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Annabelle Greyson (Enigma)

"I have secrets, that not even I know."

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a character in “X-men: Xavier and Magneto Unite”, originally authored by MoonlightWraith, as played by RolePlayGateway


“Every man has his secret sorrows which the world knows not; and often times we call a man cold when he is only sad.” - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Annabelle Greyson (Enigma)



|Sexual Orientation|

Hero (X-men)

5’ 5”

Short and slender, with slight curves

|Skin Tone|
Slightly tanned complexion

Annabelle has long brown hair, it's usually curled with extensions to give it a bigger look or wavy and draped over her shoulders, usually to one side and solid lilac eyes, no white or black just lilac.
She usually wears casual clothes, simple t-shirts with simple jackets, hoodies or cardigans, along with either skirts or skinny jeans.

|Powers & Abilities|
Precognition-Annabelle has the ability to perceive the future. Her precognition is different in that it can show her multiple futures and the future with a higher possibility rate will come across stronger and is more easily understood than the other futures, but they are easily changed.

Telepathy-She also has the ability to read the thoughts of and to mentally communicate with others, however her telepathy causes a temporary deafness due to her actually listening to the thought patterns, it's unknown to her whether or not it's just in her head.

Empathy-She can read/sense the emotions and control the emotions and feelings of others but sometimes they end up affecting her more.

Annabelle is quiet and shy, she rarely ever talks to anyone, the only time she ever really talks with her mouth is when she is answering a question in classes or when she's around someone she feels comfortable around, due to her preference to telepathically communicate with people, but even then she'd prefer to communicate telepathically.
She is intelligent and observant, she knows almost everything there is to know, whether she understands it or not, there is no secret capable of being kept from her, when people talk about stuff they are usually thinking about it at the same time.
She is quite judgmental and jumpy, when people make stupid comments, are stupid or just generally annoy that's all she see in them and due to her father beating her she gets very anxious when people make quick movements or walk towards her.

Annabelle was born in England and her mutation was almost instant, her first power, empathy, made her feel the happiness and joy of her parents and in turn she didn't cry, which started to panic her mother and then Annabelle panicked, by crying and screaming.

As she grew up her powers got stronger and she started to predict the future, at first her father tried to exploit her powers by using her for choosing winning horses in races, but her powers didn't work how he wanted them to, she could see multiple futures not just a specific one and so he beat her when she gave him losing horses.
The next ability she developed was telepathy and with this came a change to her eyes, they turned a solid lilac and every time she uses her telepathy she would go deaf until she stops using her telepathy.

After hearing about Xavier's school for gifted students, she fled from England to America and enrolled in the school.and so woke up.

So begins...

Annabelle Greyson (Enigma)'s Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Vincent Xavier (Psionic) Character Portrait: Annabelle Greyson (Enigma)
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Annabelle Greyson - Enigma

Annabelle stepped out of the yellow taxi and stared up at the large gates before her, 'Well there certainly grande.' She thought to herself asnthe driver got her bag from the boot of the taxi. "Oh, thank you." Annabelle smiled to him, before giving him some money. She walked up to the gate and pressed the intercom just beside. "Hi, yeah, I'm Annabelle Greyson, I'm here to see a..." She took out a slip of paper with the name Charles Xavier on it. "Professor Charles Xavier?" She spoke into the intercom.

Whilst waiting for a reply from within the grounds, she watched as the taxi drove off before turning around to see a bronze like plague above her head, it read 'Xavier's school for Gifted students'. She wondered if this was the same Xavier as the one she was going to meet with. She peered in through the gates and noticed some students in a tree and on the grassy area around it, she noticed one in particular, he had black skin and horns from what Annabelle could make out from this distance. 'Gifted indeed.' She smiled to herself, somewhere she may actually be safe from exploitation and prejudice.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Jonathan Moore Character Portrait: Annabelle Greyson (Enigma) Character Portrait: Ace Vasquez
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tired of just sitting on the sofa she got up and walked around the mansion. before she knew it she found herself in Caras room or at least the room she was supposed to be in while recuporating. just then the nurse rushed in "what were did she go?"turning towards Ace "you dont know where she could have gone?" Ace in the little time she knew Cara guessed she was having a smoke, but of courae guessing frlm the nurses reaction from Cara simply not being here it would proably best not to tell her, her assumption

"nope i do not unfortunatley"she said with little to no emotion and was about to leave when the nurse grabbed her arm. "are you sure then maybe you could help me look for her you can do that right?" Ace was getting annoyed by the nurses question. "I'm more than capable enough to find her are you being as your just a Human" she emphasized. the nurse was shocked at what she said and Ace didn't care. the nurse was baffled by her reply and just stared at her with her mouth open. "close your woman before a fly comes in" Ace sneered and left via shadow.

so once again Ace walked about popping up everywhere and startling a few students when she would suddenly appear halfway from a shadow so it gave her the look being severed in half. Ace was getting irritated fast and really wanted to find Cara so the nurse wouldn't throw a fit when she turned up empty handed.

she suddenly found herself by the gates or rather in front of them spotting a young girl standing by the intercom watching Ryan and Jonathan. "oi who are you don't you know its rude to just stand there watching my students" Ace called out to the girl who seemed to jump when Ace called her out.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Jonathan Moore Character Portrait: Annabelle Greyson (Enigma) Character Portrait: Ace Vasquez
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Annabelle was leaning on the gate, waiting for someone to let her in but she found the boys in the tree rather fascinating. Then she heard someone shout at her, she bowed her head, some of her hair falling over and concealing her face a little. 'Sorry, I'm meant to meeting with a Professor, Professor Charles Xavier?' She telepathically projected this into the woman's mind.

She looked up slightly to see how this woman would react. "My name is Annabelle Greyson," She told her, "Abd it's rude to stare not watch." She corrected her, back home she would have been smacked for that but she risked it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Jonathan Moore Character Portrait: Vincent Xavier (Psionic) Character Portrait: Annabelle Greyson (Enigma) Character Portrait: Memory Ashcroft
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Upon reaching Ryan's location, at this point still hanging upside down from said tail in a tree, Jonathan curled forwards and pressed his hands to his knees drawing in as much air as his lungs could manage. "You ok?" Ryan asked. "Yesterday was rough, not just here." Ryan said pointing at his heart. "You had training and still fought our enemies yesterday. You should take it easy. Not everyone recovers as fast as I do. Ahh, I forgot, I heal quickly too, like Mr. Logan. Instead of animal patterns, I think I follow more of a monster like theme. Clawed, horned, scaled, hard to hurt. Like some really bad science fiction movie monster." Lifting one hand he signaled for the Ryan to give him a minute longer.

When he had recovered enough, Jonathan faced the horned teen and considered the tree for a moment. Glancing from branch to branch, calculating each one and whether they would hold his weight, he took a short run at the trunk. One booted foot hit and pushed up, the other following and doing the same. He managed one more unsteady step up the tree truck then reached as high as he could, his long fingers gripping the nearest branch hard. Calling on whatever strength he had left Jonathan pulled himself up, walking up the tree as much as possible for extra support, and scrambled onto the branch.

He stared down at the floor with a grin, a real grin. Not a fake one like he had been using all day, and for most days, but a true beaming grin, the beam of which bright enough to blind like the sun. Ryan smiled. It was good to see him looking so happy. Yesterday had been a very rough day indeed. Ryan looked down to see Johnathan's hazel eyes staring into his own, still beaming from the success.

"Still got it! I used to free run as a kid, but I haven't don e it in years. Guess you never really forget it, huh?"

He bit his lip and seemed to zone out after a while, still staring into Ryan's eyes. Ryan turned away. It was kind of embarrassing, for someone to give you a look like that. Hopefully he was just zoning out about something else. It appeared Johnathan had come to a similar realization. Jonathan's eyes grew wide and he looked away at the same time as Ryan, the almost unnoticeable pink blush showing faintly through his sun kissed skin at the top of his cheeks. When Ryan felt that it wasn't awkward anymore he looked back at Johnathan and smiled a goofy smile chuckling slightly at the situation that had just past.

Shaking his head, Johnathan pushed himself up slightly into the tree, taking it branch by branch by branch. Ryan's head perked up. He'd smelled something, something like car exhaust and he'd heard it coming up the path to the mansion. His heart almost stopped. Was it Vincent and the others? Were they back already? No, Ryan smelled a woman's perfume, it was someone new. More importantly it wasn't Vincent. However, he heard an ominous cracking and returned his attention to Johnathan, who was hanging above him. He was clinging on to a branch that had half broken away from the tree. It broke away further and his body drooped dangerously.

"Oh, this would happen to me today!" Johnathan said, Ryan was too far away from him to help.

The branch broke completely and his flailing body flew through the air. "Johnathan!" Ryan called out to him, jumping towards the ground, however, he was too late, he didn't notice it quickly enough to react in time. Within seconds Johnathan struck the ground. Ryan landing shortly behind him. "I'm sorry, I thought I smelled something and I wasn't paying attention. Let's not do that again. Or maybe, we should have found a bigger tree..." Ryan trailed off, lost in thought. Who was that new person? Disregarding it the thought, Ryan returned his attention to Johnathan, who was cringing in pain.

"Well... I guess I don't... still got it." He said and Ryan chuckled half-heartedly. "Sorry, would you like me to carry you? I can take you to the nurse." He asked. He genuinely hoped Johnathan would be ok. He had no idea how he was going to explain that to Memory. "Umm, sorry Memory, I accidentally wasn't paying attention to your brother and he hurt himself bad. Wanna date?" Even in his head it sounded stupid.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Annabelle Greyson (Enigma)
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feeling a slight buzz she realized Annabelle was a telepath.and was even more annoyed by the fact that she corrected her.but quickly crushed any unneccasary emotion and walked up to her towering over her.she simply stared at Annabelle with a blank look "so your a telepath, well as aa heads up dont do that again alright" she leaned in towards the intercom "we have a new student Prof. im bringing her in" "here follow me your not scared of the dark are you?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Annabelle Greyson (Enigma) Character Portrait: Ace Vasquez
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Annabelle took a step back as the woman came towards her, "so your a telepath, well as aa heads up dont do that again alright" She said to her with a blank stare whilst leaning towards the intercom.
"Don't do what? Stare at your students, correct you or go in your head?" She asked unsure of which she wanted so stopped looking at the tree with the guys and immediately made a mental note to never use her telepathy around her, didn't mean she couldn't use her empathy.
"we have a new student Prof. im bringing her in, here follow me your not scared of the dark are you?" The woman asked her and Annabelle shook her head. "No, miss. Why?" She asked before grabbing her bag and then waited for the gate to open.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Annabelle Greyson (Enigma)
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she smiled when Annabelle asked her what it was she wanted stopped but left the girl to figure it out on her own. "well being as I don't know the key to opening the gates we are going to go the way I came its so much easier and faster, oh and whatever you do don't let go of my hand nor slow down alright" so taking her hand ace led her straight towards the shadow she came from and walked straight through it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Annabelle Greyson (Enigma) Character Portrait: Ace Vasquez
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Annabelle took the strange woman's hand catiously and kept an even pace with her as they traveled through the shadows. "So where will this take us?" Annabelle asked her curiously, watching the woman with caution in her solid lilac eyes. 'Does this woman even work her?' She thought to herself, 'If she worked here she'd know the codes.' Annabelle shrugged it off, she just being a paranoid wreck.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Annabelle Greyson (Enigma) Character Portrait: Ace Vasquez
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looked back at the Annabelle and could tell she was uncomfortable with walking in the shadow dimension."I'm taking you to see the Prof. and don't worry there's no need to be scared nothings going to come eat you not unless you let go of my hand and decide to wander off then you should be scared" she told Annabelle. Ace was well aware of this girls suspicion towards her 'then again who wouldn't its good that she's suspicious of me, considering what I used to do'. and with that they turned down a crumbling bridge and walked seemingly off a cliff and entered a office. "well were here"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Annabelle Greyson (Enigma)
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Annabelle landed with Ace and gave her a curt nod with a nervous smile when Xavier ushered her into his office.
"Thank you," She smiled to Xavier as she took a seat, seating her bag down beside her.

"I hope you’ll excuse the state of the mansion, we had an emergency situation yesterday and it took quite a toll on the place. So what brings you to our school?” He told her and she smiled at him.

"It's okay, I've seen much worse." She shrugged. "Sentinels can be so destructive." She said to herself, shrugging. "So yeah, I came her searching for some place safe, somewhere to actually call home." She said with a weak smile. She knew all about Xavier and his abilities, she knew he was someone trustworthy but somethings are better left alone and so she put up as best a telepathic block as she could, her lilac eyes starting to glow a bit as she did. "But I also need to be somewhere that would educate me, teach me the best ways to use my abilities and..." She hesitated. "Somewhere I can be myself and not be scared of others." She looked away from Xavier and lifted the sunglasses of her face, revealing her solid lilac eyes, she rubbed her eyelids, fighting back the tears that threatened to fall as she remembered where she came from.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Annabelle Greyson (Enigma)
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Annabelle nodded and listened as the Professor described the school to her,

“well Annabelle you’ve come to the right place. Here at the Xavier institute we specialize in helping mutants hone their abilities so that they may exercise control and discipline when using their powers. We’d like to make you feel at home here and you are most welcome to stay as long as you’d like. Both Mr. Lehnsherr and my goal is to teach society that mutant and mankind can indeed coexist and live together in peace. However in order to achieve that goal we as mutants must learn to control our abilities as best we can. When we showcase discipline others can easier follow our lead and improve their way of thought as well." Then he asked her, "May I ask what is the nature of your mutation?"

Annabelle thought for the words that were used for her abilities, "I have a mind mutation, telepathy and em...empathy and precognition, I think are the words for it." She smiled to him, "Empathy is about the feelings and Precognation is the telling of the future, right?"

Xavier paused for a moment and Annabelle watched him curiously until he returned his attention back to her. “I am most sorry for this interruption! Please feel free to remain here and get settled in. In this envelope is your room assignment. You can come with me if you desire but I must ask that you try not to get too involved. I don’t want you hurt.” Annabelle took the envelope from him and put it in her bag.

"There's lots of time to settle in, this could be a once in a lifetime experience." She smiled at Xavier. "Sure it'll be dangerous but it'll help me with my abilities, a lot."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Annabelle Greyson (Enigma)
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Annabelle scanned the scene, 'He's like the hulk, only he's doing this intentionally.' She thought to herself. She listened to Xavier closely as he tried to reason with both Juggernaut and the Morlocks. Annabelle closed her eyes and took a deep breath, there was to many people, too many emotions but one stood out, it was annoyed, agitated, enraged and it wasn't even trying to calm down.
She opened her eyes and focused, maybe she could manipulate his emotions, calm him. She tried her best to look into Juggernaut's eyes, she thought hard about calming thoughts but they seemed to have no effects on him. She then wondered why the helmet had to come off.
"What's so special about the helmet?" She asked Xavier, trying her best to keep her distance from Juggernaut.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Sabertooth (Victor Creed) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Logan (Wolverine) Character Portrait: Philip Klein (Boom-Boom)
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Annabelle asked Charles, "What's so special about the helmet?"

Charles replied, “The helmet protects his mind from mental probing and psionic assaults. Similar to Magneto’s helmet., which he rarely wears now.”

Erik chimed in, “It’s because I trust Charles, that I don’t wear the helmet anymore. Actually I’m not afraid for him to scan through my mind anymore.” Erik gave Charles a glance and grin.

Sabertooth cut in, “Why don’t you two just fucking get married already?” He couldn’t pass up the opportunity to poke fun at Professor X.

Vincent ran over to Xavier and gave him a hug. He then hugged Erik. They were very glad to see him and have their son back. Cain stood and watched with a smile. He longed to give the two a hug as well but he felt that he should formally introduce himself to his parents before trying to embrace them. Cain felt the emotions Vincent did for his parent’s, his lover Philip, Vincent’s friends and family at the X-mansion like Vila. He longed to relate to them all in the same manner that his brother and other-self did. However he knew that they didn’t know who he was like he knew all of them. It would be odd for him to act so close to them when they didn’t realize that he indeed did know them.

Just then a tall and very muscular man approached the group. Logan got up from the rubble he’d been knocked into and looked and the costumed man. “Well I must be seeing things
 Colossus?” Logan said to himself. He hadn’t seen Colossus in a few years since he’d last left the X-men to spend time at home in Russia. His little sister had wanted to see Colossus and he could never resist her call. Logan shouted, “Peter, just in time tin man!!”

Peter smiled and replied, “Logan!! I was in the city and planning on visiting when Xavier called me. I see our big buddy Juggernaut wants to play some more. Colossus here to help.” Peter noticed Stinger holding Kyle, whom he had never met before, and was concerned. “Is the little one alright?” He asked.

Kyle had begun to wake up and saw the new face staring caringly at him. ‘God he’s handsome
’ Kyle thought. Kyle, always ready with a cool come back, replied with a wink, “I’ll be even better if you helped me up Mr. wonderful.” Colossus blushed and gave Kyle a hand.

Aidan O’doherty had arrived at Charles’ request. Erik didn’t approve of Aidan and was slightly cross with Charles for calling him. However he didn’t make a fuss due to the fact that they indeed needed his help. Aidan was a very strong mutant and he could help them get the upper hand over the Juggernaut. “Charles why can’t you control your brother
?” Aidan said as he drove up to the group and got out of his car.
Scott decided to interrupt Aidan before too much time passed so that they could begin to take action. “Sorry to cut off the reunion Professor but Juggernaut isn’t going to wait and we need to take him down. Shall I take command?”

“Yes please.” Xavier replied.

Scott spoke loud enough for the others to hear, “Alright everyone, Juggernaut is invulnerable and highly dangerous. Psionic attacks are his weakness but they won’t work unless we remove his helmet. He’s not a mutant and his power is mystical in nature so that gives him an advantage over us because he won’t tire out as fast or for as long as we will. We need to work as a team, those with superior physical strength should try to work together to keep him occupied. Those whose powers don’t affect him should focus on subduing the Morlocks. I need not have to tell you that you are to try to harm them as minimally as possible. Once juggernaut’s helmet is removed we can launch a psionic assault on him and subdue him so telepath’s be on standby. Be careful and stick together. X-men, let’s move!”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Logan (Wolverine) Character Portrait: Philip Klein (Boom-Boom) Character Portrait: Kyle Jean- Claude (Marvel)
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Annabelle was shocked that a metal could stop telepathic waves but didn't dwell on the thought instead she focused on the battle currently happening, she listened to Cyclops' orders and took into account what Xavier had told her earlier,
"I must ask that you try not to get too involved. I don’t want you hurt."
She watched as more people joined the fight, mainly the Morlocks, if they came near her all she'd really be able to do was make them fall asleep and even then that wouldn't do much they'd just wake up 5 minutes later. 'I'll deal with that when I have too.' She thought to herself and returned to the fight before her.
Annabelle mainly focused on dodging anything thrown at her, but her dodging style consisted mainly of dropping to the ground or jumping away from any object flying towards her, but whenever she noticed civilians trapped or too scared to move she'd help them.
Annabelle took note of the Stone golems attacking some of the X men, when she looked back at Juggernaut she was met by a dust bin being hurled towards her, she was knocked through a window with the dust bin. She got up and clutched her chest, she took in heavy breaths as the bin had winded her and made it sore to breathe. She looked back up to the battle and tried to get up but she was far too weak and ended up on all fours gasping for air. "Maybe I should just stay here." She wheezed, not noticing the shards of glass around her and the pieces that managed to lodge themselves in her skin.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Vincent Xavier (Psionic) Character Portrait: Juggernaut (Cain Marko) Character Portrait: Annabelle Greyson (Enigma) Character Portrait: Aidan O'Doherty (The Author)
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Annabelle recovered a good bit of oxygen and enough energy to stand, it was just a happy coincidence that someone offered to help her up, she gladly took his hand and picked herself up when he spoke, “The glass is painlessly removed and your wounds are healed.” She looked down at her arms as shards of glass fell from them, she didn't even notice they were there until Aidan mentioned them. 'Fascinating,' She thought to herself. "Tha... tha... thank you." She managed to stutter to the stranger.
Annabelle picked up the thought patterns projected to the Professor and Vincent. 'Professor, I can see if this ends well, she could get hurt.' Annabelle projected to him, just then Cyclops crashed into a parked car, he was knocked unconscious.

Annabelle quickly glanced at the man whom had helped her and curtly nodded, before jumping out through the shattered window and running towards the unconscious Cyclops. As she ran, she had to dodge numerous projectiles, for example debris and a few stray shots of murlocks and x men alike. When she reached the car, Murlocks had already began to approach Cyclops. Annabelle snuck up behind one and brought her knee up through his legs, kneeing him in the groin. She took a step back as the others now approached her. She placed a hand on her left temple and thought about the sounds of a thousand screams and a multitude of bells ringing loud and clear and projected the thoughts into there mind, assaulting there thoughts with a torrent of loud sounds. It made an especially weak minded one fall down to the ground and clutch his head, for the others it just gave them a relatively weak head ache and continued to approach her. She grabbed a piece of piping that lay amongst the rubble of a ruined building and prepared to swing at the Murlocks.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Juggernaut (Cain Marko) Character Portrait: Annabelle Greyson (Enigma)
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Annabelle managed to handle the Murlocks fairly well, a few cuts and scraps but she managed to knock them out, all it takes is a shot to the head, a pretty hard smack at that, and they fall like autumn leaves. Annabelle dropped the pipe and ran over to Cyclops. She shook him by the arm. "Cyclops wake up!" She shouted at him both telepathically and verbally.
Using her telepathy she couldn't hear what was going on, not even the sounds of Juggernaut's feet approaching, she felt the ground shake but she ignored it, the ground had been shaking the entire time she was here, it was only when it stopped for a moment she began to worry. She turned around to see the Juggernaut behind her. Annabelle began to shake and she tried to back away but the car made sure she couldn't get away.She pinched Cyclops in a feeble attempt to wake him up before she was lifted up by a giant hand, she tried to scream but Juggernaut just squeezed the air out of her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Colossus (Piotr "Peter" Rasputin) Character Portrait: Frenzy (Joanna Cargill) Character Portrait: Juggernaut (Cain Marko) Character Portrait: Annabelle Greyson (Enigma) Character Portrait: Abe Fuyumi (Shadow)
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Scott laid propped against a car unconscious. He imagined being with Jean. She wasn’t doing anything spectacular but sitting in a window reading a nice book. Scott liked the simple times like that. His head began to throb increasingly. The dream was ending and Scott was coming two. “Uhg
 Wha-what?” He grumbled. Scott slowly opened his eyes.

He saw a young lady defending him from the Morlocks. The Juggernaut approached the girl and grabbed her. Scott wanted to help, he slowly reached for his visor so that he could blast the Juggernaut back but his arm was throbbing in pain. Just then a shadow wrapped around Scott’s body and he felt pulled under. Ace had pulled him into the shadows and into safety. Scott couldn’t say much but he was grateful that he was saved. However Annabelle was still in danger and the soldier mentality in Scott wouldn’t let that go.

Colossus and Frenzy fought off a seemingly endless army of Morlocks. The good thing was that once Colossus and Frenzy hit them they stayed down. Colossus and Frenzy could knock down buildings with their strength. They made their way toward Juggernaut. Ace had begun to constrict him with a coiling shadow. With a roar Juggernaut actually managed to tear through his own shadow and slammed his fist into Ace knocking her back hard. For a brief moment she blacked out and she wasn’t breathing. The Juggernaut was furious as he struggled to move unsuccessfully. After Ace was knocked backward her disposition changed to a more sinister degree. "I’d get the girl if I were you before I kill this ugly bastard" Ace said darkly.

Fuyumi hurried toward Juggernaut and leaped into the air. She phased Annabelle through Juggernaut’s hand and through the ground. Fuyumi and Annabelle rose up from the ground near where Ace had placed Scott. “She’s safe!” Fuyumi said to the others.

Since the interference in the area knocked out all of the camera and television transmissions, Kent and the other reporters were unable to broadcast live footage of the event. He had been covering the event trying to shed a positive light on mutant kind. He took notice of Mutt Ant protest in front of the other reporters unsuccessfully. He wondered if it would be possible to get Mutt on TV for an interview. Kent wasn’t able to ask Mutt because he had ran off. Kent decided that he should help subdue Juggernaut. He was now free to help out without being exposed as a mutant. He created a dome of electrical arc energy around the Juggernaut. He seemed to be in minor pain whereas most others would be screaming in agony under the energy bouncing back and forth inside the shield.

Juggernaut harnessed the raw energy of his magic and broke free of the Shadow bindings and the electrical shield. “AAAARGH!!! YOU PUNY LITTLE TWERPS!! GET LOST! NONE OF YOU ARE A REAL CHALLENGE FOR THE JUGGERNAUT!! I’LL END YOU ALL AND THEN KILL YOU CHARLES!!” Juggernaut yelled.

Juggernaut charged at Kent and punched wildly at him. However Kent protected himself with a shield. The sound of Juggernaut’s pounding on the shield sounded like he was hammering iron with a steel hammer. Kent wouldn’t be able to protect himself from the Juggernaut’s assault forever. “I
 Can’t hold out any longer
”Kent said as he began to look tired and finally the shield shattered. Kent collapsed onto the ground exhausted.

The Juggernaut was about to finish Kent, lifting his large fist into the air. “I told you Silver Fox, I’m the freaking JUGGERNAUT!” Just then Colossus and Frenzy simultaneously punched the Juggernaut in the head sending him flying Backward.

“Sorry we took so long my friends. There were too many sewer mutants wanting to stop Colossus and Frenzy.” Colossus said.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Colossus (Piotr "Peter" Rasputin) Character Portrait: Frenzy (Joanna Cargill) Character Portrait: Juggernaut (Cain Marko) Character Portrait: Annabelle Greyson (Enigma)
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Annabelle sucked in a few breaths before attempting to stand, this time she was good for standing and not having her lungs break down.
She watched as Colussus and Frenzy managed to knock the Juggernaut off his feet, followed by an assault by the Leviathan, she watched him curiously, 'He's a little familiar?' She thought to herself, more of a question than a statement. She looked harder and recognised him as the one of the guys from the trees. 'He's an x-man?' She asked the Professor through her telepathy, not comfortable around the others made her anxious enough without her attracting there attention by speaking. 'I mean, he's a bit violent.' She looked to the Professor from the corner of her eye.
Annabelle looked at the mutant trying to escape from Juggernaut's hands, he needed to calm down. Annabelle went to use her empathy and make him calm but he was tossed into a wall. She took a step forward to try and help him but thought about it, 'Yeah better not. The last 2 times I got involved were not good.'


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Colossus (Piotr "Peter" Rasputin) Character Portrait: Frenzy (Joanna Cargill) Character Portrait: Juggernaut (Cain Marko) Character Portrait: Annabelle Greyson (Enigma) Character Portrait: Abe Fuyumi (Shadow)
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she had been waiting a long time to give pay back to them all of them, she laughed inwardly at how pathetic her counterparts new family was 'there all little weak children especially that one' focusing most of her attention at Juggernaut who actually managd to break through the two shadow clones that had contricyed him before. not that it mattered the two simply crawled out of Scott and Annebelles shadows at first as disgusting black blobs that slowing morphed into the image of Alice. they all wore their signiture mask and coat the one by Scott looked back at him sensing his unease at how it came to be the mask forming into a creepy smile before standing to its full 6'2 height and walking over towards their master.

So far their were 3 new shadow clones two stood by Alice and another one appreared behind Maxx and noticing the morlocks that chased her a smile formed on its mask as it took them down with ease before walking back to its master. each one taunting the Juggernaut as he fought Colousus and Frenzy. They all luaghed at his little tantrum about killing then all as well as callking them weak. that hit a berve in Alice and her 3 clones who shared a look with one another. "oh so you think your all high and mighty do you but guess what im The Black Reaper and today i think ill take your life." stepping back she nodded at the 3 clones "do it" who nodded back before they began to lose shape and began to mold together before falling back into Alice's shadow.

"you know the diffrence between me and Ace is that im stronger than her and its shamful to have my own shadow torn by an idiot like you so as a heads up when i want to my shadow is unstopable when i want it to be" a smile on her face Alice stood back as her shadow detached itself from her body and rose up becomeing 3-D in form. Juggernaut simply watched what this weak woman did before laughing at her "you stupid woman like your shadow cando anything to me" Alice chuckled darkly "thats not my shadow you idiot thats yours" pointing to his own which was now gone as it was drawn to Alice. the two merged and started changing shape and size then it stopped. What stood before them was something huge and terrifying; a second Juggernaut this one just as strong as the real one mabye even stronger since it merged with Alice. its entire features were black you could only see a facial features a smile on its face before tackling the Juggernaut.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Juggernaut (Cain Marko) Character Portrait: Annabelle Greyson (Enigma) Character Portrait: Ace Vasquez
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Annabelle watched as her shadow changed and took a solid form, she took a step back, her eyes followed it as it made it's way to Ace, "Umm, what the hell?" She said outloud, forgetting about the others for a second. She stepped back and looked down at the ground.
Annabelle focused her mind at the woman, 'We're trying to calm him down, you're just pissing him off!' She sent to the woman before her.
Annabelle took a few steps towards her and started to back away as she took away Juggernaut's shadow and merged with it. 'That's not the woman, that brought me to your office.' Annabelle told Xavier before distancing herself from the shadow creature.