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Jean Grey

"From the ashes, victory."

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a character in “X-men: Xavier and Magneto Unite”, as played by masato22




Marvel Girl (Former); Phoenix or Dark Phoenix (Occasionally)

Civilian name:

Jean Grey




Teacher, Other staff, Adventurer


Good/ X-men; when under the Dark Phoenix persona she was a Villain; once affiliated with The Hellfire Club





Jean is calculating and smart. She likes to think things through before acting. She'll do anything to help her fellow x-men. Jean is pretty calm and can sometimes be perceived as uptight to those who are usually classified as wildcards. Jean is one who likes to play things by the book. She does have a spontaneous side but it is not often displayed and kept in check for fear of tempting the Phoenix persona.

As the Phoenix she is dark malevolent and malicious. She is adamant about pursuing pleasure no matter how morally wrong or right it is. She is seductive and cunning and will do whatever it takes to achieve personal satisfaction. Jean tends to hold back from using her full power so that the phoenix persona does not awaken again.


Powers and Abilities:


Jean Grey is an Omega-level mutant, and at her highest and strongest potential is transformed into the Phoenix Force.



When her powers first manifest, Jean is unable to cope with her telepathy, forcing Professor X to suppress her access to it altogether. Instead, he chooses to train her in the use of her telekinesis while allowing her telepathy to grow at its natural rate before reintroducing it. When the Professor hides to prepare for the Z'Nox, he reopens Jean's telepathic abilities.

Jean's telepathy allows her to read, influence, control, and communicate with the minds of others, project her mind into the astral plane, and generate telepathic force blasts that can stun or kill others. Jean is one of the few telepaths skilled enough to communicate with animals (animals with high intelligence, such as dolphins, dogs, and ravens). She can also telepathically take away or control people's natural bodily functions and senses, such as sight, hearing, smell, taste, or even mutant powers. A side effect of her telepathy is that she is gifted with an eidetic memory. Jean was able, through telepathic therapy with the comatose Jessica Jones, to grant Jessica immunity to the Purple Man's mind control abilities, despite his powers being chemical in nature rather than psychic. When Jean absorbs Psylocke's specialized telepathic powers, her own telepathy is increased to the point that she can physically manifest her telepathy as a psionic firebird whose claws can inflict both physical and mental damage. Phoenix discovers that she can telepathically enhance the powers of other mutants. She briefly develops a psychic shadow form like Psylocke's, with a gold Phoenix emblem over her eye instead of the Crimson Dawn mark possessed by Psylocke, Jean briefly lost her telekinesis to Psylocke during this exchange, but her telekinetic abilities later came back in full at a far stronger level than before.



Her telekinetic strength and skill are both of a supremely high power-level, capable of grasping objects in Earth orbit and manipulating hundreds of components in mid-air in complex patterns. She uses her telekinesis to often lift herself and others giving her the ability of levitation and flight. She uses her telekinesis to create durable shields and energy blasts. She later manifests a "telekinetic sensitivity" (called "the Manifestation of the Phoenix") to objects in her immediate environment that lets her feel the texture of objects, their molecular patterns, feel when other objects come into contact with them, and probe them at a molecular or subatomic level.

Phoenix Force


When transformed into Phoenix, Jean's powers escalate to an incalculable level, allowing her to rearrange or disintegrate matter at a subatomic level, fly unaided through space, survive in any atmosphere, and manipulate electromagnetic and cosmic energies for various effects and atmospheric disturbances. She can create stargates that can transport her anywhere in the universe instantaneously. At this level, she is powerful enough to easily defeat a herald of Galactus.

Jean, while acting as a Phoenix Force avatar, can create 'cosmic' flames, even in seemingly impossible situations such as the vacuum of space or underwater. Typically they manifest as a raptor or part of a raptor such as a claw or wings. Jean has perfect control over these flames, and they only consume what she wills, and these flames do not require oxygen to burn, and burn so intensely that matter is consumed without by-products such as ash. It is unclear whether these flames are an extension of her telekinesis and telepathy or a more general property of the Phoenix Force. The cosmic flames are a literal punctuation to the Phoenix's purpose to "burn away what doesn't work", as well as being described as "burning through lies" and deception.

As the Phoenix, Jean is able to resurrect after death. The Phoenix Force allows Jean to revive, absorb, rechannel, and preserve the life-force of any kind of life-form, meaning that she can take life energy from one person and give it to others, heal herself with the same life energy, or even resurrect the dead, since the Phoenix is the sum of all life and death.


Jean Grey is a college graduate from Metro College with a select education in psychology. Years later she finished her masters in Columbia University.



The younger daughter of history professor John Grey and his wife Elaine, Jean Grey was 10 years old when her mutant telepathic powers first manifested after experiencing the emotions of a dying friend. Her parents took her to be treated by Professor Charles Xavier. While Xavier treated Jean he also used her to fine tune his Cerebro machine. When Xavier introduced young Jean to the astral plane a part of her mind manifested as a Phoenix raptor and touched the mind of Scott Summers in the orphanage. Later, Xavier erected psychic shields in Jean’s mind to prevent her from using her telepathic powers until she was mature enough to control them. Eventually, using her telekinetic powers, Jean was a founding member of Xavier’s team of mutant trainees the X-Men as Marvel Girl. Upon a mission in outer space Jean was noticed by the Phoenix Force which took note of her unlimited potential. At this moment Jean had a vision of becoming the Phoenix but the vision faded from her memory as it ended. She soon fell in love with fellow student Scott Summers, and later would develop a strong attraction towards one of the team’s new recruits, the feral Wolverine.

After Jean and the X-Men defeated scientist Stephen Lang and his robotic Sentinels on his space station, the heroes escaped back to Earth in a shuttle through a lethal solar radiation storm. Dying from radiation poisoning, Jean was saved by the cosmic entity known as the Phoenix Force who created a duplicate body complete with memories and personality, absorbed a portion of her consciousness and cast her into suspended animation in a strange cocoon at the bottom of Jamaica Bay.

For months the Phoenix believed itself to be the real Jean and saved the universe by healing the M’Kraan Crystal. Mental manipulation by Mastermind caused Phoenix to go insane and become Dark Phoenix. Ultimately, the portion of Jean’s consciousness within Phoenix resurfaced, causing it to commit suicide. This portion of Jean Grey’s consciousness then journeyed to the afterlife to meet a manifestation of Death. Death explained the Phoenix Force to Jean, who now wore a White Phoenix costume, before this portion of her consciousness and residual Phoenix energy was sent to Jean’s original body in the cocoon, where it was rejected, and then to her clone, Madelyne Pryor. Eventually, Jean was rescued from her stasis and, with the other original X-Men, formed a new team, X-Factor. Madelyne Pryor later died in a confrontation with Jean Grey in which Jean absorbed Madelyne’s and Phoenix’s personalities and memories and a spark of the Phoenix energy. While in battle with a Celestial on an alien world, Jean expelled this spark of energy and the personalities she had absorbed but kept faint impressions of their memories.

Scott and Jean married upon Jean’s return and eventually she and Scott headed to Muir Island to gain the help of Moira McTaggard. Jean needed help with subduing the phoenix force within her and Moira was able to help Jean through intense therapy. Jean urged Scott to return to the X-men without her and to continue to help then since he was much needed. She promised that she’d return when she was ready. Now’s the time.

Other information:

Jean has returned to the X-men but she has opted to take on more of a supporting role rather than a frontline role like before. She seems to have resolved her feelings for Logan. Logan has since gotten better at keeping his feelings for her in check. He seems almost indifferent towards her. But everyone knows that hasn’t come about without much effort.

So begins...

Jean Grey's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Sabertooth (Victor Creed) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver)
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Scott Summers, Jean Grey, and Kent Van Pelt

Scott and Kent led Dr. Strange and son to Professor Xavier’s office to talk. The Professor’s meeting concluded and the Dr. left. Professor X headed to his quarters to rest. He had a long day. Scott and Kent sat in the living room chatting. It had been a long time since Scott and Kent last spoke. Kent was an unofficial member of the X-men yet everyone considered him a part of the team. He was glad to stick around the mansion. It was like being home again.

There was one more ringing of the newly fixed doorbell. Scott and Kent went to answer the door and greet the guest. Low and behold stood Jean Grey back from Ireland and ready to assist the x-men once again. Scott was shocked. He wasn’t expecting Jean back until a week later. Scott’s eyes began to tear up. “Jean
 you’re back
” Scott said softly.

Jean simply smiled and gave Scott a big hug. “I miss you so much Scott. It’s good to be back with you.” The two embraced and kissed.

Kent smiled as he stepped back and allowed the couple to have their moment. Jean then greeted Kent with a warm smile. “So sorry Kent. I didn’t mean to ignore you. It’s just been a little while since Scott and I have been together.” Jean explained.

“Before she could continue Kent said, “I know. There’s no need to apologize. You’re absolutely fine.” Jean gave Kent a big hug. She was very glad to see Kent as well. Jean and Scott went to get Jean settled in again. Reunions were needed, but they would have to come later.

One their way to the Jean and Scott’s room, the group passed the War room, in it sat Logan and Frenzy talking quietly. Logan looked up and saw Jean. Their eyes met and Logan’s heart sunk in. He wasn’t ready to see her. He quickly got his expression together and greeted Jean. “Hey Jean. It’s been a while huh?” Logan said in a indifferently.

Jean smiled and replied, “Indeed it has. It’s good to see you Logan.”

Scott made way toward their bedroom and carried Jean’s belongings with him. Kent decided to stay with Logan and Frenzy in the war room and enjoy their conversation.

Vincent Xavier, Abe Fuyumi

“Well now, do you remember him or have we turned you into the wrong guy?” Vincent said jokingly. Ryan only smiled, the tears now falling freely from his eyes. "No... No, that's me. That's how I used to look... Thank you! Thank you so much Vincent!" Ryan said, running over to Vincent and tackling him with a huge hug. "I'm me again!" Ryan yelled into Vincent's chest, his voice muffled slightly. He pulled away for a moment, running directly over to Professor Fuyumi, flinging himself onto her as he did Vincent before. "We did it. I'm so happy. Thank you for the mirror." After a brief moment, Ryan stepped away from Fuyumi and looked at himself. "I need to... I need to train, to practice. I have to be able to turn this off and on again whenever I want to. I need to... I need to paint. God, I haven't been able to paint without huge clawed hands for years. I want to... I want to do so many things! I can... I can... I can be me, Vincent. I can be me again." Ryan finished, his cheeks rosy, his smile massive.

Vincent’s smiling and laughter continued. He knew Ryan had the drive and determination to train diligently. Discovering one’s self takes work. Fuyumi was so glad to see Ryan so genuinely happy. Ryan always made Fuyumi feel like a maternal figure when he was around her. It was a good feeling. He was in fact the closest thing to a sibling or son she had. She had always figured that she came off as distant to others because she was so quiet and to herself. She was glad that now she knew for sure that she didn’t make Ryan feel as if he were being pushed away.

The celebration was cut short when Agent Six, who was currently in the mansion’s sub-levels, sent her observer spirit into the mirror it took up the entirety of its surface, a long spindly arm shot out grabbing the wine bottle and slamming it into the mirror. The mirror itself was fine with a few cracks but the wine bottle shattered on impact the liquid ran down the surface of the mirror but never reached the floor as it should. Instead it took shape with the observer spirit giving it more space to take on a small form that looked like the upper body of a person, Agent Six. It reached out towards Vincent brushing against his throat almost like she was trying to choke him but physical contact should help in what she was going to say next.

Vincent was very startled. It’s not very easy to catch him off guard seeing as that he tends to receive a psionic warning when danger is imminent. Fuyumi shrieked as the strange arm shot from the mirror and the form seemingly choked Vincent. Vincent didn’t know exactly what he was going to do as he hadn’t gotten a hold on all that was happening to him.

"Jonathan" was the only word it spoke but to Vincent he would have seen a flurry of images of what had happened telling him exactly where Jonathan was. Vincent now knew that he wasn’t being attacked but he was being warned. This was a cry for help from Agent Six. With that the observer spirit lost its form, the wine splashed to the ground.

Suddenly they heard a noise from outside of the kitchen. “Professor!” April Barber, the schools head nurse, screamed as she ran down the hallways, eventually leading out into the kitchens. “Vincent! There’s something upstairs!” she panted, leaning against the door frame. “I think Ace’s powers are manifesting themselves!” It took some time for her to catch her breath and when she finally did the sight of Ryan almost made her lose it again. “Ryan!? Oh my god!” she exclaimed, mouth slightly agape. “Is that you?” she asked dumbfounded.

Fuyumi after calming down, turned to April and smiled, “Yes this is Ryan. We’ll definitely have to explain it to you later.”

Vincent sighed heavily. “Yes
 well that settles it. If one freaky happening didn’t settle it then this does. So Ace is the cause of what’s attacking Jonathan and Agent Six
” Vincent said in a pondering manner. “Well that was a warning from Agent Six. She and Jonathan are in danger and I fear the we are as well. Ace must have lost control of her shadow power again. But is this Alice’s doing?” Vincent said to the group. He then turned to Ryan. “Ryan do you think you can still defend yourself in this state for now? I’m not sure if we have the time to change you back. Just stick with me and I’ll have your back. We need to warn the others. There are construction workers outside as well that need to be safeguarded. We most definitely can risk civilians getting hurt.” Vincent instructed. He wondered why Ace lost control. Alice seemed to be under wraps lately but what would have set that power out of whack? There was definitely something at work here, Vincent thought to himself.

Vincent ran down to the sub-basement levels of the mansion. Fuyumi followed behind Vincent. She then phased down through the floor to the Sub-basement and began searching for Jonathan and Agent Six. She ran from corridor to corridor until she spotted them. Agent six sat on the floor cradling Jonathan’s head in her lap. It looked as if she was trying to protect him from the large shadow figure looming over them. Fuyumi phased through the floor and arose next to Jonathan and Agent Six. “It’s me Shadow or Fuyumi. He’s unconscious huh?” Fuyumi asked after introducing herself to agent six. Agent Six was blind and also she and Fuyumi have had little chance to get acquainted with one another so Fuyumi felt a brief intro was in order. “I’ve got you two don’t worry.” Fuyumi said while she placed her hands, one on Agent Six, the other on Jonathan (making sure not to touch his skin but his clothing) and phased the two through the ground and into the next room.”
Fuyumi made sure the two were okay. While looking at Jonathan she thought to herself. “It must be so hard for him to deal with his power. I remember how it felt not to be tangible for a while. It was horrible not to be able to touch a thing. But I imagine he has it worse. He can have skin contact with another at all. Such a handsome young man, yet I’m sure he’s not even attempting to date in his condition. I do hope he gains control of his ability so he too can have a more normal life.”

Vincent made it downstairs. He had taken note that Fuyumi had gotten Agent Six and Jonathan to safety. He looked at the creature of the shadows face to face. It seemed to be examining him as well. Vincent’s thoughts raced. “How do I shut this creature down? Usually Professor psionically arrests the Alice persona into the shadow realm. However I’m sensing Ace is actually unconscious. I think the shadows themselves have struck out on their own. So how will I Psionically dismiss them without their creator conscious and aware? Perhaps I can telekinetically disperse the shadow? It won’t kill it but it will force it to split apart and disperse. That would at least buy us some time to regroup.” Vincent said.

He placed his hands on his temples and concentrated on a combustible telekinetic force. The shadow charged at him shrieking viciously in an unearthly tone. Just in time the shadow dispersed into a black mist and faded away. Vincent rejoined Fuyumi, Agent Six and Jonathan in the next room over. “I think I commandeered us some time. We need to move him to safety.” Vincent said to the group.

Matsuzawa Hideki, Pietro Maximoff, Logan, Frenzy, Kent Van Pelt

Hideki was walking to his room from outside. He still couldn’t shake the strange feeling he had. Like something was stirring in the atmosphere. “Gosh I keep getting these horrible chilling feelings
 this premonition stuff if best left to the telepaths like Vincent or professor X geez
” He complained.

Hideki wondered what Aidan was up to. The man was so mysterious. “That man was a friend of Professor X according to the Professor, although he didn’t seem much like Xavier only in the manner of being obviously wealthy.” Hideki thought to himself. The man that creeped Hideki out was now becoming the subject of much curiosity. Hideki’s thought processes were cut short when Pietro sprinted swiftly around the corner and toward Hideki. Pietro moved so fast it seemed as if he was going to crash into Hideki. However, Pietro saw Hideki well before he reached him. His reaction time is superb so Pietro was able to stop right in front of Hideki. His face bore a cool smirk. Hideki fell backward in fear of a possible collision.

“What the hell!? Pietro didn’t anyone ever tell you not to run in the house?!” Hideki fussed. He was already feeling uneasy today, but this only made his heart feel like it was going to burst through his chest.

Pietro squatted down and offered to help Hideki up. “Yeah sure they did
 like I would ever listen to that. Sorry kiddo. I was heading out for a jog.” Pietro replied.

“I had heard something about Cain going on an outing and taking a few others with him. I thought you were supposed to go. What happened to that?” Hideki asked.

 yeah about that. I was all fine and dandy with Cain asking me and all, but my dad was going too. He and I don’t gel too well so I decided to pass. However my half bro and I are gonna have a little bonding time later. He’re going clubbing~” Pietro smiled. He was in a pretty jovial mood. He was looking forward to spending time with Cain and getting to know him. He only hoped that his new brother wasn’t too much like their father Magneto.

The sound of critters seemed to rustle and rattle around them. It was strange and the sounds rapidly increased in frequency. Suddenly little shadow creatures sprang up from the shadowy areas of the corridor and scurried towards Pietro and Hideki. “What the
?” Pietro was unsure of what it was he was seeing.

Hideki felt that shudder in his body, this was the cause of what he was feeling earlier, he realized. He fired a spray of plasmatic flares at the shadow creatures and they seemed to be in pain. Several scurried away in terror while those that were struck faded away. They definitely didn’t like bright light. “Pietro cover your eyes!” Hideki warned. Pietro quickly followed instructions and covered his eyes as the blinding white lite illuminated all over the hallway from Hideki’s body. The monsters were eradicated. “We’d better warn the others.” Hideki said as he turned toward Pietro.

Pietro quickly swept Hideki off his feet and raced down the hall. Looking for someone that could help, they found Logan sitting quietly in the war room, with Kent Van Pelt, and Fenzy. They sat talking quietly with each other as Pietro and Hideki rushed into the quiet atmosphere. “Perfect it’s the tin man Wolverine. Hey we’ve got ourselves a nasty little shadow critter situation around here and light bright here can’t be expected to blind everyone trying to get rid of them all alone.” Pietro spoke swiftly as he did most everything else.

Logan responded, “Look here Bub! I ain’t no tin man. And if you keep that little cute act up, you’ll have a much bigger problem than Flare here flashing a few bright lights in your smug face.” Logan huffed in a bit of an attitude.

Kent laughed a little nervously, “Sorry about that Quicksilver. Logan’s in a bit of a bad mood right now. However we’re here to help. As much as I’d hate to break up their moment, we’d better go get Scott and Jean.” Kent said.

Logan seemed to perk up instantly at the sound of busting up Scott and Jean. “Well let’s get going team!” Logan said with a smirk no one could miss.

Hideki let out a sigh, “Oh well
 So much for Kyle and my ‘one true pairing’ dreams for Scott and Logan
They made the perfect anti couple
” Hideki mopped to himself.

David North, Victor Creed, Stinger, Magneto and Cain

ignoring the hand Canaan growled at the both of them "then your just like everyone else always wanting to take advantage of Terra's abilitys well guess what its a simple no we dont need you help" her eyes narrowed.

Cain was a bit hurt by her skepticism. He honestly wanted to help them perfect their abilities. He wished that mutant could and would trust each other more. He felt that if they didn’t stick together, they’d be wiped out by those that would want to hurt them. David, Victor and Frenzy didn’t care for the young mutant’s attitude much yet they kept themselves in check and avoided interjecting. Cain could sense that Memory had had a run in with a Morlock. She did manage to handle herself and hide. But Canaan was beginning to pick up on her presence. Sabertooth and David both immediately picked up on the noise as well.

Glaring at Cain Canaan was about to turn away except she heard a sound, an unwelcomed sound of a body hitting the ground. the tip of her tail twitched just once and already Canaan pushed past Cain and the rest with unatural grace befitting a cat hybrid such as herself. a growl escaped her throat as she advanced on the intruder, Cain readied himself to act. He watched closely and sharply. He was prepared to subdue anyone that dared to hurt his team including Canaan if need be. but suddenly a small tremor shook the tunnels dislodging a few slabs of rock.

Canaan snapped her head in the direction of where she had come from, fear in her eyes. "shit Terra" her voice rose and se was gone running towards where her brother was. passing the group of X-Men stopping just for a moment "first of all when your come visit us don’t take all you man power with you. And second go deal with that little rat you have tailong behind that wall" her voice low and threatening. so with that Canaan ran past the gate towards Terra who laid still but it was obvious that he was the cause of that tremor.

Cain glanced over to Magneto, who remained silent. He wanted to allow Cain to proceed as he saw fit. He truly believed in his children as leaders, with the exception of Pietro perhaps. David looked over to Cain and Magneto. “So we have a stalker?” He said sarcastically.

Cain sighed and replied, “Memory Ashcroft. I’ve been aware of her presence for a while now but I decided to proceed without blowing her cover. She did an excellent job in masking her location. However my telepathy is exceptionally strong and hard to hide from.”

David smirked then turned around and headed toward Memory’s general direction. “Hey Wonder twin. You can come out now. The jigs up. I’ll look after you Memory. We’ll go in together and I promise to bring you back to your brother safe and sound. Sound good?” David spoke flirtatiously. He really enjoyed Memory. She was an interesting person to David.

Victor grinned, “Did he mention that he’s more than twice her age? Don’t let his artificially halted pretty boy looks fool you.” He commented loudly.
Stinger asked Cain, “Well aren’t we gonna get outta here? I mean the little twerp said she didn’t want any help so we should just beat it.” She was ready to leave the sewers.

Cain shook his head. “I need to try again. I hope they will understand my heart.” He proceeded over toward Canaan. The other Morlocks didn’t want the group anywhere in their space. Cain knelt down by Canaan and Terra. “You know the morlocks haven’t been able to help you attain any growth in developing your power in the recent past. I can feel it. Both you and Terra feel as if you’ve hit a wall and wished you could continue to grow. Well you can, with the right help.” He motioned toward the others. These people are far from being defined as all of my man power. They are very strong but the X-men as a team is unstoppable. I just wanted to make sure that nothing unnecessary happened, they are here to insure that.” Cain turned back to Canaan, “please give us a chance.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Sabertooth (Victor Creed) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver)
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Agent Six

She didn’t understand for his need to protect her. Agent Six didn’t care if she died it might be painful but she would welcome it with open arms but with the absence of a smile. Staring down at his face, a hand touched her but she ignored it as well as the voice that accompanied it. For a brief moment her body felt strange but it soon passed, she knew for a fact that they had phased through the floors, Agent Six did catch the woman’s name; Fuyumi or Shadow as some would call her. Weapon X had files on her that Agent Six had been told about so she already knew what Fuyumi had done.

It looked as if Agent Six furrowed her brow at the fact that Jonathan had asked about her safety not really understanding why he bothered to ask if he could see her face looking down at his from her lap. In one swift movement Agent Six flicked his forehead; too fast for his ability to affect her, a single word escaped her lips “idiot”. But just for a brief moment Agent Six saw color but it was like blinking and the color was gone. Then Vincent spoke about buying them some time not that it would help since they would just keep coming back. But Agent Six remained silent as always not caring to 'watch' them as she should in case something happened.


She really didn’t like Cain at the moment, the concern in his voice as if he knew what she had been through. Snorting Canaan looked at him from the corner of her eye, tail lashing behind the only thing that gave away her emotion at the time. "Unstoppable huh, no one’s unstoppable not even you X-Men-" she spat at him "-not even Terra" she said on a softer note. Canaan's mind began to go into overdrive trying to come up with a reason not to take their help but she was just being her stubborn self and really didn’t want to admit needing help from people she didn’t even know.

Letting out a sigh Canaan’s tail floated down to rest on the ground in defeat but she continued to glare at Cain. “Let you help us this one time but once Terra wakes up were leaving” and with that Canaan leaned down, lifting up Terra holding him in her arms with ease. Canaan made sure to avoid eye contact with the others, her tail floated behind her like silk. At the last minute before she passed Memory her tail flicked across the older girls face, and then it trailed behind Canaan who looked as if nothing happened.


the last shadow GateKeeper left its home, it began to stalk the halls making sure to avoid those it did not wish to deal with yet. this one was different from the others, smarter and faster, it relied on its ability to outsmart its prey than on its strength like its twin(the one who attacked Jonathan and Agent Six)they both guarded the same being The Third Child but for now they must destroy all and any threats to their masters recovery.

sniffing the air it smiled, sticky strands kept its mouth from forming into a full smile but it was a smile nonetheless, it had found the source of pain, it had found the one who always bothered its second master, Alice. for each personality had its own shadow GateKeeper, Ace's had been dispersed temporarily but it would soon return to haunt this mansion. while the one stalking its prey belonged to Alice, the one it had found was none other than Charles Xavier and it was going to kill tonight no matter the cost.

---------- Somewhere else in Mansion -------------------

the third shadow from before had found the Juggernaut or rather his scent and it too had a savage grin. it let out a hiss that only those with enhanced hear could hear, almost like a dog whistle. its hiss traveled all around the mansion alerting its brethren that it had found their intended target. soon smaller shadows skittered across the floors in huge amounts, some even ran over one another trying to be the first to taste flesh that it craved as whole . . .

(OOC:i let you guys deal with what happens with the smaller ones as they are currently running in the halls in waves, have fun)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Sabertooth (Victor Creed) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver)
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David North, Victor Creed, Stinger, Magneto and Cain

David smirked as he watched Memory stand up, cross her arms and step out into the dim light of the sewers.

"Oh boys, the age doesn't both me," she began flirtatiously as she began her walk in their direction the shoes were making little noise in space they were in. After a few seconds she reached them, stopping just around a meter away. "he's still got that pretty face." She smiled sweetly, with a hidden seduction beneath, before sauntering past them. Suddenly, Memory stopped and looked over her shoulder at them with a cheeky grin.
"Then again, with that age, I just hope everything still works as well as his pretty little face." She spoke slowly, her eyes trailing down his body to the top of the legs, focusing on a specific area for a moment, before returning to his eyes. Giving a quick wink, Memory continued on her way away from the men.

David’s smirk became a full blown smile. He was delighted to see that she seemed to enjoy his attention maybe as much as he enjoyed hers. He brushed a few strands of un-slicked hair back behind his ear and took a few steps closer to Memory. “Well now, how about you give me a thorough check up Miss Ashcroft? I’m sure everything would be in excellent working order and especially to your liking. Once we blow this little popsicle stand, I’ll reserve all the time in the world for you. Scouts honor.” David stood directly in front of Memory, intimately close.

Stinger giggled nonstop. It was all too amusing to her. She always considered David to be quite the slut but this was just too good. Watching him with this young woman was priceless. She had to admit though, Memory did make her feel a tiny bit self-conscious. She was so young, sassy and pretty. It actually made Stinger feel a tad bit old. Stinger quickly frowned and shook her head in annoyance trying to clear her mind of the voice saying she was getting older. Stinger could never shake her vanity and neither could David. He and her actually slept together once. Things were great physically but emotionally, it was sex and sex alone. Absolutely nothing emotional came out of that encounter. Stinger hoped that if Memory actually slept with David, that she either not get attached to him or that he is actually serious about her. The only thing Stinger said to the flirtatious couple was, “Well sweetheart, I’ll have you know North here is very much forbidden fruit. Know that well before you take that delicious bite.”

When Cain went to talk once more to Canaan she replied, "Unstoppable huh, no one’s unstoppable not even you X-Men-" she spat at him "-not even Terra" she said on a softer note. Letting out a sigh Canaan’s tail floated down to rest on the ground in defeat but she continued to glare at Cain. “I’ll let you help us this one time but once Terra wakes up were leaving” and with that Canaan leaned down, lifting up Terra holding him in her arms with ease. Canaan avoided eye contact with the others, her tail floated behind her like silk. At the last minute before she passed Memory her tail flicked across the older girls face, and then it trailed behind Canaan who looked as if nothing happened.

Cain was relieved that Canaan agreed to come along, even if it was only temporarily. He had faith that once Canaan and Terra experienced life with the X-men they’d understand Charles and Eric’s mission. Calypso watched the whole time in the shadows. Now that Canaan and Terra were actually going with the X-men she was angered enough to take action. She charged out of the shadows and commanded the group to stop.

“You surface dwelling X-scum, how dare you waltz down here and take your pick of our Morlock family as if we were tools at your disposal?! You’ve got some nerve!” Calypso yelled, standing behind the group. “And Canaan, I can save you a wasted trip. The X-men won’t accept you. Think about it? They wanted nothing to do with those they attacked a day ago on the surface did they?” Calypso’s voice carried a mocking tone. Her voice began to take a calmer tone, “This is a mistake Canaan. I’m not angry with you for going, but I am livid with these self-righteous pricks! I wouldn’t be a good leader if I didn’t try to stop them from taking you out of here. So as acting leader of the Morlocks, while the official leader Storm is still absent, I order every able Morlock to hunt them down and prevent the X-men from taking Canaan and Terra out of here! They are our family and we won’t lose them to these X-freaks!! NOW GO!!”

Calypso gave the order and the Morlocks attacked. Morlocks seemed to filter in from everywhere. The group was easily surrounded. Magneto turned to Canaan and snipped, “You wondered why we needed such man power? There is always a method to my madness young lady.” Magneto’s tone was that of a teacher. He and Cain knew full well that Calypso would never allow them to simply walk out of the sewers with two of her prized mutants. She did care for Canaan and Terra greatly but she would never willingly recognize that the X-men were better able to help them than she was.

Victor huffed, “I will never get used to being called an X-men
 Fuck I might as well turn into that damned Wolverine.” He griped out loud to the group.

David laughed, “Well ‘Saber-ine’ at least you’ll get the action your blood boiled for.” He so enjoyed poking fun at Sabertooth.

Sabertooth growled, “North I swear I’m going to kill you in the ugliest way imaginable.”

David replied while drawing his guns from his holsters, “Aww
 sorry Victor. Look baby I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. I was just having a little fun. Please don’t be mad, stay up and keep something warm for me tonight~” David joked and promptly began to laugh mischievously.

Sabertooth could never remain pissed and keep an angry disposition with David when he pulled his notoriously gay jokes. “Damn it North!! I’m losing my fury momentum with you gaying it up over there! Shut-up and watch your girl’s back for Christ’s sake!” Sabertooth couldn’t fight the smile that crept across his face. David was truly the only friend Victor had.

David stood with Memory, “Hey love, stick with me alright. You’ll be fine. I’ve never minded a tight squeeze.” David said with a wink. He then unstrapped a pistol affixed to his thigh and gave it to Memory. “Here, I hope you don’t mind shooting sewer scum cause it won’t mind attacking you. Get my drift?” David hoped she knew how to use that gun and could bring herself to shoot someone.

Cain telepathically warned them all. “Do NOT kill anyone if possible. You can hurt but not kill. They may be hostiles but they are still our mutant brethren. If we murder today, we will lose the trust and faith of those we came to recruit as well as damage our chance at a united mutant-kind. Our goal is to escape. Let’s clear a pathway out with minimal bloodshed. I have faith in you all.”

Vincent Xavier, Abe Fuyumi

"I'll carry Jonathan, can one of you get the other?" Ryan asked, bending down and hefting the large Texan over his shoulder with much more effort than such exertions used to take. "Oof. Starting to miss my old strength." Ryan joked. "Hey Vince, mind shifting me back?" Ryan asked. He'd only just managed to get back to the way he used to be, but the current situation demanded the use of his strength. "It's ok. We can always try to get me back again later. Besides, I miss my tail." Ryan chuckled, a brave smile on his face.

Vincent nodded in agreement. “We will iron out time for sure to work on this later Ryan I promise.” Vincent smiled. “But you’re right, for now we need you at 100%.” Vincent and Ryan repeated the procedure they followed the last time in in a matter of a minute or two, Ryan way back to normal again. Vincent was glad that Ryan actually wanted to change back. That meant that he had accepted that part of himself. Ryan was now much better able to carry Jonathan than in his previous state.

“We need to get him up to the infirmary; running around this place is the last thing he needs at the moment. Plus Ace is up there locked in a room, I have the spare key somewhere in my office.” April said.

Vincent agreed. “April’s right. Alright then, the others need to be found and alerted. I sense that most others are aware of what’s happening. But a few aren’t. My Telepathy seems to be meeting with some interference. It’s not impossible to get through but still not easy. Looks like we’ll have to see to Jonathan first, and trust the other to see to Ace. I’ll try to get a telepathic transmission to Scott to rescue Ace. Let’s head up to Aprils office and get Jonathan and Six to safety.” The group headed upstairs from the sub-basement.

Matsuzawa Hideki, Pietro Maximoff, Logan, Frenzy, Kent Van Pelt, Jean Grey and Scott Summers

The group [Hideki, Pietro, Logan, Frenzy, and Kent] had found Scott and Jean in their bedroom, catching up after a long absence from each other. After giving the couple a moment, they all headed down the halls to seek out the new threat. Scott received a telepathic warning from Vincent. He turned to the group, “Everyone this is our objective, we need to rescue Ace from a locked room. Vincent believe she is unconscious. The creatures Flare (Hideki’s codename) and Quicksilver (Pietro’s codename) encountered were shadow creatures, according to Vincent. He ran into a large one. This might have something to do with Ace. We are going to check things out together, for now. Alright team let’s move.” Scott gave the command.

Jean smiled. She missed being a part of missions with the X-men. It was also refreshing to see Scott in action as team leader and commander. He was such the military man. Jean was not happy about the danger but she knew that all would eventually be resolved so she wasn’t worried. She was simply happy to be home with her husband and family. She then received a telepathic warning. “They’re coming! Many small creatures are approaching us!” Jean warned.

Many little shadowy creatures leapt from the darkness at the group. Logan ejected his claws and launched ahead of the others in attack mode. The creatures seemed afraid of the flash of light that was generated from Logan’s claws once ejected. However Logan’s slashes were not producing fruitful results. They seemed little effected by physical attacks. “What the hell are these little creeps?!” Logan shouted.

Jean telekinetically began to repel a few of the shadows. As they crashed into the walls they dispersed into pieces but soon rejoined themselves and were created a new. Scott used his optic blast and the brightness of the blast eliminated a group of little shadow creatures. Frenzy was in a similar situation as Logan. Kent used shielding abilities to defend Logan and Frenzy. Kent then converted his shield energy into a wall like force energy. The energy was bright and produced an electrical arch energy that made the shadows fritz out upon contact with it. Those touched became static-like and soon faded away. “Well that worked.” Kent said with a pleasant smile.

Logan patted Kent on the shoulder proudly, “Add a boy Anchorman! Once an X-men always an X-men.” He hoped that Kent would formally rejoin the team. It wasn’t often that Logan would openly acknowledge friendship, at least not out loud anyway. Kent blushed a little. He was a humble man that grew shy at praise awarded to him.

Quicksilver acted as a diversion. Moving swiftly and tricking shadow creatures into the line of fire. Hideki shot plasma blasts at the creatures, the brightness of the multicolored blasts destroyed the creatures easily but the energy of the explosive blasts destroyed furniture and other objects in the line of fire upon impact. He gave a pained expression, “Why are my powers so destructive
?!” Hideki groaned.

Scott took quick notice. “It’s light that most harms them! Hideki instead of fireworks, uses flashes of light energy, the brighter the better.” Hideki followed Scott’s instructions and the hall bagan to clear out quickly.

“Phew! I just hope light bright here doesn’t run out of batteries!” Quicksilver jokes. Scott rolled his eyes underneath his visor. He was of the serious sort and often didn’t get onboard with Quicksilver’s smug sense of humor. They group made it to the room where Ace was locked in. They were unsure of what lie on the other side.

Juggernaught and Charles Xavier

Charles could sense that something was amiss. His sleep wasn’t highly restful. He woke from a nightmare. In the nightmare a dark group of entities of various shapes began to swallow up the X-men and those in the mansion, First Juggernaut, then Ace, Charles was devoured next and he could feel each and every last member of the X-mansion being sucked into an eternal and life draining darkness. Charles shot out of his dream, only to hear a terrible cackle in the atmosphere. This demonic laughter echoed only in the shadows of the room. Xavier knew that this must have been related to Ace and Alice. But something was definitely off. He knew that if his dream was a premonition, his brother was in danger.

Charles then heard a scream, “HELP ME!” Annabelle screamed telepathically. He knew she was in trouble as well. He quickly hopped out of bed and grabbed his robe. He was shirtless except for his house robe that remained unfastened at the moment. He was glad to have regained the use of his legs. It was moments like this before where he wished he could quickly race to the aid of others on foot, now he could and he was grateful for the ability. A moment later Annabelle entered Xavier’s room. After finding him she stopped to catch her breath. "Professor, shadows are attacking the pupils and it's coming from someone called The Third Child, I think." She looked around the room. "One's here." She whispered and backed up against the desk, scared.

Charles replied, “Fear not Annabelle. We will get things under control. I sense the other are already alert. Together you and I make a formidable team. You must believe in your skills.” Charles reassured Annabelle.

A large shadowy figure rose from behind the desk. It loomed tall over them with slit eyes glaring. Charles immediately placed his fingertips on his head and concentrated with great focus. “Annabelle focus your psionic energy toward me as best you can.” Charles instructed quickly. He began to glow with a pink aura of psionic energy. “Psychic Maelstrom!!” Charles said aloud. The shadow creature shrieked and contorted in agony. Xavier knew that he wouldn’t be able to sustain this attack for long, even with Annabelle’s help.

Juggernaut sat in his room relaxed and watching TV. He seemed to have decreased slightly in size. He was physically slightly larger than the body of normal highly muscular man. Juggernaut’s magic enhancements allowed his to alter his size to a degree so that he’d fit into buildings without destroying doorways and knocking down walls due to his normally large frame. The TV’s light began to dim down considerably. “Wah? Don’t Xavier got enough cash to fix the TV’s around this dump? Geez I didn’t realize my little brother was a cheap-ass
” Juggernaut chuckled to himself.

The room grew darker than before. The shadowy areas in the room seemed to ripple violently. Juggernaut’s disposition became far more serious. He growled at the presence he felt. It was cold, dark and evil, yet it was familiar. “WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?! COME ON OUT YOU CREEPY LITTLE TWERP! You’re bullshit doesn’t scare me!” Juggernaut shouted. He then heard a crazed cackle surround him. He knew he was in for a fight but with who or what?

Kyle and Colossus

Kyle and Colossus had finished up helping out the construction workers that were fixing up the X-mansion. The workers had left the mansion grounds and headed home. They were all marveled at the strength Colossus and Kyle both possessed. They wished they could lift heavy metal like that, work would be completed far more faster. There were a few jealous and or fearful looks but they were soon turned around once they interacted with Kyle and Colossus’ charming personalities.

“God almighty I’m hungry!” Kyle exclaimed. He sat down on the grass outside the mansion. He was glad to be done with all the hard work. Colossus agreed.

“I am hungry too my friend. How about I treat you to dinner? You didn’t have to help me help the construction workers with the mansion repairs but you did. I appreciate that a lot. It was very sweet of you.” Colossus said as he shifted from his metal form.

Kyle blushed a little. “Ah
 I outta lift more heavy stuff more often, maybe I’ll get asked out more.” Kyle said with a wink.

Colossus blushed fiercely, “Now now there is to be little need for you to be lifting heavy thing from now on. Leave that to me Kyle. I can’t have anyone asking you out, that is to be my pleasure to do the asking.” Colossus flirted shyly in reply. The two began to head off to town to grab something to eat. Then they heard an explosive noise come from inside the mansion, it seemed like their dinner date would have to wait.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Sabertooth (Victor Creed) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver)
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She really hated people right now, especially these damn mutants, always acting like they cared only using them for their abilities. Canaan was not the least bit happy at Calypso’s words, her lip curled in disgust as she listened to what she said.

“What makes you so sure they won’t accept me, you’re the only one saying that they won’t, I refuse to answer to anyone, I refuse to abide by your decisions or anyone’s decisions for that matter. They are not forcing me to come with them, I Chose to come with them; to the surface I’m tired of hiding from surface dwellers. What I choose to do with my life has nothing to do with you Calypso! You cannot call yourself my family for I have no family outside of a brother. Nothing more, nothing less so do yourself a favor and leave that damn illusion that we were ever part of this cowardly family” Canaan snarled at her caretaker. Canaan set Terra down on the ground, making sure he was comfortable and not in the way.

Then facing the Morlocks she roared, the sound echoed throughout the sewers, some morlocks even paused, contemplating whether or not it was a good idea to mess with Canaan. Tail lashing behind her, Canaan slashed at whoever got close to her and Terra, snarling and biting at whatever hands tried to drag him away.

Shadow (first Gatekeeper in hallway)
The little ones screamed and howled in pain, their tiny voices sounded like nails running along a chalkboard. The bright light Hideki had created had killed most if not all of their brethren that once resided in that hall, but they were no more. One little shadow got away though, by stepping into a shadow before he released all that light. By doing so the little shadow ended up back within Ace’s room, it let out a few short squeaks looking at something that could not be seen nor fathomed.

Suddenly something plucked the little shadow right off the ground, tearing it into pieces with its endless black maw. The sounds of pain stopped, and one single limb came down to rest on the floor, then the rest of the body followed behind. What stood alone in that room was none other than the shadow Jonathan and Vincent had dispersed. It smiled, for it could feel the presence of new threats, one was very much similar to the one that had forced him to leave after regenerating from the first attack.

it is time to kill shaking its head, the shadow began to laugh sending chills and murderous intent through the door. It slowly began to darken Ace’s room, dark shadowy substances began to coat the wall, and some wrapped themselves around Ace’s body which shivered in response. It looked back at its handy work and with a simple nod it stepped into a shadow; it appeared the same way it had come the first time.

As huge black blob fell from the ground almost and onto the ceiling, it crawled towards the group of mutants that very smile from before on its face. you die tonight little children as it crawled closer, its body began to take on its original form as before. It then lowered its body to the ground, one limb at a time. Standing up on two legs the shadow barely fit within the hall, which had grown dark, dangerously dark as that same shadowy substance began to coat the walls, inch by inch, though they wouldn’t notice for another ten minutes or so. That dark substance was different, it was and is the very shadows or links that connect a shadow to Ace’s shadow dimension, one misstep and the X-Men before it would fall through into the waiting mouths of shadows, eager for vengeance of their little brethren.
(OOC: as I said before this shadow is incredibly difficult to get rid of, the shadowy substance won’t go away just like that by Hidekis light, they will only recede slowly backwards but it will eventually go back to their original shadows)

Shadow2 (fifth Gatekeeper in Xavier’s room)

It shrieked in pain, not expecting such an attack on its being. It could feel the pain of its master as she too screamed in pain, her body could feel the pain her shadow was going through but their minds were separate and could not be connected. But then after a few moments it adjust itself, by doing what it did best, it darkened the room, it could feel itself grow in size but not by much and sent forth a wave of smaller shadows to distract Xavier.

Then with surprising speed it attacked Xavier, a large black arm slammed the prof. into the wall pinning him down. It paid no attention to Annabelle as it knew she was no threat as so it ignored her, but the moment she did, Annabelle would be dead within moments in its company. ”you trapped my master within that worthless mind. Let her go free little human” unlike the first shadow, its voice was not made of many for it did not feed off the other shadows rather it grew in size by taking them into its body, but did not eat them.

The room slowly began to get darker, the smaller shadows began to go nuts wanting to sink their teeth into solid flesh and chew to their hearts content. It all started with this hunger for flesh, and so it commenced. To rid itself of this hunger a shadow ate its brethren, and suddenly it became a feeding frenzy. The shadow that held Xavier against the wall laughed in sick glee at the sight.
”do you see my children as they eat one another to sustain their hunger. They do not know that their hunger will never pass, but I am sure once they taste flesh they will stop for the moment” for the first time a shadow considered itself an individual with the use of I. It motioned towards Xavier, the remains of the little shadows scattered across the room and in its place stood a new larger shadow but unlike the one that dominated the room, it would not live long enough to ever do anything, for the large shadow ate it.
(OOC: I leave it to you Mas on how you want to deal with this onethough just know that this shadow is Alice’s shadow, they are not connected telepathically but by the body.)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Sabertooth (Victor Creed) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver)
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Jean grey, Hideki Matsuzawa, Kent Van-pelt, Logan, Quicksilver, Scott Summers, and Frenzy

Jean’s telepathic senses were running wild. She could sense that the professor and Annabelle were in danger. She also became aware of the impending attack the shadows were about to launch. She couldn’t be in two places at once even with the incredible amount of power she could wield as the phoenix. However, Charles and Annabelle would not be without help for long.

Jean turned to Scott and spoke calmly, “Scott I sense that there is another wave of stronger shadows approaching us. Hideki hasn’t the strength to drown this area with the light needed to get rid of the shadows closing in on us. I might have to use the Phoenix force.” Jean knew Scott would object but she felt she needed to clear it with him first, before acting.

If one could see Scott’s eyes beneath his visor they’d see the sheer shock on his face from having heard such a request from Jean. He was absolutely opposed to the use of the Phoenix. It was just as serious as if Jean had asked for permission to do heroin or something worse. “Absolutely not! You know how dangerous that can be! Don’t worry Jean we’ll manage.” Scott rebutted. He lifted his hand to his visor and fired an optic blast off into the distance. A few dark shrieks resounded in the hall as well as the breaking of the furniture struck by the blast.

Jean rolled her eyes, “Scott you know that won’t work
 don’t worry, I can control it now. Moira wouldn’t have sent me home if I hadn’t gotten a handle on things. Trust me Scott.” Jean pleaded with Scott to which he gave in.

 alright. Just please be careful Jean.” Scot replied hesitantly.

Jean began to glow as a fiery light engulfed her body. She shined so brightly that the whole hall was illuminated with passionate, radiant, light like fire. The large shadow that approached the group would surely feel the burn of the illumination Jean gave off. She flew past the group and toward the shadows. The blob like shadow opened up and swallowed Jean up inside of itself.

Scott and Logan yelled “JEAN!!!!” Logan ripped through the hallway at the creature of darkness in a blind rage. He slashed and ripped away at the darkness only to find himself constricted in shadows. Scott removed his visor and unleashed an optic blast full force at the creature but it was no good. The creature scoffed something of a disgustingly demonic laughter.

Hideki figured that he should do what he could. He knew that his power was most effective against the shadows. He channeled as much light energy as he could into the palms of his hands in preparation for a blinding flash attack. “Everyone close your eyes and turn away!! NOW!” Hideki clapped his hands together in front of himself. A blinding wave of white light went pulsing down the hallway. The blob like shadow creature seemed to recede slightly as if being burned away. However it was not enough light to get rid of the creature. Hideki collapsed to the ground having expended so much energy. He was most tapped out.

The creature slopped its way down the hall in a mad hurry to try to swallow the exhausted Hideki. A few paces away from Hideki the creature of darkness began to open its mouth. Kent extended a shield around Hideki. The Creature chomped down on the shield of electrical arch energy that protected Hideki and sent jolts of electric energy through the beast. The blob of darkness shrieked and wriggled in pain.

Just then Fire and light pierced through the creature and it began to look as if a Sun ws being born from within the creature. It was the light of the Phoenix force. Jean had destroyed the creature from the inside out. While inside the creature she seemed to be in an alternate dimension of shadow. She allowed herself to be swallowed so that she could destroy it where it was least protected. The group opened the door and found Ace still unconscious.

Charles Xavier and Philip Klein
Philip had been working out in the gym after leaving Vincent and taking a nap. He never liked to slack off on his gymnastics training. He had heard noises coming from the halls but he was unsure of what they were. The gymnasium grew darker in an unusual way. He knew something was off. He hopped down from the balance bar and ran in search of Vincent. He just felt that something might have happened to him. He ran across the professor’s room and heard a scream. It was Annabelle. Philip opened the door and saw the professor being swallowed up by shadows.

“What in the
” Philip began to say in shock. The shadow seemed gleefully pleased to have an added person to slaughter. Philip cupped his hands together and began forming a very large energy bomb about the size of a beach ball. He tossed it in the air and spin kicked it at the portions of the creature that held Xavier. The time bomb exploded on impact and the light created was enough to break the Professor free. Philip ran to the professor, “Are you alright Professor? Annabelle?” Philip asked as he helped Charles up and gestured for Annabelle to hurry to his side.

Fuyumi had phased Vincent into the Professor’s room, the others were on their way. Vincent was so glad to see Philip was alright and actually helping his father. Vincent gave Phillip a quick peck on the cheek and smiled. He knew he hadn’t much time so he quickly refocused his attention on the matter at hand. After accessing the situation Vincent came up with a plan. “Philip, I’ll shift to metal form and you create as large a time bomb as you can manage. Let that light reflect off of me. It will intensify a little, at least enough to push the creature back.”

Fuyumi phased the Professor and Annabelle out of the room. Vincent and Phillip’s plan was successful. The creature was not destroyed but at least backed up and partially wounded.

Magneto, Cain, Stinger, Sabertooth, and David North

David took notice of Memory’s combat skill and he was impressed. She seemed to share his skill for getting out of tight spots. A particularly physically strong Morlock grabbed David from behind and slung him into a wall. David’s power allowed him to sustain such damage with no problem or harm, it only fueled his ability to re-channel that energy back at his foe in more than one way. The Morlock stood over David with a menacingly perverse look on his face. He wasn’t the best looking Morlock around either. He seemed to be unlatching his old worn belt while cackling. David looked the mutant up and down and gave a puzzled look. “Is this guy planning to do what I think he’s gonna try to do
?” David thought to himself.

 I never thought I’d run into a Morlock sex offender. There must really be slim pickings down here friend huh? I’ll cut you a deal, if you get your ugly mug outta my face and walk away, I won’t kill you for even thinking you were gonna violate me.” David warned the burly Morlock with a chuckle.

The Morlock wiped off his belt and proceeded to grab David by his shirt, pulling him up to eye level. He pulled David close and growled, “I’m gonna make you my little Bi-,” However before he could finish his threat David’s fingertips released a corrosive acid substance, an artificially granted ability. The acid burned through the Morlock’s face causing to drop David and scream in agony.

“I warned you. Fuck the rules, this one dies.” David said sharply. David grabbed the Morlock’s head and began to release a blast of kinetic energy, enough to blow the mutant’s head off. Cain caught a quick inkling of David’s intended actions and wasted no time in counteracting David. Cain magnetically manipulated David’s pistol, swiftly drawing from his holster and pointing it at David’s forehead ready to fire.

“I said NOT to kill Agent Zero! Stand DOWN or forfeit your own life
” Cain commanded with a powerful authority in his voice. He meant every word.

David knew to stop immediately. Cain was not to be crossed. David knew never to cross a mutant of such great power. David released the Morlock and backed away. “Sorry Cain won’t happen again.” David apologized in a collected manner.

“Apology accepted my brother.” Cain replied calmly. He then Manipulated David’s gun to quickly turn on the Morlock offender and shot him in the knee. David was surprised to see Cain’s swift act of revenge on the Morlock on the behalf of David. “Oh and North, please don’t think that I wasn’t going to punish this vile being for trying to violate a fellow mutant brother.” Cain said with a smile. He hated for mutants to fight one another but this was unavoidable.

Cain had had enough of all of the fighting. The morlocks were resorting to ruthless measures and Calypso only encouraged them. He was going to utilize a skill that would require a lot of energy. He psionically shut down the consciousness of each Morlock present. They all went into psionic shock and collapsed. Cain began to breathe heavily. This form of psionic assault was not an easy feat to accomplish. “We can now leave
” Cain announced as he caught his breath.

Sabertooth gave Cain a twisted smile. “What the hell did you do to them?”

Cain looked at those that lay on the ground unmoving, passed out. “I psionically overloaded each one their minds enough to shut them down for the time being. They’ll wake up in a few hours. We should head home now. I fear that there is something I must personally see to after we return.” Cain said calmly. He could feel that someone close to his father Magneto was in need of assistance, Cara.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Sabertooth (Victor Creed) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Logan (Wolverine) Character Portrait: David North (Agent Zero) Character Portrait: Jean Grey
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The moment they opened that door, the moment Jean destroyed her shadow Ace screamed in utter agony. But it was human sounding, no her scream was unearthly sounding more like what you would hear some monster scream. The shadows in the room then shot out and finished enveloping her in a black cocoon. Nothing would get through it nothing not even the Phoenix Force would be able to penetrate that cocoon.

Dark tendrils snapped outwards searching for what hurt their master so, their target Jean. It wrapped around Jean beginning to cocoon her the same way they did to Ace but this time they would try to eat her. It would take a while for them to swallow Jean whole considering how powerful a mutant she was. Along with the efforts of the other mutants would slow down the process.

Shadow (Juggernaut)

It had found him and it would kill him. Letting out a roar the shadow creature that had been stalking Juggernaut attacked. Its huge talons struck Juggernaut sending him flying. It pinned the huge mutant to the ground, drew back then roared with all its might, giving Juggernaut a glimpse of its endless black maw.


She began to like these people, but not really. The humanoid she-cat was just about to lay the finishing blow to a rather large mutant when he crumbled to the ground, unconscious. Canaan raised a brow at this and growled not happy that her fight ended so fast. “What the hell did you do?” the same question Sabertooth asked.

And so her question was answered ’I do not want to be on his bad side at all’ tail flicking back and forth. Going down to all fours Canaan went over to Terra who lay unscathed and breathing right where he left him. the only problem was the earth that had begun to wrapped around him, in a protective cocoon.

“Dammit he would make my job harder wouldn’t he” baring her teeth. Canaan stepped back then drew back her fist then struck the hardened earth. After a few strikes she managed to crack the rock enough to pull Terra through. Slugging him over her shoulder gently Canaan turned to the others scowling at them. “you better not be tricking us or I will not hesitate to kill you, just remember the only reason I’m even going with you is for Terra if he wasn’t recovering I would never have said yes and happily stayed with the Morlocks or go somewhere else”. With a flick of her tail Canaan easily walked around the unconscious bodies of the many Morlocks heading towards the surface

(OOC: okay I think that covered it if not tell me and ill edit what I need)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Logan (Wolverine) Character Portrait: Jean Grey Character Portrait: Annabelle Greyson (Enigma) Character Portrait: Ace Vasquez
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Annabelle not waiting for the Professor's answer she made her way to where Ace was unconscious.Her route was longer than it should have been, shadows blocked some hallways and she still didn't know the layout of the school but she eventually made it. She could see Jean being consumed by the shadows, but this one she had no telepathic link to. She watched as Cyclops and the others battled with other shadows. Annabelle focused on those shadows, a lot of which started to freeze up and look as if they were lagging in a game of Call of Duty. She then ran past the engulfed Jean and into the room with Ace in, the hive mind was much stronger in her, as if it all came from here, as if it all came from Ace. Annabelle placed her hands on the shadow that currently blanketed her and focused all of her energy into projecting herself into Ace's mind.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver) Character Portrait: Logan (Wolverine) Character Portrait: Philip Klein (Boom-Boom)
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As soon as Annabelle mentioned that she had a plan she took off toward the room that held Ace. Vincent trusted her judgment. Philip was worried, “Will she be alright alone? We should follow.” Philip said as he shook Vincent’s arm.

Professor stood to his feet. “I fear we are in more danger than we can handle. But Annabelle is on to something. I must go aid my brother. The Juggernaut is in grave danger.” The Professor said in a serious tone. He turned to Fuyumi, Vincent and Philip. I will aid Juggernaut, you three follow Annabelle. She is headed in the direction of the others. They need your help. Hurry.” Charles remained calm. He had hope that things were turning in their favor.

Vincent didn’t want to leave his father on his own. “Father no, I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to go alone.” Vincent quickly grabbed Charles’ hand in an attempt to anchor him in place.

“All is well my son. However you must hurry. I promise I’ll come back with Juggernaut safely.” Charles reassured his son.

Phillip gave Vincent’s hand a tug, “Common Vince let’s go. The Professor will be alright.” Vincent nodded and they headed in the direction Annabelle ran in.

When they met up with the other X-men they were terrified with what they saw. Jean was being engulfed in shadow Logan slashed wildly at the dark blob in an attempt to free her. Scott blasted away at the shadow full force. Damage was being done but little progress was made.

They needed to act fast. Fuyumi ran swiftly toward the shadow that held Jean, She phased through it grabbing Jean and rescuing her from captivity. Jean, once freed, gasped for air as if she had been suffocated. Fuyumi herself seemed to shudder as if chilled. “That’s one of the weirdest feelings I’d ever felt while phasing through something. But still, not nearly as bad when I tried to phase through Adamantium. I’ll never try to phase through Logan again.” Fuyumi remarked as she and jean backed away from the creature.

Hideki, having caught a slight second wind, blasted at the shadow monster. It screeched and backed away. Kent gathered the group together and protected them in a barrier dome of energy. Hideki as well focused his energy to attack from the barrier. Vincent advised that they hold their fire while he tries to disperse the shadow once again, then while it is broken down and slightly weakened Kent, Hideki and Philip could illuminate the room with their flashy powers. This would make the shadow easier to get rid of and hopefully allow Annabelle more time to execute her plan.

Meanwhile, Charles met up with the Juggernaut who struggled viciously crying out in horror as the shadow creature attempted to swallow him into a dark hell. Charles ran toward the shadow creature, glowing with psionic energy, he transported him and the dark shadow into the astral realm. There they fought. Juggernaut could not see the intense astral battle but inside there was a clash of great proportions.

Charles looked like a roman gladiator. And the once shadowy monster now looked like a large muscularly sculpted black figure with purple eyes. They charged at one another. The shadow with dark claws slashed at Charles yet he was too agile to be struck. Charles held a javelin charged with psionic energy and launched it at the shadow being. The shadow was pierced through the torso. The being let out a horrid hateful cry and the two were dejected from the astral realm. Charles knew to attack the creature there where he would have a serious advantage. The shadow being began to breakdown and disperse in the real world. The Juggernaut was released.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Jean Grey Character Portrait: Annabelle Greyson (Enigma) Character Portrait: Ace Vasquez
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0.00 INK


She hugged herself tighter and Alice glared at whoever entered their little sanctum of security. The chains that kept The Third Child back was beginning to break away not only that but she was showing signs of awakening. Alice made eye contact with a girl with lilac eyes, as the girls hands began to glow. The shadow creatures were smaller which was a good thing; otherwise Annabelle’s attack wouldn’t have done much good other than to piss of the rest of them.

When the psionic flame erupted forwards most if not all the shadow creatures’ disappeared or shrank away hiding within themselves from her power. The psionic flame hit the pillar behind the two and the Third Child stopped in her tracks. But she wasn’t the only one affected, most if not all shadow activity stopped as if by some unforeseen force pressed the stop button as they were frozen in time. However this would only last for a little while longer. Alice was now unconscious with the defeat of their last shadow. The only way to keep the Third Child from awakening was to bind her with mental links similar to the way the Phoenix had been locked away inside Jean. But this time neither Ace nor Alice were to be able to unlock those gates.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Jonathan Moore Character Portrait: Jean Grey Character Portrait: Vincent Xavier (Psionic) Character Portrait: April Barber (Anaesthesia)
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Ryan felt Nurse Barber's eyes on him as he filled the little test tube. It must have looked very strange, unorthodox at best. As he finished, she placed her hand on his arm, a wave of pleasant warmth washed over him, removing all his pain. It was lovely. “I don’t think you’re cursed Ryan.” She said smiling. “You are a wonderful boy Ryan, you have nothing to be ashamed of at all. Besides your own personal appearance is seemingly doing nothing to dissuade the interested of some of the other students. Or so I hear.” She added with a wink, implying to his recent romantic experiences. The nice thing about black skin was that it was impossible to see Ryan blush. His eyes bored holes in the floor. "You heard about that, huh?" Ryan mumbled. "I-I... umm... I'm not even sure if she l-l-l-likes me that way. It feels pretty one-sided." Ryan said, trying as hard as he could to stop his cheeks from burning, but it was no use. Nurse Barber had pushed a button and it wouldn't come unpushed so easily. "Besides... I'm so much younger than she is, it almost feels like I'm just a stupid little boy with a crush." Ryan continued, gaining a little confidence, finally succeeding in halting the fire consuming his blushing face. Shaking his whole body and slapping his face a few times for good measure, Ryan looked up and faced Nurse Barber, "So will that be all?" he asked.

“No. No more will be necessary.” She answered receiving the tube from him and taking it over to a small rack of test tubes where she quickly scribbled down a label for, though Ryan had no idea what it said. “If I can isolate the X-gene responsible for the change then I might be able to replicate it in other mutants and give those with similar physical differences the ability to regulate it, even totally hide it in some cases.” Ryan smiled. "If... umm... if you ever need some help with that, or even if you don't, I'd like to be kept in the loop as far as the progress goes. It'd mean a lot to me." Ryan said, ever so shyly. Looking up, Ryan's ear's pricked ever so slightly. He'd heard something, but he wasn't sure what. Further, Jean's smell which had been there a moment ago, like a comforting hand on his shoulder, was gone. It had simply vanished. Ryan instantly developed a cold sweat. "Umm... Nurse Barber..." Ryan started, but she cut him off.

“We should probably go and see if all of the others are ok, they might need our help. Ace’s manifestations are obviously able to do more damage than scientific reasoning would allow them.” Nurse Barber said. "Yeah," Ryan agreed. "I just heard something funny, though I couldn't catch quite what it was, and Jean's smell is gone. It just vanished. I really don't like that, we need to get moving. Plus, you're right about those those shadow thingies, they're weird. They don't have a smell and I can't hear them when they walk. It makes no sense..." Ryan pondered aloud. Regardless, the pair locked the door behind them, so it would only open from the inside or if you had a key for the outside, and made their way to where Ryan could smell Vincent and Jean and the others. That's where the sounds from earlier were being made. The sounds of a scuffle. The sounds of fighting.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Jean Grey Character Portrait: Annabelle Greyson (Enigma) Character Portrait: Ace Vasquez
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Annabelle noticed the time freeze and took her chance to run up to Ace, Annabelle didn't know what to do and just shook her.
"Ace! What am I supposed to do?" She said as she shook her. "Help me! Wake up!" She looked at Alice and then up at another being wrapped in chains, she looked like Ace. "There's 3 of you." She announced and looked around, the shadows had disappeared and Alice was currently frozen. "Think Annabelle, what would Xavier do?" She said, pacing around Ace's body.

She then remembered that the Phoenix was contained in Jean by Telepathic blocks. "What if I built weaker ones and then Xavier built stronger ones after I was done?" She asked aloud and then approached the chained Ace. "You need to be calm for this to go easy." Annabelle put her hands on the Third Child's temples and focused her Empathy, forgetting that whilst she's in Ace's mind, she's still using her Telepathy. She quickly pulled her hands back as she remembered, but the force at which she pulled back was enough to knock herself over and knock her Astral form out.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Jean Grey Character Portrait: Vincent Xavier (Psionic) Character Portrait: Ace Vasquez Character Portrait: April Barber (Anaesthesia)
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April Barber

“I’m the institute’s doctor, of course I heard about it.” She smiled politely. “And how will you know if she likes you back unless you ask her? You never know, she might be thinking the same thing. Beside nothing ventured, nothing gained.” She stuck the small label to the test tube as she spoke, checking the stopper for a perfect seal.

“You will be the first to know if I make any sort of progress, don’t worry.” She answered turning round and replacing the lid of her pen. Listening as Ryan explained what his highly tuned sense had picked up on. “Hmm, that’s not good. I hope she’s ok.” As they made to hurry out the door April picked up a small first aid box from the side, making sure she was ready for the worst.

As they ran through the corridors and hallways April clutched at her first aid kit, mentally taking inventory of its contents to remain prepared. It didn’t take long for Ryan and April to round the corner to the room currently populated with the majority of the x-men and almost as soon as they entered the room the doctor’s mouth dropped in confusion. “What the hell is that?” April couldn’t help but let her confusion know. “Is that Jean?!” She asked already knowing the answer. “I don’t think I can heal her through that, Professor. Is there any way to break her out?” she asked.

Hurrying over to the spherical shadow, April didn’t wait for an answer she raised her hands up to hover just above the sphere she began berating it with her abilities, filling the sphere with the bright blue light of her pain relieving and sterilisation combined. Thankfully with much pressure the light grew lighter and lighter dissipating the dark sphere and slowly Jean gradually became visible inside.

With a thud Jean dropped from the sphere leaving her collapsed on the floor where April quickly dropped to give her medical attention, the blue lights once again washing over Jeans body taking her pain away.

((OOC: Sorry for the shoddy post, April has turned out to be a really hard character to play. xD))


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver) Character Portrait: Logan (Wolverine)
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Jean was freed from the clutches of the shadows by April. Scott and Logan could breathe easier with the knowledge that Jean was free. Jean could feel April’s gentle healing abilities restoring her strength. Jean opened her eyes and smiled gently, “Thank you April
 I really owe you one.” Jean spoke in a whispery winded voice.

The Juggernaut and Charles met with the others. Charles was ready with a plan. He telepathically communicated with Annabelle, “You’re doing an excellent job. I need you to continue your psionic assault. I understand now that the only way to stop them is to psionically imprison the third child in Ace’s mind much like the phoenix was imprisoned in Jean. You are our link to reaching the third child. As long as you hold out, we can work to imprison her.”

Charles communicated his plan to the others and began to work. Vincent and Jean, when she recovered thanks to April, joined in. They began to lock away the third child. But they weren’t without opposition. The shadows knew that if they didn’t stop Charles, Jean, and Vincent, they’d be subjugated under Ace’s control again. “The shadows should never have gain their own sentience. This must stop here and now.” Charles said aloud.

The shadows charged down the hallway in an effort to stop the three telepaths. Scott took notice and commanded the X-men to act. “Keep those things away from the professor, Jean and Vincent! They have to be undisturbed!”

Juggernaut stepped forward. With a smirk on his face. “Leave that to me wimps.” He said as he began to glow with a red aura. It was his magical, unstoppable energy projecting from his body. The aura shot out and wrapped around the charging shadows. Each shadow lost all potential for momentum and was locked in place. The third child was helpless to command the shadows to move as she was being locked away herself. After a few more moments the final psionic lock was in place. The shadows disappeared, Ace returned to normal and Annabelle was launched from the astral realm. The shadows were defeated.

Vincent had felt and odd sensation. It was a sudden spike of emotion. Like what he felt when he and Phillip were flirting, kissing or indulging in each other. Vincent didn’t know where this sudden flare of passion came from and it made him nervous. He looked over at Phillip with confusion and worry in his eyes. Philip looked back at Vincent in concern. “Are you alright Vince, something the matter?” Phillip asked.

Vincent shook his head, “No no I’m alright. I suppose all this excitement has gotten me a bit jarred and tired.” Vincent replied. He didn’t want to worry Phillip but he knew this had something to do with Cain. What was happening to Cain that Vincent was emotionally feeling? Vincent figured that if he could feel when Cain indulged in certain emotional activities the Cain must feel it when Vincent and Phillip are together. Vincent wasn’t too pleased about that, because it meant that perhaps Cain had feelings for Phillip like Vincent himself did. What if Vincent became emotionally connected to whoever Cain was connected emotionally to?

Cain, Aidan O’Doherty

After Cara’s impressive display of power the room was clear. They proceeded to leave the facility, however a few armed soldier blocked their path. “Freeze Muties!!” They yelled.

Aidan stepped forward, his hands in the air. The atmosphere grew heavier and the air thick. Aidan had begun to utilize his power. He spoke clearly into the atmosphere. “It’s a tragic shame to lose such talented officers to treachery. You should better trust one another. You’ll be the death of one another you know.”

With that the soldiers began to argue with one another and a physical fight ensued between them. The scuffle was so intense that one soldier pulled out his knife and stabbed another in the chest. Another soldier snapped the second’s neck. With the first two dead, the third soldier stood then freaking out about what had happened.

Aidan readied his power again. “Don’t you feel deathly ashamed and guilty. The only way to preserve your honor is to end your life. You will follow then in death immediately.” Aidan spoke with a smirk on his face. Immediately the soldier pulled out his gun and shot himself in the heart and died. Aidan turned quickly to Cain and Cara, “Shall we get a move on now?”

Cain was shocked by Aidan’s ruthlessness. He nodded in reply and helped Cara along as the made their escape.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Logan (Wolverine) Character Portrait: Jean Grey Character Portrait: Memory Ashcroft
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Ryan LeGrand

Ryan was having a wonderful day. Jean was back! He'd spent part of his day with her, just talking about things she'd been up to, places she'd been, if she'd missed him, and of course, even as embarrassed as he was, Ryan asked Jean if she had any advice for him whatsoever concerning his affections for one of the students at the School. Jean had practically raised Ryan, who'd come to the Mansion when he was only six years old. She had filled a hole in his life that only a mother could, and Ryan loved her as strongly and loyally as any boy would love his own mother. However, Scott had wanted to see her, and Ryan had grudgingly let the man take his mother from him. He understood though. Scott had missed her just as much as he had. They deserved time.

Ryan's tail bobbed as he walked. His toothy, white grin was plastered across his face, and he was so happy. He hadn't had a day like this for a long time. Jean's departure had been just as hard for Ryan as it had been for Logan and Scott, though Ryan didn't know why at the time. Though the two men had watched someone they loved very much walk away from them, Ryan had watched his mother leave him. It had been like his parents left him all over again. Ryan had cried for days after she left. Ryan pushed the sad thoughts from his head. She was back now, and his family was whole once more.

Though he appeared to have no destination in mind, Ryan was heading down to the Courtyard. He had a session with Vincent tomorrow and was planning on making the most of his new ability to change his appearance. He figured, since Vincent was such an integral part of the process, that the ability had something to do with his own mental state. Though Ryan wondered why that might be, He couldn't always have Vincent with him. So, the Courtyard was the perfect place to practice changing back and forth. It was mostly quiet there, the gentle ambience of the breeze in the trees, the fountain's water splashing, and the twittering of birds and other animals had always soothed Ryan like nothing else could. He chuckled, "The bare necessities, eh?" He really was an animal.

After a short while, Ryan entered the courtyard. He began by sitting next to the fountain and began concentrating. He remembered the time with Vincent, with the mirror. His face had been so shocking after years of horns, sharp teeth, scales, and claws, but Ryan wanted to remember it. He needed it more than anything he'd ever felt he'd wanted, even more than seeing his parents again. Ryan focused with all his might on the way he used to look. He focused on how happy it would make him to be able to go out in public with his family and friends at the Mansion. A tear came to Ryan's eyes as he imagined going out with his parents. The way they used to before he left. He imagined what it might be like to go on a date with someone who really loved him.

Slowly, Ryan's body began to change. It hurt at first, like it had the last time he'd forcibly changed his appearance on his own. This time, however, he was going in the opposite direction. Ryan dared not look or he'd lose his focus, but he could feel it working. He felt his horns begin to shrink. His scales slowly sunk into his body. His teeth and claws dulled and became normal, human fingers and teeth. His tail withered away and when he opened his eyes, Ryan smiled. He dashed over to the fountain and the sight that awaited him brought tears to his eyes. He'd done it. His ears were still a little pointed, but otherwise he was him once again. Ryan's skin was white, his hair was a soft black, his eyes were the sparkling green he remembered. Ryan had done it.

Ryan felt happier than he had ever felt before, he jumped into the air and ran around in a circle. He danced and whooped with joy. He laughed like a child as he ran into the Mansion, heading towards Dr. Xavier's office. He wanted to show the man who raised him, his acting father, what he'd done. However, when he got there, Ryan stopped. He couldn't quite hear what they were saying, but there were definitely people in there with Dr. Xavier. So Ryan patiently waited on the bench outside his office. He couldn't wait to show his improvements to the professor.

Jason and Lauren LeGrand

Jason and Lauren LeGrand where driving. They weren't talking about how their day had went, they weren't listening to the radio, or singing along to one of their favorite songs, they were simply driving. Further, they were headed somewhere they hadn't been in a long time. A place that was surely filled with bad memories. After a long discussion, prodded heavily by their colleague Hank McCoy, they had decided to make the trip to Dr. Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. Though they were happy the H.M.R. had just gotten through, what they thought was the climax of their campaign against Mutant-kind, they still felt anxious. How could they approve such a law? How could they make a world for their son that made him out to be the villain. If he was anything like his father, he was a just, kind, level-headed, and loyal boy. If he was anything like his mother, Ryan was a passionate, fiery, fair, and brilliant child. How could they push him down? How could they call themselves parents and continue to allow the H.M.R. to pass such laws if it meant their own son couldn't enjoy the basic rights guaranteed to all by the United States' Constitution? Something needed to be done, something needed to change. However, before that could take place, they needed to see him. They needed to see Ryan with their own eyes, they needed to hear his voice, the touch him with their own hands. Further, they needed to talk with Dr. Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr. After the Juggernaut incident, the government was, essentially, having a fit. People were going crazy, people were scared. That fear was the only reason that the H.M.R. had managed to get their legislature through. Mutant-Human Relations needed to be ironed out, and there was no better way to do it than by talking to the man who'd started it all.

"Jason..." Lauren said, her voice barely a whisper. Lauren's face was very pale. In her hands, she clutched a homemade scrapbook. Her knuckles were white. She gripped the scrapbook as if it were the most precious commodity in the world. "Jason." She repeated. "What if he doesn't recognize us? What if we can't recognize him? It's been so long, and he was so young, what if he hates us?" Lauren asked, pelting her husband with questions, tears were beginning to form in her eyes. Jason took one hand off the wheel, grasping his wife's hand in his own. "If he's not the fondest of us, I can't blame him. We essentially sent him to boarding school when he was six and haven't checked up on him since. I wouldn't be surprised if he hit me." Jason said carefully. Though his voice was calm, he was truly worried. Every man dreams of having a close relationship with the son they've brought into the world. Jason was no different. However, instead of nurturing and caring for his little boy, he'd sent him away. He was, they were, afraid of him. Jason sighed, releasing his wife's hand, and gripping the steering wheel once more. They were getting close now. Slowly, Jason and Lauren pulled into a parking spot and turned off their car. They looked deeply into each other's eyes; they hazarded a weak smile before exiting the car and walking into the Mansion.

Of course, a human being inside Dr. Xavier's mansion must feel more than a little overwhelmed, but when you've spent your entire career blocking most of Secretary McCoy's meaningful advances for mutant-kind, Jason and Lauren LeGrand felt like sheep in a lion's den. They walked quickly, following the signs to Dr. Xavier's office and knocked on the door. A brief moment passed. In that moment, Lauren felt as if she'd never been as unprepared for something in her entire life as she felt right then. She looked at her husband, eyes full of worry. Jason smiled and squeezed her hand. "Don't worry. Despite the fact we're here on an official government visit, I don't get the feeling that anyone here would want to harm us. It's not just that we have a son here, or that we're government officials. I don't know why, but I have a feeling that this place is more than just a school. It's a home. The place where our son was raised. It's safe here." Jason explained, smiling at his wife. Lauren didn't know how he did it. Despite everything they'd gone through, Jason always managed to keep himself squarely focused on the path before them. Lauren's eyes brightened and she smiled at her husband. "You're right. Let's go." She said, and at that, Dr. Xavier called them in.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Sabertooth (Victor Creed) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver)
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Cerebro (NPC) File:


Name: Alex Minho [alias: DJ Flow]

Ethnicity: Korean

Gender: Male

Mutant Power:

Telepath with the ability to produce psionic sound waves used to create music. This sound is not made from vibrations in the air but occurs in the mind. The psionic sounds can be produced at any frequency to create pleasant sounds or harsh screeching noises capable of driving the target into disorientation. Currently he is unable to read minds with his telepathy but he can block another from probing his thoughts by musically drowning out their telepathic probe.

Philip Klein, Hideki Matsuzaka, Kyle Jean-Claude, Vincent Xavier, Peter Rasputin

The club was in an uproar due to the disturbance at the front door of the establishment. Several swat members rushed into the club to apprehend DJ Flow. “It seems that whoever held them off at the front of the building is gone.” Vincent commented.

The swat members knocked people aside in the crowd and DJ Flow attempted to escape. Philip tossed a handful of marble sized time-bombs at the feet of the swat team. The glowing orbs caught their attention and exploded at their feet. They fell to the ground and the DJ ran past them toward the exit. Vincent, Colossus, Philip, Hideki and Kyle all followed behind.

One of the club goers that was an Anti-Mutant sympathizer realized what was happening and quickly took action. He turned to the crowd and shouted, “Hey they’re running from the HMR, they’ve got to be mutants!! Come on guys don’t let those freaks escape!! The man rallied several others into joining his cause and the group blocked the DJ and the X-men’s path.

Vincent and the group stopped. “Hey don’t hate on us guys. Jealousy never got anyone anywhere good.” Kyle said as clutched his fists and began to float a bit off of the ground, ready to attack.

Hideki smirked and flipped his pink vintage 90’s shades over his eyes, “Yeah bro, it’s time for some crowd control
” His hands began to generate sparkles as he prepared to fire at the opposition.

Vincent was appalled. “Have you two lost your minds? We’re X-men! We will not harm human civilians! Is that clear?” Vincent fussed at Hideki and Kyle.

Colossus shrugged his shoulders in confusion. “I agree Mr. Xavier, but how are we to be getting past our not so friendly friends?” Colossus asked.

DJ Flow looked back at the X-men, halfway turned but still keeping an eye on the angry mob before them. “You guys are the X-men huh? I’ve heard of you, I thought about joining your school once. You guys can’t hurt them, but I’m no X-man so your ideal little rule doesn’t apply to me.” DJ Flow commented and then touched his temples. He created sharp high pitched noises in the minds of those in their way. The other could not hear what those under DJ Flow’s telepathy could hear. The victims of DJ Flow’s psionic assault fell to the floor in pain and mental agony.

“I can’t hear anything.” Kyle commented.

Vincent replied, “Nor do you want to hear what they hear. Let’s go now. The Swat soldiers are getting up and it’s past time we leave.” The group, including DJ Flow, bolted past the staggering people and left the club. They all hopped in the X-van and sped off toward the mansion.

Once the group reached the mansion they all entered. Philip realized he hadn’t even asked the DJ if he wanted to come to the X-mansion or not. “I’m Sorry DJ Flow, I didn’t ask if you wanted me to drop you off somewhere before we returned here. I can drive you home if you want.” Philip said.

DJ Flow replied, “Please call me Alex, my name is Alex Minho. It’s late and I don’t much feel safe going back to my apartment while the government is after me. I mean, the bartender told me that those guys had a tip off that I was a mutant. Who knows if they know where I live?”

At that moment Professor Xavier approached the group. “You may stay here if you like Alex. I’m Professor Charles Xavier and this is my school for gifted students. I have been picking up a heightened level of mutant activity using Cerebro tonight. You also showed up in its files. You have a very unique gift Alex, with the right training, you needn’t fear for your safety. The X-men and I can help you.” Charles explained.

Alex felt at ease when he met the professor. “I think I’ll stick around for a while, at least until it’s safe. Until then I guess I can help out if you need it.” Alex replied.

Soon the group ran into Ryan, Annabelle and Jenifer. Alex (DJ Flow) was surprised to see Jenifer at the X-mansion. “Jenifer you’re here too?” He smiled, it was good to see a familiar face.

The professor had shook Jenifer’s hand. “It’s good to see Jenifer. I hope you feel we’ve taken good care of Annabelle.” After a few moments the professor explained what Fuyumi, Stinger, and Joanna had reported to him regarding the incident at the mall. “It seems that there has been increased discrimination against mutants by the government and the HMR. I want everyone to vigilant and try not to draw attention to your powers. I expect that we will also begin to see an increase of violence from both mutants and humans alike. We must remember that the X-men will strive to be a voice of reason in such times of chaos.” The professor explained to the group.


“Where is the Professor, I would like to tell him of my arrival. As well as what has happened while I was gone.” Emily’s words came out a bit slurred

I believe Charles said he wanted to scan about using Cerebro tonight since he had some free time. He’s is most likely there. Earlier I had hoped that he and I could go out and get a bite to eat together but he’s a bit more of a workaholic than I am. We can go see him if you like. I’m sure he’d love to speak with you again.”

As Eric and Emily spoke casually he noticed Ace quietly approach the two. “Eric (giving him a brief nod then turned towards Emily) well it’s good to see you’re back Emily. And right on time too a lot of people are high-strung due to recent events so do bless us with that music of yours.” Patting Emily on her shoulder who smiled at Ace.

Emily smiled at the woman but then looked over towards Eric. “Who was that? I don’t think I know that woman. But would it be alright for me to play tonight is there anything you and the Professor think I should play?” she signed as well as spoke though not very loudly.

Eric chuckled a bit. “That’s Ace. I don’t know why she insists on wearing that clay mask about. Even Charles has trouble figuring her out.” Magneto joked. To most in the mansion, it was nice to see Magneto smiling and at ease. “It’s always very much a pleasure to her you play my dear. As for what to play
 anything you like would be suitable. However if I had to choose, I’d say my personal favorite Sonata, Op. 72.” Eric smiled brightly, he was a true gentleman. When he wasn’t acting as a mutant dictator any woman could see his classy and gentlemanly appeal.

Logan, Sabertooth, David North, Pietro

Agent Six’s arm suddenly swung outwards one small finger pointed at Victors face. “Hush mutt, I can see” were her only words and they held no emotion to them.

Victor began to chuckle in a most sinister manner. “Who does that little bitch think she’s talking to?” He fought to speak through his laughter. Victor was surprised at the tiny mutant’s boldness as well insulted that she felt brave enough to threaten him.

David patted Victor on the shoulder. “Now now, watch your language. We’re in a school remember. Besides we have fun awaiting us. Take your frustration out through the right outlet.” He said with a smug smile as his hand slid from victor’s shoulder to his chest, formed a fist and gave him a light playful punch there. As they walked away he spoke to Canaan, “Later Tiger.”

A few moments later they arrived in the War room where Logan sat watching TV and drinking. “Logan
 just who we wanted to see.” David said while smoothly striding over toward Logan. He playfully sat down on Logan’s lap and Logan quickly punched David in the kidney causing him to fall off to the floor. “AH!! FUCK Logan!! Ahhh
. Can’t you take a goddamn joke?! Oww
 an adamantium fist to the fucking kidney
.” David complained as he slowly stood to his feet. Had he not had a mutant healing factor he’d been seriously injured.

Logan replied with a playful smirk, “Well North, I can take a joke but given your track record I can never be too careful.” Logan winked at David and took another drink as he stood from the chair. “Alright you two, what do you want?”

Victor took a drink from one of the bottles Logan hadn’t yet touched. “We want to train in the danger room. We need you to open it for us.”

“Not without supervision you two don’t.” Logan replied taking another drink.

“Oh of course Logan. We want you to have a little sparring match with us. Gym equipment don’t fight back, and we’d ask someone else but David and I are afraid that we’d kill anyone else in a sparring match except you that is.” Victor replied with a grin.

Logan’s face lit up. “Well listen to you, ‘David and I’, you two have been around each other for waaay too long bub. Hahaha
 Look I’ll do it but only because I’ve been itching for a chance to kick the shit out of you two lovebirds. Let’s go.” Logan replied and headed toward the Danger Room.

On the way there they ran into Pietro. “Hey what are you boys up to? It’s kinda weird seeing you three all chummy with one another. Really stop it.” Pietro joked, now walking with the group. After Logan explained the situation Pietro replied, “Oh
 I’ve got to see this! I’ll operate the system from the control room. No worries my father taught me how to operate it all, of course we argued the whole time but whatever. However, won’t Cyclops flip a fat bitch over if he finds out?”

“You might be afraid of Scott I ain’t. I do, what I wanna do.” Logan replied and moved forward. They four entered the danger room and the fight between Logan, Victor and David was on.

Scott Summers and Jean Grey

Scott and Jean had went out on a quiet date. The two had seen a movie earlier and now they were finishing up dinner at their favorite restaurant. A member of the HMR had entered the restaurant and began to survey the patrons regarding their status. The owners could do nothing to prevent the survey due to government blocks on business countermeasures. “Jean this looks like trouble.” Scott said as he watched the representative approach their table.

Jean replied, “Scott I know exactly what that is and I’m not signing it.” She placed her cell phone into her purse in preparation to leave. Scott placed money down for the check.

“Excuse me may I have a bit of your time?” The HMR rep asked but continued on talking before Scott and Jean could respond. “I am performing a government issued survey regarding mutant status and registration. I’m going to ask if you would take a few moments to feel this out.”

 sure but I don’t have a pen on me. Honey do you have a pen in your purse?” Scott asked.

“Nope not at all.” Jean replied as she flipped open her small pocketbook to check superficially.

“Oh that’s alright I’ve come equipped with one.” The rep said with a big fake smile.

“It’s great to be prepared.” Jean replied in a snarky tone. She took the pen and clipboard and began to use her telekinesis to keep the ink from leaving the pen thus not appearing not to work. “It’s not writing. Uh oh
” Jean tried to hold back her smirk.

Scott looked down at his watch impatiently, “You know we really gotta go. Can you please hurry this up?”

“Funny this pen was just working. Well
 let me ask a waiter for one, it’ll just be a moment folks.” The rep said nervously and hurried off to ask for a pen. Scott and Jean quickly left the restaurant and drove off in Scotts car.

“Gosh darn it. Why can’t we have one night out without hassle. I didn’t want to get caught up in any mutant human politics. I just wanted it to be me and you, watching movies, dining out, and making love. Mood killed
” Scott fussed in frustration as he drove them toward the mansion.

Jean giggled. “You really are more uptight since I left, Logan was right.” Jean replied.

Scott frowned up, “Logan said what? I knew I shouldn’t have encouraged you to skype with him while you were away. What else did the jerk say?” Scott was not very happy and he was embarrassed.

“Well he said you really missed me and that he could tell you needed to be close with someone you cared about a lot to make you feel better. And since I wasn’t able to be there, Logan was your next best friend although you’d hate to admit that.” Jean explained knowing Scott would get even fussier.

“What!? I did not!” Scott replied loudly.

Jean laughed aloud. “Your mind just said ‘oh shit
 he picked up on that?’ so yes you did Scott. Look Logan told me you had even him worried with how much you started hanging about with him. You needed a friend, and Logan didn’t give you a hard time about it because he’s your friend too. I think your little bromance is cute.” Jean giggled.

Scott’s face turned red as he drove home. “Alright
 alright It’s true okay. I missed you so much and It felt better to be around someone who
 who understood exactly home much it felt to miss every second of Jean Grey when she’s not around. I hate to admit this but Logan is the only guy who knows how that feels.” Scott said in a calmer tone.

Jean grew silent as she was taken aback by Scott’s words. Logan’s affections for Jean were most always a taboo subject around Scott. Yet he was openly and honestly talking about it. This also made Jean fight to suppress her feelings for Logan. Jean loved Scott hands down, but Logan was a forbidden love for Jean, one she could never have. “I’m sorry for teasing you Scott. I understand. Logan didn’t mean any harm in what he said you know.”

Scott sighed, “I know. Looking back on it I should thank him for putting up with me huh.” Scott began to smile.

Jean replied just before she was about to get out of the now parked convertible, “Yeah I think Logan would greatly and silently appreciate that.” The two laughed and hugged as they walked into the mansion.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Jonathan Moore Character Portrait: Philip Klein (Boom-Boom) Character Portrait: Kyle Jean- Claude (Marvel) Character Portrait: Colossus (Piotr "Peter" Rasputin)
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0.00 INK

After Annabelle had introduced them, Jennifer spoke to Ryan. “Don’t worry, I near deafened you, you’re allowed to be pissed.” Jennifer shrugged with a lighthearted smile. Ryan laughed it off. "How could you have known my ears were highly sensitive? Just remember for next time, ok?" Ryan asked nicely, he smiled playfully.

Turning to Ryan, Ms. Ace lightly hit the back of his head. It didn't hurt too much, but she definitely let Ryan know what was on her mind. He pretended to rub it, as if it had actually hurt, and made an overly aggrieved face, his bottom lip hanging out as if she'd hit a puppy. “How many times do I have to tell you not to call me 'Ms.' in public. I’m not your teacher outside of the classroom; you make me feel old Tonto.” Despite her irritated words a slight smile formed on her face, glad that Ryan was alright. Ryan smiled, and laughed sheepishly. "Heh heh heh, Sorry, I won't do it again." He laughed. “I’d say sorry for the ride but I’m not that sentimental. Your teeth don’t bother me I’ve seen worse.” Ryan nodded. His apologetic attitude irritated some at the mansion, and endeared him to others.

One such mutant, Annabelle, smiled at Ryan when he reverted back to his human form. As she turned to look at something Ryan followed her gaze. It was Vincent and the others! Immediately a giant grin took over what was left of his face, Ryan bounded over to the group and tackled them, pulling them into a great big hug. "I'm so glad to see you! A lot happened today and I really wanted to be with you guys, and then..." Ryan said stopping himself and letting them go. He shyly took a step backwards. "I'm sorry about what happened down at the club you were at. They were going to arrest somebody inside just for being a mutant. It made me so angry... I... I just couldn't contain it any longer. I don't think I hurt anybody, but I'm sure I scared the crap out of at least one person." He chuckled sheepishly. "I didn't make too much trouble for you, did I?" he asked, looking to Vincent.

Just before anyone could explain the situation from their end to Ryan, Professor Xavier spoke up, warning them all of the incidents happening around town. He informed them of what was happening around the city, and it made Ryan angry. It was that same unreasonable anger that Ryan experienced down at the club. He shut his eyes and ground his teeth together. He balled his hands into fists. As much as he tried not to think about how stupid the HMR was, or what might happen to other mutants, he couldn't help himself. His ears began to lengthen and his eyes became slits. Scales began forming around his temples, and little nubby horns began to sprout there. His fingers slowly sharpened into claws and his canine teeth became longer. His eyes turned gold and then he noticed that several people had their eyes on him. He smiled shyly before reverting the process on his own. He slid his hands through his hair, which had returned to its not-so-shaggy state. "Sorry about that, I'm under control, it's ok." Ryan said reassuringly. Though he played it cool, Ryan was very worried. What about Memory and Jonathan, where were they on a night like tonight? What about Scott and Jean? They'd gone out together as well. Ryan hoped they were alright. As if to voice his concerns, Annabelle made herself known. “They’ll all be okay, won’t they?" she asked, telepathically. “There’s other schools and safe places, like with Miss Frost and the Morlocks.” Someone else spoke up, and alleviated Ryan's fears. Hopefully, no one else would have to suffer tonight.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Sabertooth (Victor Creed) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver)
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Vincent, Philip, Hideki, Kyle, and Peter approached the group not long before Xavier informed everyone of the happenings around town. They saw the other congregated about and were relieved to see who was present. It seemed that anything was bound to happen tonight with out on the town and it was simply not safe for mutants. Vincent greeted everyone. “Evening all. I’m glad to see you all are safe and sound here. It’s a mad house out there.”

Ryan bounded over to the group and tackled them, pulling them into a great big hug. "I'm so glad to see you! A lot happened today and I really wanted to be with you guys, and then..." Kyle was glad to see Ryan but he was also vainly concerned about not messing up his model-esque hair style. Hideki was happy that Ryan was his jovial self yet sad that he couldn’t dance with them at the club like he wanted. Peter chuckled in happiness he liked Ryan’s vigor. Peter was a pretty positive guy and enjoyed being around those that were similar.

Ryan said stopping himself and letting them go. He shyly took a step backwards. "I'm sorry about what happened down at the club you were at. They were going to arrest somebody inside just for being a mutant. It made me so angry... I... I just couldn't contain it any longer. I don't think I hurt anybody, but I'm sure I scared the crap out of at least one person." He chuckled sheepishly. "I didn't make too much trouble for you, did I?" he asked, looking to Vincent.

DJ Flow replied, “The one under arrest was me. Thanks for saving me. You really helped me big time. I was freaking out back there.” He was grateful to Ryan for his aide.

After Charles’ explanation regarding the HMR’s activities, Ryan seemed to become quite upset. Vincent felt bad about all of this. He knew how he wished he could deal with the situation, with violence, but that way was the wrong way. He needed to remember to keep his feelings under control. Bad things were happening to mutants but the best way to overcome is to put your best foot forward and show the other side fairness and rightness. Once they open their eyes change will come. Vincent wished it was as simple as knocking a few bullies around and getting them to back off but this was far more complex and volatile a situation than that.

"Sorry about that, I'm under control, it's ok." Ryan said reassuringly. Vincent smiled at Ryan and placed a reassuring hand on Ryan’s shoulder.

Philip looked quite frustrated as well. He let out a rough sigh. “AHHH
. This is just so wrong! It’s things like this that make me wish I had not come to this country. Germany was bad but this is a completely different level.” Philip’s hand began to glow as he held on of his marble sized time bombs. He calmed himself and reabsorbed the energy before it detonated. He didn’t want to harm anyone nearby.

Charles then recommended that everyone try to take it easy in the mansion for the evening and avoid going out until he was able to do a probe of the city’s activities with Cerebro. Eric scanned the group with his eyes trying to get a check on who was there and who wasn’t. Scott, Jean, Logan, Pietro, Victor, David, Jonathan, Memory, Cain, Cara, Fuyumi, Wendy, Joanna, and Kent were all still not around. Charles reassured Eric. “Logan, Victor, David and Pietro are in the Danger Room although I am not the biggest fans of that particular combination of mutants being gathered there of all places. Fuyumi, Joanna, and Wendy are headed back from the mall. They should be back shortly. Scott and Jean just pulled up and are entering the mansion gates.

Just as Scott and Jean got out of the car, they encountered Cain and Cara. Scott turned to acknowledge the duo. “Ah Cain, Cara, It’s good to see you’re alright. You didn’t happen to have a run in with-” Scott was cut off by Cain.

“The Humans? Yes we fought a whole bar full of those monster homo-sapiens.” Cain replied trying to remain calm. He didn’t mean to put Scott and Jean off but tonight’s incident really angered him.

Scot arched an eyebrow, “Actually the term I was going to use was the House of Mutant Registration. However I see you have. We should inform the professor. It seems things are growing out of control about town tonight.”

Cain replied in a kinder manner, “He already knows so no worries. I’m glad that you and Jean are alright as well.” Cain gave a smile. He also once more grabbed hold of Cara’s hand, exchanging a glance with her. “You two should take it easy. Aren’t you still supposed to be on your date night?” Cain smirked.

Scott was quite surprised that he remembered from their earlier conversation. He seemed to notice Cain’s closeness with Cara. It was unusual for Cara to act so
 submissive of sorts. Jean commented with a smile, “Indeed we are Mr. Lehnsherr. And it looks like we’re not the only ones.” Jean gave Cain and Cara a playful wink. “We should double date sometime.” Jean added.

Scott looked a bit nervous. He remembered the times when Cara flirted with him in a rather provocative manner. He was pretty sure she wasn’t serious and was trying to get a rise out of him, and she succeeded. Scott pretty vividly remembered the shadow mutant’s seductive touch on his body and how he almost gave into her wiles. Jean wasn’t blind to Scott’s experience and struggle with looking at Cara without being terrorized by that memory. However she was confident that Scott wouldn’t actually cross the line with Cara. They simply weren’t compatible. However if Cara was Emma Frost, Jean would worry some, but that was a different matter altogether. The Four entered the mansion and met with the professor and the others. Fuyumi, Wendy, and Joanna also returned to the mansion.

Meanwhile, in the Danger Room, things got quite heated in the fight between Logan, Sabertooth and David. Logan and Victor slashed at one another viciously, fists pounding each other into submission, bodies ready and raring to take such punishment, and keep going. David was almost untouchable taking pop-shots off of Logan, from the ground, walls, and ceiling, as he dealt with Victor’s brutal full frontal assault. “WHY YOU EGG SUCKING PIECE OF GUTTER TRASH!! You can’t have it out with me without your little boyfriend to hold your blood ridden hand huh? Fine by me bub!!” Logan retorted.

Victor replied in a sarcastic chuckle, “Well playtime is much more fun when you invite friends over Logan. You’d know that if you actually had any real friends.”

At that moment Pietro activated the Danger Room’s highest level of training exercises. The protocol however was altered to attack Sabertooth and David. An energy beam fired and connected with Victors back. Pietro taunted the duo from the control room. “Did I forget to mention that I was on Logan’s team? Oops~! HAHAHAHa

“You little hyperactive traitor! What the hell do you think you’re doing?!” David replied angrily.

Pietro laughed maniacally, “Choosing the better side silly!! And I thought you were smart
 I guess love really is blind huh North?”

David responded by pulling out a mini rocket and fired it at the control room window. The impact caused a huge explosion that made a boom that could be heard all over the mansion. The glass was nearly indestructible so fortunately for Pietro, he wasn’t hurt. Scott heard the noise and wiped around. “What the hell was that?” Scott asked.

“It came from the danger room.” Jean replied.

“Gosh can’t Wolverine ever stay out of trouble?” Kyle commented in a snarky manner.

“Look who’s talking Marvel
” Eric replied with a raised eyebrow. Kyle wasn’t the best for keeping out of trouble himself and everyone knew it.

The group raced to the danger room. Scott had everyone grab hold of each other as he placed a hand on Fuyumi’s shoulder. She proceeded to phase everyone through the locked Danger Room doorway. “It’s a war zone in here! Logan what the hell were you thinking?!” Scott yelled.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Sabertooth (Victor Creed) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Logan (Wolverine) Character Portrait: Jonathan Moore
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0.00 INK

Emily & Agent Six

Eric chuckled a bit. “That’s Ace. I don’t know why she insists on wearing that clay mask about. Even Charles has trouble figuring her out.” Magneto joked. To most in the mansion, it was nice to see Magneto smiling and at ease. “It’s always very much a pleasure to her you play my dear. As for what to play
 anything you like would be suitable. However if I had to choose, I’d say my personal favorite Sonata, Op. 72.” Eric smiled brightly

Emily smiled at him and nodded. Saying her thanks and goodbye Emily went to her room to drop off a couple of things. Once that was done she went to the music room unaware of the large boom that resounded throughout the halls of the mansion.

However one person did, that person being Agent Six who woke up from her sleep. She slid out of bed and began to wander the hallways again. Taking out her mirror she located the sound with her specters and decided not to bother going to the danger room.

Emily began to set up her instrument, although it was late Ace and Eric suggested that she play something. At least this way she was able to help about, whenever the mood was foul about the mansion someone usually requested that she play to help enlighten the mood with her abilities.

Taking out her bow Emily began to tune her cello giggling at the sight of colors that sprang as if alive from the strings that made her music possible. Taking a deep breathe, Emily rested the cello against her shoulder one hand at the top while the other slowly began to pull at the strings with her bow. A deep resounding note escaped from the cello, echoing throughout the halls of the mansion. It sounded rather haunting really but as the song slowly progressed it turned into something else.

Agent Six heard the sounds of the cello and was drawn to its source as most people were when they heard it. The effect was calming and made people aware of what they were doing and hopefully gave them a warm feeling in their chest. However Agent Six felt none of those only the tugging feeling that she needed to be somewhere.

So she walked down the hall following the music until she came to a room. With the help of her specters she found a woman sitting in the center of the room playing a cello. Agent Six watched her for a moment and it didn’t seem Emily noticed her either as she was that engrossed in her music. She noticed a piano stood to the side and walked over to it. Pulling out the chair Agent Six sat down sliding her fingers across the keys and then randomly began to push down keys.

Although it did ruin the sound of the cello, Agent Six let her specter disappear so she was once more in the dark. She began to push down certain keys that sounded nice with the cello. Then with both hands Agent Six began to play along with the cello. Emily then noticed Agent Six’s presence by the sudden colors that erupted besides her. The colors swirled and danced with the ones produced by her cello and she smiled. Taking a deep breathe Emily continued to play allowing both sounds to mix and become one unity that filled the entire mansion.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Sabertooth (Victor Creed) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver)
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0.00 INK

Ryan smiled as he felt Vincent's hand on his shoulder. "Thanks Vince." Ryan smiled. "You don't have to say it. I know. Bullies like these require a different kind of response." Ryan smiled. "That's what you and Professor X always say. I did take your ethics class." Ryan explained, smiling impishly. As he finished, a man Ryan didn't recognize spoke up. “The one under arrest was me. Thanks for saving me. You really helped me big time. I was freaking out back there.” He was genuinely grateful. Ryan smiled. "Glad I could be of use. My scaly hide isn't good for much else." Ryan smirked playfully. "Ryan." He said, extending his hand to shake. "Nice to meet you Mr?..." Ryan asked, introducing himself, waiting for this new friend to offer his name as well. The man introduced himself and Ryan smiled. "It's very nice to meet you." Ryan then switched his attention to Professor Xavier, who spoke, addressing the group.

Professor Xavier recommended that everyone try to take it easy in the mansion for the evening and avoid going out until he was able to do a probe of the city’s activities with Cerebro. Meanwhile, Professor Lensherr scanned the group with his eyes trying to get a check on who was there and who wasn’t. “Logan, Victor, David and Pietro are in the Danger Room although I am not the biggest fans of that particular combination of mutants being gathered there of all places. Fuyumi, Joanna, and Wendy are headed back from the mall. They should be back shortly. Scott and Jean just pulled up and are entering the mansion.". Ryan smiled wide when he heard Jean was back. He was excited to see her again. As she walked up to the group with Scott, Ryan ran up to her, threw his arms around her waist, and smiled. "I'm glad you're home safely." Ryan said, his smile massively wide. "I'm glad you're home too Scott." Ryan said, addressing Cyclops. He shyly stepped away from Jean and addressed Scott. "It's getting more than a little scary out there. I'd hate to be a mutant without somewhere safe to call home." At that exact moment, Ryan's ears perked up and Scott's head whipped around. Something had just exploded in the Danger Room, the force of it shook the mansion. Ryan sighed. He sniffed hard. "It's Professor Logan and that predator, Sabertooth. North might be with them, I smell the gunpowder on him, but he has no smell himself." Ryan stated the facts nonchalantly, as if everyone might know them.

Scott ordered everyone to hold hands and Professor Fuyumi phased them through the floor to the door in front of the Danger Room. Ryan smelled gunpowder and sweat. It was like a war zone in there. He was walking through the door when he heard the ding behind him. Someone had used the elevator. Ryan's ear perked, and his nostrils widened. He smelled acrylic paint and a sort of river-y kind of smell. Not like dead fish, but like flowing water and green grass. He whipped his head around and saw a familiar sight. It was Jonathan! Ryan smiled wide. Ryan wanted to call out to him, but the elevator door closed before Ryan could.

Ryan squeezed Jean's hand, he'd been holding onto her when Professor Fuyumi had phased them through the floor. Ryan had maintained a gentle grip on his surrogate mother's hand while the group walked into the Danger Room control booth. Ryan smiled. "For once, I don't want in on this Danger Room session." Ryan smirked. He turned around and walked right back out the Danger Room door. Ryan lowered to all fours and let himself go. His skin became dark and scaly. His ears and teeth lengthened and became pointed. Horns sprouted from his temples and his eyes turned golden and slitted. The best way to get to where Jonathan was, was through a window after taking some stairs. So that's exactly what he did. Ryan followed his nose to Jonathan's scent, taking some stairs, jumping through a window, running around the Mansion, and climbing a tree to peek through the window in the room Jonathan was in. As he looked, Ryan noticed the song he was hearing for the first time. There were two people playing. It was a piano and a cello, twining their sounds together in perfect harmony. It was beautiful. Ryan couldn't help himself, he started to hum along with the song. It was one he remembered. It was often played at the mansion, being the favorite of several students and teachers. When the song was finished, Ryan poked his head through the window. "That was so beautiful. Thank you." Turning to Jonathan, Ryan spoke up. "Hi! I'm glad you're back safely. It's a nightmare out there for mutants, what with the HMR surveying us and basically rounding us up. Also, I think I left my backpack with you a while ago. I want my backpack and my painting back." Ryan said to Jonathan, smirking. "Did you perchance take it to your room."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Sabertooth (Victor Creed) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver)
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Kent Van-Pelt

Kent had finished the evenings broadcast and exited the set of the news room. He noticed the faces of some of his co-workers. They seemed quite nervous for him after having stood up to the HMR on national television. Kent packed his things and went home to his condo however it was broken into and vandalized horribly. On the large glass window that had a view of the city was spray painted “MUTANT LOVER GO TO HELL!!” Kent knew that it was no longer safe for him to be there. He packed up a few things and drove to the X-mansion where he knew there was always a place for him.

[At the X-mansion]

Logan replied in a snarky manner, “What does it look like ruby red, I’m letting out a little frustration on thing one and thing two over here. Now BUT OUT!”

Professor Charles cut in, “I want this brawl to stop now! Logan you know better than this. I do not permit stand offs against other students you know that.”

Logan let out a heavy sigh. Victor chuckled under his breath. However Charles not only reprimanded Logan but Victor and David as well. “Victor and David, I expect better from you both as well. Victor you especially could learn to control your rages.”

Victor’s laughing came to s quick halt. “Look wimp, I ain’t one of your puny little students! So you can take your cheap psychiatric advice and chuck it.” Victor snarled.

Logan shouted, “You’re outta line Bub!” He pointed his claws at Victor in warning.

Kyle crossed his arms and took a couple of steps forward, smirking. He was in line next to the professor now. “I could take a little steam out of old tiger eyes, just to cool him off a bit if you want professor.”

Victor smiled devilishly, “Oh your pretty little dead carcass would need some cooling time in the morgue once I’m done with you.”

Hideki stepped forward beside Kyle, “BACK OFF!! I’m warning you
” Hideki said as bright flashes and flares crackled and popped around his hands.

David stepped forward, “Ah ah ah
 you’d better play nice.” He threatened as he pointed a pistol at Hideki.

Scott immediately took action. He would never allow such a blatant threat on a student’s life to pass. He shot an optic blast at the gun however David ducked and dodged out of the way rather effortlessly, hand still steady and now aimed at Scott. David took two steps closer and fired a shot at Scott. The bullet was stopped by Jean telekinetically.

Eric frowned strongly. He levitated the weapon out of North’s hand and crumpled it into a little ball of metal. “Charles said enough! If you cannot obey then you shall be forced into submission!!” Eric said angrily. He dropped the crumpled mass of metal to the ground and it made a loud clunk.

Cain levitated the metal ball and shaped it into a sharp spearhead. He made it shoot past David’s head and it launched into a wall behind him. “We mutants should not be fighting each other. It’s bad enough that the humans are out for our blood but you’re acting no better.”

David simply rolled his eyes and headed for the door of the danger room. He placed a hand on Hideki’s shoulder, “Sorry Matsuzaka. I guess I lost my cool there.” David turned to the Professor and Eric, “My apologies, I’ve been a rude guest. You should have a problem out of me any further.”

Scott frowned, “Aren’t you forgetting somebody?” He said in an annoyed manner.

“Oh yeah, my bad Cyclops.” David said with a smirk and a wink.

Joanna was quite annoyed. “Really North? Ugh
 this is ridiculous. You four (Logan, Pietro, Victor, and David.) should really grow up.” She said as she rolled her eyes and opened the danger room door. She heard the sweet music rushing into the danger room and was captivated. “What in the world
?” she said in confusion.

Fuyumi turned around as well, “That music
 where is it coming from? It’s so beautiful.” She said with a smile on her face.

Eric smiled as well. That would be Emily’s doing.”, he replied.

Everyone followed the sound of the music towards Dr. Coleridge. The negative energy simply melted away and everyone felt pretty harmonious. Cain smiled peacefully. “If only this could be played for the world to hear. They would all lay down their hatred and reason with one another peacefully.” He said calmly.

Vincent replied. “As lovely as that sounds, it could be taken as mind control once someone realizes the true nature behind the music.”

Philip stepped closely toward Vincent and said quietly, “Speaking of love and peace
 let’s go to bed and make a little love~ Xavier
” Philip smirked devilishly.

Vincent blushed redly. “Well, everyone with that I’m off to bed now. Night all! And Lovely solo Dr. Coleridge!” Vincent said as he pulled Philip by the hand and out of the room.

Kent had arrived at the mansion with his suitcase. He easily found Charles as he simply followed the music. Once he found Charles and the others he told them what happened. “I hope I can take shelter here once more.”

Charles hugged Kent. “Of course you can! You will always have a home here. You know that Kent.” He said.

“Thank you Professor.” Kent replied with a relieved smile.

Logan pated Kent on the back reassuringly, “Good to have you home buddy.” He smiled. Logan always had a fondness for Kent. Logan never warmed up to anyone easily but it took him absolutely no time with Kent. Perhaps it was Kent’s easy going nature. Kent never pushed things too hard or was overbearing in any way. Logan liked that about him. Honestly there was a time Logan pushed for Charles to make Kent the X-men Team Leader instead of Scott. However Kent declined and Charles had firmly decided that Scott was the ideal candidate, much to Logan’s dismay.

Most everyone began to retreat to their quarters. David headed down the hall Victor at his side. They were headed to nearly the same place as their rooms were right next to one another. David saw Memory, Ryan and Jonathan. He smiled at the sight of her. He approached her from behind and placed a peck on her cheek. “Hi there beautiful.” He said with a cute smile.

Victor sighed and shook his head tiredly. He didn’t stop but kept walking. “Why don’t you flirt with chicks remotely closer to your age range North?”

“Don’t wait up for me Victory honey.” David replied to Victor sarcastically. David glanced at Ryan and Jonathan with a smile. “Hi ho fellas.” David didn’t mean to put anyone off, he had done his share of that tonight. He genuinely wanted to be friendly to the three, especially Memory.

Down the hallway a bit further walked Logan and Hideki. Their conversation could be heard a bit off from where they were. Hideki pulled at Logan’s arm beggingly. “Logan
com’on!! I’m creeped out by the HMR!! They know this place if full of mutants! Who knows whether or not they would raid this place. Please
 let me crash with you tonight!!” Hideki begged.

Logan frowned in annoyance. He knew that Hideki was being overly clingy for the reason that he usually was, because Hideki had a crush on him. “How old are you again Matsuzaka?”

Hideki replied, “Please Logan! If anyone would sense a soldier sneaking up on him, it would be you. Rooming with the Professor is out of the question, Vincent is getting a leg over with Phillip so that’s a no go. I don’t really know Cain all that well and it would be
 more than awkward. I’m not so sure about Annabelle’s telepathic skills yet and we don’t really know one another. Jean’s with Scott and three’s a crowd anyway. There’s nobody left but you!”

Logan chuckled, “You forgot Victor over there. His sense of smell is just as keen as mine. Go ask him if he doesn’t mind you snuggling up to him tonight for safety.” Logan couldn’t contain the laughter.

“Are you Nuts!!?? That’s not funny Logan
 You’re like one on my best friends
” Hedeki pouted.

Kyle passed the two up, “Logan please do it so Hideki will shut the hell up
” Kyle said in a tired way.

Logan looked at Hideki with squinted eyes and let out a heavy sigh. “Alright then. Grab your stuff. But you try something and I’ll punch you in the gut. You know I mean it Kiddo.” Logan said with a smile. He thought about it a bit more and he figured he could use the company. After the bout that he had with Sabertooth and North it made him think a lot about his past and his own rages. It put him in a foul mindset that wasn’t a good place for Logan to be while alone.

“Yosh!!!” Hideki replied in excitement.

Kyle commented in a snarky manner, “Looks like Hideki can die happily tonight. His dreams are partially coming true.”

Hideki frowned up in embarrassment. He quickly fired a blast toward Kyle. “SHUT-UP!! Or else I won’t miss next time!!”

Logan simply shook his head and sighed. ‘Maybe this was a mistake
’ he thought as he proceeded toward his room.