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Peyton Mathers

"I just dot understand how you could hate someone so much, yet not even know them."

0 · 328 views · located in Round Town, USA

a character in “We Still Have One Heart”, as played by Emerald.x


Peyton Mathers


Basic Info

Name: Peyton Alexandria Mathers
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Parent: (Deacon of the local catholic church) Hugh Mathers and Lucy [Charmichael] Mathers (A kindergarten teacher)
Sexual Orientation/Preference: Heterosexual
Religion: Catholic- and not exactly by choice either
Birthday: January 14th
Zodiac sign: Capricorn
  • Garnet- its her birthstone and favourite gem
  • Cupcakes- her favourite food
  • Her family
  • Reading
  • Running
  • White gold
  • Sunsets
  • Candy
  • Scented candles
  • Chocolate chip cookies
  • Chocolate milk

  • Prejudice
  • Arguing
  • Drugs
  • Coffee
  • Horses, they're weird and ugly looking
  • tea(unless it is iced tea )
  • Horror movies
  • Tomatoes


Peyton is a caring and gentle girl. She believes in getting to know people instead of making pre-judgments. She is somewhat quiet, at least around strangers anyway, she just never knows what to say. She is pretty much okay with being alone and has gotten used to not having many friends, but her family is a lot to handle so she understands why people tend to shy away from having to be near them. She doesn't like to get worked up over things and feels that allowing your emotions to override will jeopardize common sense. In saying that, she also tends to jump into things with both feet. She believes in putting her whole heart into things. Despite being raised by two devout Catholics she prefers to put her faith in more tangible things. She enjoys the ideas of God, but just can't get past her reservations about it. She also doesn't understand people's prejudice and how they use religion as a cover for it. She attended a catholic preschool and Sunday school her whole life, yet still Peyton has yet to find anything in the bible that says it is okay to be hateful towards people. She only ever found things that said to love unconditionally and treat others how you wish for others to treat you and all of that jazz. She is somewhat naive and truly believes everyone is a good person, she is young and impressionable and tends to believe nearly everything she is told. Peyton has a tendency to be a bit of a flirt, but she is most certainly not a slut. Because she operates on an all or nothing basis, emotionally, she tends to get overly emotional or dramatic about things. She often lets her emotions override and can tend to overreact to things. For example, she can easily burst into tears over something that might not seem that serious. She loves her family but has yet to actually seen their prejudice side of them. Her parents have always sort of pushed Peyton into activities they approved of and away from those they didn't. Her father as a deacon and well respected member of the church believes that his daughter's actions reflect upon him and therefore tries to control her decisions. She hates to argue and get into fights. However, if she truly believes in something, she might end up getting into an argument over it. She is not one to back down and likes to be in control of her own life.


Peyton was never shy, even as a child she wasn't afraid to approach others and ask them to play. To this day she is still pretty outgoing when it comes to people. She is an only child so finding others to play with was a necessity for her as she couldn't have it at home. This also has made her be slightly spoiled at home when it came to toys and what not since there wasn't anyone to have to share with. She lives in the same []house[/url] she was brought home from the hospital to, a modest white house with a large yard and a big old American flag hung from the corner of the porch and an obnoxious little virgin Mary statue in the front garden and small cross nailed above the door. Peyton grew up fairly well off, she has never had to do without. Being the daughter of a devout church goers has also made her have to go through with a lot as well. For example she has had to do Sunday school, go to church each week, participate in family prayers, attend her mother's prayer group, and constantly try to give off the image her father wants her too. As she grew up, Image Peyton began to question the religion. She has never spoken to her parents about her lack of faith, however, because she doesn't want to disappoint them. She believes her parents are good people, and of course they should be, they are good church going, God fearing folks. Of course, she knew about the Lorraines, she is in the same grade as a couple of the Lorraine boys. She knew their family was large but never knew about the polygamy. She had never really paid close enough attention to them to know this. A person at school had told her of the polygamy, explaining the hate campaign against Mr.Lorraine's political campaign. She also has no idea that her parents are part of the hate group against the family, and why would she? Her parents always told her of loving all equally, they just never told her they only saw this through with different races, capabilities and social class but not sexuality or beliefs. She has grown up in a shadowed world, so her interest now peaked by the Lorraine's lifestyle has made her want to get to know them more. She is curious and wants to learn. She is still somewhat naive in thinking that if even just one person from town can get to know and not hate them then the hate would stop entirely. This curiosity in the family that is hated amongst the congregation is her first real rebellion against her parents, not that she intended it to be, she's just dying to know what makes them such awful people and people hate them so much.


A small cross necklace
given to her by her parents when she was a child. It's always on her neck, worn to please her parents and not lead them on to her doubts of their religion.

Her phone
She loves her phone, her parents got it for her for her birthday, she later bought herself a case for.

Her Samoyed puppy, also given to her for her birthday.


How often do you get online?: Normally at least every 2-3 days minimum, but I try to check in once a day when I can
How often can we expect you to be able to post?:Every other day or so
Password: Love knows no bounds

So begins...

Peyton Mathers's Story


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Peyton’s Perspective

The persistent beeping from here alarm clock was what woke her from her sleep. Peyton rolled over and with her eyes still closed she tapped around with an outstretched arm. Finally her hand found the button that ended the terrible noise. She opened her eyes and stared at the clock, 6:03am. The time may have been an an unusual time for an alarm clock to go off, but for Peyton this was not the case. She had a nasty little habit of always setting her alarms to odd times. With her it could never just be 7:15, instead she would set it for a time that just felt right; be it 7:16, 7:17 or even 7:13.

Peyton yawned and rolled out of bed. She moved across her bedroom, shuffling her feet across the hardwood flooring. When she reached the mirror she stared at herself in the reflection. She pulled her hair into a quick ponytail, not minding the few stray hairs that refused to be tied back. She then changed from her pyjamas into a pair of yoga pants and a tank top. When she opened her bedroom door a small white ball of fluff squeezed through and nearly trampled her. She shook her head at the dog as he slid across the floor, unable to gain enough traction on the smooth surface. She tiptoed past her parent bedroom and down the stairs. Once in the kitchen she pulled a small cereal bar from the pantry and quickly ate it up. She then slipped on her sneakers and grabbed her purple headphones for her phone and snuck through the front door. She had to be quiet because she knew if she made too much noise Asher would come running and try to sneak outside with her.

She popped her ear-buds in her ears and pressed shuffle on her phone's music section. She then walked down the path from her house to the sidewalk and slowly broke into a light jog and then a run. It had become her morning ritual for the Summer, waking up early and going for a run. It was nice for her because she loved to run and doing it in morning saved her from the awkwardness of running into people. She used to try to run after school but she would constantly be stopped by neighbours for small talk or have those who tried to join her and make conversations. Running allowed her to clear her head and deal with stress. Whoever said 'you can't run from your problems' clearly had yet to meet Peyton. As a cool down exercise, when she got home she would take Asher out for a walk. It would make him forgive her for leaving him at home the first time and also help relieve him from excess energy. She continued to run, not thinking about anything other than moving forward, the music in her ears and the scenery around her. She instantly began to feel more relaxed.

She continued running along the main road that lead around the edge of the city. She ran until she made it out to where Round Town became the next town over, marked by a large sign that read ' Welcome to Round Town- population 18000' She then turned around and ran back home. When she got there she checked the time. She liked to keep track of how long it took her and try to improve her time a little bit each day. She grabbed Asher's leash off the hook and the pup instantly came running at the sound. She stuffed a collar over his head and once around his neck, attached the leash. She took him back around the path she had ran. By this time it was passing 7:30. The puppy still seamed energized so Peyton continued to walk with him, following the main road. She figured that if he finally managed to get tired on the way back then she could carry him home, but she would much rather have the little guy tired out then running about her bedroom all day. She had no real worried about going this far across town because she figured if she really got lost she could always just follow the main road back home and it wasn't like she didn't know half of the town and would have much difficulty finding someone to help her get home again.
