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Spirit Logan

"There is a reason why they call me Spirit."

0 · 407 views · located in City of Cereus, USA

a character in “We Are Wild”, originally authored by peace_of_mind7, as played by RolePlayGateway


"They call me Spirit"



Sasha Lynette Logan


Spirit or Lyn


Twenty Two






Female Six


Chemical Mountain Pack



Zoe Saldana


Spirit is known for her exotic beauty. Her natural black hair reaches her mid-back while her blemish free chocolate skin is smooth to the touch. Her eyes are a deep mocha that bore into people when she wants something. Her figure is petite, complimented by long legs while her face displays her high cheekbones and long lashes. Overall, Spirit is a gorgeous sight to see.

Jewelry and Accessories

Spirit wears her grandmother's ringon her middle finger in loving memory of the family that she lost in Barbados.


  • Knapsack
  • Band-aids
  • Make Up
  • Back Up Clothes
  • Lighter
  • Cigarettes
  • Swiss Army Knife
  • Money
  • Cell Phone (Blackberry)



~ Fashion
~ Upholding Appearances
~ Coffee
~ Girls
~ Boys
~ Intellect
~ Class
~ Logic


~ Bigots
~ Confinement
~ Filth
~ Disorder
~ Ignorance
~ Pop Music
~ Vegetables
~ Cats


Spirit is a born leader. Once she is dedicated to a cause, she will be willing to do whatever it takes for it to prevail. She is a driven woman with a good head on her shoulders, however, she can be a bit materialistic and small minded when jewelry is involved. She appreciates the finer things in life and has a love for class and poise. Spirit carries herself like a leader should: elegant, wise, and resourceful. She has a stoic personality; refusing to show weakness around her pack, for she feels like she has to be strong for them. She seems to always have a plan, but in reality she is afraid. She fears that one day, her decision will lead to the end of her pack. They're her family, and she is not willing to lose her family again. She knows the hardships of sacrifice and when not defending her pack; she is looking through Vogue magazine and behaving like the teenager she was never able to be. Her sense of humor is fairly sarcastic, but overall endearing. Spirit has two personalities that she allows the world to see: the motherly alpha and the goofy lovable friend, but what her pack doesn't know is her third personality that is hidden deep within: the ruthless killer that will stop at nothing to protect what belongs to her.


Born and bred in the Caribbean, Spirit has learned the true meaning of fear, loss, and pain. At the age of eighteen, Spirit's family was hunted and slaughtered before her eyes. She watched as hunters burned down her village and spat on her family's remains as if they were mutts. She managed to escape with the help of her elder brother, Samuel. They left the country with the hopes that America would be less violent, but they were terribly wrong. They changed their names and learned to survive, but the bounty hunt resulted in the death of her brother a week after her twentieth birthday, leaving Spirit alone. She used her knowledge of survival to find the land that she and her brother only heard rumors about: Cereus. After the long journey; with only the bare minimum to keep her company, Spirit made it to her safe haven. Now, she has a new family to look after, and she will fight to the death to keep them breathing.

My Favorite Song

So begins...

Spirit Logan's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robyn Mueller Character Portrait: Silas Banks Character Portrait: Sampson Jacobs Character Portrait: Seraphina Oxford Character Portrait: Cielo Oxford Character Portrait: September Kohl
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0.00 INK

The sun rose over Cereus like water pouring into he basin of the valley, glimmering off the unfurled leaves of early summer and lighting the sides of the greenhouses, catching the pines on the hills and defining the city in the windows catching the milky midmorning light and the shadows each building cast deep into the alleys and across the streets, already buzzing with early morning traffic sign. One bank's sign blinked out a cheery
"Good Morning! It's Saturday June Eighth! Have a Wonderful day!"
This was a small reminder that tonight there would be the normal New Moon meeting at the Nightbloomer. All wolves were encouraged to attend, with a pack or without, and it was perhaps one of the only times that the small packs were required to drop rivalries, and humans were just as welcome, making the atmosphere of the town a little more friendly.
The day started out with a soft, comfortable temperature of just over fifty-two degrees Fahrenheit, but with a promise of upward of seventy-five in the afternoon. The evening, though, would be cool and comfortable, perhaps accompanied by light rainshowers. The packs felt the almost restlessness to the air as the travelling pack slid into town sleepless and bleary-eyed, the Chemical Mountain girls and Oxfords just waking up to face a new day, the Lalunas woke already planning for the party at the Nightbloomer Lounge tonight. The loners too felt the bristling of something new, and the humans could have sworn they felt something, but perhaps instinct was ignored more within them, as it seemed immediately written off. One thing was found in agreement, though, this day would bring something big, something open, and definitely something new.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amila Rodes Character Portrait: Spirit Logan
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0.00 INK


The sunlight felt amazing on her fur as she rested in the woods on all fours. She laid quietly on the grass, her round puppy eyes were closed as she inhaled the fresh air. This was the only time that she was able to find refuge in nature itself. Happily, Spirit rolled around on the soft greenery, sighing and indulging in the sweet melody of birds chirping and playful winds rustling emerald leaves on the tall trees. She was at peace, but she was fully aware that she couldn't stay there forever. She still had to find an outfit for tonight's big event: the New Moon meeting. She was fairly excited, but she was tempted to skip it for a night of running through the woods. After years of fighting for freedom, Spirit never missed a chance to exercise that privilege. She reveled in the glorious comfort of not having to look over her shoulder every other minute and sleeping with one eye open. This town was safe...Sam would have loved this place, she mused.

Deeming that it was time to be productive, Spirit lifted herself onto her paws and calmly moved through the shrubbery until she reached a clearing. Her messenger bag was right where she left it; containing her spare clothes, makeup, and hair products. She shifted back into her human form; stark naked. However, she quickly gathered her belongings and dressed herself before applying light makeup and combing the kinks out of her hair. Once she deemed herself presentable, Spirit walked out of the woods with her messenger bag slung over her shoulder. She pulled her long dark locks into a high ponytail, but allowed her fringe to hang over her forehead sloppily. Even after a run, Spirit still managed to pull off the casual laid-back look with class and poise.

She made her merry way into town, bobbing her head to the music playing on her cell phone. She strutted downtown with her head held high and the heels of her boots clicking against the pavement. It was always busy around these parts, but that is what she loved about it. She found a decent clothing store and entered the establishment, ready to pick a dress and go about her day. However, she stopped her browsing when a flash of red caught her attention. Raising a brow, the petite alpha turned her head, spotting her fellow pack member, Amila. Obviously, the red head didn't see her, so she smirked and ducked down behind a rack of jeans. There was a mischievous glint in her dark orbs as she stealthily advanced on her friend. Spirit held back a giggle, staring at Amila's back as she view the various choices. Then, without preamble, Spirit leaped from her spot and wrapped her arms around the red head's waist and squeezed her, hard. She nuzzled her neck and giggled in her ear.

"Lala!" Spirit laughed, snuggling the other woman from behind and smirking at the fact that Amila hated the nickname. She released her, folding her arms across her chest. "Scared you, didn't I?"