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Analiese St. Claires

"Dumbass,you know there's a difference between middle class city girl and a poor redneck,right? Or is that just how stupid you are for a spoiled brat?"

0 · 563 views · located in Beverly Hills,California

a character in “What Would You Do As a Billionaire?”, originally authored by .euphoria., as played by RolePlayGateway


Analiese Natashia St. Claires





Love Interest?

Exchange Student

Analiese is a free thing,out-spoken girl who will teelyou the traight up truth no matter how much it will hurt you. She is sarcastic and a smartass at times,always givng a little sass to adults and to a few guys. She does have a flirty side but she doesn't mean to,when she's around a cute guy it just comes out. Most girls think she's just a bitch trying to take their boyfriend or crush which isn't the case what so ever,she is a sweet trustworthy girl who cares about boundries and the people in her life. With that said she is protective and can become a bit oppersing but then again remember that onl shows she cares about you. If you give her a reason to hate watch out,she's clever and sly as a fox. She knows how to sneak under anyone's radar that BAM,her revengeful side comes out.

Mother Or Mama-Rosalina St. Claires
Father-Divorced,Nathan Gomez
19 year old brother-Alexander St. Claires
Her older brother who is 17,Nicholas St. Claire
Adopted Sister who is 4-Lily "Chang" St.Claires

These Siblings live with their dad in Nevada
Her younger(yes younger) sister who is 15,Abigail Gomez
Her younger Brother who is 14,Austin Gomez
The Baby who is 6,Johnathan

  • Snobs
    One Night Stands
    People Who Like The Red Soxs
    Rap,Country,and Gospel Music
    Whining Girls
    Bitching Girls
    Immature People
    BEVERLY HELLS....I mean Hills
    People Who Yell When They Don't Get Their Way

  • Music
    The Yankees
    Playing Piano
    Singing (Her Singing Voice
    Her Family
    Her Life
    Her Friends
    Her Jobs At Hot Topic And Hollister
    Adventure Time and Regular Show
    Dancing Like An Idiot W/ Friends

Appearance is Description
Standing at 5'6,Analiese weights only around 108 pounds. Her hair is naturally chestnut brown but three years ago dyed it to it's ruby red color. She has a heart shaped face that has two hazel green eyes right in the middle. She has olive colored skin that turns paler in the cold. Her lips are a bit full for her liking and her nose is like a small button. The best thing about her is her body,she has a flat stomach with a slight curve in her hips.

Her style is a bit here,there,and everywhere. One day she could be wearing ahoodie and ultra skinny jeans and the next day she could be showing off her legs,in a knee high skirt. It depends on her mood that day and how lzy she is that earlier night. But,no matter what she wears she always has the perfect most random accessory,that just make up ask where in Hell she got that from. She loves hats any type but manly beanies and her black bowler hat. But out of all her items in her small sliding closet,her favorite thing would be her three different colored mustache rings.

Theme Song
Good Charlotte-I Don't Wanna Be In Love
We Are Young-Fun

Born to a average middle class family,Analiese was the middle child of six and the only girl. She was born a raised in Indianapolis and lived in the nice part of the city. At the age of 11,her father cheated on her mother with her own sister. They got a divorce and the three oldest aka her brother Alexander,herself,and her older brother Nicholas. Getting seerated from her younger siblings,something inside of Ana just left her. She began to get more into art and singing. When her brother Alexander moved out to go to Yale for busness on full scholarship,her mother adopted a girl from Souht Korea named Hyoyoen Chang but they change her name to Lily St. Claires when she came to America.

When she turned 15 she dyed her hair ruby slipper red just so she could stand out from everyone else in her family. Also at this age she met her frist boyfriend,Zayn. They went out for a while when finally know....slept together. After that she found out he was cheating on her with her own cousin,Alexa,who is now having their baby. (Karma's a bitch). But anyway,her mother who right now about to get remarried signed her up for this program to show her what could be her's someday if she works hard enough in her singing and dancing career. Hopefully,while she's in California she'll be discovered,then finally she'll be able to move out if the small state of Indiana and go to Los Angeles then be able to give her family the life they deserve to have.


She has three tattoos,1 2 3



When She was Younger

So begins...

Analiese St. Claires's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Analiese St. Claires Character Portrait: Alexander Gaberiel  Terrence
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Analiese St. Claires

In Indianapolis
Analise woke up at five a.m in the morning,to get ready for her flight. She walks to her small nearly empty sliding closet. he grabbed the outfit she already picked out the night before. She slipped on her blue converse not really wanting to suffer five hours on a flight in heels,she exhaled as she packed her forth bag,knowing she didn't need so much luggage but her mother insisted to bring extra just in case. She just rolled her eyes and did what she was told,like always. She walked out her medium size room,with her two brothers helping her with her bags. As they made there way downstairs,Ana could fee herself getting even more nervous,I mean she's never been more than two weeks away from her family and now it was going to be three months with complete strangers in Beverly Hills....alone. She grabed her blue wooden guitar and slipped it in it's blac case. Slinging it around her shoulder,she walked out her front door and into her mom's used white range rover.

As they got to the airport,Analiese hugged her adopted sister,Lily for the last time before hugging her brothers,Alexander and Nick.She walked into the airport alone,knowing if her family came in she burst out crying. She waved good bye as she went throught luggage check.

Noon,Beverly Hills,California
Getting off the plane,Analise had her white earbuds in her periced ear. She walked down the stairs to grab her bags. After a few minutes,she sees her four purple bags and her guitar case come out. She smiles grabbing them all before someone else did. She sat down in one of the chairs at LAX,before reacing in her bag to see the name of her host family. "Hm,Alexander...Terrence. A guy.....great." She kept looking at the name making sure that it was completely true. She sighed,bent down to tie her shoes and got back up seeing a man holding up a sign with her name on it.

She walked up to the older looking man and showed him that she was really who she said she was. He grabbed two of her bags leading her out to a limo. "Wow,a limo." She was absolutly impressed,never in her life has she been anywhere near a limo. She put her bags in the back before heading in the back seat. She moved around the limo,looking at all the cool gadgets and gizmos. She grabbed a monster energy drinks out of the mini fridge as the car started to move. She pulled out her phone calling her mom,just getting voicemail.She sighed and just left a message,"Hey mom,um it's me I just wanted to tell you that I got here safely and i'll call you later. Alright love ya,bye." She hung up just as the rolled up to a huge house,her mouth dropped open as the gates opened up. As they pulled to a stop,Analiese undid her seatbeat and got out the car. She grabbed her guitar out the car and just waited as the driver got all her stuff out the car. "Thank you sir." She added a smile waiting for someone to allow her in to their home.God,I feel out of place. With my old stupid converse and my my cheap ring. I hope they aren't to judgemental,but this is California. She fixed her gray beanie trying to no look so out of place.

OCC:I Never good with first post,sorry about that but anyway,all the exchange students get a limo to their host family's house. Host familys are below the roles.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Analiese St. Claires Character Portrait: Alexander Gaberiel  Terrence
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He barely noticed the girl that stepped out of the limo due to his attention on his hair and his flawless skin and pink lips. He was wearing a button down shirt today in the color red with black skinny jeans that hang below his butt and some casual shoes, nothing much. His parents were nagging him to be nice, and all this other crap that really.. he didn't give a horses arse about. He fiddled the ends of his blonde wavy hair. His eyes finally glanced over at the girl, 5 seconds passed by. He was in shock.. her parents let her out the house looking like that. She smiled and said a pleasant ''Hi'' before pulling out a less than decent hand, he knew right then that this girl was a red-neck no matter where she claimed to be from she still had the rusty , cold, rough.. destroyed hands that they all have. He smacked his teeth and rudely said "You expect me to touch that?''.

He watched her in awe and he knew he was going to send this one back to the farm she came fro,, he pulled out his small mirror once more and played around with his hair.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Analiese St. Claires Character Portrait: Alexander Gaberiel  Terrence
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Analiese St. Claires

As Ana saw someone come out,she smiled showing off her straight white teeth. As he walked up to her she gave him a friendly,"Hi." Before reaching her hand out to shake,she expected him to shake back but all he did was say,"You expect me to touch that?''She bit her lipand pulled her hand back. She looked at them seeing if anything was on them,nothing. Nothing at all except for the tattoos on her wrist. "I....guess not." She cleard her throat looked at her converse before speaking again,"Any who,I'm Analiese St. Claires and i'm guess you you're the......nice teen i'll be shadowing for the next three months?" She exhaled not wanting to make a bad impression even through he did,but it was his house. She messed with the ends of her ruby red hair,knowing if he didn't even shake her hand,it mant he was going to say something about her hair color or why she talked so funny.

Analiese grabed her two carry on bags and set them on top of her rolling bags before looking at Alexander again. So,do you mind showing me to my room or am I suppost to use my 'red neck' insticts to follow the stars and do it? You know since i'm from Indiana." She didn't mean for that to come out but no matter how nice she told her mom she would be,once you disrespected her then she'll fight back. Also,her little accent came out a bit,it made her blush alittle knowing it was a bit laughable. She smirked at him and tilted her head letting her straight hair fall to one side.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Analiese St. Claires Character Portrait: Alexander Gaberiel  Terrence
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He glared at her as she stated her name like he didn't already know that. He rolled his eyes and casually says " I really don't care who you are and what heck you do. Listen here is my rules. Don't effing talk to me, don't touch me and NEVER ever in your life come into my room and if you do little country girl am going to literally drag you by your red hair and kill you." He stated. He then turned around and sprouted a smile.."Don't you want to know where your room is?" he asked as he lead her through a small hallway and in front of a white door. He opened the door and it revealed a closet and he smiled. "There's your room enjoy" he said before going into another door and leaving her stranded in the huge mansion.

Obviously that he had no respect for Ana, or whatever her name is.
But he didn't leave her in the middle of nowhere the room next to the closet was her room, that was all set up for her.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Analiese St. Claires Character Portrait: Alexander Gaberiel  Terrence
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She scoffed as he said his rules,but laughed at the last one. As he turned around,she rolled her green eyes before grabbing her bags,following him inside. Looking around his house,her mouth dropped open at all the expensive pieces of furinature they had. As he showed her to her "room",she let out a shallow laugh. "There's your room enjoy" As he left her she flicked him off before speaking,"Aw,you think you're going to get rid of me that easly,that's cute. But,don't give your sweet little hopes up,i'm not easy to get rid of." She smirked and knew this couldn't be her room. As a sevant passed her she asked where her real room was. He sweetly escorted her next door,she said thank you as she watched him walk away. She grabbed her bags and looked around the room,feeling completely out of place. She dropped her bags on the queen size bed,unzipping both of them. "Stupid son of a bitch,I didn't say anything disrespectful to him." She said under her breath outting her clothes away in the drawners.

She pulled out a picture of her whold family and put it on the nightstand,she exhaled. "This guy,doesn't know how lucky he is." She rolls her eyes before grabbing her bag and going outside her door. She looked around before walking towards the living room. Dhe honestly had no idea what to do seeing school was tomarrow but honestly she knew she wasn't going to be around Alexander seeing that he didn't want her here anymore than she wanted to be there but there was no way in hell she would let him win.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Analiese St. Claires Character Portrait: Alexander Gaberiel  Terrence
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He sat upon his bed thinking doubtfully. He might have come on too strong. He was a bit rude...well..he was very rude, the type of rudeness his father would scold him for and remove his belongings from his hands. He bit his lower lip walking back and forth upon the wooden floor of his large room. He sat on his soft king sized bed, thinking maybe he should apologize to her for hurting her feelings. But then again, he's never said sorry before to anyone..much less a stranger. The scent of cinnamon filled the house. The girl she smelled like cinnamon.
