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Melody Voss

"Please dont hurt me..."

0 · 523 views · located in Greenwich Village, NY

a character in “Winston College”, as played by Jynxie Blue






Melody Lynn Voss

Mel, Lynn


June 22 1995



College Grade:



Melody Lynn Voss, she is a sweet girl with a lot of anxiety. She loves being around people but will stress herself out if she stays in one place for to long, she is a very good person with a very bad past that has come to haunt her more then once making her easily spooked and in sure she doesnt have many friends. Who knows who could be working for the 'bad' men? Growing up in a bad part of San Fran has made her nervous which goes against her do good, make friends, and love people nature. She isnt perfect, obviously, but she other problems out side of just being a nervous nelly. She has a sharp temper, PTSD, and depression.

It normally takes her awhile to get angry but certain topics will set her off and its hard to calm her down, no one should mention dirty cops or worthless prostitutes to her. Do to child hood traumas she can sometimes react to things inappropriately, and her depression can sometimes get her to the point where she cant get out of bed, she cant move, she cant even speak to another person.

She has been told she needs to talk to someone but the last time she did, Melody was betrayed and in such she doesnt trust doctors. She has very few friends those she does have dont even know the truth about her past, some know more then others but none know the truth and that makes her feel super guilty which only adds to her problems. More then anything though she is optimistic for the future because if she continues moving foreward, which she is doing, then one day she will be able to tell someone everything and have a real life.

Melody likes rain and listening to it tap on glass, the scent it leaves behind and the puffy white clouds that float in the sky afterward. She loves animals and computers and is good with both, better with computers though. She enjoys hacking when bored and she absolutely adores the smell of lilac and roses.

She dislikes sticky items, tape or post it notes are border line ok as long as she doesnt touch the sticky part. She hates cheesy romance movies and anything to do with sports, she absolutely hates being touched without permission. Pain, of any sort will cause her to become cold and distant.

Melody wishes to work with the FBI, or to become rich off of hacking though doing it legit makes her feel better, she wants to make a difference in the world and help catch bad guys. She really wants to fall in love, get married, have kids and get to stay in their lives unlike her own parents. She hopes to have a decent sized house with the white picket fence and the rose bushes, the big trees and the messy kids running around. She wants to save the world and be the best parent she can be.

She fears that she wont be able to, that she will somehow fail the FBI tests and wont be able to help people. That she will fall in love with the wrong guy and he will hurt her and her future kids, that she will fall in love with the right guy but he wont love her, that something will go wrong with her pregnancies and she wont have kids at all. She is also afraid of spiders and will faint with one gets within five feet of her.

Melody is an exceptionally skilled hacker and body reader along with being pretty good at martial arts, she is also a very good listener and her observation skills are spot on.


When nervous Melody smokes and will play with a tiny twist of hair in front of her face, when upset or irritated she will twiddle her fingers and clench her jaw. When she feels tired or if she notices her own habits she will clench her hands into fists or sit on them.



San Francisco, California

Home Life:
Melody Lynn Voss was born on a clear summer afternoon, she was the third child to her hero cop dad and her stay at home mom who often left her alone with her older siblings during the afternoons after school to run errands. When she was five and started school she overheard one of the moms talking about the poor Voss family, with the father being suspended and the mom caught cheating. Of course she didnt understand and only knew that from that day on both her parents were home more and she didnt have to go to daycare in the afternoons anymore which always made her happy like it would any five year old girl. When she was eight her family moved to a bad part of town but her father explained that he was being made a detective with the precinct there and it costed to much for him to drive all the way there, it upsetted her Older brothers but she didnt have many friends so it didnt bother her at all. It didnt take long for new rumors to circulate and of course by now Melody understood what it all meant, her father was accused of planting evidence and taking bribes which then lead to an investigation into her family leading the police to find out her mother was selling her body on the side for drug money.
After that came to light she was treated differently, The teachers looked at her funny and the other kids made fun of her. When she was thirteen and going into highschool she was walking home from getting her schedule from the school when she was attacked. They beat her and raped her, the whole time telling her she was nothing but the daughter of a dirty cop and a worthless prostitute. A week later her mother was stabbed to death, and her father was sentenced to 25 years in prison. Her and her older brothers were put into foster homes where the parents refused to let her finish filling her claim against her attackers. Her older brothers left when they turned eighteen, a mere three weeks after her own fourteenth birthday. Without her brothers to protect her she was terrorized by the other children and one viscous older girl stabbed Melody over and over again leaving her for dead, spitting on her telling her that she deserved it for what her father had done to the attackers family.

Why Winston?:
Melody chose Winston because it was small, as far away from her 'home' as possible, and because she got a full ride scholarship.



Height, Weight:
Melody stands at 5'2 feet tall and weighs 155 pounds.

Skin tone:
A milky white that comes from spending most of her time inside working on her computer.

Hair and Eye Color:
A lushes honey blonde color that has hints of deep ash brown and amber glints that bring out her dark and crystal clear blue eyes.

Markings, Piercings, Tattoos:
Melody has pretty much every ear piercing possible, a tattoo of music notes on the inside of her left wrist, and her first code tattooed on the top of her right foot. She also has multiple small (about two inches in length) scars up and down her legs and torso.

Face Claim:
Emily Bett Rickards

So begins...

Melody Voss's Story