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Sen Ueno

"I'll just follow along in case you need me."

0 · 417 views · located in Fujioka Galar

a character in “What Draws You In”, as played by Zalgo


Name: Sen Ueno

Age: 29

Gender: Male

Type: Stranded

Theme Song:Shangri La - The Monks


Not the strongest in willpower.

He's a follower, never the leader. He likes to help out but when the spotlights on him he's a fish out of water. When he's alone and he lacks either a command or a routine to follow he'll simply seek someone out so that he can be led. He taught himself to simply enjoy leaving control of his life in the hands of others in order to cope with the absence of authority he had in making his own decisions. He's made a sort of personal philosophy based upon understanding the joy of simplicity, of doing what he is told rather than try and change it and wind up venturing into the unknown. If all he was ever supposed to know was what he was told he was supposed to know, so be it.

He can be a nervous guy in general. As is to be expected of someone who's had all desire to stand up for himself worn away he is easily frightened. He much prefers what is familiar. Any deviation from what is considered normal makes him wary. When given instruction he will force himself to overcome his fears in order to do what has to be done. The more reasonable the command, the better he triumphs over his own fears to do it.

His lack of willpower and general cowardice is made up for by his intelligence. He can be fairly smart both academically and practically though his specialty is mathematics. Having been trained his whole life to take over the family store he's had business managing skills almost literally beaten into his head. He does enjoy more academic pursuits simply due to the fact that he's good at it, better than he is with physical activities.



Sen's life was a tough one. Though it wasn't difficult as some it was challenging in it's own way.

You see, all his life he's been told what to do. Wake up, get dressed, go to school, go to cram school, do homework, study for tomorrow's lessons, sleep, repeat until terminus ad quem. Every day the same routine was mapped out for him, not a single hour left unaccounted for. Even for the time he wasn't forced to attend school, holidays and such, his parents were never short of jobs that needed doing. It was down to the point where he counted himself lucky to have a second of freedom.

He had studied so hard and for so long that his eyes were beginning to strain. Turns out he was a bit near sighted thus prompting him to wear glasses whenever he studied which was all the time. It was around this point that he started to lose his sense of control over his life, that he was a gear in a great machine. In order to cope with the reality of his situation he began to see the commands from figures of authority as his purpose, his reason to be. The world was a machine and he was a cog, his only purpose being to turn in sequence with everyone else.

Little else could be said about a life as pale and listless as his. After much hard work he finally acquired his diploma in management. He inherited the family business, a convenience store, and spent all his hours managing the store. He went about looking over expenses, checking the stock and other such time absorbing tasks. By this point one might think he'd of earned the chance to do what he wants to do. It was much to late for him now though. He had grown to fear independence. Whenever he had free time he'd simply go back over all the details in his store to ensure everything was working properly. After all, this store was the culmination of all his efforts. It would be irresponsible of him to slack off and let his prize deteriorate for even a moment. Sure, it may have cost him the loss of all possibility at any social or even romantic aspects in his life but surely this was worth it... Right?

Recently his mother had fallen ill and had to be hospitalized. It was another chore in his list of things to get done, visiting his mother in the hospital in case she needed him to do something. Because the retirement home she was in was in a different city he needed to drive there.

Other Information:

Roleplay Sample:

Sen was driving down the highway, the only sight ahead through the thick shroud of night being the small patch of road his headlights illuminated. He was listening to the news on the radio as he passed a road sign reading 'Next gas station: 50 miles'. "Heavy showers with possibility of lightning are expected tonight" The man on the radio announced. Sen sighed at the redundancy of it as rain beat down against the windshield in a heavy torrent. Little much else was said that really caught his attention.

He was jarred out of his almost hypnotic melancholy when his car started to stall. Just like his driving instructor told him he slowed down and parked along the side of the road before switching on his hazard lights. The hazard lights didn't help much though as they shortly flickered out after he parked. "What the heck's going on?" He asked no one in particular, looking to his dashboard lights to see if there was an indication towards what the problem might of been. The indicator for the battery flashed red. Turns out when he had stopped to eat at the fast food restaurant just by the gas station about twenty five miles down the road he had left his lights on, running the battery on the car low.

Well, this is just great He internalized his dialogue. He was quite displeased with this quite severe interruption to his schedule. His mother was sick and in the hospital, he needed to see her. He couldn't take to long with this and that since he needed to see her so he could get back and check on his store as well. The longer he left the store closed the more money he was losing and the business was already in a bad patch ever since the mega-mart had opened up near the neighborhood it was situated in.

He peered through the rain-swept windows of his car, the windshield wipers being about the only part of the car still functioning. There were no cars passing along this road meaning he was out of luck in trying to get some help that way. He could always call a tow-truck but he loathed to shell out the money for one. As there seemed to be no hope of anyone passing he resorted to dialing the number for the tow-truck company. His phone rang but there was no connection. Now this was worrying him. He didn't know why his phone wasn't receiving any signal. There could of been several reasons but none of them would be available knowledge to him right now. Stuck in quite the pickle he sat in his car, not even able to step outside and stretch his legs without getting drenched by the pouring rain.

Crack! Boom!

The sound of lightning striking nearby startled the poor man. The sound of thunder sent chills up his spine. In that flash of lightning however he did see what appeared to be the outline of a building in the distance. How fortunate! He thought. I'll just head on over and ask someone for help there!

He was definitely reluctant to step outside but the idea of being able to see his mother and his beloved store soon pushed him forward. Taking the newspaper he had in the car he dashed out from his vehicle. Though in a hurry he was never in too much of a hurry to shut and lock his doors, the car giving an affirmative beep as it responded to the electronic key of his. He sprinted through the rain up the somewhat slippery path towards the building with due hasted. Due to his heedless need for speed he did not get a good look at the building as he approached the front doors...

So begins...

Sen Ueno's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sen Ueno
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zalgo
Sen turned the handle and opened the front door, a gust of dust catching in his breath. He coughed and hacked a bit from the harsh particles in his air. His constitution wasn't sterling. It took him a good minute before he finally cleared his throat enough to speak. "Hello! Anyone here!?" He called out, his voice echoing down the various hallways which branched off from the reception area. Though he could still hear his voice repeating the message in returning echoes there wasn't another soul,
or at least as far as he could see.

"Abandoned. I should of known I'd have the luck to be stranded near an empty building of all places. No, nothing like a cafe or a gas station or even a farm." He griped, his body rather soaked from the rain outside. He set the soggy newspaper he used to shield himself from the rain down squarely next to the entrance doorway. It was not that he intended on picking the mess back up on his way out, he was just particular when it came to orderliness. He put his hands in his pockets and started looking around since he figured himself alone.

He came up to the front desk. Looking at the surroundings the building definitely looked as though it had seen better days. What caught his eyes was an old call bell sitting on the desk. He wondered if it actually still worked considering the undetermined length of time this place has been left to age so poorly.

Ring! Ring!

He smiled at the novel chime of the bell, still able to ring despite the dilapidation around it. "Looks like something survived whatever disaster struck this place." He thought out loud. He gave the bell another couple rings and then again. He probably shouldn't of been so easily amused by it but considering he was all alone here he needed something, anything really, to keep his mind off the shivers which was starting to creep up his body. The cold wet clothes loosely clinging to his body were quite cold and not getting any warmer. He took his time to ring the bell for a bit, it's delightful little tone carrying well into the building.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ayase Kaminaga Character Portrait: Sen Ueno Character Portrait: Amagase Ryuko Character Portrait: Rachel Jones
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0.00 INK

Ayase sat alone in the bar for a while, waiting for the two groups to come back. Misano and Elixabeth haven't reported yet, so far while Rachel and Ryuko are nowhere to be seen. An outside downpour dimmed the entire place into an eerie gray. Suffice to say, the atmosphere wasn't helping calm Ayase's already shaken nerves.

"Aahh! Damn it! Where are those kids?" She walked out of the bar, shining her light around the place, hoping to alert the others that she has already moved out. She was on her way to the sauna when she heard a bell ring.

Ring! Ring!

Now, two thoughts rushed into Ayase's mind as she heard the sound. It could either be another person, who has entered this forsaken building or it could be the ghosts of the place, haunting her. Both thoughts were entertaining, so to say but as a journalist, she kind of knows that there is a logical explanation for each phenomena. But there are also two routes that she can take. She can either wait for the rest of the kids to come back, or she can face whoever is ringing the bell herself. She toyed with the idea for a bit as she stood by the doorway that connects the showers to the main lobby.

"Come on, Ayase. You're twenty-four years old and you know karate so, what could possibly go wrong? Oh wait, the dude may have a gun... then you're screwed."

Fighting back her fears, she finally decided to reveal herself to whoever was waiting outside. "Well, I've lived a pretty fulfilled and enthusiastic life until now. There is no shame if ever I meet my end in this place. If I have to throw away my life in the face of a menace then so be it! Death is not the end of life, but rather, the completion of it..." As she walked calmly outside, what she saw was no menace. He didn't even seem like a vandal, much less a robber or a kidnapper. She sighed in relief. "Well, so much for the unnecessary drama...", she thought, scratching her head as she lowered her guard.

She called out to him to get his attention. "Hey! What are you doing in this place? Are you lost Mister?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ayase Kaminaga Character Portrait: Sen Ueno
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zalgo
"Hey! What are you doing in this place? Are you lost Mister?"

He immediately perked up upon hearing somebody else's voice. He was previously under the impression that there was likely not a single person in the whole building. "Oh! Hello!" He responded in a happy tone, genuinely pleased to see someone.

He was quickly making his way over to her when he saw something out of the corner of his eye which put a big damper on his mood. A skeleton dressed as the greeter lay in a crumpled head just beneath the desk, cobwebs hanging from it's dusty bones. It appeared that she, the gender being indicative judging from the skirt and female specific shirt, was hiding under the desk upon death as she was curled up in the fetal position. His smile quickly turned to a look of horror and then over to a nervous smile as he looked back over to the stranger who had called out to him.

He walked on over to her with much less spring to his step than before. Once in talking range he bowed most formally to her. "Hello. My name is Sen Ueno. I am wondering if you drove here by car or perhaps bike. You see, my car's battery has died so I'm kind of stranded here unless I can get it running." He explained his situation to her as calmly as he could. He tried to keep eye contact but the place really got to his nerves causing him to look over his shoulder more times than would be normal.

"Where is here anyways? I wasn't aware this place had quite the history it seems to have." He really did wonder where here even was. The corpse did scare him a little, the possibility of danger coming to mind. It was really odd too, the bodies laying around like so. Someone should of picked up the bodies by now, even if it is just the police. This isn't normal...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ayase Kaminaga Character Portrait: Sen Ueno Character Portrait: Rachel Jones
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0.00 INK

Ring! Ring!

Rachel heard a distant tone of a bell. "Do you here that bell?" She asked Ryuko "Let's go!" She added and bolted towards the main lobby. It probably was the old call bell she'd seen on the receptionist's desk, but to her ears it sounded like a fire alarm.

It was a bit rude, but she didn't even check if Ryuko was following her. She was just running not caring about how loud her boots are. She had quickly passed the kitchen and appeared at the entrance to the main lobby. There was Ayase standing in front of a man, who was... bowing in front of her talking about a car and asking about this place.

When the two looked at her - well... they MUST have heard her steps she thought it was a time to say something. "H... khy!... Hi, I'm Rachel Jones, and... we're wondering around this place trying to figure out what's going on here" She stated with a smile.

Not knowing what to say more she looked down at the tops of her boots. She noticed and remembered herself about a towel she held in her hand. She lifted her hand up, attempting to say something about shower rooms...

The setting changes from Main Lobby to Fujioka Galar


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ayase Kaminaga Character Portrait: Sen Ueno Character Portrait: Amagase Ryuko Character Portrait: Rachel Jones
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0.00 INK

"Stranded eh? Must be because of the sudden downpour..."

Ayase heard Ryuko and Rachel approaching from the shower rooms. She turned back to the man who introduced himself as Sen Ueno and answered back.

"Sadly no. I came here on a long twenty minute walk from where the last vehicle I took dropped me off." She tried to recall all the things she rode in but decided against it since she'll only feel more tired. "I don't know about these other guys though." She said, glancing at the newly arrived people.

She noticed his uneasiness as he stood in that place. Well, of course! Who wouldn't be unnerved at the sight of all these corpses, skeletons and whatnot. "At least you didn't see that cockroach infested one..." Ayase walked closer. "Unnerving eh? I'm a journalist by trade and I'm here to investigate what caused this infrastructure to suddenly collapse. We haven't made much headway though, so I'm tagging along with these people. Name's Ayase. Kaminaga Ayase." She extended her hand to greet the stranded guy.

The setting changes from Fujioka Galar to Main Lobby


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ayase Kaminaga Character Portrait: Sen Ueno Character Portrait: Amagase Ryuko Character Portrait: Rachel Jones
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zalgo
"H... khy!... Hi, I'm Rachel Jones, and... we're wondering around this place trying to figure out what's going on here"

Another girl had emerged from the halls and greeted him. She seemed to be a bit reserved, something rather understandable as he wasn't the most bold individual himself. It was a little odd that she was holding a towel but nothing he was particularly driven to ask about. In fact, the towel could prove to be handy considering his rain dampened apparel. "Hello Rachel.
I am Sen Ueno. It is good to meet you." He introduced himself to her as well to be polite. Right now even though his clothes were a bit wet this wasn't all too bad. The company was quite welcoming even if the environment wasn't.

"Sadly no. I came here on a long twenty minute walk from where the last vehicle I took dropped me off."

Not the answer he was hoping for. "I don't know about these other guys though." Her words mirrored his thoughts.
He did wonder if anyone else came here by something with a battery to help him out with.

"Unnerving eh? I'm a journalist by trade and I'm here to investigate what caused this infrastructure to suddenly collapse. We haven't made much headway though, so I'm tagging along with these people. Name's Ayase. Kaminaga Ayase."

He reached out and shook her hand. "Good to meet you Ayase." He was happy to at least be shaking hands with someone.
The fact she came here to investigate the place was quite interesting. He would never of even considered coming here which made her somewhat bold choice of location impressive, at least to him. "This place is definitely unnerving. I don't suppose that unless someone you're with happens to have a battery I can charge my car with I could tag along with you people for now?"
He asked with some concern in his voice. In a place as unnerving and dismal as this one was he definitely did not want to be alone here. He figured he could ask whoever else she's with if they have anything they could help him with. Still, even the thought of being stuck here while everyone else fanned out without him sent a few chills up his spine.
It simply couldn't be helped.

"Oh, also if it is alright may I borrow your towel?" He asked Rachel for the towel she was carrying. As he was feeling right then the whole area seemed quite frigid since the water was leeching what little warmth he still had.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ayase Kaminaga Character Portrait: Sen Ueno Character Portrait: Amagase Ryuko Character Portrait: Rachel Jones
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0.00 INK

Rachel smiled back to Sen, as he greeted her. She wanted to tell about the shower rooms, but the man and Ayase were talking to each other.

She didn't know what to say when Sen asked her about the towel.

"It's not... not mine... I... I guess so" she answered when she realized the man really needed it. 'He must have been caught by the rain I escaped' Girl thought. "...but wait a second, please" she added and walked towards Ayase. She showed her the towel and a sign printed on it. "We've been to shower rooms." Rachel started talking. "We found nothing there, but the corpse of a poor maid and the towels in one of the cupboards. Look at it. There's a sign, probably a hotel logo..." Girl handed over the towel to Ayase.

"But the most interesting thing was that the place is so clean... Beside the corpse that is. It seemed that the place had not changed for the last 20 years. There was some cocrete dust on the floor, but it really makes an impression!"

As Ayase was checking out the towel Rachel added: "I think he needs it more than we do" She pointed her head towards Sen "if you want to check it more, Ryuko's got the spare one."

The setting changes from Main Lobby to Fujioka Galar


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ayase Kaminaga Character Portrait: Sen Ueno Character Portrait: Amagase Ryuko Character Portrait: Rachel Jones
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0.00 INK

Ayase found the towel rather interesting. It was still clean; an indication that it hadn't been used and was well preserved as time passed. The logo was a bit faded but still readable. It was the logo of Fujioka Galar that she had seen almost twenty years ago when she first heard of this place. She handed it over to Sen to dry himself, lest he catches a cold.

"Well, aside from the logo, nothing much could point why this place shut down. After my own investigation and your own, I think the clean spots and the dirty spots vary within this hotel, depending on how people died or how it was affected by whatever caused this place to shut down." Ayase replied, remembering the cockroaches and the body she saw.

Scanning the place a bit more, she saw the elevators and headed there. It obviously wasn't working but she wanted to check it out anyway. There were two of them, possibly so that they have more means of transporting people around. Peeking at the small opening, she saw that both cabs were on the floor they were at, meaning that people may have used it to escape during the calamity.

"Maybe some survived the incident after all. I should have just set up an appointment with them in that case. Though, I suppose it would be hard to find them now."

Wanting to find out more, she called the others to her side and pointed to the elevators. She asked Ryuko to help her open her side and Sen and Rachel to open the other cab.

"Let's check what's inside here. Maybe a poor bellboy got stuck here and he's carrying around some batteries. Who knows but at least the possibility is there right?" As she gripped on to her side of the door, she can already see that her chosen cab was very dirty and there are some things hanging on the ceiling.