Paz

"But you know maybe your right I might deserve being burned if I was a bad witch but I'm good believe it or not. I know it was wrong to kill him, I didn't mean to but it happened and I can't take that back. Hit doesn't change the fact a killed him. It will never be okay but it happened..." Phoebe says and takes a deep breath

"Thats why I'm not afraid of you or anyone anymore because it's not worth being scared when I face demons every day..your nothing compared to some of them i face..sometimes even twice." She stares him right in the face and grins.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Todd Character Portrait: Phoebe Jackson Character Portrait: Paz / Issac
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"Jason.." She says pulling him on his face and into a hug.

"I've missed you so much!" She says savioring the moment until they come in and take him away.

"Please make sure my brother and sister get trough this if i don't make it.." she tells him she looks at Jason this might bergs last time they ever see each other. It's really emotional her eyes start to tear up,

"Don't give them trouble when they take you away..I don't want to see you get hurt." She smiles at him and gives him another hug. She closes her eyes while giving Jason a long warm hug. She knows this moment is going to end soon so she has to make the most of it.

"When you talk to Sarah and drake tell them both i love them so much..I don't want them to see me get burned, they are going to be put through so much. They don't need to see that." She says with a little worry in her voice.

" I don't want them to die on my hands for what I did. They need to know that. Make sure they don't do anything stuipid.." She says to him giving him another hug.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Todd Character Portrait: Phoebe Jackson Character Portrait: Paz / Issac
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Paz ignored her chatter for the most part simply watching the hall way, that's when he started to notice the odd feeling in his gut.... she's talking an awful lot.... That's when the vent fell.
Paz spun around hearing the vent give way. 'What in the hell?!'
"Contact Contact! Adult male, in the prison cell----" Paz shouted into his radio.
Getting to his feet the muzzle of his rifle was aimed at the male. They didn't seems to notice him.....
He let them have their moment, while they were talking he moved to get an angle on the male. He eavesdropped considering he was in the same damn room more or less. The bit on the laptop was interesting.

"Major, this is Poseidon 1-1 , permission to engage?" Paz's tone would tell Isaac that he had the situation control.

"Granted, don't kill him tho, i'd like a word with him."

"Rog. Be advised, individual has information regarding other suspects at home on a laptop."

"Major Tallies, I'll send it up the line."

Paz smiled and then spoke. " Hope you have a field trauma kit hidden up your ass or something. " With that he squeezed off the first round. The sound of the gun shot rang through out the building . it struck the male in the upper thigh, the 6.8 spc round punched right though his upper thigh like it wasn't even there, taking a good chunk with it. Odds were he'd bleed to death in about 4 mins unless they figured something out.

Paz grinned even tho his ears rang like a mother. sense he didn't even have to open the cell to do that he simply wandered back to his spot and leaned against the wall, rifle still pointed at the male.

"Try something stupid and I will shoot her next." He said matter o factly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Todd Character Portrait: Phoebe Jackson Character Portrait: Paz / Issac
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Paz smiled and spoke in a calm and level tone. " Target is resisting, one round was insufficient to subdue the target. "
He leveled the front sight post on the center of the man's thigh , aiming for the femur so the guy wouldn't ever be able to walk, and that's only if he lived. " So I had to take another shot" The sound of the rifle going off made paint chips flake off the walls.

“ And he just wouldn't go down, I was so scared.” Paz took aim at the man’s shoulder now that he was on the ground. “ So I kept shooting” He squeezed another round off, the bolt carrier group slid back into the butt stock of his rifle , giving him the satisfaction of recoil every time.

“ I was so scared. “

Bang, the other shoulder.

“So, I kept going, and I just couldn't control the recoil”

He shot twice into the wall making it look like he missed.

“The guy tried to use the girl as a shield, god my hands were so shaky”
His lips curled into a smile, as he shifted the muzzle of his weapon to the girl.

“ And I….I ...I hit her.” He squeezed , the round passed through her side, pink mist flew from the exit wound covering the stark white cell that was now splattered crimson.

“Least that’s how my story will go when I’m on trial, but hey it was two freaks who had killed people, odds are I might get my gun taken away for a week. Since I’m PMC It doesn't matter. I’ll get it back and go on with my life.” He smiled.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Todd Character Portrait: Phoebe Jackson Character Portrait: Paz / Issac
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Everything was happening so fast, when the bullet grazed Her side phoebe cuffed it, she began to fall to her left towards the window, she had no time to catch herself so her body fell straight into the glass, Phoebe screamed it was an unbearable pain sense she already had a wound it tripled the effect of the shock.

Her scream rang out through her cell. She let herself slid down the wall until she hit the floor...She takes deep breaths trying to catch her breath from all the excitement. She looks over at Jason, he was shot too. She closes her eye's and lets her head rest against the cell wall.

"Jason...? Are you okay..? " She manages to get out of her mouth, but her words are faint. She gave Paz a look..

"you did this on purpose didn't you..? You could have just came in here and took him with a gun pointed you didn't have to shoot.." She says. Phoebe try's to rise off the ground making her way over by Paz, The pain hurts to much to walk so she falls by his feet. She puts pressure on the wound.

"How dare you do this!..How dare you!" She screamed looking up at him. All if this could have been avoided..


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Todd Character Portrait: Phoebe Jackson Character Portrait: James Matthews Character Portrait: Paz / Issac
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#, as written by RazorX
James heads back to the prison. He calls a camera crew, who follow him into the prison. The go down to the level where phoebe is. Once they get to her cell, they see blood and another man laying in the cell passed out.

Phoebe is shot, but will live. "What is going on here?" As he goes over to Paz, waiting for an explanation.

"This was unacceptable." James looks over at the lad laying on the floor.

"Who is that?" He asks again. The news reporter is still recording it all, she turns to the camera and stay

"Well, i guess we have a bit of an unexpected delay in the report today. We'll be filming this all later...back to you in the news station David"

The camera man turns off the camera and they step away from the cell observing what goes on. The sht they got were of the lad on the floor and of phoebe leaning against the wall by the door. She steps up and asks

"Did she try and escape or something?" She than looks at James and Paz.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Jason Todd Character Portrait: Phoebe Jackson Character Portrait: James Matthews Character Portrait: Tate Langdon Character Portrait: Paul M. Reele
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Okay...know what..if no body posts from now till I get home from working with my dad I'm flagging this roleplay closed and never roleplaying with any of you again. I mean seriously it's been 4 forking days since the last post and no one is going to reply. All I ask for is one completed roleplay and you guys can't even try and help me succeed in doing so.. Sees how much you giys are committed.