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Where the Bad Kids Go

Where the Bad Kids Go



1,910 readers have visited Where the Bad Kids Go since sweetsleep created it.



Lady Gaga: Bad Kids || The Pretty Reckless: Heaven Knows||
Simple Plan: Just A Kid|| Blink 182: Miss you|| Good Charlotte: The Anthem


NAME||Age: 17||FC Taylor Momsen||Taken by me

NAME||Age: 16||FC Willa Hollond||Taken by Magical_pineapples

NAME||Age: 16||FC Dylan O'brien ||Taken by me

NAME||Age: 17||FC Ash Stymest||Taken by Magical_pineapples

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[img]IMAGE OR GIF HERE[/img] [/left]
[color=#COLOR HERE][b]Reason for attending Blackwood Prep [/b][/color]
[i] Reason for attending Blackwood Prep, that reform school.[/i]

[color=#Color Here][b]Religion[/b][/color]

[color=#COLOR HERE][b]Personality[/b][/color]
[i]Personality Here[/i]
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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 2 authors


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brandi Cordova Character Portrait: Scotty Cordova Character Portrait: Tristan Jones Character Portrait: Jace McAuliffe
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6:00 a.m.
It was six o'clock when her little sister, Jamiee, had rudely woken her up from her slumber. "Trixie! Trixie!" she whined as she shoke her sister ferociously in hopes of waking her up. However, Tristan only moaned and turned the opposite direction. She obviously didn't want to be bothered. Especially since she had tooken care of her three siblings last night until two a.m in her parents absence. So, waking up was obviously the last thing she wanted to do. "But Trixie," her sister said,"If you don't get up now, we won't be able to say our good-bye's when you leave."

Leave? Tristan had totally forgotten that she had to be out the house; packed and ready to leave for Blackwood Prep by seven. She didn't want to leave, but she really didn't have a choice. Blackwood Prep is this boarding school for teens who've practically been constantly getting into trouble with the authority. They were delinquents at that school. Something Tristan clearly has never been, however she made the mistake of tagging along at one of Jace's reckless adventures that didn't end so well for the two of them. Now she was forced to attend at Blackwood Prep under her probation officer's recommendation.

Tristan grunted to herself as she dismantled the blankets and sat up in a sloppy position to take sight of Jamiee's now pouting lips. "I'd never leave you without saying goodbye." she told her, tapping her chin with her index finger.

At that moment, a huge toothy grin spread across Jamiee's face. "Promise?"

Tristan tilted her head to one side as if studying Jamiee. Her eyes were Tristan's favorite feature. They were usually intense, and unlike the rest of her, they aren't at all expressive, they are cold, like ice. Most blue eyes are so captivating you swear that you could just dive into them with the peak of awe nipping at your facial features, but when you peer into her frozen irises you feel an electrical chill run down your spine, through your body making your features numb, like ice. Every tendril of various shades of incandescent striking white-blue staying lined up next to one and other making her eyes themselves seem like a white tundra, its as if a blizzard is eternally raging on with a black void in the center that are her pupils. "C'mon," Tristan pulled back the blankets and hopped out of her bed, "Let's go wake the others."

6:47 a.m.
Tristan sighed as she had brought down the last of her luggage. Her siblings were eating breakfast in the kitchen, and she had more than enough time to join them before she'd leave. "Still can't believe you have to go to that delinquent facility. I mean, why you of all people?" her younger brother, Brandon, said as she entered the kitchen. She made her way over to the fridge and grabbed an apple before taking her place at the island counter next to him.

"First of all, it's not a delinquent facility, Brandon. And second, sometimes you're never in control of your actions."

"I still don't understand why you've gotta go." He twirled his spoon idly around in his bowl, causing the remains of his cereal to circle around in the shape of a letter 'G'. Tristan could tell just by how hard Brandon was trying to avoid any eye contact her that he was hurt with his sister had to leave so sudden. "Brandon," she prompted, covering his hand with her own.

"I just don't see why you have to leave, Tristan. I mean who's going to take care of us when you do? Cause surely it isn't going to be mom and dad." He said before mumbling, "Since when did they ever care for us?"

Everything he'd said was true. Tristan was always their to take care of her siblings. She was more like a mother to them. Taking care of boo-boos, being their shoulder when they cried, and played countless games of hide-and-seek.

How would she ever be there for them now when she was leaving them? "Look at me, Brandon." She waited until he found the courage to glance up at his sister. "I'll always be there for you no matter what. But I won't always be there. As a fourteen year old, it's time for you to take the responsibility, okay? I know you can. Just have a little faith."

Brandon seemed to have pondered at that, and after he did he smiled. "Okay, Tristan."

This time she smiled too, looked at her wristwatch, and gasped slightly before taking a huge bite of her apple, and pecked her brother on the forehead as well as her two sister's. "I gotta go now. Be good for Brandon you two." She said eyeing her two sister's before grabbing her two luggages and heading out the door. Outside, she immediately seen the grey worn down bus of Blackwood Prep. When she stepped inside, everyone within a three radius turned to look at Tristan.

New bait. She could just wonder what they were thinking of her before she took her seat in the far left front right behind the driver, and farther away from the group of girl's that were glaring at her from the back.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brandi Cordova Character Portrait: Scotty Cordova Character Portrait: Tristan Jones Character Portrait: Jace McAuliffe
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0.00 INK



Jace McAuliffe was nearly on his last and final blunt. After lighting it, he brought it to his lips and became aware of it's acquired taste, like beer or coffee or wine. The first time you taste coffee, it's so bitter that you have to put in a ton of sugar and cream just to get it down. But eventually, you can take away the sugar and cream and start appreciating the flavors that hide behind the bitterness. It's the same way with cigarettes. What smells awful to others is sweet and flavorful to cigarette smokers. And that was what Jace felt. The taste of a cigarette can be delicious on his tongue and the smoke can be delightful. It made his lungs feel a bit tight and alive.

He breathed in trying to urge his way from taking off into a spasm of coughs. And exhaled out a puff of white, toxic smoke before lying his head back against the brick wall. For a second, he slowly closed his eyes and automatically felt as if he was floating. "Jay. Jay?" A rather familiar voice said from beside him. Jace peeked an eye open at the little fourteen-year old that lived just across the street from him. He always seemed to have the nerve to join Jace in the rundown section of Burlington just down the street from where he lived, when other kids were just too petrified as to even make as but one glance to Jace. He didn't mind that he practically had people scarred for life. Infact, he loved it. It was the only thing that gave him strength, though this one specific kid just had to go ruining it for us all. Jace didn't even remember his name the last time he saw him.

What was it again? Alex?..Isaac?..Stanley? "What do you want, Kyle?" Jace said, rolling his eyes obvious he was half-loopy.

"Nothing. Just came to hang with the homie." He softly punched Jace in the arm. "And my name is 'Ryan'."

Ah, fuck. Just as Jace was about to respond, he'd seen the bus to Blackwood Prep come to a stop in front of his house. Then, grabbing his luggage he stood up and flicked the cigarette at Ryan. "Here. Try not to inhale too much, alright buddy?" he advised before walking off toward the bus.

Ryan, however, only ran after him. "Where are you going?" By the looks of it, he wasn't enjoying how this was going. The bus, the luggage in Jace's hand as he was walking off. Was he leaving?

"To a little place I'd like to call 'hell'." He winked and was off leaving Ryan where he was with the only token he had of remembering Jace for the time being. The half-smoked cigarette.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brandi Cordova Character Portrait: Scotty Cordova Character Portrait: Tristan Jones Character Portrait: Jace McAuliffe
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0.00 INK


{Time: 7:15am}{Outfit}

Brandi wasn’t exactly excited to be going to Blackwood prep, but she hadn’t expected much less. In fact she was pretty sure they’d put her behind bars, considering her reputation and past criminal record. Everyone in their town was convinced that shed murdered her boyfriend, Seth McAlister had been a victim and Brandi Cordova was getting away with murder. That’s what most the headlines read in their town which. Brandi wasn’t too shocked by the accusations, in fact she just ran with it, she was convinced that there was no use in arguing with people who’d already made up their mind. The only thing that had kept her from getting locked away was the only evidence they’d had was the Zippo Lighter they’d found on her and that she’d been their when the church burnt down.

Blackwood was located just outside of New Jersey in a small Pennsylvania town. So two days before the first semester at Blackwood Prep started, her father had driven her and her brother Scotty down to Burlington, New Jersey to where her aunt lived and where they’d be picked up. The drive there was a nightmare. Brandi was surprised she hadn’t really murdered her father.

Brandi hadn’t been able to sleep at all that night, her reoccurring dreams about Seth’s death had been getting progressively worse, to the point where she’d become an insomniac and every time she closed her eyes she saw him. A part of her held a bit of resentment towards her brother, she blamed him and it was hard not to take her pain out on him, but she loved him too much to hurt him, so instead she’d convinced herself that Seth’s death was really her fault. Her stomach growled she couldn’t exactly remember the last time she’d eaten anything. She sighed running her fingers through her hair. She’d already gotten ready to leave because in all honesty that school had to be better than spending time with her Bible thumping aunt or her asshole father.

There was a bang on the door that made her jump, she popped a few pain pills to make herself numb. She lit herself a cigarette, taking a long drag off of it. “Brandi Rose Cordova open this God Damn door or I’ll break it down!” Her father yelled from the other side of the locked door. Brandi smirked as she grabbed her old back leather backpack, stuffed with everything she needed despite the fact she’d knew they’d take away more than half of it.

“Fuck off!” She yelled back before turning up her rock music so loud in made the walls thump from the bass. She rested her cigarette between her lips as she climbed out the window headed for the front where the bus was already parked, honking it’s horn an indication that it was time for them to leave.


{Time: 7:15am}{Outfit}

Scotty could hear his sister’s rock music through the walls. It wasn’t obnoxiously loud, but it was loud enough. She hadn’t said but two words since they’d left Florida. Not that, that was all that unusual for her she rarely talked as it was, normally Scotty was the one doing all the talking for the both of them. He knew though Seth’s death had been hitting her particularly hard as of late. Then again it had only been three months since that night. There was a knock at his door and he already knew who it was, he took one last swig from his flask of whisky before tossing it into his duffle bag and zipping it up. His dad opened the door and Scotty turned to face him. He could tell just by his posture he was agitated.

“The bus is here son, time to go.” He sighed and Scotty nodded as he grabbed his bag and headed out the door after his dad. However his dad paused in front of the room Brandi was occupying at their aunts house and started yelling at her. Scotty rolled his eyes and didn’t bother to stop just continued towards the front door.

He slipped out the front door, his aunt calling after him but he didn’t stop. He just wanted to get this damn school year over with. He glanced to the see his sister coming around the side of the house and he smirked as she caught up to him quickly.

“Dad’s pissed.” He chuckled and Brandi just shrugged. “You going to put that out?” he asked and she raised a brow, a look on her face like she was asking If he was serious and he just sighed as he stepped onto the bus. Everyone turning to look at him and Brandi.

The bus seemed to be separated with girls on one side and boys on the other. He knew him and Brandi would be the first two to break the rules and almost as if on cue, she slid into a seat next to a guy covered in tattoos and he followed his sister’s bad example and slide into the seat next to a pretty brunette.

“Mind if I sit here?” he said flashing her his charming smile that managed to win over most girls, despite the fact he’d clearly already sat down. “Didn’t think so.” He continued like she’d said it was okay.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Scotty Cordova
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Tristan had just begun folding the flaps of her origami swan when she had suddenly heard a voice calling for her attention. "Mind if I sit here?" Her emerald-green eyes flicked up to catch sight of a boy. A rather good-looking boy who seemed to be wanting to sit by her. The girl who always seemed to must avoid all cracks in the sidewalk, believes in karma, often snorts out loud when laughing, and hums to herself without even knowing it. Yeah, that girl is Tristan Corinne Jones. The girl this handsome young fellow asked to sit with.

"Uh..." Tristan seemed to be pondering for a reply as she scanned for another open seat, possibly not this one. However, the guy had already sat in the seat next to her without an answering. "Didn’t think so."

She patted her hand on her leg for a bit trying to clarify what had just happened as she bit her lip. "Yeah," she gave the guy her most insincere smiles, "Who needs an approval nowadays." It wasn't a question. More like a sarcastic remark before she went back to folding paper.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brandi Cordova Character Portrait: Jace McAuliffe
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0.00 INK


The bus had came to a full stop just two maybe six blocks from where Jace lived. He hears very carefully when the door swings open, but his eyes stayed carefully focused outside the window. It was only then when he heard someone plop themselves down on the vinyl seat beside him that made him turn his head to see that it was a girl currently from this stop. A pretty hot looking thing, but she clearly wasn't his type. However, she was surely good-looking if-he must say-with hair the color of flaxen and eyes the color of sapphire.

At that moment, the bus had to off again to it's next destination and as it did Jace went back to glancing out the window at all the different cars passing by. "Y'know," he began still looking out the window, "I don't let just anyone sit by me."


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brandi Cordova Character Portrait: Scotty Cordova Character Portrait: Tristan Jones Character Portrait: Jace McAuliffe
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0.00 INK


Brandi was glad to just be away from her father. Sure, going to a reform school had never exactly been on her list of things to do, but not having to see her father for an entire year was a plus. She lit herself another cigarette, despite the fact that she was sure someone would come and tell her to put it out and they’d be sorry if they did. She tucked her lighter back into her bra along with her pack of cigarettes as she took a long drag from the cancer stick, letting the toxic smoke feel her lungs.

"Y'know," the guy next to her spoke but she didn’t bother to look in his direction as she propped her knees up onto the bus seat in front of her and sunk down more into the seat. "I don't let just anyone sit by me." he continued and she glanced in her direction then her platinum hair covering half her face.

For the first time she got a good look at him. He was incredible, he looked like the kind of guy she could get into trouble with. His body was plagued with an array of tattoos. She wondered for a brief moment what he was there for, obviously it had to be bad, for him to be on the bus in the first place. She sat up crossing one leg over the other. He kept his eyes focused out the window. She lend in close, close enough she could smell the weed scent that lingered on his clothes mixed with the smell of his cologne.

“Well I’m not moving.” She said simply breathing out a breath of smoke. “So get the fuck over it.” She breath before pulling away and leaning back against her seat, wicked smirk on her lips, like she was a little kid getting away with stealing cookies from the cookie jar.


Scotty’s flask was tucked safely in his backpack that sat between his legs. He thought about pulling it out and finishing it off, he’d packed a few bottle of liquor, though he wasn’t entirely sure how the hell he was going to get way with keeping them. From what he’d heard they went through your stuff thoroughly.

“Yeah," the girl next to him finally spoke and he glanced up to her, she smiled at him, though she seemed slightly uncomfortable and he realized as he took a quick glance between the other students and her, she didn’t exactly belong and he smirked. "Who needs an approval nowadays." she said sarcastically and he raised a brow.

Scott had always been insanely good and getting people to warm up to him fairly quickly simply because he was so charismatic. Despite how bad a kid he was, he was always trying to help others and he always had the best intentions, even if they didn’t exactly seem that way. He finally pulled his flask out from his bag and took a swig from it, before holding it out to her as sort of a piece offering.

“Hey doll, if you want I’ll move.” He shrugged like it wasn’t a big deal. “I just though a pretty girl like you shouldn’t be sitting alone with a bunch of delinquents.” His charm naturally kicking in, matching the friendly smile on his face. “Why the hell are you on this bus babe, you look more like you should be studying for a math test or something.” He chuckled to himself.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brandi Cordova Character Portrait: Jace McAuliffe
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“Well I’m not moving. So get the fuck over it.” Jace couldn't help but laugh at the girl's words; harsh, and clearly dauntless of him in which made him even more stunned. Not everyone was brave enough to stand up to Jace, however this one particular girl had just did and he found himself admiring her even more.

He sniffed at the air and immediately his nostrils began to burn at the sharp smell of cigarettes; musty, stale, dull even. It's smell was nearby and he turned just in time to catch the girl beside him smoking a quick blunt on the bus. The driver, nor had anyone else noticed, hell Jace wondered if they can even smell that god awful stench. The smell that seem to always leave him feeling content. It's the only reason that has kept him sane for all these years of being brought onto this insignificant, little green planet we call: Earth.

Without hesitation, he snatched the cigarette from the girl's hand and took a long, indulging drag at it before he blew a smoke ring right in her face. "Good," he said in his usual cocky tone as a smirk plastered across his face,"I wouldn't want you to move."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Scotty Cordova Character Portrait: Tristan Jones
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0.00 INK


"And you look like you should be sent to a Blackwood Prep. Oh, wait. That has already been accomplished." She told him before sighing. "I made a few stupid mistakes in my past with a friend, and now I'm here." It was only a mutter, though she was sure he'd heard him. Tristan wasn't comfortable with having to share her personal life with others. Especially with one that seemed to be nothing more than a sleazy jerk.

She looked over at him again and realized that he'd been holding up an aluminium flask; offering it to her. She only shook her head and crumbled up her now destroyed origami swan. "I'd put that away if I were you." Then at the same time she spoke, there was a stench that automatically greeted her. It smelled of cigars and seemed to be coming from the far end of the bus.

Did these idiots know not to smoke on a bus? She thought as she tried to block the smell away as she leaned her head against the window, and stared as the last of the kids marched their way across the street and onto the bus.

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View All » Add Character » 4 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Brandi Cordova
Character Portrait: Scotty Cordova


Character Portrait: Scotty Cordova
Scotty Cordova

"They can tell me what to do until there blue in the face, but I sure as hell not gonna listen."

Character Portrait: Brandi Cordova
Brandi Cordova

"Your boring me. So shut the fuck up."


Character Portrait: Brandi Cordova
Brandi Cordova

"Your boring me. So shut the fuck up."

Character Portrait: Scotty Cordova
Scotty Cordova

"They can tell me what to do until there blue in the face, but I sure as hell not gonna listen."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Brandi Cordova
Brandi Cordova

"Your boring me. So shut the fuck up."

Character Portrait: Scotty Cordova
Scotty Cordova

"They can tell me what to do until there blue in the face, but I sure as hell not gonna listen."

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