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We Are Meta

DC Earth


a part of We Are Meta, by Kiri711.


Kiri711 holds sovereignty over DC Earth, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

724 readers have been here.

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DC Earth



DC Earth is a part of We Are Meta.

1 Places in DC Earth:

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Mikaela Carstiar [26] I trust you guys more then I've trust anyone since my Uncle J'onn
Aurora Muse [25] "Oh, piss off... You can't outrun me."
Lily [25] "Dolly Dagger, her love's so strong- gonna make you stagger..."
Howl Kirkhan [22] We either work together or are captured your choice!
Anthony Garcia [20] "Um sorry. I wasn't trying to get my shoe stuck there."
001 [6] "My name... Wh would you need to know that after you're death?"

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Character Portrait: Mikaela Carstiar Character Portrait: Lily Character Portrait: Howl Kirkhan Character Portrait: Aurora Muse Character Portrait: Anthony Garcia Character Portrait: 001
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Airhorns sounded in alarm as distant tires screeched over the sounds of equally distant automatic weapons. Many of the Light agents broke away from the tea shop a while ago to investigate the clearly higher-priority situation. After all, the two other meta-humans did not seem particularly threatening in the physical sense. The Light agents that remained, however, clearly did not expect a tall, hooded figure to fly in from seemingly nowhere to stamp down onto a parapet.

That crazed lunatic with the bow was, in a word, bombastic, Lily observed. Though lacking proof, she knew the alarms and gunfire had to be from that boy. It would provide an ample distraction, and buy her and Aurora just enough time to extract these two less physically-gifted teenagers and escape. With a little luck, they would leave a trail just cold enough to lose the remaining agents.

“Whoa, hey kid. I know your freaked but i need you to stay with us, alright?”

The red-haired one appeared to be older, larger, and thus heavier. Though Aurora looked incredibly fit, Lily figured that the speedster’s power did not include super strength. In order for the speedster to maintain her speed, the most efficient method would be to let her carry the lighter boy- the blue-haired one with the skinny arms. The boy who almost looked more like a girl than a boy… Almost…

Another reason to take the heavier boy was because Lily had no idea how to comfort the smaller boy. Despite some book knowledge on emotional comfort, Lily had no real experience. Her only reference to that was her memories of her mother. Even then, Lily only remembered mother from images, turned hazy from the long-term effects of whatever testing chemicals the Light injected while she lived in the old lab. All she could make out at that point was long black hair, skin of an identical hue to Lily’s, and a white blouse. During that particular memory, Lily felt happiness and safety- feelings she felt nowadays, but not on the level she recalled.

Whenever she remembered, she also remembered the subsequent confusion and sadness. A second huge figure closing around mother, taking mother away, to vanish behind a curtain of steel-gray. The blast doors of a laboratory. The same ones Lily broke through when she initiated her escape. The sounds of those memories were worse off; they were muffled beyond recognition.

“We need to get him outta here fast, but I don't know which of you would be best to take him, pick. Your either stuck with my smart mouth, or keeping him from going into shock. Take your pick!”

The memories did not give the super any pause. She had taught herself to not be stirred by those memories a long time ago. There was no time for that, after all. Lily extended a hand towards the red-haired boy. “I’ll take smart-mouth. You good with carrying someone, Aurora?”


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"Target Acquired. Yep we got the hooded boy. He's out cold." a agent said before turning away from Anthony who opened his eyes groggy and sighed quietly. "Come into my parlor said the spider to the fly." He muttered before standing up and realizing he was bound. He grumbled causing the agent to turn around. He headbutt the agent and knocked the man out while officially drawing blood from himself. "Ouch ouch ouch. Stupid tactical helmets. Better hurry up."

Within minutes he had changed gear and clothes with the man. He left the guy bound and gagged face down to serve as a distraction. "Time for me to leave. I'll take my mask though thank you. I would love to hang around but I'll see you later losers!" Anthony said with a grin as he turned and stuck his bow in the soldier's bag along with his mask. He then put on the tinted gad mask and started to walk downstairs and away from the scene. He'd buy a new car later.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mikaela Carstiar Character Portrait: Lily Character Portrait: Howl Kirkhan Character Portrait: Aurora Muse Character Portrait: Anthony Garcia Character Portrait: 001
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It did indeed sound as if the Light had other problems to deal with, though the red-headed kid's assurance that they wouldn't move in yet somewhat confused her. Metas came in all shapes and sizes (herself and her new Super friend notwithstanding), so this kid hinting at cutting into their communications wasn't too much of a surprise. Of course, Rora had never encountered someone with this ability, so it was still a bit surprising...

The other boy seemed to be in a state of shock, and seemed quite reliant on the older one's direction at the moment. Taking several deep breaths, Aurora focused on what little energy she had left in reserve and stepped to the younger kid's side. A thought popped into her head, and with little gusto, she reached into her backpack and withdrew the kid's journal, holding it out to him.

”I dunno if this'll help you much at the moment, but I do believe it belongs to you. I couldn't stand to let this fall into the wrong hands,” The Speedster said gently to the freaked out fellow with a small, genuine smile, then turned back to the Super. ”I'm pretty sure I can handle him without too much trouble, but how far is the burning question. I only just rolled into town and I'm pretty much tapped out, what with all the fighting and running...”

Biting her lip with a sigh, she looked around and began contemplating the best route away from their immediate position. Time was their enemy, as usual, though Aurora tried her damnedest not to show her worry.

”I'm hoping one of you folks know of a sanctuary to hole up in somewhere nearby yet far enough away that we won't be leaving a trail for these pricks to follow...”


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mikaela Carstiar Character Portrait: Lily Character Portrait: Howl Kirkhan Character Portrait: Aurora Muse
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#, as written by Kiri711
Mika raised his eyes to be level with the girl's hands was his uncle's journal. He quickly wrapped it in his arms and held it close to his chest, mutter a quick thank you to the girl. He honest didn't care who carried, just so long as they got outta there. When he heard the speedster girl speak.
"I'm hoping one of you folks know of a sanctuary to hole up in somewhere nearby yet far enough away that we won't be leaving a trail for these pricks to follow.." He suddenly remember his uncle's friend the shadow walker. Quickly shuffling through the journal he found the address.

Howl watched as Mika rip the journal from her hands. The boy had muttered a thank you. He's breathing leveled out slightly. That explained it, it was the kid's safety blanket. He couldn't help but unconsciously rub the pocket watch that lay in his pants attach to a chain. It had been something Jasn had given him only a few months after taking Howl in.

Howl was about to state that he had just gotten in the country himself. When out of the corner his eye he saw Mika ripping through the pages of the journal.

"You got something, kid?" Howl looked over his shoulder, he was shocked to see names, addresses and abilities. He gave a whistle before turning to Aurora. "Whoa Ms.Flash, good thing you were hanging on to this the Light would have had a field d-." He cut himself off as Mika pointed to a address that was right here in Bangkok. He remembered driving past it on his way into the city from the airport.

"Kid, I've been by there the place. The guy got arrested a while back, the police taps old and collecting dust." Howl stated. He didn't miss the slump in Mika's shoulders.

"Then if it's already been swept no one will suspect it!" Mika stated.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mikaela Carstiar Character Portrait: Lily Character Portrait: Howl Kirkhan Character Portrait: Aurora Muse
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“Sounds like our place until things cool off, at least,” Lily said as she got a look at the address. Though the address was in English numbers and words, Lily was not familiar with the streets of Bangkok.

She reached to pick up the red-haired boy. She would do so with incredible ease- as if a normal person were to pick up a glass of milk. She would hoist the red-head over her back and wrapped her arms under his legs. It was very clearly an ordinary piggyback ride.

“You’ve been there before,” she confirmed, “Which direction is it?”

Whichever direction was given, Lily would begin her movement ninety degrees to the right from that direction. The first leap was high and flashy, and would benefit if the red-head shrieked in surprise to get the attention of the Light agents below. Lily stamped down on the next roof- nearly buckling the support beams. The building thankfully did not collapse, but Lily repeated the same huge, flashy leap in the same direction. She repeated this until she landed on a rooftop with far more cover than the others. She then turned back to the correct direction. The next leap from there was much lower, and incredibly hard to spot, especially since whoever was watching would’ve expected a huge leap.

She darted between and across multiple buildings with much lighter force. She left barely noticeable cracks with every step, but the untrained eye would assume the cracks came from age, rather than the bare foot of a girl with immense physical power.

The only thought on her mind was how the red-head was taking this immense speed and sudden stops. That, and how Aurora and the blue-haired boy were doing. She had to stay focused on her jumps, trajectories, and landing zones, and couldn’t afford to check if the speedster could keep up with the “living cargo”.

"You okay back there?" Lily called as she paused on the next of many relatively light landings.

Hopefully Lily lost the Light agents through that maneuver. She didn’t want to check, instead opting to continue in the direction provided... Unless the red-head didn't answer, of course. A lack of answer would be cause for alarm.


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Character Portrait: Mikaela Carstiar Character Portrait: Lily Character Portrait: Howl Kirkhan Character Portrait: Aurora Muse
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[Right... This is late again, and not even remotely close to how I expected to play it at all. But at least it's something. (As shitty as its written.) Sorry all, but here it is anyway.]

Aurora smiled brightly at the younger kid's emphatic response to the return of the journal. She was quite glad to have helped him so much with what seemed a small gesture. Though, as the kid began combing through the pages of the journal, it was quite apparent her gut reaction from earlier had been quite the game-changer. From what little she could glimpse over his shoulder, the Light would have paid quite a sum of money for even a smidgen of this information. The other boy seemed to have pretty much the same exact thought, though it was cut off by the younger one finding an address.

It was more or less in the same direction she had come from when she rolled into town, though, of course, she hadn't been paying close attention to all the streets she came across. That one seemed familiar, though.

“Sounds like our place until things cool off, at least,” tall-hot-girl was saying in response to the two boys' quick discussion. Rora could only really nod in agreement to all of this, as she was too damned tired to really add anything worthwhile. Besides, she needed to get ready for the transport of the smaller kid.

Shrugging out of her pack once more, she grabbed out a set of fingerless “work” gloves and a small pair of knee pads. While this probably seemed odd to the others, the Speedster was quite aware of the fact that carrying someone would make it all the more difficult to do what she did. Donning those quickly, she put her pack on backwards, with the straps behind her. Crouching somewhat, she nodded to the blue-haired boy even as the Super already began bounding off with her own “cargo”.

”I'm not exactly going to be able to hold you, so tuck your arms and maybe even your legs under the straps,” Aurora said, picking up the kid in similar piggy-back-style. ”And please, please, please try to do your best not to strangle me, eh?”

As soon as she was certain he was as ready as he could be, the Speedster darted off perpendicular to tall-hot-girl's trajectory, knowing it was best to take different routes to their destination. She'd have to rely on her impeccable sense of direction, and hope the blue-haired boy could help her too. And also hope the roofs weren't too difficult to traverse. Aurora didn't stop until she was sure they were pretty much at their goal, ignoring several fairly painful drops to her knees and a few knuckle-scrapings from misjudged handholds.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mikaela Carstiar Character Portrait: Lily Character Portrait: Howl Kirkhan Character Portrait: Aurora Muse
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#, as written by Kiri711
(Hey guys sorry had a busy week at school.)

Howl had pointed in the direction of the house but before he could, check if Mika would be alright he was picked up by his legs.
"Hey what the-" Before he could finish his thought the two were off sailing over buildings. He was able to hold back an initial scream but when he was stupid enough look down that all changed, he let out a blood curdling scream.

He quickly clamped a hand over his mouth but it was too late. The Light police had spotted them. He felt so stupid but at the same time he could partially express the blame to her as well because she hadn't really checked if he was ready, just as he was about to chew her out he noticed she had stopped changed direction and continued at a quieter pace. It was then he saw the beauty of the city. The whole experience was both thrilling and terrifying.

"You ok back there?"
"I..I'm...fine." He said as he slumped off her back and landed on the ground. At least they were there.

Mika watch as the two took off, noticing they went in the wrong direction, he heard Howl's scream and heard the girl crunching on the rooftops until suddenly it stopped. He could no longer hear or see them.

"Must done that to lead them off." Turning back to the Speedster, she looked ready to go.

"I'm not exactly going to be able to hold you, so tuck your arms and maybe even your legs under the straps,"

With a nod he slid his legs through the backpack's straps. He quickly wrapped his arms around her neck only to hear a slightly strained. "And please, please, please try to do your best not to strangle me, eh?" Quickly loosening his grip the two took off. He fascinated by how fast she could run, he remembered asking his uncle about other Metas and their abilities, his uncle told him there's nothing like running with a speedster and boy was he right.

He noticed her stumble once or twice and he felt bad because he was too much extra weight on her back. Finally slowing to a stop he quickly hopped of her back not want to be anymore of a strain.

"I'm so sorry for the trouble I caused you and thank you for your help."


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mikaela Carstiar Character Portrait: Lily Character Portrait: Howl Kirkhan Character Portrait: Aurora Muse
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The place was a dump. Every window was covered up with plywood to keep the homeless out. Not that it helped any. The door was solid and locked. While someone very powerful could bend that solid door over her knee, Lily opted instead to reach the rooftop.

“I’ll see if I can get it open from the inside,” Lily said as she scanned every boarded-up window.

Unburdened, Lily managed to soar exactly the amount of height needed for her bare feet to lightly grip the edge of the parapet and pull herself over. From there, she crouched low, slipped her sandals back on and moved to investigate a potential rooftop entrance. All that was there was a rooftop access. Even the ventilation shafts were crumpled beyond use. Keeping a low profile, she examined the industrial-strength single handle and protective plate that marked the only indication that she was standing at a door.

She wondered what would give out first if she gave the door a small tug. Would the handle give out first, and be clearly visible from the outside, or would the locking mechanism itself give out, and be hidden by the protective plate? Lily also checked the three sets of hinges, all of which were the kind that were difficult to take off, as the bottoms had caps to prevent people from getting it open. At least, they would be difficult for someone to open with a screwdriver. Lily, on the other hand, firmly grasped both ends of one of the hinges and tugged with some effort. The two ends popped off like a cork from a champagne bottle.

Lily repeated this step with the other two hinges, and carefully lifted the door out of the way. She then unlocked the door itself and placed it back into position… She then realised that she needed a second set of limbs to hold the door in place while she got the pins back in. She huffed in annoyance, and leaned the door slightly against the doorframe. Hopefully it wouldn’t look suspicious at a distance.

She moved quickly to the parapet to signal for help.