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Trinity Lieon

"Ooh you want me to make a high powered rifle that'll obliterate the target into itty bitty, teeny tiny bits?? Sure! I got you covered."

0 · 996 views · located in Ko'val

a character in “Within the Veil”, as played by Siryn




24 || Heterosexual || Engineer, Technician, Inventor

Trinity is rather lean in build, he's not too tall, but not too short either. Standing around a height of 5'8 (though he says 5'9 just because his height is just a centimeter shy of being such). Light brown locks of hair that has a purple hue to it, making it look red in the right kind of light, layer around his tanned skinned in long locks that brush the collar of his shirts and covers his ears almost entirely. Underneath the silky locks are eyes that change color depending on his mood. Sometimes they're blue, other times they take on a green hue. His skin is smooth until you peer under the loose fitted shirt. Scars lace his stomach and back from a tragedy when he was younger, one that he's forgotten all about.

Trinity likes to wear loose fitting clothing, white shirts with a black jacket or vest over it, the sleeves always rolled up so that his hands are free of obstruction while he's working. Leather bracelets made by his long deceased sister layer his right wrist, six in total, all hand made by her when she was alive. Along with that is a single leather necklace with a simple gray stone carved in an odd shape. He's always wearing it and never goes without it. In addition to his loose fitted clothing, Trinity foregoes wearing any gloves unless absolutely necessary (which means when he's working with extremely hot temperatures). But when he does wear them, the gloves are black and only cover up to his wrists.



Trinity is highly skilled when it comes to technology. He loves it with a passion. What he truly enjoys, though, is creating new things. He's always tinkering with something, making old pieces of technology do new things, or creating things from scrap. Trinity enjoys working with the huge mecha's on board the vessel, calibrating, tuning, fixing and repairing. He's amazingly good with his hands, quick and efficient as well. He's good at fixing up the power armor too, which he finds fascinating to work with as well as constantly coming up with new ideas to make them better.

Aside from his skills in mechanics, Trinity isn't too bad of a shot either. He enjoys testing out his own toys that he's created and has gotten good with quite a few of the modified weapons he's created. Though he doubts he'd ever see the battlefield up close and personal, Trinity has learned enough in combat training that he could hold his own should it ever come down to it.

He's learned that because of his rather small size, he's much more of a get in, get out kind of fighter. Quickly dealing heavy blows with his weapons in vital places is his specialty. In addition to that, Trinity is rather fast. He's a sprinter and his stamina can keep him going for a long while. Should he need to, avoiding his enemy or otherwise outdistancing them is another thing he's rather good at (and honestly prefers).


Though employed by the military, Trinity is by no means a soldier. He's trained to hold a weapon, fire it and take out an enemy. As well as trained in some hand to hand combat. However, Trinity has never fought in a battle before as his skills in technology are far more valuable than putting him on the field. Though he can fight back, Trinity has a slight aversion to actually firing his weapon off at a living, breathing, human. This makes him hesitate, which in turn can lead to his getting hurt or worse in a fight.

Trinity would much rather run from a fight than engage in one, letting those more experienced and talented in that area to take over for him. However, if he cannot run, than he's at a major disadvantage. Being surrounded is his worst fear. He can hardly imagine himself taking on one opponent, let alone multiple ones. He'll do it if he absolutely has to, but his hesitation is his major weakness. Should he ever fire off his weapon against an enemy out of pure self preservation, Trinity would most likely freeze up after the fighting is all over, maybe even during the fighting.



It's very obvious that Trinity is a sucker for technology. Bring him something with wires, chips, gears and a power source and he's all over it. He loves company as well, mostly to show off what he's created and to enjoy the praise that keeps a warm smile on his face and his ambitions to continue creation going. Trinity's sister -though a touchy subject sometimes- is well known to have made the bracelets for him, and he carries a picture of her on his person of which he looks at every so often when he's taking a break from work.

While working on things, Trinity usually has something in his mouth. Eating a pocky stick (normally an entire box within an hour or so), chewing on a random straw, or biting on the tools he's using at that particular time. It's an odd habit, but one that he can't seem to break. He loves anyone who gets him those chocolaty sticks of pocky too.


There is only one thing that Trinity has never spoken of. How his younger sister died. The truth of the fact was that it was his fault, and he blames himself for it all the time. The problem about this truth, is that Trinity has buried it so deeply, that even he's forgotten why he feels regret and sadness whenever he looks at her picture.


Kind, helpful, joking, and easy going are a few ways to describe a meeting with Trinity. He's open minded about most things and enjoys life to it's fullest. Trinity rather enjoys being around other people, listening to their conversations and joining in if he feels like it, or if he's not too busy with whatever he might be engrossed in. Laughter comes easily to him, even to the smallest of things. Often times, when approached or called out to, he may have a slightly funny look on his face, a curious, wide eyed expression with either something in his mouth, or a funny twist to his lips. Very rarely does he get a confused look on his face, but when it happens, it's described as comical by many others on the vessel.

He is protective over those he considers close and like family. Trinity will not hesitate to put himself in front of them should he need to. Despite his aversion to fighting, he's willing to sacrifice if the situation calls for it. Otherwise, he's thinking up ways as to how to get his close friends out of danger if fighting back is not an option.

He hates when others are hurt emotionally and does what he can to help ease their pain. He hates when others are hurt physically, and ends up going into a kind of chaotic panic that often times gets him in the way of others. Unfortunately, his mind jumps to the worst conclusions when he see's someone bleeding (not little cuts, but bigger wounds that leave more blood than usual). Trinity is actually squeamish of blood, thus the reason for his chaotic panic when he see's a lot of it. Paper cuts and smaller cuts that leave only a little bit of blood, easily cleaned by a small bandage does nothing to him. But larger wounds that require stitches or other heavy medical care will send him flying off the deep end.

On the other end of the spectrum, Trinity does have his angry side. He dislikes rude, mean individuals. He's not afraid to speak up against them either, which often gets him into trouble also. His mouth almost always spews out what he's thinking, leaving no filter or thought to what he says. Once he's angry, there's not stopping him and he ends up shouting and yelling near the end of it all. When he's in a ball of angry tension with no way to let it out, most times one of his neatly created inventions gets the short end of the stick and is destroyed by the time he's done. Though it doesn't happen often, it has been known to happen. Mostly when it involves some one he's good friends with or likes is getting insulted or otherwise threatened. Those are sure fire ways to set him off.


For Trinity, how he got to where he is now isn't all that important. He went to school. Enrolled with the military to help support his family. Normal things that most young people do when they've nothing else after graduating high school. Not to mention that Trinity was already highly interested in seeing other worlds and a guaranteed ticket to do that was to join the military. So he did.

What is important though, is his history before he graduated high school and enrolled in the military. The reasons to his hesitation to hurt another human being, the reasons to his fiery temper when it's unleashed, and his sometimes overly protective nature towards those he considers family. It was back when he was around the age of 14. Tinkering with electronics and other devices was starting to become a huge hobby of his and his family was becoming well aware of their son's talent with such things. His younger sister, 10 at the time, often came and watched him work with things.

It was during one such event that the tragedy happened. Trinity was working away at a rather large project, a life sized robot about the same size as he was at the time. It was for a project at school and he was more than eager to get it finished. Trinity wasn't paying attention, and in honesty he was cutting corners to finish the project for when it was due the follow day. His sister was in the room with him, but because she was often so quiet as she watched him work, Trinity forgot she was there. Upon turning on the model robot to see if it worked, the creation turned into a disaster. It flew apart in a mini explosion. The metal pieces tore through both siblings, leaving him with scars across his stomach and back, but taking his sister's life.

The incident traumatized him and he almost didn't go back to working with technology. Three years later, his parents convinced him to take it up again and since then he's been very meticulous about how he does things. His hobby and joy for such work returned after a while, but his memory of how his sister died didn't leave him alone until he was around 22 years of age. By then, he'd immersed himself so deeply into his hobby and work that he'd forced that particular memory out of his mind almost entirely.


So begins...

Trinity Lieon's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Trinity Lieon Character Portrait: Aiyanna Holt Character Portrait: Ryker Vondalir
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Trinity eyed the mecha in front of him. The right shoulder was quite literally destroyed, the cockpit was mangled and in horrible need of repair. On the other hand, the power armor that belonged to Petty Officer Holt was also just as much a disaster as the mecha. Trinity wasn't sure which one to start on first. Both were going to need a lot of time to get in working order again. Not to mention a brand new helmet for the power armor because the other one hadn't been brought in with the armor.

For a moment, Trinity was seriously at a loss in what to do with the two pieces of armor. After a few seconds of staring at the machines a little more, he finally got moving with a bit of a sigh and a shrug to his shoulders. Dragging out all sorts of equipment, Trinity decided that the power armor would be the easiest to fix. If they were to be back on the planet soon, he was sure Petty Officer Holt would want to be one of those to go. Not that he didn't think Petty Officer Vondaliar wouldn't want to either, it was just a matter of whose he could get done quicker.

So he set to work on stripping the metal plating off. Most of it he could salvage and repair simply by reshaping the thick, heavy metal. The other portions he would have to patch up with peices of the same metal. It would take some time, but at least nothing electrical needed any work, just the armor plating. As for the mecha... Trinity glanced over to the large machine, a grimace crossing his face for a moment before he turned back to stripping the power armor. The mecha needed electrical work which would take a while longer, not to mention the sizeable repairs needed for the right shoulder and cockpit.

He sighed softly to himself before he was completely lost in his work, his teeth clamping down on one of the tools he had in hand as was his habit.

Aiyanna walked into the bay, a smile on her face with her hands behind her head as she moved. She was dressed in her fatigues, enjoying the loose feeling of them after having been wearing the undersuit for as long as she had. That and having Ryker on her also was a bit of work. She chuckled softly to herself, it was a good stress reliever for the two of them, that was for sure. It was definitely something she needed after the events of that day; getting pelted with bullets, losing Derith, getting the tar beat out of her by Grimfist, her shouting match with Ryker, and then getting torn down by the Commodore. Some might have considered it to be a bit lewd of her to have spent some quality time with Ryker as she had, but she could care less at this point. She was feeling good now and that was what she had really needed.

She looked around the bay, trying to see where Trinity might be. It was a buzz of activity as crewmen moved about, loading and unloading gear, getting weapons and mechas prepped, and simply making sure they were ready should the word go out that they were needed for deployment. She knew though that Trinity would be the one working on her gear, as considering how few the suits of power armor were, the Navy wanted their ebst engineers working on it and Trinity was one of best on board of The Far Reaching Wind.

She nodded and waved to some engineers as she walked along, making sure to keep out of the way of them as she continued along, eventually stumbling upon who she was looking for. She shook her head, chuckling softly at the sight of him with a tool in his mouth. She had no idea how he could stand doing so, considering how dirty they probably were. Then again she wasn't really one to judge people for their...oddities. As she approached, she could see he was working on her suit of armor; she grimaced slightly as she glanced at him at work. Clearly there was a bit that needed to be patched up, and she rubbed her bruised side from where she had been smacked by an arm she was sure was more of a crane rather than an arm.

"How is it going, Trinity?" Holt asked as she approached, hands in her pockets. "The damage bad?" she stopped a few feet from him, not wanting to get in the way of his work and possibly mess something up.

Trinity, develed deep in his work, hardly heard anything Holt said until she asked about the damage. A little surprised that she was there, Trinity leaned back on his heels as he'd been kneeling down and tilted his head back to give her a rather comical look, screw driver sticking from his mouth and all. Bright eyes were wide as he looked at her and cocked his head off to the side in confusion before the question finally registered in his head.

"Ah!" The screwdriver fell right out from between his lips at his exclamation and clattered to the metal floor. With a wide grin, the mechanic got up and brushed himself off to face her, "Yeah... It's going to be a lot of work. But nothing I can't fix up for you within a day," he said grinning brightly at her. Glancing over to the mecha he sighed a little, a bit of a nervous laugh entering his voice as he addressed that issue.

"But uh... That ones going to take a little longer," he said, motioning to the mecha, "I hope Vondalier isn't going to be too upset about it..."

She chuckled as he leaned back, staring at her upside down, head titled to the side while his eyes widened. The screwdriver in his teeth really made the image, and she shook her head in amusement as he finally "recovered"

She removed her hand from her pockets, crossing her arms as she listened to him, glancing to her power armor as he talked. She was still smiling at the mention that the armor would up and ready to go soon. However, as he indicated the mech, her smile faded as she looked at the mess. "I can imagine it will, but as for I think he'll be fine. We won't be deploying for a while so neither of us are really in any big of a rush."

She kept her eyes on the mecha, just thinking about the man with the crane for an arm latched onto its side. She pouted some before looking at him, "Least we keep you busy, huh? Well that and freaks with a strange choice of fashion."

Nodding enthusiastically, Trinity turned back to the plates of armor that he'd stripped from the power armor, "Oh yes. Always busy. Can't complain about that I suppose, but still. I wish you guys wouldn't be so prone to destroying your stuff. I guess it's alright this time since I'm not rushed or anything. I'll get it done quickly!" he said, glancing over to her and giving a nervous smile, "Don't worry about that, but... You know... At least you're not deploying like... in an hour."

Laughing a bit, Trinity looked back to the plates and pulled one up onto the table he was standing next to. Adjusting it around so that he start cutting off the torn peices of metal, he pulled out a rather large looking tool and set to snipping away at the ragged edges so that he could weld on a new peice, "What about freaks with a strange choice of fashion?" Trinity asked as he worked, curious at her interesting set of words.

She nodded her head, glad to know it wouldn't take to long. She turned back to look at him when he ask about her statement. She pulled a nearby box that she could sit down upon, moving it so that she could use Ryker's mecha to lean against. "Well, it is the reason our stuff got a little...well really banged up. A pirate captain with a tricorne hat, and what I'm pretty sure is suppose to go on excavators or industrial assembly lines attached to his right shoulder as an arm. A bit of a flamboyant pirate, really."

She looked over to Trinity, "If I hadn't been tossed around by it, I honestly wouldn't have believed my own eyes." She looked up at him, leaning forwards with her elbows on her knees, pointing at Trinity. "Word of warning for you. If a guy in power armor is flying around with a jetpack and is threatening you with a crane he stuck to his shoulder, either get the hell out of there, or curl into a ball and hope he takes pity on you. Cause it is really going to suck when he punches you with it."

"Good God, I hope I never have to get punched by something like that," Trinity replied with wide eyes and a look of horror on his face, a bit pale also in color. He kept his gaze trained on the plate of armor he was adjusting though as he carried on the conversation with Holt.

"He sounds really scary though. One hell of a pirate... I knew they were scavangers but... That's some creativity right there," Trinity's voice trailed off, "I'd like to see that arm of his though... Wonder what makes it work and on a human body, to have that kind of fire power... Enough to destroy a mecha and power armor and not wreck the body... I wonder if I could adjust it..." His voice trailed off as he fixed a peice of metal to the plate so he could start welding, his ideas flowing as he spoke though. His interest in another peice of machinery getting the best of him.

"Great, now you've got him going on a ramapage. He'll probably try to create something like it later you know," Ryker's voice came from the other side of his mecha as he walked over to them. Trinity, of course, didn't hear him at all as he slid a pair of heavy goggles over his eyes and got ready to power up the welding tool to join the metal together, still mumbling to himself.

"I hope you never do either, Trinity. Also cause it means you are somewhere you don't belong." She listened to him as he spoke, waiting for a moment to say her own piece. However, she recognized the way his voice sounded, not to mention how he kept going and going. Sighing and hanging her head, knowing now that there was no hope of talking to him, she lifted her head up to the sound of a new voice in the conversation.

"You are probably right, Ryker. And now I'm worried." She looked over at him, "I vote that you get to be the guinea pig when he does get it built. It'll give you something more to do while we are stuck on the ship. It'll also be pretty fun for me to watch, I think." she said while leaning back against the mecha.

Ryker scoffed at her, "Hell no I'm not going anywhere near what the little idiot makes. Last thing I need is a fucking metal arm. I like my limbs just the way they are, thank you," he responded heavily, crossing his arms over his chest and also leaning against his mecha, off onto one leg, the other tucked across the one bearing his weight.

"Did you ask him how long this will take?"

"You don't want a limb to match the captain? I think you'd enjoy it." she said while yawning and stretching her arms above her head before looking at Trinity. "Well, my armor is only about a day or so." She then looked up at the mecha. "This bud here though?" she said while patting it. "Not so much, he said it was going to be a bit before he can get it up and running again. Considering you took several direct hits from a rockets, I can't imagine why it might take that long." she said while shooting him a grin.

"Perhaps you need to work on your agility there, Mr. Vondalir. Perhaps then you can properly kick the ass of a pointed-hat-wearing-loud-mouth."

"Ha! It's not the agility I need, it's heavier armor. Maybe a little more maneverability. Or maybe I'd just like to get out and kick his ass with my bare hands. Snap his neck nicely between my fingers," Ryker shot back, the growl that started at the beginning of his words slowly receeded into a cruel sounding tone as his lips curved up into his signature grin again.

"I'll properly be kicking his ass once we get back down on Ko'val. Don't worry about that at all, Miss. Holt," he finished, glancing down at her as she shot him a grin.

"Well if your plan is to kick his ass bare handed, then good luck to you Ryker. Because unless he decides to ditch his power armor, it might not be a fight that'll be in your favor." She stood up, placing her hands on her hips as she peeked over to Trinity working before back to Ryker.

"You're quick, but it only does so much when your blows aren't even going to phase him." She walked over to him, pointing to his ribs. "And when his blows are going to do far more right back." she brought her hand back to her hip. "I say, just wait till you mechs fixed up and then you can squish him. Besides I think it'll be more satisfying for you if you do that." She then turned herself to look up at it.

Arching an eyebrow he grinned at her, "You can't possibly be worried about my wellbeing, are you, Petty Officer Holt?" he asked her after she'd pointed out his cracked ribs. Even so, she was right in what she said. He probably would enjoy squishing the bastard for more than breaking his neck.

With a slight hum to himself, he nodded his head a little, "Yes, I think you're right about that one," he said, mostly to himself as he was now depicting the little asshole between the hands of his mecha, squirming and screaming.

"I am worried about that pirate winning, Ryker. At least you won't try to kill me, so I prefer you alive over him." she said while looking at him. "You are also probably a bit more hygenic than he is also, so another point in your favor." She looked over to Trinity, watching him for a moment before looking back at Ryker. "And of course I'm right!" she said smiling and turning to walk off. "Don't you know a woman is always right? Let me know when you have it fixed up, Trinity! I'm off to get something to eat because damn am I hungry..."

"Only certain women," Ryker responded lightly, and turned to follow her, ignoring Trinity entirely, "And I can only imagine why you're so hungry," he teased, and went with her. Trinity, having not heard a single word, buried himself in the repairs as well as thoughts of how he was going to create a powerful bionic arm. That was sure to be interesting.