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Team mom!

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a character in “We can be Freaks Together”, as played by opossum666






Experiment Type
98% human 2% avian

Stronger than the average human

+ Tea
+ Painting
+ Sunbathing
+ Strawberries

- Tics
- Swimming/Open Water
- Bananas
- Spicy food

- The School
- Being Alone
- Mirrors/ Her reflection

♠ Personality ♠
Puki is a soft spoken person, who usually remains calm. She doesn't like to draw much attention to herself, especially around people she doesn't know. She is a very huggy person, and can almost always be found hugging onto another member of the Flock. She has a hard time being alone or isolated, and being alone for an extended period of time can cause her to have panic attacks. She sometimes has issues sleeping, and sleeping alone due to nightmares of the School. When it comes to out siders, she is judgmental, distant and easily provoked. She doesn't trust them easily, if at all, and will always be watching them, making sure they don't hurt her family.


♠ Bio ♠


So begins...

Puki's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Puki Character Portrait: Tyson
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Rooke was about to turn around when he heard the sound of air whipping past him. Rooke gasped, and spun around just in time to see Tyson tackling the man. Rookes feet, which refused to move, got tangled together, forcing him down onto his butt. He caught himself with both hands, but the recoil made his shoulder scream in pain. Rooke gave a short cry, but stopped hearing the sound of ripping flesh. His eyes went wide, looking up to see Tyson going crazy. By the time Rooke fully processed that a dead body was next to him, Tyson was on his third guy.

The sparrows jaw dropped as he started to tremble, the pain in his body forgotten as fear and adrenaline took over. He stared at Tyson as blood splattered everywhere, a few drops splashing his cheeks. Rooke flinched feeling the hot, salty, sticky blood smack onto his cheek. His breath shuttered out of him with every exhale as he slowly reached up and brushed off the multiple drops of crimson liquid. He stared at his fingertips, smeared in the blood. Tears resumed to pour out of his eyes, staining his face even more. Rooke looked up, trembling in terror as he stared at Tyson. The men of the hunting came had the same face, only a few of them left. Finally breaking free of his frozen state, Rooke slowly stood up, struggling for balance as he continued to shake.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Puki Character Portrait: Tyson Character Portrait: Alek Character Portrait: Rooke
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The sound of a snapping twig caught Tyson's attention, it was the fourth man slowly backing away. The man stopped as soon as he snapped the twig. Tyson leaped to his feet, gave a "Your next" smile at the man before jumping in front of him. Just then he heard a familiar voice which caused him to turn and look around. As he did the last man was leveling his rifle at Tyson, who in response flipped over the man in front of him and grabbed his throat. He was holding just tight enough that his claws were just piercing his skin. Small drops of blood formed around Tyson's claws as the rifleman took aim and mouthed "I'm sorry" before closing his eyes. BANG! The man shot, thanks to him closing his eyes his aim had drifted shot the round hit the man Tyson was holding in his right shoulder. At that close of range the round went through its target and into Tyson's right shoulder. With a primitive animalistic growl, Tyson's hand squeezed and was jerked back by the force of the shot. This force Tyson to rip the man's throat out with great force. Before the man's lifeless body hit the ground Tyson closed the distance to the rifleman with even more rage fueled by adrenaline. He grabbed the rifle and in a angry voice, "Guns are bad." Pulling the gun towards himself alittle, he jabbed the man with it forcing him to let go of it. Quickly Tyson turned the gun around and aimed it at the man, "Death to all who threaten MY FAMILY!" BANG! One round to the head and as he fell Tyson throw the rifle at him.

Now that all the men were died he turned his attention to the only two living people around. He walked over to Rooke and Puki and looked the two of them in the eyes, blood still dripping from his mouth, covering his shirt and hands. His eyes still full of rage and bloodlust, but as the fear in their eye sunk in Tyson was force to look away, and as he did his eyes fell upon the bear totem around Rooke's neck. All of the rage left his eyes as the fact that he was staring down his own family sunk in. In a quiet, ashamed and worried voice, "I'm... I'm... sorry. Thank you Puki for helping, but I need you as the only non injured one to hurry back to the house and tell Alek... I... I have failed my Alpha. That Rooke is hurt and I am bringing him in, but we have to move quickly." After saying that he turned to Rooke, "You have to trust me. I am still the same Tyson you knew this morning, the one how gave you that totem. Now hold on to it and hold tight to me, I'm going to get you back home and your going to be fine. By morning you'll be ready to start working out with me if you want." As carefully as possible Tyson pick Rooke up with his left arm and started to make his way towards the house. Thankfully adrenaline makes for such a good pain kill so even with a bullet in the sholder he could still out run a normal human.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Puki Character Portrait: Tyson
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0.00 INK

Rooke was shuttering, flinching at Puki's touch. He looked up to her, seeing she was afraid as well. His head jerked back hearing the gun shot, and he even let out a little yelp. He watched Tyson get shot, rip out a mans throat, and finally shoot a man in the head. His eyes were wide, and his jaw was clenched. He had run out of tears so he was just hiccupping, wincing at every movement of his lungs, and shaking. When Tyson walked over to them Rooke tried his best not to take a step away. Noticing the blood lust leaving the older males eyes he instantly started to calm down. He listened to Tysons words, and when Rooke was picked up he instantly hugged tightly onto Tyson with his good arm, making sure not to hurt him. Rooke couldn't help but nuzzle is face into Ty's neck. "I-I'm so-sorry... I d-didn't mean t-to c-c-c....Cause so much troub-ble..." The hiccups made it hard for him to talk without stuttering. "I-I thought that may-ybe I could h-help, instead of being usele-ess like I always a-am..."

His lip quivered as he looked in back of them, staring at all the dead bodies. He shrunk more against Tyson, his injured wing helplessly hanging out to the side. "I can't p-put my wings back in... They-ey're to injured," He mumbled, feeling stupid for getting so hurt. He looked at Tysons shoulder, frowning as he sniffled, trying to wipe away some sap on his cheek. At first he reached out to check Ty's wound with his right arm, but quickly returned it back to his chest, not wanting to movie it. Instead he looped his arm around Tysons neck and softly pushed his shirt off his shoulder, seeing the bullet had blown all the way through. "We'll need someone to h-help you with your shoulder, Tyson...." He gave Ty a tiny smile, trying to make himself feel less stupid. He moved Tysons shirt back, and then leaned back to look at the blood on his face. Rooke frowned, then pursed his lips. Grabbing onto the front of Tysons shirt with this bad arm Rooke managed to pivot around enough to grab the duffle bag, which was on his back still. He rummaged around blindly before pulling out the blanket he had taken from the cabin. Looking at it he gave a tiny shrug with his good shoulder before reaching over and starting to wipe the blood off of Tysons mouth. "Don't tell the others how I fell.... Just tell them I saw the camp and got beat up or something... It's too embarrassing telling them I wasn't paying attention and a bird hit my shoulder," He mumbled, blushing and frowning a bit.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Puki Character Portrait: Tyson Character Portrait: Alek Character Portrait: Synxa
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0.00 INK

Rooke went quiet upon seeing him and Tyson were back at their camp. Rooke frowned when pulled away from Tyson, and he only have a tiny not in response to Alex. He went over to Puki and Synax, looking down at the ground. He was starting to get tired, the adrenaline in his system incredibly low. His shoulder had a heart beat, and his side ached as he reached his good arm over, and pulled his duffle back slowly off his head. Rooke refused to look at anyone, knowing all of this worry and pain was the fault of his stupidity. His injured right wing continued to drag behind him, sticking out, but the other wing was folded close to his body. He reached over and started to anxiously play with the feathers at the end, frowning still and looking down like a puppy who was just scolded. "My side hurts, too," He mumbled, looking up with his good eye to Synax and Puki. His lips pursed, quickly looking back down.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Puki Character Portrait: Tyson Character Portrait: Alek Character Portrait: Rooke
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0.00 INK

Addy looked up to watch as Puki stumbled to the ground, Alek catching her so she wouldn't fall. As the words tumbled out of her mouth, her eyes widened in shock and terror as she watched Tyson and Rooke appear just behind her. Oh god there's so much blood.. She thought looking at Tyson, she was unsure if it was his or someone else's but she didn't want to find out. At Alek's instructions she quickly ran to Puki's bag getting the first aid kit then to the kitchen to get hot water and rags. She stumbled back to the main area and set the stuff down next to Alek, "That's all we have" she said.

She was suddenly distracted, when Rooke's voice came out in a small whimper, she turned to him and at the sight of him almost began to cry, she knew Alek had her hands full with Tyson, and she wanted to help. She quickly dashed over to him and gently grabbed his cheeks turning his head slightly to look for any major injuries in the areas where it would be most detrimental. She had watched Alek many times patch everyone up and picked up some skills of her own. She turned to his most problematic area, his wing. She lightly touched the area where the wing connected to his shoulder and searched his face, "Does that hurt? Can you move it any?" She asked calmly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Puki Character Portrait: Tyson Character Portrait: Alek Character Portrait: Rooke
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0.00 INK

Tyson, exhausted from is long morning; a workout, skipping breakfast to an all out sprint through the trees, to an adrenaline fueled fight, the trip back and not to mention the hole in his shoulder. Was doing everything he could to stay awake, not even the pain on Alek digging the bullet out was helping. He reached up with his left arm and grabbed Alek's arm. In a very weak, sincere, sad and hurting voice, "Forgive me... Alek. I my alpha. I gave in... to them.. The young ones... did good. Be proud of..." Suddenly he tried to sit up and look around, but Alek was applying to much presser for him to move to much. In a very worried almost hysteric voice, "ROOKE?! IS ROOKE OK?! AND PUKI... WERE IS SHE, IS SHE OK?" Tyson hated being held down and hated not being able to see the others even more so. Realizing it was hopeless to try and get up, he laid down, still holding Alek's arm like a kid afraid to die. The shear pain, worry and exhaustion was clear in his eyes as he continued to fight to stay awake.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Puki Character Portrait: Tyson Character Portrait: Alek Character Portrait: Addy Smith Character Portrait: Synxa
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0.00 INK

Rooke looked up at Addy when she started to examine him. He started to feel the shame and embarrassment rolling off of him in waves. He bit his lip and sucked in loudly through his nose when she touched his wing. He even winced away a little bit from Addy's touch. "Yes, it hurts there," He mumbles bitterly, looking up at her with his good eye. He clenched his jaw, and looked at Tyson when he heard him yelling his name. "Tyson?!" He yelled, fear rippling through him. By now Rooke was starting to ignore is injuries, so he rushed over to Tyson. "Tyson!? Ty, it's okay!" The sparrow quickly kneeled down next to Tysons head. His eyes showed his fear as he hesitantly started to brush away dry crusted blood on Tysons face. "Tyson, we're all here, me and Puki are okay," He said in a hushed voice, trying to keep his panic out of his voice. Glancing up at Alek Rooke started to understand why Tyson was freaking out. "Alek, don't hold him down?" He suggested. "Wrap a bandage or something around him, I don't know, but he seams to be freaking out, I think it's because you're holding him down?"

Rookes voice got smaller and smaller as he tired to explain his reasoning for ordering Alek around. At the end of his sentence he just stopped and pursed his lips. "I don't know," He mumbled again, looking back down to Ty, realizing that he was still subconsciously brushing dirt and stuff off Tysons face. He looked down at the bullet hole, and clenched his jaw. His nose wrinkled as anger started to boil inside him, eating away as his chest and stomach. Shuffling a good distance away he watched Alek holding onto Tyson. 'This is all my fault... God I'm such an idiot. Tysons hurt because I thought I could be tough and help out. I'm just a weak idiot who can't pay attention while flying, or use some common sense...' Rooke looked down at his shoulder as he scolded himself inwardly. After a moment Rooke grabbed onto a small bone in his shoulder, and started to pull it out. The bone has stopped most of the bleeding, but now it poured out, staining his shirt impossibly more. He attempted to keep the ball of his palm on it while pulling out the other bones. He got about what he figured was 5 out before he had to stop, his entire hand covering a good chunk of the wound. The sparrow glared up, anger continuing to fuel him. He managed to dig into his shoulder and rip out 2 more, but that soon became too painful. He ended up falling while sitting down, passed out from pain and blood loss.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Puki Character Portrait: Tyson Character Portrait: Alek Character Portrait: Rooke Character Portrait: Addy Smith Character Portrait: Synxa
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0.00 INK

When Tyson first apologized, Alek frowned. Why is he apologizing for saving one of theirs? Then it hit her. Them. The School. It all made sense now. She'd think over it more later when Tyson wasn't freaking out, to which she had to hold him down to prevent him from dislodging the clots, and try to calm him down. He didn't hear her as she tried to calm his fear over Rooke. He only stopped when Rooke came over to tell the older boy that he was fine.

Alek didn't say anything as Rooke... requested her to let Tyson go. The way Ty held her she thought it better if she didn't. She felt like a his anchor at the moment and like she would do to any of them, she wouldn't move unless she had to. While she let the others take care of Rooke after he stepped away from the pair, she focused back on the wounded in her arms. Shifting a little, she rummaged through the surprisingly well stocked first aid kit. "Hey Tyson." Her voice was deep and soothing, almost hypnotic. "I'm going to stitch up the holes, try to bear with me and not sleep. You can later." Her head jerked to look over her should when she sensed Rooke's fall. She wanted to run to him, but knew she couldn't. One thing at a time. "Bring him inside and tend to him in there." She requested before turning back to her patient.

With a deep breath she wiped the area with alcohol wipes, got as much blood off her hands as she could, sterilized the needle with another alcohol wipe, and began the task of stitching her friend. She talked to him about her plans for when they got to the city. She altered them a little knowing she may have to use some of her abilities to hide the fact that Rooke couldn't hide his wings. It would all depend on if Synax could fully heal him. She had faith in the little cat, but she was still young and even Alek had trouble using her abilities for long periods of time.

After finishing the stitching, she gently moved Tyson's arm from around her waist (where she had moved it when she started sewing him up) to around her shoulders. "I know you're tired, but we need to get you inside. Let's get this over with and then you can sleep." With some struggling, the two made it to the living room where Tyson was gracelessly placed on the second couch. "Rest." She stoked his hair. "We'll talk all about this later. For now don't worry and heal." Her eyes flicked up as she asked, "How's Rooke doing? Is he going to need a transfusion?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Puki Character Portrait: Tyson Character Portrait: Alek Character Portrait: Rooke Character Portrait: Addy Smith Character Portrait: Synxa
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0.00 INK

Tyson started to relax as Alek stoked his hair, but as he felt himself falling asleep, he sat up. Half standing up half falling off the couch he made is way over to Rooke. Sitting down on the floor with his back against the couch, he gently grabbed Rooke's hand with a gentle squeeze. In a calm exhausted voice, "You did real good today kid. Now keep fighting cause I'm going to need my exercise partner. And I'm sorry... for everything. I promise... WHEN you pull through this... things will be different. I... I..." his mind wondered off as he thought about his brother and sister, about losing more family. For the first time, a single tear ran down Tyson's check. "I cant loss my brother or sisters... not again. This time I will be fast, stronger... If it has to be some one, please... let it be me. I cant go through it again." he said in a hushed tone almost like he was talking to some one who wasn't there. "Why couldn't you have saved them instead... Why didn't you leave me like I told you to. I've already lost enough haven't I. Now you want to take him to?" Tyson's mind drifted off again as he squeeze Rooke's hand a little more.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Puki Character Portrait: Tyson Character Portrait: Alek Character Portrait: Addy Smith Character Portrait: Synxa
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0.00 INK

Rookes eyes flickered around under his eyelids. He seamed to respond to sound, every time someone talked his eyes would look over at them through the blackness before he was continue looking around in his REM state. He was still breathing heavily, and he started to get clammy. His skin was pale, and his short hair was starting to stick to his face. When Tyson squeezed his bloody hand he gave a small groan, and started to move his body, as if wanting to get off the couch. He was, however, still passed out. The bandages around his shoulder were tight, and thankfully holding his arm in place. Rooke couldn't hear anything normally, as if someone was talking to him under water. In fact, that's what he was dreaming, that he was under water. To him he was floating limply along. When he looked above himself through the crystal water, he could see people standing above him. His uncovered eyes squinted through the blurriness, trying to see if he couldn't make out the people above him.

The seamed to be standing on a metal cat walk above him, as if observing him. Rooke looked around, and noticed that he could kinda see outside around him. He was in a... Tube? Rooke started to freak out upon realizing he was in a confined space. With no air. And water. He started to panic, even out side of the dream. In both realities He started to try to swim up. Rooke on the couch was twitching around, his legs bending slightly before twitching back out, straight. Dream Rooke was franticly clawing up at the surface of the water. At first he thought he was moving before realizing that something was holding him down. He looked down to see a metal chain connected to the metal floor. He screamed, air bubbles pouring out of his mouth, and brushing up against his cheeks as soft as a kiss. His vision started to go black, and in a gasp of air Rooke in the real world bolted up. His uninjured eye was wide as he looked around, and then down at Tyson. He meant to say something, but before he could his eyes rolled back, and he passed out again, falling back on the couch.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Puki Character Portrait: Tyson Character Portrait: Alek Character Portrait: Rooke Character Portrait: Addy Smith Character Portrait: Synxa
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0.00 INK

Alek was beginning to think her flock didn't understand the need for rest and healing. She shook her head and watched as Tyson sat by Rooke and then fell asleep. "I'll go get the materials for a transfusion." She left her wounded members to the rest of the flock while she rummaged through her back still in the kitchen. She'd taken the materials needed from Alicia's house (she was well stocked in nearly everything) knowing that eventually one would probably need to be done. It didn't take long for her to find the two vacuum sealed bottles, hose, sterile needles, bottle of rubbing alcohol, wipes, and rubber tourniquets. She nearly dropped everything when Rooke woke up freaking out. Listening, he soon fell back to sleep, if not a little fitfully. Letting out her held breath, she walked back into the room.

"Alright Puki, if you'd be so kind as to sit by Rooke, we'll get this started. Unless you don't want to, then I can take over since I'm O negative." She started setting up as the younger girl decided.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Puki Character Portrait: Tyson Character Portrait: Alek Character Portrait: Rooke Character Portrait: Addy Smith Character Portrait: Synxa
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0.00 INK

Tyson, having been shaken awake when Rooke started moving around, but before he could act he saw Alek motioning for everyone to be quiet. That's when his slightly enhanced hearing heard it to, hunter outside. Knowing he was in no shape for an other fight but also he stood the best chance at winning one out of the three who were around Rooke, he extended his claws and fangs. Slowly and quietly he climbed onto the couch and crouched over Rooke like dog protecting its pups. He didn't dare climb anywhere for fear of making to much noise and being to far from the young ones if something happened. Normally taking on five human hunters wouldn't worry him, but in his tired and hurt condition, plus with Rooke out cold, if some thing went down, it might be his last fight. But at less if it does go down, he will take as many with him as possible and try and draw the others away so the flock and run. Tyson has learned to trust Alex, at less when it comes to the flocks safety, if they had to run she would be able to get the others out and keep them safe. After all, this whole mess was Tyson's fault so who better to be left behind to fix it. Beside, he was one of the best trackers in the group, should he survive, he could always find them again. In the mean time he watched the hunters and Alek.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Puki Character Portrait: Tyson Character Portrait: Alek Character Portrait: Rooke Character Portrait: Addy Smith Character Portrait: Synxa
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0.00 INK

Rooke shifted under Tyson, softly mumbling in his sleep. He was starting to wake up. His face contorted into a pained expression as his wounds started to bleed into his dreams. Rookes eyes slowly opened, blinking up at the fierce older male standing above him. Sucking in his breath he looked at what Tyson was looking at. 3 or 5 men were prowling around the building. 'Hunters!' Rooke though in a panic. He started to squirm, but stopped when he realized that the men couldn't see them through the windows at all. The sparrow looked to Alek, who looked extremely focused. Rooke put a hand over his mouth to keep himself from squeaking or grunting too loud.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Puki Character Portrait: Tyson Character Portrait: Alek Character Portrait: Rooke Character Portrait: Addy Smith Character Portrait: Synxa
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0.00 INK

The school was a terrible place to grow up. They were the least kind people you would ever meet, but they were great at teaching you to multitask. As Alek walked silently behind the hunters who marched through the house looking for her flock, she kept her eyes on her family while hiding them from the hunters' sights. They remained silent and together; Tyson crouch protectively over Rooke. When the hunters got too close to the couch, she manipulated their perception into thinking three shadows had disappeared upstairs. Three of the five looked at each other and ran after the ghosts that didn't exist as the other two waited on the main floor in case one of the 'hunted' tried to flee.

Before following the ones upstairs, she pointed at Puki, Addy, and Synax and signed them to flee outside. Then she pointed to Tyson to pick up Rooke and lead everyone towards the city. Her gestures were firm and with no room to argue; she would follow soon. Before weaving between the two hunters waiting for their friends, she passed Tyson her small notebook with four mapped out routes to the city drawn into it and then headed upstairs. There were three men that had a date with death.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Puki Character Portrait: Tyson Character Portrait: Alek Character Portrait: Rooke Character Portrait: Addy Smith Character Portrait: Synxa
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Rooke watched as the men walked into the house and towards them. When he saw movement in the corner of his eye he looked over to Alek, who was frantically signing to everyone. His lips pursed, not understanding a word- or should he say gesture -of what Alek was saying. When Tyson picked him up and carried him out of the house Rooke wiggled around in Tysons arms so that he was being carried like a toddler, enabling him to see the house as they walked away. "We can't just leave her! She might get killed!" Rooke protested. His eyebrows were set low, and his voice was rough from being tired of pain, and just tired in general. He nuzzled his face into Tysons unwounded shoulder, making it so only his eyes and up were peaking over the broad males shoulder. "This is so unfair..." Rooke pouted, wishing he could help and do something.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Puki Character Portrait: Tyson Character Portrait: Alek Character Portrait: Rooke Character Portrait: Addy Smith
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0.00 INK

If she wanted to be honest, Alek had done this before. She doesn't like to think about it because then she would have to admit that she was a killer, a monster that the School managed to mold. As she silently slipped by the hunters and listened to her flock leave (albeit with some protest), Alek prepared herself for her task. Like most people who've had loved ones hurt she wanted nothing more than to make these men drown in their own blood. To pay for the sins of their fellow hunters who harmed her family... but she had better restrain than that.

The first man was easy since they weren't expecting anyone. She easily stood beside him like a shadow before swiftly grabbing the opposite side of his head with one hand and with precision, thrusted her index finger into his neck at C2. She grunted as she caught the dead man and laid him down out of eye sight. Then she followed her next target. He was quite a bit taller than her, unlike the last man she would have to make herself known for a second or two before delivering the death blow. White needle teeth grinned liked the Cheshire cat at the poor man about to die. Not one to take too long (that's how you get caught or let your prey escape), she kicked the back of his knees causing him to drop. He let out a yip of surprise before she grabbed his head and twisted, nearly turning him into an owl.

Hearing the dead man dropped, the last of the upstairs men ran in to make sure his buddy was okay. To his displeasure, his friend was far from okay with a young woman standing over him. She sighed as he grew pissed off and pointed his gun at her. "You killed Teddy!" The man snarled. "And the nameless one." Alek gave a seductive smile as she turned to the man. "And you're next." The man cocked his gun. "Stop where you are before I put a bullet through your brain!" The young fox merely let out a bark of laughter, "You won't have a chance." She dove to the side right as the man's finger pulled the trigger. The men downstairs yelled up before starting to run towards the commotion. "Time's up laddie." With graceful movements, Alek twisted the shotgun out of the man's hands and hit him to his knees. "You hurt and are tracking my family, can't have that." At point blank, Alek shot the man right as the two other's reached the door. Blood not only dripping off of her but also the two hunters and the surrounding area in the room. "Oh dear." She really hadn't meant to expose herself, but time to have some fun.

The men pointed their guns at her only pausing when her face turned pale. "What is it gurly?" She pointed in horror behind them, the facade only slipped when the men turned to find a monster behind them. They shrieked and started shooting. Alek snorted as she picked up two knives from the fallen comrade and sheathed them in the men's necks; one for each. As they gasped for air, the fox squatted down and stared at them. She could be merciful, it wouldn't take much to end their lives just a swift twist. Or she could let them bleed out like they would have let Rooke or Tyson. She debated it for a few seconds before severing their spinal cords.

After patting each man down, stealing some money, things that seemed valuable, and a knife or two, Alek left the dead men and the house. Quietly humming to herself, she began tracking her flock. Don't misunderstand, she isn't a saint or merciful to those who harm her family... She needed to make sure those men actually died because there once was a time when she thought she had killed someone and they somehow survived.

Rule number five: Always make sure your prey is dead.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Puki Character Portrait: Tyson Character Portrait: Alek Character Portrait: Rooke Character Portrait: Addy Smith Character Portrait: Synxa
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Tyson, with more then a little protest, grabbed Rooke and both their bags, in his good arm well grabbing at the others to follow with his other arm. He lead them down the hill towards the city till they were a safe distance away. There he found a good place to stop so everyone could catch their breath. By this time he had no idea how he was still going, little sleep, no food, and a bullet wound, it was a miracle he could keep going. After checking with everyone to make sure they were ok, he had the girls go in front of him so he could watch them, well he carried Rooke. Guiding them down, he heard gun shot but forced the group on word. 'I will be back for you Alek' he thought as he found what to him looked like an abandoned back ally, but having never been to a place like this he couldn't be sure. Tyson had read about city as part of his training, in case any experiment fled to one, but it a lot different between reading about it and being there. In the ally there was a over hang were a door was boarded up, so he set down there. "Ok. Look, none of us like what's going on but here it is. Alek stayed behind to buy us time, which I plan on taking full advantage of. We'll stay here today because I can not keep going, not in my condition. Once I have had a chance to rest Rooke needs to doctor so that's what we are going to get him. In the mean time Puki as the eldest one awake, your in charge, need anything wake me. Synxa, I know it takes a lot out of you but watch over Rooke and heal him as needed. Addy, my young sweet Addy..." Tyson exaction and pain starts to set in as he reach up and with one finger gently strokes her check, "Stay strong, stay with Puki and Synxa. And don't worry I'm right here if you need me." He passes out from his condition.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Puki Character Portrait: Tyson Character Portrait: Alek Character Portrait: Rooke Character Portrait: Addy Smith Character Portrait: Synxa
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Rooke was quiet and pouty the rest of the way down from the cottage all the way to the alley way. His arms were crossed, and his lip stuck out. When they got to safety he realized that Tyson was having a rather hard time staying up an wake. His silent tantrum ended right then and there as his being was filled with worry. When Tyson passed out Rooke rushed too catch him. He didn't help much, but let Tyson land on his good shoulder before slipping off and hitting the ground. It was better than just slamming into the ground, Rooke assumed. The sparrow frowned and kneeled down, his jaw clenching. "This is all my fault...." Rooke mumbled under his breath, making sure no one heard what he said. Standing up he looked to Synax, who was asked to heal him. "I only need my wing and most of my shoulder healed, the rest I can live with. You should focus more on Tyson," Rooke said to Syn.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Puki Character Portrait: Tyson Character Portrait: Alek Character Portrait: Rooke Character Portrait: Addy Smith Character Portrait: Synxa
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As Alek walked to her flock, she mentally kicked herself for not taking better care of the bodies. If the School had sent Erasers after them (which they always did), the creatures would be able to pick up on her work. She did have a very distinct way of killing and their scent was all over the place. Oh well, what can you do? The day stretched on with the sun slowly sinking in the sky. In the late afternoon she found a small stream and cleaned herself of the dried blood that spattered her upon the death of one of the hunters. Unless someone looked close enough at her dark clothes, no one would notice that she was painted with blood.

The closer she got to the city, the more alert Alek became. She hid her ears, tail, teeth, and claws so she appeared more human than hybrid. Before actually entering the city, she caught a few rabbits, wrapped them in some old (now) useless clothes, and easily slipped in without anyone noticing. It didn't take long for her to find her flock in an alley way with Tyson passed out and the others worried. With a smile she stepped out of the shadows, "I'm glad to see everyone made it." She walked over to the small group. "I'm glad everyone is okay... ish." She rubbed her cheek and hugged Puki and Addy, gave a warm smile to Synax, and hugged Rooke while placing a kiss on top of his head. "I have a few rabbits and sticks for a fire, eat up." Then she walked over to Tyson who was still passed out. Pleased to see the gunshot would hadn't opened, she knelt down and gently shook him. "Ty, you have to wake up. Come on Ty. You need to eat. Tyyyyyy."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Puki Character Portrait: Tyson Character Portrait: Alek Character Portrait: Rooke Character Portrait: Addy Smith Character Portrait: Synxa
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Rooke looked over to Addy as she talked. He stood still as she approached him, but when Alek came back he just stared at her before going and plopping down on the ground. He spread his good wing out comfortably while trying to gingerly move the injured one. Once comfortable he sat there slouching, slowly putting pressure on the battered and scraped side. Grunting he instantly stopped. Looking at his arm he didn't even bother trying to move it. Dried blood crusted his clothing as he looked at the wound. Most of the bones were out of his shoulder, thankfully. Rooke looked back to Tyson and Alek when Alek started to hum her words and softly shake Ty. His lips pursed as he simply watched.