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Dante Abrax

"I am the ruler of this Kingdom, and you WILL obey your Lord, else you pay the consequences."

0 · 155 views · located in Al-Drechar

a character in “World of Fantasies - Ch. 1: Kingdom of Night”, as played by DemonDante



So begins...

Dante Abrax's Story


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Al-Drechar, the place where anything is possible. Magic holds hands with faith and science. No one overpowers the others. There are many different types of magic in this world. Mana is the most popular. Mana is the capability of someone to control the environment around them to their will. The elements are Water, Fire, Earth, Wind, Light, Darkness, Ice, and Lightning. It takes a lifetime for someone to completely master just ONE of these elements. They would then be said to be blessed by the god of that element. A lucky few can master more than one, but it is unheard of to find someone who has fully mastered all eight elements. They would then be said to be the one chosen to rule the world. There is a forbidden magic in the land, it is called Blood Magic. This magic drains the life force of others to either bring upon destruction, or extend one's own life. Immortals are rumored to use this magic.

Races of all kinds live in harmony, at least for the most part. There are just some races who are destined to hate each other. Angels and Demons, Vampires and Werewolves, Humans and Elves. Some just can't put a petty grudge behind themselves. There are a few places in Al-Drechar where all races can be together and not try to rip each others heads off. Some races can't control specific types of Mana. Demons can't control Light Magic, as Angels can't control Dark magic. There are rare cases in which an angel may use dark magic or a demon uses light magic. These cases are only rumored among the lands, and no one can say without a doubt that they have seen one.

In this first chapter, we look upon The Great Kingdom of Darkness, Demotia. They welcome all races, but usually darker races stay within the Kingdom, like Demons, Vampires, and Dark Elves. The Kingdom has heavy wards around it that keeps heavy sunlight out. The Kingdom stays in never ending darkness. The kingdom is ruled by a full-blooded demon, Dante Abrax. It is more rare nowadays to find a Pure Demon, for more races are starting to converse, and live together. Dante is also one of the more rarer types of demons, one who has Stage 2 Immortality. This is a type of immortality to High-Class Demons, and it grants the ability to not die from age and disease. However, you can still kill them by severely injuring them. No one knows for sure how old Dante is, but he has ruled Demotia for over 500 years. Demotia is also the 3rd largest Kingdom in Al-Drechar, just behind Avory, The Kingdom of All, and LightWake, The Kingdom of Light, but Demotia has the largest castle in all of Al-Drechar.

We start our story around the time of year where Lord Dante holds his annual 24 hour Banquet to anyone who wants to join in Al-Drechar. He uses this time to host his Royal tournament, recruit for his already powerful army, and establish good relations between the other countries and Kingdoms. Access to the towering 13 floor castle will be permitted to the 1st two floors, to ensure maximum entertainment. The Royal arena will now be open for free to all who want to enter the tournament, or just watch people kill each other. People of all races and all origins of Al-Drechar flock to join the massive banquet. It is almost time to announce the start of the banquet, and the streets in front of the castle are still filled with people desperate to join the feast. How will this year turn out for the Lord and his Kingdom? Only time will tell.


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Character Portrait: Dante Abrax
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The open gates of the massive castle are crowded with people trying to get in. Rather than trying to kill each other to get in, they wait patiently for people to move ahead into the castle. The castle is big enough to hold all the people who are coming in, and so is the arena. Considering that the banquet will last 24 hours, everyone is more or less promised food. People will come and go as the day goes on. A lot of the people that are here are here to see the Royal Tournament, which begins 4 hours after the banquet starts, and continue on as the banquet does. The demonic guards, who look just like normal warriors aside from the red eyes, bear heavy Black and Red armor. They calmly show where everyone should go, and keep the peace of the kingdom.

Lord Dante makes his way from the 13th floor, his private floor of the castle, down to the 1st floor where the feasting hall was. It was looking like it was going to be the largest banquet since Lord Dante has started it 147 years ago, this of course being the 147th Annual Banquet. He nodded to his guards and Knights on the way down. He found Mikhail, his Master of Arms Knight, on the Knight's chamber on the massive 5th floor. He approached him, asking a simple question.

"Are the preparations complete for the Royal Tournament?"

Mikhail turned around and replied, "Yes sir, the people are entering as we speak, and we are getting the brackets set up as we speak."

"Excellent," Dante replies, "I trust you will join the tournament again? After all you are my best Knight."

Mikhail laughs and pats the Lord's shoulder, "Of course I am, and flattery will get you nowhere."

"I figured I motivate you."

"Yeah sure. Anyways, it's time for you to announce the banquet. Go on, get going your Lordship." Mikhail said somewhat shoving Dante downstairs.

"Fine fine fine." Dante replies prying Mikhail off of him. He then begins down to the feasting hall for to announce the start of the banquet.


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Character Portrait: Dante Abrax Character Portrait: Myame Yadomaru
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Dante makes it to the Feasting Hall, just a minute before the banquet starts. He looks around at all the tables that are set with food and makes sure everything is perfect. He smiles to his self and gives a thumbs up to the cooks as he walks outside to the gates of the massive castle. The huge crowd cheers loudly as they see him walk on into one of the guard towers getting ready to give his pre-banquet speech. the crowds cheers go on for about 10 seconds before Dante waves his hands to calm the crowd down. He waits for a few more seconds of silence before beginning.

"People of Al-Drechar, welcome to the 147th Annual Demotian Banquet!" Another loud cheer goes through the audience. Dante waves his hand to calm the crowd down again. "I'm sure there are many of you who have traveled far and wide just to come here to my exquisite banquet, as I am also sure there are some home grown here in The Great Kingdom of the Night. I only want to welcome those who have come from out of the kingdom. I do hope your stay here will be one you never forget. As always you are permitted to the first and second floor of the castle for your own enjoyment, as well as the Royal Arena behind the castle. Now... Let the 147th Annual Demotian Banquet, BEGIN!" Dante finishes, raising his fist up in the air (A traditional Demon cheer), and others in the crowd does so as well and let out a roaring cheer. The guards step aside and let the people enter the banquet and Dante comes down from the tower and follows the crowd inside, welcoming people as he passes them.

(( Specs of the first two floors of the Castle...
1st Floor: Library, Feasting Hall, Throne Room, Kitchen, Wine Cellar, Training Hall, Enchanting Hall.
2nd Floor: Alchemic Lab, Potions Room, Royal Blacksmith, Armory, Lounge, and Strip Bar.

NOTE: To access certain area of the first two floors (Enchanting Hall, Royal Blacksmith, Alchemic Lab, etc.), you have to have a license to that specific area to go in.))