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David North (Agent Zero)

“Kill or be killed? Who said the 2nd half was an option?”

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a character in “X-men: Xavier and Magneto Unite”, as played by masato22


“Kill or be killed? Who said the 2nd half was an option?”



Name: Agent Zero

Civilian name: David North

Age: 30


Occupation: Other / Mercenary

Alliance: Villain/Government







Calm, collected and vain. He is ruthless in his pursuit of his bounty. He is very focused and intelligent. His gentle side is existent but is not often seen by those who are not close to him. He can be pretty smug but never overconfident. He will retreat if he knows there is absolutely no chance for victory.


Powers and Abilities:


Kinetic Energy Manipulation:
North's primary mutant power is an ability to absorb the kinetic energy generated by an impact without harm to himself. While there are limits to this power, North is able to survive falls from tremendous heights, energy blasts, and being struck by superhumanly strong foes without being injured. After absorbing energy, North must release the energy in the forms of powerful concussive or heat blasts. He can also channel the energy into physical attacks, increasing the physical force of his punches and kicks to superhuman levels.

After being forced to join the Weapon X Program once again, North's kinetic absorption ability is artificially mutated further. Now, aside from channeling the energy to increase the strength of his physical attacks, North can expel a corrosive enzyme that is secreted from the tips of his fingers via his energy blasts. Aside from its acidic properties, the enzyme is specifically designed by the Weapon X Program to counteract the effects of an opponent's self-healing capabilities by reversing the process. The more an enemy's body attempts to heal itself from injuries sustained by the enzyme, the worse the injuries become. As a side effect of the procedure used to grant him this ability, North's body now possesses no discernible scent.


Healing Factor:
Upon accepting his first offer to work for the Weapon X Program, North is artificially granted a slight healing factor that allows him to recover from mild to moderate injuries much faster than a normal human. It also renders him immune to most diseases and toxins and also greatly suppressed his natural aging process.

Skills and Equipment:


North is a highly skilled hand-to-hand combatant and covert operative. He is also an expert marksman, skilled in the use of virtually all types of firearms. He has also worn a variety of uniforms over the course of his career.


As Agent Zero, North wears a body armor woven from vibranium, rendering him completely silent as he moves. It also refracts light which renders him practically invisible to conventional detection methods in total darkness.

North has carried a wide array of weaponry including, but not limited to: thermite bombs, hydraulic bolt guns, titanium bullets, wrist-mounted projectile tasers, wrist-mounted plasma blasters, adamantium bullets, anti-metal bullets, and an adamantium-coated knife.

Other information:


Works for the Weapon X program and is an old acquaintance of Logan’s. Logan once asked him to reform and join the X-men. North considered the idea but turned Logan down figuring he’d be better off on the “winning” side, seeing as he felt the X-men were the underdogs.

So begins...

David North (Agent Zero)'s Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Sabertooth (Victor Creed) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Logan (Wolverine)
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Charles greeted Ryan, “Good morning Ryan. Well we could allow you to join in on the last of the session. Miss Fuyumi do you mind phasing him in to the Danger Room?”

Ryan was estactic! "Oh boy! Thank you Professor Xavier! This is gonna be great!" Fuyumi turned toward Ryan and extended her hand. “Sure. Are you ready?” Ryan reached out to take her hand, then he pulled back. Something was out there. There were car noises, footsteps, and the smell of a large number of men. "Professor?... Something's weird..." Just then a large rumble was heard from outside of the mansion. The alarms suddenly went off there was a breach in security. “What’s happening?” Fuyumi said as she turned to the professor.

The professor quickly did a mental probe. “It seems we are under attack! We must end the session!” the professor asked Aaliyah to cut the Danger Room simulation off. He then did communicated with everyone telepathically.

“Listen well all of you. This is an emergency situation. The school is under attack by a source unknown as of yet. The aggressors are currently outside in the mansion and have breached the front gates. I want the instructors specifically, Scott, Cara, Logan, Aaliyah, Vila, and Ace to accompany Magneto and I to protect the school from the outside threat. I want Vincent and Fuyumi to remain inside the mansion and Barricade then yourselves and the students inside the Danger Room for protection. It is the safest place to hide. Be ready for anything.” Charles’ thought ran clear through the minds of all present in the mansion.

Vincent quickly asked, “Father why won’t you allow me to help you out there? I can handle myself.”

Charles cut Vincent off before he could finish. “I know you can handle yourself and protect others just fine. However I need you on the inside for that very reason, to protect the students. You and Fuyumi can do this important task. Please Vincent, try to understand.” Charles explained.

“Alright father, I understand. But do look after Father Erik please. He can get a little reckless as you know.” Vincent added with a smile.

“I know Erik well. You please look after Philip. He’s much like your father Erik.” Charles replied with a smile.

“I know. Well, off with you now. We don’t want them getting any closer now do we?” Vincent replied in an upbeat manner.

Charles nodded, “Indeed.” He turned to the group . “X-men let’s move out.”

Ryan flicked his tongue out, tasting the air. He could feel something. Ryan tilted his head up, then he sniffed hard. There it was. That weird smell again. It was the smell of a predator. But something was weird. There were more of them now. One... three... four. Exactly four. They weren't human. They were mutants. Ryan ran out into the hallway and shouted towards the X-men. They had to know what they were up against.

"Professor Xavier! Some of them smell funny, there's something strong out there. One smells like ozone, like lightning. One smells like an animal, like a predator... Besides them, there are two others that smell funny. They don't have a specific smell, but they do smell... they smell... well, they smell like us. Mutants. The rest are just men, but there's a lot of them. Please be careful." Not waiting for a response, Ryan ran back into the control booth.

"I've just told the professor, but you should know as well. There are four mutants coming in. One of them smells strong, like a predator. Another smells like lightning. I don't know what their powers are, but they definitely smell different from regular men. Other than that, the rest are just men. Foot Soldiers. They brought some cars, but I don't smell any heavy deposits of gunpowder." Ryan directed this information at Professors Fuyumi and Aaiyah. Not knowing what to do, and not wanting to panic. Ryan sat down. He was scared. This was so different from school, even from danger room sessions. He had no idea what to do. For the first time in a long time, Ryan sat down quietly and said nothing. He waited for orders.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Sabertooth (Victor Creed) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver)
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[Government Weapon-X Military Base of Operations]

Bolivar Trask stood in a secure interrogation room, not much between him and Pietro Maximoff a mutant known as Quicksilver. Pietro had been apprehended by the Weapon-X program for his connection to Magneto. Pietro the son of Magneto held an alt against his father and Trask knew that enough to exploit that.

“So we want something that you would be interested in delivering to us Pietro.” Trask said slyly.

Pietro smirked then flashed an annoyed look at trask as he sat in the dark room, “So you mean to tell me that you kidnapped me an brought me here so I could be a delivery boy? Gosh I know I’m fast and all but USPS should suite your needs just fine. Can I go now?” Pietro replied. He stood up and turned toward the closed door.

“You should really hear me out.” Trask added

“Then you should talk fast. I’m an impatient man you know. Meet me at least halfway old man.” Pietro replied in a snarky tone.

“We want our weapon your ‘brother’, if you can call him that, returned to his rightful place within weapon-x. He was stolen from us and we want him back.” Trask said with a hint of anger in his voice.

“Why would I sell out Vincent? Sure he’s not my favorite relative but he isn’t all that bad either. Besides I don’t hate him enough to ruin his life by delivering him over to you. So the answer is no. Goodbye.” Pietro replied and turned around again, however Trask spoke just before Pietro choose to speed away.

“But you hate your father enough to use Vincent as the dagger to Magneto’s heart. I know Vincent earned a special place with Magneto and Charles Xavier the moment the saw him, the product of two best friends at war with one another over ideals for years. The bond of peace between them, is the key to their undoing, the key to your freedom.” Trask grinned. He had Pietro hooked now.

“My… freedom…? Explain.” Pietro replied shortly.

“Well, my accomplice, delivering Vincent to us will strike a blow to your father harder than most others. One you’ve been yearning to deal to him for a very long time I imagine. By ruining him, your conscience can be free from the one who never accepted you and gave you the proper love you deserved. Relief in revenge.” Trask added.

“I’m tempted… but once again, I don’t need to harm Vincent to hurt my father. I’d prefer to hurt him with my fists over such underhanded tactics. I still acknowledge your little experiment as my little brother. So as long as I am given an option, the answer is still no. I’ll be leaving now.” Pietro replied with an arrogant smile. He felt a little proud of himself for sticking up for his little brother even if he was partly jealous of him.

“Oh but you misunderstood Pietro. You never had an option. But now I’ll give you one. You either help me willingly under the satisfaction that you took revenge upon your father, or I’ll experiment on your brain and turn you into such the puppet you won’t even know what an option was if it punched you in the nose. Your choice” Trask finished with a sinister laugh.

Pietro cringed. He knew there was no escape from this place without a serious struggle. He had better play along for now. “Well, since you asked so politely how can I refuse your kinder of offers? Of course I’ll help bring baby bro here. No biggie.” Pietro was compliant.

[Elsewhere in the facility]

David and Victor were speaking to one another as they prepared for the assault that would take place. David stood by a long table prepping and loading specially crafted pistols and other weapons that he was to carry. Placing a gun into one of his holsters he said, “So our secrete operative reported that Logan will be there. Won’t it be great to pay our dear Wolverine a visit?” David smiled sarcastically. He didn’t really have any qualms with Logan but he did consider Logan the black sheep of Weapon X, the one that got away.

“I’d like to tear him a new one for old time’s sake. He’d better pray I don’t run into him. I’ve been waiting to get at him, strike fear once again in his foolish Adamantium coated skull.” Sabertooth commented.

Stinger sat a chair away painting her fingernails. “Can anyone tell me when we’re getting this show on the road? I’m getting bored and if we don’t move soon I’ll redo my nails for the3rd time…” She was quite the valley girl. One would consider her a mall rat if it was the 80’s and the term was still popular.

Frenzy finished buckling her boots. “Show some form of restraint please Stinger.” She said as she shook her head.

Stinger, while applying nail varnish to her fingernails, commented, “Well I hope this ‘weapon…’ has more personality that X-23 over there. She always looks so angry. Such a waist of a pretty face and good figure.”

“And it’s attitudes like this that helps me to understand why Alexander has such low opinions of women. Stinger you’re so fickle…”, Frenzy rebutted.

Trask walked into the room with Pietro. Weapon-X team you have a new member. His name is Quicksilver. He is the son of Magneto.

Sabertooth smirked, “Humph just what we need, someone to show us how to run away. What else can you do speedy Gonzales?” Sabertooth chuckled.

“I could punch you in the nose 1000 times in less than a minute. Among many other things that would annoy you fang face.” Pietro responded. Sabertooth snarled and glared at Pietro.

The team soon after headed out. They approached the X-mansion with what seemed like legions of soldiers. These soldiers were trained and dangerous. Their target was ultimately Vincent and they were to snag any hostages that they could. There was inside intelligence in the Mansion as well. Their informant told them of a sewer passage into the sublevel of the mansion. This was where a portion of the invading infiltrated the mansion. Leading the infiltrating soldiers was Sabertooth and X-23. They waded through the waterway passage and then breached through the floor of the sub-basement.

Trask marched the primary assault team into the front lawn of the mansion after the soldiers destroyed the gate. They marched forward. Taking out the front lawn’s defense blasters. There were many soldiers armed with stun rifles approaching the front of the building.

“Be careful about who you engage. Remember the targets are mutants and are capable of anything!” Trask warned the soldiers. “One of your adversaries is the mutant known as Magneto. He is one of high ranking and is considered most dangerous. You all carry plastic weapons so that his powers won’t work on them. He may be at a slight disadvantage but that does not mean the others are to be taken lightly. Shoot first, and don't even think about asking questions." Trask commanded.

David rolled his eyes and smiled in a cool and collected manner. Frenzy glanced at David with a look of annoyance, “As a mutant, this whole thing actually offends me a bit. David, please remind me again why I work for this pig?” She asked while looking forward.

David replied in a slightly upbeat manner, “Because it’s better to be an ally of this fucked up governmental system than to oppose it and risk being eliminated.”

Stinger chimed in, “Oh… I thought it was because the pay is flipping amazing… or was that just my train of thought? Whatever.”

Pietro was not happy about being seen with Weapon-X. He didn’t want his father to getr the wrong idea. He was supposed to be an ally of the x-men and here he was attacking them. “Great…. Pietro! Look what a fine mess your into now! I’ll have to explain things to father if I can. And try to look out for Vincent. If he makes it out of here, he’ll owe me big time.”

[Inside the Mansion]

Philip was not pleased to hear that there was an attack on the mansion. He was ready to go into protection mode. It reminded him of a time back in Germany when a group of local men attacked his and his mother’s home because he was discovered to be a mutant. He fought hard to expel the intruders from his from his home. The X-mansion was his home now and the X-men were his family, he was prepared to le nothing endanger them. He then was disappointed to hear from the professor that he and the other students were to stay in the danger room. “But I must help…” Philip said quietly.

Hideki and Kyle were annoyed as well. They were ready to jump in on the action. Little did they know that the action was bringing itself to the danger room. When Fuyumi was about to head to the danger room to join Vincent and Vila, the student Ryan informed her of the scents he picked up on.

"I've just told the professor, but you should know as well. There are four mutants coming in. One of them smells strong, like a predator. Another smells like lightning. I don't know what their powers are, but they definitely smell different from regular men. Other than that, the rest are just men. Foot Soldiers. They brought some cars, but I don't smell any heavy deposits of gunpowder." Ryan directed this information at Professors Fuyumi and Aaiyah.

Vila snipped at Ryan, "Aaiyah said to stay here and not leave, and you are going to do as told. I wont let any one or anything thing happen to any one here. If you want to keep your finger dont touch the computer in the control room again. Am I clear"

Fuyumi frowned a bit. She didn’t feel Vila needed to be so hard of Ryan. He seemed pretty distraught and was probably beating himself up about the situation. She kneeled down beside him and placed a hand on his shoulder. “Thank you for being brave and resourceful. The professor and we instructors are grateful for the much needed information.” She spoke calmly and gently.

Villa addressed the group. "I will say this once and only once, This is not a game people can and will get hurt you are to stay back and out of the way. If Vincent and I go down you are to get out of here and to safty... However knowing that you are young and want to take part you will fallow my rules. You will stay in teams of three YOU will not rush in to things, study before you do or it may be the last thing you do. If I or Vincent tell you to run you better do so"

Fuyumi stood to her feet and addressed Vila. “It seems you’ve forgotten about me Miss Vila. I know I am pretty quiet and plain so I can see how you’d miss me.” She giggled a little. “I suppose I’ll take third wave then. I ultimately hope that the fight never reaches us.” Fuyumi added as she folded her arms.

Vincent rejoined Philip. He hugged Philip briefly whispering into his ear. “You did really well out there in the simulation. I wish I could have been down here with you then.” He really should have been paying more attention to the others but he was focused on his lover.

Philip smiled, “Thanks Vince. No worries okay. You’re with me right now and that’s all I need.” He wanted to reassure Vincent and ease his worrying.

Adria walked back over to where the others were, giving a few confused glances. "What do you suppose is going on out there?" she asked, to no one in particular, raising her hand and placing it against the sealed Danger room doors.

Hideki responded, “I’m not sure but I feel like waiting around here is more nerve wrecking than actually being in battle.” He twiddled his index fingers producing tiny multicolored sparklers, his way of nervous fidgeting.

Jonathan began to take off his gloves. "Not trying to be funny here or anything..." His husky voice rang out, echoing slightly into the now silver interior of the danger room as he removed the other glove. "...but you're all going to have to keep your distance from me. I don't want anyone getting hurt." With this, he threw the gloves to the ground and turned his body to the danger room door, Memory just behind him at his side.

'This is what I never wanted to happen...'

Kyle looked at Jonathan in concern. He knew what it felt like to have your body repel and hurt other via touch. He wondered if the professor could help Jonathan like he once help him. Kyle also wondered if he touched Johnathan, would his absorption ability and J’s Nightmare inducing touch cancel one another out. Kyle was curious. However now was not the time to test it out.

Kyle walked over to Jonathan and with his gloved hand he placed his hand innocently, as if he were a child, in J’s briefly and said, “It’ll be okay Mon Amour. You won’t have to hurt anyone that didn’t bring it on themselves by threatening this place of peace. I used to not be able to touch people without hurting them too. One day I went to a priest distraught because there were people in France that wanted me dead for being, what they called, a beautiful demon. I said I don’t deserve to live father, I plan to let them take me from this world. He told me, the Bible says touché not my anointed and do my prophet no harm. He told me I was blessed, and no less than any other child of God. I have a right to life and those that threaten my right to life invite God’s wrath upon themselves being out of God’s order. You may not be Catholic like I, but believe that you should not feel bad today if you must use your strength to protect those that desire to live properly and those that you love.” Kyle looked at Memory with a smile. He placed his other hand on her shoulder and edged the siblings closer to each other.

Vincent could pick up on activity seemingly coming from the area beneath the ground just outside of the Danger room area. Vincent spoke to everyone in the danger room, “There’s someone, no… there are many people armed and ready to hurt. They’re not only outside the mansion but inside as well! Not all of them are human. Students be ready to defend yourselves. Try to remain as calm and as clear minded as possible. You will be fine. Their numbers are too great for Vila, Fuyumi and I alone to handle without your aid. There are two Mutants as well. They are strong and highly dangerous. Do not attempt to fight them. Leave them to Vila, Fuyumi and I. Remember only if one of us is seriously in danger do you come to our rescue. Understood?” Vincent spoke calmly. He used his empathic powers to somewhat settle their nerves. This would help them to fend off attack better. “They are attempting to blow the doors down. And I’m sure they will succeed.”

Just as Vincent predicted the danger room doors moments later blew down after the sound of about 7 explosions. It took a lot to blow down the heavily secure danger room door. In rushed what seemed like 40 swat like soldiers followed by Sabortooth and X-23. The men stood weapons pointed at the students. Sabortooth spoke first, “Well if our little Weapon is right here. This was easier than I thought.” He smirked. “Come quietly and I won’t kill anyone I promise, you can read my mind if you like.” Sabertooth stood smiling directly at Vincent. It was then That Vincent realized their purpose for being here.

“They’re after me…” He said quietly halfway in disbelief. Philip looked at Vincent in confusion.

[At the mansion doors]

Scott opened the double doors and the teachers stepped outside of the building. Scott, Cara, Logan, Magneto, Charles, Ace, and Aaliyah proceeded outside. The afternoon sun was beaming bright. They were seriously facing off against at least 70 soldiers and 5 mutant generals.

Stinger was positioned to the right side of the mansion. Frenzy stood to the left side of the mansion. Quicksilver stood front and center. Alexander and David North held up the rear guard. Each mutant was assisted by a large group of soldiers ready for attack.

Magneto was shocked to see Quicksilver. “Pietro? Why are you here? Have you turned on your father?!” Magneto inquired with wide eyes. He was purely concerned and astonished that Pietro would trade on him this way.

“Dad I just wanna say that I don’t have much of a choice in the matter so forgive me if possible.” Pietro explained.

Trask gave the command and the soldier rushed in for the attack. They all shouted as the invasion began.

[OOC: I just want to first apologize for the horribly long post and how long it took me to post. Secondly I need to re-state that the Characters Stinger, Frenzy, and Pietro for this battle are slightly NPC. More specifically, You are allowed to control them in fighting during this event. However they must remain in the area I placed them (ex: if Stinger is outside in the front of the mansion then you cannot move her inside the mansion. If you want to move a character like that PM me and check with me first.) Alexander, X-23,David North and Sabertooth are NOT NPC. I know originally I said David and Sabertooth were but I’ve changed my mind due to various factors and plot threads. Alexander and X-23 are controlled by Lady Inali. Next, NO KILLING OR SERIOUSLY/ Fatally injuring/ wounding my NPC’s I want them to stick around for more than this battle. Soldiers are fair game. So if you want to get kick ass crazy, demonstrate on the soldiers. Please try to keep the character personalities I’ve established for the NPC’s intact if you choose to hve them say things during the fights. If you have any questions at all PM or OOC message me. Thanks for bearing with me everyone! I hope you enjoy this chapter!!]


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sabertooth (Victor Creed) Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Jonathan Moore Character Portrait: Kyle Jean- Claude (Marvel) Character Portrait: David North (Agent Zero) Character Portrait: Vincent Xavier (Psionic)
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Ryan sat and listened. Professor Vila warned them that this wasn't just another danger room session. It was real. People could die. The teachers would protect the students as best they could, but they couldn't be everywhere.

Ryan was still beating himself up about making a fool of himself on front of all of the students and the professors in the danger room. He'd looked foolish and weak. This was not something Ryan enjoyed being. While he was sitting, and pretending to meditate and listen, but still mostly pouting, Professor Fuyumi knelt and spoke to Ryan, "Thank you for being brave and resourceful. The professor and we instructors are grateful for the much needed information." Like that, Ryan's mood instantly lifted. He smiled his big goofy smile at her, showing all of his sharp, white teeth. "Thanks Professor, we've all gotta help each other out as much as we can. I just do the best I can with what I've got." Ryan's head snapped back behind the Danger Room, toward the sounds of running and shouting, the smell of sweat and men filling his nostrils, his ears flicking up at the noise. "They're getting closer." They had breached the initial defenses. The X-men were still holding strong and fighting, Ryan still heard their voices, but the foot soldiers had slipped past. There it was again, that strong predatory smell. It scared Ryan, but he had to be strong, for his friends, for his teachers, for his school. It was his home, had been for years. Ryan didn't like the idea of fighting other mutants, but he would do what he must.

The students were restless, some fidgeted, while most of them just stood there. It was like waiting for a storm. You knew it was coming, but when and how, you didn't know. It drove you mad. Just then, Ryan heard Vincent speak up. "There’s someone, no… there are many people armed and ready to hurt. They’re not only outside the mansion but inside as well! Not all of them are human. Students be ready to defend yourselves. Try to remain as calm and as clear minded as possible. You will be fine. Their numbers are too great for Vila, Fuyumi and I alone to handle without your aid. There are two Mutants as well. They are strong and highly dangerous. Do not attempt to fight them. Leave them to Vila, Fuyumi and I. Remember only if one of us is seriously in danger do you come to our rescue. Understood?” Vincent spoke calmly. Ryan felt a wave of calm wash over him. His fidgeting stopped, his mind cleared. Vincent spoke again, “They are attempting to blow the doors down. And I’m sure they will succeed.

Ryan heard clicks and the adjusting of some device on the back of the door. "Here they come." Seven explosions rocked the building, nearly deafening Ryan, who heard them much louder than the rest of the students. Ryan's hands flew to his ears and he swiftly placed his head between his knees on the floor, attempting to drive out the cacophonous sound. Ryan nearly shouted out with the pain it seemed so loud. The dust settled, and men were swarming the room. There it was. That smell. Ignoring the pain in his ears, Ryan's head whipped up. His nose pointing him toward the smell. There it was, towards the front, barely hidden by the smell of men. There he was. It had to be him. He was stocky, but tall. Clawed like Ryan, with grizzly hair and a wicked smirk. His body was massive, and muscles rippled under his clothes. He was a predator, and he was dangerous. Ryan's ears flared up and his tail snaked out from under his shirt, it whipped wildly behind him, as if it had a mind of its own. His body lowered to the floor, his hands on the cool ground. Ryan bared his teeth, a low growl rumbled forth from his throat like an avalanche. Ryan had adopted a defensive, aggressive stance. Any animal, or man for that matter, would recognize it. It was ancient, primordial, and fierce. Ryan didn't know why, but something about this man screamed predator. He was determined to let him know that he would stop at nothing to kill him. Should the predator make a single move, Ryan would be at his throat.

The predator spoke, "Well if our little Weapon is right here. This was easier than I thought.” He smirked. “Come quietly and I won’t kill anyone I promise, you can read my mind if you like." Ryan jumped ever so slightly at his words. It was barely visible, but if the predator had moved, Ryan would have rushed him immediately, regardless of what Vincent had just said about staying back and focusing on defense. Something in Ryan's spirit, his very soul, compelled him forward. He had to protect those around him from the monster before them. Normally, Ryan abhorred fighting, he would have preferred everyone to have tried to resolve their differences peacefully. However, the predatory smell, and the invasion of his home had removed all limiters to Ryan's psyche. He was prepared to do anything, everything, to keep them safe. It had to go, the predator, whether in one piece, or several. Ryan would not allow him to do as he pleased. Ryan slunk forward, mirroring Jonathan, forming a barrier between the enemies and Vincent. "Yeah," Ryan growled, "Vincent isn't a weapon, he's family. You aren't allowed to have him."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Sabertooth (Victor Creed) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver)
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[Inside the danger room]
Kyle was glad to see Jonathan smile even if it was slightly. He was glad to be able to alleviate even a faction of the worry that accumulates when you know your skin contact with others is deadly. Vincent’s warnings came and Kyle prepared himself. Hideki cringed at the sound of the explosions that slowly loosened the Danger Room’s doors. “Danger in the Danger Room. Classic!” Hideki snarked as his eyes remained fixed on the door.

Ryan, after Fuyumi thanked him, smiled his big goofy smile at her, showing all of his sharp, white teeth. "Thanks Professor, we've all gotta help each other out as much as we can. I just do the best I can with what I've got." Fuyumi’s gentle smile grew brighter when she saw Ryan’s brightly smiling face. He was indeed a charming young man.

After Fuyumi addressed Villa, Vila looked at her saying, "I have a different task for you. I want you to get any one of ours that is hurt out of here. They will become easy targets and be distractions for the others, and we cannot have that….or something happen to them"

Fuyumi nodded in compliance however she was passively put off at Vila’s sudden rise to authority. To Fuyumi’s understanding Vila was simply the school nurse and seemingly young looking. Perhaps she wasn’t as young as she looked. Fuyumi didn’t quite recall the professor asking Vila to tend to things in the danger room. However her assistance would be needed. What was seemingly the safer place to be was quickly becoming a trap.

The danger room doors blew down finally, revealing many soldiers and another man of intense distinction. After Sabertooth’s initial request Vincent looked a slight bit worried. Sabertooth smiled sadistically. Jonathan and Ryan shifted to form a barricade for Vincent once they realized who the target was. Philip’s eyes widened and his heart raced. It was as if Sabertooth had said they were after his life instead of another. He’d die doing everything in his power to protect Vincent. He, holding Vincent’s hand, shifted Vincent behind him.

Vincent was touched to see his students and boyfriend instinctively move in to protect him. However he didn’t want anyone getting hurt on his behalf. He was almost ready to accept Sabertooth’s offer and go quietly until Jonathan addressed the intensely dangerous mutant. "What do you want with Vincent?" Ryan, in his feral animal like defensive posture added, "Yeah," Ryan growled, "Vincent isn't a weapon, he's family. You aren't allowed to have him." Vincent’s eyes shifted in surprise to Jonathan and Ryan whom bravely confronted Sabertooth.
Sabertooth Snickered and stepped forward a couple of paces. “hahaha… Family. You have no clue that the man you stand in front of in protection is actually the most dangerous person here. Have you ever wondered why the child of the master of magnetism and the greatest telepath on the planet doesn’t showcase more power than he does? Xavier has restraints placed on him. Strooong restraints. He could kill on a global level with a thought and the proper power augmentation. He should also exhibit waaaay more of Magneto than he does right now. And we all know how dangerous Magneto is. Hell, he would even look more like Magneto physically if the professor hadn’t locked away all of the raw KILLING potential your little family member has. You see, it was my boss who created him, Vincent, the weapon of mass destruction. He wants the weapon back. So I’ll ask only ONCE more… Are you coming quietly or must I rip out someone’s throat in front of you before you see that I’m not to be trifled with?”

Vincent knew that this so called offer to spare the students was a false promise. Sabertooth might actually walk away and withdraw if Vincent left. However, Vincent in the hands of the Weapon-X program meant that no one was safe anywhere, especially if they knew how to undo the locks on Vincent’s true strength. Just then Vila went on the attack using vines to lift some soldiers off of the ground.

Adria Snapping her hand open with fingers stretched out, the water balls attacked the soldiers, putting holes in their guns, tripping them and smacking their skin with a sting, with a few going through the arms and legs. Lifting her Staff over her head, she twirled it, before slamming it down on the ground, much like Vila had done earlier in the simulation. Ice formed in a straight line from where she stood to the nearest wall, before building up to form an Ice wall, separating Vincent, Philip, Jonathan, Memory, Kyle and herself from the soldiers. "Quick! Blow the wall and get him out of here!" She yelled at Philip. "If he stays, we're doomed!" Adria warned.

Philip nodded and began to hurl large time bombs at the opposite wall in an attempt to blow the wall. They exploded with massive impact however the walls of the danger room were so heavily reinforced that Philip alone could not breach them in time before the ice wall could be deconstructed.

Hideki and Fuyumi were left on the other side of the ice wall as they were slightly further away from the others. “Hey! what about us!?”, Hideki shouted. He turned to face the soldiers that rushed in on the two of them. Hideki flipped his 90’s style pink sunglasses over his eyes. [The same type that his favorite Manga character wore. ] Hedeki blasted several soldiers with his plasmatic light energy.


Fuyumi would have phased the two through the wall of ice immediately but the enemy had already engaged them. Fuyumi rushed a soldier, phasing through him, and once behind him she swiftly delivered a strong kick to his head. She then grabbed the vest of another soldier and began to place him into a phased state, making him as light as air and easy enough to lift above her head and throw. The man flew at three other approaching soldiers and struck them [having become solid again] knocking them down.

Sabertooth quickly rushed at Hideki and grabbed him into his arms tightly reverse bear hugging him. Hideki couldn’t react fast enough. He struggled in Sabertooths painfully tight embrace. Sabertooth squeezed hideki’s arms and body almost crushingly as Hideki attempted to use his power. Hideki could only manage to produce tiny flashes of multi-colored light that quickly extinguished before actually doing any harm. “Ahhh…. Eh, let me go you twat!” Hideki protested.

Sabertooth snickered sadistically. “Oh… so cute you are… Ya know, your powers ain’t so hot if you can’t use your hands.” Sabertooth began to whisper almost sensually in Hideki’s ear. “A little bird told me that you call yourself Logan’s unofficial sidekick. Well word from the wise kiddo, people that get close to old Logan get killed prematurely. Seeing how you and Logan are so chummy, I’m going to seriously enjoy crushing you in my arms… Heh heh heh heh….!!” Sabertooh then further taunted Hideki by sadistically licking his cheek. He then tightened his grip on Hideki causing him to gasp almost breathlessly.

Fuyumi after dealing with several soldiers immediately ran over to the two and dashed through Sabertooth phasing Hideki out of the sadistic man’s grasp. “Are you alright?! Oh my god I’m so sorry I couldn’t get to you quicker!!” She said frantically. Hideki trying to catch his breath and deal with his throbbing arms nodded affirmatively that he was alright for now. “Let make a run for it. I’ll phase us through that wall of ice.” Fuyumi then took the two bolting through the ice wall in a phased state.

[Outside of the Mansion.]

The fighting had begun. Magneto tried to pull the weapons out of the soldier’s hands but they would not move. The weapons were made of a non-metal alloy. “They’ve gotten smart suddenly.” He commented in irritation to Charles who stood beside him. He then ripped metal from the gates breaking them down into many metal bullets. He fired them at the soldiers.

Pietro thought this was the time to strike at his father. He quickly ran up to magneto in a flash and punched him across the face hard. He quickly delivered several blows to his father. “See pops, you reap what you sew. And you’ve been planting this ass whopping for quite some time.” Magneto fell to the ground. He wiped the small amount of blood on his lip off. Pietro stood over Magneto and spoke quietly enough so that other besides magneto couldn’t hear. “Sorry father, but I gotta put on a convincing show for them. They’re after Vincent, you can’t let them have him.”


Logan pounced several soldiers slashing at them fatally. They attempted to tackle him unsuccessfully and he took out men left and right fighting viciously. Cara seemed to be holding her own against them as well. She may have once been a villain and an enemy but she was damn awesome as an ally. Stinger watched Logan with a smirk. “He’s hot! Quite the animal. I wonder if the hunk can handle my electrifying womanly wiles…” She said as she sauntered toward the area that Logan did battle in. She blasted him with a serious jolt of electricity and he yelled in pain. “Ohhh so that’s how a man with an adamantium coated skeleton reacts to being shocked… much worse than a normal person. Metal is a beautiful conductor for electricity!” Stinger giggled. She was wise enough not to get any closer to Wolverine having heard many a story about how dangerous he was.

Logan recovered and stood to his feet glaring at stinger, his skin red and slowly returning to its far less flushed state. “You’ve got some nerve lady.” He grunted. He saw Cara in need of assistance and rushed to her disregarding Stinger. Cara rejoined Logan closer to the mansion,

Shots were fired. "Aghh! I'm hit!" She yelled out, grabbing her bleeding shoulder and dropping to one knee behind a wall, sending the pots that adorned it flying towards the nearby soldiers.

Logan tried to safeguard Cara. “Hang in there Cara!” He encouraged as he helped her up. The professor rushed over and helped Cara to make it to a more neutral area.

David North left his position at the rear guard and approached Cyclops who was blasting back soldier after soldier. After sneaking up on Scott’s side he delivered a roundhouse kick to Scott’s head. Scott was caught completely off guard and staggered backward. He hated to be bested. “Scott Summers… A pleasure to finally meet you. Although, looking at you, you make me feel old.” David said smoothly as he watch Scott regain himself. David was much older than he looked. His aging processes were drastically slowed after the weapon-X program artificially gave him a mutant healing factor similar to Logan and Victor Creed’s. So he looked to be Scott’s age but he was more like Magneto’s age.

Scott cringed, “Feel THIS!” He yelled as he shot an optic blast at David. Knocking him backward. David got up with a smile and his arms glowed with a dull red. He had absorbed Scott’s optic blast and was prepared to fire it back at him. David simply fired the energy back at Scott launching him backwards a distance.

“I wish I could actually feel that like you did, Commando.” David said sarcastically and ran towards the mansion doors and entering. He wanted to find the Danger room and help Sabertooth. He knew Victor sometimes needed help keeping on task rather than succumbing to a predatory bloodlust.

Logan spotted David and knew that if David North was present, Victor Creed wouldn’t be far away given that this was a Weapon-X operation. Logan said to himself, “The students… Shit!” He ran after David in an attempt to reach the Danger Room.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Logan (Wolverine) Character Portrait: David North (Agent Zero) Character Portrait: Frenzy (Joanna Cargill)
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it was dark and cold the skies were red the ground was made up of blackened rocks that seemed to float in mid air.Every now and then you would hear the silence broken by crumbling rocks or the screeches and howls of the creatures of the night. A foreboding hung heavy in the air.A normal person would have gone crazy had they spent even a little time in this strange world that was the complete opposite of first glance you would never think to find another living being in such a cold and desolate place.but dont be surprised.
this was Aces placr os solitude to get away from earthly woes if just for a little while.Especially when it invovled Alice.with what little control Ace had over her body she made Alice move towards the closest shadow transporting them herself into the Dark dimension.Ace stood on one of the floating rocks it was quite large to.each landong of blackened rock had a forever crumbling bridge of rock. she glared at herself or rather at Alice who glared back.
Ace:give it back now!
Alice:what this body oh no you see i very much like this body besiide i put it too much more use than you do.she snorted.
Ace:fine if you wont give it back ill just take it then by force.
Alice:you and what army you know what happended last time you destroyed everything just trying to get back this useless hunck of flesh.
Ace:i wont matter why do you think i brought my body here.its so i wont destroy anything that surprised you didnt even notice what i did.
Alice:Aahh so you think you have a better chance here than out there your dreams little sister.i was always stronger than you why cant tou just accept it your weak and without me your nothing.

Ace ignored Alices words despite the fact that they were partially true.without alice she would have no power.Without her she woould be nothing.but it didnt mean she would let her be the dominant one. and with that resolve they attacked each outside eyes it looked like they were dancing with black silk scarfs in their hands.of course in the real world,the real earth thier shared body was moving within the shadows towards someone who could possibly help stop the other personality.but that would all depend on who won this battle within the dark dimension,it was all within the mind so whoever won will be forever the dominant personality.and Ace knew she had to make sure it wasnt Alice.

Note:when Ace is in the shadows time flows diffrently there.what was an hour there would only be a few minutes in the real world.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver) Character Portrait: Logan (Wolverine) Character Portrait: David North (Agent Zero)
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Cara Black

Cara shrugged off the Professor's aid. "No!" she growled at him pulling herself back, extending her fingers as her eyes turned black, calling the darkness inside her. The wound stopped bleeding after a few seconds as an insanely dark shadow filled the wound, pushing the bullet back out of the wound and onto the floor. "That'll do for now!" it was temporary and although it stopped the bleeding it was only temporary and would also stop her body being able to heal as long as the shadow was holding everything in.

She took a running jump up onto the wall, kicking off of it to fire herself onto one of the soldiers pulling him to the ground with her. Sitting across his chest she wasted no time in smashing him across the face with a nearby brick that had broken off during Magneto's removal of the gate. Once she was satisfied he was down she grabbed his pistol and began to empty the clip into any soldier nearby her. "Bring it on!" her Russian accent only adding to her intimidating stance.

Cara felt another blunt attack, this one on the side of her head. Her vision started going dark but one she couldn't see through, she was losing conciousness and had begun to sink to her knees her hold of the shadows in her shoulder blanking out of existence, the pain and the blood coming back in full swing. She desperately tried to hold onto it, willing herself to stay conciousness. She would rather die then be taken by the government officials, she would never be used as a weapon against her own kind.

Everything went black for a moment and when Cara awoke she was looking up at the sky, there was no sound other then the ringing in her ears. The battle was still going on and from where she had fallen she could see Logan running back into the mansion. Pulling herself slowly up she could see the offending soldier still standing above her, now pointing his gun at her, he was shouting but she couldn't hear him, just the ringing in her ears. He wasn't happy that much she could tell. Another soldier joined him from her left, giving her a swift kick in her side, this brought back the pain in her shoulder and the throbbing in her head, dragging all sounds with it. "Stay on the fucking ground!" He shouted again, the two men raising the guns back up.

This time Cara obliged, getting on her knees and putting her hands behind her head, one of the soldiers pulled his radio towards his mouth. "Sir, we have Shadowdancer detained. We are still working on the others, the weapon is not out here."

"Is she concious!? Don't leave her concious if there are shadows!" Cara heard the desperate reply and when the soldiers looked back at her she was giving her sexy smile. "Don't worry Malʹchiki. Everyone makes that mistake." being unconscious had apparently settled her rampage but she still had that menacing look in her eye as her shadow shifted out beneath her and joined with the soldiers forcing them to drop their guns before her and turn towards each other, banging their heads together they fell to the floor.

Standing up Cara turned to the mansion where a few soldiers were attempting to follow after Wolverine. She ran up towards them placing her hands on the railing and flipping herself over on top of the front soldier. She quickly got to her feet in order to block the others entrance to the mansion. "Mutants only!" she taunted at them keeping her hands low ready to turn their shadows against them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Sabertooth (Victor Creed) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver)
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Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Sabertooth (Victor Creed) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Logan (Wolverine) Character Portrait: Jonathan Moore
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Fuyumi was very grateful for Ryan’s distraction. She knew that Sabertooth was highly dangerous and Hideki was almost killed by the mutant. She wanted to go back to safeguard Ryan who so bravely fought to help her and Hideki however he made it back toward Vincent. Vila thought so Vincent could hear her. “ I can take down the ice wall so if the others want to fight they can….or I can give you a way out and hold them off so you the others can get away…..but I need to know soon baby brother”

Vincent thought quickly. There was no way he was going to allow his students to risk everything to protect him and he just escape. He responded telepathically to Vila. “No I cannot abandon my students, they are my family and my friends. My life is of no more value than any of those here fighting for my safety. I will not run. Not unless we all escape, and know that Sabertooth will track us down so he must be dealt with. United we stand.” Vincent said to Vila telepathically.

Vila went on the assault against Sabertooth. She was somehow able to land a couple of strong blows however Victor Creed was far from down and out. He landed on the ground and sprung to his feet. He lunged at Vila with almost blinding speed pouncing her with great force onto the ground. Her body seemed so frail beneath him. He raised a hand adorned with his sharp claws like fingernails and prepared to slash Vila across the throat when he had a greater idea. He leaped off of her and landed nearby. Pacing around her he grinned cunningly. He could smell that Logan was nearby…

Ryan dropped down and consulted the group. "Those rocks and the ice won't hold for long. We need to get Vincent out of here, if at all possible, we should join up with the others and form a better plan for defense. Those soldiers aren't anything special, but I'm terrified of that predator and his partner. They're stronger than they're letting on. I can feel it." He said. A wave of fatigue washed over him, he stumbled and almost fell to the ground. He caught himself on his knees and the air rushed from his lungs. He breathed hard for a moment, catching his breath, and listening for orders. At That moment, the ice wall began to crumble. "Where's Adria? Didn't she make the wall?"

Vincent took notice as he rushed to kneel beside Ryan and Thantos. “Thank you Ryan. I want you to be careful. Allow me to look after you all.” Vincent said as he comforted Ryan. Adria made her way staggering toward Vincent and the group. Vincent was worried he helped, keeping her from hitting the floor, her as the tranquilizer put her out. “She’s been sedated. This can’t continue like this!” Vincent was beginning to feel overwhelmed. Too much was happening to his students.

Then more soldiers rushed the group. Kyle and Philip sprang to action. Philip Tossed time bombs at several approaching soldiers they were launched backwards into the walls behind them. Kyle punched out a few soldiers and he flew at another as he grabbed the soldier and flew him into the air. The man struggled to get free of Kyle’s grasp but Kyle was far stronger than the soldier. Kyle then gave the man a kiss on the cheek while activating his absorption ability, stealing the man’s strength and memories. The man passed out and Kyle dropped him. He had to shake off the strange tingling feeling his head and body felt after taking on certain personality traits from his victim.

Sabertooth had the remaining soldiers stand near him. “Gather around boys! Take aim and fire ALL Rounds at the enemy!!” Victor commanded. He couldn’t help but laugh as the soldiers shot thousands of bullets at the group.

Victor knew exactly what he was doing. He was provoking Vincent into action, a quickly executed and rushed action, one that would be less controlled. Vincent rose to his feet and stretched out on hand in a halting gesture. The other hand was raised to his temple. He telekinetically blocked the bullets that, this time weren’t sedatives or stun rounds, they one after another became lodged into the telekinetically still air. This caused Vincent some strain. He not only stopped them but turned them around and shot them at the soldiers, killing all who shot bullets previously. Vincent was horrified at his hasty reaction that resulted in the deaths of about 15 soldiers. “Oh no… what have I done?” Vincent gasped as he looked at the dead men.

“You’ve taken an honest reactionary step toward being who you REALLY are. I can’t wait till you just snap someday. She kids, that’s only a piece of who he is.” Victor chuckled he knew his psychological warfare was working. Just then Logan had found the Danger room. Victor spoke, “There you are…. I’ve been waiting to get the chance to finish you off clean and slowly Wolverine. “

Logan was shocked that he reached the Danger room before David North. Perhaps North got turned around in the mansion. Logan laid eyes on Sabertooth and cringed. “There you are you Twisted, egg sucking, piece of gutter trash! You always liked picking on someone who’s smaller than you. Well I’m smaller, try pushing me!! AHHHH!!!!” Logan leaped at Sabertooth taking him down and slashing away at the mutant.


The professor heard Aaliyah’s plea and knew she needed assistance. He quickly launched a psionic assault on the mind of Alexander Bringing him much mental strain. Hopefully this would aid Aaliyah. She knew Alexander well and if she warned that he was dangerous the professor heeded that.

[OOC: Sorry if I made many Mistakes. I am hyper sleepy and drifted in and out of sleep while typing. I jipped the outside scene simply because I want to go to bed right now… so I’ll most likely try to post again later today.]


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Sabertooth (Victor Creed) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Logan (Wolverine) Character Portrait: Jonathan Moore Character Portrait: Kyle Jean- Claude (Marvel)
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Agent Six

Agent Six watched the others as they prepared for the attack on the mansion wondering why it is Sabertooth likes to mess with Wolverine so much. Technically she wasn’t there she was watching them through her observer spirit. Of course they couldn’t see her she made sure of that there was Agent Zero he was alright they would sometimes pair up so she could be his eyes and ears during missions that required sharp shooting. He never bothered her and she was fine with that. Frenzy and Stinger she didn’t know much about them but she did not like Stinger for her fickleness. Sabertooth was another matter all together he was a savage animal nothing more nothing less. And if she could she would have glared at him with all the hate she did not have in that glare. he always bothered her teasing her about her muteness and blindness saying she was weak. But she could tell that it was the fact that he could never really surprise her nor trip her because she saw it all through her observer spirits. And then there was X-23, she consider her as the closets thing she had to family since they grew up together in WeaponX.

Agent Six did not care for the people for the people she watched. She found out a long time ago she was incapable of forming a companionship with anyone. She took her hand away from the glass that she used as her medium and walked over to a glass of water someone had left on a table and decided to check on Trask and his prisoner the mutant known as Quicksilver. They seemed to be coming into an agreement of sorts but she knew that Trask most likely threatened the mutant into helping them. 'Why must men always have to have to fight and kill each other just to prove who has the most power or the better weapon’ she simply did not understand and if she could she would have frowned.

{Start of attack on mansion}
she had gone with the others in a separate car towards the mansion but she stayed in the nearby town. Of course no one knew she there only the chaffier who brought her here but since she creep him out and this was a regular thing for her, she knew he wouldn’t tell Trask about her leaving. AS she got out of the car she opened up her parasol and balanced it against her shoulder and walked over towards a large public fountain and sat down by the edge, placing her hand slightly on the surface of the water. For a moment Agent Six was blind and she gave a small gasp. Her eyes darted back and forth looking; searching for what she wanted and found it a leak.

She knew she was in the mansions water system which is why it must have been so dark until she say a small circle of light and she slowly drifted towards it and for a moment she hung at the end of the faucet until finally she plopped down into the sink. Looks like someone left the water on, she thought.

She reached outwards and her conscious began to form into one of her observe spirits and it grew taller to see over the sink and get a good bearing as to where she was. It was the bathroom by the likes of it and that wasn’t what she wanted. So Agent Six sank back down, then suddenly springing upwards to reach the mirror that she knew was there. And she continued to jump from one reflective surface to another, but she didn’t get far she was finally in the grand hall that lead to the stairs to the entrance and the closest mirror was too far for he to jump. So she slipped back to her real body and began to search again, until she found a good medium. It her view was cloudy and she couldn’t quite see what was going on but by the looks of it she must bee in the danger room control room. She saw everything as well as hear everything to a certain extent. They were in the middle of a simulation when suddenly the alarms went off signaling to her that the attack must have begun. Some of the mutant ran outside to meet the coming soldiers while another group stayed which she guessed must have been the students. They seemed to be anxious as to what was going on outside and she wondered how things went on outside to see what the battle was about. And so she sent another observer spirit outside to the windows of the mansion and saw the X-men meet the soldiers and the others head on. The first person she noticed was a woman who ran towards a couple of bushes donning on a mask and coat and attacked the coming line of soldiers, taking out most of them. And from her calculations she should meet Frenzy pretty soon if she kept at that general direction. Then she heard a loud screeching of metal forcedly being moved in ways it shouldn’t. Magneto had begun his attack as well as the other X-Men. Agent Zero met the man known as Cyclops and she knew he would lose to her subordinate easily, and he did.

Thinking she saw enough she went back to the control room only to hear the doors be blown apart and men began to pour in surrounding the mutants that had stayed behind. Sabertooth and X-23 appeared in her line of vision, Sabertooth attacking and she noticed a small woman in armor stand tall and alone against them. Foolish mutant you won’t win with such petty amour. Agent Six was proved wrong when the woman made vines come out of no where grabbing some of the soldiers to who knew where. And she noted two mutants stand in front of a man who she realized was the weapon, despite what Sabertooth told them about the weapon they still think they could protect him. Their spy created an ice shield blocking her view of the others leaving behind a few stragglers who ended up on the other side facing the soldiers. Sabertooth grabbed on a mutant who had light related abilities and began to crush him with his strength until an Asian woman came in and phased to the boy away from Sabertooths grasp and they ran towards the ice wall and phased again.

Agent Six quickly created another observer spirit on the other side of the ice wall to look in on the weapon Trask wanted so badly back. She saw their spy again along with t e two mutants who stood protectively in front of the weapon. Her vision was a bit blurry due to the medium being ice and it had frost over it. But she could see and she felt tremors go through her body as parts of the wall began to crack and one side crumbled completely allowing soldiers to enter the back. She noticed a giant whole behind the mutants and weapon and as the wall began to crumble more and more slowly melting she took this chance to get closer to the fight at least that was her plan until some soldiers stepped on her observer spirit giving her small headache and she quickly retreated back to the wall.

The mutants began to attack the soldiers when Sabertooth yelled “Gather around boys! Take aim and fire ALL Rounds at the enemy!!” He laughed as the soldiers shot thousands of bullets at the group. But he weapon stopped the bullets’ until there was a large wall of floating bullets and then they turned and took down about 15 soldiers. The Weapon seemed devastated at what he did but she knew it was just in his nature. Sabetooth began to play his physiological card by saying something to provoke the Weapon even more but suddenly he turned around and gave a sick twisted smile towards where the doors had been and the powerful mutant known as Wolverine entered the scene glaring at Sabertooth and chared at him taking him down and began to slash at Sabertooth.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Sabertooth (Victor Creed) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver)
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a masked figure stumbled out of the shadows battered and out of breath.she tripped and feel to her knees unkown as to where she was.she looked around to find herself in a giant hole in the wall realizing it was on of the surrounding walls of the danger room
.'who the hell put a hole in the wall?'she said to no one in paticular.she got up when a a seizure like symptom raked through her bony for a moment her left eye turned black for a few minutes until it was gone."No dammit"Ace had won the battle but she had yet to win the war within herself.sighing she walked around a bit until she stepped in to the danger room,whoch was a bad idea because she saw Jonothan staring into a soldiers eyes making his worst fears come true.Ace cclutched her head for a moment as sshe seemed to have been affected as well but to a lesser extent. she could feel Alices power surge and she hasped realizing that if stayed here any longer her win would have beenn pointless.So she ran back into the closest shadow and ran a few feet in total darkness when she stepped out into the front yard to to be thrown backwards by a large explosion and she was pushed back into a shadow and stumbled in the main corridor to have Jonathan onve again in her view but he diid not notice her as he ran by.

Agent Six

as she watched Wolverine fight Sabertooh she wondered were Agent Zero was put she quickly pushed that thought away.she focused back on to the Weapon when on of the mutants proteecting him ran off to take down a coulle soldiers along with a girl.the two faught quite nicely without any visible powers that she could see. until the young man began to stare at the soldier doing something to him. the soldier began to cry out in fear and the houng mutant was saying something but she was too far to hear in him so she decided to get closer. she made her spirit solid enough to be able to take a chunk of crumbling ice and threw it on the ground close to where the two were standing and begun to form an observer spirit as the ice began to melt. as she left her old spot and onto her knew one she could know hear hear him and soon she realized that it was a bad idea to have gotten so close to them. while the mutant was talking she could feel something tugging at her subcounsious but she didd t know what it was and the feeling quickly passed. 'so this mutant uses words that put fear into the victims heart'. finally the soldier collasped and the other femal mutant ran up to him putting her hand on hiss chest to stop him from doing anymore damage. 'why would she stop him,he is protecting her and their so called "family".the girl then looked away from him and yelled out "Mom" and she searched for something and ran towards the exit, where a soldier waited for her to fall into his trap which she did.

the soldier began to advance on her with a knife when the young man ran at him yelling "LET GO OF MY SISTER" and grabbed the soldier at his throat pushing him into the wall. thats were things began to change the area of where the mutant held the soldier it turned purple and then it looked like the soldier died or was rendered uncouncious.'humm so he also has an ability similar to the Rouges?'the girl quickly ran off and the boy realizing what he did shook his head in disbilief and looked back at the Weapon before running off after his sister. as he left Agent Six spotted movement in the shadows and realized the very same woman with the mask from earlier was standing there inthe shadows but it looked like the boy was so intent on going after his sister he didnt notice her. but upon seeing her Agent Six heard/felt an explosion from outside and quickly switced positions with her observer spirit outside.

there looked to be a large explosion and the man know as the GameMaster was on the ground wound.she looked around and caught sight of something small and black inthe sky dropping fast to the ground.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jonathan Moore Character Portrait: David North (Agent Zero) Character Portrait: Memory Ashcroft Character Portrait: Cara Black (Shadowdancer) Character Portrait: Stinger (Wendy Sherman)
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David North had entered the X-mansion. He slowly walked through the dark corridors. When the mansion went into lockdown mode the hall lights were programmed to darken. Nothing but daylight illuminated the halls of the X-mansion. David had to find his way to the danger room. He seemingly casually strolled down the hall admiring the mansion in his search of the Danger Room. He pondered, “I wonder what life would be like had I taken Logan up on his offer to join the X-men… Not bad looking. But I think I should save it as a retirement option.” David chuckled to himself. He saw someone approaching him in the distance, a girl. David slipped quietly into an alcove next to an empty bedroom doorway and watched the young lady dash in his direction. “Now she’s a pretty number. Sadly she’s not alone.” David whispered. “ Zero com, [David’s personal computer database.] give me info on targets one and two there.” David whispered into his earpiece.

David’s micro database scanned the nearby area picking up on Memory and Jonathan. It pulled up the data given by the intelligence on the mansion’s inhabitants.

“Target one identified as Memory Ashcroft
Age: 21
Occupation: Student
Known abilities: Memory manipulation/ alteration
Target two identified as Jonathan Moore
Age: 24
Occupation: Student
Known Abilities: Dream/ Nightmare Inducement
Special note: Please be advised to avoid skin contact with target”

David smirked as he listened to the information. The two students were actually headed toward the door beside where he was hiding. David, with his gun drawn, popped out of the alcove and aimed his gun at the two just as they reached Memory’s bedroom door. “Hi there.” He said with a grin. “I hope you don’t mind me dropping in on you. Oh and I’d advise you not to try your powers John. If I feel even the slightest sign of fear or a dream state come over me, I will shoot you. Now I will let you grab whatever it is you came for as long as you calmly show me to the Danger Room. What do you say pretty lady?” David spoke casually and suavely. He looked as friendly as one could look while holding a gun to another.

[Outside the Mansion]

Stinger watched as Cara turned the shadows of a few soldiers against themselves. She slowly walked closer to the mansion and toward Cara, her pink high heeled boots clashing against the pavement. “That’s impressive. It’s Creepy, but impressive. You must be shadowdancer… Cute but you do look a bit rough around the edges. I don’t tussle with your type alone.” Stinger commented playfully. She then Turned to Frenzy and called out to her. “Hey Frenzy come over here sugarface! We’re gonna have ourselves a little girls only party!!”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sabertooth (Victor Creed) Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Logan (Wolverine) Character Portrait: Jonathan Moore Character Portrait: Philip Klein (Boom-Boom) Character Portrait: Kyle Jean- Claude (Marvel)
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As Vincent relayed the revised plan, Ryan listened intently for his instructions. Unfortunately he wouldn't be able to stay and protect Vincent, but he knew he could trust Professor Vila, Philip, Hideki and Logan to do so in his absence. It was a good plan, a solid plan. Ryan felt ok about leaving and helping out front too. He was needed there. All the while, he kept an eye on the fight between Logan and the predator, making sure to keep his nose and ears on X-23. Something told him that his eyes would be misleading when it came to her, so smell was the best bet. Ryan slowly made his way over to Adria and hefted her onto his back in a traditional piggy back stance. "I've got her, you guys cover me from the rear. When Vince gives the signal, I'm getting out of here as fast as I can, I might lose you in the process. I'm heading straight for the infirmary. If you lose me, that's where I'll be headed." he whispered to Professor Fuyumi, Thantos, and Kyle. Ryan waited for the signal. He could feel Vincent tensing, it was about to happen soon.

All of a sudden, Memory, Johnathan, and a complete stranger walked into the room. Ryan almost did a double take when he saw Memory, he knew she was pretty, but that outfit was outrageous. Ryan felt his face get hot. That was one nice thing about having completely black skin, no one could see you blush. He almost considered... when this was over... "No. No way." Ryan thought realistically. There was no way she would like him. I mean, come on. Ryan had looked in a mirror when he brushed his teeth this morning, he knew what he looked like. Besides, he knew she was just friendly with him. There was no way it would turn into anything romantic. Ryan knew that. He had to focus. Just then, a gunshot snapped Ryan from his daydream. He wasn't having a good time there anyway, way too much fiction for his liking. That stranger had just shot Logan in the head. Sure Logan would be fine, Logan was the only one who healed faster than he did. Still, Ryan would have words for that man later. Except they would be his written with his fists. "Yeah," Ryan joked to himself. "It'll be a very strongly worded letter." He chuckled. Just then, Vincent shouted, "Now’s your chance run!" At that moment, Ryan blasted himself from his crouched position to the other end of the room, past the enemy mutants and out the only exit available. He saw the world around him blur as he pushed it's body to his max speed. He trusted the others to cover him, and those assigned to combat to be enough of a distraction that he could slip by. He was using his speed for all it was worth, trying to put as much distance as he could between himself, and by extent Adria, and the enemy mutants in the room. As he rushed past Memory and Johnathan, he whispered quietly to them, "Be safe. Vincent and Vila are going all out." He wasn't sure if they heard him, or if Vincent had had the foresight to include them in the planning stage, but he had to try and warn them about the hell that would be unleashed in that room if they stuck around. Ryan only slowed down when he put two staircases and a hallway behind him. He was still running, but not as fast as he possibly could. He was still on his way to the infirmary, but he was slowing down so as to give the others a chance to catch up. He didn't want to be alone with a wounded friend during an attack, but he needed to get her safe. So he did what he had to do, even if that meant leaving the others behind for a bit. Plus, he was tired. He'd just done... probably well over his max speed with someone on his back four about fifteen seconds. He was breathing hard. He'd had just enough of a break between fighting and running that he wasn't exhausted, but he definitely wasn't going to be much help right away. As he jogged, Ryan felt nervous. It was far too quiet in the mansion. Much too quiet for a full scale battle to be going on within its grounds. He didn't like it. He didn't like his odds right now. There could be any number of enemy soldiers near him ready to strike. His pace quickened slightly. As he ran, his thoughts went back to Memory and Vincent and all his other friends... his family, putting their lives on the line to protect him and this wounded friend.

"Please be ok..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver) Character Portrait: Logan (Wolverine) Character Portrait: David North (Agent Zero)
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ace breathed deeply in and out trying to calm her beating heart and telling herself that she wasnt actually hurt just her mind think it got hurt.ace heard the proffesor ask her if she was alright and simply told "like Hell im alright i feel like just got punched by Jaugurtnot i hurt like hell" she could feel the prof. chuckle at her ace tried for the doors she realized that something was keeping them close "tch im gonnna kick who evers ass it was that caused that explosion"she hissed to herself.

Getting fusturated and with the large need to vent her anger Ace pretty much obliterated the front doors with her shadow scythe looking upon a scene that made her really want to kick someones ass. noticing that she didnt have her mask on and perfering to wear it than show her face to the attackers she created a pure black mask that she knew,she would very much need by the looks of it.she even created a kind of armur over her vital areas encasing them in hard,forever moving shadows. 'where do you need me to go prof. im really itching to knock some heads about'she called out telepathecly to the prof.

as she went to him she noticed a pair of men rushing him while he was concentrating on the men before him.Ace ran and dived into a nearby shadow and reached out and grabed one of the mens guns jerking his arm away causing him to shoot aimlessly.the other one then shot her in the head causing her to fall out of his friends shadow.stumbling backwards but she caught herself which surprised the soldiers causing them to step back qwaking at her. she leaned forward bending down a little when she gave a small "ow" she looked up holding her face.she removed her hand and looked in it which held the bullet. "you frikin shot me she said in disbelief."You shout me you Ugly Bastards and that Frikin Hurt!"she hissed angrily she glared at them through the mask, it cracked,the top corner crumbling away to reveal an eye full of anger. she growled at them "you actually shot at me?"she ran at them firts bending down low into her shadow and pulled out two pure black poles of shadow and flipped fowards onto the poles for a moment kicking out at them with her legs as they finnaly recovered their senses and shot at her.she took them down and landed back on her feet.she looked back at the proffessor checking on him when she caught a glimpse of one of the students,Sam who was gone for awhile on a mission she beleived and was running towards them after encountering Frenzy and meeting up with Cara.

she turned back to the prof. to see where he needed her to go when suddenly she felt something land just outside the gates 'oh Dear' she could feel the ground shake and Ace smiled for she knew who to vent her anger at and it was waiting just outside the gates. There were four Sentinals and a big ones too. 'oohh this is gonna be fun.

[OOC: Masato said it was alright for me to insert the sentinels.]


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Logan (Wolverine) Character Portrait: Jonathan Moore Character Portrait: Kyle Jean- Claude (Marvel) Character Portrait: David North (Agent Zero)
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0.00 INK

Feeling quite self-conscious as she tip-toed inside the silver room with trepidation, Memory cursed under her breath at the outfit choice. This was something that she would never wear normally - preferring for skirts that at least fell to the knees - and had been given to her as a joke by her friend years back, but it did fit the situation. In her experience seduction was a powerful tool for one to use, and something that she was very good at. It may not be the most dignifying thing in the world but it does get the job done. Pulling the jacket around herself a little tighter, she watched as the many eyes turned in her direction. One such pair of yellow eyes caught her attention for a second, recognising them as the eyes of Ryan who had helped Jonathan protect Ryan. There had always been a certain curiosity about the horned boy but Memory had never pursued it. Taking a mental to note to ask at some point, along with Hideki about his fireworks, if they survived Memory returned her attention to the present.

She regretted it instantly.

A gunshot rang out and Logan dropped to the floor not far from the siblings. This is all that Memory got to hear as her brother pulled M close and buried her head into his chest, gripping her body tightly so that she couldn't see what happened. Normally she would have protested but there was no way that she could now. They had just assisted in Logan's assault to a degree. They knew he wouldn't, couldn't, die but regardless they felt their hearts twist painfully.

"Now’s your chance run!"

At Vincent's call, Jonathan looked to him and nodded with tears in his eyes.Pulling Memory from his body J looked her straight in the eye, those chocolate orbs which wobbled through the tears, and swallowed the painful lump in his throat back to the depths of his stomach.

"Come on, we need to move." When she did not, he shook her by the shoulders gently. "Come on!"

Snapped out of her trance, Memory nodded stiffly and took Jonathan's hand letting him lead and pull her from the building. They managed only a few steps before Ryan, the black scaled boy who had aided Jonathan in defending Vincent before, rushed past them whispering something on the way but they didn't quite catch it. Assuming that it was a warning about the trouble they would face or a suggestion to move their asses, they followed both.

Although, Memory had to do one thing first.

"Hang on!" She called to her brother releasing his hand and stopping at a downed soldier, the same one that Jonathan had killed in fact, or rather will have killed when the full effects of his power kicked in and took this man from the world. Looking away in shame, Jonathan did not see Memory take the man's gun. Nor did he see her lift it up to aim. What he did see however was the girl he had come to know and love so well take three steps in front of him and, with the accuracy of a sharpshooter (from their gunman that she had been keeping skin contact with all the way to the danger room), strike the man's gun with one shot.

He didn't wait to see if she had managed to disarm him or not as he gripped her hand and pulled her away, Memory dropping the gun in disgust only seconds later.

Taking off out the Danger Room door and door the silver corridor, their boots making clicks and thumps as they slapped the ground hard, the "wonder twins" headed straight for the Professor outside. This plan for the most part worked until they were faced with the elevator door. As those metal doors slid open and revealed the two like a prize on a game show to the soldier behind it, Memory yelped in panic making the the man turn quickly. He lifted his gun but it was moved away from them, aimed in a safer direction, With M's palm colliding with the barrel. J caught the man's arms and moved in close, their eyes a mere two inches apart.

Then he whispered one word.


The man's grip on the gun lessened and it was dropped into M's waiting hands then discarded to the side, Jonathan retaining eye contact with the man as he refused to voice and narrate the happenings within this man's dream-world in front of his sister. The information got a little... kinky.

Throwing him into the elevator, they clasped hands once more and ran.

"Who the hell is Clementine?!" Memory called to her brother, a little short of breath for running so long with barely any stopping.
"And what the hell kind of dream did you put him into?" This made J roll his eyes.

"Remember, M, I can manipulate their hopes and dreams too. He was hoping to see his girlfriend Clementine and... get it on," Jonathan scowled at the way that came out in his southern accent, the sound of it just seeming somewhat wrong to him.
"so I just manipulated it and amplified his wish to do... that with her."



Finally they made it outside, the crisp air catching them off guard. After a quick scan into the mass of fighting figures and bodies littered across the ground, both siblings found the Professor at the same time. This time, however, it was Memory that lead.

"Professor Xavier! Vincent sent us!" Dodging body after body, power after power and mutant after mutant they eventually reached the Professor, both siblings gaining injuries along the way. Memory now had a cut above her eyebrow from a stray piece of wood and Jonathan was grazed by a bullet on the right side of his abdomen. it wasn't deep and didn't bleed too much and for these reasons he ignored it, even though it hurt like a bitch.

Thinking back to whom had been left behind when they left, Jonathan grimaced in a new form of pain. He had left Vincent, the one he practically considered a brother, and Kyle. The thought of his name brought the memories of his pleasant flirting and hand-holding back to J's mind. Shaking his had, thinking better than to reminisce in battle, J returned his mind to the fighting.

That's when he heard it, the loud metallic thud. Or rather, a group of metallic thuds all striking the ground simultaneously. In a synchronised, and rather scarily similar, way the siblings flipped their heads around to the large metal men standing three stories tall not that far behind them.

"Ho-ly fu-"

A hand slapped over his mouth and cut off the rest of his word. He eyed his sister in exasperation but she only tutted.

"Jonathan, you should know better. There could be kids watching."

Giving Memory a quick confused look, not entirely understanding what she meant, he suddenly felt like there were many eyes all upon him now. Shaking it off, he returned his own eyes to the Sentinels.

"We're doomed."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Sabertooth (Victor Creed) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver)
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0.00 INK

"So you think that just because they promised they'd leave you alone that they actually will?!" Cara looked offended. "Stinger I thought you were smarter than that. Even Toad wasn't that stupid." She never dropped her eyes from Stinger's throughout the conversation.

Stinger was a tad put off by Cara’s opinions regarding her decisions. However given Cara’s tone and frustration it really showed that in some way Cara’s concern for Stinger. Perhaps it was a lingering comradery from when they worked together. It made Stinger feel a little bad about her choice but it was a little too late to turn around now.

"So hard for nothing?! You've abandoned the cause! You have achieved nothing! You've joined exactly what we were fighting against! The humans are winning and you are aiding them!" Cara shouted back angrily almost being caught off guard in her moment of distraction as Stingers arms outstretched towards her. Cara's eyes shot open for a moment before she flipped herself backwards escaping the majority of the shock but catching a nasty case of static as she jumped, almost sticking her landing Cara pushed her arms out forwards and landed low, sending one of the metal hand rails that had now become dislodged up and towards her opponents.

"Perhaps enough toying?" She smiled, as the pole was deflected. "Shall we get down to it, devochki?" she smiled devilishly at the two mutants. Cara seemed slightly perturbed by Frenzy's sudden withdrawal. "Aww, looks like it's just me and you after all." She jumped from where she stood flipping herself in the air and jumping into a shadow, re-appearing behind Stinger and giving her a swift kick in the ass. She pulled her jacket from her shoulders and threw it to the side of them away from the fight. "I do hope you've kept yourself in good shape."

Stinger was becoming increasingly annoyed with Cara’s besting her. She turned around and delivered a kick aimed at Cara’s torso. “Let’s just say I’ll never let myself go Cara. So yeah I’m in good shape!” Stinger elegantly back flipped backwards twice to gain a little distance from Cara. She began to twirl around swiftly causing a tornado of bioelectricity. When her twirling stopped the tornado quickly shot in Cara’s direction. “Of course I don’t trust the government for a millisecond. But if a girl knows how to play her cards right, and keep her wits about her she’ll do alright. And I plan to grit my teeth and survive to the very end I do!” Stinger replied in a snappy more serious tone.

[Danger Room]
After Vincent began his psionic assault on Sabertooth’s mind the other students ran. Ryan carrying Adria first, then Memory and Jonathan. Kyle flew swiftly behind. He didn’t want to leave but he trusted that Vincent had a good plan. Kyle turned to Hideki, “Look after the young headmaster will you? And I better not here about you getting your ass handed to you later!” Kyle teased Hideki.

Hideki laughed and replied, “Yeah okay. Don’t get too distracted gawking at Jonathan out there and forget to fight!” Kyle smiled sheepishly and flew off.

Professor Fuyumi patted Vincent on the shoulder as he assaulted Sabertooth, “Do be careful Vincent. Call for me if you need and escape route.” She said. She then gave Philip a quick kiss on the forehead and dashed out of the danger room, phasing through the wall of the danger room.

Agent Zero was shocked to see the level of pain the weapon could inflict on Sabertooth. He was strong however Zero knew that this display of strength was only the tip of the iceberg. The weapon was capable of far more. He was being held back and David wondered how Xavier managed to conceal Vincent’s true strength from Vincent himself. David needed to help Sabertooth, however he knew that he couldn’t bring much harm to Vincent, Trask would have a bitch fit if that happened. He then fired a few gun shots at Vincent knowing that he would cease his mental assault on Sabertooth.

Vincent stopped the bullets after releasing Sabertooth. Sabertooth recovered quickly and lunged at Vincent. Hideki quickly blasted Sabertooth backward with a light based plasma blast. Philip hurled a few time bombs at David. They landed around David and began to set off around his feet destroying much of the ground around David. Vincent wondered why X-23 hadn’t acted yet. David hopped out of danger and tossed a thermite bomb at the group. Vincent was able to conceal some of the blast damage but the group had still gotten knocked back by the force. David was highly trained and knew his opponents well. He knew just how far to go.

Logan had finally recovered from being shot in the head. He slowly sat up and looked around noticing the scene unfolding. He then tackled David and pinned him to the ground Claws extended and pointed at David’s chest.

[Outside the mansion]

The fight was going strong outside. Pietro sped around knocking out soldiers in a flash. Fuyumi had joined the group she phased some soldiers partway through the ground and left them there, She weren’t hurt but they were stuck. Kyle was glad to see daylight. The sentinels appeared and began to target mutants. Pietro quickly zipped over toward Magneto. “Yo pops we’ve got a serious problem…”

Magneto turned toward the sentinels and he was not worried in the slightest. Four sentinels wasn’t difficult for him to handle. However Trask being well aware of Magneto’s advantage over the Sentinels ordered many soldiers to close in on him causing him to be preoccupied with them. He would not be able to help the group so easily. Charles greeted Jonathan and Memory. “You all have done well.” He said as they reached him, not without battle wounds. “You two have fought bravely thank you for all that you’ve done.” The professor said to the two siblings.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Sabertooth (Victor Creed) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver)
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As Logan pinned David down David smiled almost joyously. “oh…. Logan! I didn’t know you were that glad to see me again! I take it you weren’t too fond of my greetings gift. But you didn’t forget that I owed you that shot right?” David joked. He and Logan used to have a very particular relationship. The two would often joke and make bets with one another when they both worked together. One could say they were friends whereas Victor and Logan were rivals.

“You know bub, that was a REALLY cheap shot!” Logan said his adamantium claws ready to strike.

“Logan… How dare you? I never take cheap shots.” David replied, a sarcastic smile painted across his face.

“Whatever, You didn’t owe me shit before, but after that little stunt you do now. And I intend to collect on it right now…:” Logan definitely didn’t want to kill David, there was still hope left for him in Logan’s perspective. He planned on wounding North since he knew that David could heal almost as good as him and Sabertooth. If Professor X had to rate the speed of self-healing abilities, Wolverine would be ranked the first and fastest, Sabertooth second, and David North Third. Logan could take far more than David due to the Adamantium grafted onto his skeleton. David and Sabertooth couldn’t heal fast enough to survive the process of receiving an adamantium skeletal grafting.

Just then X-23, with her steel toed boot, kicked Logan hard in the ribs launching him backwards. He hit the danger room wall and fell to the ground next to Vincent, Hideki and Philip, who had been previously knocked back by David’s thermite bomb.

David was a little surprised as X-23 then helped him up. She was seemingly the quiet angry type in his eyes. As she protected him his look of confusion converted over to a look of enlightenment. He didn’t know that X-23 would react this way on his behalf. He then said to X-23, “Were you waiting for me to get here before you made a move? Sabertooth had been struggling quite a bit you know. Well whatever, Victor is always too pigheaded to receive help and be grateful about it.”

Sabertooth standing after receiving an explosive fireworks like blast from Hideki replied, “Fuck you North. Kid’s little sparklers hurt a hell of a lot more than I thought they would.”

Vincent breathing heavily said to Logan as he looked up at X-23, “So she finally moves… Just great.”

Logan began to stand. “Yeah… just my luck. Ah…. Little demons has a kick like mine… “ Logan began to realize that this girl was most likely like him. “Avoid her she’s dangerous on another level. I hope I can trust you all to handle Sabertooth and David?”

Vincent, Philip, and Hideki stood as well. Vincent eyed their opponents and replied, “Yes. We’ll make do. Be careful Logan.”

“Can’t promise that.” Logan said as he rushed at X-23. He punched her across the face knowing that she could most likely handle a jaw breaking punch from him like Sabertooth could.

Vincent spoke to Hideki and Philip, “Hideki, Philip, you two take David. Leave Sabertooth to me. If it gets too tough escape.”

[Outside the Mansion]

Cara was hit by stinger’s electric tornado attack. It seemed to have greatly hurt Cara as she screamed loudly. Stinger didn’t like having to go this far in fighting Cara but it couldn’t be helped they were now enemies.
When Cara looked up Stinger had turned serious, this fight could definitely turn out badly. “And what do you think they will do once all mutants are dead or in slavery?” Cara asked through gritted teeth. “You will be redundant; they will add you to the slaves or just kill you.” She slowly pulled herself to her feet. “Or worse, they will turn you into a puppet.” Her shadow on the floor began to change, branching out towards Stinger, slowly creeping along the floor until their shadows met.

Cara took control of Stinger’s shadow causing her adversary to raise her arms dramatically before bowing down, making jerking movements much like a string puppet. “Get used to that feeling Stinger. That is all you are aiming for now.” Cara pulled Stinger into walking towards her; despite her weakened state Cara was still able to win the fight for control of movement.

As Stinger stood almost a foot from her Cara relinquished her control. “Could you do it Wendy? Could you watch our race die? Could you watch me die?” she was looking directly into Stinger’s eyes, almost staring into her very soul.

Stinger struggled to get free in vain. She felt helpless as Cara’s words sank deeply into her conscience. She knew in truth she couldn’t watch Cara die. She couldn’t feel content with mutants suffering at the hands of fearful humans. She hoped at least that she could run away somewhere where she could live quietly and at peace leaving all of it behind. But that was a delusion. “NO I COULDN’T AND I CAN’T OKAY!! I’m just so sick of it all!! All the fighting, the deaths, the fear!! It’s just too much and no matter who I follow, the end of the tunnel just never appears before my eyes!!” Stinger actually began to sob. She had completely given up fighting Cara.

The Sentinels moved in on them programed to ignore the weapon-x mutants. Ace attacked the arm of one sentinel with her shadow scythe. However the armor of the sentinel was much stronger than any of them had anticipated. Ace then thought so that Professor X could hear, ‘shall I help Cara or will you, I need an answer soon it doesn’t look like she will be standing long with Stinger as her opponent?’

The Professor replied, ”Don’t worry Ace. I will have a word with Stinger and tell Cara to stand down. Stinger seems to be in a better place to listen now. Please take care of the sentinels. Magneto seems a bit preoccupied at the moment handling those soldiers without seriously hurting them.” The professor smiled at Ace. The professor telepathically contacted Stinger and Cara. “Cara, this is the Charles Xavier. Please release Stinger, she won’t attack I’m sure of it. You need to take it easy now. Your body is being pushed to its limits, your teammates and I fear you won’t last long if you continue this way. I shall talk to Stinger. I think I can get through to her now that you’ve reached her heart. Rest now.” Charles spoke gently to Cara.

Charles then telepathically spoke to Stinger, “Wendy, This is Charles Xavier. Please listen to me carefully. You heard what Cara has spoken to you and she speaks through much wisdom. You cannot trust weapon-x not to betray you. They mean no mutant good and will eventually aim to hunt us all down. There will be no running. Join us, support a cause you know to be right. Even if it’s not to fight for it, just believing in that cause once again can and will save yours and many other lives. I’ve seen it happen before. What do you say Wendy?” Charles asked. He sounded like a nurturing father.
[OOC: I’m assuming Cara released Stinger.]
Stinger felt much better, she replied, “I’ll trust you and believe in what I did before all of this mess. Geez you sure know how to make a girl ruin her mascara…”

Fuyumi looked at the sentinels and let out a heavy sigh. “If I have to see more of these again today, whether fake or real, I’m going to have a heart attack.” She then dashed toward the sentinel. Once she reached the foot of one of the large machines she tried to phase it into the ground. The sentinel’s left foot began to sink into the concrete. Fuyumi phased back through the ground to the surface. The sentinel struggled to pull it’s foot out of the ground. Fuyumi hoped that it would tear its foot off trying to pull it from the ground but it was too strong, it only ripped up the concrete and it was then free.

Kyle flew by and toward a sentinel. He dodged the lazer beams that shot at him by flying in swift loops. He managed to get close enough to one of the sentinels heads and he gave it a sucker punch knocking it off center. The sentinel next to the now staggering sentinel blasted Kyle back with a laser blast burning a large hole in Kyle’s shirt and sending him falling towards the ground.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Sabertooth (Victor Creed) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver)
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Ryan had almost slowed to a complete stop. He was really only walking now. He was listening for the sounds of enemies in the mansion, but there were strangely none at all. He was concerned. This is insane! Ryan thought. It's like Vincent and the mansion itself are the only things they targeted! They said they were after Vincent which would explain their presence in the danger room. Is there some other motive? Why are they targeting us? It was at that moment that four, very large tremors shook the house. They seemed to come from outside the house. What on Earth? Ryan wondered. What could possibly make that?

For some odd reason, Ryan's thoughts flew to Memory. He hadn't known her for very long. They'd really only sort of "met", recently. She was nice. She'd smiled when she met him, when he'd fumbled over his introduction. They both were. Nice that is. She and her brother Johnathan, they were kind and understanding when they met him. Seen him. They were good people. Come to think of it, he never seemed to see her without him. They must be very close, just like a family should be. Ryan sighed. "Family," he said longingly. Must be really nice, to have someone to trust your entire being to. To know will always have your back, no matter what. What was she doing now? He wondered. Last he'd seen, she was still back there with Vincent and the predator. Come to think of it, she showed up wearing... What on Earth was with that outfit? She looked... No Ryan, she's way out of your league. Plus, she's five years older than you. Besides, she must have worn those clothes for a reason. She wouldn't just jump into battle looking like... she did... unless it had a purpose. There's no time for thoughts like that. Drop it. For your own good. Still, he couldn't help but worry. Was she ok? Did she run away? Did she get caught? Was she in trouble? What if?... What if?... NO! There's no time for thoughts like that. I told you. She'll be fine, she's with Johnathan. Her brother loves her. He'll have her back. He'll protect her. That's what brothers are for. Not you. Ryan sighed again, there was no room for him there.

Just then, Ryan heard the noise of footsteps. It was odd though. There were a few short ones, in rapid succession, followed by silence, then more. They repeated just like that. They had far too long a period of silence to be any regular kind of footsteps. Ryan's whole body tensed. He picked up his pace, running again, and fast. It frightened him. What could be in the house with him? What kind of thing walked like that? How could it be getting so close with so few footsteps.

"Finally found you, everyone else is on their way." Thantos gasped. Even though it was quiet, Ryan almost shouted when he swore. "Jesus! Thantos! You scared the shit out of me!" "We left just in time four sentinels just showed up." "Shit! Sentinels? In the Danger Room? The sound of them landing came from outside? How many are there? No time, talk while we jog, I'll slow down now, I'm sorry I moved so fast, I had to get Adria out of there." "We need to hurry and get back. Their gonna need us." "First thing's first, we need to get Adria to the infirmary. Secondly, if there really are sentinels outside, they're gonna need us there. We report to Doctor Xavier, as planned. This way!" Ryan jogged with Thantos down to the infirmary. Ryan felt they could afford to take it a little slower since there were two conscious people escorting Adria as opposed to one. He felt bad he had to go so fast in the first place. Thantos looked dead tired, but he kept up like a real trooper. However, escorting Adria was important. It had to be done. They laid Adria in one of the beds the second they got to the infirmary. They called for some help and turned to leave immediately. The nurse tried to get them to stay and recover from their injuries. "No time ma'am," Ryan shouted, already leading Thantos out the door and back to the front door. "We're just a little tired, they need us out front!"

They headed down the hallway and to the front door. Ryan stopped before they reached it. "If there are Sentinels out there, we need to be prepared. A games and all that. You ready? If so, lead on. We're in for the fight of our lives. Only one way to know for sure if we're ready." Ryan held out his fist, waiting for Thantos to bump fists with him. They hadn't been friends for long, but they were close. Ryan knew Thantos would cover his back, just as he would cover Thantos's.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Sabertooth (Victor Creed) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver)
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"Ryan... are you wearing the metal shoes?"

Ryan nodded in reply, "Yeah. We were gonna practice that thing."

"You wanna practice it now? I could throw you at one of the sentinels."

"Are you sure?.. We've never tried before."

"Yeah I'll be able to throw you and your gonna hit that thing hard!" He reached out and bumped Ryan's fist.

"Alright if your sure let's do it!"

Ryan threw open the doors and lined himself up with one of the sentinels. Thantos was looking for a strong anchor. This push wasn't gonna be easy. Finding one he nodded to Ryan who jumped up into the air. Burning steel Thantos pushed against the piping in the house and against the metal base of Ryan's boots throwing Ryan through the air (launched at an accelerating 15 feet per second approx speed at contact 40 mph). After about five seconds Ryan makes contact with the sentinel. Dousing the burning steel Thantos steadies himself against the fatigue. That worked about as well as I could have hoped.

Having caught his breath Thantos grabs another vial off of his belt pulling the cork off and downing the contents. Seeing Magneto surrounded by a group of soldiers. He starts burning pewter and runs to help him. Reaching the circle he lowers his shoulder and charges the group dropping three of the soldiers in the group. "Professor! Use these!" He throws a handful of coins towards his professor. Continuing forward he feels something hit his shoulder. The pewter strengthening his body he continues forward grabbing the soldier and headbutting him to unconscious.

(ooc I got permission to do the dialogue between Thantos and Ryan as well as throw him at the sentinel.)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Sabertooth (Victor Creed) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver)
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“It won’t appear if you fight for the wrong side Stinger. We will win this war! The humans will lose!” Cara was careful to keep her voice down. It seemed that although she had joined Xavier’s little band of mutants she still did not completely share his vision of peace between humans and mutants. Stinger was a little surprised. “Come on; let’s move before those sentinels see us.” She said gesturing Stinger towards the mansion. Her breathing was getting heavier and her hand was now covering over her now profusely bleeding wound.

Stinger followed Cara, it was good to feel like she had her old friend back, somewhat. She was concerned to see that Cara had sustained some serious wounds. Stinger knew that Cara was always one to push herself too far, when Stinger would have long fled a fight that was getting too tough for her liking, Cara would fight until Magneto would drag her away. After a few feet Cara collapsed onto her side. Stinger knelt down beside Cara, “Dammit Cara, you push yourself way too hard!” She was about to help Cara up when she realized that the Sentinel was approaching. She quickly stood to her feet and blasted the robot with an electric charge, however her powers were ineffective against this particular model of sentinel as they were heavily insolated and immune to electric attacks. “Oh… shit this is a problem…” Stinger said as watched the Sentinel loom over her. It was programmed not to target members of weapon X so it ignored her and attempted to target Cara.

Cara made her move taking hold of its shadow she used all of her remaining strength to corrupt the machine into turning its own gun into pointing at its ‘hips’ just before it fired. The resounding thud as the third sentinel crashed to the earth. Stinger had breathe a sigh of relief. “Saving my ass must be a pastime of yours Cara.” Stinger said with a smile. She then noticed Cara had passed out. She knelt down beside Cara again and began to try to awaken her. “I need to get her to a doctor.” Stinger said as she began to pick Cara up. “I suppose I should find the infirmary in here…”

As Kyle fell from the sky after being blasted by the sentinels Scott rushed over to catch him. Scott made it just in time to intercept Kyle from hitting the ground. Kyle looked a bit stunned but he was alright. As Scott held Kyle in his arms he asked, “You took a pretty nasty blast, are you alright Kyle?”

Kyle looked at Scott with a squiggly little grin an wrapped his arms around Scott’s neck to give him a big flirtatious hug. Kyle could never pass a rare opportunity to be flirty and this close to the handsome and oh so serious Scott Summers.

Scott blushed nervously and sighed. “What am I going to do with you?”

Kyle giggled mischievously, “For starters you could help me find someplace private…”

Scott quickly interrupted, “Too far Kyle. Never mind, help me subdue those soldiers surrounding Magneto.” He let Kyle down and Kyle began to hover slightly above the ground once more.

More sentinels dropped down from the sky, the X-men would have serious trouble taking out this amount of them. Magneto knew that he’d be able to handle them with great ease but he had to get rid of this continual flow of soldiers. As Pietro knocked them out they wouldn’t stay down. Scott noticed the large group of sentinels that landed at knew that they had to help Magneto available to handle them. Scott blasted a soldier back with his optic blast and he realized that the man sparked. The soldiers that attacked Magneto and Pietro were robots made out of a non-metal alloy. This was another clever trick of Trasks to subdue Magneto while he sent the sentinels to deal with the others.

“Those are Robots! Magneto, Kyle, Pietro, Fuyumi, don’t hold back they aren’t human!” Scott warned them.

“Leave the sentinels to me. Cyclops please handle the toy soldiers.” Magneto spoke in a tone that indicated how tired he was of Trasks games. He levitated over to the mass of sentinels and as they attacked he erected his electromagnetic shield to nullify the sentinel’s blasts. “Fools will create weapons of even more foolish quality.” Magneto said as he waved his hands back and forth, the air seemed to ripple as he used his powers. The Sentinels began to slam into one another. He then mad a chopping motion causing the heads of several of the sentinels to decapitate and fall to the ground. He simply crumpled the others up. And hurled them at Trasks’ temp base.

Trask ordered everyone to pull back and retreat. He then spoke to David and Victor on his head piece. “David, Victor, We’re leaving. Collect the Weapon and X-23 and let’s get out of here. I’ve sent someone to retrieve Alexander. Frenzy can’t be found and Stinger seems to be with the enemy. Do NOT leave without the Weapon! That’s an order!!”

Charles found Frenzy waking up from her earlier encounter with Sam. She spoke to her calmly. “Hello Joanna. I am Charles Xavier. I sensed that you desired to speak with me. You comrades are currently leaving. Do you still wish to meet with me? I will let you go if you must.”

Frenzy sat up and responded, “I’d rather talk with you actually. Oh… your student, the one with the wind based abilities, he’s one tough contender I’ll give him that. You run one mean operation Xavier. I’m interested in hearing about this place from your perspective. When I listen to Trask go on about the X-men I feel like I’m sitting in on one massive propaganda session. I like to be fair.”

“Very well Joanna. I like that very much.” Charles then sat with her and began to explain his mission and mindset. He explained why Magneto changed and his vision for the future. Frenzy now seeing Charles’ vision, joined the X-men.

[inside the Danger room]

X-23 stumbled back some from the hit Logan gave her and shock it off. Her helmet had a very nice crack in it. She pulled it off and let helmet fall to the ground. Long black hair fell free. She had some build that was the same as Logan and Lady Death Strike. The two fought swapping blows equally. Logan was confirmed in his suspicions that X-23 was a copy of him. Perhaps Weapon-X still had his DNA copied to create a clone. That program sickened him. To Logan it was the most inhumane thing yet they persecuted mutants for being inhumane.

Vincent Took metal form and attacked Sabertooth. He delivered a swift punch to sabertooth that Sabertooth dodged by flipping over Vincent. Sabertooth kicked Vincent in the torso and sent him into a wall. He then pounced Vincent and pinned him to the wall. Vincent was well able to lift the pressure Sabertooth placed on him while in metal form. He punched Sabertooth in the jaw knocking him down. Vincent backed away, keeping an eye on Sabertooth.

“Why don’t you stop hiding behind that tin can metal skin and show me your REAL strength? Common, I know it stunts your Psionic power greatly. Show me what your Telekinesis can do, the telekinesis that even out does Charles Xavier. Well what do you say Vince…?” Sabertooth taunted he really wanted Vincent to focus his attention on him so that David could sedate him. Vincent then swapped forms and Sabertooth leaped with great swiftness at him. A few inches from Vincent’s face Sabertooth had stopped in midair by Vincent’s telekinesis. Sabertooth hovered in the air suspended by Vincent’s telekinesis. Vincent then slammed him into the danger room wall crushing him under the telekinetic force.

“You wanted a taste now you have it.” Vincent replied rather coldly. His exherted so much telekinetic force onto Sabertooth that he was actually smashing him into the metal walls of the danger room.

Meanwhile David nimbly dodged Philips time bombs. Hideki after timing things just right blasted David with his ‘fireworks’ but because of David’s suite, which refracts light energy, the blast of explosive colorful sparklers bounced off in multiple directions. Causing Philip and Hideki to dodge about.

David stopped and smiled at Hideki. Hideki took notice and it reminded him of the look Aidan O’doherty gave him the day before, one that shows someone has claimed something as their own. Hideki didn’t much care for that look. David then spoke smoothly “You know, you really remind me of myself, handsome with a power befitting your natural flare. Too bad my suite refracts light Matsuzaka, that would have been a pretty good shot, much like this one.” David then quickly pulled out a small energy plasma gun and shot Philip in the chest.

Philip fell backward and Hideki was startled. “Boomer!!” Hideki called out. Philip sat up and his skin seemed to glow. He stood and held his hands out and a undirected blast of pink energy shot out from Philips hands. David was knocked backwards a bit. He hit the ground shocked to see and feel that Boom-Boom had a power that their intelligence hadn’t warned them about, energy absorption and redirection. Philip didn’t often use this ability due to lack of control but this time it came in handy and he got lucky enough not to hit his teammate.

David noticed that this was his opportunity to sedate Vincent. He with the flick of the wrist pulled a sedative gun as he lay on the ground and shot a well-placed tranquilizer at Vincent’s neck. Vincent fell to his knees releasing Sabertooth from his telekinesis and the passed out. Philip and Hideki tried to run toward Vincent but as soon as their backs were turned David launched chords around both student’s necks and constricted them from behind. Hideki and Philip pulled at their leash like constraints struggling to get free while Sabertooth grabbed Vincent and darted out of the danger room doors. Leaving the mansion all together. Logan was so deadlocked with X-23 that he couldn’t pursue his predatory rival. David cut the constraints on Philip and Hideki and dashed out of the danger room. He shouted to X-23, “X-23 let’s move out! We got the weapon. Logan hope to see you soon old friend.” Sabertooth and David were nowhere to be found and Vincent had been officially kidnapped.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Sabertooth (Victor Creed) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Logan (Wolverine) Character Portrait: Jonathan Moore Character Portrait: David North (Agent Zero)
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#, as written by KameJLa
Black Jack

During the battle, a figure stood on a branch, hidden within the leaves of the trees, just watching. With freshly polished black dress shoes, perfect, unwrinkled Armani black dress pants, a white button down silk shirt, with an equally unwrinkled black Armani suit jacket, with a beige trench coat, left unbuttoned, Travis made no move to help in anyway, even to those whom were suffering. A student, so he assumed, ran onto the property during the middle of the fight, taking Frenzy away from Cara. His eyes passed over Trask and his team, while keeping an eye out for just one.

He had worked with Trask in the past. Being a high bidder for his skills, he couldn't say no. He, himself, had done some things that others would consider, morally wrong, or disturbing. To him, it mattered but little. He did what needed to be done, and in his eyes, he didn't do anything wrong. Perhaps pushed the limits a little over the line. Others have said to him he was a savior, being able to erase any unwanted memories, such as deaths, bad break-ups, vicious attacks to name a few. Trask was not one that Travis would want to work with on a regular basis, regardless of the money he threw at him. He preferred to be able to choose his clients based on what they needed, and if they left the message correctly. Travis was a bit of a perfectionist, his clothes a good example. No wrinkles, perfect size, fit, and even the creases down the front were perfectly straight.

His eyes scanned over Xavier and Magneto. Travis had passed by Charles many times, and had even gone to a few of his speeches at the white house, explaining the Mutant Phenomenon. Travis respected Xavier. He approached situations with calmness, and logic. He did what he could for mutants, even making a school for them to go, be themselves, and control their powers. He had the best intentions not only for mutants, but for the future of the world as well. But no matter how good the intentions are, they are always met with setbacks, and those that won't/will never agree. Travis was positive that if Xavier saw him, he would recognize him.

Early on in his life, Travis agreed with a lot of what Magneto said, and did. Humans and Mutants would never learn to accept one another. Sure, there would be the odd few that would accept the other, but it wouldn't be enough. War would still break out. Many would lose loved ones on both sides, and today was a prime example. Trask, going all out just for one, would demolish the school, kill who needed to be killed, just to get what he wanted, not caring who he stepped over to get it, be it friends, foe, or his own flesh and blood. To prove his own point, Trask had brought his top guns. X-23, Agent Zero, Sabertooth, Frenzy, Stinger.

The battle was growing bigger, enveloping most of the Xavier Campus. It even got so close to Travis, that he took this time to teleport, vanishing from his spot in the tree, to inside the mansion. Specifically an office. The one he was watching for had not come outside, so they had to be still inside. The windows had been blown out. Glass, dirt, rocks and parts of the wall covered the floor. Glass cracked under his shoes as he scanned the room, never taking his hands from his pockets. He had studied a map of the Institute before making his way over to the school, and by the looks from outside, and the office, he was on the east side, an office most likely owned by one of the teachers. The room was useless to him, and so he vanished once again, this time appearing in front of an elevator shaft. The door opened, and Travis calmly walked in. The Doors shut, and it began it's decent downwards to the lower levels.

The elevator stopped, and just as the doors began to open, Travis teleported out, reappearing in the Control room. Below, in the danger room, he could see Vincent, Wolverine, X-23, Agent Zero, and a few of the students fighting with each other. At least the weapon is still here.. Again, the one he was looking for was not present in the Danger room, so he left, vanishing as quickly as he arrived.


She was taken to safety from Vincent, and rode the back of Ryan to the infirmary. While she was out, the battle continued. Vila had continued to hold her position in the Danger Room, while Aaiyah and Alexander dominated the surface. Agent Zero ended up taking Jonathan and Memory hostage, making them take him to the Danger Room. Cara and Stinger went neck and neck, while Logan couldn't give up a change to give it to Sabertooth. Xavier seemed to help those on both sides of the fence, while Sentinals made their entrance, tying Magneto up with their presence.

Adria didn't like what she was feeling while she was sedated. Like being in a vivid dream, she could feel something tugging at her core, her subconscious desperately trying to latch onto it. Even though she ran, she didn't move. There was darkness everywhere around her, and the only light was herself, and the white orb that she could not catch, no matter how hard she tried.

The water that engulfed her body put tremendous weight on her body from being compacted into a specific shape. Like her own power had turned against her, her eyebrows furrowed together, her lungs being rid of what air it had, and was replaced with little mouthfuls of water from her sudden gasps. The temperature had dropped, and for the first time in a long time, she could feel the coldness.

It was an odd feeling to feel life slipping from your very body, an experience Adria hadn't felt before. She`s had her fair share of wounds and blood loss, but nothing like this. It was suffocating. With her skin turning colors, Adria ran as fast as she could to the white energy orb. Slowly, but surely, she began to get closer, and eventually, what felt like years, she reached out to it. Her finger tips barely brushed it, and the next thing Adria knew, she was coughing up water, her lungs gasping for breath.

"Mission is complete."

Adria could hear Agent Six, but she never got the chance to see her. Her head pounded and her lungs hurt. She was bruised up on her side from the fight, but luckly, she didn't have any broken bones.

Adria + Black Jack

Travis had teleported to many different rooms, on the lower levels and top levels. He had no luck looking for who he wanted to, and their was only a few places left. The Infirmary was close by, so instead of teleporting, he simply walked. As he got closer, he could hear the sound of water splashing onto the floor, and someone coughing, like they were just saved from drowning. He only knew of one that could manipulate water at this institute, and that ment he was on the right track. The Infirmary door was slightly Ajar, Travis stopping in front looking through the crack.

"Mission is complete."

Pushing the door open, Adria looked over, ice blue eyes meeting Travis's brown ones. Before she could ask who he was, or where he came from, he disappeared, and reappeared beside her, his hand covering her eyes. "Been a long time Adria," he began, closing his eyes. "Sleep.. You'll feel better after."

Adria couldn't ignore what he said, her eyelids feeling like they had bricks hanging from the lids. Within seconds, she was out again. "Let me see what you've seen.." Travis whispered, the memories of the last few months playing for him like a movie on a big screen.