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Queen of Hearts

"I may have an iron fist, but I have the power here."

0 · 591 views · located in Wonderland

a character in “Wonder struck”, as played by CandyOrchird


Name- Queen of Hearts

Appearance- The Queen respects her beauty as one of her greatest powers. She, of course, looks at Alice as a rising gem, but one that can be easily crushed; after all, who can challenge the beauty of their Queen?
Her hair is a lighter shade of the beauty that gives her her name, though it is red all the same, as much of her is. She combs it with an ivory-toothed comb, that glides through her silky-soft hair, and creates a beauty of curls. Bangs frame her face in a show of power, dropping to soft curls just at the edge of her soft, creamy-green eyes.
She usually wears a dress that is made of a powerful, deep red silk and velvet combination, having gilded tassels that drape down the edges, and various black hearts that dot over the bodice. Her skirts are puffed up with petticoats to be as soft as a cloud, and as she wanders her castles, she has yet to find herself weighed down by her dress. She also wears a light gold necklace with a ruby heart attached.
Her crown is made of pure gold, and almost never the same; something with it always changes, all but the hearts on her head.

Madness ability- She is the ruler of Wonderland. What she uses is the power to see other's thoughts, and can plant the seed of doubt as she wishes.

Likes- The feeling of being control, her personal servants, gaining as she wishes, and ruling her kingdom with wicked cruelty.
And tea. I always love good tea.

Dislikes- Alice. My, she is a bother; that child must be tamed if she is to wander these lands without me. She is a threat to this sanctity of peace, I cannot let her do this.
Ah, my dislikes... Oh, did I mention Alice yet?

Backstory- The Queen has always ruled Wonderland as she pleases. She has never felt as if the world has been threatened before; although she has always been corrupted, it was only as she was raised. Her mother was worse than her, and the only memory she has still of the woman is how she ruled Wonderland before the Queen stepped into power. Her mother was the Queen of Spades, the people used to know her as; the Queen of the Spades that buried their dead families. It was not uncommon for the Queen's guard to raid Wonderland, and kill as they pleased.
She had tried to avoid becoming the Queen of Spades; but when the corruption started to rule Wonderland, it started with her. She left her peaceful standing as a lovely Queen, to becoming the corrupt woman she is.
Today, she fights the corruption as she can, but there is no longer any use; if she is to end it, she would have to die. But there is, of course, no way in her knowledge that she would simply let herself die.

Extra- Never doubt a Queen. For, if anything, that is where we strike first; where you least expect it, right at the heart.

So begins...

Queen of Hearts's Story


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Red Queen

She fluffed up her hair, blinking her eyes gently as she woke up in a ray of sunlight that was streaming through her bedroom. Where she lay, it was upon a magnificent red four-posted bed, with gentle covers and streamers that spread all through it - almost out of a fairytale.

The Queen sighed as she pushed herself to sit up in the bed, stretching her arms over her head, and yawned loudly. The room was empty, surprisingly - had her servants not woken up yet?

"Where is my servant?" she called out to the room, expecting faces to appear. When none did, she called again, except this was much louder; she screamed, and heard her voice echo a few doors down. Immediately two faces appeared, and started pulling back the streamers on the bed, offering a hand to help her out to stand.

The Queen giggled softly as she stepped out, wearing her underclothes from the previous night, and sighed once more.

"Fetch my the dress."

"W-which one, madame?" asked one of the servants, timidly, and she seemed to be shaking as she opened the door to her closet - as if touching the wrong dress would loose her her head.

"The dress. Get it. I feel like today's going to be a special day."

As she lifted her arms, to suit the dress's flow over her ivory skin, she glanced out over her balcony - and viewed Wonderland. Herland, she sometimes called it. Her mother's land as well. And it was nobody's but theirs.


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Character Portrait: Queen of Hearts Character Portrait: Dormouse Character Portrait: Vixen
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The Red Queen

She started twirling around her ballroom, her long red gown flowing behind her, as she threw her hands above her heads in her fluid motion. The Queen dipped in falls and rises as she moved across the hearts on the floor, and watched the twirl of her gown as it fought the air to keep up with her legs.

She stopped moving at that point, leaning forward and keeping her hands on her knees, her thoughts turning to the business of the day as she moved towards the throne in her ballroom - and her crown.

Where were the guards she sent out earlier? Certainly they would have been here sooner than then. If they were any later, she'd... No, she had already decided, they had lost their heads the moment they come back.

The Queen frowned, putting her crown on her head, and toying with the red heart diamonds on the spikes. It's weird... It's been so long since I've seen my King. Where is he? And what's stopping him?


He started biting at the Hatter's hand as she put him in the pot, and once he was stuck in there, he sighed, relaxing against the ceramic wall. It certainly wasn't the comfiest place to be, but it wasn't the worst; he'd just wait until it was over.