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Douglas Quinne

"You're right I'm not human, I'm so much more."

0 · 255 views · located in New Boston

a character in “What Is Human?”, as played by TheFlag



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Name: Image
Douglas Quinne

Johnathan Hobble, Mind Kill

Age: 22


Moderate Threat

Known Affiliations: Minor ties to the Priory of the Free Mind

Appearance: Douglas' appearance varies most of the time but this is what he originally looked like; Douglas is a slender figure, he has a lean build and looks relatively thin, his body seems to possess a lean musculature. Douglas himself is quite muscled it just appears to be a more subtle aspect of his look. Douglas stands at 5"11 and weighs approximately 165lbs. Douglas' skin is clear and a drab olive which is a lighter shade covers his skin, he appears a darker pale which is very smooth and clear, no markings apart from a few blemishes around his body.

Douglas' facial features are stern and quite gaunt, his cheeks are shallow giving his cheekbones a thin appearance this also molds the rest of his face, making his jaw thin but still rather large which in makes his face appear narrow. Douglas' mouth is thin and pursed into a constant frown or grin, the lips themselves are rather puffed out and thick. Douglas' nose is narrow and thin, it goes alone in a straight line and then ends, comparable to a slide, the nostrils are thin and meet the rest of his nose completely giving Douglas a small triangle-shaped of a nose. Douglas' facial features together are narrow and defined, this makes him appear aloof and very serious and sometimes even sinister. Douglas' hair is thick, the strands and hairs themselves stick together and branch off into individual paths, this makes it very unmanageable but it's also smooth and quite soft, his hair comes down to his neck. The color of Douglas' hair is a dark auburn like color. The last noticeable facial feature, is of course Douglas' eyes, they're a light hazel color, they are very soft and focused.

Criminal Record:
Several accounts of assault, several counts of breaking and entering, several counts of homicide, distributing Government secrets, possesses ties to the Priory.

Equipment Proficiencies:
Possesses basic mechanical understanding and a familiarity with machinery, specializing in big machines such as cars. Crack shot with a rifle has little training in this area and is mostly his own experience firing a rifle. Is more than familiar with melee weapons, possessing some degrees of proficiency, prefers big blunt, long weapons. Recently has developed proficiency in infiltration.

-Surprisingly a skilled pianist, mostly a result from lessons from a childhood long forgotten.
-Excels at complicated logical puzzles.
-Quite handy with a wrench, especially on big machines.
-Possesses the fortitude and strength to excel at physical combat, although not formally trained he does know how to throw a punch or two as well as being able to soak up a beating.
-Minor experience with guns, mostly rifles.
-Technical aptitude, has a penchant for computers and is skilled at programming in a list of languages. Able to understand most computers and find a way to get around them.
-Infiltration, can act different parts and look completely inconspicuous.

Psi Level: 6

Known Abilities:


Subject can mentally broadcast and transmit his thoughts to people in a forty foot radius. Subject can make his thoughts sound in-distinguishable from other people's thoughts, allowing him to subconsciously manipulate them. People affected act no different but the more extreme the thought the less chance it has to take hold; an example would be telling someone to go to sleep, they would probably do it because it doesn't sound outlandish, but asking someone to kill another for no reason would probably make the person question it and thus destroy the thought in turn.

With more concentration the subject can transmit more complex thoughts; images, urges, objects. Effectively allowing the subject to conjure an illusion to multiple people. The complexity of the illusion varies, if he simply wanted a car to speed by it'd be quite simple because not much detail is needed, a person speeding by however would require more detail; a face, clothes, emotions it'd be harder to fool. He can however do it, effectively making everyone in the radius see it. When focusing on a smaller group or one person however, the illusion scale goes up and he can conjure bigger events. The illusions work much better subtly, if people believe what they are seeing is real it gives the subject more power, however if they realize it's an illusion they'll soon lose their effectiveness.

Mind reading
An offset of subject's telepathy. Subject can read the thoughts of multiple individuals, only getting base impulses, words and images from the people around him without the people's knowledge or consent, It is known that the subject can read the thoughts most prevalent on the person's mind with ease, able to do so with multiple people. Subject can read the thoughts of many people with minimal effort, the thoughts being something akin to voices in a room, sometimes overlapping each other. Subject if focuses can read deeper into people's mind and look for particular things: their deeper feelings, memories and their very identity can be found out. Reading a person like this takes more effort than simply looking at the surface thoughts, as he penetrates the person's consciousness to do so.

When reading individual minds, subject demonstrates a stronger aptitude, able to handle and manage it easier. Thus when focusing on one person subject can read their more easily and gather the information from their mind more quickly. Subject can if he concentrates relive a target's memories, their thoughts and feelings at the time, when doing this subject may notice details that the target missed.

Mind walking
Considered the final extreme in the subject's mind abilities, this ability allows the subject to pull his consciousness into another's mind. Subject can only do this ability on one individual at a time, when doing so his body loses consciousness and there is little neurological activity in his brain; heart rate drops below fifty and body's internal temperature drops to sixty degrees. Entering another psyche the subject can recall their memories and skills perfectly. While with mind reading he'll be able to find a person's drives, motivations but he won't always understand it, in their mind he understands them perfectly because he is a part of the person, he'll be able to empathize with them and truly understand them and their nature.

The subject can remain in the subconscious of the person, allowing him to remain dormant or he can actively attempt to usurp the current mind. Depending on the individual strength of the mind he either succeeds or gets subdued. If he succeeds he gains control over the person's body and their abilities, while the host's mind is usually deported into the subconscious. When the subject's mind is inside a person he can peer outside their eyes, or he can wander their mind freely.

Subject has to have eye contact with the mind he wants to venture inside, subject can also not stray too far from his body, he can only go 200 meters away from his body at current time. If he tries to go further it could cause intense, traumatic damage to the mind. Subject's mind is also extremely vulnerable inside another, he can easily be influenced by the minds he has been inside, usually having their quirks for awhile, meaning he is susceptible to change while inside the mind of another. If the mind becomes aware of him the subconscious usually tries to deal with him, eg: deporting him into the host's traumatic memories or fabricating nightmarish dream-like situations. If he fails to escape it could result in a complete destruction of his psyche leaving his body a catatonic mess. Subject however usually emerges with skills from previous minds he has been inside, though these are temporary like the memories, they fade along with the host's personality quirks.


Molecular Disintegration
Subject possesses the ability to make molecules lose their cohesion and in essence to simply come apart, the result of this effect is that whatever's been targeted simply collapses into dust. Subject demonstrates a range of twelve foot and the effect appears to be triggered instantaneously. Subject's ability can disintegrate whole objects but that method appears to exhaust him quickly, subject instead wields the ability more precisely, disintegrating specific parts of the object to induce instability, eg: a integral part of a structure in order to cause collapse. The ability has shown to be lethal to organic matter, subject targets essential parts of the body and disintegrates it, eg: the place where a person's heart should be. Subject lacks fine control with this ability, he cannot simply draw a line and have that disintegrate it appears much more clumsy.

Biological Alteration
Subject has to ability to alter the biology of himself and those around him. It is theorized that the subject uses psionics to alter each individual cell inside his body, augmenting them with psionic energy and then using the psionic energy to change his whole cellular structure. Thus allowing the subject to alter biological functions, subject can change a multitude of things about himself; height, build, eye colour, facial structure and size. Simply put subject can change his appearance, the change of appearance has to be of similar size and consisting of the same gender. If other people meet this criteria then the subject can effectively assume their form, down to their voice. The psionic energy animating the cells soon begins to drain and his cellular structure reverts back to his own, meaning the subject can only stay in form for so long before he reverts back to normal.

Altering his biology the subject can also make changes, eg: a more dense muscular system, making him stronger, or he could speed up the division of red blood cells making him heal faster. The subject can only have the psionics energizing his cells to do one thing, so he could either be in a different form or become stronger, he can't have both. The same rules apply and the change usually wears off. The subject can also alter another's biology simply by touching them, it basically works the same way. Time it takes for an alteration to wear off usually takes an hour before the psionic energy exhausts itself, for the subject however it can be extended into three hours before he completely exhausts himself. To be able to alter another's biology he has to be able to touch an organic part of them.


Subject demonstrates the ability to move objects with his mind, this ability is considered the subject's weakest ability. He is only able to pick up singular objects weighing approximately 10lbs, it requires a large amount of the subject's effort. The subject can only move objects for a few minutes before it exhausts himself. Tests concluded that the subject could catch a tennis ball with his mind and throw it back with a similar amount of force. The range of the ability appears to be 22 feet.

Minor Precognition
Subject has demonstrated the ability to peer into the future, the distance varies between a day and a week. The visions are often unreliable and have no context. Though the ability is there the subject cannot trigger it at will. The visions usually manifest themselves randomly and spontaneously, the vision accuracy has shown a 55% accuracy rating but are not flawless and can turn out wrong.

Subject is massively telepathic, he relies on his mind and the information people give him. Subjects abilities make him a skilled information gatherer and infiltrator, able to take on the appearance of anyone and peer into the mind of others, thus making him able to adjust himself to the person's expectations of that person. If more severe infiltrating is required subject could attempt to take over the mind of someone and have access to all their memories. This alone makes the subject a threat.

Subject has evaded authorities for so long by himself by being able to change his appearance, like a chameleon in a different environment. He doesn't have to worry about people singling him out because he can become a part of the crowd and disappear. Subjects psionic power set is deadly at close range, able to dissipate people themselves or their heart or brain, subject's threat drops at long range however, subject is not a reliable in precognition. If found apprehension should be done at long range, outside the range of his mental abilities and quickly. If drawn into a long fight subject has a chance to get away.

Personality: The person that is Douglas Quinne is quite the enigma, the subject demonstrates an aptitude and foremost concern for his own well being, he brushes off the suffering of others and is almost completely oblivious towards it, frequent tests however could not diagnose him as a sociopath or psychopathic individual. We have thought that the subject could suffer from a spectrum of autism as it would fit the fact that he is disconnected from the people around him, but the subject appears fully comfortable and aware around others, being able to read expressions and social cues masterfully. Subject however has killed, it is unknown if he feels remorse or regret.

The subject appears to be quite narcissistic, he often views himself as above others, eg: he's not one of the crowd he's different, special and as such he is an exception to the rules. He views himself above most things, strange however that although he places himself above society he acts rather humble around people, often talking politely and clearly. Although insults or stinging criticism usually elicits a flash of anger from him he can contain it, while positive responses have had an overall more positive response from him. Subject's sensitive response to criticism could be an indicator of a avoidance of socialization as subject demonstrates a dissatisfaction with humanity. In this it is concluded that the subject has delusions of grandiose.

He appears to hide behind a veil of sophistication and style, the way he moves and walks and talks are confident and deliberate, each action appears to have some sort of purpose. Subject talks politely and possesses a very fluid, charismatic way of speaking. He is able to construct his points in a coherent fashion and appears for the most part quite intelligent. Though this could be a facade that supports his delusions of grandiose. It has been noted that the subject remains calm under pressure, thinking logically of how to resolve most situations.

Subject appears to be prone to fits of rage and violence if provoked, the subject doesn't appear actually angry until he's preforming the action.
What provokes these fits of rage is unclear but the outbursts appear psychotic. The subject appears to enjoy violence greatly, it is unknown if the subject enjoys the pain of others or the simple chaos. Regardless after the act the subject responds in indifference towards it, though has sometimes felt guilty.

Subject's profile has for the most part been quite inconsistent, his personality tends to fluctuate and the only true thing we can say about him is that he is impulsive, hard to predict and dangerous.

Role in story:
Douglas is something akin to someone trying to survive in the world, someone who doesn't really believe in a plight of struggle for freedom, he believes in evolution and power, those who wield more power should be in control. Psi are simply the next step in a long road. Having grown tired under Psi-CON's regime Douglas defected and through skill remained largely independent although he has made some connections to the Priory to ensure his survival.

Douglas was born in 2011 to a Derick and Anna Quinne, whom were positively delighted upon his birth. Douglas was raised for the first six years of his life in Chicago, where he lived in a delightful neighborhood full of good people. It was suburban bliss, where the sun shined and bad days were like bad dreams, always fleeting. Douglas' parents both worked but they somehow managed to always have some time for him, despite the fact that he was used to spending days with babysitters and nannies. Douglas' parents valued his education and made sure he always kept his brain sharp and open, indeed it was his Mother who had taught him to use the piano. Throughout the first six years of Douglas' life it was largely pleasant, he had education, friends and a family that loved him. It wasn't until the Dawning that the life he knew went to hell.

Although Douglas and his family weren't located near any Falling Stars, the amount of refugees that came to Illinois that day still sends shivers down Douglas' spine. At the time the Dawning occured Douglas was outside at the time the Psionic resonance covered the Earth, playing in the local park while his Mother watched from a nearby bench. It remains hazy as he was only six at the time but he remembers his mother pulling him, where they both ran home. The day was followed inside, attempted phone call to relatives, trying to watch the news but the phones weren't working and the TV wasn't either.

It wasn't until a few days later that Douglas had been told that 45% of the entire world's population had perished, including his Parent's family. Then the sudden influx of refugees turned Chicago into a war ground. People forced to resort to crime, no jobs, people were starving. Society had disappeared and the world became a darker place for it. It was at this time that Douglas' hazy childlike perspective began to drop, he became a much more troubled child through these events. Through these events Douglas' family remained resilient, they held onto what they had and because of that they rarely suffered.

After society had finally been reinstated in Chicago, life seemed to resume and everything was almost back to normal apart from the fact that the economy had completely been obliterated, the gaps between the rich and poor seemed to widen. Although life never went back to what it used to be, it was progress. Everything seemed to resume except Douglas' family now struggled with money, it wasn't much but sometimes they had to go without electricity and gas. His mother often told him that this was temporary to soothe him, that soon things would be like they used too.

Douglas grew resentful, how his pristine little life had been snatched away from him so quickly he hardly had a chance to say goodbye. He ended up projecting that hate ironically onto the Psi, it was their fault for the Dawning he thought, which was ironic considering the fact that he himself was a Psi, he just didn't know at that point. His abilities started to manifest at the age of his early 14's, he at first could hear things, feel things; urges, emotions and images and finally stray thoughts. When he had finally managed to gain conscious control over it, Douglas realized what he was and funnily enough his entire outlook changed completely. No longer did he blame the Psi and the prejudice he felt against them simply disappeared because he himself was one.

The end result of Douglas being a Psi led to a streak of hubris developing, he felt chosen, exclusive among normal people, he surpassed normal people and could do things they dreamed of. For the next four years Douglas used his powers flippantly, he'd peer into the minds of passersby and sometimes use his abilities to get his own way. No longer was there a lack of money in Douglas' house, he simply went out and using his ablities procured some. The result of Douglas using his powers were of course heavy... he had attracted the knowledge of Psi-CON.

In the end he couldn't have avoided their knowledge forever, upon exiting from school one evening he was apprehended by Psi-CON and detained. Douglas at the time of sixteen was diagnosed as a level 5 and thus was prepared to be moved to a larger containment facility. Fortunately for Douglas they underestimated him, after hearing stories about what Psi-CON did to others like himself he was more scared of what would happen if he stayed, rather than if he attempted to escape. At night through intense exertion of his abilities, Douglas erased several of the walls allowing him to escape to the outside world.

The sixteen year old, terrified ran home to his family, wishing and wanting them to tell him that it was all alright, they turned him away; the family that had always loved him and held him disowned him because he was a Psi. In the end his own family ended up trying to return him back which resulted in the accidental murder of both his parents. In fear and panic he realized he had to get away, he bundled some clothes and shamefully took his recently-deceased parent' money and stuffed it into a bag and ran. He ran as fast as he could and didn't look back, trying to forget the betrayal of his parents and forget them completely.

Psi-CON attempted to find him, but by the time they got there it was too late, they found both of his parents dead, multiple lacerations at the skin, their blood drained onto the floor. They set in pursuit, trying to find him but by then Douglas was being cautious, he read every mind he walked past and resembled a completely different person. Through this Douglas escaped.

Drifting town to town, Douglas became a wanderer, a vagrant. Never staying too long in case Psi-CON might suddenly catch on, he stayed out of his own form, preferring to take on the mask of another, feeling safer. Douglas' time alone no doubt affected him, left with the memories of murdering his parents he chew on it bitterly, through that Douglas' developed into a much darker, sinister person. He had no trouble with using and abusing people to get what he wanted.

Douglas spent four years doing this routine, he kept on the move and changed his face from town to town. In the end however Douglas finally let his guard down, seeing as it had been four years since his families demise. He entered the city of New Boston as himself, finally deciding to move on and attempt to build a life for himself. As an unregistered Psi it was easy to blend in, nobody question him because they thought he was normal like them. Although Douglas lived in the slums of New Boston like everybody else, he was treated human and that was enough for him. The result of living in a Slum of course was getting to know several other Psi. He even managed to befriend a young telekinetic girl, whom lived outside the apartment block, she often went hungry but Douglas took sympathy on her, he kept her fed.

Then Psi-CON showed up... apparently clamping down. The entire apartment block was raided and all the Psi, including the little girl were about to be detained. Douglas completely lost his cool, the sight of hopeless injustice caused his blood to boil. He wasn't thinking clearly when he had done it but he grabbed hold of the two nearest cop and caused the marrow in their bones to spike, just like he did with his parents. They both fell to the floor dead, while the other cops went berserk, calling for backup. Mostly due to luck Douglas managed to escape, through a window funnily enough. He then watched from the apartment occasionally hearing gunshots. Douglas had hoped that the people inside weren't dead but ultimately was too afraid to go back there.

From that point on Douglas decided no more, he wasn't budging from this spot. Douglas in anger proceeded to stalk and kill three other MD's in the same fashion as before, it became somewhat of an modus operandi for him. In the end Douglas found himself feeling empty... the result of his actions simply got him notice as a dangerous Psi who had killed. Feeling dissatisfied Douglas began infiltrating Psi-CON operations, he'd simply wander through the streets, looking for particular people aligned with Psi-CON. If they were he'd stalk them and try to take them consciousness over. Most of the time he succeeded. Successfully managing to infiltrate and gather information on Psi-CON. This is where Douglas gained his connection to the Priory, he at first gave them information as he readily infiltrated Psi-CON operations, figuring they could do more with it then he could. Gaining connections to the Priory was simply ensuring that he had help if anything came along he couldn't handle. Douglas at the moment remains at large in the city.

RP Sample:

Light shone through the the bars on the ceiling, the light was artificial because another ceiling accompanied the one above the bars. The sound of water running through pipes could be heard with the sound of water constantly dripping. The concrete walls were moist and the place appeared flooded, the room was small and square like, a small narrow passage leading out. The place was an abandoned section of the sewer of course, it was a little too close too the Graveyard and people didn't like that. Douglas trailed down the small passage, his legs making it through the water. Douglas dragged a chair behind him, it had a man tied firmly tied onto it with a culmination of rope and duct tape. The passage was narrow forcing him to scrape the chair along the walls with effort.

As he placed the chair in the center of the room he put a hand to his forehead and exhaled, his eyes peered over towards the man tied to the chair, clad in an expensive suit, his face marked with new welts and bruises that he had caused in subduing him. Normally Douglas would simply hit them behind the head and it'd be lights out, this one however had gone awry and the man had become aware and attempted to fight him off, needless to say Douglas had managed to beat him down successfully. Though it had almost attracted him attention and that was the least thing he wanted now. Then it was a simple manner of getting inside the nearest sewer where he had everything prepared.

Looking towards the man he felt an indifference, he was going to mentally absorb his memories and then assume his form, then what lay waiting for the man was his eventual death. He had to take his place completely, from his quirks, memories and drives, he had to become him and the only reason the man was still alive was to serve as a template, so Douglas could assume his shape and in case he forgot what he looked like he could venture down and take a quick look at him. When the need of him disappeared he would be disposed of; Not in an act of hate or rage but survival, it was only a plus that the man was almost equally as monstrous as Douglas himself.

The man stirred, moved a little and then his eyes fluttered open, he struggled harshly against his restraints, shouting at the top of his lungs "Help! Somebody!" It was only after a couple of minutes that Douglas stepped from the shadows and revealed his presence. The sound of water being splashed caught the man's attention, "Wh- who is that!" He shouted.

Douglas stepped forward in front of the chair, "It's me." He announced somewhat casually, his gaze now taking in the man's expressions, he was panicked, scared. That was good, it would make this all that much quicker.

The man rocked back and forward on the chair, still struggling. Pointless of course, Douglas had ensured that their was no possibility of escape. The man then proceeded to hit him with a barrage of questions, "Where am I? Who are you? What do you want?" Douglas rolled his eyes, it was always like this, Douglas almost had a speech he could recall by heart.

"Well... we are currently in an abandoned part of the sewer, near the Graveyard naturally. I am Douglas and what I want is your mind," He said the words slowly and deliberately, watching the effect they had on the man. He appeared terrified and resumed screaming, he almost knocked the chair over had Douglas not steadied it with his hand. The fear clouded the man's mind, lowering his defenses, it was here Douglas began reading his thoughts, digging deeper into the man, who he was, his memories and drives.

He winced as an image floated by of a child holding a dead animal, looking up towards a woman, crying. A memory of the man's childhood he supposed, he pushed on, sifting through the man's memories and essentially who he was. All the while the man remained oblivious to what he was doing, tugging his restraints. Douglas found out that the man had kept tabs on people, candidates who were suspected of developing psionic powers. He then stopped quickly, abruptly, his mind no longer scanning the man. As Douglas became the focuses the man seemed to have calmed down a bit, it was time to freak him out again he supposed.

Pulling up the man's sleeve, much to the man's confusion, Douglas gripped the man's bare wrist, upon contact he felt energy pass through the man and then himself. "What are you doing!? Stop!" The man screamed not in pain so much as surprise. Douglas' skin rippled as he gripped the wrist tighter, a few seconds passed and Douglas let go, now he looked exactly like the man, he had successfully assumed his form. The man gasped and resumed screaming, from which Douglas tired brought his fist down upon the man's right cheek.

"Be silent." He commanded, transmitting the thought to the man as well, he whimpered but no longer did he scream. Douglas turned away from the figure, he was now Matthew Parker, not him. He had work to do, information to gather. Douglas headed towards the narrow passage from which he entered.

He was stopped by the sudden, shrill voice of the original Matthew, "Where are you going?" His voice was panicky.

Douglas' head turned vaguely looking at Matthew, his voice replicated the same tone, accent and arrogance and confidence the man had demonstrated earlier, "I'm going home of course, see my sweet wife and get a change of clothes." He smiled and once resumed walking down the passage.

"You bastard!" He heard the man scream, "Leave my family! Get back here!" Douglas kept walking, a smile plastered upon his face as the man's screams turned into echoes. He'd be back for him once his job was done and there would be not mercy of sympathy.

Password: Deifier

So begins...

Douglas Quinne's Story


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#, as written by TheFlag
Watching from a distance Douglas winced as he saw a metal bat come into collision with a young teenager's face, a combination of blood and saliva exited the teenager's mouth. Drawn to the the parking lot because of the spectacle Douglas found himself staying for the end result. There was a group of teenagers of course, beating on the freak but only in numbers, afraid of a one on one confrontation Douglas imagined. One of them were holding a girl back, Douglas had managed to gather that they thought the poor wretch having his teeth removed had bewitched the girl with a simple scan of their minds. Watching as the young man introduced his face to the curb Douglas remained hidden, away from the streetlight the teenager's were near, hidden behind the wreck of a ruined car, its red paint rusted thoroughly. Douglas to ensure they did not spot him had sent each of them thoughts that he was not there, even if they had looked directly at him their brains would not register him.

Each time the teenager attempted to stand he was met with a swift punch in the jaw by the bat-wielding assailant. His hands slid down the base of the bat until he had it into a proper swing position, "Last chance, shit-stain! What'd you do to her? Or do I gotta use this a few times?" He said seemingly empathizing the bat. A numb feeling had spread over Douglas as he began to probe more deeply into the bat-wielder's mind, aggression was the most prominent thing inside his mind added with surges of violence and a righteous fury, Douglas looked towards the ground disgusted, not because of the man's actions but because he believed in what he was doing. It made Douglas sick and filled him with a similar fury but he managed to hold onto his composure, he continued to watch.

Retching on the floor the boy spat out the contents of his mouth, blood with a mixture of teeth Douglas supposed though he was too far to see the contents. "Fuck you, Mike! I didn't do shit! I can't even do that kinda shit anyway! It's on my fucking school she-Gagh!" The boy was met with another hit with the bat, this one directed towards his spine, a kick to the gut followed for good measure, gotta tenderize the meat after all, soften it up Douglas supposed.

Rolling the battered individual onto his back the assailant gave him a look of contempt, "Don't even try that bullshit on me, John. I know you freaks can get all kindsa fucked up powers in between your check-ups. So what was it? Some mind control telepathic bullshit? Huh?! Hey, answer me you little fag!" Despite having never been to a check-up before Douglas knew powers could spike, it had happened to him a few times. He already knew that the boy had not however developed any new abilities but they didn't know that, so persecute away.

Trapped in internal thought what happened next drew shock from Douglas, as another blow from the bat came down something seemed to happen, Douglas couldn't precisely say what but the next thing he knew the bat-guy was kneeling over hand on his right ankle, screaming in pain. The overall sight was amusing and caused a grin to break out over Douglas' face as he observed silently. As the rest of the gang moved it the boy snatched the bat from his assaulter and began swinging wildly, Douglas watched each hit, with every one he hit it seemed to effect two of the gang. One of his abilities Douglas nodded, already knowing this, silently applauding the boy's efforts. The gang seemed to back off, getting the message.

"Huh... perhaps this'll have a happy ending after all," Douglas dubiously muttered to himself. Still clinging the bat he cautiously stepped towards the girl, whom the gang members near her had backed off. Unfortunately for Romeo it appeared that the leader had recovered, he then went on to pull out a small 32. caliber revolver from his shirt. Douglas' brow furrowed and the well of anger inside himself frothed over. In an instant Douglas' hand craned forward and focused on he gun and the teenager's arm, through a combination of anger and concentration the gun snapped toward's the teenager's head along with his arm... just then the gun fired. The corpse of the teenager feel to the ground, a small bullet hole where his eye should be, blood oozing out.

Douglas smiled as his anger and self-righteous fury turned to satisfaction, Douglas was doubtful that he'd be able to due that with telekinesis but the now deceased teenager didn't seem to be expecting a bullet to the head. Wiping the sweat off of his brow Douglas' gaze returned to the situation before him. The shot had caused all of them to recoil in shock, in those seconds that followed the silence went to panic. The members of the gang were quick to blame the boy for mind-controlling him to kill himself, the girl hiding behind him. Both of them ran, a few of the gang members followed while the rest stayed with the corpse.

Knowing what he had done Douglas remained indifferent, the boy would be wanted for murder and subsequently hunted and probably killed. All in all though Douglas had rid the world of a piece of filth, he could no longer harm another; he had also given the boy a slim chance, he could have let the boy die but Douglas chose to let him live to fight another day, although he had condemned him to a life on the run he was still alive and for that he should be grateful.

Giving the scene one last look he turned, pulling his hood up he began walking away from the parking lot, he could hear sirens in the distance meaning it was definitely time to vacate the premises. Overall that went rather well; no one saw him, he had managed to frame the murder on another and he knew he would get away with it consequence free. Deciding it would be best to head back towards his hideout and rest for the night he set off with purpose.