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Does it look like Im afarid of a bunch of nerds in lab coats?

0 · 646 views · located in 2026

a character in “Whispers in the Night”, as played by brokenhearts101


She is part bird but keeps her wings hidden.
she had brown hair and hazel eyes.
Small in size but big in heart


she will go to the extream to help others in need ever if it means exposed who she is


she cant remember anything but the lab. All the horrible things that happened there

So begins...

Syn's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dark Character Portrait: Haley Price Character Portrait: Kato Kaio Character Portrait: Syn Character Portrait: Cindy Orton Character Portrait: Luna
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Kato stared out the window as the two talked,he knew he had to get cindy to saftey.He scowled and looked at dark and haley"These are police men,they can aim.They would hit all of you for sure if they shot at you.Ill draw there fire and clear a path for you to drive out of here.Make sure cindy stays safe".Kato opened the door and stepped out with his hands up"Ok ok we surrender just dont shoot".The police men held there guns up"DROP TO THE GROUND AND KEEP YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR".Kato balled is fists and the second he did his body became encased in metal"FIRE"Yelled the cop as they unloaded there bullets on him using there hand guns.Kato ran forward the bullets doing very little but slowing him down somewhat.He charged the first cop and tackled him into the windshield of his vehicle before ripping the hood off and smashing the engine with his fist.He ten grabbed the front of the car and pushed back on it with all his strength pushing it aside and out of the way"NOW HALEY"Yelled kato as the police men derected there gun fire at the van"NO"Yelled kato.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dark Character Portrait: Haley Price Character Portrait: Kato Kaio Character Portrait: Syn Character Portrait: Luna
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"It's okay, everything's okay" Haley said as they reached the van. After kicking one of the side doors a few times it flew open. "Guys, we're going to need some help." She said as she slowly lowered Dark down into the van and pulled her wings in to make room. "Does anyone know anything about medicine? I don't really think we can just go to a hospital or anything..." Haley was covered in Dark's blood, which slowly pooled on the floor of the van. She looked around, hoping somebody would be able to do something. "It's okay Dark, every things okay." She said, taking hold of one of Dark's hands and giving it a reassuring squeeze.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dark Character Portrait: Haley Price Character Portrait: Kato Kaio Character Portrait: Syn Character Portrait: Cindy Orton Character Portrait: Luna
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Kato stopped the van very suddenly and hopped in the back beside dark"I can do what i did last time but putting so much metal in his blood stream could be very dangerous".Kato looked up to haley then back to dark.

Cindy had gotten down on the ground when the gun fire started,she was not hit but she was scared out of her mind.Tears an down her face as her super hero saved them yet again.She got up as kato took off and watched as he kneeled beside dark.Cindy heard luna call her name and looked to her"Im ok luna"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dark Character Portrait: Haley Price Character Portrait: Kato Kaio Character Portrait: Syn Character Portrait: Cindy Orton Character Portrait: Luna
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"What do we do now? If we don't do something you're going to bleed to death." Haley said. She peeled his shirt away a little with her free hand, trying to see if the bullets had exited cleanly or if they were still inside of him. Apparently healing abnormally fast wasn't something all of the escapees had in common. If he took the metal he might die, but without it he might die. Lose lose situation Haley thought to herself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dark Character Portrait: Haley Price Character Portrait: Kato Kaio Character Portrait: Syn Character Portrait: Cindy Orton Character Portrait: Luna
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Kato growled and took a deep breath before sticking his finger in the first bullet wound.There was a sick squishing sound as he felt around for the bullet.He focused on not lossing his cool as he finally felt the first bullet.He grabbed hold of it and with a quick tug so as not to prolong the pain he removed the bullet,half of his hand covered in blood.He shivered at all the blood on his hand before working on the second on.He found it after a few seconds of searching and with another quick yank he removed it and dropped it to the ground,He did the same for the third one before leaning back and taking a deep breath trying to ignore the blood that covered his hand"We need to find a hospital or something,and quickly.If he losses to much blood thats it"Kato took off his hoodie for the very first time in front of the gang before removing his black tee shirt and putting the hoddie back on.He ripped the tee-shirt into shreds and wrapped them around dark chest and back in order to slow the bleeding.Kato took another deep breath and leaned back yet again"That will merely prolong the loss of blood"Said ryder.

The very second he did the faint sound of sirens could be heard.Kato shot up and looked out the window to see several police cars speeding down the country road after them"THESE BASTARDS AGAIN"Yelled kato getting behind the wheel"CINDY GET BUCKLED UP.HALEY HOOK UP DARK.LUNA,SYN YOU GUYS BUCKLE UP TO"Ryder took off right after saying that,he floored it making the tires spin and squeal before they shot forward and took of down the road.

The police cars caught up quickly however and remained right on the bumper on the van.Kato swerved right into a cruiser juts as it drove onto the right side of the van.The van hit the cruiser with a huge thud and jerked to the left just as the cruiser lost control and spun out.Ryder kept a good handle on the van keeping it from spinning out as well and straightening out just as the remaining one of the remainin two cruisers smacked the back bumper hard causing the van to jerk violently"CANT SHAKE THIS GUY"Yelled kato growling.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dark Character Portrait: Haley Price Character Portrait: Kato Kaio Character Portrait: Syn Character Portrait: Cindy Orton Character Portrait: Luna
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Hooked into what? Haley thought. The van surged forward and it was all she could do to keep Dark and herself from flying backwards. There was no way to buckle him into a seat, but there was nothing on the floor to keep him steady either. Carefully, she unfurled her wings and used them to steady herself, keeping her hands free to anchor Dark as another car crashed into the van. Her clothes were caked in Dark's blood, but it didn't seem to matter.

"Syn!" she yelled, but winged girl had already leaped from the van. There was nothing left to do but hold Dark together, and wait.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dark Character Portrait: Haley Price Character Portrait: Kato Kaio Character Portrait: Syn Character Portrait: Cindy Orton Character Portrait: Luna
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Kato gave a growl as the car bumped them again this time much harder"DAMN BASTARDS"Yelled kato as syn jumped out of the car.Moments later kato looked in the side mirror to see syn get ride of another cruiser.The officer in the passenger seat of the second cruiser fired at syn and kato was positive that she had been hit"DAMN".Kato straightened out just in time for the final cruiser to slam into the side of the van knocking them off the road.Kato got back on the road and attempted to ram the cruiser back smacking into its side and sending it spinning off the road violently"TAKE THAT"Yelled kato giving a grin,but it wold not last as the van suddenly began to smoke from the hood,the van gave an almost coughing sound before vibrating and shutting down"NO".Yelled kato as the van slowly came to a stop in the middle of the road,its hood smoking"Come on,come on"Said kato trying to get the van to start back up.It would not,they were without a vehicle now.

Kato looked to Cindy then to dark,Haley and Luna"Its dead".Kato sighed and just as he did the familiar sounds of sirens could be heard.Kato went wide eyed and growled in rage before stepping out of the van and encasing his body in metal.As he did another 3 cruisers came racing down the road there sirens blaring.Kato yelled out in rage and ran forward to the cruisers as fast as he could.The first cruiser did not slow down and proceeded to run right inot kato sending his flying back about 30 feet and skidding across the ground as the cruiser stopped in its tracks its whole front caved in and wind shield smashed reveling two dead and bloody police men.

Kato stood as the two remaining cruisers stopped and 4 officers got out holding hand guns"FREEZE FREAKS"Yelled one as kato struggled to stay on his feet.His metal body was dented in his chest and stomach from the impact but kato stood bravely"Bring it"Said kato running forward and tackling one officer to the ground most likely killing him.The other three officers began to fire at kato there bullets bouncing off with a loud clinking sound.Kato stood back up weakly and was about to tackle another officer when very suddenly he yelled out in pain and feel to the ground wide eyed and twitcing.One of the officers had hit him with a tazer.Since he was made of metal the effects would be ten times greater.Kato's metal body melted vanished leaving him in his normal state lying on the ground electricity coursing through his body his eyes white and glazed and his mouth hanging open.

"NO KATO"Yelled cindy as she saw her super hero fall to the ground after getting tazed.She jumped out of the car and was grabbed by one of the officers by the arm just as even more police cruisers arrived on the scene.The van was surrounded and dark,and kato were useless now.The odds were against the gang as a black van pulled up to the scene and a man wearing an eye patch stepped out smirking.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dark Character Portrait: Haley Price Character Portrait: Kato Kaio Character Portrait: Syn Character Portrait: Cindy Orton Character Portrait: Luna
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Luna was shivering violently. Those creeps from the lab had taken kato, cindy, and mabye even syn. Tears started forming, but she sucked it up, this was not the time to seem weak. When Luna saw them grab cindy, she jumped out of the van and charged at the man holding her. Luna unsheathed her claws for the first time in years and slit his throat before he could do anything. She grabbed cindy away and dashed back to the van. Luna knew that they might be taken anyways but if they where, she was not about to let them be taken seperatly.

[OOC: A little history lesson XD]
Luna had been minding her own buisness in her lovely little cell, when two men came in and grabbed her and pulled her out into the corridor. They pulled her down the hallway, just like normal, but this time she said somthing that upset the first gaurd. He took his gun and raised it above his head. Her cat instincts took in and she went for his throat. She hit him and he fell to the floor, his whole body jerking. Luna imeadietly went into shock as three other gaurds grabbed her and threw her into a nearby cell. She sat there for a few weeks, stunned.
[OOC: @_@ 0o0]


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dark Character Portrait: Haley Price Character Portrait: Kato Kaio Character Portrait: Syn Character Portrait: Cindy Orton Character Portrait: Luna
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More cruisers and vans took the scene making the gangs odds that much worse.Kato remained on the ground half dead and white eyed.The man that had grabbed hold of cindy had his neck cut but it was not long before over two dozen officers and agents surrounded the van there guns raised,some even carried a large net that was designed to catch haley and syn if they tried to fly away using there wings.The man with the eye patch stepped up and looked over the van and to dark"You must know its hopeless now,your are all going back to the compound to finish your experiments like good children".The man wearing the eye patch looked to dark and squinted"Oh and the foolish guard you made a deal with,i wold like to let you know we killed him for his moronic deed.Your little deal with him is no more".

The man with the eye patch laughed wickedly and backed up letting the officers and the agents raise there guns again"If they try to escape,shot them where they stand"
Cindy sat inside the van with luna tears running down her face"Kato save us please"She pleaded to her hero but he would hear nothing as he remained on the ground a lump of half dead flesh.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dark Character Portrait: Haley Price Character Portrait: Kato Kaio Character Portrait: Syn Character Portrait: Cindy Orton Character Portrait: Luna
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Haley looked around. There was no escaping now. "What do we do now?" she asked, although she didn't really expect anyone to have an answer. Going back to the lab was the last thing on anyone's to-do list today. She desperately wanted to ask dark about the 'deal' he made with a guard, but now hardly seemed like the time. Then there was Kato. It didn't look like there would be any way to help him now.

She looked back out at the surrounding police. Nets? They brought nets? Haley couldn't believe it. Sure the guns had scared her a little, but it was a lot easier to dodge a couple of bullets than a specially designed net. She glanced at Cindy. What would happen to this sweet little girl if the lab guys got their hands on her? She wouldn't be able to fight her way out of a paper bag, forget making it through any of their tests and simulations.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dark Character Portrait: Haley Price Character Portrait: Kato Kaio Character Portrait: Syn Character Portrait: Cindy Orton Character Portrait: Luna
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"No." Haley said sternly, "no one is getting left behind so stop it with the suicide missions." She looked around at the surrounding police. If she and Syn flew off with Kato and Dark, and Luna ran out with Cindy, the whole gang could theoretically get out in one piece. Or almost one piece, Dark and Kato would still be pretty badly hurt.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dark Character Portrait: Haley Price Character Portrait: Syn Character Portrait: Cindy Orton Character Portrait: Luna
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The officers backed up from syn clearly scared,the agents however where not scared in the least and threw the specially designed net at syn.The other agents blocked all exits assuring that nobody could escape.The man with the eye patch growled at syn and took a step towards her holding up a hand gun"Give up all of you,its over you lost and your going back to the compound where you belong.You should be proud of yourselves.Escaping the compound was no small feat,but your luck has run out".The eyes patched man motioned for the agents to get in the van and take them by force.

The agents nodded and climbed in the van from all openings,the first agent grabbed the screaming Cindy as the second,third,and forth agents held Haley and Luna at gun point"MOVE FREAKS"Yelled the agent motioning for them to climb out the back of the van as the first agent threw Cindy in one of there vans.

The man with the eye patch pushed dark back on his stomach with his foot and prepared to hand cuff him"Your coming with me dark"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dark Character Portrait: Haley Price Character Portrait: Kato Kaio Character Portrait: Syn Character Portrait: Cindy Orton Character Portrait: Luna
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"Anymore?" Haley laughed as one of the agents put a gun to her head. "Clearly you never did care Dark, we were just part of your plan. Have fun at your tea party with the Captain over there." She turned politely to the agent with the gun and smiled, "That gun won't be necessary sir, I'm perfectly happy to come along. Do you see that one there, the one lying on the ground," she said motioning to Dark, "I actually thought he might be a good guy."

She didn't really want to turn herself in, but escape didn't exactly seem like an option anymore. Plus, maybe if she could convince the agents that she was truly willing to come along, it might make the transport a little more comfortable. Handcuffs were never comfortable.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Syn Character Portrait: Luna
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The officer rubs the back of his head as two agents point guns at Syn daring her to try something,they were well trained and even if she managed to hit one the second on would shot her right there.

Only luna remained but another agent lead her to the back of the van haley,cindy,and kato was in"Get in"Yelled the agent to luna pointing the gun at her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dark Character Portrait: Haley Price Character Portrait: Kato Kaio Character Portrait: Syn Character Portrait: Cindy Orton Character Portrait: Luna
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"Thank you," Haley said with a quick smile before climbing into the van. She put a protective arm around the little girl, "We're going on an adventure. Just be your sweet little self and you should be fine, okay?" There was no guarantee, but based on experience being nice to the agents seemed to work a whole lot better than fighting them. She knew they would save Kato, probably Dark too, there weren't all that many successful experiments at the lab, and the would do their best to keep them alive. For the time being, her plan was to sit back and play nice. Haley hoped that the longer she played nice the more they would relax, and eventually she would be able to escape.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dark Character Portrait: Haley Price Character Portrait: Kato Kaio Character Portrait: Syn Character Portrait: Cindy Orton Character Portrait: Luna
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Luna did something she normally would not have, she slit her eyes and glared at the man with all her might. He shoved her in the van and she sat down, wishing that her life would end. She had been stupid to believe that the running would stop and they could live normal lives. She scoffed at herself, "Nice one Luna, Nice" she mumbled to herself.

It had been three days and not a sign of life from kato till now. She heard him shift slightly and looked back. She looked at him mournfully, still not happy with how things were going. She knew some of the gang were probably thinking of some way to escape, and she trusted they would. Luna had been counting the days as they passed. They couldn't have gotten that far from the complex, could they? Are they being taken somwhere else? At that thought, Luna shivered, thinking of someplace even more high tech than the last place they where. Even more pain to suffer.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Haley Price Character Portrait: Kato Kaio Character Portrait: Syn Character Portrait: Cindy Orton Character Portrait: Luna
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"Kato!" Haley exclaimed as he came to life. She jumped from her seat in the van to give him a hug saying, "I thought you were dead!" A guard glanced back from the front seat, but made no move to restrain her. Some of the others had been hand cuffed or chained in place, but the agents had let her sit freely. Apparently compliance had earned her some trust. That could come in handy later on she thought.

After a day or so of driving through the desert, seeing nothing but blue skies and acre upon acre of sand, a building came into view in the distance. Great, she thought, back to lab we go. It seemed unlikely that the scientist would let the gang anywhere near each other once inside the lab.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dark Character Portrait: Syn
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Syn shakes her head. "Nope. I believe in no man left behind." The opening revels itself, it would be directily in an open hallway. She looks around. "Their rooms are this way." She takes the lead going up a winding stair case. The hallway gets darker and more quite. Not action, yet.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dark Character Portrait: Haley Price Character Portrait: Kato Kaio Character Portrait: Syn Character Portrait: Cindy Orton Character Portrait: Luna
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Haley continued pretending to be complacent as she was taken to her cell. The guards were responding well, allowing her to walk freely. Well, as free as you can be with armed guards behind you on both sides. "Thank you." She said politely as they walked her back to her old holding cell and closed the door. Once inside she slumped down in a corner and decided to get some sleep.

"Syn?" Haley said groggily as the girl opened her door to let her out. She was awake immediately, running down the hallway with the group once again.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dark Character Portrait: Haley Price Character Portrait: Kato Kaio Character Portrait: Syn Character Portrait: Cindy Orton Character Portrait: Luna
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Luna was getting pushed into the cell one moment and the next she is getting woken by Syn. "Wow, i have never been so happy to see you Syn!" She said as she jumped up and jogged out into the hall. We sure dont know when to quit she thought to herself with a smirk as she ran behind Haley and Syn.
Soon Kato and Dark joined the group. Luna was suprised to see Dark, knowing he had turned them in. She looked at Kato and Syn questionably.