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Jay Taylor

The Sweetheart Couple

0 · 1,269 views · located in Hope Springs Retreat

a character in “Won't Give Up on Love”, as played by The Littlest Mermaid



{""To believe in love, to be ready to give up anything for it, to be willing to risk your life for it, is the ultimate tragedy.” }
-Leonardo DiCaprio
Geronimo| Sheppard || Honey I'm Good| Andy Grammar ||

|{Full Name}|
Jacob Daniel Taylor

Daniel || Only by his Mother
Jacob || His Friends and other Family Members
Jay || Only by his Wife


December 15th

Self Explanatory


The Sweetheart Couple|| Lindsey Taylor

{"QUOTE.” }



|{Quirks || Habits || Oddities}|
Tends to play with his hair a lot Deep dimples and laugh lines [color=#color]▪[/color]Pops his knuckles when he gets nervous Grinds his teeth at night Dimples Laugh Lines

|{Talents || Strengths || Skills}|
SoccerRomanceGreat with KidsSelf Control

|{Flaws || Weakness}|
Jay isn't very quick to anger, but he bottles things up inside so when he snaps, he really snaps. When his team loses a soccer game, he tends to curl up and keep to himself for hours He tries to not let the fame go to his head but it can be hard Struggles with Guilt

Jay is a professional athlete so his hobby of soccer is more like a job. He enjoys being with Lizzy, but also likes to go out once every week or so with his team to just hang out and maybe drink a bit.

(At least 3)
øDisappointing Lizzyø
øNever Having Childrenø

Not making Lindsey finish Ivy League before they got married || Failing to keep Lizzy close

Guilt: He's always felt guilty about Lindsey not going into Ivy League to be with him.
Uncertainty: Isn't sure he can be happy if they don't have kids.


{"QUOTE.” }

|| Strong || Chivalrous || Determined || Family Guy || Hard Working ||

Jay is constantly pushing himself to be better. He works hard every day, spending hours in training for soccer and then more hours afterwards in the gym. Yet somehow he'll still make time to make Lizzy dinner or bring her flowers when he gets home. He's very old fashioned when it comes to relationships. He feels that a woman should be treated like a princess for her whole life.
He is a very big family guy. He has a lot of younger cousins on his mom's side and he loves playing with them and talking to them. Jay finds it intriguing to try and see the world through a child's eyes, they're so honest and have such a different perspective on things.

{"QUOTE.” }



{"QUOTE.” }



{"QUOTE.” }




|{Place of Origin}|
New Orleans, Louisiana

When Jay was just 4, his dad enrolled him in a neighborhood soccer team. At first, he wasn't very good and it got to a point where he would come home after games and whine about how much he wanted to quit. His mom would always tell him that it wasn't about winning or being the best, but it was about being his best. Being a little boy, Jay didn't really care much for his mom's sappy metaphors. However, he kept at it. Fast forward 19 years and he's now a professional soccer player, being paid to do the thing he loves most -- well, maybe not most.

He can still remember the first day he ever spoke to Lizzy. He'd seen her around and always thought she was pretty but she was that super quiet girl that never really spoke to anyone. They were lab partners but all she ever did was the work. Just the work. Hardly ever looked over at him and was never offering a word into the conversation he just babbled off, most of the time feeling like he was talking to a brick wall. Then one day, he cracked a joke (and not even one of his best) and she laughed. That was the beginning of that.

When they began dating, Jay's family sort of adopted Lizzy as their own. His parents have loved her like they do his sister since they met her, making her life without parents a little easier. They did everything together. She was constantly at his house having dinner with his family. There were even a few times when he would have practice but she would eat dinner with his parents anyways, no hesitation.

They they got married. At first it was great, not to say that it's bad now, but it's changed. He's starting to think about children and from what he's gathered, she's not having it. She's not ready or just doesn't want them, of which he's not entirely sure, but the whole conversation has caused constant arguments and hatred between them. Thus, he decided to sign them up for this retreat.

While it might not be the best time because of Lizzy's grandmother, it was better earlier than when it's too late.

|{Family Tree}|
Connor Taylor || Father || Alive & Well
Carolyn Taylor || Mother || Alive & Well
Angelina Taylor || Sister || Alive & Well
|{Happiest Memory}|
He can't decide between the day he officially met Lizzy or the day he was picked to be on the professional soccer team.

|{Saddest Memory}|
When his grandfather died, the two of them were really close when Jay was younger.

{"QUOTE". }


He calls her Lizzy. She calls him Jay.

|Time together|
They've been married for 3 ; Together for 9 years total.

|Why Do They Have Issues? What Are The Issues?|
Jay really wants to have children but Lindsey isn't sure. It's something he feels very passionately about, but he already feels guilty constantly about letting her give up Ivy League so they could be together.

|What Drew Them To You?:What Pushed You Away?|
Passion || Drive || Determined || Caring
|| She's just so good at everything she does. ||

|Happiest Memory With Them|
The Proposal
When Jay proposed, he took her back to their high school, where they first met. They walked around the halls while he talked about how much he enjoyed spending those years with her. Then he took her to the soccer field and got down on one knee.

|Saddest Memory With Them|

|Theme Song For Them|
I'll Be| Edwin McCain


(Only add if you are going to use a dialogue color)
Character Dialogue || #339999
face claim || Chace Crawford

So begins...

Jay Taylor's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Will Donovan Character Portrait: Lori Grant Character Portrait: Jay Taylor Character Portrait: Malik King Character Portrait: Lindsey Taylor Character Portrait: Blake Kronin
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0.00 INK

It's a new day at the Hope Spring Resort. Across the island the workers and staff prepare for the activities planned for the couples on their first day. On each couples rood rests a letter listing the itinerary for the day. Breakfast will be served at the Banquet Hall all couples must report there by 9 am and ends at 11 am. Following that will be group sessions in the Serenity Villa led by Dr. Marla Hunt. Group sessions will end at 3pm. The couples will have free time to enjoy the resort after that until 8 am where there will be a traditional feast at 8pm.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jay Taylor Character Portrait: Lindsey Taylor
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0.00 INK


That girl.. she was there. Jay was too. But.. they were together? No! That girl, that horrible girl took her from him and she screamed in an empty room, all alone. Jay wasn't there to help her.

She rolled over in their bed, her eyes squirming about, and she tossed to the other side, before waking up nearly out of breath, as she heard the knocking on the door. "Fuck.." She moaned, and stood, her pajamas tighter. It was simple tank, and pajama pants combo, but it was comfortable, and she couldn't care less. "Jay.." She moaned as she opened the door, not exactly caring who saw her, and grabbing the itinerary. "Why the fuck do they have an itinerary? They expect us to parade around to wherever they want us at whatever time suits them?" She complained as she came back to the bedroom, leaving the slip on the counter in the kitchenette.

She smiled as she watched her husband sleep for a few seconds, from the doorway. "Jay.." She mumbled, and she, with her arms crossed, leaned down and kissed his lips briefly."Wake up, loser. We're probably the last couple to get to breakfast." She smiled, and walked out of the bedroom, then got herself dressed. She'd showered last night.

Lindsey slipped into some skinny jeans, then buttoned a navy blue shirt over her tank, after slipping into a bra, of course. Lastly, she pulled her hair into a ponytail, and put on some flats. Lindsey applied her makeup as usual, and smiled as she turned, exiting the small bathroom, and peeking her head into the bedroom.

Today, was going to be an awkward day. She could feel it. So, before she turned into the hormonal bitch she knew she was going to end up showing some innocent couple today, she went to Jay. "I love you." She smiled softly, and her hands were on his arms, as she kissed him tenderly, then pulling away. "You about ready?" Her eyes glazed, and she bit her lip, studying his eyes.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jay Taylor Character Portrait: Lindsey Taylor
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0.00 INK

Hexcode: #339999

The quick brush on his lips is what woke Jay up. He picked up on the sweet scent of his wife immediately and smiled slightly to himself. The joy faded almost as quickly as it had come when he opened his eyes and remembered where they were. It was a beautiful room and the view from their room was beautiful; however, it wasn't home. Of course it had been his idea to sign up for this retreat, and he was admittedly a skeptic when it came to therapy like this, but his marriage was too important and he loved Linds too much to not try absolutely everything he could.

The word breakfast woke him out of his thoughts and he jumped up. "You better not take too long in there, Linds, I'm starving! You know how I get when I don't get my morning round of bacon." He smirked as he came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, giving her temple a small kiss before putting some clothes on himself. He grabbed something that Linds liked to call his "signature look" but was more commonly known as a plaid shirt and slipped it over his already bare chest. After putting on some dark jeans as well, he smiled when Lindsey approached him.

"Yes I'm ready! Let's get going!" He bounced up and down a bit with impatience. If they were out of bacon, today was not going to go well. As he held the door open for his wife, there was a small feeling in the back of his mind that was still making him question his decision to bring them here. It was a horrible time for both of them. His soccer team was about to enter the semi-finals so they should be practicing nonstop; and then her grandmother was extremely sick.

Shaking his head, Jay attempted to force the ever present guilt from his mind. They had somehow already made the trip from the bedroom to the dining room, a walk that he didn't remember due to his head being consumed with his thoughts. Lindsey had been right, they were the last couple to arrive. His eyes bounced around the room a bit before noticing there was an empty table in the middle of the room with the name card "The Taylor's" on it. "This way." He hesitantly placed his hand on the small of Lindsey's back and gently pushed her in the direction of their table.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Will Donovan Character Portrait: Lori Grant Character Portrait: Jay Taylor Character Portrait: Malik King Character Portrait: Lindsey Taylor Character Portrait: Blake Kronin
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0.00 INK


"Yes I'm ready! Let's get going!"

Lindsey frowned at his childish movements, and sighed as she shut the door behind them as they left the room. When they arrived at breakfast, they were the last ones. As usual, it seemed. "This way." Lindsey already felt her blood starting to pump as he hesitantly touched her. "Okay!" She swatted at his hand, and sighed, sitting in her seat rather forcefully. She scanned over the menu quickly, ordering just some oatmeal, which made her frown as she thought of her grandmother.

As they ate, she stayed quiet, not really wanting to talk. She was sure that the other couples were silently judging as they all seemed to be.. too.. happy with one another. Lindsey rolled her eyes at the thought of the group discussion. The things her and Jay talk about are private, right? Soo.. why should four strangers suddenly know about her fear of having children? She scoffed as she played the visions in her head of all the possible scenarios that could go wrong today.

Her hands started to nervously play with one another, and she felt uncomfortable in the chair. They laid in her lap, and she felt her fingernails digging into her jeans. She had scars on her legs from where she's done this for years. Her eyes widened, and she put a hand on the table, forcefully holding Jay's. "I'm sorry."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Will Donovan Character Portrait: Lori Grant Character Portrait: Jay Taylor Character Portrait: Malik King Character Portrait: Lindsey Taylor Character Portrait: Blake Kronin
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0.00 INK

Lori nodded as Will said he presumed today would be awkward. "As long as the screaming couple isn't us." She added as the waitress came in with the food. She attempted to not count calories as she bit into some sort of sweet bread. The truth was she was nervous and had good reason to be. I mean this trip would decide if she got over her fears and married Will or not. That was a lot of pressure.

"You know, I think the last time I had maple syrup was when you were in the hospital with Mia. And that doesn't even count because that was like eating slightly maple flavored water on soggy cardboard." Lori grinned widely at Will. I think they both could agree that was the happiest day of their lives. For Lori it was because she gave birth to Mia and she realized she loved Will for the first time. "You totally deserved those pancakes. I was super mean when I was in labor." She scrunched her nose up and frowned, "I kept screaming 'your all bitches' because they wouldn't give me drugs. I requested they didn't but still. " She shrugged lightly at the memory before continuing to eat.

As they finished their breakfast a woman approached the front of the room. She was a bit too pretty for Lori's liking but that was besides the point. She cleared her throat and expertly hit a gong in the center of the room. "Hello I am Doctor Marla Hunt" The Woman said with a wide grin. Please feel free to finish your breakfasts but head down to the Serenity Hall so we may begin our group therapy session. With that she turned and walked out the banquet hall. The staff quickly began to shuffle to clear out tables, probably off to prepare for the feast that would be on the beach later that night.

Lori stood up and tucked a stray hair behind her ear. She walked over to Will's side of the table and leaned down to kiss him. "It'll be fine Will, we're in this together." She said with a light pinch to his cheeks. Lori was super nervous but she felt like it was all worth it if she got to keep Will. As they walked out of the banquet hall she spotted the females from before still eyeing him. "Whatever I guess I should take it ass a compliment" She said with a sigh. Didn't stop her from giving him a very heated kiss right in front of them but it was progress.

As they entered the banquet Hall Lori took a seat away from the Doctors direct line of sight and motioned for Will to sit next to her "Ready for this? I mean today might completely change everything" She whispered in his ear, noting that the doctor spotted them immediately

Hex Code:#da687c

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jay Taylor Character Portrait: Lindsey Taylor
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0.00 INK

Hexcode: #339999

Jay took her silence as anger towards him and his decision to bring them here, only causing the guilt he was feeling to worsen more than it had 15 minutes ago. He leaned forward and lay his head into one hand while he held up a menu with the other, scanning it quickly but already knowing what he wanted. "I'll take two scrambled eggs and an order of bacon, extra crispy. Thank you." He ordered quickly. The young man handed the waitress his menu and watched Linds as she ordered; she was avoiding his eyes.

He was looking around at the other couples, observing how unnaturally happy they seemed to be in this strange circumstance. Why were they here at this therapy center if they were already happy together? He figured he'd find out in - shiver - group therapy. He jumped a bit when Lindsey suddenly placed her hand on his. Jay looked at her face, trying to read her eyes. She seemed to be struggling with some emotion, and then she said, "I'm sorry."

Hay furrowed his eyebrows at her apology and opened his mouth to ask what she meant but he was interrupted by their food arriving and a woman walking into the room introducing herself as Doctor Maria Hunt and saying that they were to report to the Banquet Hall but they were free to finish their breakfast first. Once she walked out, he began to eat. After a few bites, he turned his eyes back to his wife and asked, "What are you sorry about?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Will Donovan Character Portrait: Lori Grant Character Portrait: Jay Taylor Character Portrait: Malik King Character Portrait: Lindsey Taylor Character Portrait: Blake Kronin
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0.00 INK


"What are you sorry about?"

Lindsey seemed to freeze in that moment, and her eyes grew soft. "I.." She looked down from Jay's glance, never finished her sentence. She brought back her hand, feeling oddly hormonal. "I think we need to catch up. The other couples are already in therapy..." They must be nice. She didn't finish her oatmeal, as she stood, and tucked her chair back under the table. "I'm gonna go ahead." She sighed, and felt rather.. picky. An unusual feeling, but she started feeling this when she would get extremely nervous. It was almost like she had no filter on her, and anything she tried not to say would come blurbing out.

"Hey guys. How nice to meet all of you." She waved as she entered the room, taking one of the two last chairs to be filled, and crossed her legs. What if her and Jay were the only actual married couple here? As she walked in, she heard the woman with dark hair desperately holding on his arm. "Do you think we'll ever get married, baby?" She snorted to herself, and rubbed her forehead.

As Jay re-joined her, she managed a soft smile, and then jumped as her phone was suddenly ringing. Blushing, she didn't recognize the number, but saw they had left a voicemail. Shrugging, she turned her phone off, and put it in her back jeans pocket, turning her head to the too happy Doctor.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jay Taylor Character Portrait: Lindsey Taylor
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0.00 INK

Hexcode: #339999

Jay was stunned and a little hurt when she brushed off his question and briskly got up from the and walked away, saying she was going to go ahead and join the other couples in group therapy. He stayed in his seat for a moment, trying to figure out what had just happened, before getting up and following slowly behind his wife.

Lindsey had politely greeted the rest of the couples when she walked into the room but he kept to himself, crossing his arms and taking a seat by Linds, not responding to her obviously forced smile. He already felt horrible enough and her coldness wasn't helping. They were never going to move past this if she wouldn't talk to him.

He felt Lindsey jump a bit from beside him and glanced over as she checked her phone. Unknown number. He furrowed his eyebrows, who could that have been? "Any idea who that was?" He asked in a whisper, not wanting to make their private conversation the business of the other couples.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jay Taylor Character Portrait: Lindsey Taylor
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0.00 INK


"Any idea who that was?"

Lindsey was tempted to just ignore her eager husband, but she sighed, and shook her head. "I have no idea, baby." She said softly, and then felt her eyelids grow heavy from the lack of sleep from the night before. What if her nightmare eventually happened? What if she pushed away the love of her life over the mere fact that she was paranoid of their future children? Honestly, what mother wasn't?

Thinking too much, she let out a heavy sigh, looking at the doctor, and as Jay sat next to her, she leaned over, her head resting on his shoulder, and she took in his scent. God, he smelled amazing.. as always.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Will Donovan Character Portrait: Lori Grant Character Portrait: Jay Taylor Character Portrait: Malik King Character Portrait: Lindsey Taylor Character Portrait: Blake Kronin
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0.00 INK

"You two are so cute. I'm sure you're glad to have such a beautiful wife, Lori blushed a bit a the dark haired girl. Just as she was feeling her natural bitch mechanism act up, another woman, a pretty blonde approached them. As she was about to respond Will spoke for them, "Oh yeah. She's gorgeous. But we're not married" Lori couldn't figure out why but for some reason that stung a little. She pulled her hand from his and crossed her arms.

Just then the doctor stood up, "Hello couples, I like to begin my sessions by asking the major question: What do you want? Because I know your not just here because you're partner asked or because you feel obligated. You want something. We'll start with you two, she said pointing to a young couple on the right. The man began, "I want her to dress more appropriately,", his wife scoffed and flipped her long black hair, "I want more freedom". As they went down the line other couples dished their reasons out. The reasons ranging from petty things like "I want her to get plastic surgery" to more deep things like "I want him to fall in love with me again"

However as it neared Lori she couldn't think of what to say, she knew what she didn't want. She knew she didn't want to wake up twelve years from now married to a man who only tolerated her. She knew she didn't want to lose Will. She knew she didn't want Mia to resent her later on. She knew....

"Lorelei?" Lori looked up to a room looking at her expectantly. "I don't want to end up like my parents" The doctor shook her head lightly, "I didn't ask what you did want I asked you what you did" Lori crossed her arms "I want you to mind your own business then since you obviously don't want my answer.". The doctor smiled, "If you want your relationship to work you have to work for it. Now I''ll ask you again Ms. Grant, What. Do. You. Want?"

"A baby"

hex code:#da687c

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Will Donovan Character Portrait: Lori Grant Character Portrait: Jay Taylor Character Portrait: Malik King Character Portrait: Lindsey Taylor Character Portrait: Blake Kronin
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0.00 INK

#, as written by HarleyQ

"Hello couples, I like to begin my sessions by asking the major question: What do you want? Because I know you're not just here because your partner asked or because you feel obligated. You want something. We'll start with you two." As the couples went around saying what they wanted, etc., Blake got nervous the closer it came to being her turn to say something. She listened intently, however, to each couple and their issues. It came to be Lorelei's turn, and she didn't seem too keen on telling the group what it was she wanted. Then it happened. She just blurted it out. "A baby." Blake's eyes widened and the girl's boyfriend looked just as surprised. Blake figured that he probably hadn't seen it coming at all. She picked at her nails. Now she was really nervous. This group session was putting people on the edges of their seats it seemed, and it was her turn.

"Blake? What do you want?" the Doctor asked her. Blake bit her lip and looked at Malik, a worried, nervous look obviously painted on her face. "I want us to stop fighting so much. It's always over petty things, but it always happens...." She looked at Malik again, squeezing his hand before looking down at her free hand in her lap that was still picking at its own nails. That wasn't all she wanted, but it was one of the things. She was also thinking that she wanted a baby, but how could she say that now after a Baby Bomb had already been dropped. She couldn't do that to Malik, not yet anyway. She was already feeling weird , and she couldn't stand to put herself through the emotional stress she knew she would go through if she brought this up to Malik. When the time is right, she told herself, taking a deep breath with her eyes closed.

She hoped that the session would be over quickly, but it was set to be 4 hours long. This is going to be an emotional roller coaster made of nightmares, she thought, realizing she was still biting her lip.

Hex Code: #6E883D

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Will Donovan Character Portrait: Lori Grant Character Portrait: Jay Taylor Character Portrait: Malik King Character Portrait: Lindsey Taylor Character Portrait: Blake Kronin
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0.00 INK

Hexcode: #339999

After the one girl blurted out "A baby." The stunned look on her boyfriend's face sent a mix of emotions through Jay. Half of him wanted to laugh at how clueless you could be about the person you're in a relationship with while the other half felt pity for the girl because he was in the same boat. Glancing sideways at Lindsey, who was still resting her head on his shoulder, he debated on whether he should speak up and save the girl who he believed had been called "Lorelei" a bit of humiliation having been made the one to go first. Before he could interject, however, the doctor moved on so he kept his mouth shut and just listened.

The next girl revealed that she and her...boyfriend? Husband?...fought a lot. We're the only married couple here... He sighed as the realization sank in, making an assumption that once that fact was known throughout the group it was very possible they would become the people everyone else would come to on relationship advice.

Jay waited patiently until the girl was done talking and then noticed the doctor was looking at him. "What about you guys? Why are you here?" Doctor Maria asked with that much too pleasant smile plastered on her face. Taking in a deep breath, he spoke, offering a small wave of introduction to the other couples first. "Hey guys, I'm Jacob Taylor, and this is my wife Lindsey. I guess why we -- I mean, why I'm here -- is because I..." Suddenly all words were lost on him and he felt extremely stupid. Were they really here because they couldn't agree on whether to have kids or to not have kids? No, there had to be some sort of deeper rooted issue. Come on, Jay. You know what it is. Just say it. He prodded himself to keep speaking.

Clearing his throat and running his fingers through his hair in an attempt to play off his freeze up, he continued, "I guess because... I..... want kids and she doesn't and it's become a real soft spot. I just want us to be able to communicate better and move past this." Once he was done, he mentally yelled at himself CHICKEN. While what he had said was true, it wasn't the real issue he was beginning to realize they had.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lori Grant Character Portrait: Jay Taylor
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0.00 INK


Lindsey admired the Lorelei girl. At least she could speak up, unlike Lindsey herself. She listened too each other person, and she suddenly froze as it was Jay's turn. "What about you guys? Why are you here?" Oh dear lord.. Lindsey took a deep breath, and listened to her husband.

"I guess because... I..... want kids and she doesn't and it's become a real soft spot. I just want us to be able to communicate better and move past this."

Lindsey's eyes were huge as the doctor's happy glare focused in on her. She sat up quickly, and couldn't help her hands shaking. Why was she so nervous? "I.. I uh.." She seemed to be blank. Her mind reeled for the right answer. She stuttered nonsense, before looking at her hands. "I want to be able to get over my fears. I want to make my husband happy, and make us stronger." She swallowed a large lump. "I had a horrible childhood, and I'm afr-raid that my kids might be doomed t-to the same fate..." She blurted out, and her cheeks were a rosy pink, and she covered her mouth with her hands.

She couldn't bring herself to look at Jay, or the doctor, feeling an odd guilt wash over her. It was her fault they weren't having kids. She wasn't trying hard enough. If she wasn't so scared about the future, maybe she'd actually be able to live in the present some times.

Instead, she sat in her chair, her arms crossed, and she stared at an imaginary dot on the ground. She paid no attention to any one else's remarks. She was too.. shameful to even look at her loving husband.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Will Donovan Character Portrait: Lori Grant Character Portrait: Jay Taylor Character Portrait: Malik King Character Portrait: Lindsey Taylor Character Portrait: Blake Kronin
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sovryn

We all have those moments in life where everything seems to happen so fast. Malik was having a moment like that from the moment him and Blake sat down in the group session circle. All he did was glance at the couple they sat next to, not paying much attention to what Blake had commented on until she said something about marriage. What brought that on? Malik thought, mentally confused by the comment overall but finding it sweet enough. He smiled one of his natural sweet smiles at her, ignoring the other couples for the moment, and was about to say that he thought they were still too young for marriage, but before he could do so the lady spoke.

"Hello couples, I like to begin my sessions by asking the major question: What do you want?" Taken off guard a moment, Malik stared at the lady unintentionally. Then the other couples began to speak and his eyes shot to them, watching and listening to each ones complaint. Malik, being who he was, couldn't help but laugh at some of the more petty ones about not getting enough loving in bed or wanting to get something done with that ass, it was all very funny, childish even. But it was the deeper more meaningful ones that hit home and left his eyes drifting to Blake with a faint smile adorning his face.

Next thing he knew, someone was saying they wanted a baby. Well, this escalated quickly, Malik thought, struggling to hold in his laughter at the face the guy was giving his girl. He couldn't imagine being that guy and getting bombed like that. His laughter died when the lady called on Blake and his eyes landed on her. "I want us to stop fighting so much. It's always over petty things, but it always happens...." Malik let out a low aw sound before draping an arm over her shoulders then said quietly, trying to fly under the radar of the rest of the people around, "That's why we're here, babe. That's why we're here."

He then relaxed slightly, listening to the next guy put out the whole intro and everything. Malik was honestly impressed by this guy, especially when he started saying what was up in his relationship. "I want kids and she doesn't," "Daaamn..." Malik couldn't help but breathe out the small comment at that. All these people wanting kids and all Malik wants is a good, loving relationship minus the constant arguing and headbutting. But, if it wasn't clear already, this was going to be a lot of work.

Hexcolor: #08ae6f

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Will Donovan Character Portrait: Lori Grant Character Portrait: Jay Taylor Character Portrait: Malik King Character Portrait: Lindsey Taylor Character Portrait: Blake Kronin
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"Yes Will, a baby. I mean that's not so outlandish we already have one and you love being a dad." She said defensively. "And I'm mentioning it now." She added crossing her arms over her chest. She had to admit it hurt that Will was giving her such a shocked and dismayed look. The laughing from somewhere in the room wasn't helping either.

"This is good" Dr. Marla said with a smile and a clap, "It's exactly what group sessions are for: openness. Lorelei, Will, we will delve into this more when we get into private sessions tomorrow. For now though, how about we continue with you two " She said motioning to the dark haired couple that approached Lorelei and Will when they first walked in. Lori wasn't too fond of the female who brought up marriage so she was happy to see the doctor focus on them.

Lori turned to Will and whispered, "Well technically I want another baby," She said widening her eyes and raising her index finger. "I didn't say it before because I know you probably won't give me another one until I marry you. Which by the way isn't fair. I love you why isn't that enough?"

The doctor looked up from the couple who was sharing to give Lori a stern look, "Lorelei I would like to remind you that other couples growth is just as important as yours," Dr. Marla said snidely.As the couples finished up Dr.Marla begin standing up again"Well I think that's enough for today." Dr. Marla said standing up. "I expect to see you tonight at the feast but until then enjoy your free time. With that she left the room.

A few minutes later Lori found herself in their Villa. When the group session ended she got out of there as fast as she could. She didn't even wait for Will. She needed time to think and to register the rejection from Will. On her way to the Villa she stopped by a general store in the resort and picked up some condoms which where now strewn on the bed. When she heard the door open she hissed out, "I bought us some condoms because you obviously don't want to have another child with me. Then again you didn't choose to have the first one." She whipped her head to stare at Will, "This. This is why I don't want to get married because one day you will wake up and you won't want me."

Hex Code: #da687c

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Will Donovan Character Portrait: Lori Grant Character Portrait: Jay Taylor Character Portrait: Malik King Character Portrait: Lindsey Taylor Character Portrait: Blake Kronin
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0.00 INK

#, as written by HarleyQ

As the group session came to a close, Blake could feel the tension, literally feel it, in the room as the couples were leaving. She felt like she was going to be sick from the stress of it all. She couldn't wait to get out of that room. She was antsy, almost itchy, over how the session had gone. She felt like she and Malik hadn't had the worse of it, but the stress from the other couples was starting to get to her.

When they finally got back to their room, Blake was practically pulling her hair out from stress. How am I going to tell him I want a baby.... Especially now? she thought to herself, looking at Malik and smiling, trying to hide how she was really feeling. "I'm not feeling that great, MJ. I think I'm going to take a nap for a bit.... Will you wake me up in an hour?" she asked, wrapping her arms around his neck and giving him a long kiss on the lips. She laid down on the bed and almost instantly fell asleep.

"MJ, I want a baby." she said. "A baby? We're too young! I think we're too young to get married, but you want a baby?!" Malik yelled. Blake began to cry, and she couldn't stand that he thought that they were "too young" to get married or have children. "We aren't too young! I'm 23 years old, and I'm not getting any younger! I don't want to end up like all of the parents who are 60 years old and their kids are just graduating high school. When are you going to be ready?! You're such a child!!" she yelled, storming away from Malik and out of the door, not looking back.

Blake woke with a start and looked at the clock. I've only been asleep for 30 minutes? It felt like a lifetime.... That dream was too vivid. She got up from the bed and walked towards the bathroom; however, as soon as she stood up, she got extremely lightheaded and fell to the floor, passed out.

Hex Code: #6E883D

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Will Donovan Character Portrait: Lori Grant Character Portrait: Jay Taylor Character Portrait: Malik King Character Portrait: Lindsey Taylor Character Portrait: Blake Kronin
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sovryn

The atmosphere in the room was thick enough to cut. Malik almost thought that if he tried to cut the air with his finger it would slide off like a cartoon. If only a bell rang when the doctor said "I expect to see you tonight at the feast but until then enjoy your free time.", Malik would have piped out "saved by the," before jumping up and dodging the others on his way out of the place. However, that wasn't the case. It ended and everyone was out of there as fast as they could.

Once back at the room, Malik wasn't sure what to do next. What exactly was there to do here? Before he could ask Blake what she wanted to do, she came up to him. "I'm not feeling that great, MJ. I think I'm going to take a nap for a bit.... Will you wake me up in an hour?" He nodded, though he was a little confused but understood none the less. Sitting down in a chair at a little breakfast nook type table, he leaned his head on his hands. He scanned his eyes over the room before they feel on Blake laying in the bed, now asleep. She sure fell asleep fast, He thought, staring at her a moment.

"I've got sunshine, on a cloudy day," Malik began singing quietly. "When it's cold outside, I've got the month of May," He continued. "Now what could make me feel this way?" Malik sang, a bit louder as he stood up and made his way to the bed, watching Blake to make sure she doesn't stir in her sleep. A soft smile as on his face as her keeled down, crossing his arms over the surface of the bed and bowing his head so he look right at Blake. "My girl," He sang in almost a whisper. It was true that Malik was infatuated with her in this moment. So why did he think they were too young? Too young for anything real? "I'm sorry I'm not ready Blake," He whispered, not even sure if she heard him. "But, maybe, after all this is over, I will be ready. But not yet, not now in the middle of all this," He added in the same hushed voice. A few moments later, he decided to get him some air. As he walked out of his room and down the way he couldn't help but sing. "Well, you can't tell by the way I use my walk, I'm a woman's man, no time to talk," Malik winked and smiled at a male staff member that was walking in the opposite direction. If Malik didn't have his power walk on, he would have laughed at the look the man gave him. "Music loud and woman warm," A woman staff member taking a break on a bench gave Malik a look as he walked by. Malik just nodded and kept walking. "I've been kicked around since I was born." He continued singing as he walked.

Eventually the song he began his walk with was over and he was on his way back to the room, humming the whole way. Whenever he went on a walk, he would run into people asking him why he's singing. He would say because instead of being dangerous and using headphones, where you can't hear what's going on around you, he sings. It makes up for the lack of music plus it works your lunges. He eventually reached the door to the room and opened the door, moving it slowly at first so he didn't wake Blake from her nap. Then he noticed Blake wasn't in bed. Panic passed through him quickly before he realized that it would be childish to assume she was kidnapped at a place like this. "Blake? Babe? Where ya' at?" He called, walking into the room, scanning the room with his brow frowned. This panic met him again as he saw Blake on the ground. "Blake!" He yelled, running to her, mumbling constant pet names. Seeing that she must have fainted, he picked her up and laid her in the bed carefully before calling someone to check her out. "It's gonna be alright. It's gonna be alright," He said softly, grabbing a chair and sitting it beside the bed.

Hexcolor: #08ae6f

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jay Taylor Character Portrait: Lindsey Taylor
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Hexcode: #339999

When Lindsey spoke up right after he did, he had to work really hard to keep his jaw from dropping. He had no idea that was why she didn't want kids. Jay had just always assumed it was because she didn't like them, or maybe she was beginning to resent him for keeping her from Ivy League and she didn't want to start a family with him; that maybe she was getting ready to leave him or something.

Jay kept rolling over what she'd said in his head as the other couples aired their issues. He couldn't decide if he felt pity for her, if he understood her side of things, or if he was just angry that she had kept this from him. Instinctively, he began to pop his knuckles, something he always did when he was nervous or deep in thought.

Finally, the doctor dismissed them but explained that they were to attend a feast later that night. He stood and walked out, feeling Lindsey following behind him. The young man led the way back to their room, they'd figure out what they wanted to do with their free time from there. After the door closed behind them, he turned to face his wife slowly, a look of sadness in his eyes.

"That's why you don't want to have kids? Because you're afraid that something will happen to us like when your parents were in that wreck?" His voice was gentle and his words were not rushed. Reaching his hands out, he took her hands into his and intertwined their fingers. "Why wouldn't you just tell me that?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jay Taylor Character Portrait: Lindsey Taylor
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Lindsey had followed her husband, with a little trouble because of another couple walking ridiculously slow, but she made it to the room, and as she shut the door, he turned and gave her the saddest look she'd ever seen him give. Her eyes were soft just looking at him.

"That's why you don't want to have kids? Because you're afraid that something will happen to us like when your parents were in that wreck? Why wouldn't you just tell me that?"

Lindsey swallowed. She looked down at their hands, and she didn't want to answer. "Because.." She didn't look at him, she couldn't bear it. "Because.. my parents meant the world to me, and then, they were just ripped from me, on my birthday of all days. I.. I don't want to endanger someone that's going to mean the world.. to us.." She squeezed his hand. "to something so traumatic. I mean.. I still cry some nights, and I still have nightmares, and it's been years since they've died. " She paused, and looked at his chest, not quite ready to face him.

[color=#8b0a50]"And.. you heard all the women in the that room, practically. All of them want kids. Every single one of them. Why don't I? I want kids, but I don't know if.. ugh.. Can't you just.. go get a kid from them?"

Lindsey didn't mean what she had said, but her eyes made it true. They were tearing, and she couldn't help the crying that followed. But, she knew he'd understand. He had to. She didn't run away to the bathroom to lock herself in until he gave up on his pleas to lure her back out. She didn't just leave this place.

Instead, she buried her face into his chest, and let herself break down. "I'm so sorry, Jay.. I'm sorry.." She clutched his shirt material, as she had hugged herself to him, and felt every emotion she'd bottled up coming here, coming out of her.

And of course, that's when her phone started going off again.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jay Taylor Character Portrait: Lindsey Taylor
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0.00 INK

Hexcode: #339999

"And.. you heard all the women in the that room, practically. All of them want kids. Every single one of them. Why don't I? I want kids, but I don't know if.. ugh.. Can't you just.. go get a kid from them?"

Lindsey's words were like a slap in the face, causing Jay to let out a sharp breath as if he'd gotten the wind knocked out of him. Of course he'd never... but she knew that. When she crumpled into his chest, his heard sank to his stomach and he immediately enclosed her in his arms. Her sobs were causing his body to bounce up and down but all he did was hold her tighter, stroking her hair and gently shushing her, telling her everything would be alright.

Then her phone began to ring.

At first, he didn't think she'd heard it so Jay brought his lips to her ear and whispered softly, "Sweetheart, your phone is ringing again." He slipped his hand in her back pocket and retrieved the phone, glancing at the caller ID and seeing it was the same unknown number. Who could be calling her?