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Philip Klein (Boom-Boom)

"I assure you, this one isn't a prank"

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a character in “X-men: Xavier and Magneto Unite”, as played by masato22


Name: Boom-Boom (AKA Boomer)


Civilian name: Philip Klein


Age: 26

Occupation: Student

Alliance: X-men


Philip is tall and muscular yet slender Caucasian male of German ancestry. He has short cropped dark sandy brown hair. His face is pretty angular and model-esque. Philip is very handsome and is often found smiling.




Philip is a very chipper and jovial individual. He is often in good spirits or at least seems to be. Philip adores fun and loves to laugh. He will often play practical jokes on others just to see their natural reactions to things. His jokes are usually harmless in nature. Those who are effected by his practical jokes are usually aware that heā€™s means well. Heā€™s very kind hearted and looks after those around him with concern. Heā€™s a hard worker although he can sometimes be a bit distracted. Focus is his weak point but he is aware of that and is not too proud to rely on others to help him focus on a task.


When Philip is upset he usually shuts down and will try to keep contact with others to a minimum. If he is pressured into talking or facing an issue when he doesnā€™t feel ready to, he is prone to lash out in an attempt to be left alone. Philip often tries to soothe a sad or difficult situation with humor. This sometimes makes others comfortable and other times makes them upset. Philip deals with fear in a contrary manner. He likes to confront something heā€™s afraid of head on with bravery. Heā€™d like to say that if he ran away from anything, it would be because he didnā€™t feel like dealing with it not because he was afraid.



Mutant Classification: Alpha

Powers and Abilities:


Time Bombs: can create balls of plasma, which he calls his "time bombs." These "bombs" explode with concussive force. He can produce marble-sized "bombs" which have little concussive impact and which he uses for playing pranks. He has produced "time bombs" ranging up to the size of beach balls, which, when they explode, can smash tree trunks and metal objects. The amount of concussive impact depends on the size of the bomb he creates, and he can, at least to some extent, control the amount of time until it detonates. After training with X-men he has learned increasingly greater control over the energy he generates. He can now muffle the sound of the detonation to a limited extent and generate explosive energy as streams that respond to his thought directions. Now possessing greater control over his powers, he can even reabsorb the energy of non-detonated bombs and is no longer afraid to use his time bombs in nearly lethal ways.


Energy Absorption: Philip is a mutant who can absorb most types of energy directed toward him. He can then rechannel it through his body for concussive blasts or in the same form that was absorbed, including weather effects. This rechanneled energy is apparently able to damage beings normally immune to their own powers. The nature of his powers makes it difficult to damage him with energy-based attacks, while also enabling him to work well with any energy-using teammates. Philip can also store absorbed energy within his personal reserves, whereupon the energy increases his strength and recuperative abilities, as well as affording him a measure of invulnerability. The upper limits of his ability allows him to enhance his own physical abilities with absorbed energy is not exactly known but is well into the level of being super human. His energy absorption abilities allows him achieve the following feats; Concussive Blasts; Healing; Enhanced Strength; Near-Invulnerability.


Philip is unable to absorb energy from inertial impacts such as hitting walls. This does not mean he is incapable of absorbing kinetic energy. Kinetic effects such as an exploding card from Gambit were absorbable. It would seem that as of late he is learning to absorb inertial impact energy, however he still cannot do so with anywhere near the efficiency of Shaw or Agent Zero. Whether it is possible to increase this ability in time with practice is unknown.


Some energy types are more difficult to absorb than others. Philip can be overloaded by trying to absorb too much energy.Although he can absorb psionic energy from blasts or telekinetic attacks, Philip is not immune to telepathic attacks.

Gymnast: Philip is an expert gymnast and his body is peak physical condition. He is learning self defense at the Xavier institute.






Philip Klein was born and raised in Germany to a quiet middle class family. He is an only child and his father passed away due to illness when Philip was 13. Since then it had been simply Philip and his mother. He learned to look after his mother as she looked after her, becoming the man of the house. Philip was always very responsible when it came to household matters and never complained about helping his mother who always tried not to show how difficult it was to keep things afloat without her husband around. Philip always had an excess of energy and seemed hyperactive as a child. His mother sent him to a local gym where he was taught gymnastics. He was very good at it.


Philipā€™s powers manifested when he was 12 years old. He and his friends were skipping rocks at alocal pond and he thought he had picked up another rock but he didnā€™t. He was forming his first ā€œtime bomb.ā€ He tossed it into the water and it exploded. His friends thought he was cool however their parents didnā€™t think so. Some parents raised hell to the administration because of Philips presence among their ā€œnormalā€ children. Philip and his mom moved away to another town where he managed to keep a low profile.


Philip learned of his second power, energy absorption, when he was attempting to fix an appliance for his mother and he was electrocuted. The electricity was absorbed into his body and energized him. He then began wanting to explore the depths of his powers. Philip was tired of struggling to learn his powers and causing his mother worry. She was always afraid for him being targeted by anti-mutant groups. Professor Charles Xavier, using cerebro, found out about Philip and traveled to Germany with Magneto and their son Vincent to recruit Philip into the Xavier and Lehnsherr School for Gifted Students. Philip and Vincent hit it off very quickly and it was Vincent who helped convince Philip that he could use the Instituteā€™s help. Philipā€™s mother tearfully let Philip go with Xavier and Magneto, knowing that Philip was finally in good hands.


Other information:


Philip really has taken a liking to Vincent and the two have become a couple. Although Vincent is a year younger than Philip, he is Philipā€™s teacher. Philip looks after Vincent and helps him relax and not be such a ā€œboring adultā€ all the time.

So begins...

Philip Klein (Boom-Boom)'s Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver) Character Portrait: Logan (Wolverine) Character Portrait: Philip Klein (Boom-Boom) Character Portrait: Jean Grey Character Portrait: Memory Ashcroft
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Magneto, Logan, Quicksilver, Philip Klein, Hideki Matsuzaka, Jean Grey

The large monstrous mutant began to tear up the foundation around it. The blood from the back wound that Logan made began to ooze off of Aliceā€™s back and down to the floor. Magneto looked on with great concern. The blood was highly corrosive. It ate away at the floor swiftly. He had never quite witnessed a mutation quite like this one. As Alice thrashed a large portion of the debree hurtled toward the group like a Frisbee. It was a very large stone and it was coming fast.

Quicksilver made a mad dash to grab Phillip and Memory. He wasnā€™t sure if he could get them to safety and come back for Hideki before the projectile struck but he was going to try his best. He was much relieved to see Logan grab Hideki and jump high over the large piece of debris. Logan shifted his weight in the air so that they would land resulting in Logan taking the brunt of the landing impact not Hideki. Logan landed on his back but needed a moment to recover from the heavy impact.

Magneto wasnā€™t as lucky as the others. He was able to magnetically shield himself as the debris collided with him. The shield absorbed most of the damage but the remaining debris left Magneto wounded and somewhat pinned to the wall behind him. Jean tried to move the debris but it was far too heavy. Oliver and Erika were at a loss for what to do.

Philip realized that Alice was growing increasingly agitated and thrashed about causing so much damage she threatened to bring the already crumbling building down. He turned to Jean and took charge once more. ā€œLeave freeing Magneto to us. You are probably the only hope we have of calming her without having to try to take her down. If we donā€™t this building will collapse and weā€™ll all be killed, apart from Wolverine that is.ā€

Jean nodded in confirmation and headed toward Alice. Hideki helped Wolverine up after his healing factor seemed to have finished patching him up enough to stand. ā€œYou alright Wolvie?ā€ Hideki asked innocently. ā€œThat was a nasty landingā€¦ Thanks for saving me again.ā€

ā€œAny time kiddo. But we need to go help Philip save his in law. If anything happens to Magneto there Charles would probably kill over in grief.ā€ Wolverine replied.

The two rushed over to Philip, memory and Quicksilver. Quicksilver was frantically jabbing away at the debris at hyper speed like a jackhammer but still made little progress in freeing his father.Philip asked the frantic Quicksilver to step back and allow him to try. Philip then held his hands together and created a energy bomb that grew to the size of a beach volleyball. He placed the energy ball of bright golden light on top of the debris and it detonated sounding in a slightly muffled boom. A large chunk of the debris got blasted away but there was still much more to clear before Magneto would be freed.

Hideki tried blasting at the debris and more of it cleared away. Logan slashed the remaining slab and Magneto was freed. Quicksilver held onto him as he groaned quietly. ā€œIā€™m getting my father outta here!ā€ Quicksilver said and immediately dashed off with his father in arms.

ā€œWell that was abrupt!ā€ Hideki protested slightly miffed that Pietro showed only minor concern weather or not everyone else got out alive.

Erika seized the opportunity to flee the scene seeing that the X-men were distracted with freeing Magneto. Oliver wanted to leave as well but he couldnā€™t help but feel responsible. ā€œARRRHHā€¦ I canā€™t just leave them!ā€ He thought to himself. He then made several very large and thick branch like vines grow around the monstrously sized Alice, wrapping themselves around her limbs, binding her in place. ā€œNow youā€™ve got your shot! So whatever it is you do!!ā€ He shouted to Jean.

Jean began to telepathically attempt to reach Aliceā€™s mind. There where quite a few barriers to break through. The wild animistic nature of Aliceā€™s current form made it difficult to reach Aliceā€™s true self. ā€œAlice can you hear me? This is Jean Grey, Iā€™m a member of the X-men. Weā€™re here to help you. We donā€™t want to harm you but he canā€™t help if you canā€™t control yourself. We need you to fight through the rage. Find that quiet place in your mind. I believe in you. You can do this. Let my voice drown out all the fear. We donā€™t have much time.ā€ There wasnā€™t much time before the building would collapse.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver) Character Portrait: Logan (Wolverine) Character Portrait: Philip Klein (Boom-Boom) Character Portrait: Memory Ashcroft
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Matsuzaka Hideki, Jean Gray, Logan, Quicksilver, Oliver Greenhill, Philip Klein, and Magneto

Hideki looked around as more of the structure seemed to crumble around the X-men team. Hunks of the above floors were piece by piece crashing down. The foundations of the building trembled. ā€œWe should really get outta hereā€¦ā€ Hideki suggested with a seriously anxious tone.

Logan looked back toward Hideki and placed a hand on his shoulder. ā€œIā€™m not leaving here without Jean. You go on and make it to safety kiddo. Steer clear of the Feds and the HMR when you get out there. They may try to ambush you.ā€ Logan warned. He wasnā€™t too keen on the idea of the others being left on their own during such chaos but he had little choice. There was no way he was going to leave Jean in such a situation. Scott would never let him live it down nor would Logan himself if something were to happen to Jean.

ā€œWolvie I donā€™t want to leave youā€¦ARRGH Iā€™M STAYING TOO THEN! I sure hope Jean can reach that girl in time.ā€ Hideki replied.

ā€œIā€™ll call the professor. Perhaps he can use cerebro to reach her. Itā€™s the most powerful telepathic tool we have.ā€ Philip said and as soon as his statement concluded he was on the radio device calling for Professor Xavier. ā€œProfessor! Professor! We need your help and Cerebro!ā€

In a brief moment the Professor replied telepathically, ā€œYes Philip I hear you. I am aware of the situation and Iā€™m using Cerebro to gain access to the young Mutantā€™s mind now. There is a force that is dark and attempting to swallow Aliceā€™s consciousness whole. Iā€™ve broken through enough for her to regain control. She will help you survive the building collapse. You donā€™t have much time.ā€

Oliver looked even more freaked out when Philip relayed the news.ā€Youā€™re professor wants us to WHAT?! Is he daft? That thing is supposed to protect us now? Oh Iā€™VE HEARD IT ALL NOWā€¦ā€ He exclaimed in annoyance.

As the group bolted towards Alice the building began to make the loudest rumble it had made yet. This was the sound of all the top floors crashing down on top of one another. The building was finally about to drop completely on top of the team. ā€œQuick, under Alice!ā€ Logan shouted.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Sabertooth (Victor Creed) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver)
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Magneto, Logan, Quicksilver, Philip Klein, Hideki Matsuzaka, Jean Grey

The wreckage and rubble from the collapsed building surrounded the X-men team. They were saved Alice the once monstrously sized mutant now reverted to her original form. Logan was the first to come out of his slumber. Covered in debris he sat up and looked around. This was a disaster zone and there were siren sounds for miles. He began looking about frantically for the others after he shot to his feet. He may have been able to survive a building dropping on him but the others couldnā€™t.

He found Hideki partially exposed from the rubble and pulled him complete to freedom. ā€œHey kiddo you alright? Stay with me Matsuzakaā€¦ā€ Logan said as he held the young man.

Hideki groaned and then opened his eyes to see Loganā€™s concerned face. Hideki smiled through a couple of coughs. ā€œI guess Iā€™m alive after all. I knew youā€™d save me Logan.ā€ Hideki said in a exhausted voice.

Quicksilver and magneto approached the group and Logan quickly filled them in on what happened since they separated. ā€œMagneto I thought you were injured. You should be back at the jet.ā€ Logan inquired.

Magneto narrowed his brow and replied, ā€œIā€™m FINE. Iā€™m of better use here than sitting in that jet waiting for you all to get yourselves killed. Now allow me to free the others so we can leave.ā€ Magneto fussed. Logan didnā€™t complain however Quicksilver was annoyed that his father refused to take it easy. Magneto lifted the rubble off of the others and they were freed. Everyone seemed to be fairly alright. Quicksilver rushed back to the X-jet and piloted it so that he could pick the team up from the wreckage and take them back to the X-mansion.

Once Magneto, Logan, Jean, Alice, Hideki, Phillip, Oliver, and Memory were onboard the jet Quicksilver piloted the jet into the sky. Logan, using the com link, contacted team two. ā€œTeam 2, come in. This is Logan, are you ready for extraction? Weā€™re headed over.ā€

Aidan, Frenzy, Kent, Evan, and Vernon

Kent listened, pressed the com link and replied to Loganā€™s beckon, ā€œThis is Kent of team two reporting in. Yes Logan we are more than ready to go home. Our jet is still intact so we will head back on our own. Thanks and see you at home.ā€

Logan replied with a grin, ā€œCopy that Kent. Oh and itā€™s good to hear you consider the mansion home again bub. Itā€™s great to have you back. Youā€™ll keep the rest of us sane.ā€ Logan was honestly glad to hear Kentā€™s voice. It seemed like everyone was generally alright. At least someone had a success today, he thought. After a few minutes of travel the speedy jet arrived at the X-mansion.

All of the other teams returned around roughly the same time. As the team members de-boarded the jets they all looked like they had been through hell. They all faced considerable danger today. Professor Xavier greeted the group and saw a few new faces. He had seen them while he used Cerebro to monitor the various situations however this was a first meeting between him and the newcomers. ā€œWelcome to some and welcome back to others. I am proud of your bravery and decision making today. You all as individuals did exceptionally well in such distressing situations. For those of you who do not know me, I am professor Charles Xavier and I welcome you to the Xavier and Lensherr School for Gifted Students. You must all be tired. Feel free to utilize this place as a safe haven for as long as you require. I will soon hold a briefing meeting once everyone has had a day to rest and revitalize. I will update you all tomorrow.ā€

Cain was still quiet and brooding since Andyā€™s death. Vincent saw Cain standing there in silence as if the world was sitting atop his brain. He gave Ryan a proud smile for his valiant leadership ethic out and the field and a pat on the shoulder before approaching Cain. ā€Heyā€¦ I know what happened out there and I wanted you to know that if you need me for anything Iā€™m here for you. You did the best you could out there and there was nothing more that you could have done.ā€

Cain looked up toward Vincent and embraced him in his arms. ā€œBrotherā€¦ā€ He said as if exhaling for the first time in an hour. Vincent returned the embrace. It was nice to bond with Cain. The two hadnā€™t interacted much since their meeting. Cain stepped back from Vincent and replied, ā€œUnfortunately there was something else I could have done to make sure that young man survived, yet I was weak and couldnā€™t bring myself to do it before it was too late. I wonā€™t make the same mistake twice.ā€ He said he reassuringly place his hand on Vincentā€™s cheek. Vincent was concerned with the state of mind his brother was in.

Scott and Jean hugged each other and kissed, simply being glad to be reunited. Scott hated being split up from Jean on their first mission since her return, however orders were orders. Logan stood not too far away watching the two of them. His face displayed a somber expression. Hideki walked up behind Logan and wrapped his arms around him. ā€œHey Wolverine, itā€™ll be alright. Iā€™m here for you. Weā€™re a mess letā€™s hit the shower.ā€ Hideki couldnā€™t help by attempt to flirt with Logan.

Logan, smirking, slowly peeled Hidekiā€™s arms from around him and turned to face him. ā€œYeah letā€™s Showerā€¦ in our own separate rooms.ā€ Logan chuckled. He began to take a few steps away. ā€œThat imagination of yours seems to be working pretty vividly so feel free to imagine Iā€™m there. That should do the trick Kid.ā€ With that Logan exited the hangar. Hideki huffed at his failed attempt at Logan.

Everyone filed away to their quarters and the guests were shown to rooms so they could rest for the night. Xavier decided to stay awake and monitor the mansion for activity over night in the event that one of the guests werenā€™t so honest about being neutral. Erik wanted to watch in Charlesā€™ stead but Charles refused. He knew Erik pushed himself very far today and needed rest.

(OOC: Hey sorry for the lazy post. I had a lot of ground to cover and instead of hitting all of the individual teams situations and characters with personal references which would have taken a lot of time, I met half way on it. So you can assume all teams are back at the mansion. The guests would be Robert, Vernon, Evan, Alice, Aidan and Niles. (Maybe Keith is Daimoa is still with us.) So itā€™s still night time that same day, Feel free to have your characters interact and mingle as everyone ponders where to go from here. Cain will soon start openly speaking to others about starting his own team. If anyone has any special ideas post them in the OOC. Iā€™d welcome them.)