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Salim Naghi

"I'm a winner."

0 · 325 views · located in Kingdom of Magic

a character in “We, the Few”, as played by H3R0





"Never let anyone say they're better than you, greater than you, stronger, or smarter, or bigger than you. They're wrong. People aren't a social status. They're equals. Although, if things were really equal, I'd be sitting at the top of the food chain with a sword in one hand and gold in the other, laughing it up as the grand overlord to all you little wimps."

Salim Naghi
(say-leem ᐧ nah-gi)

Salim has been given many nicknames over his lifetime, but the most notable ones would be, Cobalt, which was given to him by his best friend, the Prince, because when he was younger, he was so obsessed with the color blue that sometimes it was all he could talk about and the Prince thought it was funny. Another one, given to him by a thief, Deshrok, which, in her language, basically translates to "sunshine." She used to joke that he gave sunshine to her shadowed life and cleared the darkness from her mind, but maybe it was more than a joke. Any other nicknames haven't really been relevant or very meaningful to him.

The Victor




Romantic Interest(s):
None at the moment. Despite how it may seem by the way he acts, he hasn't been with all that many romantic partners in the past.



"I've been told before that I look like a dog, and that the best thing for me would be getting down on all fours and lapping water out of a human's hands. What kind of shit is that, right? Cover your ears children. I fucked that guy up. I knew I looked better than him before, but after that, I looked like the sun next to a camel's ass."



Salim's hair has always been a special case of royal blue. It's messy in a handsome sort of way, blown about which way and that. It seems to take on a new look each day, although it never quite strays too far from it's most basic, simple look. He likes to keep it short because when it gets too long, it starts to get hot and itchy on his neck. It takes on a bit of its own gravity with tufts of blue falling every which way it pleases, sometimes falling into his eyes or sticking up at random. Usually, it's never anything that bothers him enough to get aggravated over. He likes his hair the way it is and rarely does anything special to it besides making sure it maintains its cleanliness the best he can with whatever he has to do so at the time. It's thick, but may not be the softest to the touch, although it's not too oily or too dry either. All in all, he just likes that it's there and that's the end of it. Hair is hair.

A set of deep blue orbs, shrouded in as little mystery as possible, but giving way to a vision beyond his years. They're dark, but bright in underlying excitement and pride and enthusiasm for life in general. There are no lines of aging or dark circles from any lack of sleep, nothing specific about them that needs pointing out. Sometimes, usually in the midst of a sandstorm or any other type of similar situation, he'll take his goggles and wear them over his eyes for protection. And, well, they look awesome.

Standing tall and sturdy, Salim holds his confidence well. He expresses himself through his stance, the way his stands straight and as tall as he can in hopes of looming over anyone who might try and oppose him. He can go from intimidating to cuddly kitten in the blink of an eye depending on the situation or who he might be talking to at the time. His skin is lightly tanned, although not as dark as he'd like it to be, and marked up with various scars, bruises, and etc. It'd be a strange day to not find a single stray mark on him at all. They seem to just show up without any reason at all sometimes. Half the time, he can't even remember where they came from or how they got there, even if it's a scar that appears to have been particularly painful. His most notable markings are the tribal-like tattoos that Salim takes great pride in showing off whenever he gets the chance to do so. They mostly cover his back, but also extend to his shoulders and even down both his arms. There aren't any below his waist. (Sorry, ladies).

To himself, Salim wouldn't consider himself a bad looking guy at all. He can come across as pretty arrogant in his looks. Even with mud and blood mucking up his face, he still manages to maintain a certain sort of rugged charm that's hard to lose regardless of the physical situation. To others, he may come off as intimidating at first, but after they're around him enough, they realize that his looks are nothing to be put off about and some even find his looks handsome. Even the tough guy has his cute moments, especially when he's trying to make himself more comfortable be around, like when he's dealing with children or someone who may be easily scared.

Preferred Clothing:
Just like his personality, Salim prefers things that are flashy, things with a bit of color and pizazz. He isn't huge on fashion or anything like that, but he does enjoy looking good. He prefers base colors--red and blue are both his favorites, but gold is his number one color of all time--and flaunts them in what he wears. Of course, he'll always choose comfort over style, but if he can have both, why would he ever turn that down? It can get hot in his travels, so articles with thin material are preferred, but that sort of turns against him in the cold desert nights. Whatever he decides to wear always ends up torn and tattered in the end anyway, which is usually the factor he uses to determine when it's the right time to finally find something new to wear, especially if it's no longer practical anymore anyway. There are a couple of "musts" to his attire, however, and those consist of two very specific things: cape (or something that may resemble one, like a cloak) and goggles. The goggles have been with him for a long time.


"Don't tell me what to do. Don't stand in my way. Don't bug me, don't eat my food, and if I don't like you, for shit's sake you better hope you don't even glance in my direction unless you're asking for a beating. I'm the biggest, strongest, greatest man to ever live! Or, at least, I will be. Who needs a Magi when you got me?"

Salim is unlike anyone you've ever met before. He's his own person, unable to be accurately described by simple words and personality traits. He's not just text written out on a blank, white screen, he's a living, breathing soul full of energy. A good portion of his personality can be written through his expressions, through the way he comes off to other people, and through the way he views himself. Starting with the latter most topic, he thinks he's a pretty great person. He has the confidence in himself that drives him forward. Regardless of any hardships that may hang over his head, or any looming worries or regrets, he'll never let those things drag him down. He believes that moving forward is the only way to get through life. Stopping is simply not an option for him. If anything, it's almost a fear. Possibly, deep down, somewhere in his underlying subconscious, just below the parts of himself that he can reach and comprehend, he may be afraid of stopping for any discernable amount of time. He doesn't like to dwell on the past, no matter how hard it may be to ignore the things that may have happened. Almost immediately, he urges himself to move on. It may seem like a good thing at first, but in reality, it's his way of pretending that the bad things didn't really happen. It's a delusion. And slowly, but surely, it eats away at him.

To outsiders, he's either someone they love, or someone they hate, and rarely in-between. He can easily be seen as reckless and stupid, eagerly rushing into dangerous situations without a worry in the world. He doesn't really think about the situation too much until the moment comes that he's forced to face the consequences of his actions, but even then, his courage rarely wavers. He's strong--not only in physical strength, but also mentally, and spiritually. He believes in himself and his abilities. He thinks that as long as he's sure he can do something, he can. Nine times out of ten, he ends up being right and standing high above those who opposed him. He'll happily accept any challenge presented to him, no matter how ridiculous or daring; as long as he believes the end results will be worth it, he'll do it.

However, he won't do anything against another person if he doesn't find it to be worth it. If a situation seems desperate, either from his side or the others', he'll give it up. That doesn't mean he's lacking in courage, but it means he has sympathy for another's life over his own. Or maybe he just finds their situation pitiful and refuses to take part in it. Either way, he won't go through with it. That isn't to say that Salim doesn't like other people. Quite the contrary, he's an extrovert. An eccentric. A genuine people-lover. There's hardly anything in this world that he loves more than learning about others. He could sit down and listen to stories about another person's culture or adventures for hours and hours on his with excitement bated on his breath. Despite his loud, raucous nature, he can become surprisingly quiet when listening to another person talk about something they seem to be deeply interested in, especially if he's interested in hearing about it himself. He has respect for the right people, but he doesn't give it away so easily. If he doesn't know anything about the person, or if he simply doesn't trust them, then he refuses to give that person any of his respect. It has to be earned.

That's why it can be said that Salim is not quite the idiot he may have originally been seen as. He has always been a naturally lucky person, so that's why he's come to believe in himself and his abilities over time, and why he's able to jump head-first into risky situations. He's perceptive and strong and knows how to hold his own, even if the odds are against him. Salim is a winner. That's all there is to it.

Salim's thirst for adventure seems to be an insatiable one. He's spent so much of his time wandering from place to place getting himself into trouble for the sake of excitement. Although he's been talked up all this time, he has plenty of bad traits to be noted. His confidence can be nice, but usually it's only seen as arrogance. Conceitedness. A love for himself in a way that he holds his head over others and looks down on those who he doesn't deem worthy of this time. It may seem inspirational that he only trusts a few choice people, and only respects those who he claims has earned it, but in many cases, it can be considered him just thinking lowly of anyone else. He enjoys people and their company, but that doesn't mean he thinks they're on his level. He's better, he's cooler, he's stronger and he should be seen as a symbol of amazement. ...But those are just some of the many selfish thoughts that go through that cocky head of his. He can be more stubborn than anything, especially if challenged or brought into an argument or heated situation. He refuses to let things go in a way that's practically childish, even able to keep a grudge for years and years despite his claim to obsessively keep moving forward. He's rebellious, going against proper orders given to him. As stated before, Salim is his own man. He doesn't believe in taking orders from anyone else because believes he's higher than most others, even if those others happen to be in a position of power or authority. He doesn't care about any of that at all. In his mind, all people are equal in a physical sense. In comes down to their inner workings, what kind of person they are--that's what he believes separates some from others. Except for him. He's better than everyone. Mostly, anyway.

⊗When Salim gets aggravated or annoyed, he starts to laugh. It usually throws the other party off, but he can't help himself. It's just an odd reaction to his anger that usually ends up ticking him off even more, especially when someone takes it to mean he isn't being serious when he claims to be peeved.

⊗He gets agitated staying in one place for too long. He absolutely can't stand boring or mundane things. He always has to be doing something, even if it wears him into exhaustion. At least with being tired, he'll be happy to have spent his time doing something. He feels like if he's staying in one place for too long, he's wasting the precious moments of his life away when he could've been doing something more worthwhile with his time.

⊗When he knows he's right when someone's told him he was wrong, instead of saying "I told you so," he'll give them an annoying little smirk instead. It's practically worse.

⊗No matter how nervous or anxious he may feel about a situation, he'll rarely ever let it shine through. The only times he shows his true self is when he's around someone he trusts completely, but that type of person doesn't come along very often. Otherwise, it'll only come out when he feels he's alone.

⊗Being a person who respects honesty, if he thinks someone is lying to him, he won't hesitate to get aggressive with them, even if they happen to be a frail little girl. He thinks the best way to handle a liar is by intimidating the truth out of them. Surprising enough, it usually works. Unless he's wrong. Then he doesn't exactly apologize, but he'll take what's coming to him for the mistake.

⊗He curses. A lot.

☀Pretty people

â˜ŊBad things happening to good people
â˜ŊSlaves traders
â˜ŊNot knowing the answer
â˜ŊBeing at sea

☠Dying unspectacularly. This sort of goes along with the fear below it, but it's specific enough to count as its own thing. He refuses to go out like all the other average people in the world. No! He needs to go out with a great, big bang! Like a true adventurer would!

☠Being forgotten. His greatest goal in life is to make his mark on the world before he dies or, at the least, in his death. He needs to accomplish things, he needs to explore and have adventures and meet as many people as possible. However, doing these things aren't enough for him. He also needs to have some sort of effect on others. He needs to be remembered for something. It can't just be anything, either, though. He can't be remembered as anything negative, like a cowardly idiot or anything like that. He needs to be remembered as an honorable man who traveled the seven seas, fought many dangerous battles and came out victorious, as a hero and a great man above the rest. That's what he wants. It's what he believes he needs out of life so that, even in death, he won't be forgotten.

☠Being helpless. Salim is aware of the reality that not everyone, everywhere can be helped. He understands that sometimes, unfortunate sacrificed must be made for reasons, but he'll be damned if he doesn't try his hardest to keep as little amount of people from having to die or suffer if he can help it. He has a terrible fear of being put in a situation where he can't do anything to help anyone at all, whether it's with a close friend or a complete stranger. He would rather risk his life a hundred times over than to let someone else suffer. Even if it seems impossible to save everyone, it won't stop him from adamantly trying. He would never forgive himself if he were ever to stand uselessly by as someone suffered or died without him at least trying to help them, but if he doesn't make a difference at all by trying, it makes him feel just as terrible.


"I can take you! I can take anybody! I can handle anything anyone ever throws at me. Just try and test me. I don't have a limit, shitheads. I'll beat anyone and everyone who tries opposing me. I swear I won't lose. Not now, not ever. So suck it up and get ready to get beat."

★Fighting. Salim can hold his own in a fight, whether it's fist-fighting, sword-fighting, or anything else under the sun. There are so many different ranges of fighting when both magic and magical weapons are involved. He's been known to be able to defeat many strong opponents in his short lifespan, even when he was younger. He doesn't stand down from a fight, even if it's an obvious losing situation. He knows how to hold his ground and, while he may seem reckless, he's pretty good at maintaining even against the worst of enemies. Even if the odds may appear to be against him, there's still a good chance he could make it out as the victor.

★Tolerance to pain. As a natural fighter, he's been through plenty beatings here and there. He's learned to take them and stand through them, he's learned to endure and tolerate. It takes a lot to knock him down in the first place, and even then, he's the kind of obnoxious person who'll just keep standing right back up over and over again. He doesn't know when to call it quits. He'd have to be dead--or, at the least, knocked completely out.

★Explorer. A good majority of his growing life has been spent away from home, exploring the world around him. Although there's a good lot of it that he hasn't yet seen, he has a good knowledge of what's around him from his travels. He knows of many different kingdoms and republics, people and heroes, cultures and myths and mysteries. There's always room to grow in this aspect because as it is, this skill is very limited, but he prides himself in being a bit more knowledgeable on various subjects than a few others, especially those who don't really get out to experience the things he has/wants to.

âœĻImpulsive. This guy would win the award for being the first one to jump head-first into a dangerous situation without knowing a single thing about it every single time. The idea of danger is just another word for adventure or excitement to him, so he hardly pays any mind to the real possibilities from it. He doesn't really think things through before he runs into them and that can land him in real trouble, real fast. If he hears the sound of something that he deems exciting, he'll be all for it without even wanting to hear the rest of the explanation, which isn't a smart thing to do at all but, well, there you go. All in all, he doesn't really think about the consequences of his actions before he follows through with them.

âœĻCocky. His arrogance just might be the death of him one day. If he's up against a bunch of guys with knives and swords who greatly outmatch him in a very obvious way, if he even thinks he has the slightest sliver of a chance, just one percent, then he'll probably be there trying to face-off against them. That usually doesn't have any very good outcomes. Confidence is good, but there's a point in which it becomes a little ridiculous, and mostly just dangerous, and that's the level Salim has gotten to. It also gives him an attitude that can usually be considered off-putting to some, drawing unnecessary bad attention towards himself.

âœĻLack of self-caring. He tends to push himself a little too far sometimes. He has a good sense of endurance, and he's a good fighter, sure, but sometimes he just doesn't know when enough is enough or when it's time to call it quits. He'll let himself get beaten, battered, and bruised, and at then go off into danger or a fight just to make himself even worse than he started out. Sometimes, it can get ridiculous and almost painful to watch. It's not that he doesn't really care about himself, it's just that he doesn't know the extent of his limits and tends to push himself further than he's supposed to go more often than he should.

Salim is human, so his people don't have any special abilities. While some of them may be Magicians, he wasn't fortunate to be born with anything like that, not that he's all bent up out of shape about it or anything anyway. However, he has managed to obtain a Djinn equip item in his travels over the years. Just one. The Djinn, a bright and lucky female by the name of Asma, has given his item, a broadsword, the abilities of light-based powers. He can extinguish the darkness and replace it with light. ...Well, that sounded cool, but his powers are actually much more useful in the light of day, where there are plenty of sources to pull the magic from. At night, under the star-littered sky, he's weaker, but not at all useless. However, when in a situation completely void of light, maybe in a cave under the sea or something similar, he can't use his Djinn-equip powers at all.

The light powers range from being able to make his sword have a dull or bright glow in a dark area (as long as the area is not inclosed, or if there's lamps or fires, he can still gather light and power from them), to being able to let loose a bright, searing light from his weapon. Sometimes, it can be used to temporarily blind his enemies and it can heat his sword to make it easier to slice through objects, like bones or steal, without harming himself or the sword.

As previously mentioned, he carries with him his main weapon, which is just a simple, blackened broadsword. He keeps it in a scabbard hooked on his side, resting on his hip for easy access. On the same belt, he has another, smaller scabbard where he keeps a small, simple dagger to use in the case of emergencies or whenever it may be necessary to use a smaller weapon.

Fighting Style:
Salim is generally a reckless, rough, and tough kind of brawler. He's not the lightest on his feet, and he's not very flighty in any sense. Since physical confrontation isn't an issue with him, he'll fight his opponent head-on without any restraint. He knows how to fight well, but he also tends to get a little carried away and may use all his strength in one session, wearing himself out in the long run. Although, that isn't to say he doesn't have a great amount of endurance, because he can definitely last a while in any situation.


"Never put your experiences behind you. No matter what, use them as a placeholder for your future. Learn from them and make your life with what you've got. I've never given up the opportunity for adventure, and neither should anyone else!"

Mother - Ruba Naghi
Ruba's story is not a very great one and not one she prefers to indulge too much information about. She was once a very poor peasant Magician traveling the land using her powers to scrounge together whatever she was able to. However, from a young age, she easily learned that men will do anything for a pretty face and an even prettier body. She never stooped to selling herself away from money--she had too much pride for such a thing--but she worked the system and figured out how to manipulate the richer and more powerful into doing things for her without ever even needing to use her body at all. Not usually, anyway. She is a very strong-willed woman who doesn't take any lip from anybody, especially not from men. It is a trait she has earned over a long time of living with mostly males who believe their greatest strengths are their abilities to get women hanging off their muscled arms. She would rather spit in their direction than hither to them.

Finding a husband was not something she ever actually planned on doing in her lifetime, but when she came across a man with a strong heart and a respect for anyone who could beat him, regardless of their race, age, or gender, she found herself falling for him quickly and easily. They moved to the city that he was from after spending a few years together and decided to settle down and get married. Ruba had her first born, Salim, and a few years later her second-born, Sanya. Their kind were always favored by the royal family for their strong sense of good will and general physical strengths and her husband had a good word in with the King. They weren't very close friends, but they were acquaintances nonetheless, so it put their family in a good position. Ruba started working as a maid in the palace and at some point, rumors went around that she was cheating on her husband with the King despite her claim to honor. Around this time, she gave birth to Sanya and some didn't believe that Sanya was the blood child to her family, but to the King. The doubts of her husband and of the others in her clan started getting to her and she considered fleeing, but decided that it would be too cowardly and, to this day, despite the rumors, she has stood her ground and continued working patiently in the castle. Her and her husband don't talk very much anymore, however.

Father - Fayzil Naghi
A very kind and generous man to all he comes across, Fayzil is considerably close to the polar opposite of his strong, temperamental wife. He wouldn't exactly let anyone walk over him by any means and he holds his morals and virtues very close to him, never letting anyone take away what makes him, well, him. But he would much rather think through a situation with calm and intelligence, and even with pure friendliness, than anything like brute force or chaos amongst people. He was childhood friends with the future King, but his parents took him away from the city at a young age and he never had the chance to keep ties with his friend. As he grew older and his parents settled down somewhere to pass away, he continued on with his travels, spreading words of good will and religious retribution across the lands. He is a very religious man and strongly believes in a greater good, a higher being, a brighter purpose above his own. That isn't to say that he didn't get into any fights in his days. In his youth, despite his claim to a humble nature, he ended up in many more fights than he would ever admit to in his current age, embarrassed by his uncharacteristic brashness. That was how he met Ruba and decided soon after that he wanted to have a family with her.

Everything was going well, especially after they returned to his birthplace and got in well with his old friend who was now the King, but the rumors got to him more than he would have liked them to. He became distant from not only his wife, but also his son and daughter. He had secret arguments with the King until a falling out threatened to break off the good deal they had under the palace. One of these arguments lead to a great secret held closely with the Royal family to get out, which was overheard by the King's first-born son, the Prince that was meant to overtake him on the throne some day, and this lead to the series of events that made the Prince resent his roots, his family, and his royal nature. Fayzil has become detached, but there is pressure weighing down on him between the secrets he knows, his personal moral values, and the strong possibility of his wife's adultery.

Younger Sister - Sanya Naghi
There isn't much to say about this one. Currently, she is about four years younger than Salim. She was six when he went away with no word about it beforehand. Before his sudden departure, the two of them were very close as siblings. They use to pick on each other and have fights like any other siblings should. Salim always felt protective of her as the older sibling, but she preferred being able to fend for herself, even at a young age. She was a mix between spoiled rotten and trained tough between her father's coddling and her mother's strong values, as well as the others in her clan teaching her that there is nothing better than being able to stand up for herself above all others no matter what. She never cared for the roles given to her as a female and the life ahead of her as another maid working in the palace, or a dancer in the streets, was never something that appealed to her. She always wanted to be something bigger, better, and stronger than any of that, and she hoped that she could use her brother to get this, but he left her long before she would ever get the chance to do so. From then on, she's felt spite towards him for whatever reason it was that he left, considering herself abandoned and denying, from then on, that she had a brother at all.

The Prince - Atiya Iylameen
Atiya is the first born son to the King of the republic that Salim and his family lived in. He has three younger siblings, the two middle siblings being sisters, and the youngest being a brother. He grew up in a palace that taught him to strongly believe in and put his faith and trust in religious icons. He believed in these things with all his heart and grew into a golden boy who dreamed of one day ruling over his citizens with a kind and caring sense. He hoped he could be a good King one day, just like his father seemed to be, whom he looked up to very much. Unfortunately, just a few days before the time the time that he's supposed to be crowned over his elderly father, he overhears an argument the King is having with Salim's father and the information he overhears is something that strikes him hard and dissipates any and all passion he ever had for his kingdom and for his father; it completely ruins his outlook. In a brash, sudden burst of broken faith, Atiya decides he no longer has the desire to take the throne or have anything to do with the falseness of his royal family. Salim and him were very close friends despite the great age different between them, Atiya being nearly eight years older than the other boy. Salim was the only one he dared share the secret with and Salim demanded that if he was going to flee, that he take him with him, so that's what they did. In the dead of the night, just days before he was supposed to be crowned as ruler of an entire city of people, Atiya denounced his family name and he and Salim fled far away from there.

The Thief - Jamal Karimi
Jamal was born into a life of great poverty. As a Magician, her skills were always used against her even from a very young age. Her father was not somebody she was ever meant to meet, just a man who put his seed in her mother in his time of drunken stupor and desire for pleasure. Her mother was a very depressed woman who died away from lack of proper care for herself or from those around her, mistreating her. Jamal promised not to ever let herself get into that state of mind and has always been a very optimistic person with a strong sense of life and virtue. She believes that there's no such thing as an unimportant life and that all should be forgiven no matter what they've done in their past. Still, she was treated harshly for the majority of her younger life, forced to slave away her useage of magic for the sake of the rich and the royal. To escape this life, she became a thief and a con artist, traveling around desperately trying to get away from those who had mistreated her and resented her for running away when her powers were so useful to them. It was around this time that she ran into Salim and Atiya, having stolen items of theirs that they tracked down to get back. When all was explained, they agreed to add her to their small party and travel the lands together.

Although his life has been short-lived, Salim has already had quite the adventure. He was born in Ahalvine, a prosperous city with a lot of land. Most of the people who lived there were content with their lives, or, at least, they seemed to be. From a distance, Ahalvine would appear to be a very popular city with a high population, little discrimination, a low crime rate, and a wise and trustworthy ruler. However, this wasn't exactly the case. On the contrary, those who had the most wealth were those who served the King or was closely related to him and his family in some way, like Salim's family happened to be. Anyone else living there suffered from a state of overpopulation, scrapping for food and desperately trying to escape, only to end up in the harsh desert lands outside where it was rumored that they would die. The city had issues with sandstorms, so the walls were put up high to keep it safe from the storms. Anyone who left the city was rarely ever seen again. While the city itself was wealthy, the workers worked long hours for low wages. The King was greedy and kept most of the wealth for himself, his servants, and those closest to him.

The one thing the people of Ahalvine all had in common was their devotion to religion. Once a day, the people, no matter their state of suffering, would all meet at the statue of their Goddess. It was said that those who offered the Goddess something in her favor, she would bless them with good will and grant them a life of luck and victory. Even though the people were lowly and many were poor, many would desperately offer their precious belongings in hopes that something would be good enough for her to shine her light on them. The Royal family was not excluded from this time of worship. In fact, the previous King was the one who made the worship mandatory for all residents.

--But we'll have to return to this later. For now, let's go back to Salim.

As a young boy, he thrived on the stories of adventure his parents would tell him about. They told him about people, and creatures, and his mother showed him the wonders of a magic that he could never even begin to know himself. He cherished his time with them, but spent most of his time on his own, wandering the halls of the castle and getting along with the Prince, Atiya, who took it upon himself to take care of and watch out for him despite having many other responsibilities to see to. Salim's outgoing personality latched on to him like a bug and refused to let go, growing into a brotherly-like sensation. Salim would drag Prince Atiya out of the palace many nights, past the guards, to explore the outer regions of their home. Atiya had never left the palace before Salim came along, so his view of the people had always been limited. He assumed they were happy people who loved his father as much as he did, but he learned that things were much different than he originally believed. Whenever he presented the issues of his people to his father, he was brushed off and given excuses that they were under a higher order and that their good will would come from the Goddess as long as they waited and believed. Not being one to go against his faith, Prince Atiya agreed to his father and passed his knowledge on to Salim.

Everything seemed to be going well until Salim's mother had another child, Sanya. His parents began splitting apart and arguing and the two of them eventually separated from each other. He took it upon himself to take care of his new little sister despite still be a young child himself and, once she was old enough, she began following him around and picking up a few of his mannerisms. He would tell her about the adventures he planned to go on and she would make him promise that he let her join him. Things were moderately alright at this point until Salim learned of the possible reasons of his parents' displeasure. Going through the palace halls as often as he did, it was only natural that he picked up on the gossip being passed around that his mother had cheated on his father with the King, but whenever he brought it up with Atiya, he was put down. Atiya was convinced that his kind and honest father would never soil himself with a married woman, so Salim accepted that as truth. Even now, he has no idea whether or not it was the truth, but he supposes it isn't really important.

One night, around the age of ten, Prince Atiya came to him in a rage and started babbling on about his loss of the faith he had in his father and the Goddess at supposedly watched over them. After a bit of prying, Atiya informed him that he had overheard the King and Salim's father in a heated argument, where a heavy truth slipped out from the King's lips in his fury. According to Atiya, the son who would never in a million years put any marks on his father's name, the King admitted to taking many of the things offered to the statue of their precious Goddess and keeping them for himself, or sending them off for the sake of wealth, stating that the only reason he had the people worship her was to gain wealth out of it. He admitted to withholding money from his people because of his own selfish desire of not having nearly enough, and he even admitted to doing something unspeakably terrible. Apparently, the King had been sending out paid-off assassins to go through the people outside of his Royal privilege and kill them to keep down the population, mostly old and weakened workers, so that he would no longer have to pay them or deal with their presence in Ahalvine any longer. Overhearing this news broke something in the Prince that only Salim was around to witness that night. The two of them at this point had formed a close bond and Atiya found a comforting solace in Salim that he no longer felt towards any others. Cutting off all ties to his Royal roots, cursing the lies his precious religious icon had apparently been built up on, and officially denying the crown that was to be placed on his head in only a matter of days, Prince Atiya told Salim he was fleeing Ahalvine for good. Of course, Salim refused to let him go alone, especially not out into the dangerous sandstorms, so he demanded to go with them. The two of them fled only one night later, never to return again.

The night of their leave, Salim and Atiya agreed to meet up together at the opening of the walls surrounding the city. Before Salim met up with his friend, he stopped by the Goddess and offered nothing but his own faith, silently wishing his people and those he'd come to love over the years the best luck she could give them.

It was probably a year later that they decided they wanted to take on a Dungeon. They knew the risks, but the two of them together were reckless. Even in Salim's young age, he'd been shockingly lucky and easily gained strengths and abilities beyond his years. He was still a child, though, so Atiya refused until they trained a bit more. In their travels, they passed by a small clan of Cherufe, draganic people, having an argument over some trivial matters. Being the diplomatic person he was, Atiya was able to settle the argument and give each side what they wanted with nobody having to leave or split the already small clan. In return, the Cherufe people agreed to give them some training when they learned the two of them wanted to take on a Dungeon. They spent just under a year with these people before going on their way once again, confident in their abilities and excited to find a Dungeon.

However, their plans were once again deterred at one point when they were stopping overnight in a city. In the night, a thief stole away all their personal belongings and anything they had gathered over the years to help them in the Dungeon, so they had to track the thief down to get their things back. It took another rough month or two before they actually found her in that place, and instead of being able to make her pay for her crimes, they ended up having to rescue her from a terrible man trying to take her away for slavery. She admitted to losing or selling the majority of their stuff, so that set them back even more. The two boys allowed Jamal to join their journey for yet another year and a half, using each of their skills to gather weapons and equipment that they would use to take on a Dungeon. And, when all was settled, the trio finally went for it. There isn't much more to say about it than that, but they prepared, they went in, and they conquered the Dungeon. Surprisingly to all three of them, the Djinn chose Salim to have her power.

While things between the three of them should have only been closer than ever, their relationships grew tense and strange. Salim learned that there had been something going on between Atiya and Jamal, but never got to see them together. By the time he knew there was anything going on, they were already apart, separate, and tensions between them only continued to rise. At first, it became a juggling act. Salim had to keep his friends together, but the more he tried to get them to love each other like they once had, the more they seemed to turn their resentment on him. Apparently, Atiya never understood why Salim was the one the Djinn chose when he was obviously more superior, smarter, wiser, more honest. A more valuable asset. In other words, he didn't think Salim was worth the power he was given. At some point, the crack in their relations simply broke and, in a fit of rage, the ex-Prince Atiya, Salim's childhood friend, simply left one day without another word.

Salim never saw him again.

Salim and Jamal traveled for a little while longer after that, but her interests were elsewhere. She ended up in a city whose customs piqued her interests and, after a short time there, she decided she didn't want to leave. She said she wanted to help those people in a similar way that Salim and Atiya had helped her before. Salim respected her choices and left her then. His thirst for adventure was insatiable. He was too young and too eager to stay in one place for too long. Since then, he's merely traveled around, usually on his own, gathering knowledge of other cultures and of various other things. His luck has always put him on the right path.

His cloak is a bit of a security blanket for him. He takes it off when he sleeps, sometimes using it as a blanket. It doesn't really bother him if other people touch it unless they've done harm towards it. The best way to tell that he's not as confident in a fight as he usually is with others is if he takes the cloak off and puts it to the side out of harm's way.

So begins...

Salim Naghi's Story