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"My name? It mean's Rose" WIP

0 · 357 views · located in Xhiana

a character in “Xhiana: Impurity Of The Rose”, as played by Zetsuna



Place a quote from your character here


Gender: Female

Place Of Birth: Shinseina Palace

Great Katana

Age: 18

[] Aquarius (jan 20 – feb 18)
Key Traits: Inventive, independent, logical, understanding, aloof, unpredictable, eccentric.

Blood Type:
Type A
Key Traits: Conservative, reserved, patient, conformist, punctual, introverted, obsessive, stubborn, self-conscious, uptight.




Powers & Abilities

Chi Control
Spell: Yes
Type: Light
As a monk, she learned to use the chi of light as her advantage granting her augmentations to her physical ability. It does require a little chi to maintain this but she does become faster by 20%, her attacks are augmented by holy energy dealing a little more damage as well.

Healing Light
Spell: Yes
Type: Light
By channeling chi from her soirit she is able to bless a light upon her or her targets healing them for 5% every second. This does take concentration and will be costly on the caster if channeled too long. Using on herself only takes time but does not exhaust her if she is doing it during meditation.

Skill Points: Use this to keep track of how much skill points you have used up or have much you have left. Delete this once done. (These are for Skills below)


Defaults Attribute: Agility (AGI) Type: Intuitive
A character with this skill can tell a waltz from a gavotte, and knows enough of the general etiquette and required steps to avoid mashing people’s toes in the process.

Defaults Attribute: Spirit (SPR) Type: Learned
This Skill allows a character to play, tune, and maintain an instrument, as well as giving him a repetoire of songs for any occasion. It is also used as a Weapon Skill for Instruments. (Do give the type of instrument if you choose this skill)

Default Attribute: Agility (AGI) Type: Intuitive
A character with this Skill is flexible and coordinated enough to execute complex acrobatic maneuvers. A single Task Check is required for a set of maneuvers or feat of balance. Conditional Modifiers depend on both the complexity of the manuevers and the circumstances. The consequences for failure hinge on the feat being attempted.

Default Attribute: Magic (MAG) Type: Intuitive
This Skill measures a character’s collective sensory awareness. In the field, it is mainly used to spot hidden items, secret passages, and other incongruities that might not be noticeable at first glance. At higher levels, Characters with this Skill gain a certain sixth sense when it comes to spotting potential dangers or noticing when something isn’t quite right – a con-man attempting to swindle the party out of its Gil with counterfeit Elixirs is just as likely to get the neck-hairs tingling as a dozen slavering beasts waiting in ambush around the corner. (As a GM I will be the one to say if those with this skill realize anything)

Default Attribute: Magic (MAG) Type: Learned
Knowing haute cuisine may not improve one's reputation as a fearsome warrior, but when the alternative is another week's worth of dried meat, nobody's liable to complain. A character with this Skill knows how to prepare and identify all types of dishes with a successful Task Check. Often you can control this yourself but if a task check ever comes into play I'll let you know.

Default Attribute: Magic (MAG) Type: Intuitive
The location of an ancient tomb, an obscure local legend, the address of the nearest inn in town – characters with the Inquiry Skill are adept of digging up the information they need as quickly and painlessly as possible. One Task Check must be made for each piece of information the character wishes to locate; the amount of time spent searching can vary between half an hour and several days, depending on the breadth of resources available to the character. A failure simply means the character isn't able to locate the information and may continue trying, while a Botch means the information just isn't available – or that the search has ended in serious trouble. (I'll lead you through this as GM)

Lore (Xhiana): - 15

Lore (History): - 11
General knowledge of key events in an area's known history, including dates, personalities, and other minutae. Further specialised by country or region.

Lore (Folklore): - 8
An understanding of an area's popular mythology, ranging from ancient sagas to contemporary 'urban legends'. Further specialised by country or region.

Lore (Shinseina): - 20

Lore (Magic - Light). - 11
Magic Lore gives the character a fundamental understanding of the principles of sorcery as well as the training to identify individual spells and enchantments.

Language – Common Tongue - 15
The standard Human tongue, lingua franca on most worlds. Most, if not all, adventurers will be fluent in this language to one degree or another. This Skill is given to all starting characters, regardless of Job.

Default Attribute: Spirit (SPR) Type: Intuitive
This Skill gives a character the ability to act and speak diplomatically regardless of the circumstances, observing and respecting the sensibilities of others. A successful Task Check allows a character to discern the most appropriate code of conduct in a given situation, and act accordingly; a failure results in the character misinterpreting the situation, with potentially disastrous results. Botches will almost always result in a diplomatic gaffe of the first order.

Default Attribute: Spirit (SPR) Type: Intuitive
Intimidation and browbeating are powerful tools if used correctly, establishing the character as a force to be reckoned with – even if they aren't. A successful Task Check is required to intimidate a target, after which the character can make her demands; failure means the target is unimpressed. A Botch, on the other hand, could potentially result in a nasty turnabout.

Default Attribute: Spirit (SPR) Type: Intuitive
The fine art of getting your way. A character with this Skill can use their powers of persuasion to do anything from bartering for an item to convincing that troublesome Captain of the Guard that, no, they really aren’t an Imperial sympathizer, thank you all the same. Negotiation is always used in form of an Opposed Task Check; when making her Task Check, the player must first declare her 'offer' to the other party, who in turn roll against either their own Negotiation Skill or an appropriate Skill Default – the weight of the character's offer will determine the basic CoS.

Default Attribute: Magic (MAG) Type: Learned
A character with this Skill knows enough about the body and its workings to diagnose and treat most kinds of sickness and injury. A successful Task Check is required for a correct diagnosis; another for the treatment if the character has the means to carry it out. Failure in either could have drastic consequences for the patient. Healing can also enhance a party's natural recovery (This can be first aid as well)

Default Attribute: Agility (AGI) Type: Intuitive
This Skill covers larger bladed weapons, including Light Swords, Swords, Greatswords, and Katanas.

BRAWL - 20
Default Attribute: Agility (AGI) Type: Intuitive
Brawl is basic unarmed combat. Inelegant but effective in a pinch, it allows the character to rely on their bare hands in a fight if no other weapons are available.

Default Attribute: Magic (MAG) Type: Intuitive
By using landmarks, the stars, and other environmental features, a character with this Skill can travel from location to location without losing his way. In addition, the character's well-honed sense of direction can be a valuable asset in mazes and other confusing locales. One Task Check is required for the character to find his way; subsequent Task Checks may be required in the case of particularly long or complex routes.

Default Attribute: Agility (AGI) Type: Intuitive
A character with this Skill knows the basics of staying on and controlling a mount like a Horse. One Task Check is required to mount up and begin riding; depending on the conditions, additional Task Checks may need to be made during the course of the ride. The animals you're able to ride isn't just Horse but also Camel. There are some exotic animals to but that all depends on where you're from.

Default Attribute: Strength (STR) Type: Intuitive 
Whether it's light free-climbing or full-fledged mountaineering, a character with this Skill can scale vertical surfaces with a reasonable degree of success. One or more Task Checks may be needed for a successful ascent; in the event of a failure, no progress is made. A Botch will always result in a fall, with consequences depending on the severity of the drop.



Effect: Noble blood runs through the character’s veins, placing them a few notches above the average adventurer. Characters with this kind of background may not always have kingdoms and other holdings to call their own; in some cases, they may be illegitimate heirs or outcasts from their own domain.

Méiguī's family are counted as the "Paragon" of Shinseina. Due to her great grandfather standing beside the lord at almost all times in addition saving the Shinseina during the Clan Wars. They were bestowed the title of "Mohan". Since then the generation has served the Shinseina as protectors. It only made it interesting when High Priestess Shizuka was born the same day as Meigui.


Effect: The character belongs to a group or organization that may be capable of helping her out during the course of her travels – a mercenary group, a band of thieves, loyal vassals of a king or kingdom. If you want to align a clan, you'll have to speak to me first. Upon approval it will have to be very well explained.

Méiguī by choice and through family has a sworn allegiance to the Shinseina clan and primarily the High Priestess Shizuka.

Effect: The character has been knocking around long enough to pick up friends, acquaintances and contacts almost everywhere in the world; not always in the highest or most exalted of positions, but almost always useful in the right sort of situation.

Mainly her contacts are those of other branches, being Shinseina's paragon decently known even through name but being Shinseina alone and proving it has its perks.

Higher Calling
Effect: Hard as it may be to believe, saving the world from evil isn’t everybody’s top priority. A character with Higher Calling has pledged his loyalty first and foremost to a religion, organization, or other cause like pacifism; specify which when choosing this Trait.

She believes Shinseina as a whole is what she lives to protect and serve under. As the paragon, she pledges herself to do what she can for her friend and the clan.


Effect: While the definition of 'attractive' continues to be hotly debated in pubs the world over, a character with this Advantage taps into some timeless, universal standard of beauty that never quite goes out of fashion.

Effect: Whether it’s through good looks, riveting oratory, or blind animal magnetism – a Charismatic character has the uncanny ability to wrap people around her little finger in no time flat.

Divination (Spiritual or Magical users only)
Effect: The character can foresee tiny fragments of the future or inklings of a destiny yet to come. How the character derives this knowledge varies from person to person; some may use Tarot cards or palmistry, others swear by smoke and tea leaves, and others still see the future through natural talents alone.

Heightened Senses
Effect: The character has enhanced hearing, smell, or sight, allowing her to spot things that would normally not be obvious.

Effect: The character is plagued by vivid flashbacks to a past she can’t entirely remember. So powerful are these flashbacks that she essentially ‘relives’ the experience, losing all connection to the outside world.



Describe how you look, height, weight, body type, hair color, eye color. In addition List what your character carries, what she wears, How does her weapon look. 

Describe your character's personality. How he/she is alone, with others, when in battle etc. What does this character like/dislike. Be sure to use your skills, Traits, Blood type and Zodiac to help you define your character's personality.

Meigui's family past

Méiguī's family known as Báiyǔ (White Feather), was one of the founding family's of the Shinseina clan along side the Naido, and Guang family. The three family were only but three traveling monks before settling down and coming together at a time of great sorrow. Never was Xhiana's diety seen so highly until they united during the years of the Republic (Kyowakoku). In truth around three hundred years ago was when the Shinseina were originally created but they weren't called this.They built the first shrine (The Shinseina Palace) which drew in many travelers and this was when more of the people began to visit these temples as a spiritual journey. (Not local deity city shrines).

As time passed the three monks came up with a conclusion to create an order for their good deeds and give others their teachings. Unfortunately it wasn't until two hundred years later when they officially created it to be a clan under the name of Shinseina and their purpose was to maintain the light chi but only for those who want to follow their cause. Unfortunately when the age of clans hit, the three family's seemed to hit a struggle in their life. Mainly it was Naido and Báiyǔ vs. Guang family.

During this era, Tao Báiyǔ (A skilled monk of Shinseina) and Shino Naido were faced with a major complication in which had to do with the Guang family. Unfortunately this generation for Shinseina held a dark time excluding recent events. Kim Guang, the beginning of the stigma upon the family felt as though Shinseina was too passive and “lost it's way”. With the new clans arising and more for power, she was one who went beyond and against the teachings of the clan to move up and preserve order in the land. The two family's (Naido and Báiyǔ) specifically Tao and Shino eventually went against and caused a small civil war among the shrines. It only came to end when Shino rose and defeated Kim in a duel. Eventually over time and about when the clan wars began order had been preserved and restored. The story became one with a meaning and to the most part, Guang was removed from royalty in the clan although still welcomed.

During the clan wars, Shinseina was passive and to many people already won among them all. However, that was not the case. Shinseina was simply restoring balance and helping everyone they could. Shino was appointed high priestess and hence for the family's were considered high priestess which entailed a lot of responsibility. As for Báiyǔ, they simply did what they could and learned/protected the clan. Through the five years and the birth of the Yu empire, they remained passive and when the treating came around things were finally at peace or so one believed.

Fifty years passed and the plaguemaster showed up, spreading the dark chi of impurity across Xhiana. It was a straught plague that Shinseina struggled against even with Light magic. Unfortunately Báiyǔ and Naido clans were faced against the dark terrors for the shrines were main targets. As a sacrificed and for his ability in combat, Haijung Báiyǔ went on a pilgrimage before heading to defeat the plaguemaster. Although the plaguemaster did not die from him, he did however exploit a ton of information before the plague took his last breath. Due to the family's long history and support the Baiyu family was bestowed “Paragon” and while the plague and dark chi continued to attack the temples. The Baiyu family defended the clan with all it had. Only to leave a mother and child alive in the end.

The boy grew up and lived up to his title as Paragon protecting the clan unexpectedly his wife bared a child in the end who was going to be Shinseina's legacy.


Eighteen years before present time, the child mentioned above was born. Méiguī, the daughter who held the title of paragon and was unknowingly the birth of a new legacy. Interestingly at the same time her birth conspired, Shizuka, the new high priestess and leader of Shinseina was born. The clan believed it was fate that brought them into the world with each other and that there was a destiny hidden among this event. Born were they among the same room as well and interestingly the two once placed near each other grabbed hands but that is just rumored. Throughout the first year, the two families planned out the two's life and although born together. They decided to keep them from acknowledging each other at least for a short while. Especially since things were bound to turn out differently for one another.

Early Age in Shinseina (1-4)

The girl's life started out swell. Méiguī had spent many her first three years as any child would learning the basics and her surroundings (As much as she could at least). Spending time with her parents individually, being taught how to walk and talk. Eventually being baby-sat by other priest and guards among the palace-shrine. The girl did learn much and eventually began meeting other children and watched travelers/family's come and go from the shrines every year she was able to be escorted. It however was planned so she could learn the Shinseina customs. Unfortunately on this third year, her father had died while on a yearly pilgrimage and escort. This only initiated a cold heartbreak for poor Méiguī who could at the time only feel comfort by her mother's sweet words. Interestingly to her, something new occurred later days which gave Méiguī a surprise.

As she walked with her escort through the temple, she suddenly crossed a pathway with a beautiful girl who at the time was also being escorted. They came from different directions but the two looked each other in the eye as if they've seen each other before. As they came close the other girl smiled and waved. Méiguī waved back slowly forcing a smile. Our young warrior priestess has seen the girl many times passing by but never had they spoken to one another and if she attempted to in the past. They were interrupted. Finally it seemed alright and the girl introduced herself as Shizuka. Méiguī gave her name in reply with a smile. The two escorts looked at each other with a nod before heading in different directions once again (Not like Méiguī and Shizuka noticed). There was something about Shizuka to Méiguī that she felt. At the moment the strings of fate were pulling them together and by the look Shizuka gave it was the same way.

befriending Shizuka (5)

It had been a year since Méiguī had seen the day of exchanging eye contact with Shizuka. Throughout those days, the girl wondered why she had not see her around as much and even when she did it wasn't long before she went out of sight. It was slightly obvious that she had been busy but Méiguī was also victim to being in for a lot as well. By this point in her life she had been began to learn a little more of the life she had in store for her. Every day was another day of crammed knowledge which left her exhausted but at the same time interested. She by no means was as busy as poor Shizuka who seemed to be in a further worse position then herself. At the time, Shizuka had already been head and learning the ways of a priestess. In addition cramming studies after studies day by day. Unlike Méiguī who had been going her own pace but it was sure exhausting.. for both of them...

With no play and life style change, Méiguī had found herself rather bored yet it was only luck that she'd finally catch a break. While running about the garden of the palace. She finally crossed Shizuka who had been sitting down at a bench with her eyes closed. Only when Méiguī's footsteps caught her ears was when her eyes opened. Immediately she stopped and the two looked into each others eyes. It was only a few seconds when a light wind blew by and to a point the two closed there eyes. It was unknown what happened to Shizuka but Méiguī suddenly saw a shadow of two women and one whom wielded a great katana as if she were defending her. Suddenly it cleared and Shizuka was standing in front of her asking if she was ok Méiguī nodded and finally the two got around to introducing each other for an hour the two played but soon after there two caretakers finally found them and smiled knowing it was finally time to allow them to be friend each other.

Claiming her birthright (8)

Three years passed and the teachings continued together interestingly. The two had become inseparable. Méiguī and Shizuka always seemed to have found time for one another after finally meeting each other. Often they had spoke of what they've learned and played games around the temple before Shizuka was taken to study individually or to call it a night. Days looked bright until suddenly one night it finally approached. The girl's father finally came to her hold a great katana. Without a question or thought he finally explained who she was and what the family means to the Shinseina. Although young and only getting some of it, for the most part Méiguī understood but what really lit her up was when she heard Shizuka was the high priestess. With a sense of responsibility and loyalty as a friend towards her best friend. She took the sword by two hands. Her father then explained that she will be going with him on a pilgrimage and will not see Shizuka for a while. Although saddened by this thought, she was convinced that it was necessary to protect her friend and the clan.

Méiguī was given three days before setting off. Rather quick but with those three days, Méiguī and Shizuka spent together. Finally on the last day, night particularly, Méiguī explained to Shizuka she was leaving but swore to return. Understanding, the young priestess nodded locked hands. Interestingly Méiguī zoned out once more and suddenly the two figures she saw before were her and Shizuka. A smile a rose and the next day. She and her father were off.

Training (8-15)

2 years - Shrines of the Southern Forest

For the first two years, Méiguī and her father left and traveled to the southern forest's shrine. It was a tiresome task but everyday was a lesson in itself, survival and endurance. When the girl finally arrived, the priest and others gathered to meet the paragons and after such arranged for the girl's lesson to begin. Méiguī had studied long and hard finally getting a full understanding of what the clan was and their primary reason for being. In addition to this, she learned the history as well. It only went slightly deeper when it came to chores among the shrine which is where the girl picked up basic cooking skills that would shortly be forgotten as time went on.

On the side however, her father continued to teach her of the lore behind the Naido and Baiyo family, and Shinseina as a whole and eventually began to teach her the ways of a Great Katana. The girl by no means caught on quickly but practice makes perfect. Every day she would walk many miles before exhausting herself mentally with lectures and then was set to do chores. Only minimal fun was in her life now but every night she thought of her friend waiting for her.

2 Years - Shrine of the Central Plains

Two years later, now the age twelve, the girl had become decent with the way of the blade but instead of her usual lectures, at this temple she was trained slightly differently. Méiguī and her father traveled a little ways before reaching this shrine with a few stops to meditate in between but when she got there, the woman was in for a surprise. Interestingly the Shrine Of the Central plains seemed to train her in the art of light magic. It was only two years worth and she was only able to learn two spells but that was all she needed. (So said the priestess) who claimed her path to be a little different. The girl seemed to struggle at first with the study of magic and spiritual magic but finally she was able to get the hang of it. Interestingly, she had no idea, she had a little Chi flowing through her but was happy none the less.

In the end, the spell she was taught were decent to aid her but she had no chi control which was her next destination a year later.

1 Years - Shrine of The Desert

It was a rough trip to the next Shrine. Méiguī and her father seemed to encounter bandits in the area and a interesting event stirred which crossed over the land. As the two traveled into Sabaku. They caught word of the rumors spreading. "Xhianju is the new empress". Many people seemed to show disbelief or doubt in this change yet to Méiguī and her father, this was new news. The two stopped at a tavern for the night and Méiguī's father finally decided to share a little more lore of the land with her. It only came to be a surprise when hearing about "Dark Chi" but she didn't pry into it. In fact and truth, she couldn't after this day she was to be at the temple learning her next lesson in which occurred.

The day seemed to come and go as they walked the heated path of the desert to reach the lush lagoon of the shrine. Unfortunately this year was all about Chi control in which extended further when she used it while wielding her katana. Although at the same time, she found it heavily exhausting on her body. None the less with this new environment and new practice of fighting she had to do it. She only wondered how, Shizuka was doing during all of this.

2 Years - Shrine of the Northen Forest and Shrine Of Hǎi shānqū

For the next two years were pretty much the same with both the temples. It was a complete recap and review. For most spiritual things, it was going over and testing her skill. Eventually she was to be tested against their best monks which were defeated by no means easy either. In truth, every fight seemed to bring a bit of a need for a week recovery. The father had nothing more to teach her and a unexpected situation occurred one day.

A warrior priestess (15)

When finally leaving the mountains, the father had not been feeling himself lately and seemed that his body finally gave out on him. The man coughed up blood yet no one was able to claim his illness. Eventually, it was found out that Dark Chi had been eating him from the inside out for a few years which only made her wonder when this occurred. It was unknown to her that her father left to fight during this time. Unfortunately with the problem at hand, the girl had to watch her father die in front of her and could do nothing about it. for memory, she took his pocket necklace before having him buried and left to go "home", Shinseina palace.

It had taken Méiguī sixteen days to reach the palace but it was by no means easy. In fact during this, she told herself it was a test and that she'd be fulfilling her birthright soon and seeing Shizuna.

4 days to reach the closest Shrine and 1 day of working/discussion

The first four days were rough for her, constantly being alert of wildlife on her own. She eventually had to slay a few wolves that attacked her although with every strike, her heart seemed to beat. The girl wasn't use to such environments on her own but as it occurred her senses became acute. Awareness increased as well. It only made her travels and stays easier. However the first one, was only ever so painful. to pray and then explain what happened to her father. The priestess of the shrine ordered her to return to the high priestess (Unknowing it was now Shizuka) and give the news. With a nod of agreement she did after resting the night and working the day.

5 days to reach Mori

The trip to Mori wasn't too bad but it was exhausting. Yet at the same time interesting. Méiguī never visited this city while she was training or when she was younger. The woman found the city in the forest interesting compared to the other cities excluding Yu which overwhelmed her. Many people kept to themselves as children became interested in the woman who wore traditional clothing. Her beauty stood out but out of respect none approached her. It was a short visit for her. Only stopping to have some sake and rent a room for the night. The girl couldn't help but cry knowing she was close to home... without her father.

3 days to reach a minor town/village and 3 days to reach the shinseina palace

The next six days were rather straightforward and very much like her trip in Mori except this time she was closer then ever. On her last day, she didn't stop. Méiguī continued down the path to the palace and finally at midnight the woman appeared before her home. Questioned at first the lady got in and walked to her home only to find a note on her quarter's table.

"I don't know when you'll be back but... I'm afraid I do not have much time left. My dear I'm sure you're strong now by the time you read this letter. I wish we could've told you but you must defend this clan with your life and protect Shizuka. The dark chi is evil and must not be used against us any further. I believe in you... You and your father both... sad to say that I will be meeting him there soon... be well.."

This only made her ball as she crunched the letter in her hand as it formed a fist upon the ground. Apparently Shizuka heard this cry and did not know who it was at first. When she pushed open the door followed by a few guards, they saw a long haired brown woman in traditional clothing equipped with a blade on the ground crying. Only seconds later did she realize it was Méiguī and hugged her close.

Speaking softly "I'm so.. sorry"

It warmed Méiguī hearing her friend's matured voice but she couldn't let it go. A day later after getting herself together. she and High Priestess Shizuka caught up and exchanged their adventures/experiences. It turned out that the moment, Méiguī left on her journey was when she began her priestess training and many more responsibilities fell upon both of them. Before long the warrior priestess showed the letter to Shizuka and made a vow to protect everyone she could in the clan. Unfortunately there was a little more to befall her.

Invitation to Yu (The true beginning) (18)

Five years have passed since Méiguī's return and with those three years she had become known as the paragon of Shinseina and the High Priestess's personal guard. With this, she had been following and escorting her to the shrines when need be and defending her and the clan from any threats. In addition to this, the woman is often sent off to complete various task which sometimes involve negotiations but nothing to big. Méiguī and Shizuka are still the best of friends but unknowingly they have different paths...

It had been two weeks since Shinseina received invitation to the new empress's speech. Unfortunately this was rare and not to be missed and Shizuna did not trust the situation but believed it would be wise to only take two members and not stand out. With this said she chose the obvious to go with her and Méiguī accepted wholeheartedly. It is now the day before the speech and after three days of travel they finally reached the imperial city... how will things unfold from here?

So begins...

Méiguī's Story


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#, as written by Zetsuna
The travel to Yu, the Imperial City, had felt long but nothing compared to what Méiguī had experienced herself years ago. When she had been younger, her pilgrimage was done all by foot and this includes the way back to her to the Shinseina palace. This included going through the desert, mountains, plains and all the terrain of Xhiana by the end of those long years yet it did make her strong. This time, the travel had been done through a carriage only fitting high priestess Shizuka and her paragon. The driver was in the front steering it with ease. The carriage was built with fine woodworking material and stained in black paint. The wheels were shown to be a little worn during travel but it was expected especially when the ground was damp from a recent shower of rain. Inside, was decently cushioned seating smooth rough leather layered as the rest was wood. The priestess sat inside with her eyes closed with little to say but a lot to think about. This had not been her first public speech to attend but it was to the first to meet the new empress. As for Méiguī, she honored her leader's choice of silence for the time being and her own. the woman seemed to be interested in the scenery she had been reliving and returning to. The path they took to get to Yu had been different and felt different yet as they approached the city it all felt the same. The plains were familiar which was the path she and her father took to head north. As the girl stuck her head out once the driver noted that they had reached the city, she noticed the open gate of the city. Grand and large never to be closed or open. The girl's expression stayed normal but her eyes widened for a moment when she heard Shizuka's voice.

"Bringing you back?"

Méiguī nodded. "Yes, It had been five years since I've been here... not much has changed of what I remember at least. We didn't stay long here so who knows.."

Shizuka giggled bringing her hand to her lips. Méiguī didn't ask if it had been her first time in the city but in truth none of them lead her this way. It had been a first unfortunately, especially when her speeches mostly had to do with the villages and minor towns, in addition to the other shrines. However, despite this she remained calm and seemed uninterested in the whole ordeal of coming. The warrior priestess looked towards the high priestess's way and noticed her expression in deep thought. Her chin propped over her hand as her eyes peered out the frame leading to the outside. The two went silent for a moment. Surely they would have more common chatter to go about but that had been when they were younger. Most meetings, speeches and other political affairs seemed this way with the two of them. A gentle sigh came from Méiguī's lips as they could hear the carriage switch terrains and the rattle of the wooden materials. They went from grass-like dirt trail to stone. Méiguī once again looked outside to notice a few travelers and civilians appearing as they reached and entered the city's walls. There were people of all social statuses around but that was just how the city was. A few beggars here and there and a lot of merchant stands with a variety of goods. As you look up you may seem a few steam/smoke depending on where you may look or be. Blacksmiths and gunsmiths seemed to be active by this point as well but it was mid day. It was just how Méiguī remembered it, however the direction they were going was unfamiliar. As they seemed to be heading towards the Empress's castle (Which looked traditional eastern castle).

The carriage rode up to the steps leading to the door of the castle's entrance and suddenly stopped. The driver in the front suddenly spoke.

"My lady, we've arrived at the Empress's castle. Shall I go set the arrangements?"

"No, I would like to do that myself... Méiguī will be with me as well" Shizuka said shaking her head at the beginning. The high priestess didn't believe anything would be too harmful and rarely did she need to use Méiguī's to fend someone off. For the most part they often just tag teamed and aided their weaknesses's but that's when given permission on the warrior priestess's accord. This was no meeting though, they simply had to check in because they were granted a room in the palace for the speech. That aside it was time to present. The two females got off the carriage and were greeted by two knights (Samurais) whom bowed and asked for proper parchments/papers. Shizuka presented them and before long they were going up the stairs.

When they reached the top of the steps and entered the castle seconds later. They witnessed the beautiful inner walls of the castle and an unexpected sight. Méiguī particularly caught this sight first as soon as they got in. She wasn't quite sure whom she was at this point but a few thoughts went about her head. The woman dressed in purple traditional clothing followed by a man in diplomatic (look wise) clothing. They appeared to be talking and payed no mind to the new guest entering. The empress did look down towards them with a small grin that Méiguī did not see and went on. The woman looked around only to be interrupted by Shizuka a moment later. The dark haired woman had tapped her arm on accident when she turned to see a man approach them.

"My my..welcome to the palace. As guest, I'd like to show you to your arranged quarters. We weren't expecting another but that is fine. Please follow me.."

The two women looked at each other before following behind them. It was odd that they did not ask for Méiguī's katana that was equipped behind her tied under her sash. To come where royalty was with a weapon that could kill is hazardous but then again. It was Shinseina and they probably do not expect anything. None-the-less, Méiguī didn't think too much upon it.

After being introduced to their quarters, being told set times for dining which weren't held with the Empress interestingly. The two went about the day yet at night an interesting event occurred.

"I don't trust this situation..." Shizuka said softly as they sat near the window looking out towards the night sky.

"What do you mean..?" Méiguī asked. She looked over to her lady moments later curious. She felt a little breeze pass by her brown hair, brushing against her shoulder. Her eyes blinked as the priestess began to speak once more in a serious tone.

"I don't know but it just feels a little different is all"

Méiguī went silent and nodded. She didn't understand what Shizuka was feeling but often these feelings she has never seemed to fail. In certain attempts of assassination, the warnings she had never failed which gave Méiguī a good advantage when defending her. These occurrences only happened very little of times but even so it happened to be failure in the end. The two stayed silent in thought for the rest of the night before sleeping the rest away unaware of what was to come the next day.


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#, as written by Zetsuna
The next day...

Méiguī woke this morning around noon in the world with only three hours to spare before listening to the speech and guarding the high priestess. She felt a little off when she felt and saw the sun beaming through the window frame due to the fact she usually had to be up equivalently four hours ago at the shrine. Sleeping in the nice beds of the palace with quarters separated from the busier parts of the building was different. In addition, the travel here was never easy. Nights of the carriage rattling and her ears, toned to be sharp while only letting herself fall half asleep never helped. It had only just been then when the woman realized how exhausted she really was. The warrior priestess lifted herself up before lifting her right hand to rub her eyes while making a usual morning groan. Her left hand gripped the sheets as she then began to hear the birds chirping from the outside. A sigh came from her lips before her hands and fingers moved from her eyes and it was only when her hand went down that she realized her Priestess was no where in sight. She didn't feel worried, a bit at least but it did strike her interest in knowing where she was and why she was not woken in such an unfamiliar place.

Méiguī swung her legs over to the side of the bed and then rose herself up remembering her clothing and equipment was in the dress across the bed. Immediately did she took her time on dressing herself and equipping her sword directly in back of her. As a guard, for her priestess, she was granted approval to be armed among the palace. After that she immediately, opened the door. Suddenly it seemed like she could hear the rest of the palace or at least the section they were in and down the hall was a familiar voice followed by another female's voice. This new voice felt powerful yet at the same time pleasant, it was only then when the two revealed themselves. It had been high priestess Shizuka and surprisingly the new empress who stood a few inches above her. The two immediately noticed Méiguī, who had been standing passively looking towards them.

"Good morning sleepy-head, Its nice to see you're finally awake." Shizuka said.

"Morning, Warrior-Priestess..--" The empress stopped midway noticing she had not caught her name. Méiguī gave a wry smile as she as she noticed this before quickly replying as soon as she had the chance.

"Méiguī, my lady" She said with respect although, her mind was really wondering why the priestess was with her in the first place. Suddenly she was interrupted.

"I only met Shizuka moments ago, as she was in the palace gardens. I made sure the palace guards watched over her as you were not present." The empress spoke.

Méiguī bowed in respect and thanked her. Before long they were engaged about the speech only with minor detail though and simple questions and answers while sitting at a table in what seemed to be a meeting hall. Nothing like a council table but something smaller scaled as if it were for guest. Méiguī in respect for her betters kept quiet for some of it only giving her thoughts and opinions when she felt it was right which they did not mind at all. Shizuka appeared to be only asking questions which some were avoided by the Empress. However she did do most of the talking in this hour before suddenly a attendant appeared.

"My lady, we have only a couple of hours to spare before presenting the high speech to the people of Xhiana. Also a few of the highest nobles of Yu, have requested your immediate appearance for diplomatic matters. Which I advise,you do quickly since we only have little to spare. Also Heishi, has made it back and is ready to present themselves before the speech. As usual, they're in their hall... I suggest, we pick up on the matters with little time to spare."

The empress nodded and thanked Shizuka and Méiguī for their audience before leaving. Méiguī turned before engaging with Shizuka in conversation. It began with wondering why she was not woken before which ended in a friendly reply and then went about discussing what she thought of the empress. It was only scary pleasant feeling. The warrior priestess nearly felt with such a quiet atmosphere she was being watched or overheard although nothing bad was being said. Suddenly with only an hour or a little less to spare the women were called to go to the public halls of the palace to attend the speech.

When the two arrived, they noticed quite a few people there already. A bit of nobles, guards at every door leading to forbidden areas of the palace and then five warriors who appeared to be in different equipment standing near the throne. The empress was not there yet. Aside from the warrior class and nobles, there were common follks and although not considered noble here and unknown to some, there were a few clans leaders among them with personal guards, like Méiguī and Shizuka. Some had two. The women found a secluded spot that could see the empress near the western front decorated pillar of the hall. The two were silent yet could the grumbling chatter of the hall. A little bit of Introductions, discussions of the recent rebels, some of the speech, etc etc. It had only been thirty minutes before the empress stepped out from a side door from the east front followed by a few guards. The room silenced slowly over ten seconds. Méiguī could hear the sounds of the empress's sandles clack against the ground as she walked before standing in front of everyone looking around.

"I thank you for attending the speech. Some in which a lot of you traveled far when receiving my invitation. Some of you are commoners which I happily allow to listen. Some of you are veterans which I called from the clan wars and the beastman wars. To this day, I commend you and wish to inform you of a new problem in Xhiana which has to come to an end...." The woman spoke loud and clear before taking a short breather. A sigh came from her mouth before looking around the room once more.

"The rebellion, has peaked over the four years and I stand to correct this. It was only fortunate that .... This man!!" She said unsheathing her katana and pointing towards a man who looked a bit roughed up, and beat with arms tied behind him. Suddenly dragged by one of the guards before being dropped in front of her.

"Was captured by Heishi... You may ask... Who is he? Why is he here? .. Well this man is the rebel's leader! Name will go anonymous... but... let this be shown that this is the price of rebellion..." She spoke before quickly slice across the mans chest before decapitating his head. Méiguī's eyes went wide in horror as she saw the Empress barbaric side not only that but the speed of the blade was quick and fearful. She could hear a few gasp in the room yet more clapping. The warrior-priestess wasn't sure if they were supporting this out of fear or if it was truly a righteous act. The woman looked down at the head of the man and began to even wonder if this was really the man... Suddenly the Empress's hand moved up as if she were about to speak again and the room began to go silent once more.