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Mnemosyne Emilianne Roman

"If you conform to society, you've already lost."

0 · 425 views · located in Hogwarts

a character in “Welcome to Hogwarts”, as played by Temperance


Nageki no Oto [Recollections of the past]
Replicare [Reoccurring nightmares]
Titanium [Unshakable]

Full Name: Mnemosyne Emilianne Roman
Nickname(s): Emi, momo
Birthdate: 10.31
Age: 18
Ancestry: Pure blood
Birth parents
Mother: Vivian Roman (Deceased)
Father: Jeremy Roman (Deceased)

Adoptive Parents
Mother: Emily Canning (Deceased)
Father: Tim Canning (Alive)
Sister: Jessica Canning (Alive)
Brother: Anthony Canning (Alive)

Pet: Owl; Moo
Relationship Status: TBD

Height: 5'8"
Weight: 115
Skin tone: Pale
Hair color: Platinum
Eye color: Green

Scars/Tattoos/Piercings: Mnemosnye has various tattoos of her siblings names on her fingers, she has several small tattoos, all of which are writing that say various things like 'Live, Laugh, Love' on her right forearm, 'Forgive and Forget', on her left side, 'Loyalty' on the back of her neck. She lastly has a large tattoo of wings on her back. One being that of an angel, and one being that of a demon. Mnemosyne has her ears pierced, as well as a tongue stud. She has a tendency to also use henna on her body and write various poems from day to day. Mnemosyne also wears a lot of body jewelry or can often be seen with a lot of flowers and beads in her hair.

House: Gryffindor
O.W.L's: Charms O | Transfiguration O | Herbology O | DADA O
| Ancient Ruins O | Potions O | Care of Magical Creatures O | Astronomy O |
Divination O | Arithmancy O | History of Magic O
Special: Prefect
Quidditch: TBE
Languages: English, Japanese, Korean, French, and parseltounge

Wand: 14" Rowan with thestral hair core

Rowan wood was a prized wand wood due to its reputation for protection, and was noted by Garrick Ollivander to generally produce powerful, hard to break Defensive Charms. Rowan was also noted for its believed disassociation with the Dark Arts. Ollivander, who had a nearly photographic memory when it came to the wands he had sold, could not recall a single instance of a wizard he sold a rowan wand to ever becoming evil or turning to the Dark Arts. Perhaps for these reasons, rowan has become associated with pure-hearted wizards, though Ollivander noted that rowan wands can also match or even outperform others in duels.

The most widely known wand to have used a Thestral Tail hair is the Elder Wand. Created either by Death or Antioch Peverell, was the strongest wand in the entire history of wizardkind, and by legend was made to render the user invincible in wizard duels. It is assumed that one must be able to see Thestrals in order to utilise their hair, and since one must witness death first-hand to see a Thestral, anyone wishing to forge a wand with the hair must witness death, tying in with the story of being "Master of Death." It is unknown if the tail hair would be invisible to a wandmaker who had not seen death, as a Thestral would be, or if it can be seen once its separation from the Thestral.

Broom: Firebolt
Special Devices: *optional*
Skills: While Mnemosyne excels in all her classes and studies, she's particularly skilled at creating charms (especially defensive charms, which no one not even her teachers have ever been able to trump; she has bee known to create her own defensive charms), as well as transfiguration and defense against the dark arts. Additionally, Mnemosyne is an extremely talented duelist, and always has been since her first year. She also has the hobby of fencing, she is rather skilled in this area, used to do it competitively. Her gifts however, lie in the world of music. Mnemosyne is a gifted musician, well versed in a multitude of instruments. Her passion however, is singing. Mnemosyne is a dramatic mezzo soprano. Though not something to be praised over, Mnemosyne is actually one of the best hackers in the muggle world. While she doesn't think hacking is a good thing by any means, she finds it very exciting and tries to use her ability to hack for the better.
Patronus: Phoenix

Intelligent - Stubborn - Rebellious - Loyal
Driven - Competitive - Warm hearted - Brave
Caring - Protective - Honest - Humble

Mnemosyne is a rather mysterious individual to most. She is a rather quiet individual when not engaged in conversation with friends, with a tendency to isolate herself from others. She seems rather cold and appears to lack any kind of empathy or consideration of other people. However, the truth is that Mnemosyne doesn't trust other easy, and thus keeps the world at a distance until people have gained her trust or earned her respect. Because people's real intentions are important to her, she's often observing others, taking a back seat to take in the actions of those around her. She has a habit of analyzing people and their habits, abilities, or weaknesses. That isn't to say however, that she thinks herself superior to most people, as she believes the worst thing you could ever do, is underestimate those around you. It leads to problems in the future. Should the situation call for it however, Mnemosyne can be really outspoken. Particularly when she is passionate about something, or knows that her opinion should be heard should she be knowledgeable of the topic at hand. It's in these moments that she turns into the spitfire that she really is. Quite bullheaded, once she starts, you can not get her to back down. She is a force to be reckoned with, as she is quit knowledgeable and very intelligent, as such something that gets under her skin is the ignorance of others.

What is sometimes a surprise to people, is that Mnemosyne is not the goody two shoes people think she is. She is quite rebellious, with a hatred for authority figures; the exception would be her teachers, which she has respect for due to her love of learning. Although she doesn't do it consciously, she has a history of always finding trouble, and always being there for trouble to find her. If there are rules to keep her away from something that may be dangerous, she'll find a reason to gravitate or just charge straight into said place, no fucks given. She does have a strong sense of morals however, as she would not be with a Rowan wand should she not be pure of heart. Beneath the exterior of hers of the stone cold face which makes most people refer to her as mainly a serious individual, she is a very kind hearted a playful person. However, the only people that see that side of her, are close friends - which she doesn't seem to have much of. However, she is content with the few she has as she believes you only need one good friend.

Neither optimistic, nor pessimistic, Mnemosyne has more of a realistic outlook on life. She believes that people that are always optimistic are just kidding themselves, and living in a false reality, and pessimists are just a drag to be around. She will call everything exactly like it is and tell you her honest thoughts, regardless if it's appropriate for the situation at hand. Because of such, Mnemosyne is known to be a person that upsets a lot of people. She will never sugar coat her words, being blatantly honest to everyone she comes across at every given moment. While she doesn't intend to hurt anyone, it usually effects people's opinion of her. Mnemosyne's drive to succeed is nearly unrivaled by most people, as is her natural instinct to survive and adapt to what is going on around her. Because of the hardships she's been through in life, she's become very tough skinned and it's hard to get her down.

Mnemosnye can be rather bold when it comes to protecting the wellbeing of others. She would be the first person to jump in the middle of a fight, or voice her opinion in order to protect another. Regardless of the individual or individuals she was up against. She would sooner throw herself in front of another to save them, than sit back and watch them die before her eyes. She will however, completely disregard anyone she thinks is not worthy of being helped due to their personality or past actions. If the student that often bullied others was about to lose their life if she didn't save them, she would end up turning away, never turning back. She is a no-bullshit kind of a person, and there is no fooling her by spewing lies and nonsense. She will not stand for this kind of thing, and ones energy is better spent elsewhere.

* Technology, gaming, gadgets, building >> Hacking
* Animals, nature, scenery, wildlife
* Poetry, writing, reading, photography, music
* The ocean, snow, the cold, night time, water, swimming
* Interesting people, learning new things, the unknown
* Fitness, training
* Fencing, sword fighting, fighting, dueling
* Charms, care of magical creatures, d.a.d.a
* Creating defensive charms
* Playing musical instruments, singing, frog choir, orchestra
* Muggles, the muggle world


* Authority figures, self proclaimed anything
* Dishonesty, ignorance, rudeness, closed mindedness, show-offs, try-hards, self absorbed people
* Being useless, having nothing to do
* Bullies, people who take advantage of others
* Cowardice
* Overly flirtatious people
* The rules about magic
* Pampered individuals, spoiled brats
* Parties
* Pure bloods who hate 'muggles' (which is most)
* Being a prefect
* Having nightmares


* Organizing things around her when bored
* Analyzing people's facial expressions or actions
* Doodling on various surfaces


* Not being able to wake up from sleep
* All of her loved ones dying

* Mnemosyne suffers from constant nightmares and night terrors - only her close friends are aware of this

Brief History: Mnemosyne is rather notorious for being the witch who killed her family at a young age. While only a few people know the exact details, it is in fact the truth. Mnemosyne was born a pure blood, into a family without the typical values of such. Though different from most, her mother and father were both accomplished wizards that were renowned in the wizarding world for their accomplishments and contributions in their jobs. Her mother was an auror while her father worked for the ministry of magic. Though previously an auror himself, after she was born he desired a change of pace and a job which no longer put his life in danger. Neither of her parents were able to spend too much time with her, however they always made an effort to do so. A single child, she spent most of her time to herself buried in books when she was young. Oddly enough her abilities manifested at a really young age, which was about six. Because she was unable to start Hogwarts, she was given the opportunity to come to work with her mother and father to observe them. While strange to most, she found it very enjoyable, though at that young age for the reason of just being around her parents. It was this however, that gave her a lot of the knowledge that she has today.

Not having many friends her age, she started to forge friendships with those older than her, which she learned a lot from growing up. Till this day Mnemosyne cannot recall an actual childhood friend that she had, however she would trade the other friendships for the friends in which she desired at that time. One day while home with her parents, they were attacked by a large group of dementors which seemed to be somehow aiding several dark wizards, also present at the time. Though her mother and father had told Mnemosyne to hide and told her not to come out until it was safe, she snuck out of the house onto what was the battlefield with her parents and the dark wizards in which attacked them. The last thing she saw were several cloaked figures leaving the scene, as the dementors headed towards her mother and father whom both lay injured. Unable to defend himself, a dementor easily sucked the soul of her father - his body laying stone cold on the ground. After watching this happen Mnemosyne screamed in horror, running to her mother to defend her. Her mother quickly threw her aside, and cast her patronous in order to defend them both, but it was of no use, due to the numbers which surrounded her. As she looked at her father and back at her mother, Mnemosyne found herself crawling to the wand still in her father's hand, which she pried out of it, and then running towards her mother which impulsively she would be the first child to successfully cast the killing curse on. Immediately after, she would use it on her father, who lay there only breathing, but as a shell of himself.

Everything after that moment, faded to black. Mnemosyne till this day has no recollection of what happened at that time, although she thinks about it often. After the death of her parents, she was forced to be adopted by a muggle family, after being deemed unfit to be put in jail. Her muggle family was very different, as they were large in numbers and often spent a lot of time together. They became aware of Mnemosyne being a wizard really early after the adoption, but were very accepting of it. Mnemosyne took up a lot of hobbies such as playing musical instruments, singing, and due to an incident involving a silbing; hacking. Mnemosyne was extremely talented always being the top student in orchestra and choir. All of her grades in muggle school were perfect, always being on the honor roll which then got her to skip a grade. It was then she became able to attend Hogwarts, which she had been excited to do ever since she knew what it was. From her first year all the way to her sixth year, she had perfect marks. She was the start student in all of her classes, and was picked to be a prefect although that was something she loathed to do. Despite her good grades, Mnemosyne was often found getting into trouble, or causing issues among the students due to her inability to not 'do the right thing' when it came to other people. It was often an issue of someone being bullied, in which she would not tolerate.

In school she didn't have many friends, people were either afraid of her, or disliked her without even meeting her. This was typical, and something she didn't really think too much about as it didn't bother her. Loving competition, she would often duel with other wizards, and was known for her long time winning streak of duels. Sometime in her second year of school, she heard news that her mother was in a car accident, and was in emergency care. However, she never did get to see her mother, as she had died the day after. It had been such a de ja vu moment, and though she wished that she could run away from it all, she made herself stay strong both for her father and her deceased blood parents. She had worked twice as hard at her studies from then on, cramming every bit of knowledge necessary for her to succeed.

Other: Though she is pureblood, she was adopted by muggle family upon her parents death, and is strongly affiliated with the muggle world. She has gotten in many fights due to what people have said about muggles. It is a common belief among people that she is incapable of casting or using any kind of dark magic due to her wand, but this would not be true, in fact the killing curse in which she cast as a child was done with the Rowan wand she currently uses today. However, how she managed that still remains a mystery to many people, and often peaks the interest of teachers and wand makers alike. Her past also still haunts her, and some students from time to time will utter that she's a murderer, as well as a muggle lover.

So begins...

Mnemosyne Emilianne Roman's Story


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It was rather bittersweet, the thought of this being her last year at Hogwarts. It was a place that she treasured dearly, and she knew even though she would not be returning, she still had much to learn. Mnemosyne always believed she had the best of both worlds, as being raised primarily in a muggle household for a good part of her life, she was more well rounded than a lot of other students at Hogwarts, and lacked the same prejudice that many of them had. In fact, both her birth parents, and her adoptive parents, had encouraged her to go through life with an open mind, and yet question everything around her. This was something she had always done, either or not those around her liked it or not. As she stepped onto the train, she saw there were only several other students aboard already, most of them faces in which she remembered, though no one she particularly enjoyed to spend time with. There was Juliette, who was glued to her brother, as she always was. She never understood why he babied her so much - as she would never grow up that way. Jackson himself however was a rather pleasant and lively person, she never had any issues with him. Beside them, Phillip, who she had grown to hate over the years. His treatment towards her best friend which seemed to be based on his own insecurities, were rather unforgivable in her eyes. They seemed to be speaking with two people she wasn't too familiar with. She walked passed them and headed towards the back of the train, which was her usual compartment.

As she sat down she placed her belongings beside her, opening the back attached to her luggage in order to search for a book she'd packed. Unlike most of the students, she disliked having her luggage being taken care of by anyone else, and thus always carried it around herself. People could never be trusted, and she didn't want to lose anything important to her. Finally, she took out the book she had been searching for, which was a book on the psychology of personalities. She found that she had an interest on what makes people tick, and often would casually read books about psychology. She crossed one leg over the other, and pulled her headphones up from her shoulders over her ears. She had a terrible habit of smuggling in electronic devices into Hogwarts. Her headphones however, was something she never went anywhere without. Mnemosyne was always drawn to anything music related, and because she possessed the ability of synesthesia, anything involving sound was always engrossing to her. She smiled to herself as the colors that danced in front of her, seemed to be painting themselves on the pages of her book.

She wondered, as she read, what her other half would be doing after Hogwarts. Kylar, was her closest friend in Hogwarts, and though she never referred to him as her other half to other people - she had to admit they balanced each other well. And thus, she jokingly would refer to him as that to herself. Mnemosyne was slightly torn, in what she wanted to do after Hogwarts. She desired to become an auror, but she also wanted to become a musician in the muggle world. She also had a secondary plan of becoming a healer, should her plans for either not work out, although she was more than likely going to make sure they would - but things happen sometimes. She had realized that Kylar was gravitating to the dark arts recently, and thus, she felt should he ever truly give in despite her best efforts - that being an auror may not be in her best interests.

Mnemosyne wondered what the first years of this school year would be like. It was always interesting watching the young students try to grasp all the new things that Hogwarts would throw at them. They always seemed rather lost, or overly eager. On occasion, there would be first years that were just scared, which she always looked down upon. On occasion however, there would be a student or two she would sympathize with. More students started to board the train, and she would occasionally glance up to see who was coming aboard. For several moments, she would analyze them, and then return to her reading. Beside her suitcase, was her owl, Moo. He was sitting in his cage, quiet as usual. He was probably the most well mannered pet that would ever board this train. However, it didn't start out that way. She thought back to her first year, when he had thrown a fit, knocked his cage over, and flew out of it - flying around the train for a while. Although his behavior was terrible, she had chosen not to acknowledge it at the time, in which led to him never trying to pull such a stunt again.