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Hanajima Sulfuria

A victorian-goth girl who is obssessed with light and wishes to help others. Can be rather peculier and quirky at times. Is 14 and part witch.

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a character in “When Night Falls, We Awake”, as played by triston001


A 14 year old girl with light hair that goes slightly farther down than her shoulder, with pale white, thin skin, soft features, light blue eyes that sometimes changes to a sea-foam green during the spring and summer, and 5"4' picturing an elegant aristrocrat that favors victorian-gothic style fashion and clothes.
The shifted form has prickly, white coloured hair, with sea-green eyes and a more masculine body form.
She has the scar of her wolf attack on her leg, and tries hiding by wearing more lengthy skirts.


a young lady, with an air of regality with her usage of spicing up her sentences with big words, upper-class manners, and Victorian-goth clothes. is usually happy and out-going unless faced with malevalence, in which case is usually quite and in deep thought or whipping out savagly.


a small shoulder bag containing some food, a book of small spells, some viles containing various brews, and a picture of her mother. Uses Shurikans and an enchanted dagger as her weapons, and is known to use a shotgun if she can get her hands on one.


Hanajima grew up in a house with loving parents that always pushed her towards books and knowledge when she started to become interested in the arcane and mystic arts. As Hana-san grew up, she started to practice the mystic arts and one day went up a mountain one night to pluck a special lunar flower that blossoms only on a full moon (as said by science) for her brewing. she had never truly believe about were-wolfs until she saw one up on that mountain and was attacked and only managed to fend it off after being biten and scratched. later she found out she was never the same again and pledged to not to become currupt and find a way to undo this "curse". Lately it was found out she is part witch and was cursed by one aswell and becomes a sadistic savage if in extreme anxiety and anger because of the curse.

So begins...

Hanajima Sulfuria's Story


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Character Portrait: Akime Anne Clearwater Black Cat Character Portrait: Hanajima Sulfuria
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Hanajima Sulfuria walked over and looks at the people.
"Hello, what's happening over here? Oh! I almost forgot, My name is Hanajima Sulfuria, but you can just refer to me as Hana,"
Hana looks towards Akime "hmm... you look very familiar to me, have we ever met before?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Iruka Character Portrait: Hanajima Sulfuria Character Portrait: Dioda von DeathRose
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Hana woke up from her nap before the morning came and looked at the clock, then went to the window and stared out of it...
"will someone ever be attracted to someone like...this?" she said quitly to herself,
"ofcourse no one would be...why would anyone be? im just so peculier and different from everyone," as she said this a tear started to well up in her eye.
"ugh...i am so lonely that im even holding a conversation with myself." after she had said this she felt like she would rather walk in the forest, hiding herself, then stay in her house alone. She walked downstairs and wore her black scarf and light coat and started heading towards the forest. As she was right at the edge of the forest, Hana could make out two figures a bit of ways from her and tried to see what they were upto. "looks like its just a couple talking..." she wispered to herself. Hana turned away and then proceeded into the forest without looking back. -sigh-


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Character Portrait: Hanajima Sulfuria
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Hana walked some around the forest looking at various plants and ingredients. "hmmm, maybe i can concoct some an extraordinary batch of brew line with these ingredients in the...interesting...forest." as she said this, hana started to pick the petals and buds and leaves from various trees, flowers, and vegetation. "Indeed, I am already becoming quite inquisitive about the effects of these new potions...i think i will probably name them my Aura Brews line of potions...yes." Hana said as she started walking back to her house. She stops abruptly. " gonna need someone to test them for me...but who?" She said to herself while thinking of the people she knew and the people she had just met. She entered her house and went directly into her basement, where she usually practiced her brewing of various potions, drinks, and other consumables. She first started with a blend of nightshade, a bottle of etheric matter , roots, and a secret blend of herbs and ingredients. "hmmmm...the first out of my 5 potions are done, now to test this one..." She said as a smile of pride curled on her lips. She went upstairs and dialed Akime's phone number, and waited for a response...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akime Anne Clearwater Black Cat Character Portrait: Hanajima Sulfuria
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((sorry jess! been unable to use the computer lately))
Hana spoke back into the phone after breaking out of her zoning, "Oh, my apologies if I interuppted something! I was calling to see if you would be interested in testing my newest brew: Aura Potions, there are 7 in the set, and im inquisitive about the effects of said potions. There not fatal, i assure you, at most they will be incovienent. Is it okay if i bring you my first brew? I'm hoping the effect will be as i predicted." Hana waited for the response she hoped for.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akime Anne Clearwater Black Cat Character Portrait: Blake Dawn Character Portrait: Hanajima Sulfuria
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(( Whoops sorry i didnt see your post Tornado epic fail. And itz cool Triston ^^ Just call me Angel here or Nightmaric....itz bad business to use my real name. lol... ))

Iruka nodded "Sorry U was taken aback by your beauty." He said and followed after her his eyes and smile mischievous and flirty.

Oh, my apologies if I interuppted something! I was calling to see if you would be interested in testing my newest brew: Aura Potions, there are 7 in the set, and im inquisitive about the effects of said potions. There not fatal, i assure you, at most they will be incovienent. Is it okay if i bring you my first brew? I'm hoping the effect will be as i predicted.Hana waited for the response she hoped for.
Akime flushed as she heard Hana's voice coming from her pocket. "My apologies I thought my cell was turned off." She bowed apolitically.

"Hey son who's the girl?" Blakes father asked
AKime blushed crimson.

[b"]This is Akime, a friend from school and some where else, sit down."[/b]
Akime stood awkwardly by his side debating wither to run or stay. She wanted to run. But she stayed.

"what did you do now?" Blakes mom chirped
Akime blushed more and looked away not knowing what to say or do.

"Well this is hard so I'm just going to say it. I'm a were wolf, they exsist and the Vampires, they exist too are trying to kill us." Blake said motioning towards Akime. Akime had to admire his bluntness. She moved by his side.

I'm just going to say it. I'm a were wolf, they exsist and the Vampires, they exist too are trying to kill us." Blake said motioning towards Akime. Blakes parents laughed. "Thats why I've been gone so often." Blake took his shirt off and took his phoen out and turned lycan with his grey and black coat with white dots. "Believe me now?" Blake said to their shocked face Akime took a deep breath "Here goes everything." She said and took out her phone and took off her purse and shifted into her auburn with a vanilla colored unbelly wolf self. "If they don't hate me yet they will now." She thought to Phoenix.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Iruka Character Portrait: Blake Dawn Character Portrait: Hanajima Sulfuria
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Hana replies to blake, "um, well the glowing is the side-effect, but im currently having akime test my 7 potions, with this being for today. but according to my work on the potions it shouldnt have much side-effects, but my best guess would be at most a stomach ache, nausea, and fatigue. I could guess this could be used as a party brew, plus no one would get hurt since it creates a protective shield. hmmmmm..." Hana reaches in here purse and find she have 5 spares, and hands one to blake to have. She then notices the two people in the forest, as her sight was still good from a potion she took last week, which she wondered if it would ever wear-off. "is....Iruka........naked!?" hana said as she started blushing.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akime Anne Clearwater Black Cat Character Portrait: Blake Dawn Character Portrait: Hanajima Sulfuria
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Hana had ran to her house in beast form as fast as she could to get her brews so she could fight smart, she had a huge stock of all the potions she would need for this moment and had take the lots of them with her. She then drank a speed potion that she perfected to near teleportation (she can get anywhere a normal wolf could, but instantaneously. She then drank the clouded minds potion that make her produce a gas arouhnd her that causes people to get confusion and not be able to see her clearly like she is a transparent ghost. She also had packed the shield potions incase she might need them. She then used the eagle sight potion she had from the past potion she drank and proceeded to get to akime. Hana had "teleported" to blake and grabed him while she continued to flash step to Akime. She and Blake now stood over akime, with hana having a glint in her eye, as if something inside her snapped after seeing akime just taken like that. "Blake, drink these potions, NOW" hana demanded. 4 potions appeared in Blakes instantly. Hana looked around "who are you people?...doesnt matter, you wont know me long enough for it to matter, blake fend them off, ima quickly get akime out of here" Hana spoke with a speed that it almost all slurred together. in 2 seconds Akime had disappeared and so did Hana. She wasn't going to let anything happen to her, expeciialy not to some dick von' douches she hasn't met before.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Iruka Character Portrait: Blake Dawn Character Portrait: Hanajima Sulfuria Character Portrait: Dioda von DeathRose
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Hana had took enough and snapped back "YOU SHALL NOT DARE!" Her usual hair colour had changed into a deep red and her eye's did as well, the witches curse she once took had now been put into effect, and Hana had mockingly grinned back at vinta with a ominous look. With in a second Hana flash-stepped and made blake, dioda, iruka, and herself appear outside of the ring, she also poured her 3 potions into the mouths of us so they would gain the effects of: Flash-stepping speed, vision sharper then an eagle's or vampire's, and the aura barriors (which surrounds the person with a shield of hardened, glowing aura so no one could be bitten atleast). Hana then stuffed the note into her purse that she read so she could analyze it later. "guys, lets kills these wanna-be assholes. I don't care how, just shred them limb-from-limb. This witchy wolf will make sure you don't see the peace of night again!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akime Anne Clearwater Black Cat Character Portrait: Blake Dawn Character Portrait: Hanajima Sulfuria Character Portrait: Tohrment Character Portrait: Vinta Rivers
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After hana had became opaque again she had quickly downed her Vapor potion and then hana started expanding while her individual particle brok loose and she became a gaseous form. it was unfortunate that she was unable to stay hidden while she became gaseous. "ta-ta for now Akime and other guy" Hana said with an airy voice. She then looked around and found no vent so she then dispersed completly and vanished from sight. with her individual particles she went through the walls and made her way to blakes room on accident. She reformed so she could see more clearly "oh hey blake, didnt mean to intrude" she said with her airy tone. she dispersed again and then phazed to tohr's room. she reformed again. "there you are tohr! im a gas now see :D!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akime Anne Clearwater Black Cat Character Portrait: Hanajima Sulfuria Character Portrait: Tohrment
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Hana had tried to wear her clothes as a gas, it was fairly simple as long as she focused on keeping her particles together. "would it really be too aweful?"
hana had whispered to Akime via particle mouth ((lol)) "i couldn't have had the time to transform safely without you, but dont worry, i think if i go into vinta as a gas i can possess him like a ghost, but scientifically :D"


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Character Portrait: Hanajima Sulfuria
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Character Portrait: Hanajima Sulfuria
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Character Portrait: Hanajima Sulfuria
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The sounds of the bell and his phrase was a clue


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Character Portrait: Hanajima Sulfuria Character Portrait: Crona Sulfuria Character Portrait: Tohrment
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hana shattered into the window of his room and smashed into the wall. -FRUMP- "ooohh.....i needa worken on my....brakes heeheetee!" she said dazed by the slam.

Crona looked around the house. "ragnarok! what are we to do in a place like this? It's boring but im too scared to go outside..."