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Jonathan Cambridge

A powerful young man who uses others in order to gain whatever his goals may be. Ex-"Boyfriend" of Sarah Kaplan.

0 · 448 views · located in Archer's School for Accelerated Learners

a character in “Who Killed Sarah Kaplan?”, originally authored by Dezz, as played by Saviarre


Jonathan Charles-William Cambridge, Jr.


Gender Male.
Age 17.

Jonathan is very meticulous about his appearance. Nothing is ever out of place unless he wishes it to be so, according to trends and styles which he sets in the boarding school. It is obvious the young man spends much of his morning routine working on his appearance to make himself as eye-pleasing as possible. All the more prestigious name brands are the only clothing he wears and Jonathan has them tailored specifically to accentuate his swimmer's form. The only accessory he wears is a Rolex platinum watch on his left wrist. His hair is always styled to utter and sheer perfection as well as cut every two weeks to maintain its shape. Jonathan even gets his brows plucked in his 'manscaping', almost putting him off as metro-sexual.

He stands at five feet and eleven inches with natural brunette hair and piercing blue eyes which are almost gray.

Jonathan is an arrogant prick who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He has never known want or need as his father and mother have always provided Jonathan whatever he wished on a whim. He is spoiled and cares nothing for other people unless they can provide something for him (which can run from sex to completing his homework). Jonathan can be manipulating and cunning, always using his looks and his father's name to steer a situation into the direction he wants it to go. And with the ladies, Jonathan is just like his father: They belong in the kitchen and must serve the men who support them, but must be intelligent and have an excellent education as well as family money.

Jonathan has a great reputation in the school due to his father's legacy when he too attended the school. Anyone who is worthy of recognition knows Jonathan's name and understands the power of the Cambridge surname. He had been attending the school since his freshman year and will graduate from it just like his father did, following in his foot steps. However, it is not a personal choice but one that was forced on him. Ever since Jonathan had stepped foot on the grounds, the young man has purposefully been playing games with the other students to get himself kicked out. However, it is impossible due to his father's influence with the teachers and the Dean, himself. Jonathan eventually accepted the school and began to love it with his games. Being removed from the school is undesirable due to the connections he can make for his future and the power he has created for himself.

After growing tired of playing the bad boy role, Jonathan became more manipulative and started to gain himself a following of girls and boys behind him. He created the 'it' clique in the school and hazes students when they wish to join. He has left a trail of broken-hearted or even begrudging young women behind him and has earned a title for himself: the womanizer; a boy to stay away from if you wish to keep your virtue intact. His greatest conquest was a Literature teacher for the senior class but now they have an odd relationship between them. She became addicted to him and his skill in bed, creating a illicit relationship between the two of them. As long as he continues to visit her weekly and at night, then he will pass her class with honors. However, if he speaks a single word of what is going on, Jonathan will be kicked from the school. It is something the young man wishes to avoid at all costs for he knows that he would not survive the wrath of his father and would be disowned from the Cambridge name and fortune.

Jonathan does not have many skills to him other than his ability to sway others through either coercion or seduction, or even bribery and black mail. He is well known in the athletic department for his speed on the swim team and he is the current captain for the school's team.

Jonathan is claustrophobic and will never be caught in a small, dark, cramped space if he can help it.

« Money
« Power
« Submission
« Prestige
« Conquest

« His Father
« Violence
« Cussing
« Losing
« Poverty

Immediate: Jonathan wishes to have every "prestigious" girl in the school and leave a legend of his name behind like his father, in his prime.
Long Term: Jonathan wishes to become the next top male model and an actor, eventually leading into a life of film direction and production in his own name.

How they know Sarah Kaplan
Jonathan once dated Sarah Kaplan but once he was finished with what he needed from her, the young man tossed her aside and began to chase a new girl. Sarah was nothing more than a sexual conquest, even though their "relationship" (which was never faithful) was long and drawn out. In the end, she gave in and Jonathan had won. The next day was him breaking up with her and laughing in her face.

Other Important Details
It is probably best to steer away from Jonathan unless you want your character affected considerably by his attitude and manipulative ways.

So begins...

Jonathan Cambridge's Story

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Character Portrait: Jonathan Cambridge
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#, as written by Prose
“It has been far too long since we last saw each other. I suspect your ‘vacation’ went well, Mr. Cambridge,” Mrs. Rushing said while buttoning her blouse back up with nervous fingers. Her skirt was crumbled and there was a mild stain on it but nothing that could not be dealt with and made invisible.

“Spent time with my father,” the young man said while leaning against the window with his forearm prone against the glass. Jonathan was watching the students below begin to trickle back onto the school grounds and gather in a horde around the memorial.

“And how was that,” Mrs. Rushing asked him after discovering a run in her hosiery.

“Don’t pretend to be interested in me. We both know the reason you keep having me come to your ‘office’ for ‘counseling’. You sound like fool, Deirdre,” Jonathan stated while his eyes viewed a girl from above. It was Cassidy. She was to be his next victim when it came to his games with the ladies of the school. He couldn’t wait to begin it either.

Jonathan was going to be her console; the shoulder to cry one, the ear that listened, and whatever foolishness was needed in order to conquer her. Cassidy would fall to his manipulative ways no matter what level Jonathan had to stoop toward.

“Fine. Get out.”

“As you wish,” Jonathan said with a smirk and he abruptly left the woman’s office without straightening his tie. He walked down the halls with his briefcase thrown over a shoulder careless and a hand in his pocket. It was an arrogant walk and one that said Jonathan had money, status, and popularity. He owned the school and he acted like it. The boy was not afraid to flaunt his father’s name and it showed.

And as he walked through the halls of Archer’s, all he could think of was how that woman’s stench clung to him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jonathan Cambridge Character Portrait: Ellen (Ellie) Sandoval
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#, as written by Guest
After leaving Mrs. Rushing’s office, Jonathan meandered through the halls, taking up shop at a window in a stairwell. From this vantage point, he could observe the other students milling around the makeshift memorial set up for Sarah. Specifically, he had his eye on Cassidy. As he watched her, his mind began to wander.

She hadn’t been half bad in the sack. Granted, she wasn’t the best. Inexperience and uncertainty did not lend themselves to the confidence he generally preferred. But she’d been so damn eager to please him, and that made it very worth it for him. Very worth it indeed. He looked over the memorial dispassionately for a moment before looking back to Cassidy. Seeing her hug another guy, he leaned closer, narrowing his eyes. Oh ho! Competition in this game? Fabulous.

Trying to ignore the lingering scent of Mrs. Rushing’s unique perfume, he contemplated his game plan until the buzzing of his phone drew him from his reverie. Annoyed, figuring Dierdre was texting him to apologize, he pulled the phone from his pocket disinterestedly and stared down at the message. ‘I’M STILL HERE.’ Unknown number. Interesting. Which past conquest was this? Deciding it didn’t matter, he locked his phone and slid it back into his pocket, looking back out the window to notice that Cassidy and the guy she was standing with were also looking to their phones. Curious, he looked closer and noticed that a few people in the crowd were doing the same. The brunette chick he’d slept with last year. And that redhead weirdo.

Noticing that Cassidy was on the move, he decided that now was probably a very good time to intercept her. Especially after spending so long at Sarah’s memorial. Surely she’d need a compassionate shoulder to cry on. Straightening his collar, he made his way out to intercept her, only to find her in conversation with the aforementioned redhead. Great.

“Ladies,” he greeted, affixing his most winning (yet sincere) smile.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cassidy Martinez Character Portrait: Alex St. Clare Character Portrait: Tristan Smith Character Portrait: Jonathan Cambridge Character Portrait: Ellen (Ellie) Sandoval
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#, as written by FizzGig
It was that awkward moment where she knew that the person she was talking to was merely humoring her for no other reason than to humor her. When Cassidy looked at Ellie, all she could see was this stern, guarded look behind her eyes. It made the other girl nervous, especially since she didn’t know Ellie all that well.

Then, when it became really apparent that Ellie knew who she was, Cassidy felt that familiar surge of embarrassment for not having recognized this girl. Strike one, it seemed. She was about to open her mouth to speak, to say something to rectify her major social blunder, when Ellie suddenly asked her about the paper in English Comp.

“I did, actually.” She said with a slight lift to her brows. “And if I know Ms. Sweeney, it’d take hell and high water for her to decide to give us some kind of lee-way on homework.

It was true that she was Sarah Kaplan’s best friend at one point, but the last thing she wanted to do was talk about the dead girl too. There was so much drama behind the pair of them, stuff that the vast majority of people didn’t even know about. It made her nervous to dwell on it for too long. So, she didn’t. Her hand fished into her pocket when she remembered that text, flipping it open and scanning over the words.

Almost angrily, she hit the ‘delete’ button.

“Well, since I was an idiot and didn’t remember your name, can I make it up to you by getting you coffee before class starts?” Cassidy asked, giving Ellie a small, but genuine smile.


Oh, there was a voice she knew she wasn’t ready to hear.

Turning slightly, she watched as Johnathan approached, all self-important and confident like everyone knew he was. She licked her lips, her steps slowing as he approached, and lifted her hand in a slight wave.

“Hey John.” She said, offering him a nervous smile. “Um
Ellie and I were just heading off to class. Maybe..we could catch up later?”

Or never.

She looked around for Alex, realizing he’d disappeared to talk to someone else, and then shifted to look at Ellie. “Coffee then?”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cassidy Martinez Character Portrait: Jonathan Cambridge Character Portrait: Ellen (Ellie) Sandoval
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#, as written by FizzGig
Lifting an eyebrow, Ellie looked at Cassidy. Coffee? Ellie glanced back toward the room she would be sharing with Cassidy and shrugged. “Sure,” she agreed. Her agreement was not because she actually wanted to have coffee with the girl
 but more because she didn’t want to go into their shared room just yet. There was nothing that made her feel more trapped than the small shared dormitory rooms
 and always with a roommate that wanted to talk
 or that pretended that Ellie didn’t even exist. Always that. No middle ground.

As Ellie’s eyes moved over to Jonathan, she considered him for a moment. Despite the fact that he seemed to only have eyes for Cassidy, he had included Ellie in that plural greeting, hadn’t he? She looked between the two of them for a moment before taking a step back. “If you’d rather have coffee with him, it’s okay,” she muttered, tugging her sleeves down.

Blown him off. She’d blown him off. That was unacceptable. Completely unacceptable. Hiding his frown behind a confident grin, Jonathan positioned himself between Cassidy and the mostly empty hallway, resting a hand against the wall and leaning, taking up most of the corridor and effectively blocking her path. “Ah, Cassidy, I was wanting to speak with you.” His eyes never left her face. Instead, they bored into her own eyes, ignoring Ellie completely. “I wanted to offer my condolences. Nasty business, this stuff with Sarah. It just doesn’t make sense. You know, that night, I was walking through campus, and I swear I saw—“ He trailed off, shifting his eyes to Ellie before clearing his throat. “Well, I’ll tell you later what I saw.” His eyes lingered on the awkward redhead for a few moments before he straightened and removed his arm, allowing the two access to the corridor again, once more staring intently at Cassidy. “Please, come see me when you have a moment. There is something I would like to discuss with you.” One more pointed look to Ellie. “Alone.”

Cassidy nodded, but not necessarily because she wanted to go. She was willing to agree to just about anything if it meant getting Jonathan away from the pair of them. "You have my number." she told him, stepping back and glancing to Ellie.

"Uh, later."

She started to walk away, glancing at Ellie to make sure she was still following. As they walked, side-by-side, Cassidy kept her thoughts to herself, if only for a moment.

"Look...this isn't easy for either of us, but since we're sharing a dorm room we're going to have to establish a couple of things so we don't end up wanting to kill each other by the end of the semester." It wasn't hard to tell that Ellie was uncomfortable. Cassidy wasn't all that eager either. She would have preferred to be in a private room. "I mean, I'd like for us to be amiable, at least, but I won't bother you if you don't want to be."

She knew Ellie was the loner type, from what she'd gleaned from Sarah. In fact, Sarah hadn't much liked the girl, something that surprised Cassidy.

She couldn't help sensing that there had been mutual dislike.

Jonathan chuckled quietly. “Yes, I have your number,” he muttered, allowing his eyes to roam over Cassidy’s body as she walked away. “I definitely have your number.” As they disappeared around a corner, Jonathan ran a hand through his hair and turned to walk the other way, whistling to himself as he began planning.

Ellie fell into step beside Cassidy and dug her hands deep into her pockets, her shoulders hunched up as she listened. “Amiable,” she repeated, falling silent for a few steps. “Look, I’m not the type that enjoys slumber parties and gossiping and telling secrets and pillow fights and whatever else you normal girls do. It’s not my scene. I’m not looking for a friend, so don’t feel like you need to try to force yourself to like me. Previous roommates have found that pretending I don’t exist seems to work pretty well for them.”

"Well, I'm not going to ignore you, but I'm not going to paint your fingernails and play dress-up either."

She swallowed.

"Sometimes, it feels better knowing that there's someone out there to be lonely with."

She shifted her gaze to the ground, picking up a hand and running it through her hair. "But, like I said, wont' force anything on you."

A small snort escaped Ellie and she stared straight ahead as they walked. “Yeah. Like you’re lonely.” The scoff and disbelief was impossible to ignore.

A sudden flare of barely suppressed anger made her breath cut off in her throat.

"Oh, thank God. I thought I was going to have a boring room-mate who couldn't read my thoughts."

Rolling her jaw, she wordlessly stalked past Ellie, disappearing around the corner and on out of sight.

So much for the coffee date.


Later on, Cassidy had her phone in-hand during class, shooting off a text to Alex that she felt was a necessary one to send.

Meeting up with Jon later since he asked. Going to the run down building. Meet us there around midnight so I don't have to suffer him by myself?

She breathed a sigh, sending the message and snapping the phone shut before tilting her head back against the back of her chair.