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Leigh Marshe Bauer

A quiet girl who cares greatly for her family. Intelligent and a bit of a fire bug. Shares the love of scary stories with her twin.

0 · 460 views · located in Waltham, Massachusetts

a character in “Welcome Home Sanitarium”, as played by Demon girl



Leigh Marshe Bauer. Yep, that's her. The quiet one of the family, some people might think she's a mute at first, but no. If she thinks you're worthy, she'll talk to you, or when she's angry, then she explodes. That's a habit for her, you could annoy the hell outta her and she could keep it zipped up and locked, but play the wrong chord, and... Well... You might want to get out of her way. Loving the stories of old and the myths and legends, she's never afraid, not even of ghosts. In fact, she's thrilled about them and is often found sneaking into the cemeteries and graveyards, just to catch a glimpse of the afterlife. With her twin, she would read out magic spells from the many different books they own, only to be disappointed when no dead had risen or no ghost could be heard.
Leigh loves the dark, and anything that is dark. Dark red, dark blue, dark green, black, but never pink. Do not give her pink, nor make up. She hates the stuff! You can always see her wearing the old medieval type clothes, never in shoes and the only jewlery being a single black heart necklace hanging around her neck. Her hair is always up in a plait, as she is always out doing something. She doesn't care for mud or dirt, as long as she is busy. Because of this, she has very tan skin from always being in the sun, matched with dirty blonde hair and bright blue eyes.
Leigh loves metal, and rock, and even country. Though she hates the new music. Pop, was it? Yeah, she hates it. Her only friend in school was her sister Abby and that fact has not changed a bit. Like her sister, she hates her family, but loves her mother. She's also crazy about animals and if she catches you squishing one of her little eight legged 'friends' then you better run before she squishes you!

So begins...

Leigh Marshe Bauer's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leigh Marshe Bauer Character Portrait: Lily Mae Bauer Character Portrait: Ofelian Harp Bauer Character Portrait: Faith Ellen Bauer Character Portrait: Nigel Thomas Bauer
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In the car // Furious, irritated // Driving

It had been a long trip. California to Massachusettes- right across the country- in one car with six children is enough to drive a person insane. Already there'd been fights between the children, most pertaining to Nigel piping up with facts about where they were, which pleased Demitri, and to the twins' irritability. He was at his wit's end, absolutely sick of them all being so roudy. They rounded the final corner before the long stretch of a driveway to their massive new home. He jumped when a boot- one he believed belonged to Abigail- collided with the front window. He jumped, jerking the steering wheel violently. "Abigail!" he shouted absolutely furious with her.


She was bored. Her phone was flat, her iPod was flat, the radio music sucked and there was nothing but woods to see. That is until they rounded the corner. She felt an immense sense of excitement upon seeing the house. It was positively immaculate. She grinned, peeling off her shoes and hurling them carelessly towards the front of the car. The other followed soon after. She pulled open the door, breathing in the thick sweet air. She grinned at her twin for a moment before jumping out the window. Even though the car was still moving.
She ran at full tilt to the front door, realising her plan had been fruitless. It was locked. Waiting for her family to get out of the car, she looked around. The front yard was huge. Lined by thick green woods, they were closed in a box, the only opening being where the white pebble drive escaped to the road. The lawn was dull green, almost grey, and weed choked. There was a white stone fountain in the middle of the half of the lawn to her left, but it was cracked, chipped and being strangled by ivy.
When the removal vans finally rolled to a stop and the van pulled in after, she dashed over to her mother.
"Mom. give me the key," she instructed, taking it without waiting for a response. She grabbed Leigh's arm and went back to the front door, the feet of her black and white striped socks collecting dirt on the way. She pushed open the heavy dark wood door, stepping into a foyer which the ceiling of reached high above their heads. The floor was white and blak checked tile, and the stairs which were on their left were huge, sweeping marble steps. The walls were all polished chestnut and the chandalier was gnarled black iron. She breathed in the air, grinning. "Maybe it wasn't so bad leaving California..." she murmered.
Making her way up the huge steps, she lifted the fluffy hem of her Alice-style skirt. She faced a massive window which looked out onto the drive and front lawn. Turning to her right, she made her way up a shorter flight of stairs, maybe five, six steps and began to grope the wall for a lightswitch. She hit it and dull flickers of orange light pooled on the floor to reveal a narrow hallway with navy wall paper that met the chestnut halfway. On the right the walls were bare except for the lights; that wall blocked the foyer. On the left were doors. She opened the first to show yet another massive room. The family's black cat Mit strolled into the room, slinking around the posts of the old bed. It was a canopy bed, but had no mattress or curtains.
Stepping in, she saw that there was a large black door facing the front of the house; no doubt to one of the two rounded balconies. The other was on the opposite side of the staircase, in one of those bedrooms. There was a bay window seat on the wall opposite the hallway door that showed the forest, and two smaller white doors opposite the balcony door, flanking either side of the room. Walking over to the first, she saw it was a joint bathroom. Walking through revealed another bedroom. "Leigh, we have to have these two rooms!" she declared, heading out to the hall door and removing a marker from her pocket. She wrote 'twins' on both this bedroom door and the next one, meaning they would both move freely through them, neither concious of privacy from each other since they shared everything.
Their cattle dog Red had found her way up the stairs, and sat barking at the window. "Leigh-Leigh, Red's doing something wierd." She trodded back down the stairs to collect her boxes of stuff. She only had a few since she threw out most of the clothes she owned, or passed them on to Lily. Lily was the only other sibling she could stand. She didn't like her, but she didn't hate her. As such, she treated her slightly better than Ofe or Nigel. Passing her father in the hallway to the foyer from the front door, she was stopped.
"Abigail, I believe these belong to you?" he asked curtly, dangling two boots by their shoe strings. She took them, giving him a wry smile. "Next time keep them on your feet, thank you."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Abigail Renee Bauer Character Portrait: Leigh Marshe Bauer Character Portrait: Lily Mae Bauer Character Portrait: Ofelian Harp Bauer Character Portrait: Mitchel Bauer Character Portrait: Nigel Thomas Bauer
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Lily had given up asking where they were. Nobody was listening anyway.

She had long since given up shrieking at Ofe and Nigel to leave a space for Kylan and Ben on either side of her. They kept sliding over, on top of the invisible people that were her friends, and she had to keep pushing them away again, much to her annoyance. Apparently, it was to her father's annoyance, too, because he seemed pretty angry with them all. Lily slouched in her seat, talking to Kylan and Ben for the rest of the journey in a hushed voice.

They soon arrived on their new street. There was woods all around them, much to Lily's delight. It was just like her own little world! There were lots and lots of forests there, too! She was grinning wildly, humming to herself, when a boot flew through Kylan's head. "ABBY!" She screamed at her sister, in unison with her father. "YOU HIT KYLAN!!" She was trying her hardest not to cry when the other boot flew through where Ben was sat, and her sister was out of the window. She hated when her sisters or brothers hit or sat on her friends. What did she ever to to their friends, invisible or not?

The tyres of the car finally crunched onto the white pebble drive. Lily had her arms crossed over her chest, scowling at her knees. She could see her knees, as the skirt she wore came to just above her knees. It was a cream chiffon dress, with a brown leather belt wrapped just higher than her waist. She had knee high white socks on, too, with lace around the top. White flats adorned her feet and her ash blonde hair was combed and straight. She wore no jewellery, as she hated the things, and her sisters would probably break it anyway.

The car rolled to a stop, and Lily let Ben step out before she leaped out herself. Unfortunately, Mitch decided to walk straight through Ben, which caused another shouting fit at him. He didn't seem to care. Perhaps he didn't even hear her. Then again, nobody really did.

Ofe walked over to a fountain, which Lily immediately fell in love with. She smiled to herself, made a hand gesture to Ben and Kylan, and slipped off her socks and shoes, running over to the fountain. She sat on the side and dipper her feet in the water. It made her shiver slightly, but she splashed about happily anyway, not really noticing the cold after a while. When her sister retreated inside, so did she, grabbing her shoes, shouting words of encouragement to Ben and Kylan and running inside, dripping everywhere. She realized, much too late, that this would annoy her father immensely, probably, as they had spent five seconds in the house and already there was mess everywhere. Oh well. He'd just have to get used to it.

Lily dropped her shoes at the entrance of the foyer and looked around her. It looked just like a house she would imagine to be in Alice in Wonderland! That was her favorite story. She smiled to herself softly. Maybe she'd like it here. Just maybe.

Her brother had already stalked off upstairs, and so had the twins, until she heard a kerfuffle above her, on the staircase, which looked like it had been built from marble. Suddenly, Ofe's phone clattered down just above her, and Lily picked it up, looking at the phone she doesn't normally get to even see, let alone touch. Maybe she could actually talk to her?

"Ofe, your phone..." She muttered, as she picked her way up the stairs. She extended the phone out, not really expecting much of a reply, or at least if she did get a reply it would probably be nasty or something.


"So take your hand in mine
It's ours tonight
This is a rebel love song
Mitch's music blared through his headphones. His eyes were closed, his foot tapping to the beat of his music, which could be clearly heard throughout the van. He was pretending to be asleep. It was easier that way. He wouldn't be bothered. He hadn't opened his eyes the whole way, not through the fights, although he'd told Nigel to shut his gob several times along the journey.

The only time he heard much else was when Lily screamed at Abby. He had shut his eyes tight in frustration and opened his eyes. There was a house there. He guessed that was his new home. Great. In the middle of the woods... Then again, it might not be so bad... He thought to himself. I could smoke pretty easily in the trees, and hide a bike there, too... He sighed to himself, one of frustration and almost pleasure.

Another sigh escaped his lips as Leigh, the annoying brat, actually climbed out over him, and then, just as he was sliding out, slammed the door in his face. He closed his eyes, trying to hold in the anger, but couldn't manage it. "LEIGH!" He roared, opening the door of the car and slamming it, hard. "I will put you six feet underground if you ever do that again!" He yelled, his hands balling into fists. He really needed a cigarette. Sighing, and seeing that the twins had now opened the door, he headed inside, not even stopping to look at his surroundings as he climbed up the marble steps and walked to the end of the corridor, at the back of the house. "This one's mine." He muttered, slamming the door. They'd know if they walked in on him. He didn't expect them to, anyway.

He slammed the door, and opened the window, wide. The ledge seemed comfortable enough, so he sat on it, and fished in his pockets for a cigarette and lighter. He was sure he wouldn't be caught. They'd sort out everyone else first. He lit the cigarette and took a drag of it. This was not going not be easy.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Abigail Renee Bauer Character Portrait: Leigh Marshe Bauer Character Portrait: Demitri Ryan Bauer Character Portrait: Lily Mae Bauer Character Portrait: Ofelian Harp Bauer Character Portrait: Mitchel Bauer
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"Abby! Be careful with your surroundings, apologize to Lily for hitting her friends and ask for permission before you take anything!" Faith's yell at her daughter was almost immediately followed by an annoyed "Aand she's gone without listening to me."

Faith forgot about this when she saw Nigel coming out of the van, holding the books he was reading during the trip. He was obviously down.
"Nigel, what's wrong?" The mother asked him.
"Nobody liked the facts I gave..." He replied with sadness in his tone.
"I liked them! Your father liked them!" Faith tried to cheer him up.
"But that's circa 29% of the visible humans in the van!"
"Aw, sweety..." Faith started stroking his son's blond hair. "If you love telling facts, just do it and don't let anyone take this away from you." She smiled at him.
"Thanks, mom..." Nigel muttered and entered the house.

Faith wrapped her arm around her husband's waist.
"This is it, Demitri... new home... new life... new chance to rebuild our relationships... Maybe we can finally become a happy and peaceful family... Oh, FOR CHRIST'S SAKE!" Faith went inside after she heard Ofelian's yelling.
"Won't you leave each other's throats already? Leigh! What did you do to Ofelian this time?"
Faith hated yelling at her children. She was heartbroken every time she did that, but sometimes she had to. She saw Lily giving Ofelian the phone. Knowing their relationship, she took it in order to prevent another conflict and extended her arm to the 13-year-old girl, waiting for her to take it.
"You!" Faith turned to Ofe. "Take your phone and explain what happened."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leigh Marshe Bauer Character Portrait: Lily Mae Bauer Character Portrait: Mitchel Bauer Character Portrait: Faith Ellen Bauer Character Portrait: Nigel Thomas Bauer
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He walked in with his wife, patting Nigel's head. "Hey, put it this way, at least I never have to worry about you making stupid decisions," he offered, giving him an encouraging pat on the back to send him on his way. Glancing to Faith, he nodded slightly. "I should hope so," he murmered, not particularly meaning it. The only reason he'd wanted to move was for his work. If the family got its 'bonding' done, sure, plus for the happy wife. He didn't particularly care about his children aside from Nigel.
He picked up his box and headed up the stairs. Across from him were the stairs to Abby's room, so he went in the opposite direction. The house had four balconies, one on each corner. It seems his eldest had occupied to on one side of the house, so he and his wife could take the other front room. Walking up the other short set of stairs, he pushed the box into that room. He paused upon coming down to glance out the window. He had to admit, it really was lovely here. Walking down the stairs, he checked where the realtor had said there would be a study. Pleased that it was large, with ornate French doors, he took his office box and pushed it in there.


Stalking back down the stairs to find the last of her things, she grabbed the phone off Lily and threw it square at Ofe's chest. "Stop being such a whining baby," she scowled, stuffing her hands in her pockets. "Lily, I have some old skirts I don't wear. They're outside my bedroom door if you want 'em." Then she glanced back over her shoulder at Ofelian. "And don't even think of touching them, you dork princess."
Trodding down to gather up her last few bags and her Ouija board, she dragged them back up the stairs and slid them over to her closet. "Mitty," she called, seeing the cat was no longer in the room. She ducked out of her room past her twin's and checked each room following. "Mitty?" she called softly into each. She paused at her brother's room and opened the door. She saw him at the balcony. "You're going to die if you keep smoking dummy," she called before skipping out. The kitchen was to her left, and to her right was a railed balcony overlooking the foyer. "Hi mom!" she called from it, waving. "I promise I won't complain about moving again, this house is radical!"
She looked down to see her twin. "Leigh-Leigh, help me find Mitty, she dissapeared!" she called. She then walked out of sight again. There was a door to the other hall which matched the one outside her bedroom, at the end of which her parents' room was situated. When Leigh joined her, she turned to a dark flight of stairs leading up. Grinning, she made her way up them, lifting her skirt bottom. The stairs groaned beneath them, but Abby could care less. Up on the next floor was an open space plus four rooms on the back wall. She presumed that this was the larger dining room, or a ballroom of some sort. Boring.
She walked out into it before something dagled in her face. Looking up she saw that it was a pull cord for an attic door. "Oh sweet," she grinned, tugging it. The old stairs folded out in front of them, falling from the hatch door. Making her way up it, she giggled. "This is my new favourite room in the house," she muttered to her sister. Standing and brushing her skirt off, she glanced around the attic. It was cluttered, but huge. Walking over to one of the old trunks, she lifted the lid with considerable effort. "Ughn!" she grunted when it finally opened. "Whoa, old." Inside were news articles from whenever.

Collette Grace

She sat in the corner of one of the rooms upstairs. She turned at the sound of people walking up the stairs, and stuck her head through the wall. "Hmph, so there are people here," she muttered to herself. Listening for Janica, she tilted her head side to side. "Groovy, I can make friends."
She followed them up the stairs, resting her elbows on the floor, watching them. "Yo, wassup?" she called, making Abby jump and turn. "Welcome to the 'hood." She grinned and turned over so that she was resting her head on the wood. "Don't go digging through people's stuff. It's rude you know."
Abby scowled. "What are you doing here? Get out of our house!" she cried, walking forward. Grace sat up, muttering to herself, walking down the steps.
"Alright, but I'll see you cool cats later."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Abigail Renee Bauer Character Portrait: Colette Anne Grace Character Portrait: Leigh Marshe Bauer Character Portrait: Demitri Ryan Bauer Character Portrait: Lily Mae Bauer Character Portrait: Mitchel Bauer
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Returning to the main foyer, he glanced up the stairs. What were those damn children getting up to? "Abigail, Leigh, Lily, Ofelian, Nigel and Mitchell, I want all of you downstairs, now!" he cried. "There are boxes outside yet to be unpacked, and since none of you seem exceptionally willing, I want all of you to help!"
He turned to Faith, patting her shoulder. "I wish you would relax. It's not healthy to constantly stress." He kissed her on the cheek, before going off to sort out his office. There was already a huge mahogany desk by one window. It seems the house still had all of its old furnashings. There were two large brown leather couches sitting across from each other in the middle of the room, and a small coffee table. Leaving that as it was, he went into the room joined to this one and began unpacking his books, placing them on the shelves.


She shrugged at her twin, going through the news articles. "I doubt it, no one lives here, remember? Well, we do now." She then heard her father calling out. Scowling, she walked to the steps, glancing down. Lily was talking to someone. She couldn't see anyone, so she presumed it was one of her imaginary friends. "Hey, short-stuff," she hissed. "I'm closing this okay? Don't tell Pa we're up here and I promise to take you exploring later." She gave her a short flash of a grin, before pulling up the old wooden steps. "Now." She turned back to the old trunks. Walking over to another old case, she pulled it open. Her jaw dropped at what she saw. Old jewellery lined the bottom of the box, silver, gold, diamonds, rubies. "Leigh!" she called, ushering her sister over. "This stuff looks old as. Lets take it. It probably belongs to the people who used to live here and they forgot." Glancing around, she noted an old tote bag. Walking to it, she picked it up and stuffed it with the jewellery. She paused seeing a black rose pendant, etched from what may have been obsidian. Grinning, she handed it to her twin. "You keep this one. It suits you." She then stuffed the last of it away, before turning on her heel to look for more stuff to keep.
She noted a bunch of old looking dresses. One seemed to be a nun's habit. "Haha, we should totally creep out the others with this thing. I still have my special effects makeup, we could totally scare Ofe and Lily and Nigel." She stuffed the black dress and cap thing into the bag before slipping down the stairs. "Let's put it in our rooms and see what else we can nick."

Colette Grace

She smiled down at the little girl. "Howdy babe," she giggled at Lily, offering her hand. "I'm Colette Anne Grace, but call me Grace, m'kay?" She walked down the stairs to the second floor with her, passing the kitchen and heading past the bedrooms to walk downstairs. "Sure, let's do something fun. I wanna play hide and seek, that sound cool to you?"
She walked to beside the marble stairs, to where the wood met the stone. She ran her pale hand along until she found what she was looking for; a small notch hole. She pressed against the wood, and a small square panel moved in as Grace slid it aside. Groping the wall for a moment, she found the lightswitch to reveal steps down into an old basement. "All my old toys are down there, they can play too." She walked down, turning back to look at her new friend. "C'Mon chicky, don't be afraid. I'm your friend now, I won't hurt you. Promise." She raised her hand for the girl to take.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Abigail Renee Bauer Character Portrait: Leigh Marshe Bauer Character Portrait: Demitri Ryan Bauer Character Portrait: Lily Mae Bauer Character Portrait: Ofelian Harp Bauer Character Portrait: Mitchel Bauer
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In many cases when a parent calls you by your full name, it would be hard not to be petrified by fear. Not in Faith's case - it's a rarity for her to go any further than yelling.

Faith calmed down when Demitri took the roblem in his hands. Oh, how much easier it would have been if he wasn't that consumed by work. The mother giggled like a schoolgirl with a crush when her husband kissed her cheek - it was a rarity for her seeing him displaying an act of affection. Knowing that she wouldn't see this from him any time soon, especially when he went to the office, her smile faded away.

"Hey, Mitch!" Faith's smile came back, when her eldest son greeted her with a hug. "We should unpack the boxes now. I hope everyone will participate!" She raised her voice a little at her last sentence.

Not saying anything, Nigel slowly walked to the mother, probably to inform her that he would help. His pupils shrunk when his sight met his brother's eyes. Nigel gave up on the vocal statement about his help and quickly walked outside.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Abigail Renee Bauer Character Portrait: Leigh Marshe Bauer Character Portrait: Demitri Ryan Bauer Character Portrait: Lily Mae Bauer Character Portrait: Ofelian Harp Bauer Character Portrait: Mitchel Bauer
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He came back out of his office, giving a nod to Mitchell and Nigel. "It would seem the two of you are the only ones doing as you're told. Guess that means you choose dinner tonight," he told them, walking out to unload the boxes from the truck. He walked back in the front door, looking up when he heard voices. He had to stare around for a moment before he saw the dark hole in the wall by the front door. Walking over to it, side stepping a few boxes, he leaned down it to see Lily. "What are you doing down there? Lily, I asked for help, I expect it given." He ushered her up the stairs, flicking off the light.
He called Faith, pointing Lily out the door to gather the last few boxes labelled 'kitchen'. "And where are your sisters?" he asked. Wrapping an arm around Faith's shoulders, he gestured to the stairs. "It would appear that we have a basement. I guess we could turn it into a pool room, put down a few couches, I don't know." He glanced at his wife, waiting for her thoughts.


She scrambled down the stairs and passed the kitchen banister. She looked down to see her parents looking into a basement. "Wicked," she muttered to herself, jumping when the cat leaped out at her from behind the doorway to the kitchen. "Oh, Mitty!" she cried. "You little shit, you scared me." She clasped a hand over her mouth when she realised she'd said it out loud. Glancing down, she noted that her father was glaring at her. "Coming," she moaned, quickly dumping the tote behind her bedroom door and closing it. She then skipped down the marble stairs, out passed her parents.
She grabbed one of the few remaining boxes and lugged it up to the kitchen. She lifted it towards the table, looking up to see her twin. "Hey," she murmured, dumping it down. She froze when she heard something shatter. "Aw, crap," she hissed, lifting the flaps of carboard to see she'd cracked and shattered their mother's best china plates. She picked it up again, sliding it over to the massive old pantry door. "Leg it," she whispered, before sprinting to her room. She closed the door, sighing deeply. "My bad."
"Yeah your bad," a voice muttered. She looked up to see that weird girl lying across the wooden beam on her canopy bed. "Your mom's not gonna be chill when she finds out you did it."
"Get out of my house!" she cried.
The raven haired girl shrugged, rolling over and clinging to the banister like a monkey. "Eh, it's not really your house, is it? It was never really a house. Or, I s'pose it is now they ripped down the old building."
Abby frowned, standing. "What're you talking about?" she asked, walking over.
"Didn't you read the papers? This whole block of land used to be the Waltham Asylum, or whatever cheery name they came up with. Check it. This place was once a loony-bin. Not this building, but this land. That fountain outside was. And it's said that the people who died in the asylum haunt this place. Whooo~," she giggled, waving her fingers in Abby's face.
The teen rolled her eyes in response, climbing up to the banister to sit with her. "What's your name anyway? And how do you keep getting in here?"
"I'm Colette, but call me Colls. I have a... gift for sneakin' 'round, I guess you could say."
Abby grinned. "You're creepy, I dig that. So where do you live?" Colette shrugged, righting herself again.
She jumped off the banister, to the floor. Abby was surprised at how little noise she made. "Oh, you know. Around. Nearby."
Abby nodded. "Rad. We should hang out." Colette grinned and nodded, exiting out the door. Almost as soon as it closed, Demitri walked in.
"Abigail, get down from there!"
"Father, must I?" she ased, mocking his tone as she slid down. "What do you want?"
He glared, gesturing out the door. "Dinner. The boys made their decision, so we're having what they want."
She groaned. "It's probably something slimy and gross like pizza." Demitri rolled his eyes and followed her down the stairs, calliing out to Ofelian and Leigh at the same time.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Abigail Renee Bauer Character Portrait: Leigh Marshe Bauer Character Portrait: Demitri Ryan Bauer Character Portrait: Lily Mae Bauer Character Portrait: Ofelian Harp Bauer Character Portrait: Mitchel Bauer
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Leigh Marshe Bauer

Leigh sneezed, rubbing her eyes after she did so. Huffing, she shook her head and pushed some of the boxes into the back and picking up a lock and key. she grinned to herself, starting down the stairs after her sister and closing it. Placing the lock through the hole, she clicked it closed and pocketed the skeleton key, rubbing the back of her neck. Whistling softly, she didn't even hear her father call. Sticking to the top floor, Leigh decided to do some more exploring and finding herself in one of the spare rooms. She glanced around, there seemed to be nothing but covered furniture. "I like this room," she whispered to herself, flopping down on the dusty white sheet and putting her feet up on the table. It really shouldn't matter, after all, they were covered.

After a few moments, Leigh, yawned, feeling bored. she stood and dusted herself off, walking out of the room and closing the door behind her. "Welp, that was fun. At least in this house you can be by yourself," she murmured to herself, starting down the stairs, accidentally bumping into her sister... Again. "Someone's not in a good mood," Leigh murmured, continuing on her way down the stairs.

Ofelian Harp Bauer

Hearing Father call, Ofelian sighed and stood, looking around the room. "This... Is going to suck," she muttered, walking out and following her directions to the car. Picking up one of the boxes, she started into the house, jumping when the cardboard fell apart in her hands. She let out a long stream of curse words, not even caring if anyone was around. She shook her head, picking up the items and starting up the stairs, pushing her sister back when they bumped into each other, muttering under her breath. "Watch where you're walking."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Abigail Renee Bauer Character Portrait: Leigh Marshe Bauer Character Portrait: Demitri Ryan Bauer Character Portrait: Lily Mae Bauer Character Portrait: Ofelian Harp Bauer Character Portrait: Mitchel Bauer
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"I don't know... " Faith responded, smiling "Maybe we should put something the kids would like. We might put a piano there. Lily might want to learn it, she needs to put her creativity somewhere. This is a little close to your office, however... If the music gets on the way of your job, we might still have the pool table. I hope the kids would start getting along and play together..."

Faith was thinking of discussing this idea with the whole family. However, she knew there would be a lot of arguing about this. Still, her mind wouldn't agree with the thought not to ask the children.

"Let's not rush. Let's deal with the basics first - the living room, the kitchen, the bedrooms, the bathrooms... When it comes to the rest - we might sort it out later." The wife said. "Hey, do you want to see if everyone are handling the boxes? They might need our help."

Nigel didn't know which box to pick. Most of them seemed too heavy, or had too fragile items inside. He might ask for help, but the only family members he got along with were Faith, Demitri, Lily and the pets. None of them were in front of the house yet, also getting help from the pets would be impossible. What would he do? He was too afraid to ask someone else for help.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Abigail Renee Bauer Character Portrait: Colette Anne Grace Character Portrait: Leigh Marshe Bauer Character Portrait: Janica Alexandra Character Portrait: Lily Mae Bauer Character Portrait: Ofelian Harp Bauer
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Leigh Marshe Bauer

Leigh hummed softly, walking down the couple flight of steps until she was on the bottom floor. The whole time, she hardly heard a thing. "This should be good. A lot more privacy in this house," she murmured to herself, a habit that she had [picked up when she was little. Really, when Abby wasn't around, all the girl did was talk to herself, and sometimes an imaginary friend. When she had them, of course. Leigh somewhat envied little Lily with her imaginary friends as the older girl had loved having them around. But as she grew older, she found it harder and harder to imagine her nice friends when all that her mind could conjure was the disappointed face of her parents. Besides, imaginary friends at her age? People would think she was as mad as a Hatter. Leigh shook her head, deciding to try and find her twin, wherever she was. Figuring the best place to start would be her room, Leigh started back up the stairs and walked into her Abby's room, not even bothering to knock. "Hola."

Ofelian Harp Bauer

Ofelian trodded up the stairs, looking around the house. To her, this place was a big dump, nothing to do, no one to talk to, and there was no way in hell that she would talk to her family. After a few moments, she started hearing noises. Ones that didn't seem to belong to the house. Out of pure fright, since it was starting to get dark, she ducked behind a covered table, hiding from whoever the footsteps belonged to. Seeing a small figure walk onto the landing, Ofe almost breathed a sigh of relief, rrealising it was just Lily. This could be fun. The girl thought to herself, watching her sister walk. She planned on following her, scaring her when she thought best. Once Lily climbed into the attic, Ofelian scowled, waiting a long while for the younger girl to come down, since there was no way she'd be going up. But since, she didn't, Ofe just lifted the ladder and closed the entrance, turning to walk away.

Janica Alexandra

Janica tilted her head, listening to her friend's words. The ghost smiled to herself and nodded, about to reach out for her teddy. She gasped, though, realising she had left the bear behind. She whimpered, looking around the hole, only to find that Lily had her bear. After giving a glance to Colette, the girl scampered forwards, only just stopping in front of Lily. She sat back ,not wanting to scare her off, in case she took the bear with her.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Abigail Renee Bauer Character Portrait: Colette Anne Grace Character Portrait: Leigh Marshe Bauer Character Portrait: Demitri Ryan Bauer Character Portrait: Janica Alexandra Character Portrait: Lily Mae Bauer
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Nigel tried to say something, but didn't. Neither the fact he didn't know what no say, nor the other fact that Mitchel had already walked away helped.

"This is up to me?" Nigel thought. "What if I pick up something that everyone would hate?"

Nigel would pick a food, which was healthy. His parents would approve this, but this might put him on an edge with his siblings again. They were angry enough with him for observing and telling facts about the places during the trip, picking up food that would be hated might guarantee a horrible evening. The worst thing was that he had no idea what his siblings liked eating. He was too afraid to ask any of them. Maybe he should ask Lily. But what if the rest didn't like her choise and found out it was Lily's idea? No, he wouldn't do that to her. One of the few times he was asked about his opinion and he was so anxious! Couldn't he just finish off the book about quantum physics?

Maybe it would be fish... Or it would better be steak! With salad! A healthy combination between meat and vegetables. Or maybe not? Maybe he had to do a research. He might be afraid to talk to most of his siblings, but he couldn't think of any other solution.

The boy went upstairs and saw Ofelian.

"H-hi... Uh... W-what do you want for dinner?"