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Wasalu Armando

"Let's see...Here's the World, The Fool, The Devil, the Tower... Heh, looks like you'll be reborn."

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a character in “When We Die”, as played by OrphicTrumpeter



Name: Wasalu Armando
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Are you past life aware?: He doesn't remember anything at all.

Role: Boy 4. An artistic and athletic type. He can sit and draw for hours by himself, but doesn't mind being around people as much as others would think, as he does well with team sports. He seems outgoing enough, but rarely deals with people unless it's absolutely necessary. One reoccurring issue he is always born with is an extreme case of dyslexia, often to the point of just plain refusal to read. It's a mystery how he passes his classes, But it's been determined that He's been having Boy 5 do his homework. Boy 5 is his best friend, actually, and he's often stepping in when the guy's being bullied... which happens a lot.


Relatively "outcast", Wasalu tends to stay away from other people for the most part. He's not unfriendly, but he can sometimes come across as aloof. When he's around people he knows, he's excitable. When he's apart from them, he's quiet. Wasalu can't decide whether he likes people's company or not-- he hates being with people and he hates being apart from them. It bothers him to no end.

Wasalu doesn't hide who or what he is, usually. He will mask when he's annoyed with the people around him, but for the most part Wasalu is an open book. Since he has no memories of his past life, he isn't all that bogged down with melancholy. He also doesn't have any physical recollection of what happened to him in past lives. When he grows angry, he paces. When he grows sad, he paints. He sketches in his sketchbook when he's not near paints. Wasalu's complete obliviousness makes him reject the notion that he's been reborn. He likes the idea of being reborn, however, and will joke about it from time to time, sometimes coming out as borderline cruel to those who do remember being reborn.

It isn't really important, but Wasalu likes Tarot. He will every now and then do spreads for his friends. Recently, they've all been getting bad spreads, though. He jokes about it often.

Wasalu likes to paint. His paintings grow more and more macabre the more lives he leads. They also tend to be abstract. Wasalu often paints with dark colors while staring at bright imagery, as though he's seeing something different than everyone else. When he's painting, he ignores everyone around him except Boy 5. His paintings might lead the others to think that he remembers things, but he has no memory of what happened. If shown pictures that his past selves has painted, he doesn't recognize them as his own and will pick apart the way it's painted as "proof".

Because he doesn't like reading, Wasalu thinks he's pretty stupid. He'll joke about having "non-selective selective dyslexia," and he'll often just skip English classes. He is somewhat good at math, but it takes him hours to complete math problems on his own and eventually he'll grow frustrated and go do other things. In school he's usually in some kind of trouble for ditching class. When Wasalu is forced to be in class, he pouts a lot and grumbles answers to questions. Most teachers give him the benefit of the doubt because his dyslexia is so severe. Wasalu is happiest if teachers let him sketch in class. It helps him to have things drawn out in pictures rather than written. He also learns best if Boy 5 is aiding him, but that might be because Boy 5 is just doing his work sometimes.

He swims athletically, but he doesn't practice much. He just swims to have something to do. Wasalu is also the replacement goalie in the school's soccer team. He doesn't like going to practice regularly, but he gets along with the entire team.

When he's with Boy 5, he enjoys playing video games. He's not that good with computers since there's always too much reading involved, but he will play console games with Boy 5. He likes spending time with Boy 5 and will seek him out over most people when he doesn't feel like painting. Usually he doesn't play video games, though.

Your Details:
Currently, Wasalu is a pretty laid-back kind of guy. He has twin older brothers, Dante and Diego, who are about six years older than he is. He lives his father ever since his mother died six years ago, but his brothers live in an apartment in the town and every now and then, he lives with them. His family life is pretty happy.

Dante and Diego are college students. Dante is training to become a lawyer and Diego is training to be a doctor. The three boys have a pretty good relationship. After their mother died, Dante is more protective of the family. Diego is wilder than he used to be. Wasalu is the baby of the family, so the older boys sometimes tease him-- but they all get along regardless.

Wasalu's father is a librarian. The only books that Wasalu has ever actually read are books that his father has picked out for him. His favorite book is Futility, which he struggled through with the help of his father and Boy 5, but that is the only book he will actively want to read. Still, reading frustrates him so much that he only ever attempts to read Futility when he's in the best of moods. Wasalu doesn't like upsetting his father and will do his best to live up to the image his father has of him. His father simply wants Wasalu to grow up happy. His father likes philosophical discussions, so Wasalu is well versed in philosophy.


+ Robots
+ Swimming
+ Soccer
+ Philosophical discussions
+ His family
+ His friends
+ Horror
+ Futility (The book and the concept)

- Reading
- School
- Sharp objects
- Liars
- "Conventional" themes-- he likes when people lose and die rather than win and survive, he prefers artwork that is abstract over concrete, he dislikes the idea of a hero, he doesn't like when things resolve themselves
- Reminders of his mother
- Anything that reminds him of his dsylexia-- for example, he doesn't much like driving because he has to read signs and he doesn't like participating in tournaments by himself because then he has to read the match-ups on his own, and he doesn't like learning new recipes at home because if he's alone he has to read the recipe on his own


Wasalu doesn't have many secrets, if any at all.


- Eye-Related Trauma: Wasalu fears being pierced through the eye.

- Losing his hands: Wasalu fears loss of his hands. He doesn't think he's useful without them as he's a goalie and an artist, so he's careful about injuring them.

- Guns: People who know about his rebirth attribute this to the shooting that killed him initially. It actually is just a benign fear.

- The death of the rest of his family: His mother's death was sudden. It brought the idea of mortality to the forefront of his mind. He's afraid of his brothers and father dying as well.

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual, leaning more towards men. He doesn't pay much attention to it and comes off as oblivious to advances.
Crush: N/A
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: N/A

Wasalu is called "Little Lu" by his family and usually Lu by his friends.

Wasalu has a tendency to get hurt. So he always carries bandages on him.

Wasalu often forgets boundaries around people that he likes. So if someone's finger is bleeding, he might lick the blood away or if he needs to change clothes in front of people, he won't think twice about disrobing. If he's reminded not to do these things, then he'll be more careful. The more comfortable he is, though, the less likely it is that he'll remember not to do these things.

Height: 5' 8''
Weight: 143.3 lb
Build: Athletic, slim

Wasalu is a very messy person, which comes across best in the way he dresses. He wears dress shirts that aren't buttoned up correctly (or sometimes at all). He likes wearing hoodies, especially in dark blue. If he can help it, the hood will always be up.

Wasalu's slightly dark skinned. He has blue-green eyes, a trait of his mother's. His hair is very light blonde and he sometimes bleaches it so that it's white, much to Dante's displeasure. Unlike his brothers and his father, he has feminine features.

When living with Dante and Diego, Dante will often pressure Wasalu into looking more presentable. He never stays that way for too long. Wasalu is usually covered in mud or paint.

So begins...

Wasalu Armando's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wasalu Armando Character Portrait: Michael Gawain Calvagh
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Wasalu closed his eyes. He could almost feel the rain he had been wishing for all day. Dante had started a garden and whenever Wasalu went to his brother's home, Dante had him water the plants. His dad was off to something in the city, a book exposition with tons of authors who might fund the library, so Wasalu was living with his brothers at the moment. He disliked having to garden, though. He wished it would rain just for that alone. But then we wouldn't get to play soccer, would we? He thought, smiling to himself.

He had stayed after school because his brothers were both too busy to pick him up today. He could've walked home, but he was too lazy to do that. So instead he had told himself he'd go to soccer practice-- and instead ended up daydreaming under a tree by the field. The coach normally found him slacking off when the team had to jog around the field, but today he'd been held up by his English teacher. It was always annoying to get held up-- he hated having to talk about how he was no good at school things. There were only so many times he could talk about how difficult it was for him to read before he wanted to knock someone out. Some of his teachers still called his home to ask his father about ways to help Wasalu learn to like reading. It made school a pain in the ass. The only upside to having to listen to all of this was that Diego would always get just as upset as Wasalu did, which was especially funny if Diego was the one to come pick Wasalu up while one of the more brave teachers felt the need to approach someone in the Armando family.

The shouts from the field let him know that the soccer team was still practicing. He hadn't gone yet, but he could go still. He needed to attend at least one soccer practice this week. Maybe kick the ball around, joke around with the other guys... But he felt like painting. He didn't always have his easel and canvas-- today being one of the days that Dante had caught him trying to leave the house with his painting supplies and had taken them away so that Wasalu wouldn't ditch class-- and as such, he couldn't just start painting what he saw. He supposed he could sketch, though. When he opened his bag, he found he didn't have his sketch book.

Well, this is slightly annoying. He thought after his search. Zipping up his bag, he sighed and thought, I guess it's in my locker? Getting up, he slung his bookbag over his shoulder and started towards the school.

He hadn't gotten far before he saw someone walking around the school. It kind of seemed as though the person was frustrated with something or... trying to hide from someone? Wasalu frowned slightly. It wasn't just anyone. Gawain! He realized. The way he was walking was far too fast to be a normal romp around school. Is he being bullied again? Wasalu quickly scanned the area. Wait, wait... Gawain's not dumb. He'd come get me if he needed me. And he'd probably be less relaxed if he was being chased. Wasalu thought. Still, he surveyed the area for someone following him. There was no one around looking like they particularly cared about the scrawny boy's current antics. Okay... maybe he managed to lose them? Wasalu thought. But Michael wasn't walking around like he was relaxed and happy... Maybe he was still in trouble. In any case, people normally didn't bother Michael if he was with Wasalu, so he figured he'd help Michael hide for a bit before Diego showed up to pick Wasalu up from soccer practice. So he jogged over to Michael, who looked like he was going to the parking lot.

...Doesn't he have a car...? Wasalu thought. What's Gawain doing wandering around the school if he's got a car? I wouldn't even be in school if I had a car. He paused to think about it, but then assumed he was too stupid to figure out what his genius friend was doing. Michael was too smart, it made Wasalu worry that his friend disliked how absolutely stupid Wasalu could be every now and then. He did, however, note Michael's headphones and decided not to approach Michael from behind. He caught up to Michael easily since the boy really wasn't doing a good job hiding himself.

"Gawain...?" He asked, hoping his friend didn't jump out of his skin. "You busy? Wanna go with me to grab my sketch book?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hope Hathaway Character Portrait: Hannah Greene Character Portrait: Nathan Hartwell Character Portrait: Amy Roswell Character Portrait: Wasalu Armando Character Portrait: Jeremy Royce
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#, as written by Savader
'Is today the day...?' I kept thinking. Over and over again as I stared at my watch, as I did every new day that came to greet me. 'Is today the day...?' I constantly find myself asking that question... Just hoping that I'm wrong today too, that it's just another day that I can use to my advantage. And while I know that it at least shouldn't be, I also know that things don't always go according to how they're designed... 'Is today the day...?' My small bedroom in my tiny apartment was completely silent at the moment; the only sound that could be heard was the gentle ticking of my pocket watch, which, to me, sounded as though it were as heavy as the Elizabeth Tower's hands. The sound had become so regular for me, it now constantly echoed in my mind, even when I wasn't looking at the watch itself... Some may call this torture, but I look at it as a chance to survive the coming fire...

I was merely laying on my back, in bed, with a hand behind my head, making it seem like I was just relaxing. A typical thing a teenager like myself would be doing for no apparent reason, right? Wrong. I wasn't a typical teenager in the slightest... I've already been down this road several times, and it became old a long ago. But as for now, it's all I know. It was already morning, and I, 'Nathan Hartwell', was currently late for first period. I was debating on whether or not to even GO to school, nevermind making it in time for first period... I let out a sigh as I looked down at my watch, knowing what my friends would say if they knew I was really like this. The only word I could currently think of that would fit my attitude as of yet, would be "emo". It's rather stereotypical, and I don't think I fit all the requirements of the title, but it's likely the closest matching one for someone as hopeless as I am. "No one understands me", "Nothing matters to me", "My dark heart is only outmatched by my dark soul"... Blah. I think nothing of the sort. I'm glad no one understands the real me, and although the only things that matter to me are very few, they still exist, only consisting of my friends, and agenda towards keeping them alive and well... Which never seems to go the way I want. Heh, maybe I should blame my "dark heart and soul" for that, huh?

"Is today the day....." I said out loud this time, now pausing, as if I were waiting for someone to respond. No one did, of course, as I was the only one living here. I left my 'parents' place last year after saving up enough to get this place. Couldn't handle being in a new family for the umpteenth time... After doing so over around 5 times thus far, it gets a little tiring... Oh, you must think I'm an orphan or something. Well, in a sense, I guess that could be true, but not the type you're thinking of. Just take my word for it; you don't wanna know... It'll just complicate things. Trust me.

After getting tired of mindlessly looking at my watch for the past hour or so, I decided to put it back in my pocket, and raise myself up. I was fully dressed, mind you. As I said; I was debating on whether or not to go to school today. Having said that, I already dressed myself for the day. "I guess I might as well... If I don't, 'she' might get on my case..." I said with a sigh. The person I was referring to is a close friend of mine. One of the few who have...such a 'strong' memory, like myself... Yeah, let's put it like that for now... This person is can be quite invading when it comes to her friends, and even more so when it comes to me, which only burdens me more... She of course MEANS well, but all it honestly does is set me back, which is NOT what I need in this life... Either way, if I leave now, I should be able to make it in time for second period, so I suppose I should head out now... This was the start of the first day of what I had hoped to be my first REAL life, as well as my last... Which, as any would guess, is how it is for everyone...right?

After grabbing my bag and slinging it over my shoulder, I stepped up to my front door, and pulled out my pocket watch once more, giving it a check... "Is today the day...we die...?" I said, an obvious melancholic tone in my voice, only propelling the "emo" theory even further for anyone who's reading this, I'm sure. Trust me though, I'm not. I promise. "Well... Time to start it, either way..." I finished, re-pocketing my watch, and setting out for school... This was how most of my days began. Me, waking up, eating some breakfast, getting dressed...and then debating whether or not I should become a friggin' recluse for the rest of eternity...only to end up deciding to go to school in the end. I suppose it was a subconscious thing-- the reason why I always decided to go anyway, I mean... It likely has something to do with the LAST time I cut school... I shudder now even at the thought of it... And so, with that, I'll go ahead and speed up time, so as to meet up with the rest of the world. No, no. This isn't an ability of mine. Just a time skip...

-Several hours later, after school-

Yet another boring day of school. Sure, I got to see some of my friends today, but nothing ever changes. It's all such a waste of time, what with our damn lives being predetermined failures... Okay, THAT sounded pretty emo, I'll admit, but seriously...I'm not.

Of all the things I could be doing right now, I was instead...sitting up in a tree...still at school. I had a good view of the layout from here, and could nearly see everything I needed to. I caught Michael having some trouble with computer monitors before he left in search of help, after failing at it himself, which I had even thought to help the poor guy myself, but figured I'd best stay out of it, knowing that it would only embarrass him if he found out I had seen him so clearly. And what would it look like, having one of your closest friends watching over you like a hawk... I was also able to see Jeremy and Amy having a heated conversation in the school halls. I swear, those two always seem to clash at some point each day... Always have for a long a REALLY long time. After cracking a slight smile, I thought about how Jeremy was still trying his damnedest to hide his little 'secret', which I honestly thought was pretty awesome. Of course, I'd never confront him about it. For obvious reasons. Wasalu was likely hanging out in the soccer field, which was blocked by the school from my position, and couldn't make it out clearly. Only seeing the very far-right side, which stretched out passed the school's main building. But he obviously wasn't participating in today's practice, which he often skipped out on... Another athletic friend of mine, Hannah, was probably kicking some ass on the tennis courts, like usual. She was pretty good, and I honestly felt that I had to commend her for it, even if it was only to myself.

The rest of my friends, I had no positive knowledge of at the moment. They either weren't at school, or were still in classes, which I obviously had no way of knowing from here. Although, Hope liked riding her horse as often as she could, so she was likely out riding at this moment, but she, as well as Diana, were rather unpredictable at times, despite me learning everyone's schedules, hobbies, as well as the way their minds work fairly well...again... They still tend to surprise me quite a bit. Which is what I thought having such good friends was all about. These thoughts made me smile, but I quickly lost it when I thought about how I didn't fit such a category... The whole reason why things are so broken for us in our lives, was because of me, after all... But I could never tell them that... Too afraid of their likely resentment towards me... These friends are the only constant thing in my existence, and if I lose that... "I'll have nothing..." I said out loud to myself in a low tone. But, if one good thing were to come of today, it would be that today wasn't...'the day'... was only 4 in the afternoon, so there was still a lot of time left for this 'day' to play out...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wasalu Armando Character Portrait: Michael Gawain Calvagh
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Gawain flinched slightly at the sudden sight of his friend, pulling his headphones quickly down around his neck just in time to hear the last syllable of his name. The music hit the air just as the tune changed to Baby's on Fire by Die Antwoord. Gawain couldn't help but give a small sigh of relief that it had just been Wasalu and not someone else.

"You busy? Wanna go with me to grab my sketch book?" Wasalu asked.

Gawain gave his friend a faint smile, mainly to keep his friend's attention on his face while he made about tucking his hand on the injured side into his back pocket, out of view, while he still decided what his story was going to be for the injury. While hiding it's existence might have proved difficult, getting Wasalu to believe a tale about injuring it himself could prove easily as difficult. For now, he kept the topic out of the way and unseen. Perhaps he'd come up with a story only if Wasalu pointed out the injury himself.

"Sure, I'll come along," He said, flexing his smile slightly and shifting his weight from one foot to the other. He wasn't about to say no. He'd never really end up saying no. Not to Wasalu, anyway. "And um, I was just wondering..." He trailed off in his sentence, though he tried to convince himself there was no reason he should still feel reserved about the occurrence. He didn't have to tell his friend about the injury, and his friend certainly wasn't about to say no to him either. But it was unlikely for anyone to deny Gawain assistance, what with the boy seeming so helpless. He took a moment, taking in deep breath before trying the statement over again, and hoping that he wouldn't stumble on any of the words. "I was just wondering if maybe, um -" there, it was too late to make it through the statement without a fumble. "- uh, if you could help me out? See, I was trying to get some equipment into my car and it was too heavy... I only got one into the car and I dropped another one and it broke."

He sighed, displeased at the butchering of the sentence. Asking for help was something just so difficult, even if he had to do it often. The fact that he was trying to hide part of the story certainly didn't make getting the words out any easier. It was just seen as normal from the perspective of others, of course. Poor little Gawain, not able to do much on his own, too nervous to make a full sentence, too shy to talk to anyone aside from his friends. Any place that was public wasn't exactly a comfort zone, anyway, and it really was only while he was just with his friends when he acted like a confident know-it-all. It wasn't so suspicious. He tried to tell himself that a few times. Nothing about his behavior was going to be seen as suspicious. Wasalu wasn't about to ask about his wrist or why he couldn't lift the equipment himself.

Gawain took a step closer to Wasalu before beginning to head the rest of the way to the parking lot again; whichever activity they did first, the rout would cross through the parking lot anyway.

"So," He began, just making small talk out of curiosity. If he kept the conversation going, there was less chance it would circle back around to something he didn't want to talk about. His hand stayed where he'd put it in his back pocket, away from his friend. "You're not going to soccer practice today? Do you need a ride home cause I could drive you, y'know, if you wanted." He shrugged. He supposed he'd take any excuse to spend more time with his friend, really, though this was easily a suggestion that could be said no to. Gawain's parents were off at their jobs again, as far apart from each other as they could get, and sometimes Gawain could swear he had almost too much downtime. It almost got too quiet without all the screaming, if that were even possible. And after all, now that he finally thought about it, it was going to be a long time before he actually managed to get the computers into his house after he finally got them in the car. Crap, he thought, finally coming to the realization.

No, he told himself. He could handle it by then. His wrist will have had a long break, he could do it. He'd be fine, at least, by then. But it was getting a bit too hard to convince himself of that anymore. But it wouldn't matter if he had to wait a few days or something, at least, eventually he figured he'd be able to handle it on his own.


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Character Portrait: Wasalu Armando Character Portrait: Michael Gawain Calvagh
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Wasalu smiled when Michael responded positively. He was going to ask Michael if he was being bullied again, but his friend seemed like he was doing okay at the time. So I overreacted. He thought. Not the first time. "Great!" He said, cheerily. "I was hoping you'd come along."

Wasalu was going to ask him why he was walking around the school, but Michael spoke up. "And um, I was just wondering..." Michael trailed off in his sentence, shifting his weight back and forth. It was obvious something was on his friend's mind, though Wasalu didn't pretend to know what it was. He always wanted to help Michael, so he was sure that if Michael wanted his help... he'd ask for it. But maybe it was hard for the quiet boy to ask for help? Wasalu had considered that before, but had shrugged it off. Michael knew Wasalu would always respond yes to his requests, most likely. "I was just wondering if maybe, um -- uh, if you could help me out? See, I was trying to get some equipment into my car and it was too heavy... I only got one into the car and I dropped another one and it broke." Then he sighed, seeming slightly... annoyed or displeased. Wasalu tipped his head slightly to one side, frowning when Michael did. Was something else wrong? He gave Michael a quick once over, but wasn't able to find anything right away.

Well... it doesn't matter. I mean, I'll find out eventually if something else is wrong. "Equipment?" Wasalu responded. Considering Michael's area of expertise, was he bringing computers to the car? He was probably taking them from the AV Club. Wait, is he stealing? Wasalu wondered, before a smile spread over his face. That's...adorable. Sometimes Michael did things that were absolutely normal, like stealing-- although considering the frail looking boy was in the AV Club, maybe he was taking defunct equipment-- and Wasalu would see his actions as cute. He supposed it was because Michael gave off the air of a rather well-behaved though meek kind of person, but would sometimes veer off course and do something Wasalu wasn't expecting from him. But to be completely honest, Wasalu thought Michael stealing computers was cute because he was positive all Michael had to do was ask and people would fall over themselves to give him what he wanted. If I had that power, I'd abuse it to no end, Wasalu thought. "Sure. C'mon, let's go get that stuff into your car first. Don't want anyone stealing it, right?" He chuckled. Michael moved closer to him before they started across the parking lot again.

Like normal, Michael started up a conversation. "So, you're not going to soccer practice today? Do you need a ride home cause I could drive you, y'know, if you wanted." He shrugged.

Wasalu frowned. "Nah, I didn't feel like going to practice. I was planning on ditching school today, but... Dante caught me leaving the house with my easel, so I ended up staying all day." With a heavy sigh, he shook his head. He really didn't want to think about school "Today's more of an art day," He decided, before flashing Michael a smile. He supposed any day he didn't feel like talking to most people was an art day. "But if we finish getting your stuff into your car and grabbing my sketch book before Diego reaches, sure, I'd like if you could give me a ride home. You can stay over for a while if you want." He offered. "...Although..." Wasalu paused, realizing that if Michael needed help putting the equipment into the car, he'd probably need help getting it out, too. "Do you need my help moving your stuff into your house? I don't mind giving you a hand if you need it."

They reached Michael's car quicker than Wasalu had expected, but there was a computer tower on the ground and one on a cart. The lower level of the cart had plastic bits on it. The one on the ground had cracks in it's plastic. "Huh. Is it okay, Gawain? I mean-- that computer, can you still use it?" He knelt down to determine how heavy the computer was. With the plastic cracked, it was a bit weird to hold, but he was able to lift it onto the cart next to the other tower. It was a bit heavier than a standard tower was-- his brothers both had desktops that were lighter than this one. "I mean, if you don't want to keep it, we can dump it." He crossed his arms, looking at the two computers. "Or I guess we could swap it for a working one when we go back inside. The outer part is removable, right? You just have to keep the cracked part and we just swap out the insides." Pausing, Wasalu looked at his smaller friend. "What do you think?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wasalu Armando Character Portrait: Michael Gawain Calvagh
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"Nah, I didn't feel like going to practice. I was planning on ditching school today, but... Dante caught me leaving the house with my easel, so I ended up staying all day. Today's more of an art day," Wasalu had responded to the inquiry about soccer practice. "But if we finish getting your stuff into your car and grabbing my sketch book before Diego reaches, sure, I'd like if you could give me a ride home. You can stay over for a while if you want."

Gawain couldn't help but flex his smile a little wider at Wasalu's response. "Cool, sounds like a plan," He said, not bothering to hide how glad he was to get a little more time with his friend. Though, when he thought about it, the longer he spent around his friend, the sooner Wasalu would see Gawain's injury, and realize he'd been hiding it all this time. It wasn't a good set of circumstances, and Gawain tried his best to look for a place to throw in a made-up story about it before it was too late. After all, people weren't typically pleased when they find out someone was keeping information from them.

"...Although..." Wasalu added in, noticing that if Gawain was having trouble getting the computers into the car, he'd have trouble getting them out, too. "Do you need my help moving your stuff into your house? I don't mind giving you a hand if you need it."

Gawain bit his lip, shrugging. "Well, I don't think it needs to be done right away. It can wait till whenever." He pulled his hand from his pocket, ready to give an explanation that in a few days he'd be well enough to handle it on his own, but he let the moment slide, leaving his arm at his side, and tugging at his sleeve a little to be sure that the nasty wound remained covered instead. He beat himself up a little bit for not saying anything but... he just couldn't bring himself to mention it.

When they approached the car, Gawain split over towards the car while Wasalu went over to inspect the computer tower that Gawain had dropped on the ground.

"Huh. Is it okay, Gawain? I mean-- that computer, can you still use it?" He asked.

Gawain made his way over to driver's side door, unlocking it and popping the trunk so that Wasalu could get the computers into his car with the other one. Shutting the door and trailing over to Wasalu's side, he watched as the other boy lifted the broken computer up off of the ground and placed it on the AV cart with the other one, having no issues easily. Gawain really couldn't help but be jealous of his friend. When did Wasalu ever have to ask for help? Okay, well, reading, for one. And... homework for another. But how the hell should that matter? It wasn't like it was too important. Wasalu could still do plenty of other things, and better yet, he could do them on his own.

"I mean, if you don't want to keep it, we can dump it." Wasalu continued, breaking Gawain's train of thought. "Or I guess we could swap it for a working one when we go back inside. The outer part is removable, right? You just have to keep the cracked part and we just swap out the insides.... What do you think?"

Gawain bit his lip, hesitating a moment before just shrugging.

"It doesn't matter, I think," He said finally, trailing back over to the car and sitting down on the bumper. "Just throw it in here, i guess. I'll just take it as it is. I'm gonna take it apart anyway, y'know? If everything's shit then I guess that's what the other two are for. Who knows, there might still be something useful in there." He shrugged again, giving a small smile for almost no reason at all, other than feeling like it was an obligation to do so every so often. Maybe it would make the injury go away and he wouldn't have to worry about it anymore.

"Though, thinking about how I dropped it twice, I kind of doubt it," Gawain added. "Oh well."

He bit his lip, remembering his wound again. He could throw the information in now, get it out of the way. He took a deep breath, like the entire idea of mentioning it was going to be the most horrible thing in the world. He wasn't even sure how to start the statement, or how to tie it in with what he'd said before, or even explain why he hadn't mentioned it earlier. He supposed he could play it off like he'd ignored it for being no big deal or something.

"The thing is, actually, uh," He let the opening fade, realizing he was already fucking it up. "Well, the main reason i'm having trouble is cause I, uh..." He picked up his wrist and rolled the sleeve back, though he kept the injury mostly covered by his other hand still. Maybe if Wasalu couldn't see it, it would make the lie a little more believable. "I sort of tripped earlier when i was carrying some other equipment, and I... I landed on my wrist funny. So I'm just having even more trouble lifting these things today." He gave an uneasy laugh, almost to just add in I'm okay! It's not a big deal! by force. He really just wanted the topic to be left alone as soon as it was out with. It would be fine, he told himself. Wasalu wouldn't look into it any more. Though, It was difficult to convince himself of that.
