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Jenny Wilson

I was raised in hell,now I'll give them hell.

0 · 980 views · located in The Institute for Super-Abominations/Nalliv

a character in “We're the Abominations -The Heroes Offspring”, as played by ThornGood


.:Gender: Female
.:Age: 17
.:Status: Super-abomination
.:Personality: As a child,Jenny was a rebel and was always causing trouble with her brother.Until one day when older boys from their town found them and started to pick on her and her brother,with fear Jenny unleashed her powers and killed one of the boys and injured another,from then on she always did as she was told and became afraid of herself then the institute found her and her family. Since then Jenny's fear slowly turned into hatred.Since her escape,Jenny has trusted less and secluded herself,anyone that she does trust she will do anything to protect them and care for them.
.:Appearance: Jenny has long brown hair which she wears over one shoulder,she has cloudy blue eyes. She was feed enough to keep her at a healthy weight for her height. Jenny's lower ribs are slightly visible but very little else that would make her look under feed are not visible apart from the amount of food she eats,the little food they gave her eventually made her stomach smaller.
.:Superpower: Jenny is a telepathic with telekinetic ability,however when using her telekinesis she must make sure she has enough energy to use it,if she is tired the telekinetic shield,for example,is weak and easily broken but when she is fully rested the telekinetic shield is stronger and takes a lot more to be broken. Jenny's telepathy let's her read,control and wipe minds,however the reading is uncontrollable and she hears everyone's thoughts unless she focuses,touches the skin of someone she wants to hear the specific thoughts of or is using another ability,the mind control is only useful if she is within a certain distance of the victim and the mind wipe is only temporary and the length depends on the concentration used,with full concentration the wipe can last a day and with very little concentration a few minutes,roughly 10.
.:Weapons: None
.:History: Jenny grew up in a small town just a few miles south of the Institute with her parents and older brother.The family was far from perfect,Jenny’s mother was an over-protective woman with severe paranoia and her father was a Kleptomaniac whom had made it his job and fenced off the goods. He was eventually caught and sent to prison leaving Jenny’s mother with her and her brother. When Jenny killed the bully and injured the other in front of 3 witnesses,her mother’s paranoia got so bad that she made the family run away.
A few weeks after they ran away,the institute found Jenny.Jenny’s mother fought them off while Jenny and her brother tried to run.The men that came after her killed her mother and took both Jenny and her brother back to the institute.A few days after they arrived,Jenny’s brother was killed in an experiment.
.:Other: Has a fear of the dark and a short temper.

So begins...

Jenny Wilson's Story

Jenny was running,she could hear footsteps coming from behind her and the familiar fence was in her way,the footsteps were closing in and she heard a scream and turned around to see the all to familiar bloodied face of her mum. Then the blackness and the screams. Jenny woke up,she could feel cold sweat all over her body and clothes. She threw the blanket off her body and walked over to her backpack and pulled out some clothes,a pair of jeans,purple T-shirt and black converse. She wandered out of the room and checked the fridge in the kitchen for food but it was empty. "Why do you always empty the fridge before you go on holiday?" She asked to no one in-particular. She walked over to the nearest window and climbed out onto the fire escape and descended it. She opened her mind and listened to the thoughts of everyone,for someone like her or another place to stay for awhile... and she found a group.

Jenny picked up another thought-wave,it was excited and thinking of a hotel. She concentrated hard on the wave and found the owner,a boy,around 7,she picked up the names Ryan and Mr Fluffbum. "That's not a real name?" She said to herself. She then got an image of the hotel,well what was left of the hotel,and knew where he was. She started running to where the boy was. When she got there,she saw a boy standing there with a teddy bear. "Are you Ryan?" She called out to him. She looked at the teddy bear, "So that's Mr Fluffbum."

Ryan turned quickly when his name was called and blinked at the girl. Maybe she blew up the hotel. Although that should've made him cower back in fear, Ryan broke into a giant toothy grin, walking hastily to the girl. "Uh huh, I'm Ryan! And this is Mr. Fluffbum!" he beamed, stepping close to her. "Who are you? You don't look like the other people Who usually wande around here. Most people are bald, fat and ugly. Well, tthe people I seen was anyway." Ryan tilted his head, looking the girl over. Maybe she's like me... He thought to himself.

Jenny smiled at the boy. "Nice to meet you Ryan." She looked at the bear. "And you Mr Fluffbum." She laughed at his description of the thugs. "That is very true. I'm Jenny Wilson and I am very much like you." She then spoke to him through her telepathy. Only I'm telepathic and telekinetic and older.

Ryan blinked in confusion for a few moments when he heard the voice in his head before he broke into a comprehensive smile. He shook his finger in his ear a little and giggled. "That's so cool! What's telkentic?" (Telekinetic) He asked, before his eyes seemed to adjust like a camera lens, and he stored an image of her in his head. He smiled at her and then took a few steps closer. "I have an...uhm..." He struggled to say it and bit his lip. "A...Photogropic memory. Oh! And I can change whether my hand's really hard or soft. Look;" He paused a moment, before pushing his hand towards her, and allowing it to go straight through her. Pulling it out again, he pushed his hand against her again, and it was hard as stone. He stopped and giggled. "It's weird, but it scares other people for some reason..." He shrugged slightly.

"Watch." Jenny looked at the pile of bricks and she lifted her hand into the air above her face. Some of the bricks raised into the air with her hand and stayed there until she dropped her hand. "It means I can lift things with my mind and also create a shield with my mind when needed." She watched as the boy put his hand through her and then touched her with a fist that felt more like a stone than a fist of flesh. "Your powers are incredible and useful." She thought for awhile. "I was about to go find some more people,like us." She told Ryan. "Wanna tag along? I'll keep you safe."

Ryan smiled eagerly and then nodded. "Yes please!" He said, grinning from ear to ear. "I haven't seen many people who want to... uh, 'tag along'." He giggled a little and then reached over, holding onto her hand. "I didn't know there were more people like us around. I thought there were the... uhm... the... the villains... and... then..." He thought, looking up at the dark night sky. "There's the police men who like to chase everyone, then... bald ugly people... and then... people who don't like talking." Ryan shrugged gently, holding Mr. Fluffbum to his chest tightly. "Do you think we'll be able to find other peoples?" He asked with a sweet typical 7 year old smile.

She smiled when he took her hand. Her smile dropped a little when he told her about the others he had come into contact with. "I picked up about 5 people,they're not that far away." She started walking with Ryan. "Those are bad men,I'll protect you from them,alright?" She looked at him,but she kept walking. "If we do come across one of them, I want you to hid. If I need you to run, do it." She stopped at the opening,waiting for Ryan's reply.

"But... I can defend myself." Ryan told her, looking down to her teddy bear's dark black eyes. "A lotta people have tried to attack me, but not any of them really hurt me that much." Ryan blinked at the bear and looked up to her. "I can help. I don't have to hide." He informed her, blinking a couple of times. "But who are these other people anyway?" Ryan asked, turning to the opening and peering inside. "Are they nice?" He asked, looking around.

Jenny shook her head. "Ryan,these people,they'll try and take you back to the institute or they'll try to make you a member of their gang." She looked over her shoulder. "I can't protect you if they know your a super,if they think you're just a normal kid they'll let you leave,and you can get more help alright?" She started to walk into the streets,following the thought-waves of the supers. "3 of them are from the institute,prisons like us,the other 2 are friends,we can trust them." She gave him a smile,hoping to reassure him.

Ryan smiled a little in return and then looked down the alleyway, tilting his head curiously as he looked around. "How do you know they're friends?" Ryan asked Jenny as he looked up to her. "Have you met them before?" He asked, looking down to the floor and grinning as he jumped into a puddle, giggling at the feeling of the water soaking the bottom of his trousers and making his shoes all muddy. He beamed into the rippling water, before stepping out of it and walking along beside Jenny again.

"I've never met them," She said as they kept walking. "But I doubt he's going to send his daughter to the Institute. The other is loyal to him,so I'm hoping they're friendly." She smiled at him,the splash from the puddle hitting her jeans. A few minutes later,they arrived at the place. She knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer,she stood in front of Ryan,hoping to protect him if she was wrong.

Ryan peeked around Jenny, tilting his head and looking up to Jenny, before looking back to the door and then up to Jenny. "Nobody's home?" He asked, stepping around her and knocking on the door again. A few seconds passed and he just shrugged. "Nobody's home, nobody's home." He sung as he stepped away from the door and looked around at the rest of the warehouse. Well, it didn't exactly look like a place where someone would live. All the same, his eyes adjusted again, and multiple blinks later, he had images of the warehouse in his head. "Are you sure they came from here?" he asked, reaching over and running his fingers along the edges, mud rubbing off onto his finger.

Jenny shrugged, "I'm sure of it." Jenny reached into the building with her mind, 6 minds. "Yep,they're in there." She closed her eyes and scanned the minds of each of them. "Felix Rowan? Helping abominations? Why what does he want with us?" She asked aloud. She reached out to him, Felix,can you help us?. Jenny stepped back, "If that didn't get his attention what will?"

#, as written by Tonks
" Good to know." felix smirks and slaps Grey on the shoulder in a friendly way. Then suddenly he heard Felix can you help us? He sighed, people kept coming in to his home. Maybe, what's in it for me? he returned the thought, but he was already putting an illusion around the two kids, making it seem like they weren't there.

" I...I don't know." James says honestly, " I just don't want to make you uncomfortable, " he smiles up at her his hands gently rubbing her legs as he spoke, his control was starting to slip a little.

Jenny waited a few moments before turning away, "Come on,we'll find someone that'll help us." She offered her hand,waiting for Ryan to take it. Jenny then picked up a new thought-wave, a mere newborn, then he could give her a bunch of toys that have scissors or knives tied to the end of them.... "Oh my god." She said aloud, Jenny looked around her,trying to find the owner. "Ryan,stay here." She told him,she ran off. "Knock louder,hopefully he'll help you. I'll be back,don't worry." She called back before disappearing behind a wall. She followed the thought-wave until she found a guy,around the same age. "I can't let you,it's only a child." She shouted to him. She then heard a thought, Maybe, what's in it for me? "He'll have to wait." She said to herself. "Why would you want to kill a child?"

Startled by the noise, Jayden ducked slightly while turning around. He repeated the words in his mind

"I can't let you, it's only a child"

After pondering this, he concluded that this person must have some form of telepathy since he had just said lines very relative to those in his mind. Getting an idea, Jayden spoke inside his mind, seeing if she would hear him. "Can you hear me in here?" but after saying that, he regretted it because he didn't care since people now misunderstand him. It wasn't that it was a child, but it's that he has the ability to make someone a child with this age-manipulation ability.

Still not knowing what he was doing, he turned around and began walking the other direction, now in a much faster pace being a bit alarmed now.

Ryan watched Jenny leave, raising an eyebrow curiously and then looking up to the warehouse. "Hellooooooooo!" He yelled out, holding his bear close to him and stepping closer to the door. Knock louder. But how much louder? He bit his lip. Well, he needed to do what Jenny said... He did want to make her happy after all. He looked up to the door and then made his molecular density like steel, flicking at his fist at first and hearing a 'chink' noise, before turning back to the door, and knocking at it. The door shook against it's hinges and after a few more knocks, Ryan pulled away. "I wonder if that was loud enough..." He thought out loud, noticing that there were multiple dents in the door where he had knocked possibly too hard. "Uhhh... oops..."

"Yes." Jenny told him aloud. "Age-manipulation? You were going to turn someone into a child and kill them? That's no better." She told him,she swallowed. "If I hear of a child killed by it's own toys,I'll make you wish you didn't." She called after him. Then she ran back to Ryan,she wrapped an arm around him. She sent a thought to Felix, Please,we just need a place to hide from the institute and heroes. I'm begging you help us,I'll do anything.

Jayden stopped for a second and turned around, about to yell back to her, but she was already gone. He felt sick to my stomach just thinking about murdering his own mother. He wasn't going to do it because as my mother always said

You don't have the guts to do anything.

Which was of course true, he couldn't do it. He's never killed someone before, it's just... She's the cause of all of this... After slowing down, he sighed and changed courses, going the opposite direction he was. The original direction he was going was his mother's house, but it looks like that's not going to happen either. The way I'm going may pass that telepathic woman though, which god forbid doesn't happen now.