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Lida Castilleigh

Who said quiet girls can't love a good fight?

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a character in “Welcome to Death Weapon Meister Academy!”, as played by ReaperGirl4


Character Name: Lida Castilleigh

Role: Meister

Gender: Female

Appearance: Image Small frame, long black hair, big red eyes, childish face

Age: 12

Personality: Lida is very soft-spoken. She is not very outgoing and spontaneous. Instead of taking initiative to meet people, she shys away from others. Her quietness makes it hard for others to notice her. However, Lida enjoys combat.

Likes: Books, fighting, nice people, bladed weapons, learning

Dislikes: Rebellion, rumors, brussel sprouts, ruffians, street urchins

Quirks: Her regular tone of voice is so soft, it's almost a whisper, so it's a struggle to be heard.

Hobbies: Reading, fighting, drawing manga, watching the rain

Goal: Being the best fighter she can be

History: She has very little family, her relatives are few and far between. Her interest in fighting began as a child and has stayed with her. This also fueled her decision to become a Meister. She's also looking for someone she can make friends with for once after years of being alone.


So begins...

Lida Castilleigh's Story


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"So many people…" Lida adjusted her tag that clearly displayed her status as a Meister and smoothed the wrinkles in her dress. She looked up and gazed at the people, both Weapons and Meisters like herself.  

"What if I don't get a weapon? What if nobody likes me? What if I embarrass myself?" Lida fretted out loud, not worried about being overheard, because her voice was so soft. 

"Nonsense," she told herself. "You're here to be a fighter. That's what matters. Your training."

Lisa sat down next to a tree and hugged her knees to her chest. She observed the crowds of students with interest, but looked away whenever she saw someone turn in her direction. 

Her shyness was a liability, she realized. But there was nothing she could do about that. It was just her nature. Lisa sighed and closed her eyes, waiting for events to unfold. 


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Character Portrait: Lida Castilleigh Character Portrait: Oboro
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There is no need to be afraid of me Oboro says with a smile. She scans the girl. She is younger, very cute. She looks terrfiied however.

My name is Oboro, I am a weapon. she paused... what can she say to this sweet girl to make her calm? She instatly knows what to do. Her face turns bright red as she states out loud When I was 10 years old I was out with my brother and a bird dropped a huge white present on my head! Right in the middle of the village! The girl looked confused as to why Oboro was saying this to her,Now you know the most embarresing thing that has happened to me thus far in my life. AM i that scary when you picutre a bird dropping a load on my head she giggles. Again she stretched her hand out to the girl and smiles her sweet smile. Its a pleasure to meet you!


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Character Portrait: Lida Castilleigh Character Portrait: Oboro
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Lida's eyes widened and she gave a smile. She took the girl's hand and shook it gently. "My..." she tried to speak. "My name is Lida Ca...Castilleigh. Nice to... you too."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lida Castilleigh Character Portrait: Oboro Character Portrait: Dakota Darkblood
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"YAY" Oboro shouts! She hops up off the ground and stands proudly. "Do you know what we just did?!" She asked playfully, "Me and you, we jsut both made our first friend! Isnt this exciting? There are so many more firsts to experience today, why dont we go into the school? Im sure a school like this has some pretty cool stuff, plus i dont even know where my room is yet!" She winks down at the girl, her voice is so bubbly, "This won't be as scary if we do it together. Im sure there are so mamy other people to meet today! I just saw an interesting boy walk into the school. Lets follow him?" She motions to a weapon passing through the doors of the academy across the court. "I saw him earlier! He has candy!" she giggles.


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Character Portrait: Lida Castilleigh
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Lida giggled. She hadn't done that in a very long time. She perked up at the word "candy". She always had a sweet tooth. Lida stood up next to her new... friend. This was the first time she could ever have called anyone that. A friend.


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Character Portrait: Lida Castilleigh Character Portrait: Oboro Character Portrait: Dakota Darkblood
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The girls set out to find the boy with candy, along the way discussing what flavors he may have and what their favorites were. For Oboro it felt good just to act like a little girl again. She loved being around someone so different from her.
The doors to the school were so heavy it took both of them to open it.
"I hope this boy is strong...I never want to have to open that door agian!" she pants, giggling with Lida.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lida Castilleigh Character Portrait: Oboro Character Portrait: Dakota Darkblood
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After walking around for a bit, Dakota came to the conclusion that the school did not, in fact, have a snack machine. "Aw well," he murmered to himself, "Time to break into the emergency supply." With a grin Dakota reached into his other pocket, to pull out another bag of sweets, this one at least double the size of the first. "This one should last me a bit longer" He said sniggering as he popped a few into his mouth.
As he turned around, he saw the two girls he saw under the tree earlier. "Did they follow me here?" he thought to himself

"Uuum, hi?" He said uncertainly, as he gestured to the bag, "Want one?"


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Character Portrait: Lida Castilleigh Character Portrait: Oboro
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For the first time in as long as she could remember, Lida felt comfortable talking to someone. She laughed -actually laughed- as they chatted. She felt a fuzzy feeling in her chest. Warm and comfortable. Friendship.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lida Castilleigh Character Portrait: Oboro Character Portrait: Dakota Darkblood Character Portrait: Kasumi A. Takenaka
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"Nah," Dakota replied to the girl that walked into him, "it's fine, I've already bumped into several people today, I'm so nervous!" With that he let out another laugh, and continued, "Do you want one too?" Without waiting for a reply, he gave the bag to the three girls to share out. "Keep them, I have plenty more where that came from." He reached into yet another pocket, taking out a piece of gum and sticking it his mouth.

"The name's Dakota by the way, Dakota Darkblood, yeh, I know, wierd name.... What are yours?"

"Maybe I have found people to talk to at last...."


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Character Portrait: Lida Castilleigh Character Portrait: Dakota Darkblood
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Feeling confident, Lida smiled at him. "I think it's a cool name," she said cheerfully. "My name is Lida. Lida Castilleigh. How do you do?" She stuck her hand out to him, feeling more emboldened than she ever had before. She looked at his tag. A weapon. Interesting. So far, she had yet to meet a Meister like herself. Maybe she would later, though. Either way, she was happy with the social progress she was making. 


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zetsunoko Roentel Character Portrait: Lida Castilleigh Character Portrait: Aki Sumoia Character Portrait: Dakota Darkblood Character Portrait: Kayl Schaefer Character Portrait: Akimi Megame
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Akimi Megame

Akimi tensed as she heard someone come up under the tree and start talking, asking if she was alright.
"I'm fine. I can get down on my own." she took a deep breath and pulled her leg over the branch she was sitting on. One more deep breath and she released the tree trunk, which had been keeping her from falling, and fell down onto the next branch, which wasn't far off the ground.
Akimi hardly noticed the slight tremor of fear that had claimed her when she got down, but thankfully it went away quickly.
Turning to look at the girl who had spoken to her previously, she forced a smile, "Thanks for the concern, but I can take care of myself."

As she walked away, Akimi realized that she hadn't even listened to Lord Death's speech. Muttering a curse under her breath, she glanced around for someone to ask. She wasn't going to just walk back to that other girl- she reminded her too much of the people she'd read about in books that put on guises to hide their true personalities. Of course, she was probably wrong, but there's no harm in being cautious, right?
For some reason, a guy with red hair that was leaning against a wall by the stairs eating pocky caught her eye. Tugging on the hem of her skirt once more, she headed over to him. Pulling two candies out of her jacket pocket, she unwrapped one and popped it into her mouth, but held the other one out to the red haired boy as a sort of peace offering. An odd feeling had begun in Akimi's chest, like a small tug toward this guy, but she didn't have a clue what it was. She'd never really learned about the whole 'soul resonance' thing, so she didn't have any idea what the feeling was.
"Hey. Death say anything important? I was a little busy so I didn't hear." her voice seemed surprisingly gentle compared to the earlier harshness in her tone. "I'm Akimi, by the way."
What is this strange pulling in my chest? her thoughts echoed blankly in her mind as she tried to remember anything that might explain it.

Kayl Schaefer

Kayl quickly got impatient with sitting on the step. Nothing had happened so far and he was pretty sure no one was gearing to come talk to him. Turning off his music, he shoved his MP3 player into his pocket and glanced around for someone to talk to. He saw a girl with red hair walk away from a dark haired girl standing under a tree off to the side and he realized that it was the perfect opportunity to go and talk. Bouncing over to Aki, Kayl grinned, but quickly realized that she was already talking to someone else. Pivoting on his toe, he moved toward the door of the school and headed in. Wandering around, he quickly stumbled upon a guy and girl. Moving toward them, he quickly realized they were talking and, not wanting to interrupt, he turned on his toe once more and went to lean against the wall instead. He was tempted to pull out his MP3 player again, but he figured that if he did that he would never get around to talking to someone. Getting lost in his own thoughts, Kayl ran a hand through his already fluffy white hair.


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Character Portrait: Lida Castilleigh
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Lida walked around the courtyard after placing her candy in her satchel. She was happy with herself that she had made friends. It was a first. She sighed contentedly and hummed to herself a lullaby from when she was a young child as she wandered about. She wondered how many new people she'd meet, and how many would become her friends. She wondered who would be her weapon, her companion for life. She shrugged, perfectly fine just to have spoken to people without having a nervous breakdown. Besides, Lord Death had said that they would have time. Lida was happy to wait.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lida Castilleigh Character Portrait: Oboro Character Portrait: Kayl Schaefer
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Kayl and Oboro walked together listening to Kayl's music. It was fun and catchy, "The sunlight hurts my-the sunlight hurts my-the sunlight hurts my eyes-" She sang along softly to to Dubstep, then noticing Lida had finished tlaking to the others tugged on Kayl jacket a bit and poitned over to her. He turned down the music and she said to him, "Thats my friend Lida, she is a Meister too!" She hops up and down and waves at Lida, hoping to draw her attention. "Heyyyy Lida," she says, waving and smiling. "There is someone I want you yo meet!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lida Castilleigh Character Portrait: Oboro Character Portrait: Kayl Schaefer
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Lida looked up, smiled and waved back to her first friend, Oboro. She was walking with someone, a boy who was listening to music. She giggled and walked up to them. She noticed the boy's Meister tag and introduced herself. She stuck out her hand invitingly. "I see you've met my friend Oboro. My name is Lida Castilleigh. How are you?" She hoped she sounded friendly enough. She was still new to the whole concept of taking initiative and introducing herself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zetsunoko Roentel Character Portrait: Lida Castilleigh Character Portrait: Oboro Character Portrait: Kayl Schaefer Character Portrait: Akimi Megame
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Akimi Megame

Surprise flashed across Akimi's face before she smiled. "I- er. Yeah, I'm up for that. Sounds good. I'm a gunblade, by the way. I hope that's alright." she ran a hand through her hair once more, something that she tended to do when she was talking to people.
It's really odd to be actually talking to someone. Do I trust Zetsunoko? Will he turn on me and leave me alone like they did? No.. I think I can trust him. Thoughts were racing through Akimi's head and she blinked, shaking her head lightly to chase the thoughts away as she realized that she was staring.
"Sorry, I think I was staring. I kind of got lost in thought for a moment there. It's just so weird to actually be talking to someone like this." Akimi wasn't really even thinking about what she was saying; her mouth was moving on its own and for some reason, Akimi didn't really mind.

Kayl smiled. "That's cool. Chakrams are pretty nifty." although Oboro's weapon form was cool and she was really nice, Kayl could tell that he wasn't meant to be this girl's Meister.
He raised an eyebrow when she said that she wanted to listed to his music with him. "Okay." he shrugged and offered her a headphone, putting the other one in his ear.
He laughed when she started bobbing her head to the music and of course she sped up to match the tempo. He slid right into the beat next to her, though his movements were more fluent because he was accustomed to the music. He winced slightly as Dubstep came on- it was on there from when a friend of his had borrowed the iPod. Kayl had never really been fond of Dubstep, but Oboro seemed to like it, so he refrained from changing the song.

When Oboro began jumping up and down and trying to catch another girl's attention, he turned down the music. "Lida, huh? And she's a Meister, too? Nifty nifty!" he smiled as the girl, Lida, came over.
"It's very nice to meet you, Lida Castilleigh!" he shook her hand, a formal gesture he wasn't used to, and smiled again. When he smiled, he tilted his head slightly to the side, causing his hair to fall in his face, shrouding his bright eyes beneath a blanket of white. "And I am pretty darn good. How 'bout you?" he ran a hand through his hair in a futile attempt to push it out of his eyes, even though he knew it would fall right back.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lida Castilleigh Character Portrait: Oboro Character Portrait: Kayl Schaefer
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Lida returned the smile. "I'm fine, thanks. I've never been to such a large school like this. At first, I was really, really nervous. But Oboro here helped me out a lot. I'm making it a goal to make lots of friends and not be a recluse!" She grinned as she finished her declaration. God, it felt good to be out of her normal antisocial shell. Making friends was fun, she realized. 


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lida Castilleigh Character Portrait: Oboro Character Portrait: Kayl Schaefer
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The curtains drifted in the early morning breeeze, alowing just enough sunlight to shine upon Oboro's face. She looked at the clock...7am...time to get up. She sits up in her bed and streches. Then she bends her neck...(crack)...and then back....she rolls her arms out and cracks her fingers, stretches her fingers....then she (poof) changes into her weapon form. Magic Chakrams with poison flowers growing around thorned barbs.She changes has been a very long time since I have had a Meister...I wonder if I will be lucky today.

Oboro walks out the door of the temporary rooms for those who haevnt matched. She hadnt looked to see who was in her room, she did however see a very cute black hat hanging from the bed post so he had an idea. Well we don't have class for a while so she can sleep. Hopefully she gets up in time for training.

She walks out the door and out into the courtyard. Grumble GrumbleI'm so hungry, I could go for a sweetroll right now...She set out to find the cafeteria. Training would start in a while. All those already matched will train with eachother, and all those who havent can practice with eachother. I'm not signed into a group yet, the morning iswas young, and if the early bird gets the worm, then a worm I shall get. She giggled at her bizzare train of thought.


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Character Portrait: Lida Castilleigh Character Portrait: Oboro
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When Lida saw her friend Oboro, she skipped (Boy, did it feel good to skip) over to her. She was sitting beneath the tree they had met by the day before. Lida was struck by such happy memories, though only a day old, and she felt her heart soar.

"Hiya, Oboro!" she chirped when she saw her friend.


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Character Portrait: Lida Castilleigh Character Portrait: Oboro
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"Yay!" she grabbed Lida's little hands and jumped in excitment. She scanned over the other names in her class as well ad though, I wonder who will be my Meister? Then she turns to Lida and asks, "Any luck on finding a weapon you like?"
Oboro had talked to a couple of people but didnt know who was cabable of handlng a weapon such as herslf. She looked at Lida and thought, No matter who my Meister is though, Lida will always be my first friend here.


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Character Portrait: Lida Castilleigh Character Portrait: Oboro
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Lida looked down, eyes narrowed, pondering... She looked up suddenly, a question having crossed her mind. "Hey Oboro, you know what? I don't know what kind of weapon you are! Isn't that something, huh?" Lida found it ironic that Oboro had been her very first friend and she still didn't know that yet. It was strange, to say the least, how the subject had never come up between the two of them. Whatever she is, I bet it's really awesome and neat!