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Hattie Thomas

*sighs* "Oh well back to work"

0 · 333 views · located in Splitcreek, Arizona

a character in “Way Out West”, as played by Saiyan Princess


Hattie Thomas

Given Name: Henrietta Marie Thomas
Nickname: Hattie
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Good guy or bad guy? Explain: Hattie is a good person and a hard worker that has a strong sense of family.
Position/occupation: Rancher/Pseudo Mother

Personality: Hattie is a kind young woman with a strong sense of family, her loyalty to them runs deep, and it has become so important to her that she has put her own wants and desires on hold. She feels its her duty as the eldest child to help her father raise her younger siblings after the death of her mother. Despite this duty she often feels as though she will never be able to break away and start a life and family of her own, which gives her a slight air of sadness at times.

Taking up the mantel of a mother is hard especially when most girls her age have started families of their own. Hattie hopes that the move West that took her mother away will prove profitable enough for her father. In time perhaps she can set aside the worry, and begin to concentrate on her own life and loose the fear of becoming an old maid.

Skills: Hattie is a hard working girl well acquainted with housework such as cooking, cleaning, sewing, and child care. But she is also handy around her father's horse ranch the care of animals such as chickens, cows, pigs, goats and horses are often times this is a reprieve for Hattie. Something she enjoys doing and gives her an escape from the everyday household care, it's a time that she thinks about her life and the life she might have. Hattie also has basic skills in gardening not on a large scale such as a farm, but they grow enough to provide for the Thomas family. She can handle a shotgun but hates them, the thought of having the balance of someones life in her hands scares her and prays that she will never have to use it.

History: Hattie is the eldest child of Henry and Mary Thomas; she had a good childhood with four younger siblings. Adam is eighteen, Camille or Cami is eight, Josie is six, and Emma is four. Sadly on the trek to Arizona Mary grew ill and passed away leaving Hattie to care for the children.

Adam and Henry do most of the work caring for the horses on the ranch, often time gone for days and weeks on end leaving Hattie alone with the little ones at the homestead. This can be frightening especially with all of the commotion brewing in Splitcreek, there is little to nothing she could do to protect the ranch if they were attacked. But she would do everything in her power to protect her little sisters, Hattie prays that nothing would ever come to harm them. Unfortunately this is the West and often times it's frightening and unpredictable. But the West also brings bounties and freedoms that would never be found in their old home, the family was large and poor only the hopes of prosperity in the Nevada drove them to leave. Hopefully her mother didn't die in vain and this land will hold riches that they would never see if they hadn't sacrificed.
Courting anyone? Being courted?: No but looks forward to it.
Married?: No

Appearance: Hattie is a beautiful young woman with long, wavy, dark brown hair that spills about her shoulders. Often times she will pull it up into a bun especially when she is working on chores around the homestead. Hattie's eyes are a deep warm brown that can often seem sad, from her deep seeded desire to move forward in her life. But often times her loyalty to her father and especially to the memory to her mother, makes feel as though she will never break free.

She is a sturdy girl who is not too thin, but no one would ever consider her to be overweight either. This comes from the tasks that she has to perform around the homestead. Carrying loads of laundry to the small fork of the river to wash on the smooth water worn rocks. Trudging bundles of firewood and other tasks build up her strength giving her the strong frame of a hard working rancher. Her clothes are not fancy and made to do the work typically reserved for the wife of the house, and many times she envies the girls in the city that wear the pretty dresses. But she knows she has neither the time nor money to worry about such things. Painting up her face and dressing to the nines is something Hattie typically doesn't bother much with. Her natural beauty is something she takes pride in, her skin slightly tanned from working outside in the Nevada sun, with a sprinkling of light freckles across her nose and cheeks. With a warm loving smile and gentle hello Hattie welcomes everyone who comes to the Thomas Ranch.

So begins...

Hattie Thomas's Story

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Going on trips to town always seemed an impossible task to Hattie, it felt as though half the day wasted away by the time she got everything ready. The children had to be cleaned and dressed, first impressions were important in Hattie's mind and she didn't want the girls to look a mess.

"Hattie? Emma says she has to go... again." said Cami fidgeting in her seat in the back of the wagon.

Hattie sighed as the little curly topped girl stood up and reached out to her older sister, it was the second time she had run to the outhouse in the past forty five minutes. Needless to say it was starting to wear thin on Hattie but little Emma was only four and you can’t make such young girl wait too long.

"Come here Emma" said Hattie as she reached out to the little girl taking her into her arms and setting her small feet down on the dusty ground just outside the stables. The little girl wasted no time making a run for the old sun bleached outhouse just out of sight of the stables. Hattie shook her head and chuckled to herself "She really did have to go again" she said as she checked the leads on the old mare that would be taking them to town. Mabel was a good horse and had helped pull the all the way from the east to here in Splitcreek.

"Can we go now Hattie" said Josie as she chewed on the end of the lace ribbon attached to her bonnet.

Josie was always the one that seemed to find trouble wherever she turned, tearing clothes, bumps and bruises; the girl was always up to something. Hattie was surprised that they hadn't had to run her to the town doctor for something yet.

"As soon as Emma gets back we can head out" and just as the words escaped Hattie's lips the sound of little footfalls in the dirt came up behind her.

"I'm ready now" said Emma trying to climb up into the wagon, she wobbled slightly on the wagon wheel and was caught by Hattie just before she tumbled off.

"Alright now let’s head to town, I'd like to be home before dark" she said jokingly as she climbed into the driver seat of the wagon.

With the girls settled and chatting in the back Hattie lead the horse into town, living on the outskirts wasn't always easy. But you needed plenty of room if you're running a ranch and their Pappy had found a nice little piece of land just off a little fork of the river. The thought was bitter sweet "Mama would have loved it" Hattie thought to herself, but the thought soon faded with the sound of little voices arguing behind her.

"No we ain't Josie, Hattie didn't say nothing about getting candy" said Cami in a motherly tone of voice.

Cami was always a little bossy especially when it came to Josie and it just got under Josie's skin.

"I bet she would if we were good wouldn't you Sissy" Josie grinned mischievously, like she knew something that nobody else knew.

Hattie turned and looked back at the girls Cami had a scowl on her face and her hands on her hips, Josie looked like the cat that just swallowed the canary and little Emma was quietly playing with a little rag doll Hattie had made for her. Hattie smiled she couldn't love anyone anymore then she loved these girls, "I think we might be able to manage few pieces of candy. If you do as you’re told and stop quarreling with each other, I might get some at the general store" she said with a warm smile.

Cami, Josie and Emma's eyes lit up and they began to cheer with glee as they entered the main street of Splitcreek. Hattie made her way to tie off the horse and wagon just outside the store. She wasn't familiar with too many people in town yet. Usually it was only trips like this and she spent her time stocking up at the store. She had hoped that her father and brother would have been home from their last trip a couple of days ago, so that she might be able to make a trip to town by herself. But they hadn't returned yet so she had to make the trip to town with the girls in tow, she didn't mind too much but shopping was so much easier when you didn't have three little girls begging for sweets.

"Last stop everybody off" Hattie smiled as she helped the girls out of the back of the wagon with giggles and excited squeals.

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Just as Hattie was about to lead the children inside the general store, gunshots rang out and pair of riders dragging some poor soul down the main street. The girl’s eyes went wide at the brutal sight, as Hattie wrapped her arms around the three innocent girls putting her between the sight and the children's eyes. Partly Hattie did this to shield them just in case a stray bullet from the guns would come their way, and to shield them from the horrible sight of a man dragged to death.

Cami, Josie and Emma began to sob into their sister's apron "Hattie what’s happening" cried Cami.

"Why did they have shoot Sissy" Josie said while covering her ears.

"I want my Pappy!" Emma exclaimed as she dropped her doll on the ground from the shock of the sight she had just beheld.

"Shhh... It's alright I'm here and ain't nothing gonna hurt ya. But you need to calm down" she cooed to the girls kneeling down and kissing them. Gently caressing their hair as she embraced them their cries soon died down to sniffles. Hattie turned back to the sight, whoever he was he looked a terrible mess, if he was alive, Hattie prayed if he was that wouldn't be suffering.

What had become of this town, they had only been here about half a season it was an active mining town, but the only disturbances had been a few drunks here and there. But this was horrible Hattie had never beheld such a cruel sight in her life, what was worse than that is her little sisters had seen it as well. Hattie's heart beat in her chest; surely the sheriff had heard this commotion. There had to be someone to stand up to these men who thought nothing of shooting in broad daylight in front of women and children, with no thought of the terrible consequences of something like that. They had no respect for life of anyone, torturing that poor soul they were dragging, and for what God what was this world coming to.

The only thing Hattie could think to do was pray...

"Our Father, which art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy Name.
Thy Kingdom come.
Thy will be done in earth,
As it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
As we forgive them that trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
The power, and the glory,
For ever and ever.
Amen." She prayed under her breath and gently rocked the girls in her arms.

‘We gut' a message to Mista' Hass!'' one of the men yelled making Hattie jump. When she turned back a young woman that wasn't much older than her walked up to the men on the horses, Hattie swallowed hard as the scene played out before her. "How can she do that, she must be out of her ever loving mind... Where's the sheriff... Isn’t any man brave enough to step up to these evil men?" she thought to herself.

"Sir, you need to leave," she said coldly, "This man needs a doctor. That is, if he isn't already dead."

Hattie gasped and put her hand over her mouth from the sure shock of what the woman had just done; saying something so defiant to men like that was like signing your own death warrant.

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Hattie watched as the situation finally began to wind down the men had ran off with a saloon girl and left the poor man that was dragged to die in the middle of the street. What was worse is another man, Hattie thought he was the German man that owned the saloon came and tortured the poor soul even more. Hattie almost burst into tears as he shook the battered man screaming at the top of his lungs about gold. She had seen enough when finally the doctor came up to check him out, she was sure by the amount of blood pouring from the man's wounds if he wasn't already dead he would be soon and the doctor couldn't do much to help him, except for maybe putting him out of his misery.

She looked to the store so much had happened in a short amount of time, it seemed like they had been standing there the whole afternoon. The shopping could wait for another day perhaps her Pappy and brother would be home and she could come back to town another day without putting the girls in danger.

"Alright let’s just head home" said Hattie was she pulled the girls tear streaked faces from her apron, "I'll make you all some sweet rolls at home... how does that sound?" she said with a gentle smile.

The bribe of sweet rolls wasn't needed and the girls dashed to the wagon; as Hattie hefted each girl up they huddled in a corner together on a small pile of hay still sniffling with silent tears still rolling down their cheeks. She hated that the girls had been put through this, if their mother had been alive Hattie would have been the only one to see this tragedy. But the deed was done and the only thing they could do now was try to recover from it.

Hattie sighed and pulled herself up into the driver seat, "Lord I hope that coming to the West was a good idea" she said quietly under her breath as she lead the horse back home.

The ride back home was very quiet; there was an occasional whisper from the girls but not much more than that. Hattie was on edge the whole ride jumping at any odd sound that came from around them. The only thing she could think of was the fact that those horrible men had gotten away and could still be somewhere lying in wait for anybody to come along. She cursed herself for not taking the shotgun with her in the wagon, but the truth was Hattie didn't think she could shot a man if it came down to it. Years of church going and bible reading had taught her it was wrong to kill someone, and she knew she would choke if the situation would rise.

Finally the Thomas Ranch came into sight once again and Hattie felt like she couldn't get there fast enough. When they stopped the girls quietly filed into the house as Hattie unhitched the horse. Taking the scared weary mare to the barn she immediately headed to the troth and took a long deserved drink. Hattie left Mabel and surveyed the land around to see if there were any signs of her father or brother. Still it was nothing but the occasional bird flying by and the sound of the river flowing in the back of the property.

"God please protect Pappy and Adam, let them get home soon" she prayed just before she stepped in the front door of the house.

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Henry Thomas wiped sweat from his brow just under his hat, they were running late again and he was sure his daughter Hattie was worried out of her mind, that girl was so much like her mother when it came to the family. He wished that she didn't have to fill in for her mother, but sometimes the good Lord has other plans. They had been following the river the whole time, but a storm had spooked the horses and he couldn't just let them be when a hand full ran off. He and Adam his son lost almost two days searching for them, finding them later grazing just barely in Indian territory. Thank God the natives were reasonable and didn't give them any grief for the trespassing and soon the found their path home once again. Now they could see the homestead in sight and he was relieved for it "It'll be nice to sleep in my own bed tonight" he thought to himself.

He was also happy for the thought of seeing his little girls again, he always missed them so terribly but someone had to put food on the table. He hated to have leave them by themselves so much, but there was no room for the horses to graze on the land so he had to take them to the greener pastures miles away. It also gave him the opportunity get a hold of some of the wild horses out on the plains. Those stallions were essential to his breeding of the best damn horses in Arizona. The smells of home cooked food wafted from the house, making the men smile as the closed the corral gate.

"It's good to be home ain't it Pappy" said Adam, Henry nodded in agreement as they headed for the front door.

Hattie was having prayer around the dinner table when the front door opened, she had never been so happy to see her father in her life. They had just finished praying for the poor man to live happy in heaven. She felt tears well up in her eyes as she stood up from the table "Pappy..." she said with sad sigh.

"Pappy!!!!" yelled the three little girls as the ran to their father going on and on about everything that had happened.

"Slow down there what this about bad men in town and such" said Henry with a concerned look on his face.

Hattie nodded and then explained what had happened that day in town the girls clinging to Henry for dear life. Adam and Henry stood there with their mouths agape from shock.

"Pappy I'm sorry I didn't get the supplies we..." said Hattie before she was cut off.

"Don't you dare apologize for getting out of town after something like that, you did what you had to, tomorrow before your brother and I head out again. You and Adam can head to town and get the supplies and from now on when you got to town take the shot gun and ammo with you yah hear" said Henry sternly. Adam nodded understanding what he would have to do the next day.

"Now lets eat supper we're starving something fierce" he said with smile trying to brush off what he had just heard in order to keep the girls calm. The family soon sat down to a good meal, Hattie prayed the girls wouldn't have nightmares and that she would have the courage to make the trip to town the next day.

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Character Portrait: Hattie Thomas Character Portrait: Samuel MacTaggart
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Henry sat out on the front porch of the house smoking his pipe as Hattie and the girls cleaned up the kitchen after supper. He sighed thinking about what Hattie had told him about the incident in town that day. It worried him and made him slightly afraid of leaving his girls home alone, he didn't want to think of the consequences if something were to happen to them. As the smoke rings formed over his head, he was so lost in thought he didn't notice Hattie as she came out of the house and stood beside him.

"Penny for your thoughts Pappy?" she asked.

Henry shook his head trying to chase away the fog in his mind of frightening thoughts, he smiled at Hattie he had heard that same question escape his wives lips on many a night before this. Oh how Hattie reminded him of his sweet Mary, Hattie looked almost identical to her mother at her age it saddened him sometimes to look at her.

"Well I was thinking maybe I should just start buying hay for the horses instead of having to drive them so far out. That way I and yer brother could stay here and make sure yall are safe" he said with a worried smile.

"But Pappy that would cost you so much more then it does now to take em out. I don't think you could afford to do that" she said wiping her hands on her apron. She tried not to let her father know her heart leapt with joy at the joy at the prospect of her father staying at home. But she knew that would put a heavy financial burden on the ranch. Thats when the faint clip clop of hoof beats coming over the sand of the desert, Hattie looked out to see a familiar face coming up the path. She smiled gently... it was Samuel Mac Taggart, a tall man with big heart and strong hand. He was a widower, and Hattie respected that but she couldn't hide the fact from herself that when he came to visit she couldn't help but smile at him.

"Hey there now there's a face I haven't seen in a while" called out Henry with a wave, "Hattie go warm up the coffee and those tasty sweet rolls you made we've got company" he said with smile to his daughter as she quickly headed inside. He saw the look in his daughters eyes when Sam would come around, and had an inkling she fancied him a bit. But he also knew that Sam was devoted to his wife that had been tragically murdered, with no sign of his little girl, still if'n he did take a shine to Hattie he wouldn't mind it one bit.

There was soon the thudding of little feet coming up behind him as the three youngest ran out the front door and out to Sam "Mr Mac Taggart!" they cheered.

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As Samuel rode up the path to the ranch he smiled happily. The Thomas ranch was one of the few places he would allow himself time to relax and reflect on the good things in life, the whole area was teeming with vigor as if the hard work of the people there had somehow made the place itself seem a little more lively. When he was about halfway to the main house he was hailed by the strong voice of Henry Thomas, the patriarch of the Thomas family. Returning the mans friendly wave Samuel dismounted and steadied Gaiter as he searched through his saddlebags; in a moment he would be accosted by the younger members of the Thomas family. Sam had learned early on that you didn't show up to the Thomas ranch without gifts for the little ones. Locating the parcel of sorghum candy he had brought Sam turned just in time to crouch before the onslaught began.

The combined force of the three girls together was enough to knock even a large man down on his ass and Sam was no exception. Amid excited jabbering and friendly yanks at his beard Sam managed to belt out a halfhearted threat to take the lot of them over his knee to allow himself a moment to breathe.

"Now look here lassies, if'n I don't get a chance to sit up how am I gonna be able to get you these wee lumps of sorghum I've got behind my back?!"

Bracing himself Samuel brandished the sack of candy for a mere second before it was snatched away and the gaggle of children ran away with their prize. At last Samuel stood, he watched the two older girls run off to divide their share of the loot and grinned. Emma, his favorite had elected to stay behind as he knew she would, laughing with mirth he scooped up the smaller girl and thoroughly scoured her cheeks with his beard. A midst the girls giggles he produced a special gift he had gotten her, a small silk hairbow, clutching her prize the girl screamed with joy and sprinted off in pursuit of her sisters.

Samuel smiled in her wake but as the child left he sighed. His own daughter would have been or would be her age right now. Blinking rapidly Samuel coughed and put such thoughts behind him as he led Gaiter to the house, waving to Adam the second oldest Thomas sibling Samuel shook the boys hand and casually remarked,

"Well damn son, soon you'll be big enough to fit me hand-me-downs, do me a favor and see that Gaiter gets a good rub down eh?"

Years ago Samuel would've brought the boy a gift, a new pocket knife or a fine rope; but in recent years Adam had grown into a stout young man and such things were frivolities between the two men. Sam reckoned that someday Adam may join him with a badge on his own chest for Henry certainly wanted great things for his only son.

Mounting the steps to the families porch Samuel exchanged enthusiastic greetings with Henry, a saint of a man if their ever was one. Samuel figured that he would like to be in the old mans shoes someday with a nice chunk of land and many beautiful healthy children. As he enjoyed the pleasantries of a long overdue reunion between old friends Samuel felt the subtle sting of dissapointment as Hattie was nowhere to be found. Sam felt calm in her presence and in some form the ghosts of his past quieted while she was around.

"Seems to be a nice evening, anything new in town today? I've been out the past fortnight scouting for signs of Bell and his lot; they've been bolder as of late."

As Sam began the makings of a cigarette the door to the house opened and Hattie came bearing a tray of small sugar encrusted rolls and a pot of coffee. Taking the proffered plate of rolls Sam's breath briefly caught in his throat as he stammered out a quick "Thank you". She seemed not too notice his social faux pas even as he suddenly became aware of the thin layer of grime and dirt covering the backs of his hands and fingernails, as she turned to offer the refreshments to her father Sam hastily combed his fingers through his thick beard and hair and quietly bemoaned his near sighted decision to visit fresh off the trail.

Seeking to make up for his blunder Samuel held out his hand to Hattie and gruffly intoned,

"Evening Miss Thomas, seemed a bit of commotion went down in town today. I hope your schedule wasn't inconvenienced or disrupted."

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Hattie turned as the girls came running back in with treats from Samuel, she smiled he had always been so kind to the girls even with their whooping and hollering about bringing the gifts in the past. Ever since then he never came without a small prize for them, Emma walked up with a beautiful bow in her hands. Hattie couldn't help but smile "Ah such a pretty bow for an even prettier little girl come here" she motioned her baby sister to her, knelt down and took the bow in her hands. Hattie then gently clipped the bow into Emma's hair "Well would you look at that pretty as a picture" she kissed Emma on the forehead and hurried her along to go play with her sisters.

She then took the tray she had made up for the company, "Welcome back Samuel, have a sweet roll baked them fresh today" she said with a gentle smile. Under all the beard and dirt of a hardworking man Samuel was downright handsome in Hattie's book, not that she minded the beard she figured it was cause he had such a young face and didn't fancy looking like as fresh faced as her younger brother.

"Thank you". he stuttered a little as Hattie couldn't think of the foggiest reason why he acted like that around her sometimes. He raked his hands through his hair as though he had suddenly realized how he appeared to her making chuckle inwardly. She shook the thought from her head and offered some to her father who shook his head no. He had already filled up after supper on the rolls so it wasn't a surprise to her. Samuel offered his hand and Hattie felt her heart thud as she took his hand.

"Evening Miss Thomas, seemed a bit of commotion went down in town today. I hope your schedule wasn't inconvenienced or disrupted."

The thud in her heart was soon stopped with this small sentence, and it saddened Hattie slightly to think back on it even the girls giggling in the corner quieted slightly.

"I'm afraid it was more than just a bit of commotion Samuel" she said with a sad tone her voice.

Henry offered Sam a seat at the table and then sat down himself, "You asked me about how things were going in town I'm afraid you missed out on a visit from some of Bells gang this afternoon" said Henry still puffing on his pipe. He looked over at Hattie to see if she wanted to tell the story or not, Hattie nodded as her hand slipped slowly from Samuel's.

"I rode into town with the girls today... we weren't there five minutes and they came blazing through main street like the devil was on their tails. Shooting, into the air with women and children around, they didn't care but the most evil thing is they were...." tears began sting her eyes a bit but she swallowed and continued.

"They were dragging this poor tortured man behind their horses like a rag doll. He was so bloodied you couldn't even tell who he was, scared me and the girls half to death and as soon as it was safe enough I piled the girls back in the wagon and didn't look back. I'm plum scared out of my wits to head back to town for fear of what might happen to the girls" she sniffed a little trying not to let her emotions run away with her.

Henry shook his head and motioned for Hattie to take care of the girls who sat quietly wide eyed at their sister. Hattie nodded and went to them trying to motion them into their room to get them ready for bed.

Henry watched them and as soon as they were out of sight Henry turned back to Sam "She's a strong girl Sam it'd have to be something drastic for her to get so worked up over it. My Hattie's been bout trampled by horses when she wasn't much older the Cami and even then she wasn't that scared. She told me old Hass came out and made the scene even worse beating the poor man more after the fact. Damn shame, wish I'd been there I'd ripped someone a new one for shooting around my girls.

I don't know what to do no more Sam, I can't afford to stay around here when I got living to make. I have to get me some more money saved up and I'll buy the rest of the land around here so I don't have to take the horses out again. So Hattie can finally find her own way instead of being the babies’ surrogate mother. She don't complain but most girls her age are already married and raising kids of their own, but things are getting dangerous Sam if she can't go to town and feel safe" Henry gave long drawn out breath.

He then gave a half ass smile "Well here I am talking your ear off. You got a place to stay for the night it's getting kind of late for you to head back to town... never mind you can just stay here for the night and get some decent rest Sam. I'm sending Adam with Hattie to town in the morning anyway so they can pick up supplies. Don't try and argue with me Sam, it'll be nice to hear about what been happening with you" he said putting a firm hand on Sam shoulder and chuckling.

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Character Portrait: Hattie Thomas Character Portrait: Samuel MacTaggart
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At the mention of the commotion in town Samuel frowned deeply. He should have been there to assure the safety of everyone in town. In any case he would have his work cut out for him in the morning. Hattie continued,

"I rode into town with the girls today... we weren't there five minutes and they came blazing through main street like the devil was on their tails. Shooting, into the air with women and children around, they didn't care but the most evil thing is they were....dragging this poor tortured man behind their horses like a rag doll. He was so bloodied you couldn't even tell who he was, scared me and the girls half to death and as soon as it was safe enough I piled the girls back in the wagon and didn't look back. I'm plum scared out of my wits to head back to town for fear of what might happen to the girls."

As clear as if he'd been in town at that moment Samuel saw in his mind's eye the girls and Hattie fleeing from the outlaws as they raced through town. The very thought of them in danger birthed a low growl from deep inside Samuel's chest. In an effort to suppress his anger Samuel coughed and absentmindedly clenched his fists until the skin of his palms felt like it would burst under the pressure.

At that moment Henry asked Hattie to tend to the girls as they readied for sleep. Awaiting their exit the man took Samuel aside,

"I don't know what to do no more Sam, I can't afford to stay around here when I got living to make. I have to get me some more money saved up and I'll buy the rest of the land around here so I don't have to take the horses out again. So Hattie can finally find her own way instead of being the babies’ surrogate mother. She don't complain but most girls her age are already married and raising kids of their own, but things are getting dangerous Sam if she can't go to town and feel safe."

With a pause Henry gave a low deep sigh and Sam suddenly became aware of how old his dear friend was. Just a few years ago Henry would've whipped the ass of anyone who did him wrong then brought them home and done it again in front of their mama. But now the weight of his responsibilities showed visible affects across his entire body. Henry was a scrapper, always had been and always would be, Sam couldn't help but smile; even in the face of the entire world Henry would never loose that swagger of a man who knew he had something to live for. The whole family had that same quality, a rugged determination to carry on despite what they had thrown at them. Hattie herself crept back into Sams thoughts as she often did, she was a beacon of strength to the entire family, a daughter sister and mother all in one and yet she never said a word of complaint. If that wasn't what beauty meant then Sam figured he ought to be struck dumb this instant.

"Well here I am talking your ear off. You got a place to stay for the night it's getting kind of late for you to head back to town... never mind you can just stay here for the night and get some decent rest Sam. I'm sending Adam with Hattie to town in the morning anyway so they can pick up supplies. Don't try and argue with me Sam, it'll be nice to hear about what been happening with you."

As Henry finished talking he placed a hand on Sam's shoulder as if to reassure the younger man that everything would be right in the world.
The weight of the mans hand felt good, it was the touch of a father and dear friend.

"I can't tell you enough how grateful I am Henry, but I can't shake the feeling that I should have been there today....I should have been there. I could have done something! What if the girls....what if Hattie....oh damn it Henry I'm a fool. Gone two weeks searching for the Bell gang and in that time they ride right across my own front porch."

Slumping into a chair opposite the one Henry had vacated Sam hung his head in shame. He sat for a few moments before quietly mumbling..

"If anything had happened to your daughters Henry....this badge wouldn't mean shit. I'd be just another idiot with a gun and a backbone and no idea how to use either....I'll take Hattie to town myself tomorrow, you need Adam here to help you with the ranch."

Standing Sam unbuckled his gun belt and gingerly set it on the table before him, his tomahawk quickly joined it there.

"If you don't mind I'll just set up my bedroll out here on the porch, I doubt I'll be getting much sleep either way; my works cut out for me tomorrow."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hattie Thomas Character Portrait: Samuel MacTaggart
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Henry nodded "Whatever you want to do Sam, it's appreciated either way I get things done ten times faster with Adam here to help me. I don't know what I'd do without the boy, that ball I took to the leg when I was Adam's age doesn't help nothing when you're an old man like me" he said with a chuckle.

There was quiet clearing of the throat behind him and he turned to see Hattie standing in the door way from the bedrooms. "Pappy the girls are waiting for ya to tuck them in" she said with a warm smile.

Henry nodded "Well alright" he walked over and placed a gently fatherly kiss on her forehead. "I recall a time when I came and tucked you into bed" he said with a smile and pat on the shoulder as he headed to his little girls.

Hattie saw the distraught Samuel sitting hanging his head, it nearly broke her heart to see him fretting over her and the girls. She walked over placed her hand on the back of the chair, and then crouched down so her eyes would meet his. "Samuel you were doing your duty when all this went down you can't put the whole burden of what happened on your shoulders" moving her gentle hand to his shoulder, gently smoothing down the dusty shirt with the palm of her hand. Hattie knew that he was still haunted by what had happened to his wife and little girl, in her mind anyone who had seen something so tragic in their life; and could still move on and try to make the world a better place after it was a strong person. She couldn't imagine having her family taken away from her in such a manner. Her mother's death from illness was nothing compared to what he had gone through.

She smiled "Your a good man Samuel, I'm sure that the time will come and you'll get Bell and bring the lot of them to justice. The good Lord don't let men like Bell go on like that without retribution for what they've done. Come on I'll get you some quilts and a pillow so you can be a little more comfortable then your bedroll" she said with a smile.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hattie Thomas Character Portrait: Samuel MacTaggart
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As the sun came up in the morning Hattie leaned against the window frame and watched it rise. She hadn't slept well and woke up several times from a nightmare. She stepped out of her room her bare feet quietly padding on the wood floors, she had expected to cook but when she walked into the kitchen to see her father sitting at the table. The smell of bacon, eggs and coffee floated to her senses making her smile "Oh Pappy you didn't need to cook" she said.

Henry smiled at his daughter "Well dear I am not a total lunkhead in the kitchen, besides you deserve a break every once in a while he stood up from the table. Walking over he put his hand on her cheek and kissed her on the forehead "I don't know what I'd do without ya Hattie, I thank God every day for your patience and sacrifice" Hattie started to say something and Henry held up his hand.

"Now I know you don't think anything of it, and that you feel like it's your duty to yer Mama and me to do it. But the truth is you’re taking a big cut out of your life for this. I just want you to know that if someone does ask for your hand, well don't turn them down on my account" he smiled and glanced towards the front porch.

Hattie smiled and nodded "Okay Pappy" she knew better to argue with him when he was like this.

"Now you better get ready to head to town. Sam was kind enough to offer you a ride so Adam can stay here and help me get the horses ready, don't you worry about the girls we'll keep our eyes peeled" he patted her on the shoulder.

Hattie shook her head and headed back to her room she knew the girls would be awake soon, and if she wasn't ready to go they would probably beg to go along especially with Samuel taking her. She soon had her hair up and one of her nicer dresses on she didn't want to look shabby in front of Samuel.

Samuel had spent most of his night sitting on the steps of the front porch smoking contemplating his next move, towards Bell and his gang. He couldn't bear the thought of something happening to Henry's girls, so something had to be done and fast. He got up and decided he should help get the wagon ready to take Hattie to town, before she awoke. The sun was just rising when he came in to the house, Henry was milling around the smell of breakfast lingering in the air. "Well Henry I got the wagon ready to take Hattie to town" he said.

Henry turned from the plate he was setting out for the girls before they came in to eat "Well Hattie's awake and she getting ready should be back out here soon. She was never one to take too long getting ready" he had just gotten the words out of his mouth when she stepped into the kitchen. Henry smiled she was wearing her good Sunday dress her Mama had made her before passing.

"Well I'll be look at you pretty as a cactus flower" he said.

Samuel took in the sight of Hattie for a moment then had to snap himself out of his own thoughts on her appearance. Henry chuckled and the three of them sat down for breakfast. After a good meal and quietly slipping out the door, Hattie was sitting in the wagon with Samuel by her side on their way to town. Samuel was awfully quiet, she didn't want to bother him he looked like despite her attempts to make him comfortable with quilts last night he hadn't slept a wink.

She could see the fatigue in his eyes, “Penny for your thoughts Samuel?" she asked quietly.

He looked over her voice bringing him out his own thoughts "I’m sorry Miss Thomas I was just thinking about what waiting for me when we get to town. I'm afraid it's going to be quite the mess. But nothing you need to worry about I'll make sure you're safe no matter what" he slightly smiled and tipped his hat at her.

Hattie smiled back, after what seemed like another hour to Hattie and awkward small talk with Samuel they finally came back into town. Samuel stopped the horse at the hitch in front of the general store. Hattie took an internal note that it was the same place she had hitched the horse the day before she just hopped that it wouldn't be a repeat.

"I'm going to head to the sheriff's office and get the story on everything that's been going on, you go ahead and get what you need at the store" he tipped his hat and headed to the office as Hattie watched him she was somewhat saddened by his departure. The more she got to know Mr. MacTaggart the more her heart grew fond of him.

* I was given permission by pseudoimagination to move his character along with my post*