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Amaque Arabieplith

"How do I choose between my heart and my head?"

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a character in “Who's there?”, as played by desire99600


Full Name:
"If you're going to use it, say it right. Ah-mah-kay. It means Beauty Forgotten. My last name, Arabieplith, you say: Are-Abbie-plith. It means Daughter of the forest." Amaque Arabieplith.

"I don't mind nicknames, but you'll only piss me off by calling me something stupid." The best way to tease her is to give her a silly nickname. She loves nicknames, for to her, they show that the person who gave it to you cares enough to do so. There are many ways to shorten her name. Ama, Kay, some even call her Kiki. She doesn't care which you choose and is always open to new ones.

"Old enough to know better, young enough not to care." Sixteen turning seventeen

"Ouch babe, that one hurt. Are you blind?" Female

"Trapped by the blood in my veins." Earth "Blessed One"

"Let's just face it, if I don't like you, you're screwed."
+ When people listen to what she has to say +
+ When people take her seriously +
+ Flirting +
+Teasing +
+ Nicknames +
+ Being noticed +
+ Breaking rules +
+ Being treated like she's normal, not a princess +
+ Being sarcastic +
+ Chocolate +

"That depends. How much time do you have?"
- People ignoring her -
- When people don't take her seriously -
- Being pampered like a princess -
- Fuss about her -
- When people worry about her -
- Annoying questions -
- Stupid people -
- Wasting time -
- Being told what to do -

"Me? Afraid?"
* Fire *
* Being alone *
* Utter darkness *
* What she can't understand *
* Sometimes herself *
* Never being loved *
* Never feeling anything *

Real Life Image(s):
One |Two |Three |Four |Five


Fairy Paradise - CocoRosie

He draws near the periphery
in disbelief on delivery
came child from the deep inferno
crusty head of dead volcano
heartless crow with brittle beak
wooden leg too shocked to speak
lilac dust of a woman's hair
a wooden cross a paper prayer
a stone where her body lay
a stack of feathers a pile of hay
a mushroom for an eyeball
a mustache from the snowfall
worms weave a ring where fairies square dance
queens and kings, fairies weave wigs with eyelash
trance music makes the fairies dance
from the caves of snail shells
echoes the mutter medieval spells
mystery flows her wicked river
of thorn and blade and silver sliver
bending round the clover fields
their sapling stems don't break but yield
her pain inflicts no arguments
must learn to sway and un arrange
as earth she makes her final passage
after humans long have ravaged

vanished with all maps for motion
upward angels last devotion
one by one escort us home
to leave the elementals free to roam
to bathe in the last of ocean's foam
to beach comb the nuclear debris
our plastic toys and our metal trees
on the perfect day you'll find the breeze
once blew the pollen the feet of bees
now cry the stars when upon the earth
their gaze might rest a nostalgic burst
a lament be heard through all the cosmos
of the dying planet with fallen foes

Omg, just listen to it, this song is hauntingly beautiful.

So begins...

Amaque Arabieplith's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Scarny Marie Pretige Character Portrait: Zarail Cyredeplith Character Portrait: Ulrich Zenfu Character Portrait: Amaque Arabieplith Character Portrait: Saturyn Zialcha Character Portrait: Tzar Kohla
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Amavain Tyraear

A small figure was seen sitting in a window seal which was part of the castle located in the Kingdom of Eyllisundlin. She watched as the town folk seemed to just be going on with their lives and here she was with her life literally at a stand-still. Just as easily as she was seen she was gone. Her small, now see-through, figure was found looking at herself. She took a step back as she took a deep unneeded breath. There was her real body, but it didn't look itself. Her skin was pale and it seemed all the life had been taken from the body..

Well it had been.

Her spirit was now out in the open, not protected, but not easily seen. It confused her. She looked at the other three princesses. They were all said to be the "Blessed Ones" and honestly she didn't want to be. She didn't want to be princess. She didn't want to be a "Blessed One". And she sure as hell didn't want to be a ghost. With her luck, she was all of these things. How? 'Her' Kingdom, the Kingdom of Baequiaear, wasn't even there anymore it was gone! Her powers..those she couldn't explain, but this ghost was really beginning to get to her. She couldn't stand it, because people would come in and speak to her body and tell her they missed her when they didn't even know her. They would come in with handfulls of flowers and presents. Why did they care? Why couldn't she just be one of the normal peasants? It would be a lot easier.

That's when she heard a noise, coming from the entrance to the King's part of the castle. Her first instincts was to check it out, so she did. She slowly faded into the air, slowly becoming less and less visible. She was able to think of the place she wanted to go and was there. There she saw four knights. Must have been the four that were given the job of guarding her and the other princesses. Which she found useless, what were they gonna do? Try to run away? She had heard bits and pieces of the King speaking to his wife of how four of the knights were "Chosen" to guard the princesses. She just rolled her eyes and then found herself back in the room where her body was still resting, unmoving. Her cold blue gaze flickered to the door as she saw the knob begin to move. She looked at the other princesses' bodies.

Zarail Cyredeplith

Zarail was rather relieved after the King himself came up to him and told him that he and a three other knights were to guard the castle while he was gone, in other words guard the princesses, he was just relieved it was about that..he thought maybe he had done something wrong. He nodded his head in respect, "Yes, my lord." He said, his voice seeming rather proud and strong. As soon as the King was gone he looked at the other three, Ulrich, Lyvain, and Tzar. "Well, seems like we get to go and check out the castle." He mumbled, trying to sound uninterested but he was beyond curious.

He led the group into the part of the castle where the King stayed, where the princesses were said to be. He had only caught a few glimpses of them when they were..awake. He had to admit, all of them weren't hard on the eyes. That, he liked. But now, there were rumors that the princesses had fallen into deep sleeps like the fairy tales that were told to young children. As soon as he opened the door, he felt if something was watching him and the other knights. He glanced back at them and then continued on..until he found a door..

The door to the princesses.

He reached down and slowly turned the door knob. He peaked in and then opened the door all the way for the others to see. He looked at each of the princesses. It was said they were "blessed" with powers. He could tell, each had a special quality about them that gave a vibe of Wind, Fire, Water, or Earth. He then saw something else..two of each princess. One was still peaceful in their bed, the other was translucent. "What is this?" he asked aloud, only to get an answer from one of the see-though princesses that had piercing cold blue eyes. "What does it look like?" She snapped, her tone rather sarcastic.

So it was true, the princesses were asleep..and there was another rumor saying their spirits had escaped their bodies. It was all adding up now. That was why the King go find Naharthal the ancient healer in the forest of Lafnyn. So he could have the spirits put back into the bodies of the princesses.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Scarny Marie Pretige Character Portrait: Zarail Cyredeplith Character Portrait: Ulrich Zenfu Character Portrait: Amaque Arabieplith Character Portrait: Saturyn Zialcha Character Portrait: Tzar Kohla
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#, as written by Skwidge
Saturyn was on the opposite windowsill within their room. Her eyes flashed with irritation as the commoners wandered aimlessly around. Her form was that of a cat-like animal with seemingly clockwork or metalwork wings. However, her whole soul essence was flickering eerily from the moonlight. The girl's ear flicked, the spirit make-up of her form's ear appearing to be swept away and down by a wind that was not there before reforming. The long and bushy 'tail' swept along the wall, her own body resting right nearby. Her actual body was clothed in white, semi-translucent clothing with a hood. At least she looked extremely peaceful. The silver decorations at the crest of the hood branched out into three chains, two of them dangling off of her head, and the largest, the middle one, was draped over her forehead. The feline-like creature then turned her gaze back to the cloudy sky.

Her eyes narrowed and gleamed dully, and she peered back down at her body without emotion, though her mind was speeding. Why am I stuck with these other three 'princesses'?! This bloody room could at least have better dividers. They really wanted us all together like this?? How smart of an idea was THAT!? Do you even know how easy it would be to kill us off? Her eyes narrowed further into mere slits of seeming moonshine. Though in actuality it was just the reflection of the actual moon filtering through her soft but defined blue-grey eyes.

And I'm, we're, stuck with four eighteen year-olds to watch our bodies. This was a horrible idea. Once more, that ear flicked in agitation, though her entire emotions were masked other than what she allowed to show. I want to leave... but I don't trust my body to be left alone. She glanced down at the wood of the sill, before the doorknob turned.

Saturday's head immediately shot towards the door, her eyes remaining as they were. And her gaze was met by one of the so-called guardians. Her tail stilled itself, and she merely stared at the figures now filing into the room, refusing to move, however curious as to what they thought they were doing.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Scarny Marie Pretige Character Portrait: Zarail Cyredeplith Character Portrait: Ulrich Zenfu Character Portrait: Amaque Arabieplith Character Portrait: Saturyn Zialcha Character Portrait: Tzar Kohla
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Scarny still faded and unseen by the guars kept it that way. She did not want to be seen. She had so many emotions running through he she wasnt sure if they would show on her ghastly ghost body. She sighed and went to her body. She picked up her hand. She gently stroked the hand. Becomming lost in the jewls and marsk on her body. She slowly started comming in view of the guards. Not knowing she was. She sighed and looked over and caught an eye of a guard. She gasped knowing she had been seen. She couldnt bring herself to hid herself though. She just stayed there shocked.

He hair orange seemed to glow in ghost body. It was as if there was actually a fire on her head. She hoped this would distract the guard and she mgiht get away. She didnt know why she was htinking this way. Stupid your a ghost you can leave as you please. No one can stop you. She rushed herself to the other side of the room fading as she went. She wanted somewhere high to stay. So she wasn't with the rest. She went to her dresser and sat herself on top. She watched everyone. Her hair still glowing. All of the marks and jewels somehow reflecting the light from her fire and glowing themselves.

She watched there stillness with curiosity. She then looked at the others. She could only see two of the ghost princesses. She watched them. Both seeming to hate all life. Similar to what they were like when they where awake. She went back to the guards and stared at them with much intensity. This time though she made sure she would not be shown. She spoke up. Showing herself again.

"Why do you act as if you have not heard the rumors. Shouldn't you have prepared yourself for this? Are you just afraid of what we can do NOW that we are 'ghosts'?" She questioned them. Gaining the anger that had been inside of her. This anger brought courage and she jumped from the dresser and approached them. She was about five feet in front of them when she stopped and stared at them again with intensity. "We are still princesses so speak!" She commanded them. Surprising herself with her loudness.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Scarny Marie Pretige Character Portrait: Zarail Cyredeplith Character Portrait: Ulrich Zenfu Character Portrait: Amaque Arabieplith Character Portrait: Saturyn Zialcha Character Portrait: Tzar Kohla
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Amaque Arabieplith Was a ghost. Just like the other three girls in the room with her. A moving, translucent, ghost. Behind her, the four bodies of herself and her companions lay in a line on beds, lifeless. Well not completely lifeless. She wasn't exactly dead. She could tell that much. When she stood close to her body, she could almost feel a pull. Like a thin little thread connecting her soul to her physical form. However, it was indeed thin and thinning with time. She may not be dead yet, but she was dying. Whatever had her under it's spell would kill her eventually.

She stood at a tall window, her back turned to the bodies. Moonlight, crisp and silver, bathed everything in a surreal glow. The deep sapphire velvet silk of her gown, the black velvet cloak she wore, the other princesses milling about the room, the walls, everything was washed and silvery. Long spiraling tendrils of white-blond hair looked even brighter in the moonlight, spinning their way down to her hips, her skin a smooth porcelain, her eyes a deep velvety black. Plenty of people called Amaque beautiful. She was a princess afterall, and her name did mean forgotten beauty. But it was beauty that had a coldness about it. Like an icicle. Cold, hard, and yet, strangely delicate.

She turned her velvety black gaze away from the window, tired of looking out yearningly at the passerby. With a sigh, Amaque held her hands out before her. Translucent, but if she concentrated hard, she watched as the color grew more complete and she began to look solid again. It was merely an illusion that was nearly impossible to keep up for more than ten minutes, but she found that as she practiced, it became easier. She could also turn it the other way and dissappear completely. Being a ghost, did have it's advantages.

She looked at her body on the bed and twirled the emerald teardrop nestled against the wing of her collarbone. Her physical form was wearing the same thing as she was now. A long sapphire silk gown, a black velvet cloak with the hood pulled down to cover her sleeping eyes, and an emerald teardrop necklace around her neck to represent her element. Glancing at the others, Amaque lifted her hood and pulled it down to shade her eyes, it's velvet hem hovering just along the bridge of her nose.

"I'm leaving." She announced to the others in a voice that matched her appearance. Ice. "I don't intend to stay here in this little room until I die." She shook her head, white ringlets bouncing. "I'm going to do something about it." With that, she stepped forward to leave. She knew she could teleport, but actually making an exit seemed more final somehow. Like she wasn't joking.

She reached for the doorknob, but was stopped up short. It was already turning on it's own. The door flew open, sliding right through her, and in stepped four boys. Guards from the palace. The ones her father had left in charge of watching them while he was in search of the healer. At first, she merely ignored them, walking straight through them into the hall. They were ghosts anyway. All the boys would see was a room with four sleeping girls.

"What is this?"

Amaque turned slowly. They seemed to be stunned and looking straight at Amavain. In response, her friend scoffed. "What does it look like?" And Amaque smiled a tiny proud smile. Good job Ama. Give them sass. She herself was particularly fond of sarcasm. That was when Scarny jumped up and her smile completely dropped. "Why do you act as if you have not heard the rumors. Shouldn't you have prepared yourself for this? Are you just afraid of what we can do NOW that we are 'ghosts'? We are still princesses so speak!"

'We are still princesses so speak!' Amaque winced and rolled her eyes. Just because they were princesess... With a heavy sigh she passed through the boys again to the other side, standing beside Amavain. She placed a hand on Scary's shoulder and shook her head. "Relax Scarny." She rolled her eyes again, and then realize that her hood was still shielding half of her face. She pushed it down gently, white-blond spirals tumbling down her her hips, velvety black eyes revealed.

She laid her eyes on the one who'd spoken for a second before looking at Scarny. "Seriously. I'm sure if you'd seen a ghost you'd be pretty shocked too." She said with a smirk. Scarny was gifted with fire and so often, her temper was impossible to control. She turned to the boys, laying her eyes on them again. "So are you just going to stand there or are you going to explain what you're even doing here in the first place?" She asked, looping one arm through Amavain's.


Lyvain Dryeardlues had been playing cards with a few other knights when the king's messenger arrived, explaining that the King required and audience with him immediately. Lyvain had been confused at first. Why would the king want to speak with him? He was supposed to be leaving the next day, heading off to lead his men in some distant war, always faithful to the strongest of the kingdoms no matter what the cost in life.

But now he'd been ordered to stay behind. Along with three other knights. A new knight was placed in charge of his men, and Lyvain was placed in charge of four sleeping bodies. Not exactly the most exciting task he'd ever had. He'd rather be away in the war fighting nobly than milling his time about the castle "defending" the princesses. Who was going to harm a princess? The four girls were loved dearly by his kingdom as well as their own. Why would someone feel the need to kill them?

They were gorgeous though. It was a sad thing they were unconscious. If they were awake, his job would be ten times more interesting. "Well, seems like we get to go and check out the castle."

Lyvain looked up as his card game was once again inturrupted to find Zarail Cyredeplith standing over him. It took him a second to realize that this man must be one of his new team members and was charged with the same thing he was. Deciding that he would never finish his game, Lyvain took a swig from his drink and threw down his cards. "Good luck ladies." She told the other men before walking away with Zarail.

They went and found the other two before the four of them began exploring together. Something didn't seem right and all the while, Lyvain was extremely conscious of the bow on his back. They passed through a cold spot and Lyvain shivered, blond hair quivering.

The four of them stopped up short at a room and Zarail reached forward to grab hold of the knob and push the door open. Inside, were the sleeping bodies of the princesses. All seemed normal, but Zarail spoke up and Lyvain turned to see what had shocked him. Four.... Ghosts! He felt an extreme chill pass through him as one of the princesses literally walked through him. His eyes locked onto the blue eyes of the princess he knew came from the water kingdom. The one that had been mysteriously destroyed. She was beautiful and his eyes rolled over her quickly, trying not to stare as the others spoke.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Scarny Marie Pretige Character Portrait: Zarail Cyredeplith Character Portrait: Ulrich Zenfu Character Portrait: Amaque Arabieplith Character Portrait: Saturyn Zialcha Character Portrait: Tzar Kohla
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Ulrich sighs, waiting for his other three fellow knights. He just came back from a visit with his sister, sad that he had to go early today. She was very sickly, and the only ones who are able to take care of her are his aunt and uncle. She was frail and pale, but her personality was the exact opposite. She was always happy and exuberant, excited to see him every time he came to visit. He always read stories to her, telling her of his life as a knight. He always left as soon as she fell asleep, from all the fun they've had together at her bedside. Although the doctor said her state was getting better, Ulrich still worried about her regularly, fearing that each visit may be his last, so he treats each visit as so, doing anything for her, whether that be singing, writing, or reading to her, Ulrich would do anything for his sister.

Ulrich shivers, his light leather armor over his tunic and pants. A thin saber hangs from his scabbard, bouncing once, twice, three times with each step. He looks up and around, walking alongside his fellow knights, Zarail, Tzar, and Lyvain. His glasses slide down his nose as they all approach the door, his usual concerned look over his eyes. I...I have to protect a princess... , he started thinking to himself, Of all people, why me...? Everyone else is...everyone else is so strong, not to mention that they can actually TALK to women...But these women aren't even awake. I was told that they were sleeping, but...doesn't that make it weird that we're guarding people who're sleeping...doesn't that make him a per-. Ulrich started to feel the familiar feeling of warmth on both of his cheeks, he stops on his tracks, frantically patting his face, his eyes widening as Lyvain started to open the door. He panics, he didn't want to be seen on post with his cheeks red, it'll only make him look like a weirdo, and he was sure that he wasn't a weirdo...he was normal, and he knew it! Ulrich decided to stay back from the group as they approached the door. He started to pull up the collar of his shirt, hiding his mouth, wincing as it became slightly difficult to breathe, but hey, if it was to avoid looking like a weirdo, he'd do it! He walks forward, his glasses fogging up, noticing that the other three nights were wide eyed, watching Lyvain as if they saw a ghost... Ulrich's collar falls from his mouth, his glasses finally clearing up as he spots something that caught his eye, an odd spectral cat prowling about. He noticed that it was staring at him, he tilts his head interested in the odd feline. He ignores the slight shift of wind to his side, which was the ghost that went through Lyvain. He tilts his head the other way...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Scarny Marie Pretige Character Portrait: Zarail Cyredeplith Character Portrait: Ulrich Zenfu Character Portrait: Amaque Arabieplith Character Portrait: Saturyn Zialcha Character Portrait: Tzar Kohla
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When the messenger arrived, Tzar was with his mentor, both of them were having a conversation and playing a nice game of chess, he looked at him with a concerned look, the reason being that his knighthood wasn't that long, he was still fairly young and he remembered how much his mentor had to debate that he would be a good addition, strangely when he looked at his mentor he noticed that he smiling, he pondered why as the answer quickly came, the messenger had told him that he was called to the castle by the king himself for duty, even though this was enough to calm him down he was still rather antsy to know what this duty was about, Tzar got up from the chair as he heard from behind him Checkmate... Oh and good luck mate... he turned around noticing his mentor laughing from his victory at there game, Tzar smiled and quickly put on a brown cloak and some light leather armor, as he put these on he remembered one of the first things that his mentor taught him In combat agility is a vital thing, of course that strong metal armor is also rather good... if you want to be a easy target... Tzar smiled from the memories as he grabbed his last pieces of equipment, his sword, and a satchel filled mainly with books of various subjects, he quickly ran out of the room warning the messenger that he was ready.

In a few minutes they had arrived at the throne room, seeing three other knights there, his expression quickly changing to a concerned one being that he was obviously the youngest of the group, he slowly approached the throne shaking a bit from the nervousness, he bowed in front of the king and heard what he was waiting so long to hear, as the king finished and told them to be off he heard one of his fellow knights speak, but he was to distracted with his thoughts to hear what had just been said, but before he could finish thinking he noticed the other walking away and quickly ran after them he blushed a bit being a bit shy for doing such a stupid mistake as not following them.

After a small walk in which Tzar had to the liberty to read along the way they finally came to a stop, Tzar almost bumped into the others as he was distracted but was able to stop on time, one of the knights slowly turned the knob and pushed the door open, what happened after was a shock, as they entered there were four ghosts, once again Tzar was distracted with other things he walked into the room immediately walking towards a window and looking threw it with a smile, he could see so much from there but as he turned his smile slowly dispersed as he noticed the ghosts, he stared at them for a while not moving or saying anything from the shock, not even noticing that they were the princesses.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Scarny Marie Pretige Character Portrait: Zarail Cyredeplith Character Portrait: Ulrich Zenfu Character Portrait: Amaque Arabieplith Character Portrait: Saturyn Zialcha Character Portrait: Tzar Kohla
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Amavain Tyraear

Ama silently took her spot back on the window seal as she looked at the others. The other princesses were all decorated with things from their kingdoms and all looked so peaceful, then there was her. She didn't have anything from her kingdom except a simple design around her right eye that was a blue swirl that slowly came across her soft cheek and was decorated with little white jewels in the light it seemed to be moving like the waves of the oceans.

Her blue eyes looked at the other princesses;
Saturyn the "Blessed One" of air, her pinkish color hair made her blue-grey eyes literally pop making her rather breath-taking. Scarny the "Blessed One" of fire whose kingdom helped Ama's own, she too was beyond beauty and her element showed in her. Amaque the "Blessed One" of earth, the princess of the Kingdom of Eyllisundlin, her rare white locks making her beautiful too. Then there was her..Amavain Tyraear the princess of the once nobel Kingdom of Baequiaear but it was gone, it made her feel a part of her was gone. Why did she survive anyway? How was she in a room of other pretty princesses when she herself wasn't really a princess anymore.

Once the knights walked in and she was standing near the center of the room near the others as she spoke, not meaning to sound so sarcastic but she couldn't help it. She grinned slyly at Amaque, knowing she made her proud. She watched as Saturyn stayed quiet and looked at the knights with curiosity and as Scarny seemed to have disappeared. Then she spoke too soon, about that time Scarny reappeared. "Why do you act as if you have not heard the rumors. Shouldn't you have prepared yourself for this? Are you just afraid of what we can do NOW that we are 'ghosts'?" Making Ama wince slightly, this was what she meant by Scarny's element showing in her. She had this fire that made her almost fearless, which Ama was jealous of. Ama was a quiet, shy prin-..girl. "We are still princesses so speak!" This made Ama disappear for a second, reappearing on her perch at the window seal. That sentence made her uncomfortable. She giggled to herself, finally realizing her friend Amaque had literally walked through one of the knights..Ama was a bit slow at some times.

She finally got a good look at all the knights though. So these were the knights sent to protect them...Her blue eyes caught those of the blonde one, she gave a small smile as a greeting before looking at the one that spoke.

Zarail Cyredeplith

Zarail puffed up his chest a bit as he lead the other knights into the castle, he felt in charge. He had spoke to most of them a few times, so it wasn't like they all hadn't met before. Thats when he got the surprise of the ghosts. He arched a brow as he looked at all of them. His gaze stopping on the princess of Eyllisundlin herself. That's when he heard the other gho-..princesses begin to talk.

"We are here to protect you girls." He said lazily as he looked at all of them. "I'm Zarail by the way." He mused giving a rather charming smile. He was beginning to thing this wasn't gonna be as boring as he thought. "I'm Amavain." The blue eyed princess said, the one from the water kingdom.

Sorry for the shortness -______- and sorry for the wait! Won't happen again! :)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Scarny Marie Pretige Character Portrait: Zarail Cyredeplith Character Portrait: Ulrich Zenfu Character Portrait: Amaque Arabieplith Character Portrait: Saturyn Zialcha Character Portrait: Tzar Kohla
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#, as written by Skwidge
Saturday's ear flicked once more, catching the moonlight and hopping down from her own window gracefully. Her tail swished along the ground, the ethereal mass flickering in and out of sight. She then turned back into her human form, her white hood hiding her eyes and the silver crest dangling above the ridge of her nose. "You don't seem very brave, considering you were quite surprised by us. You look... startled." The fem's voice was smooth and almost seductive, resembling that of the wind in almost every aspect. Her gaze flicked to each one of these males, though her eyes were hidden by her hood, her arms crossed. However, her gaze lingered two of them, before she snapped her head to the side in defiance.

Why do we not just leave this place. Lock the doors and the windows and begone. It's incredibly boring here. She thought quietly to herself, refusing to look at them at all. "Ama, I wouldn't be too friendly with these buffoons, they look pretty weak, if you ask me~" The figure turned back, a smirk playing at her lips as she teased, trying to get a reaction out of them. Her red hair cascaded down from their perch on her shoulders as she turned once more. "Why are you guys snooping around, don't you know that this room should be off limits to the likes of you?" Saturyn sat down Indian style on the floor, her hands on her thighs. But she kept her head down to hide her eyes from these males. "And please, if you'd stop gawking at us." Now she looked up, the hood sliding back ever so slightly and her eyes locking with Zarail, who had decided to introduce himself first.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zarail Cyredeplith Character Portrait: Amaque Arabieplith Character Portrait: Saturyn Zialcha Character Portrait: Amavain Tyraear Character Portrait: Lyvain Dryeardlues
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Amaque raised one delicate blond eyebrow when the knight who'd spoken first dropped his eyes on her and held them there for a moment. She smirked ever so slightly and crossed her arms over her chest, raising her chin. Though, almost as soon as they'd landed on her, his eyes shot elsewhere and he spoke. "We are here to protect you girls. I'm Zarail by the way."

Kay scoffed loudly, rolling her obsidian eyes before landing them on him. "In case you haven't noticed, protection isn't necessary Zarail." As if to prove her point, she turned invisible before reappearing again. She watched Ama walk to the window and give the blond guard a smile before Saturyn stepped up to the plate. "You don't seem very brave, considering you were quite surprised by us. You look... startled." At least she was right. They didn't look like brave knights in shining armor. More like four men scared of a few ghosts.
"Ama, I wouldn't be too friendly with these buffoons, they look pretty weak, if you ask me~" She watched as Saturyn's lips pursed slightly into a smirk. "Why are you guys snooping around, don't you know that this room should be off limits to the likes of you?"

"Good question Saturyn." Amaque pointed out, turning her black gaze back on Zarail, a slight challenge glinting in them, daring him to say the wrong thing.


"And please, if you'd stop gawking at us." Lyvain looked up. Was that what he'd been doing? Gawking at the water princess? He shrugged, figuring he had since he couldn't remember any of the conversation. "I'm Lyvain." He said, ignoring the girls request to stop gawking, holding the water princesses blue eyes.

What had they called her? Ama. Well it fit her perfectly. He returned her smile slightly and tilted his head.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Scarny Marie Pretige Character Portrait: Zarail Cyredeplith Character Portrait: Ulrich Zenfu Character Portrait: Amaque Arabieplith Character Portrait: Saturyn Zialcha Character Portrait: Tzar Kohla
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Tzar stared at the another knights and princess's, but not really listening to there conversation, he was to busy think about what was going on and how it happened, he shook his head snapping his thoughtful and distracted state, he scratched his head and started walking in a rather weired manner, he had his legs completely extended and was not contracting his knees to walk, as he did this he seemed to return to his distracted state, which was clearly noticeable from his expression and from the fact that he was completely ignoring everything around him.

As he walked around the room his eyes kept quickly moving around as if he was searching for something, and so he continued till he searched almost every inch of the room, except any drawers or closet's not wanting to be rude. And so with this he shrugged and did a quick turn, putting all of weight on his left foot while the right hovered threw the air until the rotation came to a stop, he looked at the rest for a few moments, blinking.

"So... where's the mirrors? And how did you manage to make such a realistic effect? Tzar quickly adopted a inquisitive look, staring and waiting for a answer.