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Addy Smith

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a character in “We can be Freaks Together”, originally authored by emptymarshes, as played by RolePlayGateway



Adelaide "Addy" Smith



50% Human 50% Black Mamba Snake

Her canine teeth become retractable fangs which hold lethal poison, she is also able to withstand any temperature

+ Reading
+Telling Jokes
+ Obsessed with sweets
+Loves animals

- Being alone
- Anyone being mad at her
- Silence
- Small, confined spaces

-Being Alone
-Not being able to wear what she wants
-Losing anyone close to her

♠ She has a very bubbly personality and loves telling jokes. She becomes very attached to people and loves to be surrounded by people she cares about.
She hates being alone and all by herself, and is easily frightened by anyone trying to separate her from the group. ♠


♠ She can't remember much before she was with the group, but she tries not to let is bother her to much. Due to her not being able to remember much she always often dreams about what her family was like. ♠

So begins...

Addy Smith's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Puki Character Portrait: Tyson Character Portrait: Alek Character Portrait: Rooke Character Portrait: Addy Smith Character Portrait: Synxa
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0.00 INK

All was safe or at least for the moment. Alek hadn't gone far, she was still within hearing distance of her flock as she patrolled the outer perimeter of the house they were currently squatting in.
She listened as Puki and Rook moved around. Two up and most likely more to follow soon. Alek's currently visible tail flicked anxiously; they needed to leave soon. Moving was key to staying away from the School. With a sigh she silently trotted back, jumped onto a lower portion on the roof landing silently, and slid back in. Time to check on her family.
She moved like a shadow through the house. Most were still sleeping even if it was restless. Then she made her way to the kitchen where Puki and Rook were. She ruffled Rook's hair and then rubbed her cheeks to Puki's. "Everything alright?" She asked as her black, white, and orange tail gently swayed back and forth.
She debated making some food that they still had but decided to wait for everyone else wake up.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Puki Character Portrait: Tyson Character Portrait: Alek Character Portrait: Rooke Character Portrait: Addy Smith Character Portrait: Synxa
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0.00 INK

Tyson, who had gone out before first light for a night climb, sat quietly and motionless as he watched Alek and the house. From three quarters up a tree just far enough away to we he could see everything yet remain hidden. He climb back to the house and in through his open window. He quietly closed it behind him before letting out a quick sigh when he notice the noise in the kitchen. "Great. Everyone is up. Guess its time." he whispered to himself. Walking into the kitchen dressed in slightly dirty, sweaty green t-shirt and athletic short. "Morning all. Addy, you got to stop falling out off bed. We got enough problems without you getting hurt just getting out of bed." He said in a scolding tone. He really does love everyone but as the oldest guy he sees himself as the "father" of this family. And in keeping with that he will protect them even if it means they all hate him, at less they will be safe. The other thing is, the idea of her falling out of bed and getting hurt the same morning the erasers find them. Tyson has no issue with fighting till death to protect them but it would be better if they weren't hurt from something so stupidly childish as falling out off the bed. It doesn't help that his whole childhood he can remember was spent at the school so he never had such problems. "Puki, did you make sure they were mixed right? We need good healthy food and resources are very tight right now." Again just being the overly protective father. He then laid on the floor to start his morning sit-ups. "Hey birdboy. Mind giving me a hand and hold my feet?" It was an attempt at humor whether or not it was taken as such. He was also trying to connect with the boy the only way he knew how, exercise. looking over at Alek, "Why do you have to toy with the boy? He should be getting himself ready. You never know what's going to happen today. By the way, nice patrol this morning. I thought you had me a few times." He almost gave her a smile but he was careful not to. Besides, what he said about the boy was true, they already lost Alicia and will ALWAYS be hunted. Like with him, this life was no time for a fun childhood, it was time to train and prepare.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Puki Character Portrait: Tyson Character Portrait: Alek Character Portrait: Rooke Character Portrait: Addy Smith Character Portrait: Synxa
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0.00 INK

Without much room to move, Alek ended only doing some stretches, side planks, and finger push-ups. She didn't particularly feel like sweating more than she had too since she just changed into relatively clean clothes. Once finished, she looked to her flock and ordered, "Alright, Puki made breakfast everyone else set the table. We aren't a bunch of animals." She grinned with an animalistic glint in her eyes as her vulpine fangs gleamed mischievously at everyone. Within seconds of descending, her teeth retracted to their normal human bluntness. With grace only obtained by someone that had spend years perfecting, Alek moved to a nearby cabinet and started pulling plates to be passed off.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Puki Character Portrait: Tyson Character Portrait: Alek Character Portrait: Rooke Character Portrait: Addy Smith Character Portrait: Synxa
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0.00 INK

Tyson jumps up after finishing his workout. "Funny fox. By who out foxed the fox?" He let slip a small playful yet cocky smile, which he quickly caught and went back to his normal emotionless expression. Turning to Rooke, "Nice workout thanks kid." He always did enjoy having some one help him even when he didn't need it and it was also nice having Alek workout with him. Tyson had always seen her as more of the Alpha then he was, and next to Alicia, there was no one better suited to be. Unfortunately that meant two things for him; first, he had to be careful of how familiar he got with her. Its the Alphas choose in what kind of relationship she has with who, till she says other wise, she is the Alpha period. Second that meant his priorities as far as protecting the family goes, Alek the Alpha, then Rooke the youngest, Addy the young, Synxa the middle and lastly Puki the eldest. Of course this could all change if the Alpha wished it. The other reason he has a problem connecting with everyone, why he is so careful of his emotions is the girls all remind him of his younger sister in some way. She would be so proud of Alek's leadership, Synxa attention to her looks, Rooke's playfulness, but most importantly his sister would have been all over Puki and Addy. Who knows, if it had been her who lived, maybe she could help Puki sleep and Addy not fall out of bed. That last thought stopped Tyson in his tracks as he was about to sit at the table. A small hurting smile came over him and half sat half fell into his seat. Sitting at the table, still with the hurting smile, he stared at his plate as if some one was staring back at him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tyson Character Portrait: Addy Smith
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0.00 INK

Rooke smiled to Tyson, feeling proud of the elder males praise. He then looked over to Addy and defiantly exclaimed, "water is good for you!" He personally preferred water. It was the only thing about him being part bird that affected his pallet. He could eat whatever he wanted, he preferred sweets and strawberries, but when it came to drinks he simply couldn't down anything other than thin tasteless water. He was content, however, and made himself his own class of H2O. Turning back around he sat down at the table, seeing as it was all set, and looked over to Tyson. His eyebrow raised in confusion as worry started to rise in his chest. He hesitantly mumbled, "U-Uhm.... Ty?"

Confutation turned to slight worry. "Tyson, are you okay? Did you think about something sad?" He innocently turned his head to the side, lips pursed, yet tilting downwards in a frown. He didn't want to push Tyson, afraid he'll make the other flock member angry or uncomfortable.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Puki Character Portrait: Tyson Character Portrait: Alek Character Portrait: Rooke Character Portrait: Addy Smith Character Portrait: Synxa
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0.00 INK

With a smile at how smoothly everything was going, Alek passed the last off to Rooke with a quick ruffle of his hair. She turned to observe the flow of the kitchen. Everyone, for the most part, appeared content and it was her job to keep it that way. Her mind moved through thoughts like a hummingbird's wings. In all honesty Alek doesn't know when she became the leader of her flock, it kind of just happened one day. She takes her job seriously, but it causes her to internally panic more times than she'd like to admit. She pushed her insecure feelings aside to think about the next move, what are they going to do? She knew they needed to move on, staying in one place was too dangerous, but to where? It wasn't like she had the world mapped out perfectly in her head. Hell she barely knew where they were. She'd figure out of this place had a computer/internet before freaking out anymore. Step one, she at least had that.
Pushing off the counter with cups in her hand, she squeezed Addy's shoulder as she passed. "I'll have water please." She requested from the girl taking drink orders. She placed the cups in the center of the table and then made her way to a seat. As Rooke asked, "Tyson, are you okay? Did you think about something sad?" Alek's hand gently but firmly cupped around the back of Tyson's neck and stroked it with her thumb. She didn't know why she was so touchy when it came to praises and reassuring gestures, it wasn't like foxes were known for it. She'll blame it on her human side (which is her dominant DNA). With a gently squeeze, she moved on to where she was going to sit and plopped down ready to eat.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Puki Character Portrait: Tyson Character Portrait: Alek Character Portrait: Addy Smith Character Portrait: Synxa
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0.00 INK

Rooke's eyes flickered up to Alek seeing her comfort Tyson. He pursed his lips a bit, figuring that Tyson would be okay. He IS a rather strong male, physically and (What Rooke assumed) Mentally. Rooke took a sip of his water, sitting so that his legs were crossed on the chair. He rested his elbows on his knees as he sat forward, chin resting on his hands after the sip of water. His mouth watered just at the smell of the pancakes. He frequently glanced back to see Puki hard at work. He grinned whenever he caught Puki's eye.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Puki Character Portrait: Tyson Character Portrait: Alek Character Portrait: Rooke Character Portrait: Addy Smith Character Portrait: Synxa
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0.00 INK

Still lost in thought about how great his sister would have been for this group, he did not hear Rooke. It wasn't till Alek touch his neck that he start to come around again. Instinctively as she stroked the back of his neck, he lowered and tilted his head away like a cat or dog who wants you to keep petting them would. As he snaps out of his day dream he noticed that he had been out of it for a little while and that he had shown a sign of emotion, or in his mind weakness around the others. Returning to his normal emotionless expression, "Excuse me. Puki, the pancakes smell good. Please, eat up everyone. Its not every morning we get such a nice breakfast." And with that he stood, pushed in his chair, and walked out the door making sure to close it behind him. Through the window they could see him jump and swing around one of the porch post as he climbs to the roof. Once at the highest point of the roof Tyson sits down and to himself, "The whitecoats were right. You are weak, to show such weakness in front of the others like that. If you were still at the school they would have you put down or worse for that. Maybe it really would have been better if she were here instead of you. For that matter even he would be better then you. How is an Alpha going to have any need of some one who falls apart so easy. No get back down there and eat." but no matter how much he tried, he just could not force himself to go back to the table, to face them after being so weak in front of them. The thought of exiling himself crossed his mind. They would need everyone at their best and cant afford some one as weak as him. Beside as an exile he could better track any erasers who are following and either attack them or at less try to trick them into following him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Puki Character Portrait: Tyson Character Portrait: Alek Character Portrait: Rooke Character Portrait: Addy Smith Character Portrait: Synxa
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0.00 INK

"This does look delicious. You're the best, Puki." Alek grinned although her eyes watched Tyson leave and climb to the roof. She added extra pancakes to her plate, set aside to be packed for later. She knew Tyson would be hungry and probably say nothing, she wasn't stupid he was growing boy.
She ate silently most of her plate before an idea hatched in her head. She stood, opened the door, and called up. "Ty, be awesome and see if there's a computer in the house with internet. If there is look up large cities nearby. Thanks." She didn't give him time to answer before heading back inside and eating the rest of her meal. "Rooke, we'll look through the book on our way to our next destination. You can read to me to pass the time. After we're done here, we're cleaning up everything because we aren't slobs. Everyone got it?" She pointed her fork at each person around the table, then twirled it before stabbing another piece of pancake. She hummed as the fluffy pancake melted in her mouth. Cleaning up the house would give her time to think through her next moves once they found somewhere to go.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Puki Character Portrait: Tyson Character Portrait: Alek Character Portrait: Rooke Character Portrait: Addy Smith Character Portrait: Synxa
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0.00 INK

Tyson quickly pushed off and let himself slide down and over the edge of the roof. Were he reach back, grabbed the edge and let himself swing for a moment before dropping to the porch. He calmly walked back inside closing the door behind him and headed to the table. Once there grabbed Rooke water and pretended to drink some well giving him a playful wink. This of cource was his way of trying to be more "fun" and to mask his true feelings. After setting the glass back down in front of Rooke he grabbed Alek's water and walked toward the rest of the house to look for the computer. "Sure no problem miss fox boss lady. Oh and thanks for the drink... Addy." Now thinking he is trying to hard he continued to walk off take a drink from her glass. It wasn't long before he found a desktop in the back office/study area. Now came the real problem, how to logon, this one was password protected and the hint didn't really help. "Great! Found one! Give me some time to figure out the password though!" He shouted back towards the others. Tyson figured that he alone would never crack it, but if he had help or if the password was written down some were in the room it would be no problem. So he started carefully searching the room.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Puki Character Portrait: Tyson Character Portrait: Alek Character Portrait: Addy Smith Character Portrait: Synxa
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0.00 INK

Rooke ate quietly, knowing it was impolite to talk with his mouth full. He watched Tyson leave with a frown on his face, but he didn't peruse the older male. When everyone had sat down at the table, save for Tyson, Rooke smiled hearing Alek mention the picture book that he had been given. He nodded gratefully, mumbling a 'thanks, that'd be great' or something along those lines. When Tyson came back, and grabbed his glass of water the sparrow boy was half tempted to quickly reach up and swipe it out of his hand. It was his first instinct, and his hand even flinched up slightly, but upon seeing the playful wink his instincts were swept away, and replaced with a playful attitude. He smiled back at the older male, laughing a bit, and then laughing even harder seeing Tyson take Alek's drink.

After finishing two full on pancakes, as well as his water, Rooke was stuffed. He cleaned up his dishes, as well as picking up anything else that was done being used, including other members plates. He put the dishes into the sink, washing them with a soapy sponge and water. Once done with that he went into his room. It wasn't too hard to pack up his little belongings. It was just 7 simple outfits, toiletries, and spare shoes that he had managed to find while scrounging about. He took the smooth colorful rocks from his pocket and put them in a large jar that was half full of similar rocks. He hummed as he closed the lid, and looked at his well made collection. "It's grown a lot more sense the last time I fully looked at it," Rooke sounded pleased with himself. After shoving the jar into his bag he looked around the empty room. Figuring blankets and pillows were also needed he managed to find a way to shove them into his already pretty full bag. Once forcing the zipper shut he double checked the entire room before nodding, content. But now what was he to do?

Figuring someone needed help, he went to go see if Tyson needed anything. He had heard him yell from the back room, so therefore knew he was looking for something. With Rookes extremely acceptable eye site he could probably help the other flock member. Going into the back room he lightly rapped on the door frame. "You need help looking for the password?" Rooke asked, hoping Tyson would help him. He gave Tyson a small smile.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Puki Character Portrait: Tyson Character Portrait: Alek Character Portrait: Rooke Character Portrait: Addy Smith Character Portrait: Synxa
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0.00 INK

Because she was nearly an adult, Alek narrowed her eyes and playfully stuck out her tongue when Tyson stole her water. She could tell that he was trying a little too hard to interact with everyone, but she didn't mind. At least he was trying. Forking the last of her meal, she watched Rooke start the dishes. "Excellent breakfast Puki, you're the best." As she brought her plate to the counter, she ruffled Puki's hair. Before relinquishing her plate to the soapy water, Alek found a Tupperware container and placed the three pancakes she reserved for Tyson in it. "Thank you, Little Sparrow." She rubbed her cheek to his as she placed her plate in the water. "Addy and Synxa would you mind packing water and some food? Not a lot because we have to carry them, but enough just in case? Greatly appreciated." Her eyes tracked Rooke as he disappeared to the room he had slept in. "Unless one of you learned anything from Alicia about breaking into computers, then that takes priority. Puki, if you could think of some essentials we'll need, please start packing them. I'm going to help Tyson find the password. Thanks guys." She smiled before heading to the room Tyson had placed his things. After putting the Tupperware on top of his bag, she wandered passed the study, saying "I'll check the master bedroom."
The room wasn't large, but it was bigger than the other two bedrooms. It looked lived in, full of life. Tapping her finger on her arm, Alek decided on the tables next to the bed. There were a few books (she took one that sounded interesting), pills, tissues, and other random things in them but nothing that would give away a password. Unsatisfied with those, she made her way to the bureau. Unlike the side tables, this piece of furniture was scattered with things from photos and perfume, to jewelry and notes. After sifting through the notes (which were boring reminders) she started pilfering different pieces of jewelry; some to keep, others to pawn off. If it would fit in her pocket easily, there it went. She didn't take all of it, but enough to ensure a decent cash in.
Having enough gold, silver, and jewels in her pocket, she picked up a picture of the happy family. It was a young couple, probably a few years older than herself. They were so happy and carefree. Her eyes narrowed at the security the couple felt. Something she and her flock may never have. She had the urge to smash the perfect couple's picture to pieces but thought better of it. Instead she flicked it behind her and listened to it land on the bed. Whatever, that life seemed boring anyway running for your life was the way to go. Continuing on her mission, she started going through the drawers which yielded nothing but clothes. She moved through the room finding nothing about a password. Before heading to the study, Alek took some makeup for Synxa and then walked to where her flock mates were. "Bedroom yielded nothing in the password department, but they left some clothes behind and a few other things. Where haven't you checked?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tyson Character Portrait: Alek Character Portrait: Addy Smith
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0.00 INK

Rooke looked over when he heard that Tyson has the password. "Well that was a very obvious place," Rooke mumbled to himself as he got up, brushing off mystery dirt and dust from his hands. When Tyson excused himself Rooke raised an eyebrow, and looked at the map of the area. It was absolutely huge! The sparrows mind could hardly fit around the idea of being in such a massive world. He started to grow a little discourage seeing that all around them was mostly woods. He was frowning deeply when Tyson came back in, and when Ty gave him what he said was a bear totem, Rookes eyes lit up.

Rooke knew for a fact that the bear totem was going to look cool, just by the description of what it'll help him do. He looked at the old talisman and continued to beam widely. "I promise I'll never take it off!" Rooke exclaimed, instantly tying it onto his neck. When Tyson asked him to leave he nodded in understanding. He stared at Tyson for a split second, hesitation in his eyes before he quickly gave Tyson a tight hug. He then released the only other boy in the flock, and sprinted out of the room. "Addy I got a cool bear neckless from Tyson!" The 10 year old yelled in joy, running to look for the older girl. Rooke knew that the carved rock obviously meant something more than just a totem to Tyson. Inwardly, Rooke made an oath to never lose or take off the neckless. It was special to Tyson, so it was special to him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Puki Character Portrait: Tyson Character Portrait: Alek Character Portrait: Addy Smith Character Portrait: Synxa
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0.00 INK

"Tyson said it would give me the strength and fearlessness of a bear! I knew I was invincible! I can feel it's working already!" Rooke was panting heavily, seeing as he sprinted multiple doorways down a hallway. 'Running in a house always makes you more tired than running outside.... I wonder why' Rooke thought to himself, pausing for a moment before saying to Addy. "I thought Tyson was always neutral about me! I mean he's super quiet and reserved, so I figured he just hated everyone but then he started to ask me to help him work out, so I just thought he needed a work out buddy, speaking of work out buddy that whole helping him thing was fun, I think it'd be cool to do it again. Maybe even work out with him?! Oh that'd be so cool! We could both be manly together! Yes, this bear totem is such an invitation to friendship! Now Tyson and Alek are talking, I have no idea about what, probably on where we're going to go next? We're in the middle of no where, and I can't help but feel a little discouraged, I'm actually tempted to go up and stake out the next place we can sleep tonight. That'd be cool. In fact, I might actually do that." As Rooke rambled on his words got faster and faster, and his eyes slowly started to loose focus as he stared at Addy. When at the end of his ramblings he blinked, shook his head, and stood up straight looking back to Addy, normally. "That was weird," He mumbled.

Without another word Rooke turned on his boot heals and started to walk away. "You look very beautiful, Synax!" Rooke called over his shoulder. He was beaming, already starting to devise more on his plan. 'Alek will be so proud! I won't be the stupid little kid weighing everyone down now! I'll be useful, and now that I'm more brave I can face anything that I come up against! I'M INVINCIBLE!'. He lifted his arms in the air at the end of his tiny aside. Going to his room he grabbed the duffle back he packed up. Hiking it up onto his shoulders he looked around, making sure he wasn't going to leave anything behind. Rooke knew, of course, that any moment now it would settle into Abby and Syn all he had just said, so he knew he had to be quick before they could stop him on going on this, totally not reckless and stupid, journey.

He hurried out of his room, looking back to see Addy pretty much getting ready to run at him. Rooke made a weird nose at the back of his throat, and it actually sounded kinda like a chirp of a bird. He sprinted away, faster than Addy seeing as he was lighter. As he blew past Alek and Tyson, completely forgetting they were talking about something apparently important, he still thought it was the plan of where to go next, he yelled out, "I'll be back!" Bursting out the back door he shimmied his wings so they would be able to comfortably fly with the duffle bag strap between them. With a leap off the porch railing, his black and white wings burst out from his back, ripping his already ripped shirt where it had been sewn back together. With a quick stroke downward Rooke torpedoed up. He could control his speed easily, and he set his mind on going fast. His amazing eyes looked around as he flapped his wings to shoot off what he figured was East. Of course he didn't see anything right away.

He had explored 1 mile out in every direction sense they've been at the small cottage, so he knew that it'd probably take a little longer, maybe about 5 miles, to see if there was any suitable place to go. The young sparrow still thought his idea was the most brilliant idea ever. 'The others will be so proud to know I'm doing something to help!' Rooke thought as he raced East.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Puki Character Portrait: Tyson Character Portrait: Alek Character Portrait: Rooke Character Portrait: Addy Smith Character Portrait: Synxa
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0.00 INK

Tyson smiled as he listened to Alek explain how she would protect the flock no matter what and about how much she would support him. He took her hand and stood up. In a happy voice, which was rare for him, "Alek. You and the others are as much my family as my sister and brother ever were. Its the reason I am the way I am around all of you. Its the reason I acted the way I did this morning, you all remind me of them so much. I swear on my life I will do ANY... thing to protect you and the flock. Alek, you are my Alpha. Your will is my will, my life is yours. That's an other reason I am trying to connect with the others, because it is how you are. I promise to do as you say from this moment on, my Alpha. I will protect you and our family with my life. As far as the school goes... I want to see that place burn to the ground. And if you command it I will gladly do so. In the mean time, I will help you find our next destination." Turning to the computer which still had the map of the area up, he quickly search the area. He found a city, a small town and... a hunting camp. Tyson quickly pulled up a search of the hunting camp and city to find out if they would be ok. Turns out that the hunting camp belongs to a paramilitary group that don't take kindly to outsiders and the city just got all new security systems put in. "Alek, we got a problem... There is a group in the mountains not to far away and they don't like outsiders. I can only imagine what a group like that would do to us. And the only nearby city just got a security upgrade thanks to a generous donation from our favorite group. I think if we can keep a low profile we maybe ok but it will be hard to stay hidden or see danger coming... Speaking of which... were is Rooke going?"

He turned to the door, he hated people going off on their own, unless it was himself of course. Tyson hurried out the room heading for the front door. "Synxa, beautiful, can you keep an eye on Alek for me. Addy can you make sure every thing is ready to go by the front door? And Puki, your with me. We're going to get Rooke." he said this as he passed each of them and grabbed his bag on his way out the door. Once outside he swung he bag onto his back and leaped climbing up the nearest tree. He looked back to make sure Puki was following and was going to be able to keep pace.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Puki Character Portrait: Tyson Character Portrait: Alek Character Portrait: Rooke Character Portrait: Addy Smith Character Portrait: Synxa
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0.00 INK

Alpha. That was a strange word to be finally verbalized. Alek knew, to some degree, that Tyson had probably seen her as his leader (Alpha) after Alicia died. He, like everyone else in the flock, followed her with very little questioning involved. They followed her to this isolated, no one around for miles house. Seriously, they should have had some say. She understood that it was safe for the time being, but really they knew nothing about the area... which apparently had a hunter's camp right next door. Wonderful, the day keeps getting better.

With a sigh, she continued looking into the city and camp as Tyson went in search for their lost sparrow. She's going to have to give everyone the Buddy System talk. That'll be number seven on her list of things to do. "Shit." She muttered looking into everything known about the hunter's camp. Up side they were all humans. No genetically modified part animal part human hybrids or erasers. Always a plus. However, they were quite terrifying to read about. They didn't follow the government, they were radical, and they didn't give a shit about anyone but themselves. If you are trespassing, even if it was an accident, they appear to shoot first and ask questions later.

Leaning back in her chair while rubbing her eyes, Alek thought out a plan. They needed to get out of here. First, find Rooke and possibly save him. Could be easy if they didn't care about showing off their unique alterations to their genetic code. Which would make hiding from The School harder. Hopefully Rooke was fine and Tyson and Puki would get to him before the hunter's did. Not her immediate problem at the moment. She trusted her flock mates to either take care of the problem or call for help. Next, figure out what to do once everyone was together. They needed to stay under the radar once near and in the city. Slipping in was their best choice meaning they couldn't show any of their... gifts. She mentally noted to make sure to tell everyone not to show their wings, tails, ears, extreme climbing abilities, etc. Anything that a normal human couldn't do, they needed to hide. IF things went well and they found Rooke unharmed (she doubted that because the world didn't seem to favor them) she would send him, Tyson, Addy, and Puki to find somewhere to live while in the city. She and Synax would hit the underground, make friends with the runaways, transients, and homeless. They were always good people to know. They knew the city the best and in a pinch could probably help them escape or hide.

Memorizing every route between the house and the city, she shut down the computer and looked around one last time before heading downstairs to where Addy and Synax were. With her bag slung over her shoulders, she watched as the two younger girls moved around to finish packing. "I going to wait just outside the back door in case there's a call for help. If you need me for anything let me know. Thank you." She smiled and walked out the door, leaving it open for easy access.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Puki Character Portrait: Tyson Character Portrait: Alek Character Portrait: Addy Smith Character Portrait: Synxa
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0.00 INK

Rooke quickly got up from where he was kneeling. His heart raced as he raced away from the unfriendly voices. He could smell the overwhelming smell of gun oil now that he was paying attention. His cut nose wrinkled in discust at the smell, reminding him of the guns the erasers and guards use to carry around. Rooke was unable to run far, and therefore had to quickly stop and dive under a bush, 100 yards away from where he fell. His wings were hard to shove under the bush with him, and he couldn't retract his wounded wing. Rooke attempted to steady his breathing as he looked out from the bush, trying to see if he couldn't get a look at the owner of the gruff voices.

He was unable to see around a few trees, but he was able to see where he landed, feathers and broken branches strewn across the ground. He got a good look of a long muzzle that belonged to a rifle. He continued to not have the ability to see past a cluster of trees. Rooke, catching his breath quickly, rustled out from under the bush he was under. Instead of sprinting away he chose to sneak from tree to tree, going around the back of the men. Finally able to see past the wall of trees, he saw there were about 3 or 5 men. Rooke didn't know, he got those two numbers mixed up usually. It looked more than 3, so he assumed it was 5. His lips pursed as he started to back up, having seen enough. When his wings hit something soft, warm, and moving, he froze. "And what do you think you're doing?" A gruff voice growled in back of him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tyson Character Portrait: Alek Character Portrait: Rooke Character Portrait: Addy Smith Character Portrait: Synxa
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0.00 INK

At the gunshot, Puki's eyes widened. Her arms tightened around Rooke. "T-tyson...?" She saw blood coming from his shoulder. She watched as he killed the man with the gun, pure animalistic fury on his face. It scared her. But she knew he was protecting them. Doing it for his family. Like any of them would do. After all, the family was the only thing they had. Puki held onto Rooke tightly, unable to conceal her fear. She bit her lip, then helped Rooke over to Tyson. "You'll be fine, ok? We'll get you home. And the hunters can't hurt you anymore, ok?" She patted his shoulder, then took off, flying back to the camp. Puki knew it wasn't safe here anymore. She'd wanted to stay. She couldn't believe she'd wanted to stay here. They needed to leave as soon as Rooke and Tyson were better. Go somewhere safe. If that did indeed exist.

Puki reached the camp and landed slightly unbalanced, "Alek... I-I'm sorry... Tyson and Rooke... they're coming back, but we ran into hunters... They're hurt... Rooke injured his wing, and Tyson... Er... Got shot." She was crying now, "Im sorry... I was just too scared I couldn't do anything. I could have gotten Rooke to safety when the fighting broke out, but I just stood there like an idiot!" She bit her lip, "They told me to go on ahead..." She sighed, then turned to Synxa and Addy, "Addy, there's a first aid kit in my backpack. It should be near the top. Synxa.. If it's not too much trouble... I know it's draining but we may need your powers, ok?" She said.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Puki Character Portrait: Tyson Character Portrait: Alek Character Portrait: Addy Smith Character Portrait: Synxa
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0.00 INK

Rooke looked up at Addy when she started to examine him. He started to feel the shame and embarrassment rolling off of him in waves. He bit his lip and sucked in loudly through his nose when she touched his wing. He even winced away a little bit from Addy's touch. "Yes, it hurts there," He mumbles bitterly, looking up at her with his good eye. He clenched his jaw, and looked at Tyson when he heard him yelling his name. "Tyson?!" He yelled, fear rippling through him. By now Rooke was starting to ignore is injuries, so he rushed over to Tyson. "Tyson!? Ty, it's okay!" The sparrow quickly kneeled down next to Tysons head. His eyes showed his fear as he hesitantly started to brush away dry crusted blood on Tysons face. "Tyson, we're all here, me and Puki are okay," He said in a hushed voice, trying to keep his panic out of his voice. Glancing up at Alek Rooke started to understand why Tyson was freaking out. "Alek, don't hold him down?" He suggested. "Wrap a bandage or something around him, I don't know, but he seams to be freaking out, I think it's because you're holding him down?"

Rookes voice got smaller and smaller as he tired to explain his reasoning for ordering Alek around. At the end of his sentence he just stopped and pursed his lips. "I don't know," He mumbled again, looking back down to Ty, realizing that he was still subconsciously brushing dirt and stuff off Tysons face. He looked down at the bullet hole, and clenched his jaw. His nose wrinkled as anger started to boil inside him, eating away as his chest and stomach. Shuffling a good distance away he watched Alek holding onto Tyson. 'This is all my fault... God I'm such an idiot. Tysons hurt because I thought I could be tough and help out. I'm just a weak idiot who can't pay attention while flying, or use some common sense...' Rooke looked down at his shoulder as he scolded himself inwardly. After a moment Rooke grabbed onto a small bone in his shoulder, and started to pull it out. The bone has stopped most of the bleeding, but now it poured out, staining his shirt impossibly more. He attempted to keep the ball of his palm on it while pulling out the other bones. He got about what he figured was 5 out before he had to stop, his entire hand covering a good chunk of the wound. The sparrow glared up, anger continuing to fuel him. He managed to dig into his shoulder and rip out 2 more, but that soon became too painful. He ended up falling while sitting down, passed out from pain and blood loss.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Puki Character Portrait: Tyson Character Portrait: Alek Character Portrait: Rooke Character Portrait: Addy Smith Character Portrait: Synxa
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0.00 INK

When Tyson first apologized, Alek frowned. Why is he apologizing for saving one of theirs? Then it hit her. Them. The School. It all made sense now. She'd think over it more later when Tyson wasn't freaking out, to which she had to hold him down to prevent him from dislodging the clots, and try to calm him down. He didn't hear her as she tried to calm his fear over Rooke. He only stopped when Rooke came over to tell the older boy that he was fine.

Alek didn't say anything as Rooke... requested her to let Tyson go. The way Ty held her she thought it better if she didn't. She felt like a his anchor at the moment and like she would do to any of them, she wouldn't move unless she had to. While she let the others take care of Rooke after he stepped away from the pair, she focused back on the wounded in her arms. Shifting a little, she rummaged through the surprisingly well stocked first aid kit. "Hey Tyson." Her voice was deep and soothing, almost hypnotic. "I'm going to stitch up the holes, try to bear with me and not sleep. You can later." Her head jerked to look over her should when she sensed Rooke's fall. She wanted to run to him, but knew she couldn't. One thing at a time. "Bring him inside and tend to him in there." She requested before turning back to her patient.

With a deep breath she wiped the area with alcohol wipes, got as much blood off her hands as she could, sterilized the needle with another alcohol wipe, and began the task of stitching her friend. She talked to him about her plans for when they got to the city. She altered them a little knowing she may have to use some of her abilities to hide the fact that Rooke couldn't hide his wings. It would all depend on if Synax could fully heal him. She had faith in the little cat, but she was still young and even Alek had trouble using her abilities for long periods of time.

After finishing the stitching, she gently moved Tyson's arm from around her waist (where she had moved it when she started sewing him up) to around her shoulders. "I know you're tired, but we need to get you inside. Let's get this over with and then you can sleep." With some struggling, the two made it to the living room where Tyson was gracelessly placed on the second couch. "Rest." She stoked his hair. "We'll talk all about this later. For now don't worry and heal." Her eyes flicked up as she asked, "How's Rooke doing? Is he going to need a transfusion?"