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Welcome Home, Sis! » Arcs » Moving In

The Fujioka Sister finally meet there new stepbrothers, the Kitomura Brothers.

As written by: Ꮳỷทỉϲɑɬκỉຣຣ, FamishedPants, KaelaKatastrophe

3 pieces and 5 characters involved, written by 3 different authors.

1 places involved

So begins...

Moving In

JapanSetting: Japan


It was a long drive to Sakura Square, seeing as it was rather secluded compared to Nemui and Kurumi's previous home. The two girls were both rather silent and kept to themselves as the car moved along the busy street. She had never actually laid eyes on Sakura Square, but she knew where it was located. They were getting close, and she tried to keep her mind off of that fact. Nemui was doing everything in her power to keep her anxiety at bay as she sat in the back of the fancy limousine, but she could only postpone her emotions for so long. Inside of the car, the short haired sister was propped against one of back doors, sitting sideways in her seat as she read yet another romance manga. This one was titled Moe Kare, and it was about a young girl named Hikaru Wakamiya who had her first kiss stolen by a perverted princely looking young man only to later on run into a guy who looks just like him, but is a completely different person entirely. Her heart was pounding as her eyes scanned the pages, a light blush sweeping over her features as she went. Reading Romance Manga was Nemui's guilty pleasure, which she normally kept hidden under lock and key, but she was open about it with Kurumi and their mother. Ever since they were children, Kurumi was always there for her, even though it wasn't always in a positive light. She really appreciated having a sister, so she tried to remind herself that having brothers couldn't be so different. Guys were always nicer to girls, right? Not to mention they would legally become family next week. They would have to get along for the sake of their parents, or so Nemui told herself. She obviously never watched the movie; Cheaper by the dozen.

Nemui wasn't alone on this trip, actually, but the car was quiet enough that she almost thought otherwise. Nemui spot in the car was only about a foot away from her older sister Kurumi. The older sister had long, light blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Everything about Kurumi was vibrant and girly. She was beautiful. Nemui was incredibly jealous, but she knew that she shouldn't be. This was her sister she was letting her inner green eyed monster envy! Kurumi was technically all that she had left, seeing as their mother was barely around. She missed three of Kurumi's birthdays, two Christmases, and two of Nemui's birthdays straight in a row. was technically facing Kurumi, so clearly Nemui neglected to wear a seat belt. It was a bad habit, one her sister often scolded her for. Nemui had respect for her sister, despite the rumors around school that Shiori wasn't very smart, Nemui knew otherwise. Shiori used to be incredibly intelligent, just like her, she just gave up, mostly. Though Kurumi would always study for her tests at Nemui's request, the older sister often refused to even attempt the homework she was given.

Sure, Kurumi wasn't that book smart anymore, but her knowledge lied elsewhere. Just because Kurumi made bad grades now, it didn't make her an imbecile. Being a knowledge enthusiast, Nemui felt she had the right to judge her sister's intelligence. She knew that Kurumi's knowledge was about family and hard work. Nemui was jealous of her sister because she was not only beautiful, but she was also extraordinary when it came to helping others. Nemui knew that Kurumi would make a wonderful Psychiatrist if she put her kind to it, once she got past the Medicine and Chemistry classes, of course.

Nemui's caramel orbs shifted directly to her sister for the first time during the hour long drive, a worried expression overwhelming Nemui's facial features as she gazed upon her sibling. Kurumi had been far too quiet, and the extended silence was beginning to make Nemui worry about her. She flipped to the next page of her manga, smiling a bit as she tried to start up conversation to clear the awkward air, "Are you excited about moving, Onee-chan? You haven't said anything since we left home.. It's okay to be nervous, right?" She spoke up in a soft tone, chewing on her bottom lip as she read the next page of her manga. While she waited for a response, Nemui looked to her sister inquisitively, only glancing down at the contents of her manga every now and then. Sure, Nemui was dying to know what would happened to Wakamiya Hikaru in this chapter, but she knew the story could wait if it meant she needed to console her sister. They'd drove the entire ride in silence and it was starting to bother her more than it would if she had rode along with anyone else. She was now reminded about how nervous that she was as well. Two new brothers she had never met? She didn't even know what her new Step-father's name was, nor were they given the names of their two new brothers-to-be! It was extremely overwhelming, and not to mention it would be the first time she'd ever shared a residence with boys. Though she quickly reprimanded herself for doubting them. They aren't just boys, they are going to be my brothers, so how dangerous could it really be? The dilemma that caused Nemui to feel truly distressed was the fact that regardless of whether or not they got along, the four of them would be tied together by their parent's marriage. She tried to reassure herself that it would all turn out fine, because it wasn't like the boys would behave recklessly, they weren't allowed to treat Nemui and Kurumi like other boys would anymore. They were going to be family, so they all four had to suck it up, but life wasn't that simple and clean. It was easier said on paper than in actual practice. On the bright side, her mother did give her one hint. One of the boys had been in her class. In fact, according to her mother, he was in her class every year since they'd been enrolled in school. Curiosity got the best of her, and she couldn't help but wonder if they ever spoke to each other before. Though as soon as the thought came, she dismissed it. She was practically a nobody to all of her classmates, but the only difference between her and an actual nobody was that nobodies didn't get bullied. Unfortunately she existed enough to experience that service. As long as he wasn't one of her tormentors, she was certain she'd survive this new living arrangement.

"I think this might be a good thing. We always wanted a brother, now we are getting two of them. Lucky us, right?" She smiled in a timid manner, glancing out the window. Then her eyes widened. Nemui quickly removed her glasses, sitting them down in her lap before bookmarking her page in Moe Kare. She closed the book, hoping to return to it once she was settled in her new home. She saw the top of the building before removing her glasses, they were very close to arrival. It was time to put her contacts in, before her new brothers saw her glasses. The last thing she wanted to happen was her new brothers to notice she was blind as a bat. She shuffled through the deep pockets of her coat before pulling out a small white box. She unclasped the container, placing each onto her eyes carefully. She hated the process, it was uncomfortable and made her eyes water.. but what if they decided to pick on her for her glasses too? Brothers weren't always nice.. at least from what she'd read in manga.

"Are you worried about that huge exam coming up?" Nemui did her best to keep track of Kurumi's exams, almost religiously, all in order to help her older sister properly prepare. Kurumi aided her so much everywhere else, she felt incredibly in debt to her sister. So once Nemui was old enough to realize her sister's bad habit of not doing her homework, she started helping her ace exams to keep her from getting kicked out of school. It was the least Nemui could do in return for all the years of protection. "You know I'll help you crunch. Orange juice, apples, we'll stay up all night if we have to. There's no way you'll get bad marks with our studying ritual." She replied sweetly, smiling after she'd arranged her contacts. Sakura Square was closing in on them now. It was a matter of seconds before they'd reach their new home and meet their new family for the first time, officially speaking. I wonder if they will like us..? She thought timidly, shifting her position in the seat back to the standard way, staring ahead at the road. She shuffled around in the seat nervously, definitely irritating the driver since her feet kept tapping against the base of his seat.

...And then they arrived at Sakura Square...
Kurou Kitomura

Today is... irritating

Kurou had awoke to find himself in one of "those" moods, much to the chagrin of anybody he would meet later today, and to himself, as it was not a pleasant experience. Typically, being in that kind of mood often signified that something unfortunate was going to happen. If he had to guess, it would likely have something to do with the arrival of his new "sisters", who would apparently be living here for god knows what reason. Though maybe it was Kurou's fault for not listening to his father when he was explaining the situation, as as he got was "I have decided to remarry" and "You will have two sisters". Those were the important things, right? There was no incentive for him to pay much more attention than that.

...Except there was, because now Kurou found himself in an upset mood and laying half naked on couch, snapping each of his fingers at a relatively quick pace. He was definitely curious, now that he thought about it (which was, of course, much later than he probably should have). The elder brother pondered whether or not they would be a nuisance, though he figured they would be. Most people were. Were they going to be annoying? He didn't catch their age. He hoped that they weren't too young, because being forced to watch them would be a drag, and he certainly wasn't going to be responsible for them. Likewise, he hoped neither of them were older than him, so as to preserve his status as the oldest sibling. If they were older than him, then they might get ideas about telling him to respect their elders and try to get him to do stuff for them! He sometimes did that to his brother, but that was different because they were family, so it was perfectly okay for him to play that card on occasion.








If the rather foul mood he found himself today was indeed related to the arrival of his new siblings, then he figured that they were going to be some form of trouble for him. A sigh escaped his lips when he came to this conclusion. Originally there was that brief hope that he would manage to snag two sisters who were just quiet and kept to themselves. There was a girl he barely remembers from school that fit that image perfect.... if someone like her was his sister, then he probably wouldn't mind it as much compared to the other two types that were mentioned before. But he wasn't going to be that lucky, was he? No, he'd get the loud, needy ones that were ill-behaved and outright unlikeable. And, likely, they were going to have some grudge against his peace and quiet. Just the thought of it slowed the pace at which Kurou cracked the rest of his fingers.

"Well," he sighed, sitting up from the couch. "Maybe they'll be gullible? That might be fun."

Kurou Kitomura: Paragon of Justice.

Thinking about his soon-to-be sisters, unfortunately, did not do much for his appetite. As soon as he had moved to get off the couch, the young man's stomach had let out a very audible noise indicating that it wished to be filled with something, anything at all. Thinking back to last night, Kurou hadn't eaten dinner before going to sleep, so this was probably the cause, and the best remedy would be to eat strawberries, because Kurou was feeling much too lazy to actually make something. But no matter, all he had to do then was eat more strawberries, which was always an acceptable task in his eyes. So, he got up and darted immediately for the kitchen, opening the refrigerator and letting out a cry of pure joy, silent as though it may be. The reason? He remembered they'd just gotten strawberries yesterday. This meant there was a lot of them. What more could a man want in life, now that he had secured that which he treasured more than any other edible item in existence? About as subtle as a honey badger tearing a cobra apart, his hand darted into the fridge, gripping onto the bowl containing them, and retracted, bringing his precious fruit right in front of his face.

Needless to say, Kurou helped himself to the strawberries without reserve, even spilling a decent amount of juice onto himself as he did so. If the girls at school had seen this, perhaps they might've fainted. Attitude aside, Kurou never would have appeared to be the kind of guy to eat like a slob (and wasn't, usually), but there were exceptions to everything, and this was the exception to that. At this point, his earlier worry about his siblings decreased just a bit.

Perhaps, if he were actually very lucky, they would be strawberries?

I added details and removed details to make this more like the new and improved Kurumi. From now on, all of my posts will be entirely different seeing as Kurumi is different than Shiori due to her illness in this RP. Just letting people who were in the previous RPs know it's got some differences to my post in the past RP.

Kurumi sat facing the front of the limousine, seat belt on, and a bored expression on her face as they continued on their journey to their new residence. She was going to miss their apartment, a lot. They would never have the same amount of privacy again, and that was disappointing enough on it's own.

Kurumi had her pet cat Ryouta sitting freely in her lap, purring away and that slightly brightened her foul mood. He was an extremely obese cat who barely understood how to play, so most of his time was spent napping or laying in Kurumi's lap. The cat was very lazy, so she didn't feel the need for a pet carrier. He wouldn't run far if he escaped. She was kind of curious about whether or not she would have to fight with her new 'brothers' about keeping Ryouta in the house.

To be completely honest, Kurumi wasn't even enthusiastic about having brothers, living with two boys would only prove to be a hassle. She would have to constantly be on defense, constantly on the qui vive. Normally she only had to keep on her toes during school, doing her best to look out for Nemui, especially after the younger sibling almost died, but now she'd have to be alert at home too? She released an exasperated sigh, dreading their impending arrival. I really wish we could just stay on the road forever, I don't want to stop.. I don't want more family.. Though she wasn't going to take out her frustration on the boys, it wasn't their fault that her mother felt the need to get married, again. All of her anger was aimed towards her mother.

She finally caved, pulling out her phone and dialing quickly in a moment of weakness. She needed to hear her mother's voice, needed to vent on someone.. She let out a short breath as she waited through the rings, honestly the real reason she called her mother was reassurance. She wanted her mother to be happy, but sometimes she just needed to be reminded when she had to suck it up and step up as the older sibling. She was only sixteen years old, she wasn't perfect. She still had selfish desires, she was still just a teenage girl at the end of the day. She was vulnerable just like anyone else. She just didn't show it often, because she couldn't afford to appear weak when she had to look after Nemui. Finally, she got her mother's voice mail, so she just chose to hang up. Her mother would call back later, and if her mother wouldn't pick up, Kurumi wouldn't leave her a message either.

Her mind immediately turned to the school exams coming up, she had a lot of studying to do.. Thankfully she could study and keep track of her sister, but for some reason, she remained skeptical. Living this way, it seemed too easy. Families never merged as harmoniously as television portrayed, she had a bad feeling about this move, and she wished that she decided to continue living in her previous home with Nemui. Though it was a little late, Sakura Square was closing in on them, it was almost like every inch the car crept closer to their new home she began to slowly suffocate that much more. She knew she was breathing, she could feel her chest moving, but yet, she continued to feel breathless. It was paradoxical, she couldn't find another way to explain it, yet it didn't stop her from feeling it all the same.

"Are you excited about moving, Onee-chan? You haven't said anything since we left home.. It's okay to be nervous, right?"

"A little. I'm just kind of nervous, don't worry about it, Nemu-chii." She lied, throwing a warm smile in her sister's direction. Kurumi put her phone down, not even realizing she'd kept her phone to her ear all this time until she nearly dropped the device. She was more nervous than she realized.. Nemui didn't seem to notice it, so she didn't scold herself for it too much. On the bright side, Kurumi noticed that Nemui seemed just as nervous as she was, but seemed to have a far more positive outlook on their upcoming experience. Kurumi knew that she had to keep herself together, she was the older sister after all, but it was difficult considering her illness was flaring up again, and she's have to keep an eye out for Nemui.

"I think this might be a good thing. We always wanted a brother, now we are getting two of them. Lucky us, right? Are you worried about that huge exam coming up?"

"Lucky? Yeah, maybe..." She replied, forcing a laugh for the younger girl's sake. She loved that about Nemui, despite what she'd been through, the girl still tried to see the best in people.. Ever since middle school, Kurumi was stuck in a rut, secretly of course. Nemui never would stop pestering if she knew that Kurumi was upset. Ever since that boy, Kurumi had always assumed that boys were out to hurt her. She hasn't given any of them a real chance since then, "I guess I'm thinking about our new family.. Trying to guess who they are and what they're like.. T-test?! I-I forgot." She grinned in a childish manner, a little embarrassed but also a little amused by the fact she'd neglected to study.

"You know I'll help you crunch. Orange juice, apples, we'll stay up all night if we have to. There's no way you'll get bad marks with our studying ritual."

This brought a genuine smile to Kurumi's face. Tonight would be difficult, she could already feel the pain setting in her legs, and she would be up pretty late to crunch with her sister. She'd have to work extra hard if she wanted to make sure that her disease remained hidden from her sister. Nemui wasn't always this altruistic, but Kurumi found it heartwarming to hear that she wasn't the only one ready to pull their weight. It was their arrangement since they were younger, a promise between the sisters really. Although Kurumi originally never expected anything in return for protecting Nemui, the younger girl matured rather fast after the death of their father. She was jealous of this, seeing as she was supposed to be the mature and responsible one. Responsible? That could define Nemui and Kurumi, but when it came to maturity, well, Kurumi drew the short straw. At least she could blame it on being blonde, right?

...And then they arrived at Sakura Square...

The limousine drive pulled into Sakura Square rather quickly, after the gate opened up for the limo to enter. With every inch the car drew closer, Kurumi felt her whole body tense up. She wasn't as prepared as she had previously thought. She began adjusting her clothes, tugging here, and pulling there. When she looked up, she was amazed. In the yard, beside of the driveway was several cherry blossom trees, but she shouldn't have been so surprised, it was probably the reason that this place was named Sakura Square. There were more pink trees in the yard than she cared to count, And the sight of them was breathtakingly beautiful. The driver brought the car to a halt, stepping out and opened the door for her and Nemui, more than happy to be rid of the girls. Kurumi hesitantly unbuckled, sliding out and was on her feet for the first time in about an hour. Her legs were so stiff and tender, so she stretched out for a second, smiling at the trees, "Finally! We're here, come on Nemui.. We should probably ring the door bell.. Let's get our bags." She suddenly felt very excited, but she also felt uneasy due to the ominous feeling in the pit of her stomach that still remained. She paid the driver and he returned to his seat, retrieving Kurumi's correct change.

We need to get settled in... They had school in the morning after all, and the sooner they could crash in their rooms, the better. The driver returned and plopped a few bills into Kurumi's hands before he opened the trunk for the girls.

Kurumi removed the two bags from inside, handing Nemui her own bag. Kurumi's bag was light blue and very girly, but Nemui's was plain and tan in color. The bags were complete opposites, but Nemui's was heavier due to the manga inside along with a few days worth of clothes and her school books. Kurumi's bag was much lighter due to only having a few days worth of clothes, her wallet, laptop, necessary school books and headphones.

"Hurry up, Ne-chii! They probably didn't hear us pulling in. I want to unpack and pass out.. Screw studying.." She whined a bit, in a tired tone. She truly was exhausted, considering her body was beginning to ache all over, but that was becoming natural to her these days. It came with the illness at times, but more often than not, Kurumi felt perfectly fine. Most days were normal, but some were really bad..