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Azzan Kam

CIA Counter-Terrorism Specialist

0 · 373 views · located in Interrogation Room

a character in “When the Lion Wakes”, as played by Tempest


At 30 years old Azzan is very typical of Israeli's whose families immigrated to the Holy Land in the years following the end of major Arab-Israeli conflict. Born Kent Kam in Halifax Canada, his family immigrated to Jerusalem when he was twelve years old, and that was 16 years ago. Naturally, he looks nothing like the conventional idea of a Jew. Standing just less than 6’3 he sports a massive blonde/red beard and shoulder length hair to go with it. In fact, with his rugby player build and mountain man appearance, he looks much like the typical Special Forces operative gone private sector. Sharp blue eyes betray intelligence well beyond that of your average commando. This is no man you would want to encounter in a dark back alley.


Azzan long ago stopped going out of his way to be a nice person. In fact, many times when told “that’s not nice” he will simply reply, “never said I was”. A deep believer in the idea Darwins Survival of the Fittest theory he believes that anyone who cannot survive on their own should be “put down”. The same goes for homosexuals, Arabs and Asians. Polite to a fault it is often mistaken for kindness and more then one young lady has attempted to take advantage of his good nature and soft manner only to find themselves quite suddenly without a relationship and mentally broken. His pursuit of women who have a similar attitude to him often leaves him even more angry then before.

Despite these very human characteristics there is something else beneath the layers of anger and racism. Azzan is a brilliant counter-terrorist operative. Able to think like them, act like them and understand their unbridled hate and motivation he can not only track and predict them but he can kill them, and kill them well. He speaks, reads and writes nine languages, English, French, Yiddish, Hebrew, Arabic, Russian, German, Spanish and Cantonese.


Mission Specific


Service Record:
Israeli Defense Force - 1996 - 2000
Mossad - 2000 - 2008
Central Intelligence Agency - 2008 - Present

So begins...

Azzan Kam's Story

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#, as written by Tempest
Oh hello

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#, as written by Tempest
USP Lee was silent this time of night, or rather, this time of morning. It was just past 3am when two black “Knight” armoured cars rolled to a halt in front of the gate. The guard, tired and nearing the end of his shift stepped forward to check the ID of the man driving the first vehicle. He snapped a salute almost at once.

“Colonel. Welcome to USP Lee.”

“Thank you Mr. Johnston,” replied the driver, eyes quickly taking in the mans name tag. “I am here to have Tahira Ali moved at once. Here are our orders.” He waved a folded paper in the guards face. Carefully puling it back a second before the other man would have reached for it.

“Of course sir!” Replied the prison employee as he picked up the phone next to him and spoke rapidly into it. A few seconds later the doors clicked, motors sounded and the gates rumbled open.

The two armoured cars rolled forward and into the main parking lot where they drew up in front of the foreboding looking entrance. Doors opened and six men stood on the tarmac, one in the uniform of a colonel, the rest all sergeants or lower in rank, the badge “Officer of Military Special Investigations” on their shoulders. One of the men, a thick set sergeant with a huge reddish beard remained with the vehicles while the others followed the Colonel inside.

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#, as written by Tempest
The "Colonel" shook the offered hand with a grin. "Morning actually Colonel. And yes, I have been ordered to move the prisoner Tahira Ali from here immediatly. Sorry I can't say where, classified, I'm sure you understand."

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#, as written by Tempest
"Of course warden, of course." Rapp drew the orders from his pocket and handed them over. They had been expertly forged by the CIA and bore the signature of the Assisstant Director of Counter-Intelligence, a man who even at this moment was being arrested in Washington.

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#, as written by Tempest
Rapp gave a shrug of the shoulders as to suggest he was not privy to such information. "I would like to know was much as you warden but on the need to know basis, I apparently didn't need to know."

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#, as written by Tempest
"Much obliged warden." Replied Rapp as he fell into step next to the older man, his security detail of four men following in their wake.

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#, as written by Tempest
As the Warden and the Colonel vanished around the corner the Sergeant who had waited outside entered the prison and moved quickly to the security station. The gaurds on duty gave hima glance but thought nothing of it, heads turning back to their card game, confident they could avoid detection with the Warden being away for the moment.

Azzan waited until one of them put down a winning hand and then very quietly ejected the security tapes from the wall behind him, using his body to sheild the motion. Each tmie he ejected one he would run a magnet above its reels. The tapes would be erased and completely useless. That wouldn't be noticed until the morning shoft arrived.

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#, as written by Tempest
Rapp grinned. "Don't worry warden. My CO is going to going to geta ll the heat he can manage. I assure you. Thank you for your co-operation." He nodded for the door to be opened and walked into the cell, banging loudly on the door. "Up and at em princess. Time to move!"

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#, as written by Tempest
Rapp looked at the prisoner with disgust. She was the very thing he and his fellow agents waged a secret war against in the Afghan mountains.

"Sergeant, cuffs." He stepped aside as a sergeant produced a pair of flexi-cuffs and secured the prisoners hands. "Good. Lets go."

Rapp led the way out of the cell and watched as his four men fell in around the prisoner before turning back to the Warden. "Thank you warden. Perhaps you would be so kind as to lead us back out of this maze?"

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#, as written by Tempest
Rapp heard the question come from the terrorist but he didn't bother to answer her. If he had his way she would have been in a CIA interrogation room for the past week already while he and few others squeezed everything she knew out of her until she knew no more, then a bullet to the head and it would be over. He noticed Azzan standing nearby and the man tipped him a wink.

"Warden, thank you for your help. Its been a pleasure to meet you. Until next time." Rapp winked at the other man's look of distress. "Just kidding I promise you. You wont be holding any more prisoners of this importance."

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#, as written by Tempest
The small group climbed into the Knight armoured trucks and the engines roared to life. Rapp waved once to the Warden as they pulled away, confident that the signed orders he had conveniently "forgotten" on a desk in the security room would protect the warden from any persecution but make the Assistant Director of Counter-Intelliegnce even more doomed. With a screech of rubber the two heavy vehicles turned left out of the prison gates and vanished into the pre-dawn light, navigating a random course through the quiet streets until arrival at a small heliport. There a single black Lynx helicopter with "Site-Seeing" across its flanks waited silently. Two men with sub-machine guns appeared from the shadows and after a quick discussion they exchanged places with Rapp and Azzan who hustled Ali aboard.

Azzan climbed into the pilots seat and started the aircraft, not bother to watch as the two trucks disappeared. The engines whirred to life and within minutes they were airborne. He did one quick circle to make sure everything was running properly then he dipped the nose and aimed for Colorado.

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#, as written by Tempest
The helicopter was on the verge of crossing into the Rockies when Rapp slipped a black bag over Ali's head. He didn't much care if she saw where they were going for she would never leave it alive but procedure had to be obeyed. As they crossed over the mountains and flew deeper into the heart of the silent giants he felt his gut tighten, within a few hours they would be learning the key to so many terrorist secrets it would keep him and Azzan busy for years to come. He felt the felt the helicopter start to drop and didn't need Azzan to tell him, they had arrived.

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#, as written by Tempest
The Lynx helicopter settled onto the narrow landing strip that looked out over the craggy mountains. AS the rotors wound down and the door was opened Rapp breathed deeply of the mountain air, the heavy scent of pine tree’s and the fresh clean air that bore no resemblance whatsoever to the city. In many ways it smelled just like Afghanistan. The vista below them spread out, the endless peaks of the Rocky Mountains vanishing beyond sight in every direction.

Behind him a metal door opened and aircrew appeared to take control of the helicopter as Rapp and Kam walked their bound and still hooded prisoner into the hanger. It had once been a Nuclear fallout shelter known only to a very few top government officials. Over the years it had been sold to a company that was a front for the CIA. It was virtually impossible to access by anything other then helicopter and was the most secure location Rapp knew of within the boundaries of the US. All the guards had been hand picked and were fanatical patriots. It was the perfect place to make Ali disappear.

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#, as written by Tempest
Again Rapp ignored the question, instead nodding in recognition to a thick set black man who was walking towards them. He halted a few paces away and looked the prisoner up and down.

“This is her huh?”

“Correct.” There were no names here. “In all her glory. Have you got a nice spot picked out for her?”

The big man grinned. “The very best. Follow me.” He turned and made his way towards an open elevator that looked as if it still ran on chains and a steam pump. The four climbed onto it and the black man hit a switch, somewhere an engine whirred and the elevator began to rise with a rattle of chains.

After a few minutes it stopped and with the welcoming agent in the lead they made their way past a guard station manned by two very alert looking young men who cradled sub-machine guns. They nodded familiarly to Kam and Rapp and glared balefully at the hooded woman.

“Here we are.” Said their escort as he stopped in front of a heavy steel door built right into the rock. “Open three.” He called and the door ground open to reveal a 6 by 6 cell. It was made from the stone of the mountain, a single narrow bed cut from one wall with a rubber mattress on it. A video camera was perched high in a corner, the rooms roof being nearly twelve feet in height.

Rapp pushed the prisoner into the cell and removed her handcuffs then backed away and watched the door closed on the hooded figure.

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#, as written by Tempest
Somewhere deeply in Langley a bored looknig desk agent glanced at the call coming in his line. For a few moments he was tempted to ignore it and let another agent deal with it but with a long suffering sigh he finally picked up the phone. "Central Intelligence. How may we svae the FBI today?"

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#, as written by Tempest
"A moment please Agent Schultz." The line went to hold before she could reply. The wait took nearly a minute before a voice came onto the other end. "This is Agent Blake, Counter-Terrorism. What can I do for your Agent Schultz?"

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#, as written by Tempest
"I wasn't aware she was missing." Came a somewhat surprsied reply. Last I heard she was in your custody.

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#, as written by Tempest
EDIT: "I wasn't aware she was missing." Came a somewhat surprsied reply. "Last I heard she was in your custody."

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#, as written by Tempest
"Hmmm. I'll put your through to Assisstant Director Swanson. He might know. Or,I would hope he knows otherwise I reckon its well above both our paygrades." Without a another word the phone went silent then began to ring. It rang ffour long times before a gruff voice on the other end came to life. "Agent Schultz! You never call, you never write, you never visit until something has gone wrong. What do you want?"

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#, as written by Tempest
"Haven't a clue what your talkign about. I have a note here thgouh, says I should put you on up." For thhe fourth time the line went silent. It didn't even ring this time before a woman picked up, the cold voice of the Director of the Central INtelligence Agency prcise over the phone. "Agent Schultz?"