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Philip Klein (Boom-Boom)

"I assure you, this one isn't a prank"

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a character in “X-men: Xavier and Magneto Unite”, as played by masato22


Name: Boom-Boom (AKA Boomer)


Civilian name: Philip Klein


Age: 26

Occupation: Student

Alliance: X-men


Philip is tall and muscular yet slender Caucasian male of German ancestry. He has short cropped dark sandy brown hair. His face is pretty angular and model-esque. Philip is very handsome and is often found smiling.




Philip is a very chipper and jovial individual. He is often in good spirits or at least seems to be. Philip adores fun and loves to laugh. He will often play practical jokes on others just to see their natural reactions to things. His jokes are usually harmless in nature. Those who are effected by his practical jokes are usually aware that he’s means well. He’s very kind hearted and looks after those around him with concern. He’s a hard worker although he can sometimes be a bit distracted. Focus is his weak point but he is aware of that and is not too proud to rely on others to help him focus on a task.


When Philip is upset he usually shuts down and will try to keep contact with others to a minimum. If he is pressured into talking or facing an issue when he doesn’t feel ready to, he is prone to lash out in an attempt to be left alone. Philip often tries to soothe a sad or difficult situation with humor. This sometimes makes others comfortable and other times makes them upset. Philip deals with fear in a contrary manner. He likes to confront something he’s afraid of head on with bravery. He’d like to say that if he ran away from anything, it would be because he didn’t feel like dealing with it not because he was afraid.



Mutant Classification: Alpha

Powers and Abilities:


Time Bombs: can create balls of plasma, which he calls his "time bombs." These "bombs" explode with concussive force. He can produce marble-sized "bombs" which have little concussive impact and which he uses for playing pranks. He has produced "time bombs" ranging up to the size of beach balls, which, when they explode, can smash tree trunks and metal objects. The amount of concussive impact depends on the size of the bomb he creates, and he can, at least to some extent, control the amount of time until it detonates. After training with X-men he has learned increasingly greater control over the energy he generates. He can now muffle the sound of the detonation to a limited extent and generate explosive energy as streams that respond to his thought directions. Now possessing greater control over his powers, he can even reabsorb the energy of non-detonated bombs and is no longer afraid to use his time bombs in nearly lethal ways.


Energy Absorption: Philip is a mutant who can absorb most types of energy directed toward him. He can then rechannel it through his body for concussive blasts or in the same form that was absorbed, including weather effects. This rechanneled energy is apparently able to damage beings normally immune to their own powers. The nature of his powers makes it difficult to damage him with energy-based attacks, while also enabling him to work well with any energy-using teammates. Philip can also store absorbed energy within his personal reserves, whereupon the energy increases his strength and recuperative abilities, as well as affording him a measure of invulnerability. The upper limits of his ability allows him to enhance his own physical abilities with absorbed energy is not exactly known but is well into the level of being super human. His energy absorption abilities allows him achieve the following feats; Concussive Blasts; Healing; Enhanced Strength; Near-Invulnerability.


Philip is unable to absorb energy from inertial impacts such as hitting walls. This does not mean he is incapable of absorbing kinetic energy. Kinetic effects such as an exploding card from Gambit were absorbable. It would seem that as of late he is learning to absorb inertial impact energy, however he still cannot do so with anywhere near the efficiency of Shaw or Agent Zero. Whether it is possible to increase this ability in time with practice is unknown.


Some energy types are more difficult to absorb than others. Philip can be overloaded by trying to absorb too much energy.Although he can absorb psionic energy from blasts or telekinetic attacks, Philip is not immune to telepathic attacks.

Gymnast: Philip is an expert gymnast and his body is peak physical condition. He is learning self defense at the Xavier institute.






Philip Klein was born and raised in Germany to a quiet middle class family. He is an only child and his father passed away due to illness when Philip was 13. Since then it had been simply Philip and his mother. He learned to look after his mother as she looked after her, becoming the man of the house. Philip was always very responsible when it came to household matters and never complained about helping his mother who always tried not to show how difficult it was to keep things afloat without her husband around. Philip always had an excess of energy and seemed hyperactive as a child. His mother sent him to a local gym where he was taught gymnastics. He was very good at it.


Philip’s powers manifested when he was 12 years old. He and his friends were skipping rocks at alocal pond and he thought he had picked up another rock but he didn’t. He was forming his first “time bomb.” He tossed it into the water and it exploded. His friends thought he was cool however their parents didn’t think so. Some parents raised hell to the administration because of Philips presence among their “normal” children. Philip and his mom moved away to another town where he managed to keep a low profile.


Philip learned of his second power, energy absorption, when he was attempting to fix an appliance for his mother and he was electrocuted. The electricity was absorbed into his body and energized him. He then began wanting to explore the depths of his powers. Philip was tired of struggling to learn his powers and causing his mother worry. She was always afraid for him being targeted by anti-mutant groups. Professor Charles Xavier, using cerebro, found out about Philip and traveled to Germany with Magneto and their son Vincent to recruit Philip into the Xavier and Lehnsherr School for Gifted Students. Philip and Vincent hit it off very quickly and it was Vincent who helped convince Philip that he could use the Institute’s help. Philip’s mother tearfully let Philip go with Xavier and Magneto, knowing that Philip was finally in good hands.


Other information:


Philip really has taken a liking to Vincent and the two have become a couple. Although Vincent is a year younger than Philip, he is Philip’s teacher. Philip looks after Vincent and helps him relax and not be such a “boring adult” all the time.

So begins...

Philip Klein (Boom-Boom)'s Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Logan (Wolverine) Character Portrait: Jonathan Moore Character Portrait: Philip Klein (Boom-Boom)
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Cara shut her eyes for a moment expecting the loud blast from the sentinels to come at any given moment and yet nothing came, when she opened her eyes again the darkness was gone and she saw the visored face of Cyclops mere inches from her own. "Well now, Cyclops. I didn't realize we bonded that much last night," She winked playfully as though the accident had never happened. "But yes, I'm fine. Are you ok?" she asked as he stood pulling herself up onto her elbows without actually getting up onto her feet.

Scott couldn’t help but blush a little. After he regained his poise responded, “We didn’t. However, Somehow I’m alright. What the heck happened up there?” Scott voiced softly.

"Though I must admit I'm beginning to feel like we're all a little more out of practice then we first believed."

Scott nodded. “For once I agree with you. You know despite your reckless endangerment, it was not so bad working with you. Things went much smoother than they would have been had you not been around to help. I just thought I’d tell you that.” Scott said rather hesitantly. It was difficult for him to give kudos to someone that usually bothered him so much. Perhaps he was beginning to view Cara in a slightly better light. But she still had a long was to go before Scott could feel comfortable with himself while being comfortable with Cara.

The instructors proceeded out of the danger room and back up to the control room. Aaliyah went off. “Who was The Horse Ass that was showing off in here?" She looked pissed. "Whoever it was you have one chance to step up or all of you will get the blunt end of the punishment., " Was hissed to all of the students. "What would have happened if you were out in a real battle and decide to do something like that. You would not only put yourself endanger but your team, on top of that you would give away location in more than one way." With the look of what hit the controls she had an idea of two people that could have done it.

Kyle Joked, “I suppose flirting with Philip’s In-Law was a not so good idea.” He said with a wink directed at Adria who he thought was pretty cool looking. If he ran into her at a night club he’d buy her a drink because she looked hot and he liked suave people. Kyle was totally into guys but knew how to appreciate a beautiful girl when he saw one. There were quite a lot of them at the X-mansion.

Magneto smirked at Kyle’s comment. He really liked Kyle’s spunk, however he could outright endorse it lest he damage his image as the strict headmaster.

Philip felt bad. He initially knew better than to do such a thing but sometimes an opportunity for fun seemed to get the better of him and he just couldn’t pass it up. He was older than most of the other students and should be setting an example of maturity not pulling pranks. “It was me. I thought I’d play a supposedly harmless joke on Kyle and it spiraled out of control. I realize I put you all in serious danger with my silliness. Please I’ll accept any punishment you give.” Philip apologized with his head hung low in a humble manner.

Vincent stood beside Philip and placed a hand reassuringly on Philip’s cheek. He used his telepathy to communicate with him. “It’s alright love. Don’t you look so down, it’ll really hurt me far worse than any sentinel could.” Vincent smiled as his telepathy did the speaking for him.

Professor X was about to intervene. However, Vila took the floor, a rare sight. Vila stood up looking at Aaiyah "take a breath and calm down. Yes things could have been worse but it happens, they are eager to get down there and take part. They want to prove themselves to Logan and Scott to show they are ready to be Xmen" Aaiyah blinked she was still pissed about what happened.

“Well said Vila.” Charles Chimed in.

“We are not perfect my boy. You need not worry any longer.” Magneto said to Philip in German as he patted Philip on the back.

"Xavier, Erik I will go in with the students" Vila moved to head in to the danger room. Charles was very pleased with Vila for Volunteering.

“That would be excellent Vila. You shall provide the team support as the sub leader under Magneto.” Charles replied.

“It’ll be an honor to work you my dear.” Magneto said as he smiled at Vila. “Alright students let us proceed with the session. Follow me downstairs.” Magneto addressed the group.

Hideki perked up. He was excited for his shot at some action. He turned to Memory and Jonathan and smiled, “Hey wonder twins, you mates feeling as good about this as I am?” He said in his half-British accent.

The professor turned to the group of instructors. “You all did a fine job.” I’m very proud of how you worked together and protected each other. Putting aside differences to work toward a common cause is indeed the key lesson for you all today.” Charles praised the group.

Fuyumi smiled at the professor, “And here I thought we were the once teaching a lesson out there.” Charles smiled gently at her.

“Well remind me to stand next to Fuyumi the next time we encounter over 30 sentinels
 That effing hurt.” Logan added sarcastically.

Down stairs the students and Magneto prepared themselves. “Set the danger room to level 3. Danger Bot protocol. Remember I am your field commander for this exercise however, that does not mean I will always bail you out of trouble. Trust your teammates and be aware of your surroundings. You are not only to focus on yourself but your teammates as well. I personally will be holding back so that you will gain the full extent of your training session. Understood?” Magneto spoke authoritatively. This scenario would be no contest for him but It could pose a challenge for the students. He initially wanted to place it on a higher level than 3, believing that they students could handle a higher level. He had much faith in them all. However Charles wanted to play it safe.

The danger room changed in scenery. The and they were suddenly in a power plant. There were warning alarms going off. They seemed to be in a manufacturing plant of sorts. This was a production factory for sentinels. “Intruder alert!!” Rang out in the factory. Sentinels were being manufactured piece by piece. There were conveyer belts that carted arms, legs, blasters, heads and other parts. There were machines that worked on assembling parts and a programing station.

“Our objective is to dismantle the machinery while protecting ourselves from the defense robots. We must move swiftly for we will only be granted 15 minutes before they plant can activate the sentinels and we must escape or fight for life at that point. Vila is our sub-commander and field medic. Rely on her if you need med attention. Be alert and wise. The enemy will be relentless yet you must remain composed. A fool lashed out blindly. BEGIN!” Magneto instructed as he floated above the students. He enjoyed commanding a team in battle again.

Many silver robots of 6 foot height and multiple battle functions attacked the group. Those to my right shall focus on objective one, destroying the production machinery. This half to my left shall focus on objective two, defense and survival. Go!” Magneto commanded.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Logan (Wolverine) Character Portrait: Philip Klein (Boom-Boom) Character Portrait: Kyle Jean- Claude (Marvel)
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Cara Black

Cara smiled, "Old habits die hard, Scott." She pulled herself to her feet and brushed herself down. "I have no idea what happened. Perhaps someone has been tampering with the controls?" She offered.

“For once I agree with you. You know despite your reckless endangerment, it was not so bad working with you. Things went much smoother than they would have been had you not been around to help. I just thought I’d tell you that.”

"Was that a thank you? Now that really is unexpected, Scott." she said raising an eyebrow slightly with her flirtatious smile, "But I have to agree. Thank you for intervening." she was obviously having a lot less of a hard time dealing with working in a team with what had once been an enemy of hers. "Perhaps we should join the others." she said, breaking the silence. "See what exactly it is that nearly got us all killed." she rejoined the others and started walking to the control room.

Aayiah was already going mad when Cara arrived in the room but she decided to stay quiet, the girl definately had more the a temper on her. "So brash of one so young." she whispered over towards Scott, she knew he probably didn't care for her thoughts but as time had progressed Cara had definately noticed a recurring pattern in Aayiah's temper. Though she had to admit; who needed TV when you had her tantrums.

She watched quietly as the rest of the scene unfolded, deciding that keeping out of things was probably her best bet this time around but she did grimace inwardly when Vincent touched Philip's cheek. She was not homophobic of course, being bisexual herself but she had never been a fan of soppy lovey crap.

Cara drew a cigarette as the students walked down towards the Danger Room's open expanse, leaning on the windowsill she sparked it up offering one to Logan whom was the only one she knew definately smoked, albeit cigars. She watched intently as the session began, watching for anything that caught her eye in any of the students and particularly watching Magneto, she had heard many things about him whilst with the Russian equivalent of the Brotherhood, often of the great deeds he had brought up for mutant-kind everywhere. Such a shame he'd switched sides though not that she could talk much on that part really.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Jonathan Moore Character Portrait: Philip Klein (Boom-Boom) Character Portrait: Kyle Jean- Claude (Marvel) Character Portrait: Memory Ashcroft Character Portrait: Matsuzaka Hideki (Flare)
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The session had begun. The robots came rushing in after the students dubbed intruders to the holograph factory. Boom-Boom (Philip) and Flare (M. Hideki) were on assigned to destroy the manufacturing machinery along with a few others. As those in charge of defense fought off the robots they rushed in to complete objective one.

. I really wanted my shot at those robots
” Hideki moaned playfully. Philip smiled and laughed out loud.

“We shall do what we must my friend. The faster we do our job, the faster we can smash some robo heads.” Philip replied with a devilish grin.

Hideki, standing next to a conveyer belt smirked. “It’s a good thing I have a way with technology.” He joked. His hands glowed brightly with multi-colored light energy. He then touched the machinery, charging it with the energy, and stepped back as it exploded. He blasted a couple of other machines as well doing considerable damage. “I suppose it pays to be destructive huh?”

Philip while dealing with a few other machines responded, “Indeed you are right my Jubilant friend. Now watch a REAL explosion.” Philip volleyed a ‘time bomb’ the size of a volleyball at another machine and it caused a large explosion the shook the ground. The wall nearby was leveled.

“Nice! But geeze Boomer don’t get too carried away
” Flare fussed.

Magneto watched as the students defended each other and completed mission objectives. A few robots made their way toward Flare and Boom-boom, and magneto with the closing of a fist crushed them into two large metal scrap balls. He didn’t want to do too much. He observed each student closely and took note of how they handled themselves. He was proud and he couldn’t help smiling.

Marvel (Kyle) gave Memory and Jonathan a hand. A robot dropped from a ceiling beam down toward Jonathan and Marvel intercepted. He punched the robot in midair sending it flying into a machine. “You must be careful Mon Amour (My Love)!” Kyle flirted with Jonathan with a wink. Kyle then punched out a few robots, it was pretty easy for him with his super strength and flight abilities. A robot shot a laser at him sending him back into a wall. Five of the robots then fired laser beams at the wall behind Kyle, who laid on the ground attempting to rise, causing the bricks to come crashing down on him. Magneto rushed over to dismantle the robots that attacked. Once that was done, he levitated down toward the bricks Kyle laid buried beneath. He quickly tossed the bricks aside and found Kyle seemingly trying to regain consciousness. Magneto held Kyle as he called out his name. “Marvel, Marvel wake up I’m here now.” Erik said in a concerned fatherly tone.

Kyle’s eyes opened slowly and a crooked smile crept across his face. He snuggled close into Magneto’s body. “I knew that warm powerful voice when I heard it. Mon Amour, you saved my life!!” Kyle said and he pecked Magneto on the cheek lightly.

Magneto let out a heavy sigh. “Don’t make me knock you out for real this time
. Foolish child.” Erik said with a chuckle. Kyle was too silly for him to become angry with.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Jonathan Moore Character Portrait: Philip Klein (Boom-Boom) Character Portrait: Kyle Jean- Claude (Marvel) Character Portrait: Memory Ashcroft Character Portrait: Matsuzaka Hideki (Flare)
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#, as written by KameJLa
Adria took a step back when Aaliyah shouted in the control room. She couldn't blame her. It was dangerous at what the boys did, and she hoped she wasn't down there for a level up. Thankfully, Vila seemed to calm the girl down. Aaliyah seemed like one tough girl. She could control the technology like it was nothing. Completely different from the Metal Erik could control. Personally, she wouldn't want to go head to head with Aaliyah.

“Alright students let us proceed with the session. Follow me downstairs.” Magneto addressed the group.

Adria followed the group out of the control room lead by Vila and Erik, fasting her water belt around her waist as she walked. It had been a while since she had been in any fights of any kind, having been studying and preparing for her infiltration. At this point, it was critical that she not go overboard.

Erik had set the danger room at Level 3, and in an instant, the room had changed. In place was a Factory, with alarms going off like mad. He gave his instructions, and she looked to her left. Adria was on the right, her objective being to destroy the production machinery. She didn't have much time to think, Erik calling for the simulation to begin.

Popping the caps off of the water bottles on both sides, Adria waved her hand, the water coming from inside the bottles to encircle her body. There was one of the assembly lines not to far from where she was, but one of the Metal drones in the way. "Alright.. We can do this." If the teachers can, so can we.. She thought to herself.

She took off running at the drone, bending down and sliding on her side at the last second through his legs. Just before she past the feet, she touched what was the drone's feet, water shooting up her arms and down her finger tips, turning to ice as it hit the metal. Restricting it's movements by freezing it's legs and feet into place was all she could do for now. She had to get her objective done. Once past the legs, she jumped up, continuing her run at the assembly line. From the closer inspection as she ran towards it, it was where they created the heads. Jumping over pipe lines and boxes, she sliced her arm downwards, the water following suit. With a whip like motion, it cut through the metal, and with another slice downwards with the other arm, the water came back, slicing through the metal once more before returning to her. She had limited water left, and wanted to reserve it, so she sent it back into the bottle. Normally, she would have used as little as possible to do the most damage, or use her staff to freeze what it touches on contact. That would not be the case today. "Got one! Keep it up!"

The sparks from inside the production console shot out, before the whole thing exploded. The blast sent her flying backwards, smashing into the back of the drone she froze the legs of. She slid down the back, before plopping onto the floor in a crouched position, teeth clenched. "Ok.. that hurt.." She muttered to herself. "Note to self, run away after doing damage that can possibly result in an explosion.."

The drone seemed to know that it was hit, and it turned to look over it's shoulder at her, while she looked up at it. "Ok not good..Don't suppose you want to forget that you saw me huh?" She asked, knowing that it couldn't understand what she was saying. "Well it was worth a shot.." Even though the session was about working together as a team, Adria found herself torn. She had been on her own for so long, relying solely on herself that it was instinct to try and take care of anything by herself. It was like the others in the room didn't exist. At the same time, she couldn't. She needed to learn to rely on others, and that would be a hard lesson learned.

A laser beam shot right at her, Adria barely managing to dodge. She was defiantly bruised from the hit earlier, but she wasn't about to give up. Not just yet. The drone was stronger than it looked, finally managing to break free from the ice. It looks like she would have to take care of this drone before she can move onto the other production sites within the factory.


Location found. Connected.

Putting on her blue tooth, she pushed the connect button. Standing from her place in front of her laptop, she went to the window, looking outside casually as she spoke. The computer translated what she said into numbers, the other parties computer decoding it, and changing it back into words. "Most will be gathered in the danger room tomorrow."

The other party responded, the words coming through her blue tooth sounding much like a machine. "Very good. We can get most, if not all, all in one place."

"I suggest using caution. There are some here that would be difficult to fight, and with one who is a tech junkie, the Macro I uploaded into the card reader in the sewers will only give you a short window of opportunity to get your men in and out. You'll be lucky to get 10 minutes with her on the job. I can guarantee you at least 5."

"Yes we recieved your data burst. Any news on the weapon?"

Adria smirked, narrowing her eyes at her own reflection. "Without much information to go on, how can I know where it is? The main system holds no record of the weapon. My guess is it's hidden away with very few, if not just one person knowing it's whereabouts."

(OOC- last little bit of italics - Memories of previous night. ^^.)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Logan (Wolverine) Character Portrait: Jonathan Moore Character Portrait: Philip Klein (Boom-Boom)
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Boob-boom and Flare (Philip and Hideki) had just about finished with all of the machines in their zones. Philip turned to Hideki “We’d better help the others.” Hideki did a quick scan of the room and saw Adria in need of help as well as Jonathan and Memory. “I’ll help the siblings you take care of the lovely lady over there. Cool?” Hideki said in his odd British accent that had hints of Japanese English.

“Rodger that Flare!” Philp replied with his never fading grin. He rushed over toward Adria. He created a palm sized time bomb and rolled it on the ground toward the robot facing Adria. It popped, via mental command by Philip, once it reached the feet of the robot causing the legs to take heavy damage. The robot fell to his knees. Philip tapped Adria on the shoulder. “Hey there. I figured you could use a helping hand friend.” Philip said with a smile. He refocused his attention to the robots approaching. “I think we’ve got at least one machine left. If you’d like, I could hurl a time bomb about that far. If my baseball aim is any good I should be able to hit it. I may be German but I love American ball games!” Philip said with a chuckle, everything was like a game to him. He simply was able to find that element of fun in every job he had to do.

Hideki blasted the backs of a few of the robots encircling Jonathan and Memory with his firework like power . They fell forward with their backsides blown open and sparking fiercely. “Hey there Mates!! Mind if I jump in on the wonder twins party?” Hideki asked in a chipper manner. “Although
 you two seem to have things handled.” He added.

Magneto and Kyle joined the battle once more. Magneto before leaving Kyle turned to him and winked, “Now dear boy, try to stay out of trouble
 although it seems to magnetize to you.” He then flew toward Vila to see if she needed assistance.

Kyle smiled as he felt very satisfied having stolen a kiss from the handsome master of magnetism. He then flew in the middle of the encirclement of Jonathan, Memory, and Hideki, standing right next to Jonathan. “Sorry guys and lovely lady, I got a little held down a moment ago. Miss me?” The ‘miss me’ part was more so directed toward Jonathan. Kyle was on a serious role today. The X-mansion had so many cute guys to pick with and they were all generally pretty nice so it made flirting with them all the more fun.

In the control room Fuyumi stood watching the scene below with her thin arms crossed. “I really wish we could help them. It’s difficult watching someone else fight so hard and you’re just standing there.”

Logan placed his arm around Fuyumi and rested his hand on her shoulder in a comforting manner. “They’ll be just fine Abe-san. I was a little concerned first but one that team of goofballs got in action they weren’t so goofy anymore. They need us to rest easy and trust them.” Logan and Fuyumi were somewhat close. She reminded him of his time in Japan and his previous love interest with Yuriko. She was once kind and gentle much like Fuyumi. Likewise Fuyumi didn’t mind Logan being physically close with her. He wasn’t close with many others in that way.

Scott looked on and was somewhat hit with a feeling of loneliness. He missed Jean but she would set out to reunite with him in about a month so he had to endure and wait. Jean meant the world to Scott and without her he had to fight really hard to keep it together. The professor had been working with Scott on that issue and Scott had made quite a bit of progress.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Philip Klein (Boom-Boom) Character Portrait: Adria 'Wateria'
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#, as written by KameJLa
The time bomb had popped, doing great damage to the legs of the robot. With a tap on her shoulder, she spun around with fists ready to fight, only to find Philip in her view. Pursing her lips together, she nodded with a half smile. "Mm. Thanks."

Adria brought out a little bit of her water, forming a tiny ball in front of her. Pressing her back up against his, her attention was focused to the robots approaching from behind. At least the front and back were covered. "Baseball you say? Hmm.." Outstretching her arms, the water followed suit. Concentration, the water turned to ice, and Adria had made a make shift bat. "I'm sure your pitching skills are great, but just to be on the safe side, take this." Adria did a half turn, handing him the ice bat. "Make it go boom.. Boom-Boom.." She half rolled her eyes at how pathetic that sounded. Very clever Adria.. a three year old could come up with something better than that she thought to herself, turning her attention back to the robots. "Once it's out, we can help the others take out the remainder of the robots."

Adria smirked, narrowing her eyes at her own reflection. "Without much information to go on, how can I know where it is? The main system holds no record of the weapon. My guess is it's hidden away with very few, if not just one person knowing it's whereabouts."

"I'm sure we will be able to find it. Just be ready for tomorrow. Trask out."

Closing the curtains, Adria slipped the bluetooth off her ear while making her way over to the laptop. With a few clicks and commands, she was out of the program. Going into the history next, she made sure all info was deleted from the conversation. Once completed, she closed the top, glancing at herself in the mirror above her desk. Her eyes had gone cold, unfeeling. "I'll be ready.." She spoke to her own reflection. "There's no place in this world for those who side with humans.."

In a government facility far away, Trask looked down at those who worked for him, waving a general over from behind him. "Begin preparations. Tomorrow.. we attack.." The general nodded, saluting to his superior before walking away.

(OOC- again, last little bit of Italics - Memories of night before. Sorry it's a wee bit short.)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Logan (Wolverine) Character Portrait: Jonathan Moore Character Portrait: Philip Klein (Boom-Boom)
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~Vila & Aaiyah Ippolita~

Vila moved with out making a sound she keep close to the students to make sure they where safe. Now and than she would step in to help them out but left them handle the fighting. She would almost seem useless in a fight with how she was going about things. For her the less fighting she did the better. It gave them less to know about her and what she could really do. For her she feared to no end the idea of losing control scared her to no end. Scott, Logan, Vincent, Erik and Xavier knew this to be one of her fears.

Vilas mask was rather strange with the white porcelain under neath and the wire elegant mask on top. It came across as slight less but was far from it. For Vila this helped her keep control and in many ways feel safe when it came to using her skills. Vila moved to look at something... even with this being a level three round she knew there was something more to it. What something seemed it was not, and what it was not it was. She moved studying something closely her finger tips running over the ground...."mmmmm" she tapped the ground as if looking for something.

The students where to cocky and to quick to think they got everything. Once fully standing she looked over to try and spot someone to bust a whole in to the ground. She sighed not spotting anyone that was to close. She slowly took a deep breath clearing her mind She drew a circle scarring the floor before she slammed her staff hard on the ground causing the ground to shake. Focusing her energy in to the located area where the staff was sticking. With one swift movement she got the area she was standing in to cave in letting the cement slab she was standing on fall to a hidden area.

They took out only part of the factory not the other part. she moved looking around at was down there. The main part of the robots where taken down but not to put it simple the brain. The brain was more vital than anything else. With out it the robots where pointless. She walked over to the computer area knowing the base of how computers worked pulled a thumb drive out that would get need information that would be use full. This would only take a short amount of time. Once that was done she started to take out the machines. Causing plants to take over and chock the machines.

Vila moved back to the whole where a few vines had grown up wards giving her away back out of the whole. Once out she went to find the others. She let the vines go letting the grow out of the whole and taking over what they wished. She new they would take over the building in time reclaiming it as theirs.


Aaiyah smirked once she looked over everything. It seemed fine and that was a good thing however she was going to have to post rules in the danger room so this would not happen again and the out come of what would happen. She closed the computer up pleased it did not need to be fixed.

Looking out at was going on she was not overly impressed with Vila she seemed useless as a fighter. "That ginger better be a better healer than fighter, the red head seems rather useless to bring out on a mission." Aaiyah being the big mouth she was and not one to care if she pissed people off spoke her mind on this. However she keep it clean witch was something she did not do that often. The others seemed more useful in a fight and less of something to worry about.

Aaiyah watched her and just shock her head at this however ended up eating her words when Vila took action. Her jaw almost dropped when Vila found the hidden room. This surprised her even more so with how Vila go down to the room and took everything out....not only that but took the time to get information.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Logan (Wolverine) Character Portrait: Jonathan Moore
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Cara had been watching the training unfold from where she had been leaning against the window in the control booth, taking note of all of the student's combat abilities though she was disappointed to hear that Magneto wasn't going to be joining in himself. She heard Scott's sigh and when she turned to look at him he was obviously not feeling great, not her place to ask though, he'd probably be a little annoyed at her.

She had relaxed against the window ledge again when Ryan burst in. "Well it's still going on at least." She answered the black mutant. "But you are late, I can't personally think of a way you could join in now. Unless Fuyumi can get you in?" She offered, looking towards the English teacher, stubbing her cigarette in the ash tray she had brought in with her as she did so.

She turned back to the window when she heard the concrete cracking, seeing Vila descend down below the floor the simulation was set on. "Show off." she laughed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Logan (Wolverine) Character Portrait: Jonathan Moore Character Portrait: Philip Klein (Boom-Boom)
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Jonathan seemed to be slightly flustered by Kyle’s flirting. Kyle was utterly overjoyed on the inside to receive the smile from the handsome mutant. "Always..." Jonathan replied to Kyle’s earlier question of whether or not Jonathan missed him.

The group battled more robots. Kyle flew about dodging lasers and punching out robots. They seemed to go down pretty easily once struck by his well-placed punches. He was lucky to have super strength. He would occasionally glance over at Jonathan and Memory to see how they were doing. Kyle remembered hearing someone mention something about Jonathan’s power. Jonathan was said not to be able to touch others physically else he’d hurt them somehow. Kyle wanted to ask him about that because he himself once struggled with the same problem for quite some time and was miserable.

Hideki blasted away at the approaching robots with his colorful powers. The robots took considerable damage but it usually took more than one blast from Hideki to finish one off. They closed In on him and a couple of razored robotic arms slashed at him causing him to dodge. He got a slight cut on the arm that hurt considerably. He backed up and jump kicked one of the robots sending it backward. Charging his hand with plasmatic light energy he knocked out a couple of robots to his left although striking them this way somewhat hurt his hands. “Jeeze these things are annoying

Philip was glad to be able to help Adria out. He didn’t like to see her left alone and fighting by herself. Pressing her back up against his, her attention was focused to the robots approaching from behind while Philip covered the front. "Baseball you say? Hmm.." Outstretching her arms, the water followed suit. Concentration, the water turned to ice, and Adria had made a make shift bat. "I'm sure your pitching skills are great, but just to be on the safe side, take this." Adria did a half turn, handing him the ice bat. "Make it go boom.. Boom-Boom.."

Philip laughed aloud at Adria’s pun. He genuinely thought it was cute. Philip was relatively easy to please seeing that he was used to having little. He learned to make gold out of tin metal, figuratively speaking. “And Boom I shall make, my friend!” Philip said with a large smile. He began to bat the baseball sized time bombs at the remaining machinery. They popped and exploded with loud sounds doing much damage.

Philip, Kyle, and Hideki were surprised at the sudden actions of Villa. She was doing great damage to the ground, which revealed more machines do destroy. They didn’t before realize her power. She was much more than she appeared to be.

Magneto smiled at the sight of Vila tapping into her true potential. “Finally she stops being shy.” He grinned. He took notice of Jonathan and Memory’s struggle with some of the robots and he quickly flew to their aid. He Magnetized the robot dragging Memory to his hand. It struggled and Memory dangled form the chord that bound her ankle. Magneto the made a fist and the robot was crushed into a metal ball. Magneto then caught Memory in his arms before she could hit the ground. While still holding Memory in his arms, Magneto began his assault on the robot that raised its blade in preparation to attack Jonathan. He levitated metal objects from the ground and shot them at bullet speed at the robot tearing through the being and smashing off its’ arms and head. Magneto then landed. “You’ve fought excellently. Are you alright my child?” He asked M. He lowered her to her feet and reached to give Jonathan a helping hand off the ground.

In the control room, the student Ryan dashed into the room startling most there, except probably Logan. He was late for training but the professor still smiled glad that he could make it. "Sorry I'm late! Can I still jump in, or did I miss it?"

"Well it's still going on at least." Cara answered the black mutant. "But you are late, I can't personally think of a way you could join in now. Unless Fuyumi can get you in?" She offered, looking towards the English teacher, stubbing her cigarette in the ash tray she had brought in with her as she did so.

Scott said nothing but he smiled at Ryan as well. He reminded him of himself when he had first joined the academy. Ryan also reminded Scott of Hank McCoy, the mutant known as Beast. Hank looked a bit frightening at first but had a heart of gold and was as gentle as gentle gets. Ryan seemed to be very much the same way.

Charles greeted Ryan, “Good morning Ryan. Well we could allow you to join in on the last of the session. Miss Fuyumi do you mind phasing him in to the Danger Room?”

Fuyumi turned toward Ryan and extended her hand. “Sure. Are you ready?” Just then a large rumble was heard from outside of the mansion. The alarms suddenly went off there was a breach in security. “What’s happening?” Fuyumi said as she turned to the professor.

The professor quickly did a mental probe. “It seems we are under attack! We must end the session!” the professor asked Aaliyah to cut the Danger Room simulation off. He then did communicated with everyone telepathically.

“Listen well all of you. This is an emergency situation. The school is under attack by a source unknown as of yet. The aggressors are currently outside in the mansion and have breached the front gates. I want the instructors specifically, Scott, Cara, Logan, Aaliyah, Vila, and Ace to accompany Magneto and I to protect the school from the outside threat. I want Vincent and Fuyumi to remain inside the mansion and Barricade then yourselves and the students inside the Danger Room for protection. It is the safest place to hide. Be ready for anything.” Charles’ thought ran clear through the minds of all present in the mansion.

Vincent quickly asked, “Father why won’t you allow me to help you out there? I can handle myself.”

Charles cut Vincent off before he could finish. “I know you can handle yourself and protect others just fine. However I need you on the inside for that very reason, to protect the students. You and Fuyumi can do this important task. Please Vincent, try to understand.” Charles explained. He also didn’t want to say that he was afraid that the aggressor could be the Weapon-x group, attempting to reclaim his son. He wanted Vincent protected as much as possible.

“Alright father, I understand. But do look after Father Erik please. He can get a little reckless as you know.” Vincent added with a smile.

“I know Erik well. You please look after Philip. He’s much like your father Erik.” Charles replied with a smile.

“I know. Well, off with you now. We don’t want them getting any closer now do we?” Vincent replied in an upbeat manner.

Charles nodded, “Indeed.” He turned to the group . “X-men let’s move out.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Logan (Wolverine) Character Portrait: Jonathan Moore Character Portrait: Philip Klein (Boom-Boom)
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~Vila & Aaiyah Ippolita~


Vila moved the vines fallowing her as she moved taking care of anything else around her. Vila had to keep control...she had to keep her mind clear. She was cleaning up anything else that need to be done. The vines had away of moveing like living snakes. Vila had away when she attacked or decide to fight. She in small ways tended to let her self lose just a bit of control tapping in to that primal power that made her unstoppable.

Vila never fully showed what she could do she always held back but when Xavier sent the alert that they where under attack Vila did not take that overly well. Being what she was and as powerful as she was attacking her home, her family, her friends would not sit well with her. Far from it something changed with in a few moments with in her. She no longer felt like some one that was 16 far from it she felt like someone or something that was very old and very dangures.


Went stiff when Xaiver said they where under attack and shut everything down. She typed a code in to the computer makeing it ready to go in to lock down mode. It would be come a hard core panic room that no one would want to come in to. All alert systems where set on to red alert. "Stay away from the doors and behind the line for your own good" Aaiyahs tone was hard to read but there was something to it made it clear it was for there own good and there safety.

Aaiyah moved to get ready to move out with the rest of team. For some reason something did not feel right. She broke off from the team to go get something that she was working on....she did not give it a test run yet so why not know it was as good if time as any to give it that trail run and see how it did in battle her big bad new toy that she had been working on.


with the fun little add on that she built the swarm tiny little misquote like bugs that did a lot of damage

"Xavier I would like to stay with the young-lings" Vila wanted to stay they would need all the help they could get and with her skills and power she would be helpful. No matter what she would let him make the call of where he wanted her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Sabertooth (Victor Creed) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Logan (Wolverine)
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Charles greeted Ryan, “Good morning Ryan. Well we could allow you to join in on the last of the session. Miss Fuyumi do you mind phasing him in to the Danger Room?”

Ryan was estactic! "Oh boy! Thank you Professor Xavier! This is gonna be great!" Fuyumi turned toward Ryan and extended her hand. “Sure. Are you ready?” Ryan reached out to take her hand, then he pulled back. Something was out there. There were car noises, footsteps, and the smell of a large number of men. "Professor?... Something's weird..." Just then a large rumble was heard from outside of the mansion. The alarms suddenly went off there was a breach in security. “What’s happening?” Fuyumi said as she turned to the professor.

The professor quickly did a mental probe. “It seems we are under attack! We must end the session!” the professor asked Aaliyah to cut the Danger Room simulation off. He then did communicated with everyone telepathically.

“Listen well all of you. This is an emergency situation. The school is under attack by a source unknown as of yet. The aggressors are currently outside in the mansion and have breached the front gates. I want the instructors specifically, Scott, Cara, Logan, Aaliyah, Vila, and Ace to accompany Magneto and I to protect the school from the outside threat. I want Vincent and Fuyumi to remain inside the mansion and Barricade then yourselves and the students inside the Danger Room for protection. It is the safest place to hide. Be ready for anything.” Charles’ thought ran clear through the minds of all present in the mansion.

Vincent quickly asked, “Father why won’t you allow me to help you out there? I can handle myself.”

Charles cut Vincent off before he could finish. “I know you can handle yourself and protect others just fine. However I need you on the inside for that very reason, to protect the students. You and Fuyumi can do this important task. Please Vincent, try to understand.” Charles explained.

“Alright father, I understand. But do look after Father Erik please. He can get a little reckless as you know.” Vincent added with a smile.

“I know Erik well. You please look after Philip. He’s much like your father Erik.” Charles replied with a smile.

“I know. Well, off with you now. We don’t want them getting any closer now do we?” Vincent replied in an upbeat manner.

Charles nodded, “Indeed.” He turned to the group . “X-men let’s move out.”

Ryan flicked his tongue out, tasting the air. He could feel something. Ryan tilted his head up, then he sniffed hard. There it was. That weird smell again. It was the smell of a predator. But something was weird. There were more of them now. One... three... four. Exactly four. They weren't human. They were mutants. Ryan ran out into the hallway and shouted towards the X-men. They had to know what they were up against.

"Professor Xavier! Some of them smell funny, there's something strong out there. One smells like ozone, like lightning. One smells like an animal, like a predator... Besides them, there are two others that smell funny. They don't have a specific smell, but they do smell... they smell... well, they smell like us. Mutants. The rest are just men, but there's a lot of them. Please be careful." Not waiting for a response, Ryan ran back into the control booth.

"I've just told the professor, but you should know as well. There are four mutants coming in. One of them smells strong, like a predator. Another smells like lightning. I don't know what their powers are, but they definitely smell different from regular men. Other than that, the rest are just men. Foot Soldiers. They brought some cars, but I don't smell any heavy deposits of gunpowder." Ryan directed this information at Professors Fuyumi and Aaiyah. Not knowing what to do, and not wanting to panic. Ryan sat down. He was scared. This was so different from school, even from danger room sessions. He had no idea what to do. For the first time in a long time, Ryan sat down quietly and said nothing. He waited for orders.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Jonathan Moore Character Portrait: Philip Klein (Boom-Boom) Character Portrait: Kyle Jean- Claude (Marvel) Character Portrait: Vincent Xavier (Psionic) Character Portrait: Memory Ashcroft
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As Ryan turned around to go sit in the Control booth, he was grabbed by the scruff of his neck, and drug down to the danger room. Professor Vila had grabbed him, and looked very cross with him. Ryan's ears drooped and his eyes burned holes in the floor. He'd goofed. All he wanted to do was to warn Professor Xavier about the incoming men, but it must have been a bad idea, because he'd made another professor angry. Looking up from his personal mental lashing, he noticed the other students who were in the danger room had gathered around.

It was silent while Professor Vila spoke, "Aaiyah said to stay here and not leave, and you are going to do as told. I wont let any one or anything thing happen to any one here. If you want to keep your fingers don't touch the computer in the control room. Am I clear?"

Ryan spoke up, almost whimpering, "Y-yes ma'am, sorry." Ryan looked around, trying to forget his mistake, but he knew it would bug him for a while. Looking around, Ryan noticed the danger room was no longer a warehouse for manufacturing sentinels, it was a silver holograph projecting arena without any real scenery. It was just a big open room full of him, the other students, and some teachers.

He didn't really know what to do. He could hear the sounds of fighting up on the ground floor, the shouts and cursing of men. But he knew the teachers were on their way. There was no way they'd let them get down to the students, who were most probably on their way down to the danger room by now. Forgetting about that, and bringing his wandering thoughts back to the room he was in, Ryan blushed. He remembered how he'd been chewed out in front of everyone. He'd made a complete arse of himself and everyone saw it. He was sure his ears and cheeks had turned bright red. That is, if you could see the redness through the black of his skin. He tried to shrug it off, but he was sure the eyes of everyone in the room were on him. Ryan breathed deeply.

"I have to move on, the teachers expect absolute obedience and poise. It's time to focus." Ryan thought to himself. Ryan sat and listened. He listened for anything; everything. Anything that could have been a break in the line of defense protecting the students from the soldiers invading the school.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Logan (Wolverine) Character Portrait: Jonathan Moore
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Cara Black

Cara raised an eyebrow at Aayiah's little stand. "You know for a drop-out you really are big for your boots." She answered the young girl coldly "And in case you hadn't noticed, I have stubbed the cigarette out anyway." She waved the ashtray theatrically, before leaning back against the windowsill. The teenager didn't scare Cara, she'd fought much worse then a socially awkward technocrat, especially since Aayiah had little power over Cara's, machines are all well and good but when you can remove your physical form your pretty safe.

It was the professors message that ended the confrontation. "Well, at least we've all had a warm up. Now for the main event." She smiled over towards the rest of the teachers.

“X-men let’s move out.”

Cara felt a shudder. "Oh that's still very strange to hear that as a good thing." she laughed before hurrying out of the door with the other teachers deciding to wait until they were outside to pull herself into the shadows. She stopped to turn back when she heard Ryan's voice calling after them, her eyes flashing with anger when he mentioned smelling mutants. "Traitors!" She growled to herself before hurrying back after the others, fire burning in her eyes. She could stand the X-men ideology even if it was wrong but it was when mutants betrayed mutants to the government that her blood boiled.

"They have mutants!" she echoed Ryan, catching up with the others. Even without looking at her it was obvious she wasn't impressed by the idea of their attackers. She eyed the collection of X-men, hurrying with her, she had to admit she'd always admired their collective stand even if it was usually against her.

She had to take a step back as they reached the front doors to mansion, stepping out into the afternoon sun only to be confronted by a small armies worth of soldiers. "Sh*t." she exclaimed before pulling herself into the shadows to surprise her enemies.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Jonathan Moore Character Portrait: Philip Klein (Boom-Boom) Character Portrait: Kyle Jean- Claude (Marvel) Character Portrait: Vincent Xavier (Psionic)
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#, as written by KameJLa
Adria shot water bullets at the robots in front of her, taking out knees and arms, heads and chests. She didn't need to do much more, Vila's staff shaking the ground under her feet. She's definatly handy.. she thought to herself, swinging a kick at the last one, landing a few feet away near a mountain of robot parts just as the alarms began to go bezerk.

So they are finally here..

“Listen well all of you. This is an emergency situation. The school is under attack by a source unknown as of yet. The aggressors are currently outside in the mansion and have breached the front gates. I want the instructors specifically, Scott, Cara, Logan, Aaliyah, Vila, and Ace to accompany Magneto and I to protect the school from the outside threat. I want Vincent and Fuyumi to remain inside the mansion and Barricade then yourselves and the students inside the Danger Room for protection. It is the safest place to hide. Be ready for anything.” Charles’ thought ran clear through the minds of all present in the mansion.

Bending down, she finally took the small, hand made silver hilt out from her boot, grasping it firmly in her hand. It was only a matter of time now. Soon, their will be soldiers all over the mansion, bagging and capturing anyone they could. Trask did not mention who he would have on the frontal assault lines, but there were a few names that popped into her head that she thought he would bring along.

Keeping in her crouched position behind the pile, she peaked her head around the corner quickly. Aaiyah had sealed off the Danger Room, locking everyone inside. So far so good..Thanks for locking us in girl.

Vila had taken the front, a bold move. If she was taken out quickly, it would be a better advantage for Trask and his team to find the weapon. Adria knew she was no match for the girl alone, and would have to wait.

"I will say this once and only once, This is not a game people can and will get hurt you are to stay back and out of the way. If Vincent and I go down you are to get out of here and to safty... However knowing that you are young and want to take part you will fallow my rules. You will stay in teams of three YOU will not rush in to things, study before you do or it may be the last thing you do. If I or Vincent tell you to run you better do so"

She could feel her heart pounding in her chest, an unusual sensation. Taking deep breaths, she wasn't sure why she was washed over with nervousness and anxiety. She had known about this attack the day before. Hell, she helped planned it, so why Falter now? She didn't understand it, and she defiantly didn't like how the feeling lingered. Oh well, let's get this done and over with.. then I won't have this retarded weird feeling...

Standing from her place behind the Debris, Adria pushed the button in the middle of the hilt, the Ice staff coming to life. Very little mist and steam came from where she grasped it from the heat of her hand, but felt nothing of the cold. She walked back over to where the other's were, giving a few confused glances. "What do you suppose is going on out there?" she asked, to no one in particular, raising her hand and placing it against the sealed Danger room doors, as if placing her hand there would command them to open or show the outside.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Sabertooth (Victor Creed) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver)
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[Government Weapon-X Military Base of Operations]

Bolivar Trask stood in a secure interrogation room, not much between him and Pietro Maximoff a mutant known as Quicksilver. Pietro had been apprehended by the Weapon-X program for his connection to Magneto. Pietro the son of Magneto held an alt against his father and Trask knew that enough to exploit that.

“So we want something that you would be interested in delivering to us Pietro.” Trask said slyly.

Pietro smirked then flashed an annoyed look at trask as he sat in the dark room, “So you mean to tell me that you kidnapped me an brought me here so I could be a delivery boy? Gosh I know I’m fast and all but USPS should suite your needs just fine. Can I go now?” Pietro replied. He stood up and turned toward the closed door.

“You should really hear me out.” Trask added

“Then you should talk fast. I’m an impatient man you know. Meet me at least halfway old man.” Pietro replied in a snarky tone.

“We want our weapon your ‘brother’, if you can call him that, returned to his rightful place within weapon-x. He was stolen from us and we want him back.” Trask said with a hint of anger in his voice.

“Why would I sell out Vincent? Sure he’s not my favorite relative but he isn’t all that bad either. Besides I don’t hate him enough to ruin his life by delivering him over to you. So the answer is no. Goodbye.” Pietro replied and turned around again, however Trask spoke just before Pietro choose to speed away.

“But you hate your father enough to use Vincent as the dagger to Magneto’s heart. I know Vincent earned a special place with Magneto and Charles Xavier the moment the saw him, the product of two best friends at war with one another over ideals for years. The bond of peace between them, is the key to their undoing, the key to your freedom.” Trask grinned. He had Pietro hooked now.

? Explain.” Pietro replied shortly.

“Well, my accomplice, delivering Vincent to us will strike a blow to your father harder than most others. One you’ve been yearning to deal to him for a very long time I imagine. By ruining him, your conscience can be free from the one who never accepted you and gave you the proper love you deserved. Relief in revenge.” Trask added.

“I’m tempted
 but once again, I don’t need to harm Vincent to hurt my father. I’d prefer to hurt him with my fists over such underhanded tactics. I still acknowledge your little experiment as my little brother. So as long as I am given an option, the answer is still no. I’ll be leaving now.” Pietro replied with an arrogant smile. He felt a little proud of himself for sticking up for his little brother even if he was partly jealous of him.

“Oh but you misunderstood Pietro. You never had an option. But now I’ll give you one. You either help me willingly under the satisfaction that you took revenge upon your father, or I’ll experiment on your brain and turn you into such the puppet you won’t even know what an option was if it punched you in the nose. Your choice” Trask finished with a sinister laugh.

Pietro cringed. He knew there was no escape from this place without a serious struggle. He had better play along for now. “Well, since you asked so politely how can I refuse your kinder of offers? Of course I’ll help bring baby bro here. No biggie.” Pietro was compliant.

[Elsewhere in the facility]

David and Victor were speaking to one another as they prepared for the assault that would take place. David stood by a long table prepping and loading specially crafted pistols and other weapons that he was to carry. Placing a gun into one of his holsters he said, “So our secrete operative reported that Logan will be there. Won’t it be great to pay our dear Wolverine a visit?” David smiled sarcastically. He didn’t really have any qualms with Logan but he did consider Logan the black sheep of Weapon X, the one that got away.

“I’d like to tear him a new one for old time’s sake. He’d better pray I don’t run into him. I’ve been waiting to get at him, strike fear once again in his foolish Adamantium coated skull.” Sabertooth commented.

Stinger sat a chair away painting her fingernails. “Can anyone tell me when we’re getting this show on the road? I’m getting bored and if we don’t move soon I’ll redo my nails for the3rd time
” She was quite the valley girl. One would consider her a mall rat if it was the 80’s and the term was still popular.

Frenzy finished buckling her boots. “Show some form of restraint please Stinger.” She said as she shook her head.

Stinger, while applying nail varnish to her fingernails, commented, “Well I hope this ‘weapon
’ has more personality that X-23 over there. She always looks so angry. Such a waist of a pretty face and good figure.”

“And it’s attitudes like this that helps me to understand why Alexander has such low opinions of women. Stinger you’re so fickle
”, Frenzy rebutted.

Trask walked into the room with Pietro. Weapon-X team you have a new member. His name is Quicksilver. He is the son of Magneto.

Sabertooth smirked, “Humph just what we need, someone to show us how to run away. What else can you do speedy Gonzales?” Sabertooth chuckled.

“I could punch you in the nose 1000 times in less than a minute. Among many other things that would annoy you fang face.” Pietro responded. Sabertooth snarled and glared at Pietro.

The team soon after headed out. They approached the X-mansion with what seemed like legions of soldiers. These soldiers were trained and dangerous. Their target was ultimately Vincent and they were to snag any hostages that they could. There was inside intelligence in the Mansion as well. Their informant told them of a sewer passage into the sublevel of the mansion. This was where a portion of the invading infiltrated the mansion. Leading the infiltrating soldiers was Sabertooth and X-23. They waded through the waterway passage and then breached through the floor of the sub-basement.

Trask marched the primary assault team into the front lawn of the mansion after the soldiers destroyed the gate. They marched forward. Taking out the front lawn’s defense blasters. There were many soldiers armed with stun rifles approaching the front of the building.

“Be careful about who you engage. Remember the targets are mutants and are capable of anything!” Trask warned the soldiers. “One of your adversaries is the mutant known as Magneto. He is one of high ranking and is considered most dangerous. You all carry plastic weapons so that his powers won’t work on them. He may be at a slight disadvantage but that does not mean the others are to be taken lightly. Shoot first, and don't even think about asking questions." Trask commanded.

David rolled his eyes and smiled in a cool and collected manner. Frenzy glanced at David with a look of annoyance, “As a mutant, this whole thing actually offends me a bit. David, please remind me again why I work for this pig?” She asked while looking forward.

David replied in a slightly upbeat manner, “Because it’s better to be an ally of this fucked up governmental system than to oppose it and risk being eliminated.”

Stinger chimed in, “Oh
 I thought it was because the pay is flipping amazing
 or was that just my train of thought? Whatever.”

Pietro was not happy about being seen with Weapon-X. He didn’t want his father to getr the wrong idea. He was supposed to be an ally of the x-men and here he was attacking them. “Great
. Pietro! Look what a fine mess your into now! I’ll have to explain things to father if I can. And try to look out for Vincent. If he makes it out of here, he’ll owe me big time.”

[Inside the Mansion]

Philip was not pleased to hear that there was an attack on the mansion. He was ready to go into protection mode. It reminded him of a time back in Germany when a group of local men attacked his and his mother’s home because he was discovered to be a mutant. He fought hard to expel the intruders from his from his home. The X-mansion was his home now and the X-men were his family, he was prepared to le nothing endanger them. He then was disappointed to hear from the professor that he and the other students were to stay in the danger room. “But I must help
” Philip said quietly.

Hideki and Kyle were annoyed as well. They were ready to jump in on the action. Little did they know that the action was bringing itself to the danger room. When Fuyumi was about to head to the danger room to join Vincent and Vila, the student Ryan informed her of the scents he picked up on.

"I've just told the professor, but you should know as well. There are four mutants coming in. One of them smells strong, like a predator. Another smells like lightning. I don't know what their powers are, but they definitely smell different from regular men. Other than that, the rest are just men. Foot Soldiers. They brought some cars, but I don't smell any heavy deposits of gunpowder." Ryan directed this information at Professors Fuyumi and Aaiyah.

Vila snipped at Ryan, "Aaiyah said to stay here and not leave, and you are going to do as told. I wont let any one or anything thing happen to any one here. If you want to keep your finger dont touch the computer in the control room again. Am I clear"

Fuyumi frowned a bit. She didn’t feel Vila needed to be so hard of Ryan. He seemed pretty distraught and was probably beating himself up about the situation. She kneeled down beside him and placed a hand on his shoulder. “Thank you for being brave and resourceful. The professor and we instructors are grateful for the much needed information.” She spoke calmly and gently.

Villa addressed the group. "I will say this once and only once, This is not a game people can and will get hurt you are to stay back and out of the way. If Vincent and I go down you are to get out of here and to safty... However knowing that you are young and want to take part you will fallow my rules. You will stay in teams of three YOU will not rush in to things, study before you do or it may be the last thing you do. If I or Vincent tell you to run you better do so"

Fuyumi stood to her feet and addressed Vila. “It seems you’ve forgotten about me Miss Vila. I know I am pretty quiet and plain so I can see how you’d miss me.” She giggled a little. “I suppose I’ll take third wave then. I ultimately hope that the fight never reaches us.” Fuyumi added as she folded her arms.

Vincent rejoined Philip. He hugged Philip briefly whispering into his ear. “You did really well out there in the simulation. I wish I could have been down here with you then.” He really should have been paying more attention to the others but he was focused on his lover.

Philip smiled, “Thanks Vince. No worries okay. You’re with me right now and that’s all I need.” He wanted to reassure Vincent and ease his worrying.

Adria walked back over to where the others were, giving a few confused glances. "What do you suppose is going on out there?" she asked, to no one in particular, raising her hand and placing it against the sealed Danger room doors.

Hideki responded, “I’m not sure but I feel like waiting around here is more nerve wrecking than actually being in battle.” He twiddled his index fingers producing tiny multicolored sparklers, his way of nervous fidgeting.

Jonathan began to take off his gloves. "Not trying to be funny here or anything..." His husky voice rang out, echoing slightly into the now silver interior of the danger room as he removed the other glove. "...but you're all going to have to keep your distance from me. I don't want anyone getting hurt." With this, he threw the gloves to the ground and turned his body to the danger room door, Memory just behind him at his side.

'This is what I never wanted to happen...'

Kyle looked at Jonathan in concern. He knew what it felt like to have your body repel and hurt other via touch. He wondered if the professor could help Jonathan like he once help him. Kyle also wondered if he touched Johnathan, would his absorption ability and J’s Nightmare inducing touch cancel one another out. Kyle was curious. However now was not the time to test it out.

Kyle walked over to Jonathan and with his gloved hand he placed his hand innocently, as if he were a child, in J’s briefly and said, “It’ll be okay Mon Amour. You won’t have to hurt anyone that didn’t bring it on themselves by threatening this place of peace. I used to not be able to touch people without hurting them too. One day I went to a priest distraught because there were people in France that wanted me dead for being, what they called, a beautiful demon. I said I don’t deserve to live father, I plan to let them take me from this world. He told me, the Bible says touchĂ© not my anointed and do my prophet no harm. He told me I was blessed, and no less than any other child of God. I have a right to life and those that threaten my right to life invite God’s wrath upon themselves being out of God’s order. You may not be Catholic like I, but believe that you should not feel bad today if you must use your strength to protect those that desire to live properly and those that you love.” Kyle looked at Memory with a smile. He placed his other hand on her shoulder and edged the siblings closer to each other.

Vincent could pick up on activity seemingly coming from the area beneath the ground just outside of the Danger room area. Vincent spoke to everyone in the danger room, “There’s someone, no
 there are many people armed and ready to hurt. They’re not only outside the mansion but inside as well! Not all of them are human. Students be ready to defend yourselves. Try to remain as calm and as clear minded as possible. You will be fine. Their numbers are too great for Vila, Fuyumi and I alone to handle without your aid. There are two Mutants as well. They are strong and highly dangerous. Do not attempt to fight them. Leave them to Vila, Fuyumi and I. Remember only if one of us is seriously in danger do you come to our rescue. Understood?” Vincent spoke calmly. He used his empathic powers to somewhat settle their nerves. This would help them to fend off attack better. “They are attempting to blow the doors down. And I’m sure they will succeed.”

Just as Vincent predicted the danger room doors moments later blew down after the sound of about 7 explosions. It took a lot to blow down the heavily secure danger room door. In rushed what seemed like 40 swat like soldiers followed by Sabortooth and X-23. The men stood weapons pointed at the students. Sabortooth spoke first, “Well if our little Weapon is right here. This was easier than I thought.” He smirked. “Come quietly and I won’t kill anyone I promise, you can read my mind if you like.” Sabertooth stood smiling directly at Vincent. It was then That Vincent realized their purpose for being here.

“They’re after me
” He said quietly halfway in disbelief. Philip looked at Vincent in confusion.

[At the mansion doors]

Scott opened the double doors and the teachers stepped outside of the building. Scott, Cara, Logan, Magneto, Charles, Ace, and Aaliyah proceeded outside. The afternoon sun was beaming bright. They were seriously facing off against at least 70 soldiers and 5 mutant generals.

Stinger was positioned to the right side of the mansion. Frenzy stood to the left side of the mansion. Quicksilver stood front and center. Alexander and David North held up the rear guard. Each mutant was assisted by a large group of soldiers ready for attack.

Magneto was shocked to see Quicksilver. “Pietro? Why are you here? Have you turned on your father?!” Magneto inquired with wide eyes. He was purely concerned and astonished that Pietro would trade on him this way.

“Dad I just wanna say that I don’t have much of a choice in the matter so forgive me if possible.” Pietro explained.

Trask gave the command and the soldier rushed in for the attack. They all shouted as the invasion began.

[OOC: I just want to first apologize for the horribly long post and how long it took me to post. Secondly I need to re-state that the Characters Stinger, Frenzy, and Pietro for this battle are slightly NPC. More specifically, You are allowed to control them in fighting during this event. However they must remain in the area I placed them (ex: if Stinger is outside in the front of the mansion then you cannot move her inside the mansion. If you want to move a character like that PM me and check with me first.) Alexander, X-23,David North and Sabertooth are NOT NPC. I know originally I said David and Sabertooth were but I’ve changed my mind due to various factors and plot threads. Alexander and X-23 are controlled by Lady Inali. Next, NO KILLING OR SERIOUSLY/ Fatally injuring/ wounding my NPC’s I want them to stick around for more than this battle. Soldiers are fair game. So if you want to get kick ass crazy, demonstrate on the soldiers. Please try to keep the character personalities I’ve established for the NPC’s intact if you choose to hve them say things during the fights. If you have any questions at all PM or OOC message me. Thanks for bearing with me everyone! I hope you enjoy this chapter!!]


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver) Character Portrait: Logan (Wolverine) Character Portrait: Jonathan Moore
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X-23 was raised with little to no human contact. Never given any form of love or kindness always pushed, beaten and trained. Even in child hood there was no loving mother or father like person who came to save her. Even more so when she went throw the huge surgery she went throw at such a young age they are not human after all so why should it matter. Who would care about someone grown in a test tube even more so when they are not human but a mutant? They were nothing more than a tool to be used, a pawn to be played with. All X-23 knew and would ever know is how to fight. They were a weapon and nothing more. Something that could be snuffed out and trade for something new, something better and stronger at any given point in time and X-23 was fine with that. All good weapons and fighters had to be put out of their misery at some point or another. When her time would come she did not care as long as she got to fight the better model was that really mattered to her. There were 22 before her and that did not bug her in any way.

X-23 showed no care in what the others thought or what they had to say. She was more focused on their mission at hand than anything else. There petty fights in truth where pointless and boring. She never under stood how Sting could sit in front of the TV and preen herself like a bird when there was better thing to be wasting your time with, like training or spearing. X-23 finished suiting up checking everything to make sure it was clipped, buttoned and tied properly. The only thing she had not put on yet was the helmet that always came with the car ride. Her gear was set up to take hits, and be light so she could still move around with great easy. X-23 slid two guns in to a holster. She was ready for a fight and to get to the target. She hated being kept behind walls always feeling like a caged animal always feeling trapped. She moved to wait where the vans would be picking them up to get them to the next point. Being able to get away from the sound of the TV let her clear her mind and go over everything in her mind again.


He snorted not liking the fact they were going to have to do this with Quicksilver and even more so women fighting as well. They all knew how he felt about women it was fair from being any kind of secret. If he had to pick he would pick Quicksilver of a female any day of the week. He worked on pressing his uniform getting everything perfect. Every line just right every button polished. As much as he disliked women he disliked his uniform not being perfect. Even his boot looked brand new with the shine he gave them the other night. They even got new laces so he could look his best when going in to battle. The main reason for all if it was he found out that his dear old “friend” Aaiyah was going to be at their target and he had a huge to put it lightly score to settle with her. He smirked at the idea of going toe to toe with her again and this time he would be the victor ending there little war. This was going to fun and he longed for another good fight where he could put a girl in her place.

Alexander was in truth a pig when it came to working women. He bragged about how his bloodline worked for Hitler and how high of a rank they had in Hitler’s inner circle. He was overly argent when it came to this and did not care how much of a turn of it may be for people or a touchy subject. He fully believed Hitler had the right idea about killing off the trash and letting the better, stronger race rule over everything. Who or what he thought the better race was, well that was hard to say. That is one reason he joined Trask willingly they had power and he wanted power. It made it a win, win for both of them. He liked being on the winning side as well and to him that was going to be Trask. He gave his team prediction of the outcome of the battle with the information that there mole got for them. It all looked good and in the favor. The only real calculation that was not in there was Vila
.she was the wild card. But how could they have information on her when there was none to be had but only gained with a battle.


Vila looked at Fuyumi "I have a different task for you. I want you to get any one of ours that is hurt out of here. They will become easy targets and be distractions for the others, and we cannot have that
.or something happen to them" Something in Vila had fully changed that doll like feel and look she had was no longer there. She looked so much older but still 16 and the way she stood at the front line gave her that feel of someone that has been in many battles and fights. "If it comes down to it, get them all out of here and somewhere safe so they can live and be free to fight another day. " Vila was not going to let anything happen to anyone in this room she was going to protect them with everything she had even if it meant making a trade and using herself as the bragging chip. This was meant to be a safe place for people that where different, this was meant to be a home filled with love, joy, happiness and make you feel safe. However people would always be filled with fear and hate for anything that was different of they had envy for that had never changed, it would never change.

Vila knew this not going to be an easy fight, and to think that was foolish. She had to be ready for anything and everything. She also knew she would have to be willing to do whatever it took to protect the students much as she hated fighting and harming other she had no choice. Vila knew this was going to be no time to hold human form it took energy. Not only energy but dulled her senses and that could be energy used to protect the student, senses that could make the difference between life and death. Slowly and with great care Vila lifted parts of her glamor but keep her wings hidden. Slowly her ears became longer and more pointed her fingers changed as well becoming a little longer. She looked like an elf at this point, not a toy making elf but something that you would see in The Hobbit, or The Lord of The Rings trilogy. There was one other thing Vila could think of she could to give herself a little bit more of an edge in this battle however it had been so long from the last time she put it on or even seen it.

Vila pulled her hair up then pulled it in to a tight bun, her pointed ears showing much more. Her finger tips move up a bracelet that she never took off. Her right hand gripped it some thinking if it was the right thing to do. She had told Vincent stories about it but told him they were nothing more than fairy tales
.he never bought it though. She chuckled some well if there was any good time to use it, it was now. Vila started to move moving parts around on the bracelet. Not being human or the bracelet being of this earth the parts where hard to see, but not for her. Each part she moved seemed to react as if waking up from a very, very long sleep. Her fingers moved swiftly with great speed to reach the end goal she wanted to get to. She could feel her heart pounding harder and harder the closer she got. Part of her was scared the other part longed for what she had not worn for so long. Her timing could not have been more perfect when Vila pushed on the last piece looking up the doors where blown up.

Vila pulled a heavy dust cloud around her and around the solders. Leaving only shadow like figures trying to figure out what was going on. The bracelet went to work at this point, forming armor around Vila’s slender body. When the dust cleared and fell to lay on the ground Vila stood there in white armor with gold ascents that sightless mask still covering her face. A spear was held in her left hand standing taller than her with her right hand resting at her side. She made no movement but stood stone still the sight of this was a little off putting and could send shivers down even the bravest of men’s spines. Vila was going to let them make the first move she was going to wait for them to attack than she would spring her trap of vines and fight back. One could tell that the men were unsure of what to do or how to react to this. However that did not last long and some made their move only to have vine take hold of them and hoist them up to the celling out of sight out of mind. When Vila heard they wanted Vincent her hand grew a little tighter on that staff of hers. So that was there target bad move to bring that up right off the bat.

There was no way in hell she was going to let them get last her now knowing the fact they were after her brother
.her family. Vila keep herself dead center and in front. The students even knew who the target was and it gave them a common goal. That was to protect Vincent. Now if it came down to it how well could they work as a team to do this? From the looks of it they seemed to have no issues stepping up to the plate on this matter. The big thing that bugged Vila was how they got to the danger room without setting anything off
. There would be no way for them to do this what out someone on the inside. That could only mean one thing and one thing alone. That meant there was a mole somewhere in the manor. Someone who sold out their own kind to get something out of it in return for doing it. Vila could not phantom doing something like that and she planned on finding that mole. What would happen when she found it was hard to say but it would not end overly well for whoever the mole is.

(the armor)


Aaiyah was nowhere to be seen. She was getting her mech ready for the fight its first fight. She wanted to make a big show out of it for the first time but that was not going to happen. Right now the big guns where what was need. Anything to gain any kind of upper hand to keep this place safe and fight off who was unwanted came first along with protecting the students. Aaiyan did an outer weapons check before she got in to the mech and hit the button that would close her in to the mech. She opened and closed both hands making sure everything work along with taking a few steps. Everything seemed to be in working order and that was a good thing. All systems where on line and ready to go and running at one-hundred percent. Aaiyah moved to the way getting ready for a fight. In truth she was on edge about this. A few flash back hit her from the time before she came to work here. “Never again” She whispered to herself. She would not go back nor was she going to let people be taken and go throw what she did.

Aaiyah hated the flash backs they always put her in a bad place. Along with bring nightmares that never seemed to end only to haunt the back of her mind. She remembered the first time she meet the ethnocentric ego fill Alexander. A man who always had to be number one at any cost, a man who had to have everything he wanted when he wanted. She shut her eyes and smirked. “I always found a way to outdo what you could do” There were times she wounded what happened to the pig but more times than not did not She did not care or what to know. That was in the past and that was where it was going to stay in the past. Aaiyah knew what she would do if she ever saw him again and it would not end well for him. She popped her neck he was the reason she left the school and in ways become a drop out. She still got her GED and went throw college and not many people knew she had her doctorate in computer sciences and mathematics. In truth Aaiyah liked to keep it that way. The less people knew the better.

Aaiyah was going to wait for the right time to make her grand entrees and really do some heavy kick ass fighting. Enter too soon and they see your big guns, enter too late and your team is dead. Timing at this point was everything. Keeping ones cool was the other part, not reacting without thinking was never really easy. She watched the video feed from the mech looking for the right time to enter. The right time to start cracking skulls. She was fully ready to take it out for its first test run in a fight. She knew it worked she built it but fighting was another story of how well it would hold up. The mech was stronger than she was there was a plus. It was faster another good thing. It could take multiple hits without being harmed. Even with the fact of what one of her abilities allowed her to do she rather have mech take the hits. This gave her an advantage that she hoped would last longer than 10 minutes
.whatever the outcome was if need be she would hit the eject button and let the mech blow up to take out more people.

Alexander and X-23
Alexander moved watching them fight the smell of battle never got old to him. He in truth rather enjoyed the feel of it. Using one of his abilities to take out any unprotected electronics would disarm some of the security Aaiyah set up but not all of. They did not need to have any unwanted attacks coming at them. They wanted to be ready to win this and take down the X-men. Show the world they had someone to protect them from unwanted mutants that scared them. Show the world that Trask would not let harm come to them or their children. Alexander wanted to have glory in all of this. He smirked
”Aaiyah come out, come out where ever you are” his smirk seemed to grow. He knew she would be watching. He knew that she would have some things his powers would not be able to take out. She was fair too smart to make it that easy. If it where that easy it would be no fun now would it. Alexander being the good solider he was waited unwilling for an order. As much as he wanted to nock Aaiyah in to next wait there were things that had to be done first.

Thanks to training from Sabertooth and David she knew what to look for and to keep her ears open for. Anything could happen when it came to hunting pray down. Getting to team up with David she rather enjoyed. Sabertooth not so much, he always seemed to be a little bit more aggressive with her than the others. She never really knew why or cared it just meant she got someone to fight that healed as fast as she did. When she and Sabertooth broke off from the rest using the underground system to get to the danger room the rest of the team they were on. She would let him go in first and keep back a ways. The guy was bigger than her and liked to be alpha with things like this. It was no big deal to her who was alpha as long as she got to bust some skulls. X-23 moved back as the men got ready to blow the door to the danger room down watching what they did to make sure they did not mess up. Her hand moved up to turn the voice changer on to make it hard to tell if she was male or female.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sabertooth (Victor Creed) Character Portrait: Jonathan Moore Character Portrait: Philip Klein (Boom-Boom) Character Portrait: Kyle Jean- Claude (Marvel) Character Portrait: Vincent Xavier (Psionic) Character Portrait: Memory Ashcroft
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#, as written by KameJLa
Letting her hand fall back down to her side, Adria turned to the lovey dovey scene unfolding between Kyle and Jonathan. It was sweet.. she supposed.. but she resisted the urge to gag. She wasn't homophobic. Anyone can date anyone and love whom ever they want. She just didn't know how to act in situations such as that, being a viewer or a participant. But her cheeks still went slightly red, and the lingering feeling still lingered. She raised her hand, opening and closing it as if she lost feeling while looking down at it. What is wrong?

“There’s someone, no
 there are many people armed and ready to hurt. They’re not only outside the mansion but inside as well! Not all of them are human. Students be ready to defend yourselves. Try to remain as calm and as clear minded as possible. You will be fine. Their numbers are too great for Vila, Fuyumi and I alone to handle without your aid. There are two Mutants as well. They are strong and highly dangerous. Do not attempt to fight them. Leave them to Vila, Fuyumi and I. Remember only if one of us is seriously in danger do you come to our rescue. Understood?” Vincent spoke calmly. He used his empathic powers to somewhat settle their nerves. This would help them to fend off attack better. “They are attempting to blow the doors down. And I’m sure they will succeed.”

That was her que. Just as she began to take steps back, the doors blew, debris and smoke flying in with the fires of the explosion. Back flipping back a few feet, the soldiers rushed in, followed by Sabertooth and X23. Her eyes narrowed at the girl, blue orbs growing cold. She had seen her in the base a few times, but never talked to her much. She usually just passed by with a glare from Adria.

“Well if our little Weapon is right here. This was easier than I thought.” He smirked. “Come quietly and I won’t kill anyone I promise, you can read my mind if you like.”

Snapping her head to the side, her eyes slightly widened. -He's- the weapon Trask was talking about? No wonder I couldn't find anything in the database! She was more surprised than shocked, but it didn't change what needed to be done. Get the weapon. Looking between Vincent and the soldiers, Adria made a choice. Swirling a good handful of tiny water balls in her hand, her expression changed. She stared at the soldiers with cold eyes, but on the inside, she didn't mind getting rid of a few humans if need be, even if they were on the same side. Snapping her hand open with fingers stretched out, the water balls attacked the soldiers, putting holes in their guns, tripping them and smacking their skin with a sting, with a few going through the arms and legs.

Lifting her Staff over her head, she twirled it, before slamming it down on the ground, much like Vila had done earlier in the simulation. Ice formed in a straight line from where she stood to the nearest wall, before building up to form an Ice wall, separating Vincent, Philip, Jonathan, Memory, Kyle and herself from the soldiers. But it wouldn't last long. I'll let them handle the rest, while I get the weapon out of here.. and straight to Trask. It was no lie that her comrades wouldn't see it the way she does at first, but if Trask got the weapon, that was all that mattered.

"Quick! Blow the wall and get him out of here!" She yelled at Philip. "If he stays, we're doomed!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Sabertooth (Victor Creed) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver)
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[Inside the danger room]
Kyle was glad to see Jonathan smile even if it was slightly. He was glad to be able to alleviate even a faction of the worry that accumulates when you know your skin contact with others is deadly. Vincent’s warnings came and Kyle prepared himself. Hideki cringed at the sound of the explosions that slowly loosened the Danger Room’s doors. “Danger in the Danger Room. Classic!” Hideki snarked as his eyes remained fixed on the door.

Ryan, after Fuyumi thanked him, smiled his big goofy smile at her, showing all of his sharp, white teeth. "Thanks Professor, we've all gotta help each other out as much as we can. I just do the best I can with what I've got." Fuyumi’s gentle smile grew brighter when she saw Ryan’s brightly smiling face. He was indeed a charming young man.

After Fuyumi addressed Villa, Vila looked at her saying, "I have a different task for you. I want you to get any one of ours that is hurt out of here. They will become easy targets and be distractions for the others, and we cannot have that
.or something happen to them"

Fuyumi nodded in compliance however she was passively put off at Vila’s sudden rise to authority. To Fuyumi’s understanding Vila was simply the school nurse and seemingly young looking. Perhaps she wasn’t as young as she looked. Fuyumi didn’t quite recall the professor asking Vila to tend to things in the danger room. However her assistance would be needed. What was seemingly the safer place to be was quickly becoming a trap.

The danger room doors blew down finally, revealing many soldiers and another man of intense distinction. After Sabertooth’s initial request Vincent looked a slight bit worried. Sabertooth smiled sadistically. Jonathan and Ryan shifted to form a barricade for Vincent once they realized who the target was. Philip’s eyes widened and his heart raced. It was as if Sabertooth had said they were after his life instead of another. He’d die doing everything in his power to protect Vincent. He, holding Vincent’s hand, shifted Vincent behind him.

Vincent was touched to see his students and boyfriend instinctively move in to protect him. However he didn’t want anyone getting hurt on his behalf. He was almost ready to accept Sabertooth’s offer and go quietly until Jonathan addressed the intensely dangerous mutant. "What do you want with Vincent?" Ryan, in his feral animal like defensive posture added, "Yeah," Ryan growled, "Vincent isn't a weapon, he's family. You aren't allowed to have him." Vincent’s eyes shifted in surprise to Jonathan and Ryan whom bravely confronted Sabertooth.
Sabertooth Snickered and stepped forward a couple of paces. “hahaha
 Family. You have no clue that the man you stand in front of in protection is actually the most dangerous person here. Have you ever wondered why the child of the master of magnetism and the greatest telepath on the planet doesn’t showcase more power than he does? Xavier has restraints placed on him. Strooong restraints. He could kill on a global level with a thought and the proper power augmentation. He should also exhibit waaaay more of Magneto than he does right now. And we all know how dangerous Magneto is. Hell, he would even look more like Magneto physically if the professor hadn’t locked away all of the raw KILLING potential your little family member has. You see, it was my boss who created him, Vincent, the weapon of mass destruction. He wants the weapon back. So I’ll ask only ONCE more
 Are you coming quietly or must I rip out someone’s throat in front of you before you see that I’m not to be trifled with?”

Vincent knew that this so called offer to spare the students was a false promise. Sabertooth might actually walk away and withdraw if Vincent left. However, Vincent in the hands of the Weapon-X program meant that no one was safe anywhere, especially if they knew how to undo the locks on Vincent’s true strength. Just then Vila went on the attack using vines to lift some soldiers off of the ground.

Adria Snapping her hand open with fingers stretched out, the water balls attacked the soldiers, putting holes in their guns, tripping them and smacking their skin with a sting, with a few going through the arms and legs. Lifting her Staff over her head, she twirled it, before slamming it down on the ground, much like Vila had done earlier in the simulation. Ice formed in a straight line from where she stood to the nearest wall, before building up to form an Ice wall, separating Vincent, Philip, Jonathan, Memory, Kyle and herself from the soldiers. "Quick! Blow the wall and get him out of here!" She yelled at Philip. "If he stays, we're doomed!" Adria warned.

Philip nodded and began to hurl large time bombs at the opposite wall in an attempt to blow the wall. They exploded with massive impact however the walls of the danger room were so heavily reinforced that Philip alone could not breach them in time before the ice wall could be deconstructed.

Hideki and Fuyumi were left on the other side of the ice wall as they were slightly further away from the others. “Hey! what about us!?”, Hideki shouted. He turned to face the soldiers that rushed in on the two of them. Hideki flipped his 90’s style pink sunglasses over his eyes. [The same type that his favorite Manga character wore. ] Hedeki blasted several soldiers with his plasmatic light energy.


Fuyumi would have phased the two through the wall of ice immediately but the enemy had already engaged them. Fuyumi rushed a soldier, phasing through him, and once behind him she swiftly delivered a strong kick to his head. She then grabbed the vest of another soldier and began to place him into a phased state, making him as light as air and easy enough to lift above her head and throw. The man flew at three other approaching soldiers and struck them [having become solid again] knocking them down.

Sabertooth quickly rushed at Hideki and grabbed him into his arms tightly reverse bear hugging him. Hideki couldn’t react fast enough. He struggled in Sabertooths painfully tight embrace. Sabertooth squeezed hideki’s arms and body almost crushingly as Hideki attempted to use his power. Hideki could only manage to produce tiny flashes of multi-colored light that quickly extinguished before actually doing any harm. “Ahhh
. Eh, let me go you twat!” Hideki protested.

Sabertooth snickered sadistically. “Oh
 so cute you are
 Ya know, your powers ain’t so hot if you can’t use your hands.” Sabertooth began to whisper almost sensually in Hideki’s ear. “A little bird told me that you call yourself Logan’s unofficial sidekick. Well word from the wise kiddo, people that get close to old Logan get killed prematurely. Seeing how you and Logan are so chummy, I’m going to seriously enjoy crushing you in my arms
 Heh heh heh heh
.!!” Sabertooh then further taunted Hideki by sadistically licking his cheek. He then tightened his grip on Hideki causing him to gasp almost breathlessly.

Fuyumi after dealing with several soldiers immediately ran over to the two and dashed through Sabertooth phasing Hideki out of the sadistic man’s grasp. “Are you alright?! Oh my god I’m so sorry I couldn’t get to you quicker!!” She said frantically. Hideki trying to catch his breath and deal with his throbbing arms nodded affirmatively that he was alright for now. “Let make a run for it. I’ll phase us through that wall of ice.” Fuyumi then took the two bolting through the ice wall in a phased state.

[Outside of the Mansion.]

The fighting had begun. Magneto tried to pull the weapons out of the soldier’s hands but they would not move. The weapons were made of a non-metal alloy. “They’ve gotten smart suddenly.” He commented in irritation to Charles who stood beside him. He then ripped metal from the gates breaking them down into many metal bullets. He fired them at the soldiers.

Pietro thought this was the time to strike at his father. He quickly ran up to magneto in a flash and punched him across the face hard. He quickly delivered several blows to his father. “See pops, you reap what you sew. And you’ve been planting this ass whopping for quite some time.” Magneto fell to the ground. He wiped the small amount of blood on his lip off. Pietro stood over Magneto and spoke quietly enough so that other besides magneto couldn’t hear. “Sorry father, but I gotta put on a convincing show for them. They’re after Vincent, you can’t let them have him.”


Logan pounced several soldiers slashing at them fatally. They attempted to tackle him unsuccessfully and he took out men left and right fighting viciously. Cara seemed to be holding her own against them as well. She may have once been a villain and an enemy but she was damn awesome as an ally. Stinger watched Logan with a smirk. “He’s hot! Quite the animal. I wonder if the hunk can handle my electrifying womanly wiles
” She said as she sauntered toward the area that Logan did battle in. She blasted him with a serious jolt of electricity and he yelled in pain. “Ohhh so that’s how a man with an adamantium coated skeleton reacts to being shocked
 much worse than a normal person. Metal is a beautiful conductor for electricity!” Stinger giggled. She was wise enough not to get any closer to Wolverine having heard many a story about how dangerous he was.

Logan recovered and stood to his feet glaring at stinger, his skin red and slowly returning to its far less flushed state. “You’ve got some nerve lady.” He grunted. He saw Cara in need of assistance and rushed to her disregarding Stinger. Cara rejoined Logan closer to the mansion,

Shots were fired. "Aghh! I'm hit!" She yelled out, grabbing her bleeding shoulder and dropping to one knee behind a wall, sending the pots that adorned it flying towards the nearby soldiers.

Logan tried to safeguard Cara. “Hang in there Cara!” He encouraged as he helped her up. The professor rushed over and helped Cara to make it to a more neutral area.

David North left his position at the rear guard and approached Cyclops who was blasting back soldier after soldier. After sneaking up on Scott’s side he delivered a roundhouse kick to Scott’s head. Scott was caught completely off guard and staggered backward. He hated to be bested. “Scott Summers
 A pleasure to finally meet you. Although, looking at you, you make me feel old.” David said smoothly as he watch Scott regain himself. David was much older than he looked. His aging processes were drastically slowed after the weapon-X program artificially gave him a mutant healing factor similar to Logan and Victor Creed’s. So he looked to be Scott’s age but he was more like Magneto’s age.

Scott cringed, “Feel THIS!” He yelled as he shot an optic blast at David. Knocking him backward. David got up with a smile and his arms glowed with a dull red. He had absorbed Scott’s optic blast and was prepared to fire it back at him. David simply fired the energy back at Scott launching him backwards a distance.

“I wish I could actually feel that like you did, Commando.” David said sarcastically and ran towards the mansion doors and entering. He wanted to find the Danger room and help Sabertooth. He knew Victor sometimes needed help keeping on task rather than succumbing to a predatory bloodlust.

Logan spotted David and knew that if David North was present, Victor Creed wouldn’t be far away given that this was a Weapon-X operation. Logan said to himself, “The students
 Shit!” He ran after David in an attempt to reach the Danger Room.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Sabertooth (Victor Creed) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver)
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Vila moved with Sabertooth trying to put togather what happened she took this time to hit him and hit him hard. Energy built up around Vila and the ice wall worked like a pirsum with light making it see able. It moved and danced around her body dispersing in waves up to three feet around her. That energy could be felt. Vila was much more than she let on. She slid her foot back balancing the base of the point of her staff on her right hand as if she was going to play pool. That staff started to glow and pulse as if it were living and without warning something came out of the tip of the staff, right at Sabertooth blasting him with some kind of elemental energy wave, and hard. That wave would send him flying back in to a wall giving a ripple effect of vibrations. She looked at the others men that where not welcome here pointing the staff right at them a few dropped their weapons and ran. Other clumped together in hopes of standing there ground. Vila thought so Vincent could hear her. “ I can take down the ice wall so if the other want to fight they can
.or I can give you a way out and hold them off so you the others can get away
..but I need to know soon baby brother”

Where Vila scratched the floor earlier when she was setting her trap she took a deep breath only to force large rock like walls to rip throw the floor to give cover and more protection. Pushing the enemy back some as well. The rock was where staggered and angled. Vila was going to do what it took to protect the others even if it meant fully letting go over what control she had, she would do it. Vila hoped after this they would not ask things about her but if they did she would answer them as best as she could. She would for now hold off anyone that got close while she waited for Vincent to give her an answer. She hoped he would pick the last part of the offer, but knowing him he would not run he would want to stay and fight, and Vila would not fight that. Vila moved to watch X-23 who seemed to be keeping back watching how the others moved and where fighting as if gathering information. Learning how they moved and what they could do. This made Vila uneasy and she made sure to keep her guard up. This was more than just to try and get there weapon back

.much more.

Aaiyah & Alexander

Now as the perfect time to come and play. Her timing was spot on they would never see this coming nor would they be ready for it. The mech moved picking up speed as Aaiyah opened the hidden bay door to get out in to the open. No sound came from the mech as it moved taking a man out he screamed but that was all that came. The Mech seemed to come out of no were to join the fight taking out anything and everything in its path. This drew attention to her and let the others use this to get back on their feet so to speak. The mech took hit after hit it shock some but held up. “Sorry I am late had to pick something up on the way” Aaiyah smirked from inside the mech. She was ready to take it out on a test spin and see how well it did. There was nothing better than getting to break something in when it was new. Aaiyah used everything she had pushing the mech hard. It was a lovely piece of work there was no way around it. For as big as it was it was rather light on its feet. Aaiyah would try not to kill anyone but used nets and stun based bullets to take people out. Some of it may have been a little old school but none the less it did the job.

When Aaiyah spotted Alexander she could feel her heart race and anger build up. She knew what he could do and she knew he need to be taken down and fast, or he need to be keep busy so he could not use his powers. Aaiyah moved to where Alexander was and in one swift movement punched him “YOU DIRTY RAT BASTRED!” Aaiyah nailed him again pushing him back.

Alexander smirked “My, my Aaiyah my dear girl is this any way to great an old friend
.even more so to use a new toy on them” He gave a fake pout before me smirked and moved to avoid the next attack. “You will not win this change sides while you can still save yourself.” He smirked more at this point.

“Ya the winning side you
.I don’t see your side winning I see it being the down fall of everything” even in the mech his hits still could be felt as she stumbled back. “You are a mindless toy for Trask when they are done with you they will toss you to the side” Aaiyah was going to do what she could to get him to lose his temper. Anger made it hard to think things out 
.to know what you are doing and she was going to use this to help herself out.

Alexander laughed “Trask will be the winner in this in the end. Small battles may be lose but we will when the war in the end you just wait and watch” He went after Aaiyah the only thing that really keep Aaiyah from bracking ribs or being killed was the mech. “I will take a school dropout of a whore like you down” He was starting to lose his temper and grow with anger.

Aaiyah lost it at that point she was sick of people like him and how they saw women. She was sick of people like Cara who held no respect for others. Aaiyah was going to take all her anger out on Alexander. She took hold of him in one swift movement tossing him around like a rag doll. “You fallow and whoever has power you become there lap dog. Unlike you I stand up for what I believe in, I fight for what I believe in even if it may mean I am going to take a full on beating.” She flung him in to a tree that was a little to fair then she meant to.

Alexander stood up and used his ability to mimic bombs
he mimicked that of a stun bomb sending it throw an area of 100 feet. Anyone in the area would feel the effect of this. Ears ringing, sighing becoming blurry even in the effect Aaiyah could feel it in the mech. She had to shack it off this guy was going to do damage if he was not taken down. “I AM THE STRONGER ONE OUT OF US!” He yelled at Aaiyah laughing at this point. His ego was getting the best of him and that pride of always having to be the best.

Aaiyah slowly stood up in the mech she pointed one of the cannons at him she was going to try the swarm she had no idea if it was going to work not but she knew they would make it hard to focuses with being the little pest that they were. She programed the swarm to go after plastic and anything that was not a friend. Within a few seconds she cut lose the swarm sending a message to Xavier. “hay PC we need to take this guy out and fast, he can do a lot of damage and fast
.so mind sending some back up
I don’t know how long I can keep him busy for.” Aaiyah knew Alexander was not going to be easy and for the first time she asked for help.

“Always using tricks girl
 you never could handle fighting. You could never handle that I was truly better than you at everything. ” He said with a laugh but that was cut short as the swarm was set free going at anything even more so plastic
.the program worked and that was a good thing. The little bugs went for anything eating the plastic. He did not know how to react as he batted at the bugs.

“Tricks and a well-placed game plan always helped” She had to think fast she had no idea how long it was going to take to get back up and she had no Idea how long she was going to be able to keep him busy. He was a hard man to take down. If it came down to it she would the last pan she had no matter how much she did not want to use it.

Alexander was not happy about this and it showed he moved trying to get away from the swarm and watching eat anything plastic. He was grow angry with each image he got of them not being able to win this. “WE WILL NOT LOSE” he yelled hitting the mech that Aaiyah was in hard forcing her to go backwards. He was going to do whatever it took to take Aaiyan down but more like to kill her with how much he hatted her.

X-23 would let the others go out it. The humans would fight and get the mutants to fight and wear them down some. Why go in and fight when someone was at the top of their game even more so when you did not know what they could do
.that was always an unwise move. Wait till you knew what the other could do, see if they had a weakness and use that to win. X-23 made sure to get all the fighting was recorded on a wireless Bluetooth based camera in her helmet where Trask could watch what was going on. She made sure not to miss anything that was going on. The mole was still safe for right now and no one seemed to know who it was yet. The video would always Let Trask build up profiles and decide who was going to be cut open and who was going to be luck and get to ‘join’ Trask. None the less she was going to let Sabertooth do all the hard hitting and take the hits. He so did like to rush in to things and take a beating there were times that X-23 wounded of pain was a turn on for Sabertooth.

X-23 raised a brow and what the girl in the armor could do. This was new and every much unexpected. Why was there no information on this person? X-23 was not overly happy about this could change the outcome of everything in this battle. Even more so without knowing who they really were or what they really could do. Trask would not be happy about not having the information as well. X-23 made sure to keep back even more so for right now knowing that she was being watched and studied as well at this point. Part of her wanted to challenge this person the other part knew better than to do so. She watched there men being taken down and did nothing to help them. To her if they were too weak to fight or protect themselves than they got what was coming to them. Also to her why help them they were nothing more a means to an end why show them any care. X-23 being heartless was nothing new to them. They knew her for this and it was no surprise that she did nothing to help them. It might have been a surprise for the X-men that someone could be this way but she did not care about what her targets thoughts where.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sabertooth (Victor Creed) Character Portrait: Jonathan Moore Character Portrait: Philip Klein (Boom-Boom) Character Portrait: Kyle Jean- Claude (Marvel) Character Portrait: Vincent Xavier (Psionic) Character Portrait: Memory Ashcroft
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#, as written by KameJLa
Pushing the button in the middle of the staff, the sides got sucked back into the hilt, and she placed it between her back and belt. "Hey what about us?! Hideaki yelled. Adria didn't even flinch. Sorry. More important things to do.

The Ice wall began to crack, small pieces falling onto either sides of the wall, with the side half falling off in one clump. This left room for the soldiers to get in, which is where she positioned herself. It was deteriorating. "Che." Adria huffed. She never could get the Ice wall to stay up for too long. With the pieces that fell to the ground beginning to melt, she took this time to restock on water, before taking off full speed at a small group of soldiers of about Five. Stopping short of a few feet from them, they raised their guns, a few moving around to surround her. "Well this doesn't look good.." She started, summoning forth a good chunk of water, circling her hands in a liquid formation until it was well rounded. "For you!" Stretching her arms out, with one hand pointed downwards, and the other upwards, much like Ryu's Hadouken from Street Fighter. But instead of sending out fire, she went out the water ball . Slowly separating her hands, the water ball grew in size, before engulfing the soldiers one by one, while rotating her hands in a circular motion to roll the ball from one soldier to the next. Each one that got sucked up was to be met with drowning, as the inside of the ball itself was water. She had managed to get two of the soldiers before the world got turned upside down from one of them tripping her onto her back. The ball burst, letting free the two she had captured. She could hear them coughing up water. Should have planned that better.

Barrels of plastic guns were pointed down at her, and she lifted her hands up in surrender. "Ok ok you got me..." Within seconds, they were on her, flipping her over and pinning her to the ground. Grabbing her wrists, they wrenched them behind her back, intent on tying her up. When they had flipped her, Adria moved only her fingers, the water from the ball that had burst moving to float above them. One Soldier looked up, his eyes widening. "Look out!" Adria smiled, letting the water fall freely onto them. As it did so, it turned to ice from head to toe, encasing them inside. Standing, she brushed herself off, looking at those who were frozen. "One.. two.. Three.. Four..One's missing.."

The pain of something, or someone piercing her back with something sharp gave Adria her answer. Turning, the one who was missing was standing behind her, smoke coming from the barrel of the plastic gun he held. Growing angry, she made a water whip, and snapped it at him. The Soldier flew a few feet back, Adria reaching behind to feel what it was. Long and thing, she pulled it out from her back, bringing it into her view. "A tranquilizer dart? You gotta be shitting me.." The affects were instant within seconds. She could feel herself getting tired, her muscles relaxing. She was unsteady on her feet, and she used what time she had left to make it back to Vincent and the others. She wasn't going to let the weapon get away, but it was her own fault for being so careless and not doing what needed to be done earlier. Adria made it as far at the opening in the side, before slumping down onto all fours, her chest heaving. She shook her head every few seconds, trying to fight off the effects, and move from where she was. She could hear the cracks in the ice, and feel them as the wall began to fall apart. Sure didn't last long.. what was that.. three minutes?