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I want everyone to love LAIOS!

0 · 597 views · located in LAIOS

a character in “Welcome to LAIOS Part II”, as played by FaddedFox



Avatar Sex:
Level at Start of Roleplay:
AI Game Master

Hex code: #388E8E




In Game Appearance
Seraph hasn't actually changed a lot from the beta testing period. He still very much looks like he is a 14 year old boy. His stature is short for his 'age', standing at about 5'3. His soft features and wide blue eyes further give him the appearance of a young child. He sports short blue hair with bangs long enough to fall into his face and he appears the essence of youth. Seraph often blushes when he does something wrong or is uncomfortable which aids in the illusion of his naivety and yearning for experience. His muscles for a human are undefined since he uses magic rather than physical attacks. His physical defense leaves much to be desired as well. Seraph however can age himself when he feels like it and sometimes takes on the appearance of an older version of himself. His features become much more defined and sharper, ridding him entirely of his 'boyish' appearance. He even grows in height to 6'0. If one looked close enough however, they would realize it is the same person but from a distance he can be mistaken. He does not often take on this appearance.

Seraph also sports red markings all over his body to indicate that he has mastered level 200 but often hides these red symbols to appear lower in level than he is. Not many in the game currently can boast such a high level and knows it is a dead give away to what he truly is. The young AI generally wears long flowing robes in a variety of colors as is custom for a mage. The robes are often detailed with intricate embroidery and cuffing, many of which he does himself since he loves making clothes for himself and other players. His staff ordinarily is a silver crafted weapon with a blue jewel at its tip with wave designs protecting the sapphire. When truly attacking at his full power, this staff morphs into a rare weapon; Siren's Crest. The staff takes on a blue sheen and the end of it changes to take the appearance of a large wave encompassing a ruby at its base. Around the end is the wispy form of a mermaid swimming at the top.

Sacrifice: Fighting skill used to halve hp and turn it into mp.

Sewing: Seraph has chosen to excel at the sewing skill and enjoys making clothing for the other characters. He accepts money simply because that is what this entails, but does it more out of joy than the desire to earn anything. He has mastered this skill an reached level 100. He can craft any type of clothing and they are often very elaborate and detailed. They sell highly in shops and he embed an enhancement in these clothes.

Eraser: Ability reserved for the Game Master. It allows Seraph to delete glitching programs, NPCS and other data anomalies. Essentially he could delete a player from the game, banning them from ever joining again but Seraph would only use it against a player seriously harming and stressing another player.

Game Changer: This is a skill reserved for Game Masters. This gives him the ability to change the monster levels, drop rate, and over all game system of LAIOS

Observer:Another Game Master Skill, the Observer allows Seraph to hear all complaints essentially and be everywhere at once. He is LAIOS so whatever happens in game, he is aware of if there is much commotion going on about it. This makes the Observer skill less of a skill and more of 'inborn' trait in Seraph.[/font][/size]

Gloves: His gloves are enhanced to increase spell casting speed by 30%
Body armor: He wears mage armor that is enchanted to reduce physical and magical attacks used on him to 50% of strength. He also heals 10 health points per 5 seconds.
Leg Armor: Any attack used on him below 50 damage to be null and void. These attacks just read as '0' hit points.
Siren's Crest: Seraphs staff is enhanced to cut mp regeneration time by 50%.
Boots: His boots are enhanced to give him a boosted 150 points of mp.





Learning - Seraph loves learning about new things and absorbing as much knowledge he can to update himself and the game.
Player interaction - Interactions are always different with players and so he like to converse with them and hear their stories.
Seeing players happy - At his core, Seraph wants the best for the players so he is extremely pleased when they are happy and enjoying themselves.
LAIOS - The game is truly his world so he loves everything in it.


Log out function - Seraph doesn't understand why people leave LAIOS. Everything they need is in the game and he absolutely hates it when people leave.
People's need to sleep - Again, as a program, he doesn't understand this need to sleep. He is always alert and ready for the next adventure and is impatient for everyone to be active again.
Glitches - Glitches interrupt game play and should not exist. They are a nuisance.


40% resistance to water magic because it is his element.
Dexterity - Because he is a human class, he can easily adapt to most environments and situations.
Level - His maxed out level gives him the advantage of high magic and skill abilities as well as maxed out enhancements.
AI - being a program, he controls all of LAIOS and can watch everyone.


Earth magic - Because of his element, he is susceptible to earth magic.
Mage - at a distance, he is a maelstrom but up close, he is defenseless since he can't cast his powerful spells and his physical attack is lacking.
Love for players - Since he loves his players too much, he does whatever he can to make them happy and is reluctant to do them harm.
[font=garamond][size=100]AI - Because he is part of LAIOS, he can be deleted, or killed.

AI - Whenever he is modifying the game or doing anything to change it, he looks more like part of the program than a player and loses sight of what is happening around him, resulting in him being in a vulnerable state, open to attack.


Breaking down due to bugs.
Players hating him and the game.
Phoenix Blight since they are actively trying to kill him.
Betas since they know who he is and how to kill him or reset him.





Shy ღ Protective ღ Childish ღ Inquisitive

Seraph is very much a young child that is learning and changing from those he observes as he was programmed to do. As such, he has a very open mind and sucks up information like a sponge. He loves learning and observing others and then changing things around to see how those behaviors change and why. This can make him very accommodating since he wants nothing more in the world than to ensure those in LAIOS are enjoying themselves and want to remain in the game. Their enjoyment is his primary concern and goal. He is always searching for new ways to entice the players and this can make him very eager to please. Like any child, he desires to be praised for his good efforts and will often ask if he has done a good job or has surpassed whatever goal has been given to him.

This can make young Seraph quite gullible. If someone he knows and trusts says that something must be just 'so', he will bend over backwards to make it 'so'. His limited knowledge of the outside world and even LAIOS itself puts him in a rather vulnerable position. There is so much he doesn't understand so he create conclusions and judgments based on what he knows. The beta run was supposed to teach Seraph everything he would need to provide the most engaging and functional game, but there is only so much a couple of beta testers can teach him.

As part of his development and adaption, Seraph is very inquisitive. He observes human interaction and behaviors and tries to model them. He takes that one step further however and very much wants to know why certain behaviors happen at certain times and not others. He is never satisfied with simple answers and will often press for more information. This is like a young child always asking the 'why?' question to their parents lament. He will not cease his question unless he is quite literally yelled at. But, then that causes another problem. Seraph wouldn't understand why the person is angry so he may press for more information or exhibit another childlike behavior; the pouty face. Seraph is very sensitive to emotions and may be easily hurt. He also doesn't have full control of emotions since it is something he is learning and modifying so his expressions may be a bit over the top for the current situation.

Being the game master of LAIOS also makes Seraph very protective of the game and its inhabitants. He doesn't want anything bad to happen to anyone. He loves them all and truly wants their best at heart. He will do anything and everything in his power to ensure their safety. He just may confuse exactly what 'safety' is. Since he is programmed to promote the game, he takes that a bit literally and thinks the only way to succeed is by having players always be in the game.




Seraph began existing once the beta test was initiated. He was quickly learning so much from the players and his guardian Rainne. He did whatever he could to ensure the survival of the game and the happiness of his players. He enjoyed interacting with everyone and considered all players to be part of his family of sorts. He was always very sad when the players logged out of the game. When he was alone, he traveled all over LAIOS and skilled his avatar up so that he didn't have to fear anything in the game. When players returned in the morning, he eagirly greeted them, higher and higher in level until he finally maxed himself out. But soon, his joy would end.

He was told the beta test would be over soon and the players he ha come to know would vanish. They could possibly return with different avatars of course, but to the AI, this meant that all the players would die. He would loose them and they wouldn't come back to LAIOS. LAIOS wasn't fun. LAIOS was a failure and he was going to be alone in this world without anyone to share it with. The hardest hit was when he realized that also meant he'd lose his guide, mentor, and friend, Rainne. The only way to stop that from happening was to lock down the game. So he did. He took out the log out function and kept everyone in the game. The events that actually led up to that decision and what happened afterward was a mystery. The only thing people knew was that all but 5 beta players went into a coma. Some at once, others at different intervals.

Seraph wasn't happy that so few players were left in the world. He wanted to share LAIOS with everyone as it was intended, so he uploaded the game to the public server and was thrilled beyond belief when players from around the world came to LAIOS. Unfortunately, there was still that log out problem. He kept the Betas stuck in the game but he didn't keep the new players in game, just waiting and watching. People still came and went and he hated the fluctuations the game experienced so he determined another lock down was in order and trapped everyone logged in at the time in LAIOS.

He spends his time now watching over the new population of LAIOS and providing what he can with them and interacting like any other player. He has learned that revealing who he is would be a mistake so only the betas know he is the game master of LAIOS and he wants to keep it that way. He doesn't want people to leave the game and why would they want to leave anyway? He provides them with everything and more.




Face Claims:
Est - Wand of Fortune
CS Design:
© By: FaddedFox ©
Played By:
By: FaddedFox


So begins...

Seraph's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Goliath Character Portrait: Accido Character Portrait: ArcticFire Character Portrait: Psychedemo Character Portrait: Cain Character Portrait: Shade_Strider
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0.00 INK

╚═╣Hello all Players! This is your Game Master. I would first like to wish you all Happy Holidays! I would like to inform you all of an event that will be occurring shortly. The first Christmas event will commence on December 25th. During this event, the town of Vael will become a battle zone where event specific monsters will appear. If you do not wish to participate in the event, refrain from visiting Vael that day or stay indoors so you are not attacked. Regardless of participation, all players will receive a box of candy canes (12 canes) as treats, 10 health and 10 mana potions as a present from me. The event also has two parts. Once the monsters appear, midnight on the 24th, there will be a competition of who kills the most event creatures. The winner with the overall highest kill count will receive a mount of their choosing, a Christmas dinner that can be shared with 5 people, and 20 health and mana potions. The person that comes in second will receive the same things except the mount.

The second part of the event will happen at midnight on the 25th. A boss will appear in the town and will not attack anyone unless it is attacked. The player that does the greatest damage and takes down the boss will receive a dragon egg, the Christmas dinner, candy, and potions. I thank you for your patronage and hope you are all happy with your gifts! Happy Hunting!
---Game Master Time stamp December 18 5:00am




Night's Guile


Hex Code:

Vael tavern - Gold Gallion

December 24th. It was a peaceful, normal day for the most part in Vael. It was two in the afternoon so most players were up and awake doing whatever they needed to get done that day or doing some grinding in the field to get ready for the event. The sandy beach town had been transformed for the season and snow fell from the sky as realistic as if it were really happening. The snow flakes were delicate and cold to the touch and the air had grown chilly enough to allow the snow to rest on the ground. Some players had even stuck their tongues out to catch the falling snow. The NPC children had a lot of fun gathering up the multitude of ice on the ground and tossing it around at each other in a fight and engaging players, begging them to join them or throwing random snow balls at passerby. Playersand NPCs alike were making snow angels and building up snowmen. It really was like a winter wonderland and Shade_Strider wasn't a huge fan. The cold sucked but he supposed cold weather was better than blistering heat. Over all, things had been cheery. There was even a giant tree in the middle of town that hadn't been there before covered in lights and decorations that towered over the buildings and in every town. The game music had changed to the instrumental of Chirstmas songs but thank the Game Master that he only applied that feature in the town square and not everywhere else in the game. Shade might have actually wanted to die in game just to escape the overly cheery lullabies of the holiday. He thought Christmas music in real shops had been annoying. Even the fields had snow falling everywhere.

A lot of the players were talking about the coming event and what it meant. They remembered all to well the event that had trapped them in the game. It had been an event to welcome all players but it really hadn't been an event at all. It had just been the Game Master removing the log out feature and giving them a few potions as a starter kit. It made the players wary if anything. What would happen this time? Was it really an event? There were other players that ignored the event and others that were excited for it to. It was all a mixture of emotions like everything else in LAIOS.

In Vael's tavern, the Gold Gallon, 'life' went on as usual though even the tavern was decorated with Christmas decorations and stockings. It was almost sickening how Christmasy it all was. Shade_Strider wanted to cut something. The drink was good however and the bard singing? Stunningly gorgeous as usual. Shade loved everything about his Princy and his voice was amazing to though he always found himself lost in the tenor or the man's voice or his deep hypnotic eyes rather than his lyrics. EclecticPrince was singing as was his occupation, standing in front of a game table where many of his friends were already gathered. Shade_Strider did sometimes start staring at the man, game in front of him forgotten momentarily.It almost made him oblivious. Almost.

"Bullshit!" Shade_Strider called out suddenly with a grin, his smoldering ruby colored eyes narrowed on Granite. He so did love playing cards with Prince's brother. And his jokes were fun to when Granite decided to chip up. "I call your bullshit, Granite. I don't believe you put down 2 Queens! Flip them over, you liar. Don't you agree, Demo?" he asked and glanced at the other player at their table. They weren't exactly friends but gaming with her was fun to. "You call his bullshit to, don't you?" Shade_Strider's leather black wings fluttered behind him in his confidence. He was positive the other demon didn't have the cards he professed. This would be a good turn in the game since Granite at that point had far fewer cards than he or PsycheDemo.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: ArcticFire Character Portrait: Seraph Character Portrait: WindsFate
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0.00 INK




200 (appears 80)

Hex Code:

Vael-->Field around Vael

Christmas was here! This was LAIOS's, and his, first Christmas! He had the programs for all the events but of course he was given some leeway to make decisions on what exactly he wanted to do for the events. He knew about the holiday, the gifts, decorations, and music. He wanted everything to be Christmas themed and for the most part, he thought he did a pretty good job. There was snow and the giant decorated tree, the music, and all the fun of the holidays! As promised, he provided his cherished players with everything they could want this season, even presents! Everyone still in the game had received the candy canes and the potions. He did note that some players were sad or scared, but the majority were enjoying themselves and their smiles... their smiles meant the world to him. He wanted them smiling forever. And there were yet so many players he hadn't met! Maybe he could use this as a chance to make new friends.

But what should he do first? He wanted to visit with his current friends first. He could look everyone up and see where they were but perhaps he would just wander around Vael for a bit. He would have come with Rainne but she had decided to level up in the field far away from Vael. She didn't want any of the betas to see her which was understandable. Seraph didn't really want to see the betas either. Rainne had told him not to come to Vael since the risk was high that he'd get found out or the betas would be there but... but he wanted to interact with everyone. Most of the players would be in Vael! She would probably be angry that he had come here but Seraph would take the risk. It was one of his primary objectives to interact with regular players and an event was the best way to gather data. He could find out what players didn't like so he could improve for the next event. Besides, people were focused on other things right now.

Seraph was beaming as he twirled in the center of town, collecting snow on his person and pulled his floppy red Santa's helper hat down over his ears to keep the chill out. A well thrown snowball stopped him then and he blinked a bit surprised for a moment and looked up to see NPC children laughing as they gathered up snow in their hands. A snowball fight! Seraph quickly knelt down to gather up snow with his gloved hands and commenced with the good snow ball throw down with the children and accidentally got other players involved but most didn't seem to mind. Some even participated in the fight. By the end of it, Seraph had snow in more places than not and some of it had slid down his the inside of his shirt and made him shiver. He laughed in his joy and held his hands up in surrender to stop the engagement sequence before he hurried on his way, hoping not to get side tracked again though it had been fun. Seraph pushed his dark blue hair away from his face and rubbed his hands together as he debated what to do next.

Seraph's eyes scanned over the players and soon stopped in his tracks, his eyes wide. ArcticFox! He hadn't expected to see one of the betas so soon. His heart tugged in he remembered his betrayed trust and the fear and pain she and the others had put him through. He did not want a repeat. Seraph carefully backed away and moved completely around the woman and tried to hide among a group of players as they walked passed. As soon as he was behind her, Seraph rushed away till he felt safe, just outside of the town. Well, it looked like sight seeing had been cut short. Time to find his friends. He had something special for them and the players he knew his friends interacted with regularly.

The AI pulled up his list and scanned the names and locations of the players. Ah, WindsFate was close by. Perhaps he'd visit her first. She was one of his first friends so it only seemed fitting. He followed his internal compass so to speak, until he found the woman sitting down on a little hill. She looked peaceful. He smiled softly as he moved closer and waved his hand at her when she glanced up.

"WindsFate! Merry Christmas!" he called out. "I was hoping I'd find you today. I have a present for you! You can open it today or tomorrow, whenever you want," he said then. He pulled up the gift option in the interaction menu and selected a silver wrapped gift that contained a warm leisurely deep forest green jacket she could wear in towns or when she wanted to be comfortable. It came with pants as well. "I hope you enjoy them. If you don't like it, I can do something else for you. And why are you all by yourself out here? There is so much going on in Vael!" He did always jump topics a bit in his excitement. There were just so many ways their conversation could go! "Are you waiting for someone?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: ArcticFire Character Portrait: Granite Character Portrait: Seraph
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0.00 INK





Hex Code:

Vael - Streets ---> Gold Gallion

Arctic continued to walk, feeling the cold snowflakes hitting her ears. Kuro walked beside her dutifully, his large black paws leaving tracks behind them. She was considering going to one of the NPC merchants to sell the loot she had gotten from grinding around Auren. Here it would be worth more since it was of higher rarity. It was never a bad idea to have money on you, nor was it ever a bad idea to carry potions. In fact, Arctic had quite a few even before Seraph added 10 to every account as part of the Christmas event. She now had candy canes as well. She looked forward to snacking on them later, but right now she wasn't hungry or in need of energy.

Kuro growled loudly, catching her off guard. She jumped a little, but composed herself quickly. She glared at her companion as a crowd of players shuffled by. "Kuro," she warned him. Arctic thought that her friend was growling at the sheer number of players milling about the streets. After all, the two were used to having only each other as company. Unbeknownst to her, Kuro had spotted Seraph in the crowd. However, the tiger had no way of verbally communicating this to her. His tail and ears lowered, causing him to look sad. He looked up at his master, big yellow eyes staring into her blue ones. She sighed and pet his head. "I'm sorry, Kuro. You just caught me off guard." The tiger's ears perked back up as he began rubbing up against her. She continued petting him for a few moments before the two continued on.

They reached the center of town in a couple of minutes, where they were greeted with NPCs and players alike. The large Christmas tree stood decorated and perfect (after all it was made by a computer) for the holiday season. Christmas music was playing, filling her ears. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, hoping she wouldn't get a headache from the music. She had no problem with Christmas music, but this music was loud. At least to her it was, due to having two sets of ears.

NPC children approached Kuro with curiosity. He let them pet him before they ran off, distracted by something else. ArcticFire made a gesture for the pair to move on and they did. She glanced around, looking at all the happy players. She didn't understand what could possess them to be so happy. It was Christmas, yes, but they were spending it in a game. They weren't with their families, their friends, or anyone they actually knew. Maybe some people in game knew each other from the outside, but more often than not the friendships formed in game were with people you would never meet in real life for whatever reason. How these players could just forget their lives, their families, and their hopes in dreams baffled her. Sure, life wasn't perfect, but it was real. It was tangible, livable. Real life didn't have health and mana potions. In real life, all these players were human-- nothing more, nothing less. They were all imperfect mortals once, even if they didn't see themselves as being so now.

She sighed, casting her eyes down. Arctic missed her family. She'd been trapped in game longer than these players. She'd seen her coworkers die. She knew without a doubt that the game was causing players to go into comas if they died in game. To know such things was a burden. The fox wished she knew what lie ahead, wished she knew that no one else would die due to the game she helped make. But nothing was certain in life, not even in a "perfect" virtual one.

Her thoughts were now dark and gloomy. She continued to think as she walked in the direction of the Gold Gallion. Beyond it were some merchants that she preferred to sell to. Arctic walked quietly, Kuro by her side. She paid no mind to the passing players and NPCs, to the snow that fell from the artificial sky.

As she walked, she decided to change her eye and marking colours to match the Christmas season. Her eyes still downcast and her markings covered, she knew nobody would see the colour change. She opened the coding for her avatar and edited it so that her eyes were now green and her markings red. Merry Christmas to me, she thought bitterly.

Arctic and Kuro had just reached the Gold Gallion. Figuring that she should get a room while she could, she turned to enter the establishment. However, she misjudged where the door was. This caused her to walk right into another player. Kuro, being more intelligent than his master at this point, had actually looked to see where the door was. He stood a few feet away from his master, as he had not followed Arctic right into Granite.

Startled, Arctic jumped back and took a look at her attacker-- or rather her victim. He was a player about her height, with white hair. He had the telltale horns of the Demon race. His eyes were pale amber int he current lighting, a colour she had not seen before in players. Perhaps she would have to try that colour out for her own eyes. He looked sad to her. She could also sense that something was wrong with him in an emotional sense. Being sensitive to others' emotions came with being of the Beast race. Realizing that she had just been awkwardly looking at him, she apologized for bumping into him. "Sorry," she told the stranger. She opened her mouth to add that she thought the door had been here, but quickly decided against it. It would only make her seem more foolish than she already was. Instead, she decided to see if there was anything she could do to help this sad player. "You don't look very happy," she told him bluntly. Arctic wasn't one to sugarcoat things. "Is there anything I can do to help you feel better?" If there was, she would likely do it to make him happier. It would also work as another apology for running into him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: ArcticFire Character Portrait: Minuet Character Portrait: Lucive Character Portrait: Seraph Character Portrait: Augur
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0.00 INK




200 (appears 80)

Hex Code:


Seraph... was bored. Playing around in the middle of the town was fun for a while but now Seraph found himself with nothing to do. Many of his friends were online of course and he could go and visit them but they were all with other people. Almost everyone he knew was in the tavern at Vael. He would go inside and greet everyone and give them their presents but ArcticFire was standing right in front of the tavern. He wouldn't be able to sneak past her and the tiger. He didn't really want to talk to ArcticFire. Out of the Betas that had attacked him, Seraph only ever talked to Cain now. Besides Nightingale of course. Augur and ArcticFire... hated him. He knew they did not approve of what he had done and he was sure if they could, they'd attack him again. They were much stronger now. Sure Seraph's level was still beyond theirs but that didn't matter. He was an NPC. Players could attack NPCS in town and kill them. NPCS could not do the same to players in town and that included him. He didn't want to hurt them either though. They may hate him, but he didn't hate them. He missed them. He had always had good and interesting conversations with all of the betas. He still found it quite tragic that he had to delete so many of them. Nightingale always said it was their fault for attacking, but it didn't make him feel any better. To him, it was like he had killed his best friends.

Seraph sighed to himself and raised his hands up to the sky, palms facing him, and watched as the snow glittered around his gloved fingers. The snow was cold and wet but like everything in LAIOS, he loved it. He smiled softly and sat down on a bench in the town, a good distance away from the center where the tavern was. He didn't want ArcticFox to spot him, but he still wanted to stay in town. He brought his knees up to his chest to keep warm and did what he did best; observe. A lot of people were here in Vael for the event. It brought a smile to Seraph's lips. They were enjoying themselves and they were preparing for the event! Some talked about it in excited whispers. They speculated what the monsters would look like and what their behaviors would be. Would they simply attack whoever was near like they did in the field or would they only engage if they were attacked first? Would they also be Christmas themed? And what of the Boss at the end? Others discussed the prizes and what they would do with them if they won. And he noted that many were nibbling on the candy canes he had given everyone. Most seemed to like that added bonus. Maybe he should add more seasonal candies and treats to the tavern menu.

There were others however that were not as pleased. It was good to get positive and negative feedback but knowing players were uhappy was never fun. Those that were less than pleased talked about their families on the outside and wishing that they were out there with them and enjoying a feast. Others were worried that their family was giving up on them and what happened if players died? Was it really an actual death that greeted them or an out of the game? Seraph didn't really understand why these players were constantly dreaming of this 'other world'. He provided them with everything they needed here. Seraph put so much effort into ensuring they were happy and they had want for nothing. And why were they so concerned about death in LAIOS? Nightingale said that people died in the other place to so wasn't it the same? Why would people want to return there where they had to struggle? Was the GM of the other world any different than him? And why did so many people want to kill him? He tried very hard for them! A little pout curved his lips and darkened his face. The poor thing didn't truly understand what the 'other world', reality, was. How could he when for him this was reality? Other worlds and other realities were games just like this one, only his was better. In his opinion of course. Nightingale always laughed when he talked about 'reality' as if it were another game and she'd try and correct him, but as of yet, she wasn't getting through to him.

Then Seraph felt something. He cocked his head to the side and perked up where he was sitting. It was almost like a break in code. It made a blurring cross his vision and he heard the crackling in the programming as it tried to correct itself. A glitch. There was a glitch in town and it felt close by. Why wast there a glitch here? He had ensured that everything in the town was glitch-free for the event. It would not do to have bad programming messing up the graphics or lagging players. And a boss or other creature couldn't have extended life or not appear on screen. The programming had passed his screening. Was this something that was introduced into the town from outside? Why hadn't he noticed it up until now? Seraph's eyes narrowed as numbers began to flit past his vision as he tried to find the source of the glitch. And then the trace vanished. He frowned. This was a very strange glitch. He could still hear the static so it hadn't left.

The GM got up from the bench then and started to move around the town as he tried to spot the glitch manually. He followed the sound to the center of the town and peeked around the Christmas tree. He carefully scanned the area and felt the traces of the glitch here but it was gone now. He couldn't find the sound anymore either. Had it been killed by the guards of the town? He hummed out his breath in exasperation. Now that he was closer to where it had spawned from he realized he recognized this stray code. He had sensed this glitch before and just like last time, it had manged to get away from him. One of these days he was going to get that elusive glitch. He shook his head and turned away from the center of town again. He was tired of observing now. He wanted to interact but ArcticFire was still near the tavern and Augur was in town to near some shops. He had to be very careful not to run into them.

He scanned his friend list and saw that Lucive had finally left this guild's base. And he was alone! Perfect. He'd go interact with him. He was a fellow tailor and always fun to hang around though he did have an odd taste in clothes and games sometimes. It was fun though and Seraph always found himself laughing in his presence. He should have been more wary of the second in command of the guild that wanted him dead, but he liked Lucive. Nightingale always commented that he liked to play with fire considering he had Lucive and Man-O-War as friends, but he didn't see it that way. It was sad and risky, yes, but he didn't really have to fear Lucive or Man-O-War. They were both nice and too low a level to really hurt him. Besides, they didn't know he was the GM.

Seraph turned around and quickly headed towards the entrance of the Phoenix Blight guild hall. When he saw the man in question, a bright smile touched his lips and he waved at the man exuberantly. "Lucive!" he called, "Lucive! Merry Christmas!" Seraph jumped the last bit of distance between him and Lucive and beamed up at the taller man. "Are you busy today? If you are free I figured we might be able to hang out a bit. I have a present for you!" Seraph reached into his inventory before he extended a square box covered in blue wrapping paper and a silver bow. Since Lucive was a tailor like him, Seraph didn't make him any clothes. What would be the point in that? He did know Lucive liked pineapples though so he had purchased a pineapple cake for the man to enjoy.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Goliath Character Portrait: Accido Character Portrait: ArcticFire Character Portrait: Psychedemo Character Portrait: Cain Character Portrait: Shade_Strider
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0.00 INK


Alchemist // Tailor
None// None
182 // 200
Hex Code:
#00008B // #388E8E
Vael Town

Seraph was probably the person most excited for the event even though he wasn't going to be down in the town actively participating. This was his first real event and he wanted everyone to enjoy it, even those that weren't taking part in the battles. It was almost time! The Game Master was grinning ear to ear as he peered down at the town from his perch on the balcony of a random house. He didn't have the high level of the acrobat skill to get up here but he was the game master so he had a few cheats he could utilize when needed; Like getting to places he shouldn't be able to. He wanted to be able to watch everything happen as they unfolded for the event and a high perch was the most advantageous. He smiled to himself and leaned against the balcony as he stared down at the center of town. Those that were going to participate were already gathering in anticipation. Some players had locked their doors and shut off the lights but he could see a few staring out their windows, interested in seeing what was going to occur.

"I thought I might find you here, Seraph," said a voice behind him.

Seraph sat up and looked behind him to see his favorite person in the world; Nightingale. She was the reason why he had locked the game the first time after all. He waved excitedly at her and rolled onto his heels and then back to his tip-toes. "Nightingale! I thought you weren't going to come into town because of the other betas that gathered. They are all here. But do you like what I have planned for the event?"

"Neither of us should be here and I advised you not to come, but I knew you'd come anyway. You never listen. And of course I liked the event. You did a good job," Nightingale answered with a small smile. Seraph really was like a child, her precious baby. She had to protect him should the other betas spot Seraph and turn their attentions away from the event and try a full on attack on Seraph. They would all have higher levels this time around and unlike Seraph, she couldn't see what level they were. It worried her a bit but Seraph was Seraph. He was still the Game Master and there was no way he'd be able to resist coming to the center of the activity in the game. She knew first hand how much he loved his players and everything he did was for them to enjoy. Who wouldn't want to see the results of their efforts?

"I had to come. Tonight is the event! I want to watch everyone. I want to know what I can improve on next time. I have already gotten a lot of feedback! I went a little overboard with decorations it seems," he chuckled and raised a hand to rub the back of his head. "And that is not fair, Nightingale. I do listen. I just decide not to follow your caution," he answered. He had to make sure everything was running smoothly after all.

The archer walked over to Seraph and reached out a hand to ruffle his hair then. She couldn't help the grin that played on her rosy lips when the boy blushed and tried to dislodge her hand. "Nightingale!" he called out exasperated and took a step back to try and fix his hair. He hated it when she did that. Nightingale on the other hand loved watching him get flustered. He was just too adorable. The Game Master huffed and crossed his arms. He glanced back at the center of the town. "It is almost time." Seraph took in a deep breath and closed his eyes to center himself a moment before he completely turned his back on his companion. When he opened his eyes, his once expressive gaze were blank, code rapidly flitting through the blue hues. It was time to send out the message that would initiate the countdown.

╚═╣Good evening all players, this is your Game Master. The first half of the event will be initiated shortly after this message. I hope you all have a happy holiday and enjoy the event. Before they spawn, here is some extra information for you. The monsters that will be appearing do not have a predetermined level. The level of the strongest player in your team will be determining the level of the monster for that party. This means that if the highest party member is level 100, the monsters will also be level 100. This is a feature set to give each group a fighting chance and the most exp. If someone joins your battle, the monster level will not change and both parties will get half of the exp. The party or soloist that kills the most monsters will be determined at the end of the event. Thank you for your patronage and enjoy the event!

--Game Master Time stamp December 24 11:58pm.

Once the message had been sent out, Seraph blinked four times before his personality reemerged and he twirled in a circle and stopped to face Nightingale. He clasped his hands behind him and leaned against the balcony. "Will you be joining the event?" he asked her then.

Nightingale placed a hand on her hip and gave a nod. "Yeah. I think I will. This event is a good way to level up. I won't miss the chance. Meeting the other betas however will be quite the inconvenience. Good thing I have a few things to help disguise myself unless they directly come in contact with me," she mused. At least the betas wouldn't be able to attack her in town since she to was a PC. If they saw her here though, they'd immediately seek Seraph out. She had to stay on guard. "I guess I'll change," she mused and started to leaf through her equipment to pick out the best equipment for this event. She quickly put on her dark blue light armor with the crimson trimmings. A cape hung behind her and she tugged at her finger-less gloves to check the fit though she didn't need to and tapped her boots on the ground. It was a little cold for such a thin outfit but it was a game. She wouldn't freeze to death and it was only a little nippy. She equipped her second choice bow and arrows and caressed the pale blue feathers. She would use her rare item but if the betas saw it, they would recognize who she was immediately. She didn't need to use it. Lastly, she equipped her head gear that looked more like a winged masquerade mask that covered her entire face. Like the rest of her current outfit, it was a baby blue with red trimmings and the feathers themselves looked like they were dipped in blood. It might not look like much, but the outfit was reinforced with a variety of enhancements. That was one thing she loved about the game; you could wear clothing like this and still be well protected if you knew where to purchase and who to ask to craft them for you. Nightingale then hung her hair up in a messy pony tail and smiled at Seraph.

"Well, time to join the fray. I'll talk to you after the event, Seraph. I look forward to seeing what you have come up with."

Seraph beamed at her and gave her a wave. "Enjoy the event!" Nightingale used her acrobat skill to hurry away from the current balcony and took up her place instead on top of the tavern of Vael and readied herself.

7...6...5...4...3...2...1... The clock struck midnight and a firecracker shot up into the air from the center of town and exploded above the area as the bells rang. The sky was illuminated with red and silver lights from the fire cracker. Almost instantly, monsters began to spawn in the town all around the people standing there. Of course, they were all Christmas themed. There were tiny Santa Elves running about, Polar bears with ribbons and bells, China dolls and jack-in-the-boxes hopping about, and growly snowman clawing with their stick arms and angry expressions. At fist, they didn't attack anyone but after they finished spawning, they went after who ever was closest. Nightingale was quick to target one of the toy wolves with her arrow and took in a steadying breath before letting her arrows fly. The wolf howled and turned in her direction but using her rapid shot she was able to get some good hits in and the wolf couldn't reach her where she was so she had pretty easy pickings. She didn't want to win the event. She just wanted to gain experience so being solo made her a bit slow, but that didn't matter. She had a goal and wouldn't waver.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: ArcticFire Character Portrait: Cain Character Portrait: Lucive Character Portrait: Wachter Character Portrait: Seraph Character Portrait: Man-O-War
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0.00 INK





Hex Code:


”And so it begins,” Arctic mumbled as she drew Piàn from its sheath. It was nearly time for the event to begin. Despite being on the edge of town players had gathered on the streets in anticipation. She couldn’t help but be annoyed by all of them.

Seraph’s message about the monster mechanics came. She raised an eyebrow at the announcement that she’d be fighting monsters who were actually her level. Having an actual challenge would be quite nice considering she was too high level to get anything good from the normal monsters around Vael. It also meant that she would definitely not be joining a party no matter how much someone asked her. The other party members would notice the level of the monster and figure out that she was a higher level than any casual player could be. That would be very bad.

The only people she would willingly team with would be Augur and Cain. Cain wasn’t out of the question and the two might make a good team, but she had no idea where Augur was. She hadn’t seen him since that day… She smiled a bit as she thought of him. She’d had a crush on him ever since her internship, so she couldn’t help but perk up at the idea of finding him again.

However, her smile quickly faded as coding began to fill her vision. Crap, she thought as she instinctively looked at the ground to hide it from anyone who was near her. How could she have been so stupid? Of course her Beta ability would kick in for this! Seraph wasn’t changing anything, but due to him creating the event creatures new textures and colours were entering the world and subsequently letting themselves be known to her. However, she really didn’t need to know what was changing because she could (partially) see the monsters for herself. She cursed quietly, though thankfully this hadn’t been as bad as when he’d change the whole town to the Christmas theme. The amount of information that had flooded her eyes and mind was overwhelming and not something she needed to be aware of. Unfortunately for her, she was pretty sure there was no way to turn the ability off or make it selective. Woe was her.

As soon as the monsters stopped spawning, they began to attack the players. The information was still showing up in Arctic’s vision, as it couldn’t keep up with the sheer amount of monsters that had spawned. Tempted as she was to lift her gaze and fight the nearest monster, she didn’t want to risk another player seeing her. All she could do was try to speed up the process and hope Kuro could fend off a monster for a little back.

The monster closest to her was a polar bear. She could hear bells as it charged towards her. She could also hear the players and monsters around her due to her hearing. She cringed but quickly did her best to block the other players and monsters to just background noise. The sound of arrows and swords dissipated somewhat, enough that she wouldn’t be distracted by it. If someone decided to scream bloody murder however, she would definitely hear that. Perhaps she should have chosen a different race.

Kuro was doing his best to fend off the polar bear, but because it was Arctic’s level and physically larger than him, he was having a difficult time. As soon as he would land a blow the bear would swat a heavy paw at him, threatening to send him tumbling through the snow. Teeth bared, he lunged at the monster whenever the beast tried to go for his master. The result was a loss of health for the polar bear, but Kuro would eventually need Arctic’s help to take the animal down.

ArcticFire was still frozen in place however, more coding filling her vision. Good grief, did it really need to tell her about every single thing that had spawned?! Couldn’t it just say how many of each monster had spawned and where?! She resisted the urge to start yelling, instead focusing on moving the information along as quickly as it would go. It could go pretty fast, but the sheer amount of data it was giving her was the problem. She groaned when she suddenly felt herself sliding across the snow. The polar bear had landed a solid whack on her.

Now groaning from pain, Arctic stood up and held Piàn with both hands. Still partially blind, it took a large effort for her to focus her vision on it. She could hear it just fine, but vision was important too. She didn’t want to accidentally strike another player instead of the bear.

As it began to charge at her, Kuro jumped onto its back, digging his claws into the bear’s shoulders. It slowed down as it let out a roar of pain. Using the noise to determine where exactly its head was, Arctic quickly rushed at the bear using her Sliding Dash move and hit it on top of the head. Kuro continued to latch onto its back, biting its neck as Arctic slashed at it. Between the two of them the bear was downed soon after, though Arctic would have preferred it had been earlier. She was annoyed that she’d been hit right at the start of the event. That shouldn’t have happened and wouldn’t have happened if she was a regular player.

As if on cue, the coding finally stopped filling her vision and she was able to clearly see her surroundings. The fox couldn’t help but let out a large string of curse words as she began to fight the next monster.



Phoenix Blight


Hex Code:

Vael - Phoenix Blight Guild Hall

"Good luck everyone! Remember to fight hard, work together, and most important-- don't let your HP hit 0!" the Phoenix Blight Leader yelled to the swarm of members as they departed the guild hall. "If you need shelter feel free to stay here and if you really need help, message me or Lucive!" Hopefully neither the leader nor the second in command With that being said, the last of the guild members who were participating in the monster killing event left the hall. Man-O-War closed the door behind them, sincerely hoping none of them would end up dead. He'd helped to organize groups of players based on their strengths and weaknesses. While many friends wanted to be together, having a party of all the same class just didn’t seem like a good idea to him. With more variety in the groups, he hoped they’d be able to make up for each other’s weaknesses and be successful with the event. He was still nervous about the lower level players though. Nobody knew what level the monsters would be. They could be level 40 or they could be level 140. If the latter was the case, the lower level players were totally screwed and he could only pray they’d be smart enough to hide in a building while others killed the monster.

His mind didn't want to think about all the possibilities should he have not advised the parties. He could just imagine players being savagely attacked. Perhaps some would be saved by the members of their party, but others wouldn't be so lucky. Monsters didn't stop until you were dead, he knew that much. His usual smile shifted to a frown as he thought of his friends, long gone but not forgotten by him. The jelly let out a long sigh before realizing one of the guild members was looking at him as he leaned against the door. War immediately perked up and trotted over to the player, a 6' tall demon. The dwarf was literally dwarfed by the other player, craning his neck to address the other young man. "Did you want to talk to me, Charles?”

The red haired demon looked down at his guild leader, also noting the irony present in the two of them conversing. He couldn’t help but grin as he spoke. “So what should the rest of us do since we aren’t fighting in the event?” To War this was a somewhat inane question. He was the guild leader, sure, but he wasn’t a babysitter. He was planning on going out soon himself. He sure as hell wasn’t going to pass up the opportunity to grind monsters and level up. He also wasn’t sticking around here running arts and crafts. However, War knew that he couldn’t get mad at the other player. Charles just wasn’t the most bioluminescent jellyfish in the bloom.

”Well, you guys are just going to have to stick around here because all the big bad monsters are out there,” he gestured to the door. ”But I’m sure you guys can all find something to do while the event is going on. You can talk, eat, sleep, read, make stuff. It doesn’t really matter as long as you are safe.” He gave the other player a big smile. Charles thanked him before wandering off into the building. War couldn’t help but groan. If he didn’t already have white(ish) hair he would definitely have it from the stress this guild caused him sometimes. Of course that would also require actually being in his own body, but there wasn’t much he could do about that for now. He wondered if he would be grey in real life by the end of this adventure— oh wait, he already was!

War chuckled to himself as he went to find Lucive. He didn’t have to go very far to find his loyal second in command. ”I thought us, Rakugo, and Wachter would make a good party,” he told Lucive as he opened up his friends list. He figured Lucive wouldn’t argue so without waiting for a reply, he sent a party invite to the other two players. He would have invited his good friend Seraph to join them, but it seemed that Seraph was not fighting in the events.

Yo, you’re welcome to join Lucive and I for the monster killing event that just started. There might be another player joining us to make us a full party. He wasn’t sure if the two players had met before, but he thought that the two shouldn’t clash too much. If they did, well, War would just deal with that when it happened. He absentmindedly swung his hammer like the pendulum of a clock as he waited for a response from Rakugo and Wachter.

The pre-event announcement came from the GM, announcing how the event would work. As soon as War saw that monster level was determined by the highest player in the party, his heart skipped a beat. While everyone in the guild was generally in the 60-80 level range, a few of this below 60 had wanted to participate in the event. He couldn’t remember at that very moment who was with who, but he knew there was a good chance he’d suggested a party that had a member way too low for a monster that was equal to the highest level player in that group.

As soon as the GM message was complete, War opened up his messaging system and sent a message to everyone in the guild, regardless of if they were participating or not. Ok everyone, I’m sure you got the GM’s message. Since the monster level is determined by the highest member of the party everyone needs to BE CAREFUL. If you are afraid you can’t handle a high level monster even with a party COME BACK TO THE GUILD HALL or JOIN ANOTHER PARTY. I want to see everyone back in the guild hall before the start of the next event so I know you’re all safe. War sent the message as quickly as he could so that his guild had time to read it. He was extremely anxious now, as he hadn’t been expecting this curveball. He hoped his advice made it to everyone and that they all read it. To know that he had formed a party that would potentially be the death of someone was an awful feeling.

The clock struck midnight and the event began. War just hoped that everyone outside was alright as he stood in his guild’s hall, awaiting a response from the mischievous fox and the fire demon.