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Who am I: The Other Side

Who am I: The Other Side


About 20 years ago, a mad man started experimenting on children trying to turn them into weapons. He tried many different methods. None have prevailed so far. The children who survived were left with no memory what so ever, and supernatural side effects.

841 readers have visited Who am I: The Other Side since Nobori❤Kudari created it.


About 20 years ago, a mad man started experimenting on children trying to turn them into weapons. He tried many different methods. None have prevailed so far. The children who survived were left with no memory what so ever, and supernatural side effects. When he was finished with them He would erase there memories and either put them in an orphanage, give them back to there parents if wanted back, or simply throw them to the streets.

These children were left with only 3 things,
1- strange hair or eye colors
2-supernatural side effects
3-absolutely no memory of anything that happened to them

[Original by ninjalollipop]
[As many people as they want can join.]

Okay so first follow the rules and your character can be threw the ages of 10-20.
And make sure to give there supernatural power and when it a cures.
example would be like, if sadden will start hyperventilating and have super strength
They also forgot who they are entirely, with no memory of their past.

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[b]Supernatural Side Effect[/b]

PM me if there are questions.

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 9 authors

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She was being chased. It should have been expected, the neighborhood she was in wasn’t the best of places. She had made it into a closed off construction site. It was late and all the workers had already gone home. She climbed the unfinished stairs, first floor, second floor, third floor and so on. They still came after her. Boys, or maybe even men. They were from the neighborhood gang, which gang she couldn’t recall. She just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. By the time she hit the fifth floor she felt like she couldn’t breathe.

The air, cold and wicked rushed through the open walls, the spots were the windows will eventually be going. It made the unfinished building all the more eerier. She could hear them laughing and mocking her. Taunting her as they stalked her but she kept going all the way to the top.

She would throw herself through the door and stumble out onto the roof. The wind was a lot stronger up here. Stars twinkled above, the sky was clear tonight. She used her hands to help get her footing as she ran for the edge. Five of them followed after her, now they weren’t running anymore.

She stopped at the edge and peered over, the wind smacked her in the face. It was far drop. She spun around as they approached. Smirks plastered across their faces, eyes reflecting ill intentions.

“What ya gonna do? Jump?” One of them asked. She smiled sweetly, rolling her eyes to the side. Since it’s the only option.. She climbed up onto the edge and balanced herself with her arms in the air. The five of them hesitated.

Her flower speckled dress danced in the updraft, her skin covered in little goose bumps. The tiny strapped dress did little to keep one warm but that didn’t really matter right now. They weren’t sure what she was going to do. She wasn’t hysterical, she was calm and smiling. She had been afraid, but now? Now she wasn’t.. she had been afraid of what they were going to do to her but now she had the advantage. Now there was nothing to be afraid. It was either this…or them.

And she rather it be this…

She leaned back, her feet slipped off the edge. Everything swarmed and for just a split second she felt as though she was floating in midair and then the freefall. It lasted a moment and when she hit the pavement below pain erupted through her entire body.

Then… when there should have been nothing, when there should have been only darkness and death, there was just more pain. The fall should have killed her, it shattered all the bones in her body, shattered her skull. To anyone she would appear to be dead and for five minutes or so she would have no pulse.

But she would blink and breathe.

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There they, er she was. Again, just like everyday, Miyura was sitting in the gutters. On the edge of town, where all the rapist and killers stayed. But she didn't care. Even being a small girl about 5'' 0' , and looking like child Miyura wasn't scared. She had Lalyi.

Lalyi smiled as she held her other half in her hand. "Miyu, What shall we do today?" Lalyi had a girly, yet robotic, voice with a light British accent to it.

"Why don't we do what we do everyday. People watch."


And that's what they did. Watched to drug smugglers, sell drugs. The Killers kill people, and the rapists rape people.

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Ki looked around. It was the normal environment; horrible people doing dope. It wasn't normal to other people, but to Ki, it's fine. She isn't scared, and plus, it's not like she could die out here anyway. She twiddled her hair, and looked over across the street, Two girls, and sighed at the possibilities. She stayed there, sort of protecting them, but not staring. She eyed someone behind them, he'd been staring at them for ages, when she felt a cold hand on her neck, and she kicked him where it hurt, running across the street, not bothering to see the taxi. Cursing, she sat by the girls.
"Creepy old dudes, eh? D'you mind if I wait here for a while?" she said, glancing around and smirking at the attacker, now on the floor, clutching his nuts n' bolts.

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"Why are you following me?" Shiro questioned, as he walked around the town. His brother, Kuro was trailing behind him. "Oh? What makes you think I'm following you? I'm simply going the same direction as you." he said with a small chuckle. It was obvious Kuro was following his brother. He would never admit it, but it was the truth. Besides, if Shiro didnt want him to follow, he would have done something about it by now.

Shiro let out a dreadful sigh, but didnt say anything. There was no point arguing with that guy. He would give a ridiculous explanation anyways. Shiro just wasnt in the mood to be dealing with his brother at the moment. Then again, were they really brothers? The way they fought and argued all the time made it seem like they were rivals more than brothers.

As the two walked in silence, a group of guys walked out of the alley, laughing amongst themselves. They eyed the two brothers, whispering something and stopped in front of Shiro.

"Move, you're in my way." Shiro said, with a small yawn. He could have just walked around them, but he refused to let these fools think they could just block him and get away with it. The way they looked at him just pissed him off. Of course to everyone else, it would seem like Shiro wasnt angry at all. Kuro on the other hand could tell his little brother was pissed. Without realizing, he laughed.

Shiro glared back at his brother in annoyance, and rolled his eyes. He moved his gaze back to the group in front of them, "Well? Get moving." he demanded.

"Hey kid, how old are you? You think you're tough or something?" a tall guy stepped up from the group. He looked much older, probably about twenty or something. Not that this bothered Shiro. Instead he grinned. "Hmm? I feel insulted... is this a challenge. I'll gladly beat you to bits if you want." The others in the back laughed, shaking their heads at him. The guy, whom Shiro assumed was the leader laughed as well, taking a dangerous step forward. As the guy struck a punch, Shiro easily grabbed his wrist, twisting his arms backwards. "Do you want your arms broken? Throwing a weak punch like that wont do. If you can fight, dont start one." Follow by that was a loud crack and the guy fell to the ground in agony. He grabbed his broken arms, rolling on the ground.

Kuro whistled, "Wow... Shiro, you should watch your temper." he said with a smile on his face. It was hard to tell whether it was a real smile, a fake, or just one of his mocking ones. Well either way, Kuro was a bit amused with this little show.

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Miku sat against a tree, just out of town. She could see the edge of town, but was far enough that the people there probably couldn't see her.
A bird sat on her shoulder, and a rabbit in her lap. Her half-wolf, Rya, leaned against her as she growled at anything that dared come near her master. Animals naturally were attracted to Miku, but Rya was much closer. It was almost like they could read eachother's minds. Rya and Miku were always together, never more then 10 feet apart. it was unknown what would happen if they were separated, but it probably wouldn't be good. The whtie half-wolf pushed the bunny off of Miku's lap and rested her head on her master's lap, but the bunny quickly turned and hopped onto Rya's head.
Laughing lightly, Miku stood up and led Rya into town. Not many people care near Miku, thinking Rya was 100% wolf. Well, she had the teeth. And if you came near Miku, you'd become puppy chow.

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#, as written by Akantha
Wren stepped into the light of the streets as casually as possible. She had been on her stroll looking for one of her pets or boys to drain from and she had found one but that pet seemed to be preoccupied with pain. She glanced at the two men who had taken down her pet keeping her expression neutral and calm. Nothing to set them off. Who knew what kind of maniacs they were. She circled around staying silent as she moved to lean over the man who anybody with decent eyesight could tell had hurt himself badly. Broken arms needed a hospital. "Wren? Is that you? Baby girl I need you to help me! Please lord!" She stared at him for a moment before laughing softly and turning to the boys.

"Sorry about the trouble this brute caused you. I'll make sure he never screws with you again although I haven't seen anybody with that kinda strength. You seem strange yet familiar even though I'm pretty sure I don't know you." She would have smiled if not for the fact that her mood had plummeted into a sick twisting pit of disgust and anger. She shook her head and racked her brain for places she would have seen the two but none came to mind. She jumped startled when a cold hand touched her ankle.

She immediately shook it off and stepped back following the groan of pain."First off. Don't touch me. Secondly, you sicken me. Your weak. Too weak." She huffed. "But! Baby, I swear I can take it. I'm strong enough. Please just give me a chance and if you help me I'll get better at this! I swear it! It hurts right now so I need help first! Dammit!" She rolled her eyes shooting him a viscous glare.

"Pets will always be pets. Pets that cannot take the pain cannot survive for long. So I have no more need of you. Bye!" She chuckled then glanced over at the boys. "Well since there no longer in my custody have fun with them. Oh, and I almost forgot. What's your names? You know, just in case we meet again and I happen to find you beating up another one of my pets?" She attempted a smile.

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[Wall of text warning, only time I'll ever do this. For any relevance skip to the end.]

It was cold. That night was terribly cold. No matter how one looked at it the evening was already not going well for the young man. Tai was wandering about the neighborhood silently as he rubbed his arms briskly. It probably wasn't as bad as he thought but the lack of food and shelter was taking its toll on him. All Tai was wearing was an over-sized black and white striped long sleeved shirt that could have been mistaken as a sweater, and a pair of ripped and ragged jeans. He couldn't recall how long it had been since he awoke in a cold sweat, lying in the gutter on the side of street he didn't recognize, wearing clothes he did not recognize and worse yet, looking into a mirror finding a face he didn't recognize.

A sudden brisk chill swept through the streets as it broke the increasingly depressive thoughts of the white haired boy. He was someone without a scrap of food or coin just walking along the side streets of, what he assumed to be, a rough neighborhood he didn't recognize. Salvation came to his eyes when he spotted what seemed to be a construction zone of massive proportions. However the young boy only seemed to be interested in the possibilities of a shelter from the wind and possibly any trinkets the workers might have left behind. With a glee on his face he made his way into the obviously incomplete building.

Tai had made his way to the second floor when he eventually decided to make camp. Any higher and he wouldn't be able to escape were he to be found out and being on the first floor just cried out to be found at all. He had even found a large blanket that seemed to have been used by the workers as a clean mat to place their belongings on. There weren't any other luxuries to be found but the blanket made the boy happy beyond proportions. He stared out through one of the open spaces in the wall that seemed to be for future windows; the light from the moon soothed him.

It wasn't long however before his peace would be disturbed. It wasn't any longer than a swift moment and cries and jeers suddenly echoed through his ears as well as the soft panting of a young girl and the footsteps she caused passed behind him. They were climbing the building as the fear in Tai's mind suddenly escalated. He needed to escape, yet he was frozen in place.

Moments passed as the jeers suddenly stopped and he started to hear a soft rustling sound. As Tai stared out his window he noticed the body of a girl drop downwards. It was only an instant; a mere blink would have made one lose the moment entirely, but Tai saw the softly smiling face of a girl flash before him.

Tai had to run. They had killed a girl, whomever 'they' were. He began to run towards the stairs to leave, still holding his blanket, but was interrupted as he suddenly fell backwards.

"Sunnava bitch!" He heard a cry. "This little shithead saw everything!"

Tai opened his eyes and saw 5 young men trying to run down the stairs. 'They must have killed her.' he thought. He wasn't able to think long as he tried to get up before a dark shadow suddenly flashed before his eyes. Tai toppled backwards holding his face, trying to cradle the pained surface.

"Dude! What are you doing!?" One of taller male's friend asked.

"This fucker is gonna rat us out to the fucking police! If we don't take care of his ass we're going away for a long time!" The assaulter replied, holding his blood stained hand.

'Blood? Blood? Blood? Blood! Blood!?' A voice seemed to cry within Tai's mind. A voice that seemed to bubble as his body began to heat up and sweat. Adrenaline pumped through his veins as the world around him seemed to slow down. Eventually the heat became too much to bear and before long the world suddenly turned red; as red as Tai's now blood red hair.

The next punch aimed at him would be the last the assaulter would launch, for although it made the satisfying 'smack' of fist against flesh, there was only fear as the man struggled to free it from Tai's solid grip of his fist. However it would soon be too late as the 6 males heard a sickening crack. Tai had broken the man's fist completely; it was apparent as both blood and bones began to fall to the ground through the large rough gauges in his hand. The man instantly passed out from the pain as his friends crowded around him. Strangely enough the blood that was on the ground moments before was no longer there. Tai's arm pulsed as the absorbed blood seeped into his skin. The last thing the hoodlums saw was the wide red manic eyes and the grin seeped in insanity.

Outside the boy eventually found the girl that had fallen to the ground earlier. Already he was rushing towards her, eager to take upon her blood for himself. However what surprised him was that as he came closer he realized her body was free from said delicious liquid. The red haired boy roared in anger when he realized she was perfectly fine. When Tai was done he looked her body over, still perplexed as to what was wrong with her. At least he was before his heightened hearing suddenly detected breathing. 'The bitch is alive!' He thought as he loomed over her body.

He watched her body twitch underneath him as a wide grin spread along his face. Without even a thought he reared his leg back and then drove it into her side. He laughed as the girl suddenly cried out in pain. He continued to kick as her side until he was positive he had broken a rib. He placed his foot over the rib and ground into it and literally waited as the bones realigned. Tai smiled. Another one like him. Moving his leg backwards he then drove his foot right into her head, successfully knocking her out.

Wrapping his blanket around his neck and scooping the now unconscious comrade in his arms, Tai, still under the influence of the blood, whisked away into the night, away from the soon-to-be discovered crime scene: 5 men brutally assaulted and murdered, without even a trace of blood left within.

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Shiro didnt look happy as another person approached him. It didnt seem like she was looking for a fight, so he allowed himself to relax just a bit. "Pathetic." Shiro murmured as the guy begged the girl to help him. These guys were so weak... seeming so desperate for help. It was just a broken arm. A broken leg, yeah he would understand, but even with two broken arms he would be able to get up. "Not even worth my time." he muttered. If there was one thing he hated the most was when useless weaklings wasted his time.

"Sorry about the trouble this brute caused you. I'll make sure he never screws with you again although I haven't seen anybody with that kinda strength. You seem strange yet familiar even though I'm pretty sure I don't know you."

Shiro looked at her, his face expression a bit hard to read. Indeed, he didnt know this girl. Even if it did, he wouldnt care.

"But! Baby, I swear I can take it. I'm strong enough. Please just give me a chance and if you help me I'll get better at this! I swear it! It hurts right now so I need help first! Dammit!"

Raising an eyebrow, he peered down at the guy. "So you're saying with her help you can beat me? If you want to get stronger get stronger by yourself. Someone like you is just nothing but a fool." he said, putting one hand in his pocket. The guy narrowed his eyes at him, but looked away as he wince in pain. As Shiro started to leave, the girl asked for their names. "You dont hav--" before he can finish Kuro interrupted.

"His name is Shiro." Kuro answered, a playful smile on his lips. "Oh, and my names is Kuro."

"Tell me one good reason why I shouldnt kill you..." Shiro muttered, putting a hand on his head. "That's easy, cause I'm your brother. Besides, are you one hundred percent sure this is really me?" his brother replied. The playful smile turned mysterious, as if he was hiding something. Shiro stared at Kuro for a long time and turned away. Right then, a small bird flew down onto his shoulders and chirped cheerfully. At the little creature's appearance, the dangerous aura seemed to fade away.

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Ki had left the two girls a while ago, and walked off in a random direction, not really too happy. She was walking past and she saw three guys, one on the floor, and a girl who seemed to be calm, and not caring. Ki, figuring she had nothing to do, ran over to the man on the floor, deducing he was normal; no self-healing powers or anything. Strolling up, she could kind of see both arms broken, and one of his legs too. He was sort of pathetic, lying there, but as I said, Ki had nothing to do and was bored of walking, and the man seemed to be in a saddening situation. Feeling pity, Ki knelt down. Feeling his ribs for broken bones and anything else that could worsen the situation. Glaring at the boys and the girl with fury, she felt anger building up but tried to calm it.
“You bunch of lowlives! A person’s life isn’t meant to be considered a ‘pet’, and you guys just totally overdid it!” she snapped, staring an icy glare into their backs. Any other girl would be scared to bits, crushed to bits, in fact, but Ki wasn’t scared. She stood up, arms crossed and looked at the guy on the floor.
“Do you work with this twat?” she said, pointing at the girl. To be truthful, Ki was just trying to pick a fight.

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#, as written by Akantha
Wren was busily analyzing Shiro and Kuro's relationship and wondering why birds seemed to like Shiro so much when someone seemed to pop up out of no where and begin probing her ex-pet. She watched the girl with confusion then glanced over to the boys wondering what they thought. Surely they were as confused as her? She turned her gaze back to the girl about to question why she was suddenly there when the girl said something she never should have said.

“You bunch of lowlives! A person’s life isn’t meant to be considered a ‘pet’, and you guys just totally overdid it!”

Wren bristled her anger getting the better of her rather sweetish nature. "Shutup. I don't think you know the whole situation so know your place because people who assume are often the lowlifes themselves!" She glared as her posture adapted a more aggressive tone. Wren had never had one friend and she never understood why other girls loved picking fights with her but she wouldn't stand down just because the girl thought she knew everything.

"For your information, he agreed to be my pet and there are circumstances behind the matter that you will never comprehend. Although I'm not trying to be ultimately rude but I think you owe me an apology. Actually I don't even want your darn apology. Why don't you just get him to a hospital and scram? You know, get out of my sight? You can understand that right?" Her sarcasm on the last sentence amused her only slightly.

She narrowed her eyes knowing the strange mixture of dark and light green along with blue would be filled with malicious intent. Wren was hungry and she could feel her skin itch to reach out and touch the girl. She wanted good taste because she had missed a meal. She licked her lips and glowered at the girl. Darn her hunger!

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Kuro seemed to frown slightly at the sight of the bird. It always came when it felt like it, and then left after a few minutes. Yet, it had a better relationship with his brother. Dont get him wrong, having a good relationship with his brother kind of did creep him out. He liked the way they were now. No way in hell would he ever want a "loving" relationship with Shiro. Okay, more of this talk he would literally throw up.

“You bunch of lowlives! A person’s life isn’t meant to be considered a ‘pet’, and you guys just totally overdid it!”

Kuro almost bumped into his brother, as he stopped abruptly. Shiro turned around when he heard a new voice, letting out a small sigh. Thankfully, the other girl already gave a speech, which hopefully meant he wouldnt have to explain the whole situation. "One after another. There's never a day when I can get some peaceful time." he growled under his breath. It was true. Maybe it was because of his short temper, but people in this town just loved getting into fights. Of course they would always ends up with a broken bone or two, but apparently, that didnt teach them a lesson.

Kuro chuckled, "Wow. The day just gets better and better." he commented, biting his lips when Shiro gave him a glare. If anyone saw, it would seem like Kuro was the younger one here. He sighed, crossing his arms, "Shiro-kun it's not nice to glare at your brother like that." he said with an easy smile. "Loosen up a bit. Causing fights isnt always good."

Shiro winced at the tone of his brother's voice. No he wasnt afraid, it just gave him weird chills down his back. Nobody really knew the true nature of his brother. He hardly fought, but if he did, he would kill his opponent without even blinking. Sometimes, it angered Shiro at the fact that his brother was probably going easy on him. "If you dont like me causing fights, then stop following me." he muttered.

Kuro chuckled once more. He looked at Wren instead, "Oh and what might your name be miss?" he asked, just out of curiosity.

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It was everlasting, and all the same. There was never a difference and it never went away. She spun through the void, the endless existence. The pain was all the same. It felt the same. Falling from the roof top was nothing new. The kick to the ribs wasn’t either, the pain echoed into her soul and further. It never went away and she wondered why. Why was she like this, why couldn’t it end.

Then there was blackness.

It brought memories, jumbles of visions, visions that didn’t make sense. There were lights, soft muffled voices and then nothing again. There was a hole in her mind and things were missing. She couldn’t find them, no matter how hard she searched. She could find that pain though and it was agonizing..

But did it really matter? When she wakes up, it will be gone and it won’t hurt anymore. At least that would mean, she was still alive and this wasn’t just some screwed up dream.
Her subconscious could only make up what was happening to her now. What came of her after the fall, who was it that decided to be cruel and beat her while she was down..

It’s happened before. She’s run into that same trouble. Thugs with ill intentions, she didn’t always get away. She had been raped before, beaten and then of course killed. What happened after that? Sometimes she was dead for a few days.. sometimes a few minutes.. Usually when she woke..

Well… lets just say she has her hands stained red. From her anger, her suffering she has taken it out on her attackers before. She has killed before.

Those times, troubled her dreams and brought her constant nightmares. It was all the same…

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'Sunlight...ugh' Hanako thought as she woke up on a old bench that looked as if it was burned then rebuilt. Leaning up she looked around. Not seeing anyone she stood up and streched. Her white and black hair falling into her face.

Walking down the street the daggers she had clang. Sounding like change in a purse.
Stopping she saw A young man bei g followed by another. Looking at them she waved and continued walking.
Not looking back she walked to another bench and laid down.

(still here my character just likes to sleep most the time)

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It was the wee reaches of the morning when 'Tai' finally came to. The last he recalled happening was running into a small group of thugs within his makeshift shelter for the night. Otherwise, the rest was a hazy recollection of screams and blurred images remembered through the red filter of his blood drunk rampage. If the, currently, white haired boy hadn't experienced this sort of morning before he would've been driven to the brink of madness by the memories alone. However he was used to it. Tai wasn't worried about running into the law, quite typically anyone that crossed his red haired self did not last long enough in their rapidly shortened life to be even considered a witness. Normally not even a single person was left while he was influenced by that sweet red liquid.

The biggest surprise of that morning was that someone was left. Tai's eyes widened in terror when he spotted a girl clothed in a rather small strapped sundress lying on the ground none to far from where he was. Tai quickly looked around him and surveyed their current situation. From the sudden breeze he realized that at some point he had scaled a building and now was on a roof seemingly 7 stories high from the side walk. They were underneath an awning, most of Tai's newly acquired blanket was beneath the girl while the rest were wrapped around his person. Looking her over again he realized both her hands and knees looked lightly bruised and a heavy musk was surrounding them regardless of the light winds blowing around them. When Tai looked downwards he realized his pants were half down and when he looked over the girl she wasn't wearing any...

Tai jumped backwards as if trying to free himself from the fate that he had apparently sealed himself into the night before. The moment he rose however the white haired boy's legs tangled up with the pants that he hadn't had the hindsight to fix up beforehand as he deftly fell. A loud thud resounded throughout the small area as his legs kept moving, stumbling haphazardly as he tried to get up only using his legs, his face dragging along the rooftop as his hands fumbled with his pants. Eventually he arose, some scratches on his face that were already quickly healing, and nearly flew off the roof had he not regained his balance as he looked downwards to the street.

His eyes wide with fear and stomach now toppling over itself in nausea at the sudden exposure to height he looked back onto the rest of the roof, his eyes eventually laying upon the girl from the night before. A certain memory flashed in his mind: a memory of her closed serene face as she fell from the roof. Those eyes were now fluttering open as a groan escaped her lips.

Never had a time arisen when Tai felt he'd rather have taken his chances with the heights.

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Cezar wakes up with a slight headach, he couldn't remember the last time he slept so hard and comfortably on a cruddy old matress in a dumpster. The sun was hurting his eye as he cracked the door over his head. he gave himself time to adjust for the sunlight as he starded to climb out. He looked at the bones that stuck out at his elbows and knuckles.

"~sigh~ I gotta get a file to fix these things."

Cezar's stomach growled, this singifyed that it was time to eat. He takes a dash to the his usual place where he stole food from.

The local diner-by-day was by far the worst place to do eat unless you are uncaring of what your eat to save a buck. Cezar however knows that any food is better than starving to death. He snuck around the back to find one of the only normal people that didnt try to run him off for being hideous. Luigi VanCleef was outside for his first smoke break of the day. He saw Cezar coming and waved his hand

"Hey Cezar, here for the usual?"
"You know it Lu, Uhhh gotta file layin' around?"

Luigi pulled out a peice of sandpaper that the wind blew away from a nearby contruction site from inbetween the building and the garbage can.

"All I got man, bones drivin' ya nuts?"

Cezar looked at his knuckles and saw how they were getting slightly pointed. The last thing Cezar wanted was to end up killing someone in self defence.

"It'll have to do really, at least for my knucklebones."

Luigi walks into the kitchen for a few moment then back out with a couple of sausage and rice bowls in his hands. He hands one to Cezar then leaned up against the box he was at as Cezar began to devour the food.

"one of these days Luigi," Cezar said with his mouth full, " Im gunna pay you back for these tings."

Luigi simply laughed as he took the first bit of his breaskfast bowl.

"I told you man, until you find a way to hide those weapons stickin' outta your skin," Said Luigi as he put his bite of food in his mouth, " I'll give ya all the food you'll need for free."

Luigi shook his head.
" You remember the first time you came here, the boss nearly shot ya because you destroyed the all you can eat bar and couldnt pay for it."

Cezar remembered when he found the the Diner-by-day. He was only six and was starving when he happened to stumble upon it.

"That was the scariest day of my life," Cezar sighed, " I still feel like shit for killin' your sister in self defence."

Luigi took a swig from his teacup full of tea from his thermos.

" You have a anger problem." Luigi said, " though now you keep you knuckles filed down where it isnt fatle, you get pissed and somone gets hurt."

Luigi finished up his food and sat his bowl down. Cezar finished shortly after and placed his bowl in Luigi's bowl.

"Look man," said Luigi reaching into his wallet, "your guna need this for later."

Cezar put the money in his pants pocket .

"Thanks man, " said cezar, "I will definatly put this to good use, Same time tomarrow?"

Luigi couldnt help but to chuckle.

"Yeah hopefully, what sounds good tomarrow?"

Cezar thought for a minute, what hasn't he had in ages.

"Deep fried Kalamari?"

Luigi's eyes widened when he heard that.

"Ooooh we hadn't any of that since you raided our beffet!"

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“He...hehehe...” Ki started, before erupting into an uncontrollable laughter. “Me?...Scram? Lowlife?” She managed to blurt within laughing fits. She actually found it funny. This girl thought so high of herself, when Ki could just reconstruct and return to get her back. Even through the laughter, Ki was almost at her boiling point, ready to be encased in purple flames.
“You’re so hilarious” she muttered, sarcastically, and gave Wren a mocking eye. “I’ll take you on anytime. Although three on one’s a bit unfair, dont’cha think?”
Ki laughed to herself, smiling, but stopped when she looked back to the guy on the floor. Dead. Or unconscious, or something within the lines of that.
Feeling the flames about to rise, she got into her fighting position. Hands in her pockets, slouched back and headphones around her neck.

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#, as written by Akantha
Wren stared at the girl. She had to be insane and laughing like that wasn't helping Wren think she wasnt. She hummed under her breath softly calming herself after assessing the situation. The girl obviously wanted to fight and Wren obviously wanted nothing to do with the girl although she hadn't caught on to that clue for some odd reason. She rolled her eyes moving to rock back and forth on her heels as she watched the girl with disinterest. The girl was practically an open book. Wren let out a sigh.

"Look. I don't know why your so pissed off cause the way I see it your trying to start something with me even though I'm trying not to get involved with you. Your so not my type." Wren winked flirtatiously then went on. "I can tell that you want fight me but what good will that do you? A little pleasure? Not that I wouldn't love some pleasure of my own sometime, which is why I have pets but that pet just found himself in the wrong situation at the wrong time and I had nothing to do with it. I can say however that I don't know those boys. Just met them today and if you like them that much take them. I have other fish to fry. If that's not the case why don't you tell me why you wanna fight me so badly? Do you wanna get that close to this delicious body? Cause I've never played with girls but you know what they say about first times the charm." She giggled quite amused with herself and the girl. She hadn't ever seen a lesbian so this would be a real treat taking energy from a girl.

She stuffed her hands in her pocket completely unconcerned that the girl was In fighting stance. She looked over to the younger looking brother, Kuro, and smiled. "Once again it seems I've gotten you guys In trouble. Why dont you go on and go wherever you were headed? No need to see this go down. By the way I'm Wren. I would love hang if I ever see you around some time. " She needed the boys gone because if she was going to drain the girl it would be without an audience. She could feel her entire being lean towards the vibrant energy of the girl. She glanced towards the said girl grinning wildly. "You know? We could have been friends if you weren't so eager to fight. Actually even then after we fight if you still want to how bouts we still be friends? For some reason you seem like someone interesting."

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"Sure. Friends. Not like I'm gonna die anytime soon. Hehe." Ki giggled. For a while, she tried remembering the name Wren, but had to give up. Looking over at the boys, even she'd noticed Wren's hint for them to scram, but they weren't gone yet."You're right; I do wanna fight, and I don't care for that guy. I saw him grabbin' a kid 'round the age of 8 the other day, and I heard screams. Just wanted to get him back, but I was bored." she explained, all the time kicking the man, each kick breaking a rib.
"Hey, Wren. I'm Ki. Nice to meet you; I don't go down easy. I don't go down at all. I wanna fight... Cause I'm bored!"

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#, as written by Akantha
Wren finally let her famous smirk appear. She looked between the boys and the girl. "So..." She let the word float around in the air adding to the pressure she sensed. "You don't wanna fight me but you want one of the boys over there?" She bounced over to the girl staying out of reach of any strike just in case her calculations were wrong. "Also, I find it nice meeting you too. I have always liked spunky people like me." She chuckled. "Not withstanding though. So what are you going to do? From what I've seen those two don't seem like the types that go down easy either." She gestured towards the poorly broken man who had probably gone unconscious.

She leaned down, just out of interest, and poked the man. "Well I think he's dead. Or just that he's lost it but either way." She glanced up and propped her elbow up on her knee and rested her chin on her hands. "I don't think I would fight you just for fun. Sure, I love to fight but I am a bit of a pacifist if I can keep the other party quiet." She looked over to the boys figuring seeing what they felt would be a good idea.

"So Kuro, Shiro, you up for playing a game of fists with her? Seems she's got beef with you guys and I would rather not have to fight a fight that isn't mine to fight." She tilted her head moving to straighten and stand. She stretched for a moment before refocusing her attention on the more interactive brother's face.

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"Huh? Oh, I was talking about Mr. Dead over there, the rapist. But if you all have a bone to pick with me, I'll take you all on. I'm pretty sure I won't die, and if I do, haha to that lab." Ki said, serious tone in her voice. "But I thought I was fighting Wren first. Soo..." Ki signalled for the boys to go, as it seemed Wren didn't want them there. After a while, Ki started to actually take in her surroundings; an alley, grafitti everywhere and probably a million trashcans tipped over, revealing the mangy contents that smelt like piss. Ki noticed tuis the most, and wrinkled her nose. Then she took in her own outfit. Headphones slung lazily around her neck, a tank top that got ripped last week so now it reveals her stomach, skull earings, and baggy jeans. She sighed at her headphones, wishing her iPod was charged.
"This town is full' o crap. I've lived 'ere the part of my life that I remember, and trust me. T'aint
pretty round here. Hehehe..." Ki laughed, rather sadly this time, remembering when she couldn't control herself and would let her anger go beserk. "Hehehe. I laugh a lot, by the way. It gets rid of the worse feelings that can creep up." laughed Ki, this time a lot more cheerier. Ki leaned her hand against the wall and decided it was okay; she had soap at home. "Are you ready?"

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Shiro fell completely silent. He didnt even look at his brother, who was waving his hands in front of his face, trying to get attention. These girls... telling him to leave, or fight... What was he? Some kind of a dog in training? Besides, he hated having to work with someone. Especially when it came to fighting. He fought alone. He would never allow anyone to interfere with his fight. "I'm... leaving..." he growled silently under his breath. If he stayed there any longer, he would probably let loose of his temper. Sensing the dangerous aura rising, the bird that was sitting peacefully on his shoulders quickly flew off.

"So Kuro, Shiro, you up for playing a game of fists with her? Seems she's got beef with you guys and I would rather not have to fight a fight that isn't mine to fight."

"Well, I would to stay and fight, but if I dont keep an eye on Mr. Grumpy over there, half the town might get destroyed. Besides..." Kuro licked the corner of his lips, "I'm not sure what I'll do if I end up fighting you two ladies." His eyes sparkled mischievously, as he chuckled and quickly walked after his angry brother. He knew Shiro was angry, and it probably wasnt a good thing to follow him, but he was bored. Staying back there with the girls probably wont be as entertaining either.

"Mmm this Earth sure is a boring place." Kuro mumbled.

"Stop following me." Shiro warned, without looking back.

"Oh geesh Shiro, control that temper of yours. You might end up--" before he can finish his nagging, something came flying towards his face. Kuro held a scythe, blocking Shiro's sudden attack. "Oh?" Kuro raised an eyebrow and chuckled. "Little brother you still have lots to learn." he mocked, as his figure seemed to fade away. The real Kuro was leaning against a building, a small smirk on his face.

Shiro's eyes twitched. "I hate illusions." he muttered in annoyance.

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Hanako woke up, only to find herself co red in nasty newspaper that smell like fish. Sitting up she pushed it off and stood up. Her long black and white hair covered most of her face making her look half dead.

Looking around she heard what sounded like two male voices And followed the sound. Turning the conner Hanako caught sight of Kuro and Shiro. Not knowing who they were or what they were she hid behind the conner and saw what looked like illusions. She wondered if they were like her but she didn't want to be rude and approach them.

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View All » Add Character » 13 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Miyura Kuriko and Lalyi
Character Portrait: Mute
Character Portrait: Shizuma Komamura
Character Portrait: Cezar "Bonerage/ boney" Marrowgar
Character Portrait: Gumi Matryoshka
Character Portrait: Hanako Mizuki


Character Portrait: Hanako Mizuki
Hanako Mizuki

Last thing you see will be a bright light.

Character Portrait: Gumi Matryoshka
Gumi Matryoshka

- ` a hero of justice will surely arrive, holding a metal baseball bat in her left hand.

Character Portrait: Cezar "Bonerage/ boney" Marrowgar
Cezar "Bonerage/ boney" Marrowgar

an older street rat that live by fighting.... bones stick out at his spine, elbows, and knuckles

Character Portrait: Shizuma Komamura
Shizuma Komamura

Returned to her parents when she was 11 with no memories of what happened, Shizuma tries to find the normal life she longs for.

Character Portrait: Mute

When there is no option, not even death what do you do?

Character Portrait: Miyura Kuriko and Lalyi
Miyura Kuriko and Lalyi

A girl who has half of her soul inside a living doll.


Character Portrait: Gumi Matryoshka
Gumi Matryoshka

- ` a hero of justice will surely arrive, holding a metal baseball bat in her left hand.

Character Portrait: Hanako Mizuki
Hanako Mizuki

Last thing you see will be a bright light.

Character Portrait: Mute

When there is no option, not even death what do you do?

Character Portrait: Shizuma Komamura
Shizuma Komamura

Returned to her parents when she was 11 with no memories of what happened, Shizuma tries to find the normal life she longs for.

Character Portrait: Cezar "Bonerage/ boney" Marrowgar
Cezar "Bonerage/ boney" Marrowgar

an older street rat that live by fighting.... bones stick out at his spine, elbows, and knuckles

Character Portrait: Miyura Kuriko and Lalyi
Miyura Kuriko and Lalyi

A girl who has half of her soul inside a living doll.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Mute

When there is no option, not even death what do you do?

Character Portrait: Miyura Kuriko and Lalyi
Miyura Kuriko and Lalyi

A girl who has half of her soul inside a living doll.

Character Portrait: Shizuma Komamura
Shizuma Komamura

Returned to her parents when she was 11 with no memories of what happened, Shizuma tries to find the normal life she longs for.

Character Portrait: Hanako Mizuki
Hanako Mizuki

Last thing you see will be a bright light.

Character Portrait: Cezar "Bonerage/ boney" Marrowgar
Cezar "Bonerage/ boney" Marrowgar

an older street rat that live by fighting.... bones stick out at his spine, elbows, and knuckles

Character Portrait: Gumi Matryoshka
Gumi Matryoshka

- ` a hero of justice will surely arrive, holding a metal baseball bat in her left hand.

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Most recent OOC posts in Who am I: The Other Side

Re: [OOC] Who am I? [Remake]

Hava question who can I run my character into?

Re: [OOC] Who am I? [Remake]

Ahahaaaa... Lol. I don't usually write this darkly but seeing as the setting is in a bad neighborhood.. Well anything goes xD

Re: [OOC] Who am I? [Remake]

I thought you were joking till I read the post- lol. Was expecting a "Oh god he's done it again!" moment. (•w•) rape bunny

Re: [OOC] Who am I? [Remake]


forget kidnapping! now there's the rape! @o@

Re: [OOC] Who am I? [Remake]

I'll get on in an hour to post I gtg to an interview chow!

Re: [OOC] Who am I? [Remake]

I can't even rp that much... I'm not that detailed ( i _ i )

Re: [OOC] Who am I? [Remake]

You guys posted WAAAAAAAAAAAAY too much, so im not reading it all. I may disregard my character only when you need her.

Re: [OOC] Who am I? [Remake]

I submitted a character may I join?

Re: [OOC] Who am I? [Remake]

I wonder what wil happen when Tai gets out of his ‘Red’ state and realised he just kidnapped a girl.

Tai~~> (Q-Q)

Re: [OOC] Who am I? [Remake]

Hey guys! Posted a wall of text for my intro! I tend to do my intros long and the rest muuuuch tapered down!

Um in short: he meets and kidnaps Mute. That is all.

Re: [OOC] Who am I? [Remake]

If it's alright with you all, I'd like to participate as well! I'll be posting up my character in a bit if that's okay?

Re: [OOC] Who am I? [Remake]

This seems exciting! Cant wait to start ;)

Re: [OOC] Who am I? [Remake]

Yes of course, just copy and paste your characters.

Edit: You guys can post when you are ready to start.

Re: [OOC] Who am I? [Remake]

Resubmitted my character, hopefully this roleplay will actually get started this time. :D

Re: [OOC] Who am I? [Remake]

Thats what I did... just copied and paste...

Re: [OOC] Who am I? [Remake]

Any chance I could just use the one I made for te original? I mean, I spent 3 night typing this guys stuff out