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Matsuzaka Hideki (Flare)

"POP, Flash, Light, Flare!"

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a character in “X-men: Xavier and Magneto Unite”, as played by masato22



Name: Flare

Civilian name: Matsuzaka Hideki (Last name first)


Age: 22

Occupation: Student


Alliance: Good/ X-men



Hideki is of Korean descent. He has pale skin and mid-cropped jet black hair. He is fit and stands about 5’10. He dresses stylishly, the similar to Japanese pop iconic male style.



Submissive- Realistic

Hedeki is a very bright and innocent minded individual. He can be curious about others and likes to investigate things. He loves to sing and create small sparklers of harmless light as a form of bored fidgeting. He is generally quite friendly. He studies hard and plays even harder. He likes to perfect his abilities. He tends to become the voice of reason within a group and likes to remain optimistic. He doesn’t like to lose control of his abilities and is sensitive about making mistakes. He sometimes likes to be to himself to think and ponder things. He is prone to wander off on his own. He just can’t help but light his own path.


Mutant Classification: Alpha

Powers and Abilities:


Light Energy Conversion/ blasts, Flight

Flare has the ability to convert, control and generate light energy into plasmoids to be fired as firework like projectiles, explosive plasmoid light bombs, and intensive light beams or light in general. The strength of the energy varies in degrees of power and intensity, and could range from a multitude of colorful sparkles capable of temporarily blinding a person to a powerful detonation capable of destroying highly durable objects. He can throw his light energy like grenades of light and or fire off sporadic firework-like projectiles of explosive plasmoid light.

When Left undirected, Flare's light will radiate from his body in all directions, producing regular flashes of white light. By conscious control over the light he produces, he can control its direction, frequency (color), amplitude (intensity), and duration. With effort, he can create holograms of human beings and other three-dimensional beings and objects, though this technique is very physically taxing on him. He can stockpile light energy into his body to maintain charge. While charged he gains some increased durability. His eyes are polarized so that he is unable to be blinded by bright lights. He does not take damage from the heat his lights generate.


Using is ability can be taxing when in a highly dark area. If there is no light for Flare to pull energy from then he must use the light stored in his reserves, so massive amounts of light generation in a dark area can drain him seriously. If he is charged with too much light energy his body will begin to expel the energy in a nearly uncontrollable manner. This could temporarily blind others nearby and or cause seizures to onlookers. If he is cut off from sunlight, moonlight or other natural lights for an elongated period of time his body will work hard to produce the light that he lacks thus he will grow weak.

Through Manipulation of the light energy stored in his body as well as light energy he’s currently converting Flare has the ability to fly. He converts his solid body matter into a semi light matter state and can fly at light speed. This allows his body to avoid damage while flying at high speeds. However to fly so fast is physically taxing so only in an emergency does he tap into such speeds. In order for him to carry another while flying, he must convert their body matter as well as his own. He can only convert his body in this way during flight and although intangible, he still sustains pain if he phases through solid and or energy matter.


Matsuzaka Hideki was a foreign- born Japanese citizen of Korean descent. He was raised in Japan and thus speaks Japanese fluently. He was attending school in Japan when his powers started to manifest he began to emanate blinding bright lights from his body during class. A couple of students suffered from seizures. His parents had him home schooled for a year as he practiced gaining some control over his power.


He later studied English at a British Boarding School in London. He returned to Japan to study at Tokyo University, when he was soon scouted out as a pop idol. He became popular in the J-pop world and used his flashy light powers in his live performances. Charles Xavier, using Cerebro, detected Choi and sought to recruit him into the institute. Matsuzaka was surprised to meet Charles Xavier and Magneto, and jumped at the chance to train his abilities properly. He is still working as a pop star so he sometimes has to return to Japan for recordings, performances and other engagements.


Other information: He is worried by the growing anti-mutant sentiment. He didn’t have much trouble being accepted as a mutant in Japan. His powers were adored by his fans. However, upon his arrival to the US he saw that things were much different for mutants there. Matsuzaka sometimes wonders if studying at the Xavier and Lenhsherr Institute is worth dealing with all the prejudice towards mutants.[/center][/color]

So begins...

Matsuzaka Hideki (Flare)'s Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jonathan Moore Character Portrait: Vincent Xavier (Psionic) Character Portrait: Memory Ashcroft Character Portrait: Matsuzaka Hideki (Flare) Character Portrait: Abe Fuyumi (Shadow) Character Portrait: Eryn Corinth
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Abe Fuyumi

Fuyumi ended her first literature class for the day. As she checked the attendance list for the day she realized that there was a student missing in class, Nathan Quinn. She shook her head and made note of the absence. She had a little bit of time before the next group of students would be coming in for literature class so she decided to walk around a bit. She stepped outside the classroom and wandered down the halls quietly. Several students ran past her and she whimsically smiled at them as she glanced their way. Most of the students liked Fuyumi because she was not very strict and made literature seem very interesting to someone who was generally uninterested.

As Fuyumi walked past the gymnasium, she heard the sound of a basketball bouncing. She curiously phased partially through the wall to peek her head in. She saw several of one person in the gym playing basketball. It was none other than Nathan. Fuyumi’s eyes narrowed in on the student and she called his name to get his attention.

“Oi Nathan, you missed my class to play basketball, with yourself
” Fuyumi said plainly and she phased fully through the wall and approached Nathan and his duplicates. “I know a ‘history of notable British authors test’ is generally uninteresting but really
 It’s still to be graded.” Fuyumi folded her arms and sighed. “Well, if you have time I can let you take the test during my next class period.”

Vincent Lehnsherr Xavier

Eryn didn’t sit down but stood. Vincent grinned as he observed her steadfast defiance to most everything. "Meh, gravity is being obnoxious as alway. I can't get my powers to do Jack s-" Eryn paused, " - Anything. I can't get it to do jack anything." Eryn said. She seemed a bit embarrassed. Before Vincent could respond Memory and Jonathan opened the door to his office and were shocked to see a meeting in progress. Vincent was amused by their shock and awkwardness. He smiled even more now.

"Crap... Sorry Vince. We'll uh.... Eryn wasn't it...? We'll just wait outside." One of the siblings said and they quickly closed the door behind them as they exited.

He raised his ring and index fingers to his head and spoke to the two using his telepathy. “It’s quite alright you two. We’re just about done here.” He said telepathically.

Vincent then looked back at Eryn who said, "Well I'd wager that means my sessions up, and that it such a tragedy. However, I wouldn't want to keep those two waiting. They must really value their therapy time, the look on their faces made it seem like they were of the opinion that they'd just walked in on a secret ritual. " She beginning her retreat from the office. Pausing she added thoughtfully, " Why was that guy all bundled up anyways? Is he expecting it to start snowing or is it a power thing. Or I suppose it could be both. With the way the world works these days, snow inside would be perfectly plausible."

“He’s taking measures to prevent himself from hurting another by touching them with his bare skin. He won’t have to live that way forever. However, he must work to gain control of his abilities to do so.” Vincent explained in his British accent. “Also he’s much like you in the fact that he, like yourself, need to work at making progress. That means you should try working with me not against me. I want to help you not hurt or embarrass you Eryn. We can help you learn to control your powers but you need to trust us as your instructors and as a team. And speaking of teams, Professor X and Magneto want to resume Danger room training tomorrow. What do you say about honing your skills with a little action and excitement to jumpstart your creativity? Our aim is that everyone tries it out at least once.”

Charles Xavier

Charles could hear knocking on the door. It was indeed time for his appointment. He knew that it was urgent by listening to the frequency of the knocking. “Please come in.” Charles said calmly.

Matsuzaka Hideaki

Hideaki had just finished his meeting with Magneto. He was deep in thought. As he closed the door behind him he bid Magneto good day. He was praised by Magneto for his abilities and control over them. Magneto told Hideaki that he was indeed a powerful mutant that had a brilliant ability. However Magneto also scolded Hideaki for being, as he called it, spoiled. Hideaki grew up in Japan where he was never really persecuted for his abilities. In the UK he was not known to be a mutant so he could escape most anti-mutant sentiment there. Hideaki was sheltered but in the US things have been much different for him. Seeing the anti-mutant campaigns of the television and hearing the negative sentiment about mutants in the media made his consider leaving for home. However Magneto challenged Hideaki to truly embrace who he was and to remain proud even through the persecution. Hideaki liked that and decided to stick around as well as light up the danger room with his abilities the next day.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Jonathan Moore Character Portrait: Philip Klein (Boom-Boom) Character Portrait: Kyle Jean- Claude (Marvel) Character Portrait: Vincent Xavier (Psionic) Character Portrait: Memory Ashcroft
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Erik Lehnsherr and Philip Klein

"Um.." Adria spoke softly, moving the rest of her body around the corner, hands clasped behind her back. "I'm here for an appointment.." Ice blue eyes looked between the two, then back down to the ground.

Erik and Philip turned around to see Adria walk shyly towards them. “ah! There you are my dear. Please come this way there’s no need to be shy.” Erik invited Adria in a friendly manner. Erik could seem intimidating to anyone that was aware of his ominous past but to meet him in person under non-combative circumstances would surprise a person as to how gentle and nurturing he actually is.

“I’m not sure if you’ve had the opportunity to meet Mr. Philip Klein. He’s also a student here and soon to be son of mine.” Erik said with a great smile. He was like an embarrassing parent telling the world about Vincent and Philip’s relationship. He didn’t care that Vincent was interested in another male. He was actually in the corner of anyone who was considered the social underdog, which being gay fell under that category in Erik’s eyes. They faced a similar plight that mutants did. Erik was also glad that the man Vincent was attracted to was powerful, a mutant, and a good person that greatly cared for his son.

Philip blushed a little as he rubbed the back of his head nervously. “Ah
 you don’t have to tell everyone!” Philip chuckled. He turned to Adria and shook her hand with a bright smile. “’I’m Philip Klein, it’s a pleasure to meet you Adria. I haven’t seen you around much. I’m curious to know what your abilities are. I suppose we’ll get to see each other in action in the danger room Tomorrow?” Philip greeted Adria in his thick German accent.

Vincent Xavier

"Am I safe with this? How can I be even nearly safe with this?! There's a voice inside my head saying it wants to kill everyone!" Jonathan replied to Vincent in a disturbed manner.

Running his long fingers through his hair and pacing slowly, Memory's watching form eyeing him from where she had been standing before. Suddenly, he stopped and turned to Vincent.

"What do we need to do?" Jpnathan asked.

Vincent sighed as he recomposed himself in his seat. His body still tingled from touching Jonathan as he sat in his seat. He exhaled heavily as he began to speak. “Well
 I think this will not be as bad as the phoenix, so that’s a piece of good news.” Vincent looked at the two siblings calmly.

“Secondly, I think your X-gene and subsequently your body is locked into a defensive mode. This may be in reaction to your own fears and anxieties. Your X-gene could possibly be trying to prevent you from getting hurt but heading into overdrive in order to further protect you. It hasn’t reached overdrive mode yet
 thankfully. But whatever it is that you are not confronting in your heart that’s been haunting you, if left un-reconciled, will cause your X-gene to fly onto the offensive. Meaning you could possibly send a whole area into a dream, illusion and or nightmare state. Imagine the influence of your power spreading beyond your body.” Vincent’s eyes focused in on Jonathan.

Vincent knew that some X-genes were more closely linked to a mutant’s emotional state of being, others like his own were closely linked to his psychological state. “Take me for example, I must keep my mind in a neutral zone. If I slip into a serious narcissism I could lose control and become something quite malevolent. This requires me to check my mood and disposition on a constant basis. It’s not always easy but it can be done with effort. I had the privilege to meet the hero known as Spiderman once. He shared with me a quote that his uncle once to told him. ‘with great power comes great responsibility.’ I always remembered that and it helped me to focus in being responsible for my psychological state, which then helped me gain control over my mutant power.” Vincent added.

Vincent turned to face Memory. “You might actually be key in helping your brother fix his problem Memory. If it is a particular memory that is haunting Jonathan, then you and I will most likely have to help him confront the aggressor. Ultimately Jonathan will have to set things right within himself but he will need some assistance. We won’t know what we’ll encounter there but know that things will get better. Let’s give this some time and come back to formulate a proper plan when you both are ready. How does that sound?” Vincent smiled. Jonathan might actually be on the road to being able to touch others again.

Vincent telepathically said to Jonathan, “Remember Jonathan, if there is something you’d like to tlk about alone. I’m here to help you. Just say the word alright.”

Matsuzaka Hideki

Hideki after his meeting with magneto earlier in the day thought it best to chill out with some shopping therapy. He had plenty of money, being a popular JPOP star, and he loved to shop as a form of clearing his mind. He was a true mallrat if those still existed outside of the 90’s. He thought to invite his friend Kyle Jean-Claude also known as Marvel to accompany him. They both raked up at the mall and eventually felt good enough to return to the mansion.

On their way back the two decided to do a little joy riding in Kyle’s convertible. When they got to the long drive near the X-mansion Hideki stood up and fired off firework like plasma into the air. It burst into brilliant colors strong enough to remain distinct even in the day time. The two laughed and giggled as they continued.

“Kyle speed it up!! I KNOW you can go faster than this!!” Hideki yelled.

“Alright Flare, scream if you wanna go faster baby!!” Kyle replied as he laughed.

“WOOOOHOOO!!!” Hideki screamed. The car sped up and hideki lit the day up with his powers. They were however, going too fast and almost collided with the mansion gate.

“Oh shit! Flare get down and buckle up fast! I gotta hit the brakes!!” Kyle yelled. Hideki quickly plopped down into his seat and click his safety belt. Kyle slammed the brakes moments before they could slam into the mansion gates. They came to a stop, however the plasma flare Hideki was holding accidentally flew out of Hideki’s hand and exploded on impact with the gate. To make matters worse Aliyah the school technician and Cara, the Music teacher, were right there to witness/ survive it all.

 sorry ladies...” Hideki said sheepishly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyle Jean- Claude (Marvel) Character Portrait: Cara Black (Shadowdancer) Character Portrait: Matsuzaka Hideki (Flare) Character Portrait: Aaiyah Ippolita (A.I)  *WIP*
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Aaiyah Ippolita

Aaiyah eyes shifted behind the goggles hearing the brakes screaming. Her hand move up with the engine being something to do with technology she could turn it off making sure there was no harm done. She did not look overly happy with them and that fact showed even behind the goggles. With as much as she stayed away from others no one really new her. She pulled the video up of there little game and showed them not only speeding but using there gifts. She was hard to read one had to wounder her not saying anything to her saying something was worse.

Slowly found the words she wanted and that Russian tone sound like she was going to skin the two of them. "You could have been seen.....what would you have done if that where to happen? By doing things like this you attract unwanted attention. Not only that you could have hurt someone badly or" She paused. "Or worse killed someone......" She put her hands on the hood of the car only to have smoke start to come from under the hood she fried the car. "NOW, put it back" She hissed picking her tools up. With that she walked of mumbling in Russian. She did not care how they got the car back to where it need to be.

She was thankful that she did not do a big shift, that was never fun and it hurt. To top it off the after math she hated more the bigger the shift the worse it was. She told no one about this and keep it very well hidden. once back in side she moved to the security room checking the links. Even with as pissed as she was she removed the video of them and there little failler to think moment. She may have been hard but she still knew what it was like to pull things like that. She sat down running the computer model version of her next big plan watching it and taking notes.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyle Jean- Claude (Marvel) Character Portrait: Cara Black (Shadowdancer) Character Portrait: Matsuzaka Hideki (Flare) Character Portrait: Aaiyah Ippolita (A.I)  *WIP*
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"no i need to get my work done."

Cara shook her head, stubborn girl. "Fine, suit yourself. But I hope you realise I'm going to stand here and talk to you until you talk back?" she answered watching the techno reconstructing the systems, it wasn't the most exciting thing to watch but it definately sounded better then teaching. Once the lights began to glow within the box Cara reached out to the girls shadow to remove her headphones before the screech of tires caught her ears.

She stepped back into the shadows as Hideki's flare collided with the gate, best not to get blown to pieces by a student. The smell of smoke quickly announcing their stop. "Now now Aaiyah, what if they were seen? Who cares? There is nothing to say they cannot see us. Besides, Xavier encourages interacting with them." She smiled taking a drag from her cigarette, turning her gaze to Hideki, "Though a certain amount of care should be taken in these things." She rolled her eyes as Aaiyah, stalked back to the mansion. "Don't worry about her. She's hardly miss perfect herself." she said noticing Hideki's unwary look. "But it would probably be a good idea to go and explain to Xavier why he needs to replace his gates."

She walked closer to the car and leant against the door panel, "How about a lift?" she asked sexily, taking a drag from her cigarette. "Then I shall escort you both to Xavier." She winked, just as the boys could have got excited.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyle Jean- Claude (Marvel) Character Portrait: Cara Black (Shadowdancer) Character Portrait: Matsuzaka Hideki (Flare) Character Portrait: Aaiyah Ippolita (A.I)  *WIP*
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Matsuzaka Hideki and Kyle Jean-Claude

Aaliyah showed the boys angrily video footage of their little joy ride and scolded them for it. "You could have been seen.....what would you have done if that where to happen? By doing things like this you attract unwanted attention. Not only that you could have hurt someone badly or" She paused.

 there was nobody around really, or so it seemed and I’m practically indestructible
 I don’t know about pretty boy Hedeki here
” Kyle began before Aaliyah continued.
"Or worse killed someone......" Aaliyah put her hands on the hood of the car only to have smoke start to come from under the hood she fried the car.

"Now now Aaiyah, what if they were seen? Who cares? There is nothing to say they cannot see us. Besides, Xavier encourages interacting with them." Cara smiled taking a drag from her cigarette, turning her gaze to Hideki, "Though a certain amount of care should be taken in these things."

"NOW, put it back" Aaliyah hissed picking her tools up. With that she walked of mumbling in Russian.

Kyle rolled his eyes as he looked at the damage done to his French convertible. “My car
 why did she have to do that?! (Begins cursing in French.)”

"Don't worry about her. She's hardly miss perfect herself." she said noticing Hideki's unwary look. "But it would probably be a good idea to go and explain to Xavier why he needs to replace his gates."

 you’ve got a good point there. Thanks for being cool about all of this Miss Cara.” Hideki replied to Cara.

She walked closer to the car and leant against the door panel, "How about a lift?" she asked sexily, taking a drag from her cigarette. "Then I shall escort you both to Xavier." She winked, just as the boys could have got excited.

The boys did get excited and just as quickly got dampened in their joy. “Alright
 “Hideki replied dryly. They had the car moved to the garage and Kyle began to ponder about fixing his damaged vehicle.

“So Miss Cara, do you plan to take part in Danger Room training tomorrow? I think it would be pretty fun. We all have powers but rarely do we get to see each other showcase them.” Hideki said in a chipper manner.

Kyle chimed in, “Yeah
 after today’s fiasco with Aaliyah screwing up my engine, I’m going to need a nice release.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyle Jean- Claude (Marvel) Character Portrait: Cara Black (Shadowdancer) Character Portrait: Matsuzaka Hideki (Flare)
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Cara Black

 you’ve got a good point there. Thanks for being cool about all of this Miss Cara.”

"Not at all. This is after a school to learn how to use your powers after all. It would be very unfair of me as a fellow mutant to discipline you for lack of control, it is if anything a reason for the Danger room to become active again." Considering her Russian heritage, Cara spoke surprisingly good English though her thick accent always sounded through her words.

She smiled sweetly as she hopped into the back seat of the car, still puffing on her cigarette. "So I believe that pushing is required. Yes?"

Cara was sitting on a work bench, puffing away on her cigarette as she watched the boys attempt to diagnose the car. "Of course I shall. After all besides the Professor and Magneto I am the only one within the mansion who has been in combat before." she exhaled her lungful of smoke. "I'm just glad that they're finally seeing that unless you are taught how to handle yourself, then when the humans come to attack us you need some way to defend yourself." She smiled slightly darkly. "Though I am of course not supposed to say such things, I personally think that unless you are all taught how to fight then you are in great danger."

She jumped down from the surface and flicked her cigarette to the floor, stubbing it as she landed. "Come along then, malÊčchiki. I think it is best we go and speak with Xavier about the gate problem." Her voice falling easily back into her native tongue. "Do not forget to offer to replace it." she added as she walked through the door leading back into the mansion.

As they approached Xavier's office Cara stood at the door a smile on her lips, knocking quietly. "Professor, there are some boys here to see you. Are you busy?" she asked through the door. "They have something to tell you." she stated through the door.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Kyle Jean- Claude (Marvel) Character Portrait: Cara Black (Shadowdancer) Character Portrait: Matsuzaka Hideki (Flare) Character Portrait: Aidan O'Doherty (The Author) Character Portrait: Claire Da Rain
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Charles sat watching Aidan greet Clair. He knew to keep a close watch on Aidan and probe his mind for what he would say next. If Aidan let the wrong thing escape his lips he could cause a monument of trouble. Charles had to be ready.

“Hello my dear. Please explain to me more specifically your desire. I will say the word and it shall be done.” Aidan said to Claire as he bent down on one knee and kissed her hand in a gentlemanly manner.

The atmosphere seemed to fill with a thickness of energy. Then the three heard a knocking on the door. "Professor, there are some boys here to see you. Are you busy?" Cara asked through the door. "They have something to tell you." she stated through the door.

Aidan slowly turned around to glare at the door in an irritated manner. He hated anything to interrupt him seeing as that he thought he was more important than most everything else. He gave Charles a composed yet subliminally annoyed smile. “Well
 aren’t we busy Charles.” Aidan sneered.

Charles nervously smiled as he looked at Aidan. “My apologies old friend.” He then turned towards the door. “Please come in.”

Hideki, Kyle and Cara entered the room. “Sorry to interrupt you professor. We have a little confession to make. Kyle and I did a little joy riding and I accidentally blew a hole in the gate with an explosive plasmoid flare. We’re really sorry and will offer to pay for the damages.” Hideki said to the professor apologetically.

Aidan stood to his feet and turned halfway toward Charles. “Charles won’t you introduce us please?”

“Yes indeed. Aidan this is Hideki Matsuzaka, Kyle Jean-Claude, and Cara Black. Hideki and Kyle are students here and Cara is our music teacher. Cara, Kyle, Hideki, this is Aidan O’Doherty an associate of mine and specially gifted mutant.” Charles introduced the group.

Kyle thought Aidan looked pretty suave. “Especially gifted? What is it that you can do?”

“How about I show you instead?” Aidan said with devilish grin. He looked over to Hideki and spoke, “I’m sorry young man but we’ll be getting to know each other rather intimately.” Hideki looked extremely puzzled. The atmosphere grew heavy and Aidan began to speak. “Matsuzaka Hideki is madly in infatuated with me. He simply can’t keep his hands off of me and has no problem showing others how he loves me.”

Hideki began to breathe heavily and immediately walked over to Aidan and kissed him on the lips. He immediately began to make out with the man. Kyle couldn’t believe his eyes. Aidan returned the controlled Hideki’s kisses. Charles had had enough of Aidan’s little display. He telepathically undid the forces that urged Hideki causing Hideki to snap out of the “Spell”.

Hideki, now out of Aidan’s power, looked the man in the eyes frightened and embarrassed. What he felt was very real and almost undeniable yet it was brought on by Aidan’s mere words. “I’m speechless.” Hideki said, still inches from Aidan’s face.

Aidan licked his lips, “’It’s been a real pleasure Mr. Matsuzaka. We must do it again sometime.” He said.

” Kyle replied.

Charles looked fairly upset. “I don’t appreciate you toying with my students like that Mr. O’Doherty.” He said in an authoritative tone.

“I’m sorry Charles. I simply wanted to showcase my power for Kyle here, and to get to know Mr. Matsuzaka a little better at the same time. Please forgive me. I’ll fix the gate they damaged as a show of my apology.” Aidan said to Charles.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Kyle Jean- Claude (Marvel) Character Portrait: Cara Black (Shadowdancer) Character Portrait: Matsuzaka Hideki (Flare) Character Portrait: Aidan O'Doherty (The Author) Character Portrait: Aaiyah Ippolita (A.I)  *WIP*
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Aaiyah Ippolita

She moved out of the room holding the Jar of pickled haring she moved to the head masters office moveing in the slow matter she was good at. She always seemed to time things just right when things came down to it. She moved leaning on the door frame of Charles office door popping another peace of fish on her mouth. Her goggles still on and her head phones around her neck.

She looked at the doctor and did not like him right off the bat but said nothing. She looked at the two young men before she spoke. " P.C I asked them to take the gate down that was my falt. I am going to put the new one in tonight that will open when activated, so the blame is on me" She pushed away from the door frame. "So dumb monkeys you going to help me finish or am I on my own I need another set of hands?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Kyle Jean- Claude (Marvel) Character Portrait: Cara Black (Shadowdancer) Character Portrait: Matsuzaka Hideki (Flare) Character Portrait: Aidan O'Doherty (The Author) Character Portrait: Aaiyah Ippolita (A.I)  *WIP*
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Cara raised an eyebrow at the Irishman's use of his power, he definately seemed like one to watch. "Things are so much simpler in Russia." she thought to herself as everyone in the room added their determinations to fix the gate, it's not like the gate changed much anyway, if the Professor had his way he'd invite the humans in and let them slaughter everyone inside the complex before allowing anyone to defend themselves. "Forgive me for intruding Professor, I shall leave you to your meeting." She turned to the guest and gave a nod. "Do svidaniya, Mr O'Doherty."

She winked at Aayiah as she passed her at the doorway, "ĐŸŃ€ĐžŃ…ĐŸĐŽĐžŃ‚Đ” ĐœĐ°Đčто ĐŒĐ”ĐœŃ, ДслО ты ĐșĐŸĐłĐŽĐ°-ĐœĐžĐ±ŃƒĐŽŃŒ ĐżĐ”Ń€Đ”ĐŽŃƒĐŒĐ°Đ”ŃˆŃŒ, ĐŒĐ°Đ»Đ”ĐœŃŒĐșĐžĐč цĐČĐ”Ń‚ĐŸĐș." she whispered as she passed. Smiling to herself she headed off back to her dimly lit room.

Almost as soon as she had entered the room the door was closed and she felt her power flare up inside of her, she had chosen the room for this specific reason, no one else had wanted it due to it's small window that hardly lit it up at all even in broad daylight but for the Shadowdancer it couldn't have been more perfect, she relished herself in the feeling before eventually sighing herself back to normal and heading off for a shower.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Logan (Wolverine) Character Portrait: Kyle Jean- Claude (Marvel) Character Portrait: Cara Black (Shadowdancer) Character Portrait: Matsuzaka Hideki (Flare)
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0.00 INK

Aaliyah, the school technician, walked into the room holding the Jar of pickled herring. She moved leaning on the door frame of Charles office door popping another piece of fish on her mouth. Her goggles still on and her head phones around her neck. She looked at the doctor and gave a slight look of disapproval. She looked at the two young men before she spoke. " P.C I asked them to take the gate down that was my fault. I am going to put the new one in tonight that will open when activated, so the blame is on me" She pushed away from the door frame. "So dumb monkeys you going to help me finish or am I on my own I need another set of hands?"

Kyle rolled his eyes as Aaliyah called Hideki and him “Dumb monkeys”. He was gaining an annoyance for the technician’s attitude. “Ferme la bouche” [“Shut-up” in French] Kyle muttered as he crossed his arms and looked away. Professor shot Kyle a look that conveyed his disapproval of Kyle’s language.

Charles looked at Hideki and Kyle and cleared his throat. “I think that would be a good idea. I am currently in a meeting so we shouldn’t continue to be rude to Claire and Mr. O’Doherty.”

"Forgive me for intruding Professor, I shall leave you to your meeting." Cara turned to the guest and gave a nod. "Do svidaniya, Mr O'Doherty."

Aidan smiled as he looked Cara in the eyes. “Ah~ a Russian! It’s been many years since I’ve been. Good day to you Milady.” Aidan replied as he bowed slightly.

Hideki couldn’t stop staring at Aidan. He was still attempting to sort out his feeling toward the man after the previous event. Just as Hideki and Kyle were about to leave the room to help Aaliyah, the mansion alarm began to sound. “Intruder Alert on the premises! Intruder Alert on the premises!”

“With the gate not at 100% the security system is on higher Alert. Someone might have walked through the gate’s opening without using a key or ringing the bell. I must see to this, once again my apologies Aidan and Claire.” Charles said. He knew all of the interruptions were rubbing Aidan the wrong way and might deter him from helping Claire.

“No worries professor, we’ll handle the situation. You just take your time. Let’s go Hideki!” Kyle said in a cool manner as he winked. He and Hideki charged to the front doors of the mansion, Kyle flying through the hall and Hideki on foot.

Logan (Wolverine)

Logan walked up to the mansion gates holding a large military bag that held his belongings. He was moving back to the X-mansion unannounced. He noticed an opening in the gate. He frowned a bit and sniffed the air to see if there were any signs of an intruder. Unknowingly he was the intruder. Everything seemed calm, he thought to himself. He saw the front doors burst open and two young men exit. It was Hideki and Kyle. He smirked at the sight of the two young men. They were around for about half a year before he had left. So he knew them pretty well.

“Logan-kun!!” Hideki called out. He ran up to Logan and lunged into his arms to give him a big hug. Logan had to take a couple of steps backward. He was really glad to see his unofficial sidekick was doing well.

“Whoa there Hideki! I missed you too.” Logan replied.

Kyle flew over and landed beside the two. “My my
 Logan you haunt my heart with your unfading good looks. Welcome back.” Kyle flirted.

Logan, who initially upon meeting Kyle in the past was bothered by the young man’s advances, has now become amused with them. “Yes
 I have a feeling that the sound of me saying ‘No’ to you will be haunting you as well in the near future. Hehehe” Logan taunted Kyle.

The group proceeded into the mansion. Professor X, Aidan, and the others meet the three at the door. Charles was indeed relieved to see that the security system mistook Logan as an intruder as opposed to there actually being an actual threat. “Logan! It’s very good to see you again! How was your trip?” Charles greeted Logan with a handshake that turned into a hug.

“It was not as peaceful as I planned it to be. I got homesick rather fast unfortunately. You’re really working some number on me Charles.” Logan replied with a half grin trying to hide his excitement for being back.

“I’m glad to hear it.” Charles replied.

Aidan commented, ”Goodness he’s almost as old as I am. You are most definitely an old soul Mr
” Aidan said to Logan.

“Simply Logan, and something about you bub, just seems unnatural.” Logan replied gruffly.

“Fair enough.” Aidan replied. “How feisty this one is Charles. I’m sure you have your hands full here. I shall come back at a later date to handle our
 little arrangement, with Miss Claire here. My apologies my dear, but I must be off now. Fair well Charles, X-men.” Aidan bid the group farewell and left.

Kyle looked at Aidan as he walked away with a slight look of longing. He found the man suave and attractive for a middle aged man. Kyle loved to be around those that he deemed cool and classy. “Professor, with powers like he has, why didn’t you ask him to teach here at the school?” Kyle asked the Professor.

Charles kept his eyes on Aidan as he walked further away from the mansion. “Trust me Kyle, you’d regret that I had if I had. There is not a space in this mansion that could handle the size of that man’s ego for too long, nor a person capable of withstanding the calamity he’d bring upon our heads.” Charles said solemnly.

Logan, willing to switch subject from Aidan, turned to Charles in a slightly upbeat manner. “Sorry Charles if I’m imposing by dropping in like this. I figured I’d make good on your offer.”

“Never do you need to apologize for coming home to us Logan. Actually, you coming at this time was perfect in fact. I will need our combat instructor very soon. I am to be expecting Scott Summers shortly as well.” Charles added.

 brother. Summers is on his way huh? Maybe I should be on my way then.” Logan said as he pick up his bag in an attempt to leave.

Hideki grabbed onto Logan’s arm as tightly as he could in an attempt to anchor him down. “HEY
 you are NOT leaving me just yet! You just got here! Besides where’s my souvenir from you last trip?” Hideki pouted. He was very much like Logan’s spoiled little brother.

“Souvenir?! Like you need one! Every time you come back to this mansion you’re never empty handed. Shopping bags and everything else. So no BUB, I ain’t got a souvenir for you.” Logan fussed.

Charles smiled brightly. He was very glad to feel the mansion become slightly warmer once more. The sune began to wane and the day was drawing to a swift close.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Kyle Jean- Claude (Marvel) Character Portrait: Cara Black (Shadowdancer) Character Portrait: Matsuzaka Hideki (Flare) Character Portrait: Aidan O'Doherty (The Author) Character Portrait: Aaiyah Ippolita (A.I)  *WIP*
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0.00 INK

Aaiyah Ippolita

She smirked some at what Kyle said knowing his comment and what it meant. when the alarm went of she moved with the rest and as about to say something when the pups ran ahead. She shock her head and looked at Xavier. That Russian accent purring past her lips. "They should know better be for running a head. Two is not a threat ether its a fellow X-men" She held her Ipad up showing them the video feed. "How ever there is someone else here and that should be looked in to. From what I am picking up they are female, alone and human' Aaiyah had a point with the two running ahead with out knowing what was ahead that was a good way to get killed or get some one else killed.

She moved to go find something to work on not liking being around people so it worked out. She moved to go take care of few things and one of them being Kyles car. She knew she over reacted but she had good reason to. With in a short time she had his care up and running but not only that a new sound system. She hocked the peace on to the car that would activate the gate opening it when the car got close to it.

Once all that was done she Aaiyah moved to work on the new gate building it from scratch she wanted to get them perfect. She drew out with chalk on the ground the lay out she wanted. Not to high not to thick or thin and something that could take a beating or be under attack. That had to be taken in to account. If they had a car or student lose control it had to be able to hold up to that kind of abuse. She cut the rods and bars down and lied them out. Now and than she would move things about and change something.

She sat down looking at the lay out thinking some about what would work best, rubbing the back of her head some. Mathematically wise it would be able to take a beating for a car but a mutant or BFG she was unsure of. Still it was better than nothing and they need the gate so she went off tack welding frist before she did full on welding. No one would see her for the rest of the day.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Logan (Wolverine) Character Portrait: Kyle Jean- Claude (Marvel) Character Portrait: Cara Black (Shadowdancer) Character Portrait: Matsuzaka Hideki (Flare)
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0.00 INK

Cara rolled her eyes at the sound of the alarm pulling her trousers back on and switching the shower off she ran back into her room and opened the window, diving from what must have been the third floor straight into a shadow she rolled herself back into her physical state running up the steps two at a time and jumping up onto Logan's back wrapping her legs around his waist and drawing a small knife from her shin holding it to his throat. "Who are you and what are you doing here?!" she asked darkly almost hissing in his ear, the blade's tip pressed firmly against his throat.

It was only as she noticed the Professor rolling his eyes at her that she remembered the heavily muscled form of Logan beneath her. "Oh, it's you. How funny that we should be in this situation again." she said lowering her blade but not letting go of what had once been her enemy. "Though I'd much rather be on the front." she whispered sensually into his ear, giving his neck a teasing nip before eventually letting go. "I hope you brought me something." She asked sweetly walking round to stand in front of him. "After all, we've always had such a connection." She winked at him playfully, still teasing him as she had done so many times in the past when they had fought as enemies.

"Or are you still bitter that I beat you?" Cara blew a taunting kiss before she turned to lean against the wall beside them, deciding that it would irritate Wolverine more for her to stay, he had always been one to hold a grudge, a pity really. Of all the people Cara flirted with, with Logan she could act upon her words with great passion, especially since Aayiah had always shunned her advances perhaps it was time to find a new play thing, they were technically on the same side even if Cara's heart was never even close to being of Xavier's thinking.

"Oh, speaking of the Danger room, Professor. Perhaps it would be a good idea for me and Logan to give a demonstration to the students before they attempt themselves. After all, we're the only ones here with any combat training." She knew this last statement would be pretty much a tipping point for Logan but there was dastardly logic in her words, since what she said was very true and having fought as enemies they knew each others weaknesses, the perfect example for a fight.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Logan (Wolverine) Character Portrait: Kyle Jean- Claude (Marvel) Character Portrait: Cara Black (Shadowdancer) Character Portrait: Matsuzaka Hideki (Flare) Character Portrait: Aidan O'Doherty (The Author)
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Aaiyah Ippolita

She went throw the video trying to find the person on the grounds. Not all the cameras where up and running in the manor yet. Turning the speakers on she spoke "I think we have an unwanted guest in the house or it is the Keebler elves and i dont think it is the later one. I can put everything on lock down or leave it be it is your call P.C"

She decide to be a smart ass. "dont assume things when it comes to combat. that is the first rocky mistake one can make." with that she would waited to get buzzed back on what Xavier wanted it was his home after all but she felt a lock down would be a smart move. She watched them but my god those cookies smelled wounderful she was tempted to go get one but would wait.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Logan (Wolverine) Character Portrait: Jonathan Moore Character Portrait: Philip Klein (Boom-Boom)
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0.00 INK

Logan was a little caught off guard by Cara jumping up onto Logan's back wrapping her legs around his waist and drawing a small knife from her shin holding it to his throat. "Who are you and what are you doing here?!" she asked darkly almost hissing in his ear, the blade's tip pressed firmly against his throat. Hideki who had just had his arms locked around Logan’s arm was knocked back by the sudden jagging of Logan’s body. He sparked up a Plasmoid flare but realized that it was Cara. He reabsorbed the energy and watched with a frown as Cara clung to Logan’s backside.

It was not often an accomplishable task for one to catch Logan off guard, his senses were too sharp for most people to evade. However Cara’s shadow traveling made it difficult for Logan’s senses to pick up on. As she spoke, Logan found her voice to be very familiar. He didn’t react as he wanted to because Charles shot him a quick telepathic message, “Logan, it’s alright it’s Shadowdancer. Cara Black now works with us. She’s stand down, but I definitely don’t need you to counter strike. That would turn into something very bad.” Logan heeded Charles wishes and stood still.

The professor gave Cara a look. "Oh, it's you. How funny that we should be in this situation again." she said lowering her blade but not letting go of what had once been her enemy. "Though I'd much rather be on the front." she whispered sensually into his ear, giving his neck a teasing nip before eventually letting go.

“Oh no
 not you too. Well you can get in line right behind Kyle over there.” Logan rebutted glancing over at the two of them with on raised eyebrow.

Kyle replied in a sleek manner, “Oh I wouldn’t be at your front side for long, less my bare back was turned
” Logan shot him a look with squinted eyes that replied, “Don’t go there.” Without actually saying it.

"I hope you brought me something." She asked sweetly walking round to stand in front of him. "After all, we've always had such a connection." She winked at him playfully, still teasing him as she had done so many times in the past when they had fought as enemies.

“No one informed me that you’d be switching sides. I would have scrapped the money together to buy you a plane ticket to Genosha. You go as I arrive. But unfortunately you must join Matsuzaka on the waiting list for Souvenirs I didn’t give a damn to find.” Logan chuckled a little. He honestly didn’t expect such a fiasco of a welcome back.

"Or are you still bitter that I beat you?" Cara blew a taunting kiss before she turned to lean against the wall beside them.

“Get over yourself Shadow dancer.” Logan replied as he rolled his eyes.
"Oh, speaking of the Danger room, Professor. Perhaps it would be a good idea for me and Logan to give a demonstration to the students before they attempt themselves. After all, we're the only ones here with any combat training." Cara added.

 Well that would be a good idea. Scott shall be here soon, that would make you, Logan, Scott, Vincent, magneto and I the only people that have had combat experience. I will officiate the exercise tomorrow given, you two agree to work with Scott and Vincent as well during the demonstration. The students need to see an X-men team in action.” Xavier explained.

Logan sighed a little. He wasn’t ready to get excited about working with Shadowdancer just yet. He was the official combat instructor so Danger Room training was unavoidable for him. He had just hoped that he could lay low for a little bit in the X-mansion environment without having to do the teacher ordeal. “Alright I guess it can’t be avoided.” Logan grumbled.

Fuyumi phased through one of the front walls of the X-mansion to see what was going on. She noticed Logan and smiled quietly. She stood beside the professor and waved slightly at Logan. “Logan-san, Konichiwa.” She said.

“OHisashi buri Abe-san.[It’s been a while Miss Abe.]” Logan replied. Logan knew some Japanese due to his former stint in Japan. He was still around when Fuyumi was brought to the mansion before he, himself, left.

Charles turned to Fuyumi. “Ah, Fuyumi, would you like to participate in tomorrow’s danger room demonstration? It would be good for you. You would be joining Logan, Scott, Cara, and Vincent. I’m unsure if Magneto will join the demonstration group as well. What do you say?”

“Alright. If you think it’s for the best then I shall.” Fuyumi replied as she looked at the group with a small smile.

The intercom of the mansion began to sound with Aaliyah’s voice. "I think we have an unwanted guest in the house or it is the Keebler elves and I don’t think it is the later one. I can put everything on lock down or leave it be it is your call P.C. don’t assume things when it comes to combat. That is the first rocky mistake one can make." with that she would waited to get buzzed back on what Xavier wanted.

Everyone looked up. Logan thought to himself “It looks like security is becoming a little lax here
” Charles replied to Aaliyah telepathically. “Before you place the mansion on lockdown, I’ll probe the mansion telepathically for intruders.” Charles then scanned the mansion with his mind. He saw the rooms, and by the time he scanned the kitchen he could see a plate of Pumpkin spice cookies and a pitcher of milk. He then knew everything was alright. “It’s alright Aaliyah, I know who our visitor is and they’re no intruder. In fact this person is a long awaited family member of ours.” Charles replied telepathically with a smile.

“No need for worry everyone.” Charles said to the others telepathically.

Vincent Xavier

After Vincent’s meeting with Jonathan and Memory, he went to meet up with Philip. He sent Philip a telepathic message to meet him in the lounge. Vincent while waiting in the lounge for Philip, who had left Magneto and Adria a while ago, Vincent began to smell a scent most familiar. He let Philip know to meet him in the Kitchen. Vincent knew when he entered the kitchen and saw the cookies that Vila had returned. A large smile crept across his face. He looked out of the kitchen window to see the small cottage house that belonged to Vila. Philip entered the kitchen as Vincent took a bite of one of the still warm chewy cookies.

“What’s all this? Something of a surprise for me Vince?” Philip asked flirtatiously. A cute smile crept across his face.

“Actually it’s a surprise for me. Sorry love. I’ll have to surprise you another time. Vila’s home.” Vincent replied.

“Who?” Philip gave a look of utter surprise and confusion. Vincent had not mentioned Vila much to Philip. Vila was somewhat hard to talk about since he missed her. So he kept quiet about her.

“Philip I want you to meet someone.” Vincent led Philip outside toward the once locked cottage. They stood outside the door and Vincent knocked.

Scott Summers

Scott had arrived at the mansion late into the evening. He was greeted warmly by the professor and Fuyumi who met him in the lobby. “Welcome back Scott. I hope you enjoyed your time away.” Charles greeted.

“It’s good to be back professor. I missed this place too much. Fuyumi, you haven’t changed at all.” Scott replied.

“Why thank you Natsu-kun.” Fuyumi replied with a warm smile. She nicknamed Scott Natsu which means summer in Japanese. Since Scotts last name fit’s she couldn’t help but gift his with the name. Scott smiled brightly. “You are just as handsome as the day I last saw you.” Fuyumi added. Scott was somewhat her type of guy, highly structured and something out of a Ralph Lauren ad.

Logan walked into the room. “Welcome back Summers.” He said in a slightly warm manner.

 Logan? The professor didn’t tell me you’d returned. Good to see you.” Scott replied in a slightly caught off guard manner.

“Yeah my sentiments exactly, Summers.” Logan replied as he leaned against the fireplace.

Charles then asked Scott, “So Scott how’s Jean doing on Miur Island with Moira?”

“She’s doing much better since the Pheonix incident and will soon be ready to come back. Moira advised me to return first for my own healing sake. So here I am. Jean should return in about a month.” Scott explained. Logan smiled silently to himself. He missed Jean greatly and cared for her as much as Scott did.
Erik joined the group. “I see the former group has returned. It’s great to see you both. Welcome back.” He said as he sat down next to Charles. His meeting with Adria had ended and he was ready to find out about all of the alarms he had heard earlier. Seeing Logan and Scott made things a bit clear to him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Logan (Wolverine) Character Portrait: Kyle Jean- Claude (Marvel) Character Portrait: Matsuzaka Hideki (Flare) Character Portrait: Aaiyah Ippolita (A.I)  *WIP*
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0.00 INK

Cara Black

Cara raised an eyebrow at the boys response. People really liked to get around here. At least she didn't sleep with most of the people she flirted with, added to the fact she was single. "Now that's just cold. I've nothing but flirted with you since the day we first met even when though you tried to kill me on multiple occasions and yet I'm put behind someone else in the queue." she pouted playfully at him again.

“No one informed me that you’d be switching sides. I would have scrapped the money together to buy you a plane ticket to Genosha. You go as I arrive."

"Charming." Cara answered flatly. "Though actually I never intended to switch sides myself. Nor do I intend to stay, I owe a debt if you must know and in Russia that leaves me bound to repay it." she drew a cigarette from her pocket and lit it up. "And people say it's the bad guys who are uncouth."

She nodded as the Professor continued on her idea choking slightly on her cigarette as the Professor mentioned the students seeing an X-men team. She'd never considered herself one of the X-men after all she'd spent most of her time fighting against them and their ideology .

Cara felt a look burning her in the side of the head and turned to see Logan's untrusting eyes at the alarm to another intruder. "Don't look at me, unsurprisingly being here has seriously ruined my reputation with my people."

“No need for worry everyone.” Charles said to the others telepathically.

"See? Nothing to do with me." She added smugly, taking another drag of her cigarette.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Logan (Wolverine) Character Portrait: Kyle Jean- Claude (Marvel) Character Portrait: Matsuzaka Hideki (Flare) Character Portrait: Aaiyah Ippolita (A.I)  *WIP*
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0.00 INK

Aaiyah Ippolita

Aaiyah nodded and replied "Ok" with that she went back to working on the new gate. She would use one of the trucks to get it where it need to go. It took a few hours to get it up and set just right before he finished the welding. The new gate had nice lines that flowed with grace but where strong at the same. It showed unity with how thing inter locked working as a team.

Aaiyah came in a few hours after she was fully done with her work. It being night time she felt more relaxed being out and about. The goggles where pushed up leaveing a band around hers, making her look kind of like a raccoon. Her head phones around her neck and a beer in the right hand. In her left hand she held the keys to Kyles baby....his car. She leaned on the door way looking at the others. She knew who Scott and Logan where but said nothing she waited to be seen.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Logan (Wolverine) Character Portrait: Philip Klein (Boom-Boom) Character Portrait: Kyle Jean- Claude (Marvel)
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0.00 INK

The cottage door opened and there Vila was already darting toward Vincent in joy and excitement. With in nano seconds her arms where around his neck, Vila had to stand on her tip toes to reach. "Look at you my little brother all grown up" She kissed his cheek before she let go and just smiled at him before she gave him another hug. Vincent chuckled with joy at the sight of his ‘older sister’. It had been a long while since Vila’s last stint at the X-mansion.

“Yes I’ve shot up quite a bit little big Vila!” Vincent replied.

"I have so much to tell you about and things, and gifts and books to show you!" Vila spun like a top on her bare feet. She was all smiles just like she was so long ago. "You will love the new stories i have picked up it will be just like old times....well almost old times" She giggled happily.

“I’m sure you do have plenty of stories you’ve been gone for more than half a decade! I can’t wait to hear them! V I have someone that you must meet. Vila this is Philip. Philip this is my older sister Vila.” Vincent introduced the two.

She looked over to Philip and blinked some as she held her out. "Please forgive my manners I am Vila, Vincent’s older sister" She gave him a sweet kind smile.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you Vila. You are Vincent’s sister? I didn’t realize that the professor had another child. You look so young.” Philip inquired while looking puzzled his German accent ever present.

“He didn’t. She’s an added family member that’s just as official and a blood sibling, maybe even more.” Vincent replied.

"Please won’t you both come in side or we can go to the Manor to catch up ether one is fine with me" Vila asked.

“Well Dad X would really like to see you and if my telepathy is correct, Logan and Scott not long ago arrived home.” Vincent answered with a big smile. He then thought he should mention to Vila who Philip was to him. “Um
 V, I should also tell you something important first. It would be a bit of an unnecessary fiasco to say it in front of everyone else.’ Vincent paused for a moment before continuing. “Philip is also a very important and close person to me. I love him, and he’s my boyfriend.” Vincent said sheepishly. He wasn’t quite sure how Vila would take hearing that someone was now both emotionally and physically hyper close with Vincent. Philip looked completely caught in the middle and he felt that way so he kept meekly quiet.

-In the Lounge-

“Thanks for the welcome Magneto.” Scott replied to Magneto’s welcome. Scott was initially distrustful of Magneto like the other X-men were. However, Scott knew Magneto had a particular sense of honor about him and he valued the professor too much as a close friend to ever deceive him in such a way. Therefore Magneto earned Scott’s trust much swifter than Logan’s.

Logan looked over at Magneto and smirked. “I never thought I’d be considering yours a friendly face, but I guess it’s been long enough so
 It’s good to see a friendly face, especially when it comes from the rare likes of you Magneto.” Logan replied honestly. It was his way of letting Erik know that he trusted him finally. Magneto had been around for quite some time before Logan had left the mansion. However Logan still wouldn’t allow Erik to feel that he was trusted by Logan. It took a lot of faith for Logan to leave the mansion with Magneto there working with Charles. However he managed to go despite his initial distrust. He was glad to see things in one piece upon his return so if nothing bad happened at this point, Magneto might actually be alright.

The large group sat and caught up on old times as well as missed times with one another. Aaliyah joined the group. Charles smiled to see the often recluse Aaliyah come out of hiding and burying herself into her work. However it was Magneto that spoke.

“It’s rare I see you join the group. Welcome A.I.” Magneto greeted Aaliyah. He liked to refer to people by their codenames because they were most often brought on in connection the coming of mutant powers. He felt that the mutant codename represented a mutant’s true self not what human parents want the child to be, a ‘normal being’. Magneto smiled at Aaliyah.

 I’ve been dying to ask this. Magneto, Professor, are you planning on forming a new team of X-men soon? I want to join if you do. You could use my brute strength and good looks.” Kyle inquired. His smile couldn’t be contained.

“We are considering it.” Charles replied.

“We ARE to be forming a team soon. So you are correct Kyle.” Magneto corrected Charles. Charles was still trying to cling to any hope that the world would need another team. He continued, “However, You’ll need more than brawn to do well on the team. That is why training is most important. Well see how you’ve cultivated your mind during training tomorrow.” Magneto added.

“Well I can’t wait to see tomorrow’s demonstration!” Hideki added.

“Honestly me too, and I’ll be a part of it.” Fuyumi chimed in.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Logan (Wolverine) Character Portrait: Kyle Jean- Claude (Marvel) Character Portrait: Cara Black (Shadowdancer)
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0.00 INK

Cara Black

Cara moved herself backwards slightly as Scott arrived, he may have began to trust Magneto but he'd had much longer to gain it, Cara had been rescued after Scott and Logan's departure, they probably still considered her a great threat, she had spent a great deal of time creating trouble for the X-men, actually having stolen the Blackbird on one occasion.

She kept quiet as everyone became acquainted but relaxed slightly when Magneto arrived, at least with him there she was less likely to mistrusted all over again, she may not hold Xavier's dream but she still owed him the favour and being beaten into a pulp for her past experience with Scott would make that slightly more difficult.

She nodded when the Danger room was mentioned showing her agreement without trying to draw too much attention to herself, she could handle Logan alone but Scott REALLY didn't like her, not after Cara had made a move on Jean anyway... It also probably hadn't helped the standing with Logan either really. That and when she may have crushed Scott's car beneath a rock slide.

She took another drag on her cigarette the tip casting light on her face, had Cyclops been looking chances are he'd recognise her now. Probably better now then tomorrow in the Danger room, being mistaken for something in the simulation would probably hurt. A lot.

“We ARE to be forming a team soon."

The idea of Shadowdancer being considered one of the X-men still seemed alien to her, especially considering she was once considered along the same level of notoriety as a Mystique.

"Well, I don't know about you lot but I reckon if we're fighting together tomorrow then we best start bonding now. Anyone for a drink?" She offered gesturing towards the kitchens where the alcohol was stored.

((OOC: I know I just broke to laws of time and space there but I've decided to change things and have her never leave the lobby.))


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Logan (Wolverine) Character Portrait: Kyle Jean- Claude (Marvel) Character Portrait: Cara Black (Shadowdancer)
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Aaiyah Ippolita

She took another drink of the beer watching the others. " i am only here to see who is here and find out who the other person is and nothing more." She looked at Care "Its rude to smoke in someone else house even more so when others dont want to smell that or slowly be killed by it." She found it rather rude and not ok for someone to do this in someone else home. Aaiyah a messed up idea of honor. She watched Scott and Logan studying them as if sizing them up for a fight or something a long those lines.

"Any ways I have work to do" She turned moveing to do all the up dates and work that was need on the danger room. She had a lot to work to get done that night and wanted it to be done and ready for the next morning on top of that she felt like a joy ride on the X-wing she wanted to make sure there where not glitches on that as well.

One to the danger room she worked on the profiles to do with each person making the perfect training set up with different levels ranging from warm up to full on battles. once that was all done it was time for a little fun with the Xjet and all the new work she put in to it. She ran her fingers of the switch board shivering she could hear things that others could not hear. She hit the flip switches to turn things on hearing the roar and the vibrations. She opened the bay doors getting ready for a nice joy ride.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Logan (Wolverine) Character Portrait: Philip Klein (Boom-Boom) Character Portrait: Kyle Jean- Claude (Marvel)
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"I am only here to see who is here and find out who the other person is and nothing more." Aaliyah looked at Cara "It’s rude to smoke in someone else house even more so when others don’t want to smell that or slowly be killed by it."

When Cara entered the room Scott cringed a little. He was made aware that she lived at the X-mansion during a phone conversation with the professor, while Scott was on Muir Island. He had almost forgotten what he was told. He didn’t trust her in the slightest. She made matters worse by previously flirting with Jean Grey, who was at the time struggling to gain control over the phoenix personality. As the Phoenix, Jean was far more provocative and erratic in her behavior than normal Jean was. This worried Scott, anything that threatened Jean concerned him. He was usually the team leader and he made it a notion to keep a close watch on her.

"Well, I don't know about you lot but I reckon if we're fighting together tomorrow then we best start bonding now. Anyone for a drink?" Cara offered gesturing towards the kitchens where the alcohol was stored.

Logan looked at Cara and smirked. “Now that’s one offer from you I most likely won’t refuse.” He commented jovially.

“I’ll go for some merlot wine~” Kyle seconded with a suave facial expression. He couldn’t pass up a chance to drink with those he deemed to be cool. Cara, Logan, Scott, and Hideki were all very suave, debonair, or sophisticated in his social hierarchy. Although Logan seemed socially retarded to most others, Kyle felt that whatever circle Logan was in was indeed an exclusive one and he wanted most to be exclusive.

“I would tell you no but you are of age so you’re lucky. But you’d better not overdo it cause you’ve got training tomorrow Bub.” Logan rebutted.

“Besides Wolvie, I’m French. I’ve been drinking wine since I was a kid. It is my water, so no need for worry.” Kyle replied with his signature wink. Kyle always looked like he was ready to walk down a runway, even if he was dressed in something subdued.

They all went into the kitchen and Logan asked Cara to hand him a bottle of Jack Daniels. He accepted it rather plainly in manner. He didn’t want Cara to feel just too comfortable yet. Kyle slinked over and poured him and Hideki glasses of wine.

“Professor, Magneto, would you like some Merlot?” Kyle asked the two as he held up the bottle.

“No I’m quite alright Kyle. I’ve done enough drinking in my day.” Charles replied.

“I’m with Charles on that one.” Magneto added. He smiled as he patted Kyle on the back in a fatherly manner. He really enjoyed being at the X-mansion. It somewhat felt like retirement. He could relax a lot more.

“Scott?” Logan asked Scott as he held up the Jack Daniels bottle in an offering gesture.

“No thanks. Someone has to have a clear mind for tomorrow.” Scott replied.

Logan plopped the bottle down on the table and quickly averted his gaze from Scott. “Always the straight edge aren’t you Summers.” Logan commented in a slight grumble.

If Scott’s eyes could be seen, he’d be rolling them at this point. He did let out a frustrated sigh. Fuyumi sipped a can of beer as she quietly smiled at Scott. She remembered that Scott was big on water so she phased through the kitchen island and reached into the refrigerator through the door to grab a water bottle. She then phased back through the kitchen island and handed the water bottle to Scott.

“Thanks Fuyumi.” Scott replied. He was glad that she didn’t pressure him because he was so disciplined. Others often found that annoying and or a buss kill during a party, Scott was self-conscious about that. He liked Fuyumi because she was a very relaxed person and put others at ease. Fuyumi simply smiled in response.

Hideki noticed the Pumpkin spice cookies that sat on the kitchen island and took a bite of one. The professor smiled as he knew who baked them.

“These are really good! Fuyumi-chan, did you bake these?” Hideki asked as he munched on another cookie.

“No, I didn’t. They smell delicious though.” Fuyumi replied.

“So she’s home I see.” Magneto replied as he peered at the cookies.

Vincent Xavier and Philip Klein

Vila eyes went wide and she made of a sound of pure joy before she lunged at Philip hugging him tightly kissing him on the cheek like she did with Vincent. For how small she was, she was rather strong. She welcomed him with that loving light that never seemed to dim.

Philip was initially caught off guard. He reacted and returned the little lady’s embrace, “Whoa whoa
 ha ha ha! Thank you big sister!” Philip replied gleefully. He was most glad that Vila liked him.

When she took a few steps back she poked Philip in the chest looking quite cross. "You better treat my baby brother right, or you will have to deal with me." She giggled a little and winked at him. She knew Vincent would never pick someone bad and was not overly worried about it.

“I will sister, no need for worry. He’s the reason I smile all day long.” Philip replied with a large smile. He was very happy since he had no siblings of his own, having a sister was nice. It had always been him and his mother alone. He would always look after his mother and now he could look after Vila as well.

"I would like to get a cup of tea or lemonade before we join the others. Do you think that would be something we can do." Vila was not worried as she moved. Her smile never left as her red hair dance about her body. "I do hope everyone is well and healthy."

“Sure. You’re still shy around large groups I see.” Vincent replied with a tiny grin.

As they walked to the manor Vincent told Vila that Philip and he had met three years ago. He told her about meeting him in Germany and them becoming close. They noticed the group had moved into the kitchen and began drinking. The professor acknowledged the group’s arrival.

“Why hello Vila! Welcome home.” He smiled brightly as he walked over and gave her a hug.

“You’ve been away for too long my dear.” Magneto added.

Fuyumi, Hideki, and Kyle were all unfamiliar with the seemingly young lady. Fuyumi was puzzled by her doll like appearance. Kyle was also bewildered. To him, the girl looked like one of him mother’s collectable porcelain dolls and or her French statuettes. Scott smiled, it had been a while since he’d seen Vila. She was a very innocent being, the likes of which Scott didn’t see often anymore. Logan took another drink, now having moved on to whiskey, “Long time no see.” He greeted Vila.

They group continued to talk and drink. Eventually it got later and the professor urged the group to go to bed and rest up for the next day of Danger room training.

~Chapter 2: Danger in the Danger Room~

Professor Xavier and Magneto began to set up things for Danger Room training. All systems were still in good condition and ready to operate perfectly. Aaliyah’s modifications were first rate and state of the art. The professor thought to do something special for Aaliyah given all of her hard work and dedication. She was always doing her duties excellently. The students suited up into their uniforms. Charles allowed them to have personalized uniforms since some of the students complained about the standard training uniform, Kyle being a major voice box of complaints.

The teachers that were to take part in the demonstration were gathered in the danger room waiting for the simulation to start. The students sat in the observation/ control room where the professor could point out things of importance and note to them.

“Alright, I shall begin the simulation set to level 4 when you all are ready. Give the word if you need me to shut it down early. Cara, Logan, Fuyumi, Vincent, you are to follow the commands of Scott who will be the field commander. You all must above all trust each other and be most careful as this will indeed be dangerous.” Charles explained.

[At a government facility far away.]

Bolivar trask sat in a meeting with other researchers and generals. “We will strike today. I want my weapon back. It’s been years and the time is ripe. The mutants Xavier and Magneto have had time enough to train our weapon in his powers. Now we can collect
 Our previous set back will now be made right.” Trask said with a sinister grin.

(OOC: A little foreshadowing~ bwaahaha~ {queue the scary violin music} )