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"Now you're being rude, and I hate rude people."

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a character in “War of the Heroes and Villains”, originally authored by raindrops_autumn, as played by RolePlayGateway


Name: Pandora

Secret Identity: Eleanor Camus

Age: 16

Empathy (ability to read /sense other peoples feelings)
Superhuman Agility (ability to react faster than a normal human and possess greater flexibility and with higher/farther jumping capacity) plus Superhuman speed.
Omni-linguism (Pandora can talk and understand any form of language she hears - it all sounds the same to her. Expose her to a language she's never heard of before and she'll still be able to understand)

Appearance: Long dark hair, big blue eyes, very pretty face. She's not that tall and a bit on the skinny side. You'll always see Pandora wearing her black oversized hoodie and her black Doc Martens. Anything else is pretty random, be it a pair of skinny jeans or a skirt, a t-shirt or a dress. As long as she have her belt (with a gun strapped to it) with her.

Weapon: Pandora's very skilled with a gun, and will always try and make sure to bring her illegally bought gun with her. She normally wears it in her belt - hidden under her hoodie.

Side: Villain. She doesn't think of herself as that bad though and her goal isn't to conquer the world or anything. She simply just don't like most people, especially not those "oh so good and perfect" heroes.

Personality: Pandora definately has a very bad temper and can sometimes be very cynical /cold. But get to know her, and you will find her quite entertaining with her sarcasm and "i don't give a shit about this fuck-hole" attitude. Her moral may not be the best, so you shouldn't trust her with anything important. She will just use it to her own advantage. Pandora enjoys playing with others lifes - making them miserable, take advantage of them etc... She CAN be nice, tho - but only if she feels like it.
In the end, she DOES think about how she hurts others... but her permanently damaged and hurt feelings, always win over her conscience.

History: Pandora grew up as an only child, in small town with a mum and dad. Pandora used to be a neutral "mutant" and never let anyone know about her abilities. That made her very isolated in school, since she always had to hide and make sure she was walking slowly or not suddenly talking fluently spanish. She was very lonely. At home, it was even worse. Her parents knew about it - seeing as she was born like this, but never encouraged her to develope or improve her skills. Instead they were in denial, trying to act like everything was perfectly normal - always yelling at her if she did anything "not normal". Once, when she was 12, she had her first (and currently ONLY) crush on a guy from her class. It was very innocent and childish - they were only twelve. But for the first time, was Pandora happy. Just up until the day, she found out about her so-called boyfriend. It had all been a joke and everyone form her class had been in it. They just wanted to see exactly how weird she was - so they send a "boyfriend" out after her, to be alone with her. He had told everyone about the things she had told him, the things they had shared. Hurt and filled with anger, Pandora swore to never trust anyone again. She ran away from home when she was 13 and have been living like a homeless ever since. Her parents didn't search for her. They were probably just relieved, since they didn't have to care about her anymore. One day she heard about this town - a town full of those awfully self-absorbed heroes. She couldn't have thought of anything more perfect - this was a opportunity for her, to go and kick some "hero ass". Or, atleast she thought so.

So begins...

Pandora's Story


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Pandora was slowly walking down the street - well, at least as slow as she could, trying to figure out where to go. She knew, that she had to check in at that "mutant school" tomorrow. But she was kinda scared, to be honest. She hadn't been to school for three years and this school was even made for heroes and villains. She was smart though, and read alot. And she needed that commitment, she needed something to do. The whole "checking-in" thing wouldn't be a problem either. They had to let her go there, because she was a mutant. But it still frightened her. How the hell could villains and heroes go to school together?
Pandora lit a cigaret and watched how more and more people began to turn of their lights inside their apartments and how the bars and clubs got more filled with drunk people. She needed somewhere to stay over night.

Suddenly something fell down from above her and she picked it up from the ground. It was a newspaper, or some of it, all crumpled up. She flattened out the paper and read the title on the front: "Grey haired man assaults casino owner..." How stupid! Who cared if the man was grey haired? She looked at the picture, but she didn't recognize him. How could she anyway, she'd only been here a couple of days. She looked up a the black sky, but nobody was there... how odd. Where did the newspaper come from?


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Character Portrait: Aura Character Portrait: Pandora
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Pandora was trying to sleep, but the cold and the noise from the bars / pubs made it hard to fall asleep. She'd been looking for somewhere better than the pavement to sleep on for hours, but she hadn't succeeded. She could feel the cold ground through her jeans and her whole body where almost numb. What time was it? She'd probably been walking all night, in a few hours the sun would be up and she'd have to find that school.

Suddenly she heard something. Something that didn't belong in the normal night scene. It sounded like a giant dog who howled.... a werewolf! Pandora opened her eyes. She'd always believed in werewolf and was very fascinated by them, but had never actually seen one. And she was certain she just heard a werewolf howl somewhere far away. Pandora got up and dusted the dirt of her jeans. She had to see that werewolf! She'd never get any sleep anyways.

She glanced around the street and made sure nobody was watching her, then took a step forward and ran. Not like a normal person, but as if she were a bullet flying through the air against it's target, breaking through the wall of air. If she just followed the sound and kept running....


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Character Portrait: Aura Character Portrait: Pandora
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Pandora watched as the werewolf ran off. She felt quite sick, there were guts everwhere... but at the same time, she hadn't been this excited in a loong time. Werewolfs existed! Pandora stayed there for some minutes and then got up. "Didn't I say so?" She muttered. She had to go before someone thought this was her work. But at the same time she got up, she started to sense the werewolf again. And this time it felt much stronger.

Pandora froze. It hadn't been part of the plan to get killed by the werewolf. She was used to quite a lot, but this really scared her. Especially after she'd just seen what it was capable of doing.

Instead of just sprinting away (she could easily outrun the werewolf), she just stood there. The panick took over her mind and she didn't know what to do or how to react. Her heartbeat raised and the adrenalin rushed through her blood. Don't turn around, don't turn around....


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Character Portrait: Aura Character Portrait: Pandora
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Pandora was like a statue. Her whole body had frozen and her muscles were so tense she almost had cramps. Pandora always knew she was kinda sick in a way... 'cause even when she could feel the werewolfs breath in her neck and the superiority oozing from it, she still couldn't help herself from feeling exited. Even when she most likely was about to get killed, she still felt exited. Exited and scared to death at the same time.

"Don't turn around, don't turn around" Pandora kept saying to herself, knowing that it would be her certain death. She remained still and pretended to not notice the werewolf, while her eyes searched for something she could jump up on, something nearby. That's when she noticed a big container leaning against the wall on the other side of the street - right next to a lamppost. If she could just distract the werewolf enough to get over there, she could jump up and jump from lamppost to lamppost. Werewolfs couldn't climb... could they? Or maybe they were just as flexible as her? Either way, she had to take the risk before the werewolf decided to kill her.

But how could she distract it? Pandoras mind was one big mess and she was beginning to panick. She could feel how the werewolf were amuzed by this, how it felt superior somehow. But then she remembered the gun strapped to her belt....


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Character Portrait: Aura Character Portrait: Pandora
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Pandora almost jumped when the werewolf talked to her. "So... are you going to run or just stand there?" It was a female and when the werewolf started to circle around her, she realised how beautiful she was. "Did you enjoy the show? I hope I made it bloody enough for your entertainment." The werewolf stopped in front of her and smirked taunting.

"Maldita perra" Pandora mumbled to herself in spanish. Fucking bitch. She could feel how her bad temper was taking over. It always did. Slowly, even tho there was no way the werewolf wasn't going to notice, she reached out for her gun. This was NOT how she had wanted things to go, but she wasn't going to get killed. Not now, not here and not by her.

"It was ok" Pandora said and grabbed around the handle of her gun. "It could have used a bit more blood tho" she added and in less than half a second, she pulled the gun and pointed at the werewolf cursing something at her in russian.


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Character Portrait: Aura Character Portrait: Pandora
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The female werewolf backed away into one of the black alleys. Shit. Suddenly a bottle were thrown from one of the other alleys and then a rock from another one. She was circling around her, making it hard to know where she was. Pandora almost went in total panick mode, but then a plan formed in her head. The werewolf hadn't attacked. That meant, the gun could still be a help for Pandora. It was still a threat to the werewolf, even though she clearly had the upper hand.

Pandora was faster with her movements than the werewolf, she knew that. She could also jump really well, kinda like a frog. If she could just get over to that container and then up on one of the lampposts... But the werewolf were definitely a better runner than her. And she was stronger. Much stronger. If she got to her, she would kill her instantly.

"Quit playing around, will ya?" Pandora yelled into the darkness, her voice trembling a bit. If she could just see the werewolf enough to shoot her and at least hurt her enough to slow her down. Then she could run over to the container and jump from there.


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Character Portrait: Aura Character Portrait: Pandora
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Suddenly everything went silent. Almost like the werewolf had dissapeared. Pandora could feel her palms getting sweaty and the adrenalin was rushing through her blood. This couldn't be good.

Suddenly the werewolf attacked from her left, biting in her arm and clawing her in the face. Pandora screamed in pain and tried to point the gun at the werewolf, but suddenly it had dissapeared again. Shaking and shocked of what had just happened, she tried to hold her gun still and ignore the pain. "FUCK YOU" she yelled out, frustrated and angry. She'd never been in a position like this before. Usually Pandora was the one with the upper hand, especially because she had superhuman agility and no one was never able to hurt her.

But now everything was upside down. The werewolf were genius, Pandora almost had no way to defend herself when she couldn't even see her. Pandora closed her eyes for a second and felt how the werewolf were really enjoing this. She could also feel the blood streaming down her face.
She then opened them and screamed out: "Why don't you come out?" Her voice were shaking 'cause of the pain. "I mean, isn't it kinda sad that you only know how to fight when your opponent is defentless?" she said and put her finger on the tricker, preparing herself to shoot. "Why don't we make this a more even fight?"


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Character Portrait: Aura Character Portrait: Pandora
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Pandora knew that the werewolf no matter what, would be alot stronger than her. So it didn't really sound fair to her, but she agreed. At least it gave her a chance. "So, are you ready? Or do you need more time?" she asked and smirked. "I'm ready." Pandora said and threw her gun over her back. She wasn't too happy to loose her gun. But at least, the werewolf weren't going to use some extreme lightning thing or something now.
She waited some seconds and then ran as fast as she could to the right, then to the left, and then to the right again - getting closer and closer to the werewolf, while trying to make it difficult to attack her. When she reached the werewolf, she threw herself on the ground and glided through Auras legs and tried to kick her in the back from behind.


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Character Portrait: Aura Character Portrait: Pandora
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Pandora screamed out of fustration when she realised that the female had lied, but luckily she managed to roll over on one side before the fire hit the ground where she'd just been. She screamed once more over her stupidity and got up on her legs. Damn, her gun was all the way over on the other side of the street. "Damn you!" she screamed and kicked the air. Pandora then noticed how close they were to the container now. Without even thinking, she turned her back to the werewolf and ran as fast as she could over to the container. She jumped up without difficulty, but the container was slippery from the rain earlier and she slipped and landed on the ground.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: PRIME Character Portrait: Aura Character Portrait: Pandora
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woops! sorry, ignore this post :(


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Character Portrait: PRIME Character Portrait: Pandora
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PRIME had watched the whole fight between Aura and Pandora. She finally figured out that the wolf was the same girl who had lost the diamond to brightside.

As the sun started to come out, PRIME could see that Aura started to retreat. This is when PRIME realized that the girl was a werewolf, and could not transform at will. Finally, PRIME found the girls weakness, perfect for recruiting her to be apart of PRIME's master plan.

PRIME decided to go up to the girl who Aura had retreated from. This girl could be PRIME's first recruit. She flew up to the girl on the container, and said,
"It's a shame. That werewolf can't hold on to ANYTHING. Picking on people stronger than her, how pathetic." PRIME now put her arm around Pandora's shoulder.


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Character Portrait: PRIME Character Portrait: Aura Character Portrait: Pandora
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Pandora watched in shock as the werewolf suddenly let go of her and the disappeared into the black alleys again. For some reason this just wasn't the night she was going to get killed.

Suddenly some woman appeared out of nowhere and began talking to her about something with power and the werewolf. Pandora was too focused on the pain in her left arm to even listen and when the woman wrapped an arm around her shoulder, she wrenched and automatically teared the womans arm away from her.

"Who the hell are you?" she asked with a cold voice and tried to get up on her legs. Where was her gun? She glanced around and noticed her gun lying on the other side of the street. "One second..." she muttered before she flew over to her gun and picked it up from the ground. Not bothered to go back to the woman, she stayed where she was and glanced at her suspiciously. What the hell was she doing?


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Character Portrait: PRIME Character Portrait: Pandora
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PRIME crossed her arms and legs as she floated in the air. She shadily smiled at Pandora and said, "I'm known as PRIME. Like you, I've been picked on by people who think they are stronger than me. ESPECIALLY by a man by the name of Brightside. And what is your name, my dear?"

PRIME now noticed the huge gash on Pandora's shoulder.
"That looks like it hurts. If you want, I can take you back down to my headquarters, get you healed up, and we can chat. Well, then again, that's if you trust me."


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Character Portrait: PRIME Character Portrait: Pandora
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The woman introduced herself as PRIME and then talked about something with being picked on by a guy named Brightside. She wanted Pandora to go with her to her headquaters. This sure was weird and she didn't trust PRIME one bit. But she needed to get this mess cleaned up and she could just go after that.

"This is strange..." Pandora muttered to herself and crossed her arms.
"I'll go with you for a moment" she then said and glanced at PRIME. "But that doesn't mean that I trust you."


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Character Portrait: PRIME Character Portrait: Pandora
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PRIME didn't wait, she picked Pandora up off of the ground and flew to the nearest manhole cover on the road and using her telekinesis, moved it away from its former position.

"hang on tight, dear." PRIME said to Pandora. Head first, PRIME flew down the narrow tube. When she reached the sewer, she flew through the maze-like twists and turns with ease. PRIME stopped at a big vault-like door.

She placed Pandora down on the floor. PRIME stopped floating and her feet touched the ground. PRIME looked calmly at Pandora.
"If you'll excuse me dear, I have to ask you to turn away for a second. I don't want anyone to see the password to my little spot."


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Character Portrait: PRIME Character Portrait: Pandora
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Pandora instantly regretted that she had followed her. But oh well, if this meant that she could get her wounds cleaned up...

Pandora turned around and waited for the villain to do her thing. She glanced around and wrinckled her nose slightly. What an odd place to stay at.

((sorry for short post))


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Character Portrait: PRIME Character Portrait: Pandora
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"Thank you, dear.", PRIME said as Pandora turned around. The cement door had carvings of snakes and strange other-worldly symbols carved unto it. PRIME cleared her throat, and suddenly made repulsive squeaks and screams as well as her eyes turning a bright purple. The squeaks and screams were all powers given to her by the hypernatic DNA that was injected to her when she was little. As well as receiving the DNA mixed with a secret syrum's powers, she became an alien-like creature.

The door slowly opened up. PRIME turned back to Pandora and said calmly, "Alright, sweetheart, come in quickly, before the door closes on ya and crushes you to death."

If you were to visit PRIME's lab before the Brightside incident, you would probably just see stone carvings everywhere. After PRIME's encounter with Brightside, She became furious. PRIME decided to jump to her plan of creating the syrum early. In order to create the syrum, one would need the lattice diamond, and a boatload of almost every kind of plant. That was exactly what covered all of PRIME's lair.

As PRIME floated inside her lair, she turned to Pandora and asked, "So, how do you like it? It was really hard trying to grow plants in a dirty, filthy sewer, but i managed."


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Character Portrait: PRIME Character Portrait: Pandora
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The big cement door opened and revealed an almost rainforest looking lab with plants everywhere, even on the roof. "Uhm... it's great." Pandora mumbled confused and stepped inside. What the hell was this woman doing? "Well, could we get this cleaned up then?" she asked calmly and pointed at the wounds. It was really the only reason she was here, but something was telling her that that was not what the woman had in mind.


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Character Portrait: PRIME Character Portrait: Pandora
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"Right.", Prime said as the door shut behind the two women. "Stay right there, sweetheart.", she said as she made her way to a pink flower. She picked one of the leaves off the flower and flew over to Pandora. She put the leaf on her wound. "There, this herb should clean the wound. I've been studying herbal medicine for a while now. Come, I'd like to show you something."

Prime made her way to a large pod that was similar looking to a venus flytrap. As Prime stepped closer, the pod opened, revealing test tubes and beakers with a blue fluid inside of them.


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Character Portrait: PRIME Character Portrait: Pandora
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Prime put a pink flower on Pandoras wounds and then flew over to what looked like a giant venus flytrap. But when she came closer, the flytrap opened and Pandora realised that is wasn't a plant at all. It was a pod with all kinds of tubes and beakers inside. "Look, thanks for the..." Pandora hesitated and glanced at the plant on her arm, "... flower." She then glanced back over at the blue fluid and said: "But I should probably go" with a slight frown on her face. She'd gotten what she came for. Besides; this was just getting stranger and stranger every second. And whenever she tried to sense what the woman was feeling, all she got was this mix of anger, superiority and manic megalomania. The typical stuff she always saw in the villains heads.

So fast that she became one blurred mix of colours, she ran over to the cement door. But when she stopped in front of it, she heard voices outside in the sewers and she turned to the woman. "Looks like we have company."