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''Silence is everything..''

0 · 1,184 views · located in 2026

a character in “Whispers in the Night”, as played by tornadofan2


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A very pale skinned boy that is small in size. Well, not really small but around the avarage height. He looks quite small though for some reason. No hair. Muscular arms and legs and chest. A hideous creature, he hides in the shadow. He has long, bony fingers with long, slightly curled nails at the end that are quite sharp. His eyes are a light grey, actually seeming to be white.. Hair reaches to the shoulders and hides his long, pointy ears. Sharp canids that are pure white over his pale lip. Hides a scar on his chest. A crossed scar that sometimes bleed. Wears a pair of glasses to protect his eyes:


Dark is a hideous creature. He always stayes in the shadow and tries to make no sound at all. Like a killer stalking his prey, he attacks quik and makes sure his prey doesn't make a sound. He can creep up on somebody without making a sound and when the prey turns around, it's so scared it doesn't even dare to blink. Not caring to make a mess or fight, he fights for everything he has which is basicly nothing at all. Very strong and uses quite a lot his arms and fists. Seeming never afraid or show any emotion, he is calm and never stresses out. Always the same cold, blank expression, never showing anything else. Always seems to speak like a wise man, knows a lot and uses his knowledge to survive. He doesn't seem to trust anyone or anything, not even when they are very nice.


Always carries a knife. Always. Always has his sunglasses with him. Wears a black tanktop with a black or grey pants with many pockets. A black belt around his waist and handcuffs around his hands but the binding chains broken. He wants to get rid of them.


He'd grow up like a normall child, go to school.. That's what his parents promised him. He was send of to a 'School' but it was a lab. After a while of struggling against it he seemed to give up. He never gave up though, he waited for the right moment to escape. Going through a lot of tormenting because he looked so different, he even killed a few scientists. They locked him up far away from the others and made sure he was unable to do anything against the scientists. Trained himself in his cell, building up musculles and once knowing how to escape, he planned it carefully.

So begins...

Dark's Story


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Character Portrait: Dark
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Dark, better known as Riddick, stood up and glanced around. It was a dark ally he had fleed in and he had waited there for quite some time now. Finally seeming everything seemed alright, he popped his head out and glanced around the corners of the ally. Safe. He grabbed his knife, got it in the sheath in on his belt and puts his sunglasses on. Silently, he walked out of the ally, trying to stay the best he could in the shadows. Hardly making any sound, searching for a next murder he could get. It seemed the only thing he did, murder people who thought he was stupid and different and didn't belong in this world at all.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dark Character Portrait: Kato Kaio
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Kato was a bit surprised to see none other than the boy known only as dark before him.Kato had only met the boy a total of two times while at the facility but he knew him enough to know dark was a freak.He stood there staring at darks knife thinking"He's here as well,no wonder they found us so easy".Normally kato would struggle to speak with another living being but dark was different,kato did not feel the need to be nervous by him though he did not like dark much as it was"Dark what the hell are you gonna do,you go out there alone and your gonna end up back at the facility real quick"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dark Character Portrait: Kato Kaio
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Kato scowled at dark,he may be a mindless,psycho killer but he was still and escapee just like kato"You wont get that lucky forever dark,they will find your weakness and use it to keep you in check.You wont escape a second time,your lucky you got out the first time.Use your head for once and help me protect syn.Maybe if we work together we will have a better chance at a new life".Kato knew it was pointless reasoning with dark but he tried anyway.


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Character Portrait: Dark Character Portrait: Kato Kaio
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"Your anger for one"Said kato staring at the white of darks eyes"These guys are not stupid,they can and will capture you if you go out there alone.You think your almighty,you think your hot shit,well your not.Your just a child to them,you cant win".Kato suddenly seemed a bit angry as he spoke"You know what i dont even care,go out there and provide a distraction,it will allow me to escape easily anyway.I could care less what happens to a retard like you.But im not going to get captured today"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dark Character Portrait: Kato Kaio
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Kato watched dark leave suddenly feeling sorry for the guy.Out of all the escapees he was most likely the most missunderstood.He spent the most time in solitary confinement due to his aggression.Kato looked up to syn for a moment before sighing and slapping his forehead"Idiot,im not leaving you to die".Kato turned and ran after dark,he was not going to let him go in alone.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dark Character Portrait: Haley Price Character Portrait: Kato Kaio Character Portrait: Syn Character Portrait: Rosie Delaney
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Haley caught the keys and just looked at them for a minute. "I don't know how to drive." She said. When you're born and raised in a lab, there are certain skills you never get a chance to learn. Not to mention the idea of being in such a small enclosed space made her nervous. She couldn't just spread her wings and fly away from the inside of a van. "Wait, where are you going?" She asked as Dark walked away.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dark Character Portrait: Haley Price Character Portrait: Kato Kaio Character Portrait: Syn Character Portrait: Rosie Delaney
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Something changed in Dark that made Haley uneasy. It might have been a shift in his stance or a small change in his expression, she couldn't really tell what it was but she didn't like it. "You're leaving?" She asked with as little emotion as she could. Clutching the keys a little tighter in her hand she looked up at dark, directly into what she hoped were his eyes, although she couldn't tell through the dark sunglasses. "Don't you think we should stick together, you know, work as a team?" she asked. Sure it might be easier to lay low by himself, but it would be easier to survive as a team.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dark Character Portrait: Haley Price Character Portrait: Kato Kaio
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Kato blinked and missed the fight between dark and the three men in the van.Dark was quite skilled at fighting indeed.He watched as dark suddenly turned violent on haley"Oh no he doesnt"Said kato rushing out and standing in front of haley staring directly at dark"No dark,were keeping the keys and etting the hell out of here.Your welcome to join us but if your not then get lost.I wont let you lay a finger on haley or anybody else for that matter".Kato balled his hand into a fist and held it out in front of him,as he did his fist suddenly became encased in metal,this was his mutation,this was what they did to him.Kato stared down dark showing no signs of fear what-so-ever.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dark Character Portrait: Haley Price Character Portrait: Kato Kaio Character Portrait: Syn Character Portrait: Rosie Delaney
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Haley kept her eyes locked with Dark's as he took off his sunglasses. She didn't really know much about him other than what he had said in the past 15 minutes or so. The most important thing she remembered him saying was "I need to get back to my job, murder" Murder? Sure, just about everyone in the lab has killed someone at some point in their life, but she wouldn't exactly call it a job.

She had the keys clutched tightly in her hands, wings at the ready, when Kato stepped between them. Haley thought about pushing him aside, but every guy she had ever met had that protective mindset about them. Every guy except Dark that is. She stepped back and let Kato take control.

It was a solid crew and everyone had some sort of a useful skill, unlike some of the failed experiments she had seen back at the lab. Dark started to walk away but he turned around and agreed to stay with the pack. His fighting skills would come in handy next time the lab's goons came calling for them. Everyone started heading to the van when Syn asked Haley if she was coming. "Yeah, definitely" She said walking back towards the car. Everyone started getting in the back seat so she took shotgun. Partially because no one else had, but mostly because it had it's own door and a window that could open if she needed to get out fast.

"Where to?" She asked.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dark Character Portrait: Haley Price Character Portrait: Kato Kaio Character Portrait: Syn Character Portrait: Luna Character Portrait: Rosie Delaney
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Luna whatched the whole thing unfold from the fire escape above the others. Dark scared Luna a ton. So it was an amazing sight to watch the others stand up against him. Soon the gang headed to the van and Luna was not about to be left behind. She jumped down from her spot on the railing, landing on the ground and regretting jumping. Luna didn't really get hurt but landing was a problem that she needed to work on. Yeah, she was a cat but when your locked in a small room, there isn't much to climb or jump off. Luna ran over to the van and climbed in the back. She didn't think about how odd it was to the bystanders outside that a group of teens (who just killed/ran from some scientists with guns) were making a getaway in a stolen van. What she was thinking about was she hoped the others didn't mind her sudden apearance. Really, she just wanted to get far from that ghetto.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dark Character Portrait: Haley Price Character Portrait: Kato Kaio Character Portrait: Syn Character Portrait: Luna
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Kato watched as everybody desided they were going to team up in there own way.kato was hesitant to actually join them,he had no poeple skills and a fear of women.There were three women in the van....three.Kato would die of embarrassment in that van he knew it.But at the same time he knew that if he did not come along dark may hurt the girls or worse"Damn you dark"Said ryder climbing i the back of the van and pulling his hood over his head to hide his face.Kato could drive but he desided he would let dark drive,though the idea of having a maniac at the wheel kinda scared him he stayed silent and kept his mouth shut.He was here simply to keep dark in check"So were we heading anyway dark,not back east i hope"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dark Character Portrait: Haley Price Character Portrait: Kato Kaio Character Portrait: Syn Character Portrait: Luna
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Kato watched through the back window as syn jumped onto the top of the second van spreading her magnificent wings.He continues to watch as she falls to the pavement rather hard and just laid there as the van runs right into her"NO"Kato yelled out as the van bursted into flames before him"Woah"Was all kato said as syn ended up back in her seat looking only a bit hurt.Kato sat back in his seat with a sigh"Guess she does not need protecting after all,just great she probably thinks i think shes weak"Thought kato pulling his hood farther over his face.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dark Character Portrait: Haley Price Character Portrait: Kato Kaio Character Portrait: Syn Character Portrait: Luna Character Portrait: Rosie Delaney
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Luna was amazed at what Syn had just done. From her spot in the back seat she saw the van go up in a blazing infirno as it had gotten to close for Luna's comfort. When Syn had returned to the van, Luna saw she was in pain. Mabye not much, but she wasn't about to let that get in the way. "Are you ok?" she asked. She ducked her head a little in case Syn made a lunge for her. How horrible, you might think, but it really was a reflex from being swung at in the labs.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dark Character Portrait: Haley Price Character Portrait: Kato Kaio Character Portrait: Syn Character Portrait: Luna
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Kato sighed as dark slammed on the breaks acting like a total barbarian.He lurched forward a bit but he was wearing his seat belt and was safe because of it"There is a gas station just down farm road,take a left a this next exit and drive straight until you see it by the corn field ".Ryder cracked his neck and resumed being the silent guy.He this town pretty well considering he had spent the last 4 days here.They were not completely out of town yet,they were in the outskirts and ryder remembered seeing the gas station when he came into town.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dark Character Portrait: Haley Price Character Portrait: Kato Kaio Character Portrait: Syn Character Portrait: Luna
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Kato sighed looking out the window at the rolling country side.It was such a dull sight even if they were running for there lives.Bored with watching rows of a corn and cows grazing kato decided he should eat.He reached into his backpack and pulled out a bag of chips,ranch flavored.Kato ripped the bag open and began to munch on his snack somewhat enjoying his "Meal".He looked down at his backpack filled with food and water,he was lucky that it was easy for him to fond odd jobs when he traveled from town to town but he wondered just how the others fared when it came to surviving on there own.Kato set his bag of chips down and pulled out two more bags a two bottles of water from his pack before placing a bag and a bottle on syn's lap quietly and turning to do the same for haley.He looked back at luna seeing that she had her own but decided she might find it rude if he did not offer her anything.He reached into his bag again and pulled out another bag of chips and a bottle of water before setting the on the ground in front of luna making sure to avoid eye contact as he did.He might be stuck in this van with them,and they might have been tortured just as badly as he was but he still had a deep fear of women"Keep it together ryder"He thought to himself leaning back in his seat suddenly losing his appetite"There just girls,not aliens.Say something or at least smile for fuc* sakes".Kato wanted to do just that but instead he pulled his hood down farther over his head and stared back out of the window,still nothing but farmland.This was going to be a long journey he could tell.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dark Character Portrait: Haley Price Character Portrait: Kato Kaio Character Portrait: Syn Character Portrait: Luna
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Kato watched the scene with wide eyes not believing what he just witnessed,this guy just murdered somebody as if it was nothing"WHAT THE HELL MAN"Yelled Kato still in shock"YOU DID NOT JUST SERIOUSLY MURDER THE PERSON IN THAT HOUSE AND THEN GET BACK IN THS CAR LIKE YOU DID NOTHING".Kato was done with dark and his psycho self"Get out of the car dark,hand me the keys and leave"Katos eyes gleamed as his arm became encased in metal.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dark Character Portrait: Haley Price Character Portrait: Kato Kaio Character Portrait: Syn Character Portrait: Luna Character Portrait: Rosie Delaney
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Luna was greatful for Kato giving her the items but she wondered why. She had her own backpack and food so why? She wasnt about to argue though. She placed the water in her bag but opened the chips. "Thanks".

Luna saw the whole thing and was even more terrified by Dark. And she thought Haley was going on a suicide mission when she jumped out to confront Dark. "Be careful" she sqeacked. Dark was one person she couldnt understand. Why did he enjoy killing so much?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dark Character Portrait: Haley Price
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"Oh," Haley said. She wasn't really sure if he was serious or not, but it wasn't something she wanted to press. "Well in that case, good for you." She said, reaching down and giving him a little pat on the back.

She much preferred flying to driving, but she knew the others would be curious. When Dark looked at the roof of the van Haley was unsure of what to do. He could be planning to jump back in for the ride, but he might have wanted to rip everyone inside to shreds as well. "I don't know what your plan is here, but if you want to stay it's cool with me," she paused, "the others might take some convincing though." She started to rise a little bit to head back to the van but then she lowered herself again, "Oh, and that comment about us being children you have to watch over," she said flying in a little lower so her head was right next to Dark's ear, "you're the one that stormed off back there."

With one powerful beat of her wings Haley leaped back up towards the van, being sure to stay between it and Dark. She had wanted to say something about not being 'some kid' since Dark had made the comment originally, but needed something to back it up first. Dark had simply walked away when Kato got mad, it was like the little kids in the movies who locked themselves in their rooms when they didn't get what they wanted but still came running downstairs when they thought they were going to be left behind. She smiled at Dark so he would know it was meant as a way for Haley to stand up for herself rather than an attack at Dark's personality, and stayed directly between him and the van, waiting to see if he would say anything else.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dark Character Portrait: Haley Price Character Portrait: Kato Kaio Character Portrait: Syn Character Portrait: Luna Character Portrait: Rosie Delaney
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"No worries," Haley said, actually smiling this time. She shifted one of her wings ever so slightly and was immediately propelled up into the air. The surge of wind under her wings felt amazing, but she knew she had to get back to the van. As gently and as gracefully as she could, Haley landed on the roof of the van and pulled her wings in. It wasn't until then that she realized how careless she had been about hiding the fact that she was from the lab, but there weren't too many other cars around so maybe no one had noticed. She swung down through the window into her seat and took a big gulp of the water Kato had given her. "Where are we going anyways?" She asked.

She hoped Dark realized that jumping up onto the roof of the van would make everyone even more uneasy about his return, but it was too late to tell him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dark Character Portrait: Haley Price Character Portrait: Kato Kaio Character Portrait: Syn Character Portrait: Luna
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Kato had heard every word between the two outside of the van,haley was actually trusting this maniac.As haley got back in the van ryder sighed"Im going to regret this i just know it".Kato slowed the van and eventually stopped it all together before leaning out the window and glaring at dark".........Get in the back if your coming".Kato gave dark a kind of half smirk just then"No man left behind,if you were gone i would have nobody to talk to.Im afraid of women".Kato pulled his head back in the van and waited for dark to get in thinking to himself"If this guy tries anything funny ill toss him out"