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Callisto Galen

Bow to me; I am better than you. Do as I say.

0 · 425 views · located in Curious Academy

a character in “What a Curious Academy”, as played by freakofnature


Callisto Galen


Yes, Iā€™m male. Do you have a problem with that? I can show youā€¦for a price of course


Well hell! If my ā€˜roleā€™ is male; I sure as hell ainā€™t a bloody female!


Indeed, my age is 17. Congrats. You now hold in your hands the powerā€¦to do absolutely nothing.

Snide-Derogatory or mocking in an indirect way. That glint you see in his eyes? Yeah, heā€™s probably mocking your very existence. Though rarely saying his snarky thoughts out loud, Calā€™s opinion on other is extremely low. He believes himself to be a higher being. While he is still human of course. Just a better race of human. This thought processes causes him to act rude towards other, but none have ever dared to call the tall 5ā€™11 guy ā€˜brattyā€™. For brats whine and complain. Callisto merely states the fact that he is indeed better than you, and leaves it at that. There are few that can handle his pompous nature, but those who can are in for a very interesting ride. Aside from his ā€˜holier-than-thouā€™ attitude, Cal is loyal to those who can stand him. Loyal in a sense that he would stick up for them if his friends were ever in trouble. As long as he was in the mood that is.

Hot tempered-easily angered; short-tempered. Quick to anger and eager to fight is an accurate way to describe Cal. His mood seems to always either be on ā€˜Iā€™m better than you, donā€™t talk to meā€™ or ā€˜Talk to me and my fist will be in your faceā€™. Things that seem ever so slightly annoying to most people, easily set Cal off, earning the person or group that said the remark with either a fist smashing into their face, or a foot up their asses. His hands are almost always covered in scratches, which is one of the reasons Cal wears his gloves, the other reason being because they make him look even hotter than the sun and hot people should be able to look sexy.

Introvert-A person predominantly concerned with their own thoughts and feelings rather than with external things Ultimately this is largely true. While Cal is hot tempered and snide, he would rather just go about his day in a normal fashion without others bothering him. Or having to talk. At all. Not once. You see, Cal doesnā€™t like to speak. Not that he has a problem with it. He just rather not. He finds it a waste of breath. Besides in his head, why should he talk to those who are below him? Of course this is a backward and self-centered way of thinking, but thatā€™s who he is and shall always be. Itā€™s not like Cal gets bored or anything. Nope. His mind entertains him in way no other person could understand. While he doesnā€™t suffer for multiple personality disorder; his thoughts do quiet the job of entertaining him. Or should he say, he does a wonder and amazing job of entertaining himself?

All of it is true. But why do I need to tell you? You donā€™t need such information. I am holier than you. I am sent from the Lord himselfā€¦well if there was a lord. Thatā€™s a load of bullshit. I am the Lord. Bow to me.

Brief Description
Dyed light brown hair meets dyed auburn tips in a long and luscious wave of waist length hair while long ā€˜bangsā€™ range from his upper cheeks, to his chest. Said hair is occasionally pinned back in a sort of ponytail but its only purpose is to keep the majority of the silky locks out of Calā€™s face. To help the ponytails use he uses a black bandana/wrap to keep the long locks of hair out of his face. However the shorter strands, and the occasional longer locks still manage to wiggle their way through and frame his sharp and angular features. Dark, sun-kissed skin is riddled in tattoos; from tribal to eastern dragons. His dark milky mocha colored skin draws attention to his bright sky blue eyes, which seem to constantly be twinkling in cruel amusement.

Calā€™s taste in clothing is a cross between pirate met punk rocker who met causal business men. On top of his black ā€˜pirateā€™ bandana, Cal enjoys wearing an eye patch over his right eye. Just for the kicks of it. His shirts are always showing some part of his chest; just enough to show off his tattoos and some of his muscles; but not enough to beā€¦a slut, in a way. His usual attire consists of a white undershirt, which has just a deep V-neck that is dips down to his mid chest, a business like jacket with the sleeves rolled up, and dark pants that hang low on his hips, but are snug enough to not snag. Along with such clothing, Cal often times wears checkered type cloths that he ties around his wrists, as they serve their purpose as a sort of ā€˜braceletā€™. Along this that, leather fingerless gloves adorn his hands, a loose tie is almost always hung around his neck, and his infamous yellow belt hangs out of the loopholes of his pants yet can manage to never fall off.

Drooling yet? I know Iā€™m sexy as hell. No man on this Earth is as drop dead gorgeous as me. Go on. Swoon.

~His very existence
~Working out
~Watching people fawn over him

My existence is a big deal. Without me you would have no one to bow down to. And wouldnā€™t that be a shame?

~Having others talk to him
~Being annoyed
~When people think heā€™s like them

Normal people, get this straight. I am better than you and I shall forever be. Get over it. And donā€™t talk to me. My fist will meet your face.

Ergophobia- The fear of work. Yesā€¦Cal indeed has the fear of working. This is only because he thinks he is too good for it; and therefore will not stand to do any sort of ā€˜workā€™.

Obviously Iā€™m above you all. You can work for me. I wonā€™t lift a damn finger

Callisto was born into a fairly rich family, old blood, along with a twin brother whom was nicknamed Io. The two were alike in every sense, going as far as to pretend to be the other just to confuse their parents and guests. The close bond they shared was severed when their mother, Catherine, bore another child, a girl who was later called Lily. Io became protective of his younger sister, causing Cal to feel left out and alone.

It was at this point he developed his snide and royalty attitude, and he began to dress differently, showing his brother that he didnā€™t need him anymore. Dressing the way he did, punk/goth and emo clothing, attracted a lot of the same crowd. Before long Cal had delved into the world of sex, drugs and alcohol at the tender age of 12. Years later, Io finally figured out just what his brother was getting himself into, and the two had a heated argument, resulting with a black eye and several other bodily bruises for Io, and a split lip for Cal. Believing to have won the battle Cal continued to live his daily life of getting drunk and high, while overdosing on pills. All the while he still managed to keep his ā€˜holier than thouā€™ air about him.

Things got better over the years; Io pretended to not notice what Cal was doing, and their parents never suspected a thing, while Lily hit the age of 3. She became a prodigy child, learning how to play the piano, a hobby their mother had taken to, and was known throughout the rich community.

Around that same time Cal picked up his own instrument, the guitar. He had already self taught himself to play the sax and trumpet, but there was nothing like the sound of the shredding of a guitar that made him feel at home. Of course, Cal didnā€™t tell his parents of his skills, instead going to clubs and performing with a famous underground local band. Said band never got a record deal, but they still had a fairly large fan base and they were soon offered gigs they never thought possible.

When a large and important gig arose, Cal was told he was allowed to bring one person. Although he and Io had grown apart in their years, from appearance to attitude, it meant a lot to Cal that Io would come see him. Days and weeks passed without his twin knowing, Cal never finding the right time to bring it up. Every time they talked it was always about Lily, or how Lily was doing, or what Lily just learned. A few days before the performance, Cal tore his brother away from Lily and somehow managed to keep him silent as he told him what he wanted him to do. In a heartbeat Io agreed, telling him that nothing could stop him, short of a tragic death in the family. And still clinging onto the brotherhood bond that was severed so badly, Cal trusted him.

How wrong he was. Io didnā€™t show at the performance, and that was the final string that Cal could handle. He lost his friends, dropped the band. Started to fail school, started to drink more, smoke more, take dangerous amounts of pills and fell into depression. By this point he knew that everyone didnā€™t get along with him because they were either jealous or he was too high above them to feel the need to talk to him. He didnā€™t talk, he ate the bare minimum and worked out to the degree it was unhealthy. When Io pressed about it, Cal just gave him a dark glare and shoved him away, commenting that Lily needed to be attended to.

It was safe to say that his attitude extended to his parents, which was surprising that they even noticed with the whole Lily thing still going on. The child became a brat; a spoiled, rotten brat. But their parents didnā€™t care about that, no. They cared about the fact that their son wasnā€™t as lively as he used to be. With Calā€™s new appearance, new attitude, new everything; this sprung forth a fight with them; which wasnā€™t all that surprising if you considered it. Everything, everything that Cal had managed to hold in for the 4+ years since Lily had been born, had managed to refrain for saying because he knew better, came out. All the things he had done, all the things they failed to noticeā€¦everything. The fact he had sex when he was only 13. And that he has had more drinks then more older teenagers could ever dream of consuming. The he did weed, and stole things. That he was barely scraping by in school. That he got a girl pregnant last year.

And so, after all was said and done, Calā€™s parents were disappointed, shell-shocked, and angry at what their son had done. But they were mainly overridden with guilt that they had let this happen and never caught it. This resulted in Cal packing his bags and ordering them to send him to Curious Academy, for the chance to get away, and hopefully stay away, from his life without ending it. Because the world would miss such a lovely and high ranking being among them.

You are not privy to this information. Fuckers! Why the bloody hell should you know this? I believe this was a survey to see if I was awesome or not. Though I am. But still. My life story is not something that I plan to discuss. Ever. Fuck you.

Soul mate

Though this shouldnā€™t be a surprise, Cal listens to all types of rock music. From alternative to screamo to those techno rock remixes that pop up from time to time. This being said his favorite song would have to be Re-Education, or anything by Rise Against, because it speaks to him. Almost as if his life was prophesied to the band members

Re-education (Through Labor)-Rise Against
To the sound of a heartbeat pounding away
To the rhythm of the awful rusted machines
We toss and turn but don't sleep
Each breath we take makes us thieves
Like causes without rebels
Just talk but promise nothing else

We crawl on our knees for you
Under a sky no longer blue
We sweat all day long for you
But we sow seeds to see us through
'Cause sometimes dreams just don't come true
We wait to reap what we are due

To the rhythm of a time bomb ticking away
And the blare of the sirens combing the streets
Chased down like dogs we run from
Your grasp until the sun comes up

We crawl on our knees for you
Under a sky no longer blue
We sweat all day long for you
But we sow seeds to see us through
'Cause sometimes dreams just don't come true
Look now at what they've done to you

White needle's buried in the red
The engine roars and then it gives
But never dies
'Cause we don't live We just survive
On the scraps that you throw away

I won't crawl on my knees for you
I won't believe the lies that hide the truth
I won't sweat one more drop for you
'Cause we are the rust upon your gears
We are the insect in your ears
We crawl We crawl We crawl... all over you

We sow the seeds to see us through
Our days are precious and so few
We all reap what we are due
Under this sky no longer blue
We bring the dawn long overdue
We crawl We crawl We crawl... all over you

Wellā€¦you can crawl on your knees for me. I donā€™t do this. Ever. But there was a time I did. However I donā€™t plan to tell you. Reach my level of awesome and authority over you scum and I might tell you more. But you wonā€™t. So give up and bow down to me.

Callisto Galen

1.) Tell us, how old are you? What sex are you? When were you born?

My age? 17. I'm obviously a male, i got the parts down below. Want me to show you? And my birthday? Everyday. Though those who called themselves my family only celebrated it on June 6th.

2.) Tell us, what do you Like?

I like...nothing. I like being above you all, if thats what you mean. And on occasion I like giving into females, and males, begging for me and will screw them. Hey, its good for them. Who is lucky enough to have someone of a higher being fuck them?

3.) What kind of person are you interested in?

And what kind of bullshit is this? I like no one. People dont deserve me. Though I am entitled to take every single one of them, if you get my drift there. Though if I really had to pick what human type I fancied the most...out of the females I would have to say the ones who have some spunk. Not enough to back talk to me, for who back-sasses a god, but those who aren't afraid to try new things, like..positions. As for the males? I like the younger then me, of course since I love to do the topping. Though as long as I get them thin, cute, and a little on the shy side, and of course willing to bottom, I dont mind the age. What makes it better; if i'm their first. For...who can top a god?

4.) What does 'Love' mean to you?

Love? Love is a human emotion that many find to be... enthralling, while some find it to be the worst thing ever. But what do I think of it? I personally think its you brain going into overdrive about a single person. Why would you 'love' someone when they will just go behind your back, find a knife, and stab you with it. Multiple times. It's not the best feeling in the world. Besides, gods like me should be able to give tons of love. In the form of sex and repopulating the world with other godly beings. Yes?

5.) What is your love personality?

Fuck them. Simple as that. Didnt we just go over this? I dont 'love' people unless its in the form of screwing them. a lot. That's love too correct? I say it is, so therefore it is. I'm not romantic, and the best you would ever get from me is roses, chocolate, and if your lucky, a picnic. But no bitch, or queer idiot, has yet to ever deserve that. When i find another godly being like myself, then maybe that will happen

6.) Is your glass Half Full, or Half Empty?

Half Empty. Either way its a fucking glass. Just drink it. I believe my ideals are 'forget the world, let's fuck'. So unless this is a glass of alcohol, its just pointless anyways. I would just leave it there for some sober jackass to drink it. Are we done yet?

7.) Tell me, what kind of Soulmate may upset you if you got?

Anyone would annoy me. But I truly can not handle those...'i think i'm better than you' type. i mean...come on I am a fucking GOD, of course i'm better than you. I'm better than you and the whole entire human RACE. Oh, and any nature loving asshole. Or anyone who enjoys working.

8.) How sexually active are you?

Every fucking day. At least 4 a week. It's kind of like a job. Ladies and Gents fawn over me all week, but I only pleasure them on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. If they get lucky and are good at it, I'll do them for all three days, including the rest of the week.

9.) What are places you like, or scenery?

Places I like? Your bedroom. With you on the bed. Naked. That's a place, and great scenery too. Can I please be done with this shit yet? I dont like going places. The only places on this fucking world that brings me the slightest joy is bars, clubs, strip joints, and house parties. Fair enough?

10.) What did you want to be when you were little? What do you want to be now? Why?

When I was little I wanted to be whatever my brother was. He's dead to my now though. What do I want to be now? An all time famous rock god, which I have the 'god' part down. Why? because i'm good at what i do. Why the fuck else?

11.) What are your favorite bands? Favorite songs? Any Genres?

Too many bands to list. And if there are too many bands, there are way to many fucking songs. Genres? Techno, Screamo, Rock, and Alternative

12.) How do you spend free time?

Fucking others. Or laying on my bed all day, reading whatever I found remotely interesting, with my Ipod plugged into my ears, my music blasting. Basically anything that doesnt require much talking.

13.) Do you read? What is your favorite book?

Yes I read. I'm not not literate. I don't have a favorite book. They just come and go. Must like all the men and women I've fucking. Yes i fuck them. No i dont have a favorite. They come and go.

14.) Who was the last person you dated?

I dont date. The last person i fucked? This guy. He was pretty sexy for a human too. Had the 'sexy geek' thing going on. But he was pretty shy about everything. But damn he was an animal in bed. The right sounds, the right moves, everything. Of course i kept him for a while. My little sex toy and shit like that. What did he look like? Blonde hair, green eyes, had freckles scattered across his nose and upper cheek area. Geek glasses that he was able to pull off. He was a fucking sexy human. and great in bed.

15.) How would you describe yourself?

I'm a god. I am godly. I am immortal, better than everyone. What kind of god? Just a normal god. But I love to have...nightly, conquests. Why? Because they ask me so nicely that I don't have the power to deny them.

16.) Where would your dream date take place? Why?

I thought we discussed this. I don't date anyone. Except other godly beings. Who i have yet to find. Once i do find them, i would maybe take them on a picnic. But that's about it. Why a picnic? Its simple and free. You make your own food. why the fuck else?

17.) What is your Spirit animal?

Cougar. Grrr, babyā€”you're the personification of animal magnetism. Your confidence, beauty, and athleticism make you the target of many romantically inclined individuals. Too bad for themā€”you don't stick around long enough to make breakfast, much less a lifetime commitment. Hello Kitty, Goodbye Heart.

18.) Is there anyone you've got your eye on? *wink* Why?

I got my eye on no one. They all have their eyes on me. Why? Because i'm the god of everything. Of course they cant obtain me. I'm a god. Why tie myself down? It makes me laugh. When people ask me out. Its like...a dog asking a horse to marry it. Impossible.

19.) Can you tell us secret you never told anyone?

I'm a recovering drug addict. I got started at the prime age of 12. I have a twin brother and a little sister, both who i hate with every pore in my body.

20.) What are the lyrics to the song that describes you best?

To the sound of a heartbeat pounding away
To the rhythm of the awful rusted machines
We toss and turn but don't sleep
Each breath we take makes us thieves
Like causes without rebels
Just talk but promise nothing else

We crawl on our knees for you
Under a sky no longer blue
We sweat all day long for you
But we sow seeds to see us through
'Cause sometimes dreams just don't come true
We wait to reap what we are due

To the rhythm of a time bomb ticking away
And the blare of the sirens combing the streets
Chased down like dogs we run from
Your grasp until the sun comes up

We crawl on our knees for you
Under a sky no longer blue
We sweat all day long for you
But we sow seeds to see us through
'Cause sometimes dreams just don't come true
Look now at what they've done to you

White needle's buried in the red
The engine roars and then it gives
But never dies
'Cause we don't live We just survive
On the scraps that you throw away

I won't crawl on my knees for you
I won't believe the lies that hide the truth
I won't sweat one more drop for you
'Cause we are the rust upon your gears
We are the insect in your ears
We crawl We crawl We crawl... all over you

We sow the seeds to see us through
Our days are precious and so few
We all reap what we are due
Under this sky no longer blue
We bring the dawn long overdue
We crawl We crawl We crawl... all over you

21.) What color resembled 'Passion', to you? Why?

Color and passion dont seem to be in the same sentence. Ever. What kind of question is this? ...I guess it would have to be red. Its the color you think of when you think, "hot" or "fire" Passion is hot, and fire is hot. So red works.

22.) What gets you hot? Why?

What gets me hot? Do you mean what gets my dick up? Dont be so shy. Women with big boobs, of course. But lately i've been fancying men. Shy, timid men. Boys actually. Since they should be younger. Glasses are a big turn on, but i can do without them. Hell, i dont wear glasses, and I am a walking sex magnet.

23.) If I walked into your bedroom right now, what may I see?

Pictures of naked women, famous rock bands, A lot of the color black, and yellows, as well as underdressed men.

24.) You like TV, huh? What is your favorite Movie? How about Anime? Why?

Yeah sure I like T.V. I dont watch much. How could I? I always have something better, like screwing someone, to do. However on the off chance that I want to spend the day alone, and not pleasure those pitiful humans, I have programmed my TiVo to record several shows. I know, they are made by humans but even a god gets bored and watches T.V. What are they might you ask? Well since there is quite a few i will just give the titles. Criminal Minds, CSI (all of them), Castle, Law & Order(all of them), NCIS, Bones, Body of Proof. Get my drift? Detective work? Murders. Though it's T.V the people obviously deserved to die and the killers deserve to be put in jail.

25.) How would you Impress someone you like?

I don't Impress people. They have to impress me. All i do is bat my eyelashes and people come running.

So begins...

Callisto Galen's Story


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Callisto Galen

With a final glare around the room, his room, he hoisted the suitcase from the floor, and walked out, slamming the door behind him, taking silent satisfaction as the noise echoed around the house.

ā€œI-Io!ā€ he heard his little sister, Lily, shout for his twin brother.

Shut up you devil brat-child he snapped at her, in his head of course. He kept walking until he reached the front door, where his guitar was, leaning proudly against the wall.

ā€œCal?ā€ Narrowing his blue eyes his head whipped around, his hair flying in a halo around him, and glared at his brother. He stared him down, not exactly an invitation to go on, but he was still standing there, giving Io time to speak whatever the fuck he wanted to.

ā€œCal, Iā€™m sorry it came to thisā€¦if I could I would take back all that time. I-I wouldā€¦ā€ Io trailed off with a long sigh.

Fiveā€¦fourā€¦threeā€¦.two-one. Timeā€™s up brother.

With a snort, he motioned back up the staircase, ā€œLily wants you.ā€ He growled out darkly before wrenching the door open, walking out, and slamming it closed behind him.

He walked bristly to the bus stop, not even looking at the place he dared to call his home for 17 years. Piece of shit if you ask him. When he reached the stop, Callisto put both bags on the ground and fixed his hair, pulling the long locks into a high ponytail that reached his waist. Which is pretty damn long.

As he was standing there, he took one last look at the scene in front of him before remember that he had an Ipod. Go figure.

Reaching into his black leather pants, Callisto pulls out an Itouch with a black case, with the back of it having a large image of a skull. While skulls werenā€™t his favorite, they didnā€™t have one with a Chinese dragon on there. So he made due.

Blasting his music, he waited not so patiently for the bus. If he didnā€™t have said music, Cal would probably cussing out the bus driver and the world of humans itself for making a godly being like him wait.

ā€œWhere to, Mister?ā€ the bus driver said to him as soon as Cal stepped in.

Flicking his bangs out of his face, he gave the driver a cool look, ā€œCurious Academy.ā€ He all but snapped at the man, startling him.

The driver had a quick comeback though. Laughing he looked Cal up and down, ā€œYou? Are you that-ā€ he didnā€™t finish because in mere seconds Callisto had dropped his suitcase and firmly gripped the manā€™s throat, glaring daggers at him.

After a few long seconds, Cal let go, picked up his bag, and moved to the back of the bus, not saying a single word.

Needless to say, the driver didnā€™t say anything else to him. Smart of his, donā€™t you think?

- - -

Stepping off the bus, Cal didnā€™t say a single thank you. Instead he shot a glare at the driver and flipped him off as he waltz off, his hair swaying behind him.

As the bus drove away, Cal took a small moment to look at the place he was going to live for a while.
Curious Academy. Though he wasnā€™t thrilled that it was a school that was made purely for the reason of setting people up, he half wondered if another godly being would manage to find their way here as well, where they would be paired and live a simple life. Where they didnā€™t talk. Or so Cal could dream.

With his moment of standing like an idiot now over, Cal made his way into the school, wandering as he tried to find the office. Well it wasnā€™t ā€˜wanderingā€™, but more of checking the school out.

Once bored, Cal strode over to the front office and stared at the lady behind the desk.

ā€œUmā€¦yes? Can I help you?ā€ she said with a nervous smile. She looked young enoughā€¦maybeā€¦he could if he used some charmā€¦

Looking as if he was blinking off confusion, Cal smiled warmly at her, and raised his hand to sweep those annoying strands of hair out of his face, ā€œOh, excuse my rudeness. Iā€™m Callisto Galen. I would like to-ā€

shove a flower down your throat and watch you choke as I laugh in glee

ā€œ-have my room number and my class list. Please.ā€ He managed to get out, making it look as natural as he possibly could without faltering.

With a blush dusting her check, the lady nodded and hurried to get his stuff together, ā€œMr. Galen, it seems like your roommate is already there,ā€ she said sweetly as she handed him his needed materials, ā€œIf you would like, I could escortā€¦..ā€

Now that he had what he came for, he gave a cold glare toward the lady and walked off, not bothering to answer her. Or stay until she finished.

His normal scowl and irritated expression returned as he made his way toward his room. Roommate? The fucking hell? He was a godly being and no other human should be allowed to room with him. Fuck his school. He hated it already.

When he reached his room, he unlocked it and threw the door open, and barely managed to get inside before it bounced off the wall and slammed closed.

With long and graceful strides, Callisto dumped his stuff next to the unoccupied bed and turned to glare at his roommate.

Short white hair was the first thing he noticed. The second were the bright green eyes staring back at him. He held that gaze for a few seconds before letting his eyes roam over the rest of his body. Suit and tie, shortish, or at least shorter than his 5ā€™11 self.

Midget he thought with a quirk of his lips and a snort.

Though on the bright side, Cal mused as he sat down on his bed, and began to take out his ponytail, at least he doesnā€™t look like heā€™s the type to go bouncing off the fucking walls and talk to me.

He shook his hair out and gracefully managed to flop onto the bed, rolling onto this stomach and closing his eyes.

On the nightstand the file of his soulmate, and his class list remained untouched.