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Won't Give Up on Love

Hope Springs Retreat


a part of Won't Give Up on Love, by lolamarie26.


lolamarie26 holds sovereignty over Hope Springs Retreat, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Hope Springs Retreat is a part of Won't Give Up on Love.

6 Characters Here

Lori Grant [26] Things are good now, why change it?
Will Donovan [25] "I just want to make this right and make us better."
Jay Taylor [22] The Sweetheart Couple
Lindsey Taylor [21] Sweetheart Couple || 21. Worries of her future.
Blake Kronin [21] "Well-behaved women rarely make history."
Malik King [20] "I have 26 plans. Let's start with plan-A."

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6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Will Donovan Character Portrait: Lori Grant Character Portrait: Jay Taylor Character Portrait: Malik King Character Portrait: Lindsey Taylor Character Portrait: Blake Kronin
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#, as written by HarleyQ

"Hello couples, I like to begin my sessions by asking the major question: What do you want? Because I know you're not just here because your partner asked or because you feel obligated. You want something. We'll start with you two." As the couples went around saying what they wanted, etc., Blake got nervous the closer it came to being her turn to say something. She listened intently, however, to each couple and their issues. It came to be Lorelei's turn, and she didn't seem too keen on telling the group what it was she wanted. Then it happened. She just blurted it out. "A baby." Blake's eyes widened and the girl's boyfriend looked just as surprised. Blake figured that he probably hadn't seen it coming at all. She picked at her nails. Now she was really nervous. This group session was putting people on the edges of their seats it seemed, and it was her turn.

"Blake? What do you want?" the Doctor asked her. Blake bit her lip and looked at Malik, a worried, nervous look obviously painted on her face. "I want us to stop fighting so much. It's always over petty things, but it always happens...." She looked at Malik again, squeezing his hand before looking down at her free hand in her lap that was still picking at its own nails. That wasn't all she wanted, but it was one of the things. She was also thinking that she wanted a baby, but how could she say that now after a Baby Bomb had already been dropped. She couldn't do that to Malik, not yet anyway. She was already feeling weird , and she couldn't stand to put herself through the emotional stress she knew she would go through if she brought this up to Malik. When the time is right, she told herself, taking a deep breath with her eyes closed.

She hoped that the session would be over quickly, but it was set to be 4 hours long. This is going to be an emotional roller coaster made of nightmares, she thought, realizing she was still biting her lip.

Hex Code: #6E883D

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Will Donovan Character Portrait: Lori Grant Character Portrait: Jay Taylor Character Portrait: Malik King Character Portrait: Lindsey Taylor Character Portrait: Blake Kronin
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Hexcode: #339999

After the one girl blurted out "A baby." The stunned look on her boyfriend's face sent a mix of emotions through Jay. Half of him wanted to laugh at how clueless you could be about the person you're in a relationship with while the other half felt pity for the girl because he was in the same boat. Glancing sideways at Lindsey, who was still resting her head on his shoulder, he debated on whether he should speak up and save the girl who he believed had been called "Lorelei" a bit of humiliation having been made the one to go first. Before he could interject, however, the doctor moved on so he kept his mouth shut and just listened.

The next girl revealed that she and her...boyfriend? Husband?...fought a lot. We're the only married couple here... He sighed as the realization sank in, making an assumption that once that fact was known throughout the group it was very possible they would become the people everyone else would come to on relationship advice.

Jay waited patiently until the girl was done talking and then noticed the doctor was looking at him. "What about you guys? Why are you here?" Doctor Maria asked with that much too pleasant smile plastered on her face. Taking in a deep breath, he spoke, offering a small wave of introduction to the other couples first. "Hey guys, I'm Jacob Taylor, and this is my wife Lindsey. I guess why we -- I mean, why I'm here -- is because I..." Suddenly all words were lost on him and he felt extremely stupid. Were they really here because they couldn't agree on whether to have kids or to not have kids? No, there had to be some sort of deeper rooted issue. Come on, Jay. You know what it is. Just say it. He prodded himself to keep speaking.

Clearing his throat and running his fingers through his hair in an attempt to play off his freeze up, he continued, "I guess because... I..... want kids and she doesn't and it's become a real soft spot. I just want us to be able to communicate better and move past this." Once he was done, he mentally yelled at himself CHICKEN. While what he had said was true, it wasn't the real issue he was beginning to realize they had.

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Character Portrait: Lori Grant Character Portrait: Jay Taylor
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Lindsey admired the Lorelei girl. At least she could speak up, unlike Lindsey herself. She listened too each other person, and she suddenly froze as it was Jay's turn. "What about you guys? Why are you here?" Oh dear lord.. Lindsey took a deep breath, and listened to her husband.

"I guess because... I..... want kids and she doesn't and it's become a real soft spot. I just want us to be able to communicate better and move past this."

Lindsey's eyes were huge as the doctor's happy glare focused in on her. She sat up quickly, and couldn't help her hands shaking. Why was she so nervous? "I.. I uh.." She seemed to be blank. Her mind reeled for the right answer. She stuttered nonsense, before looking at her hands. "I want to be able to get over my fears. I want to make my husband happy, and make us stronger." She swallowed a large lump. "I had a horrible childhood, and I'm afr-raid that my kids might be doomed t-to the same fate..." She blurted out, and her cheeks were a rosy pink, and she covered her mouth with her hands.

She couldn't bring herself to look at Jay, or the doctor, feeling an odd guilt wash over her. It was her fault they weren't having kids. She wasn't trying hard enough. If she wasn't so scared about the future, maybe she'd actually be able to live in the present some times.

Instead, she sat in her chair, her arms crossed, and she stared at an imaginary dot on the ground. She paid no attention to any one else's remarks. She was too.. shameful to even look at her loving husband.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Will Donovan Character Portrait: Lori Grant Character Portrait: Jay Taylor Character Portrait: Malik King Character Portrait: Lindsey Taylor Character Portrait: Blake Kronin
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#, as written by Sovryn

We all have those moments in life where everything seems to happen so fast. Malik was having a moment like that from the moment him and Blake sat down in the group session circle. All he did was glance at the couple they sat next to, not paying much attention to what Blake had commented on until she said something about marriage. What brought that on? Malik thought, mentally confused by the comment overall but finding it sweet enough. He smiled one of his natural sweet smiles at her, ignoring the other couples for the moment, and was about to say that he thought they were still too young for marriage, but before he could do so the lady spoke.

"Hello couples, I like to begin my sessions by asking the major question: What do you want?" Taken off guard a moment, Malik stared at the lady unintentionally. Then the other couples began to speak and his eyes shot to them, watching and listening to each ones complaint. Malik, being who he was, couldn't help but laugh at some of the more petty ones about not getting enough loving in bed or wanting to get something done with that ass, it was all very funny, childish even. But it was the deeper more meaningful ones that hit home and left his eyes drifting to Blake with a faint smile adorning his face.

Next thing he knew, someone was saying they wanted a baby. Well, this escalated quickly, Malik thought, struggling to hold in his laughter at the face the guy was giving his girl. He couldn't imagine being that guy and getting bombed like that. His laughter died when the lady called on Blake and his eyes landed on her. "I want us to stop fighting so much. It's always over petty things, but it always happens...." Malik let out a low aw sound before draping an arm over her shoulders then said quietly, trying to fly under the radar of the rest of the people around, "That's why we're here, babe. That's why we're here."

He then relaxed slightly, listening to the next guy put out the whole intro and everything. Malik was honestly impressed by this guy, especially when he started saying what was up in his relationship. "I want kids and she doesn't," "Daaamn..." Malik couldn't help but breathe out the small comment at that. All these people wanting kids and all Malik wants is a good, loving relationship minus the constant arguing and headbutting. But, if it wasn't clear already, this was going to be a lot of work.

Hexcolor: #08ae6f

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Will Donovan Character Portrait: Lori Grant Character Portrait: Jay Taylor Character Portrait: Malik King Character Portrait: Lindsey Taylor Character Portrait: Blake Kronin
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"Yes Will, a baby. I mean that's not so outlandish we already have one and you love being a dad." She said defensively. "And I'm mentioning it now." She added crossing her arms over her chest. She had to admit it hurt that Will was giving her such a shocked and dismayed look. The laughing from somewhere in the room wasn't helping either.

"This is good" Dr. Marla said with a smile and a clap, "It's exactly what group sessions are for: openness. Lorelei, Will, we will delve into this more when we get into private sessions tomorrow. For now though, how about we continue with you two " She said motioning to the dark haired couple that approached Lorelei and Will when they first walked in. Lori wasn't too fond of the female who brought up marriage so she was happy to see the doctor focus on them.

Lori turned to Will and whispered, "Well technically I want another baby," She said widening her eyes and raising her index finger. "I didn't say it before because I know you probably won't give me another one until I marry you. Which by the way isn't fair. I love you why isn't that enough?"

The doctor looked up from the couple who was sharing to give Lori a stern look, "Lorelei I would like to remind you that other couples growth is just as important as yours," Dr. Marla said snidely.As the couples finished up Dr.Marla begin standing up again"Well I think that's enough for today." Dr. Marla said standing up. "I expect to see you tonight at the feast but until then enjoy your free time. With that she left the room.

A few minutes later Lori found herself in their Villa. When the group session ended she got out of there as fast as she could. She didn't even wait for Will. She needed time to think and to register the rejection from Will. On her way to the Villa she stopped by a general store in the resort and picked up some condoms which where now strewn on the bed. When she heard the door open she hissed out, "I bought us some condoms because you obviously don't want to have another child with me. Then again you didn't choose to have the first one." She whipped her head to stare at Will, "This. This is why I don't want to get married because one day you will wake up and you won't want me."

Hex Code: #da687c

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Character Portrait: Will Donovan Character Portrait: Lori Grant
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Will didn't even know how to react at first. He had known that Lori loved being a mom and loved Mia but there was no way in hell he'd thought she'd wanted another kid. As bad as it was to say Lori wasn't the most responsible person sometimes. And her family was far from supportive about him and the baby and she had never so much as hinted that she would want another one. It sure as hell didn't help the situation any that they were in a room full of strangers, all staring intently at them.

"Well technically I want another baby," She said raising her index finger at him. "I didn't say it before because I know you probably won't give me another one until I marry you. Which by the way isn't fair. I love you why isn't that enough?" All Will could manage as a response was a whispered, "What the fuck, Lori." Thankfully they were quickly drawn to the next few couples to speak and then all shuffled from the hall quickly once the session had ended.

Will was probably the last person in the room, or at least damn close to it, he couldn't tell if that one couple was still in the corner arguing about plastic surgery and something about being embarrassed in front of everyone. He sighed running his hands through his hair. He then stood up from the seat and headed back towards their room, trying not to make direct eye contact with anyone he passed on the way.

He was barely through the door to their villa when Lori started in on him. "I bought us some condoms because you obviously don't want to have another child with me. Then again you didn't choose to have the first one." He was about to respond when she just kept going. "This. This is why I don't want to get married because one day you will wake up and you won't want me."

He closed the door behind him hard, causing a loud enough noise to almost be considered a slam. "Don't even start giving me that bullshit." He replied. "Last time I checked, neither one of us wanted it. Neither one of us went into that night thinking 'Well now that I've hit up the casino and a few bars, it'd be great if I could make a baby tonight too.' Don't act like this is all on me. You never planned on Mia happening either. And if you really want to go there, let's not forget which one of us found out from the news and had to fly half way across the country to know for sure! You could have said something before. But no, you chose to wait and thought that dropping a bomb on me in the middle of fucking group therapy would be a great idea!"

"You won't give me another one until I marry you." Will quoted in a high whiny voice. "Why don't you act a little bit more like I'm holding a gun to your head over it. Why don't you tell everyone that I'm basically trying to force you down the aisle against your will. He shouted. "That is not fair, Lori. And I never said that love wasn't enough. But sometimes it kind of feels like you don't. So no, I don't want another baby. Flying across the country every few days to see the one we already have is more than enough. I see my baby through a camera more often then I do in person some weeks. It's kind of a pain in the ass living in two places at once, Lori. And you want to bring another kid into this? Another kid for your family to hate none the less." He asked. "Are you frigging kidding me? This is why we talk about this stuff. You don't get to go deciding this shit behind my back. Not unless your expecting this kid to be someone else's. "

Hex code: #4b6889

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Will Donovan Character Portrait: Lori Grant
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Lori flinched when Will slammed the door, he never did things like that so it surprised her. He was right neither of them planned Mia even though they both loved her. She fought back the urge to respond, rather she let him get out all of his anger. However some way between him bringing up the fact that she hadn't told him herself and mocking her she couldn't help the tears going down her face. She stood up from the chair in the middle of the floor and was headed to the room when the final straw came.

"Another kid for your family to hate none the less." She walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his waist, leaning her forehead against his broad chest. "I never cared about what they thought because I love you. Will I love you enough to keep giving you opportunities to leave. You think my jealousy and even my bitchy streak is kind of cute now, maybe sassy, but what about when your forty? What about when your settled and all you want is a sweet as sugar and sane woman to make you dinner every night and read your children bedtime stories. I can do all that but I'll never be sane. I'll never not snap when somebody looks at us the wrong way. My grandparents will never get over the fact that your black and our babies will be mixed. You want to move in? I can do that because I love waking up next to you but I will not pick up me and Mia's whole lives and move across the country. "

She took Will's hand and led him to the sofa. When he sat down she curled up in his lap, "I love you so much Will and the truth is... I know you can do better, that you should do better. It just feels like if I keep you at arms length it won't hurt if you decide to leave and if we had another child you'd have more of a reason to stay. God that sounds terrible I'm sorry " She said leaning against him. She kissed him deeply, "I love you I'm sorry"

Hex Code: #da687c

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Will Donovan Character Portrait: Lori Grant Character Portrait: Jay Taylor Character Portrait: Malik King Character Portrait: Lindsey Taylor Character Portrait: Blake Kronin
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0.00 INK

#, as written by HarleyQ

As the group session came to a close, Blake could feel the tension, literally feel it, in the room as the couples were leaving. She felt like she was going to be sick from the stress of it all. She couldn't wait to get out of that room. She was antsy, almost itchy, over how the session had gone. She felt like she and Malik hadn't had the worse of it, but the stress from the other couples was starting to get to her.

When they finally got back to their room, Blake was practically pulling her hair out from stress. How am I going to tell him I want a baby.... Especially now? she thought to herself, looking at Malik and smiling, trying to hide how she was really feeling. "I'm not feeling that great, MJ. I think I'm going to take a nap for a bit.... Will you wake me up in an hour?" she asked, wrapping her arms around his neck and giving him a long kiss on the lips. She laid down on the bed and almost instantly fell asleep.

"MJ, I want a baby." she said. "A baby? We're too young! I think we're too young to get married, but you want a baby?!" Malik yelled. Blake began to cry, and she couldn't stand that he thought that they were "too young" to get married or have children. "We aren't too young! I'm 23 years old, and I'm not getting any younger! I don't want to end up like all of the parents who are 60 years old and their kids are just graduating high school. When are you going to be ready?! You're such a child!!" she yelled, storming away from Malik and out of the door, not looking back.

Blake woke with a start and looked at the clock. I've only been asleep for 30 minutes? It felt like a lifetime.... That dream was too vivid. She got up from the bed and walked towards the bathroom; however, as soon as she stood up, she got extremely lightheaded and fell to the floor, passed out.

Hex Code: #6E883D

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Will Donovan Character Portrait: Lori Grant Character Portrait: Jay Taylor Character Portrait: Malik King Character Portrait: Lindsey Taylor Character Portrait: Blake Kronin
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sovryn

The atmosphere in the room was thick enough to cut. Malik almost thought that if he tried to cut the air with his finger it would slide off like a cartoon. If only a bell rang when the doctor said "I expect to see you tonight at the feast but until then enjoy your free time.", Malik would have piped out "saved by the," before jumping up and dodging the others on his way out of the place. However, that wasn't the case. It ended and everyone was out of there as fast as they could.

Once back at the room, Malik wasn't sure what to do next. What exactly was there to do here? Before he could ask Blake what she wanted to do, she came up to him. "I'm not feeling that great, MJ. I think I'm going to take a nap for a bit.... Will you wake me up in an hour?" He nodded, though he was a little confused but understood none the less. Sitting down in a chair at a little breakfast nook type table, he leaned his head on his hands. He scanned his eyes over the room before they feel on Blake laying in the bed, now asleep. She sure fell asleep fast, He thought, staring at her a moment.

"I've got sunshine, on a cloudy day," Malik began singing quietly. "When it's cold outside, I've got the month of May," He continued. "Now what could make me feel this way?" Malik sang, a bit louder as he stood up and made his way to the bed, watching Blake to make sure she doesn't stir in her sleep. A soft smile as on his face as her keeled down, crossing his arms over the surface of the bed and bowing his head so he look right at Blake. "My girl," He sang in almost a whisper. It was true that Malik was infatuated with her in this moment. So why did he think they were too young? Too young for anything real? "I'm sorry I'm not ready Blake," He whispered, not even sure if she heard him. "But, maybe, after all this is over, I will be ready. But not yet, not now in the middle of all this," He added in the same hushed voice. A few moments later, he decided to get him some air. As he walked out of his room and down the way he couldn't help but sing. "Well, you can't tell by the way I use my walk, I'm a woman's man, no time to talk," Malik winked and smiled at a male staff member that was walking in the opposite direction. If Malik didn't have his power walk on, he would have laughed at the look the man gave him. "Music loud and woman warm," A woman staff member taking a break on a bench gave Malik a look as he walked by. Malik just nodded and kept walking. "I've been kicked around since I was born." He continued singing as he walked.

Eventually the song he began his walk with was over and he was on his way back to the room, humming the whole way. Whenever he went on a walk, he would run into people asking him why he's singing. He would say because instead of being dangerous and using headphones, where you can't hear what's going on around you, he sings. It makes up for the lack of music plus it works your lunges. He eventually reached the door to the room and opened the door, moving it slowly at first so he didn't wake Blake from her nap. Then he noticed Blake wasn't in bed. Panic passed through him quickly before he realized that it would be childish to assume she was kidnapped at a place like this. "Blake? Babe? Where ya' at?" He called, walking into the room, scanning the room with his brow frowned. This panic met him again as he saw Blake on the ground. "Blake!" He yelled, running to her, mumbling constant pet names. Seeing that she must have fainted, he picked her up and laid her in the bed carefully before calling someone to check her out. "It's gonna be alright. It's gonna be alright," He said softly, grabbing a chair and sitting it beside the bed.

Hexcolor: #08ae6f

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Hexcode: #339999

When Lindsey spoke up right after he did, he had to work really hard to keep his jaw from dropping. He had no idea that was why she didn't want kids. Jay had just always assumed it was because she didn't like them, or maybe she was beginning to resent him for keeping her from Ivy League and she didn't want to start a family with him; that maybe she was getting ready to leave him or something.

Jay kept rolling over what she'd said in his head as the other couples aired their issues. He couldn't decide if he felt pity for her, if he understood her side of things, or if he was just angry that she had kept this from him. Instinctively, he began to pop his knuckles, something he always did when he was nervous or deep in thought.

Finally, the doctor dismissed them but explained that they were to attend a feast later that night. He stood and walked out, feeling Lindsey following behind him. The young man led the way back to their room, they'd figure out what they wanted to do with their free time from there. After the door closed behind them, he turned to face his wife slowly, a look of sadness in his eyes.

"That's why you don't want to have kids? Because you're afraid that something will happen to us like when your parents were in that wreck?" His voice was gentle and his words were not rushed. Reaching his hands out, he took her hands into his and intertwined their fingers. "Why wouldn't you just tell me that?"

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Malik King Character Portrait: Blake Kronin
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0.00 INK

#, as written by HarleyQ

Blake woke up to someone checking her out, checking her pulse and whatever else. Her eyelids felt heavy, like she'd been asleep for some time. "MJ?" she said groggily. She couldn't see him. "MJ?!" she called out, this time more frantically and she sat upright in the bed. She looked to the side and saw him sitting in a chair. "What happened?" she said, tears beginning to stream down her cheeks, streaks staining her tan cheeks. "All I remember is getting out of bed and then waking up just now. I don't know what's going on...." she mumbled, her voice trembling and her hands shaking as she attempted to run them through her hair. She looked at Malik again, and she could tell that he had been worried about her. "I'm okay, MJ. I love you. I'm okay." Blake didn't know if she was trying to convince Malik that she was okay or herself.

"Ma'am. We're going to take you to one of our on-site doctors. We're just going to run a few tests that we can't run here in your room, okay?" the man who had come to see her said. "Okay. MJ, you can stay here, baby. I'll be back as soon as possible. Just relax," she said, standing up slowly and kissing him on the forehead. She went with the young man to go to the doctor, holding onto his arm for stability as she wasn't quite feeling one hundred percent and her head still felt fuzzy. When they got there, he left her in the waiting room to go get one of the doctors. In a few minutes, a woman came out and called her in.

About an hour later, Blake was making her way back to the room, her face glazed over and blank. She had papers in her hand with various test results, and she was walking very slowly. When she finally got back to the room, she let her hand rest on the doorknob, trying to bring herself to open the door. When she finally got herself to do it, she was staring at the floor as she entered the room. She shut the door behind her and stood just inside the room. She slowly looked up at Malik, who was looking at her with a somewhat worried expression across his face. She let the papers fall out of her hand and her face was still blank. Tears formed in her eyes and began to spill over the edge and onto her cheeks. "Malik...." She rarely ever said his full name unless it was something important or she was extremely angry with him. "I...." Her heart and stomach were both in her throat.

She leaned against the door, sliding down it to the floor, putting her head in her hands and full on crying at this point. She was shaking like crazy. There was so much uncertainty. What was going to happen to her? To them? She didn't want him to be angry, or hurt, or whatever he might end up feeling. The only certainty was that she couldn't stop crying. "I...." she began again. She looked up to look at Malik, her eyes red and puffy and still crying. She was terrified. How was he going to handle this?

"I'm pregnant...."

Hex Code: #6E883D

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Malik King Character Portrait: Blake Kronin
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0.00 INK

#, as written by HarleyQ
My thing posted twice for some reason. Ignore this.... ._.

2 Characters Present

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Lindsey had followed her husband, with a little trouble because of another couple walking ridiculously slow, but she made it to the room, and as she shut the door, he turned and gave her the saddest look she'd ever seen him give. Her eyes were soft just looking at him.

"That's why you don't want to have kids? Because you're afraid that something will happen to us like when your parents were in that wreck? Why wouldn't you just tell me that?"

Lindsey swallowed. She looked down at their hands, and she didn't want to answer. "Because.." She didn't look at him, she couldn't bear it. "Because.. my parents meant the world to me, and then, they were just ripped from me, on my birthday of all days. I.. I don't want to endanger someone that's going to mean the world.. to us.." She squeezed his hand. "to something so traumatic. I mean.. I still cry some nights, and I still have nightmares, and it's been years since they've died. " She paused, and looked at his chest, not quite ready to face him.

[color=#8b0a50]"And.. you heard all the women in the that room, practically. All of them want kids. Every single one of them. Why don't I? I want kids, but I don't know if.. ugh.. Can't you just.. go get a kid from them?"

Lindsey didn't mean what she had said, but her eyes made it true. They were tearing, and she couldn't help the crying that followed. But, she knew he'd understand. He had to. She didn't run away to the bathroom to lock herself in until he gave up on his pleas to lure her back out. She didn't just leave this place.

Instead, she buried her face into his chest, and let herself break down. "I'm so sorry, Jay.. I'm sorry.." She clutched his shirt material, as she had hugged herself to him, and felt every emotion she'd bottled up coming here, coming out of her.

And of course, that's when her phone started going off again.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jay Taylor Character Portrait: Lindsey Taylor
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Hexcode: #339999

"And.. you heard all the women in the that room, practically. All of them want kids. Every single one of them. Why don't I? I want kids, but I don't know if.. ugh.. Can't you just.. go get a kid from them?"

Lindsey's words were like a slap in the face, causing Jay to let out a sharp breath as if he'd gotten the wind knocked out of him. Of course he'd never... but she knew that. When she crumpled into his chest, his heard sank to his stomach and he immediately enclosed her in his arms. Her sobs were causing his body to bounce up and down but all he did was hold her tighter, stroking her hair and gently shushing her, telling her everything would be alright.

Then her phone began to ring.

At first, he didn't think she'd heard it so Jay brought his lips to her ear and whispered softly, "Sweetheart, your phone is ringing again." He slipped his hand in her back pocket and retrieved the phone, glancing at the caller ID and seeing it was the same unknown number. Who could be calling her?

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jay Taylor Character Portrait: Lindsey Taylor
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Lindsey was enjoying the long embrace, when he turned her attention towards her cell phone, and she looked at the screen. "Who is that?" She felt her eyebrows sink as she tried to think, and she looked at Jay before taking her phone and answering. "H-hello?" She let go of her husband, and she wiped her eyes with her other hand. There goes her makeup.

"Hello, Mrs. Taylor? I regret to inform you that your grandmother, Miss Claudia, passed away two days ago. We tried to contact you earlier, but left a voicemail regarding the information we need you, as you are the only reachable relative, to come to our office and take care of."

Lindsey's jaw dropped, and she looked at Jay terrified. She'd never gotten to say goodbye. Not even a recent visit to make her guilt wash away. "I.. I'll call you ba-ack." She hung up, and managed to put her phone in her pocket before clasping her hand over her mouth, and looking at Jay. "My grandmother died two days ago." She swallowed, and couldn't feel any sudden emotion.

"I.. I didn't even get to say goodbye.." She said softly, and ran a hand through her hair. Guilt washed over her like a flood, and she had a terrible aching feeling in her stomach. Were any of the other couples feeling like this? Like nothing would go right?

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Will Donovan Character Portrait: Lori Grant
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Will stayed quiet while Mia talked. He had kind of exploded the last time he had responded to something she said and didn't want to do that again. He was still annoyed was still angry, but he didn't want to argue with her. He hated fighting. It always felt awful and he always said things he regretted. And he always ended up just feeling bad about it for a lot longer than the argument actually lasted. When she took his hand, he followed her to the couch and sat down.

When she kissed him he placed his hands on her shoulders and pushed her back. "I love you too, but I can't do this right now, Lor. " He said. "You should have told me before we walked into that room. Now everyone else here thinks we're ridiculous. We're that couple who have no clue about each other. "

He sighed. "Look, I'm sorry I yelled. I lost my cool a bit on that one but its just hard to hear you say that stuff. I've worked too hard to make this work, to hear you say you want me to leave. if I wanted to leave I would have done it along time ago. Hell I would have ran fast and far while you were pregnant. You were way worse then." He said smiling softly. "I'm not going anywhere. So stop trying to make me."

Hex code: #4b6889

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Will Donovan Character Portrait: Lori Grant
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It would be a lie to say that the rejection didn't hurt but the sting subsided when he said he wasn't going anywhere. He was right, of course. If Will wanted to leave he would have already. She knew she wasn't going to marry him just yet but it was enough for her to take a more permanent step towards their family. "Ok baby," she said sweetly. She slid off of his lap and walked over to the dresser. "So do want to go for a swim with me?" She asked as she held up two swimsuits. One was a one piece that was sexy and tight but showed off a bit of side breast, the other was a pale yellow bikini that was somehow much more demure. She shook her head a put the one piece back in the drawer.

She pulled off her shorts and panties and slid on her bikini bottoms before walking back into the living room. "I just feel like it's been an intense day already and I kinda just want to have some fun," She explained pulling off her sweater and bra. She tied the top of her bikini but the bottom kept getting mixed up in all her thick hair. She sat in between his legs and lifted her hair so he could tie it. "Thanks you." She said in a sing song voice as she got back up.

Most couples had intense moments after a fight but as for as Lori was concerned the only time that was necessary was with makeup sex but given that Will wouldn't even kiss her she wasn't going to push it. She sat next to him on the couch but because she didn't really know where they stood she made no attempts to touch him. If Will was over the argument he would make an attempt to touch her. She had to admit it was strange talking about their issues since they never did but it felt like later it would be worth it.

Hex Code: #da687c

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jay Taylor Character Portrait: Lindsey Taylor
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Hexcode: #339999

Jay felt his entire body go numb as she uttered those last words. "I...I didn't even get to say goodbye.." Immediately he gently put both of his hands on either side of her face, swiping a thumb across her cheek to catch a falling tear.

"Don't you feel guilty over this, Linds. Don't you blame yourself." He choked back his own tears as he was talking to both himself and his wife. He had known it was a risky thing to do; to take her away from her grandmother while she was in such a fragile position. He pulled her into his chest and just wrapped her up in his arms, running a hand up and down her back while trying to soothe her.

There wasn't much he could do besides console her and wait to see how she would handle it. Would she shut him out? Would she turn to anger? Would she pretend it didn't happen? There were so many different ways to handle grief, and in this particular situation he wasn't sure which path she would go down.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Will Donovan Character Portrait: Lori Grant
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Will didn't answer her question, not that he really had much of a choice in the matter since Lori was already picking out swimwear. When she sat in front of him and pulled up her hair he pulled the strings tightly together before tying them into a simple bow. He sighed but got up anyway and made his way to the dresser. He pulled out the pair of swim trunks he had bought and changed into them quickly fore heading into their ensuite bathroom and grabbing them each a towel.

"Okay, you ready to go swimming then?" He asked pulling open the glass door to the patio and using his arm to keep it open for Lori to walk through. Once she was through and onto the patio deck, he followed her outside and closed the door behind them. He then set their towels on the small table and made his way towards the pool.

It was a bit uncomfortable at first, the tension hanging in the air between them. He knew that Lori could be like that though, she was spontaneous and didn't always think about things in a big-picture type of way. But he still felt a bit annoyed and embarrassed about what had happened in group therapy, which really made him not look forward to doing the one-on-one sessions.

He knew that they had to work through this stuff and he really wanted to get past it all and make it work but he was used to a world that came with practices and rehearsals and preparation before everything to ensure that everything went smoothly. He was not used to being blindsided by information and certainly wasn't used to having to sit in a room and talk to someone about issues that weren't physical or to do with his team. But he was nothing if not a team player so he would be damned if he wasn't going to at least try. "I wonder if we'll be able to call and check in on Mia you know make sure everything's okay or see her or something."

Hex code: #4b6889