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Aarynn Fletcher

"If you run away today planning to fight another day, you'll just end up running away the next day."

0 · 737 views · located in Tokyo, Japan

a character in “Yggdrasil Online”, originally authored by ArgoYamato, as played by RolePlayGateway


"There's no point in winning unless you're fighting a losing battle!"



Aarynn "Ricardo" Fletcher
  • «Flynn»--This is his typical username and is the combination of Aarynn and Fletcher.
  • "Ricardo"--Only a selected people know Flynn's middle name and actually use it. (His father, his mother, his ex-girlfriend...)
  • "Kojin"--The name for the Japanese Kami or Gods of Fire.



Fire Magic (Main): Image
  • Amaterasu, Burning Blade~A basic spell which Flynn has trained and manipulated into a top-tier spell. Technically, all it does is coat the user's weapon in flames. This skill has been furthered to the point that the flames can extend the reach of Flynn's attacks to a maximum of twenty feet in distance. It slowly drains MANA when utilized.
  • Pyrokinesis~The most basic fire spell which simply allows the user to create and control fire at will. Slowly drains MANA as used. This spell actually gives rise to a number of other techniques...
  • Mizuchi~Creates defensive flames around the user varying from thin rings of fire to vast pools of inferno. Drains MANA proportionally to the size of the created field of fire.
  • Kiyohime~Launches a powerful stream of near plasma level fire which can pierce many objects. It has a really long range but gradually weakens as the distance increases.
  • Kuzuryu~Shoots multiple missiles of concentrated heat which explode upon reaching a designated distance or object. The explosion radius varies, typically, from five feet long to fifteen feet long--MANA decreases in proportion to the explosion radii.

Electric Magic (Secondary):
  • Raikiri, Lightning Cutter~A spell which takes high-leveled concentration as it focuses the usually uncontrollable Electricity Magic onto Flynn's blade increasing both the speed of and the damaged wreaked by his weapon. So far, there has been nothing that the blade of Raikiri cannot cut or pierce, rendering it a top-tier spell. It's weakness is that it quickly drains MANA.
  • Electro-Magnetism~As can be assumed from the name, this spell causes designated objects to become electro-magnetic. Flynn typically uses this as a means of deflecting bullets and other such metal projectiles or weapons. It is, primarily, a defensive magic, though it also has it's offensive purposes. It drains MANA at a moderate pace.
  • Bolt--A basic spell which allows the user to launch a streak of lightning from their fingertips after a charging period--the longer the charging period, the higher the power level of the bolt.

Religious--Wings of Vengeance (WoV)
  • Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi~A demonic Japanese Katana sword with the basic magical capability to manipulate the winds. Used in tandem with Fire Magic, this blade can be very destructive. It's blade is about three feet long and made of a dark colored material and the handle is meant for the user to choose between one-handed and two-handed wielding.
  • Ruyi-Jingu-Bang~Flynn's original weapon. An eight-foot long golden staff with magical symbols glowing blue in bands around the ends of the pole. Though he hadn't initially wanted a staff, he was convinced to take up the weapon by his girlfriend--she had thought it nice to see a guy without some crazy bladed weapon. After the Religion V. Technology war became integrated into Yggdrasil and Flynn's fight and parting with his girlfriend, the staff was put into in-equipment.
  • Basic Leather and Thin Steel Armor intended only for minor defense as speed is Flynn's main focus in combat.


Flynn, after hitting his head.

Flynn comes from a purely American family--they've been in America for at least a good ten generations, perhaps even twelve... And yet, he absolutely adores Japanese and Chinese culture; many have described him as Japanese on the inside and White on the outside. He also has the, often hilarious, tendency to clumsily walk into walls, poles, rocks, and other people. Many have also noted Flynn to be over-apologetic; while he is usually carefree and goofy, Flynn is very quick to apologize to other people even when he hasn't really done anything wrong.

  • Japanese EVERYTHING~Ever since watching his first Anime when he was five, Flynn has been all over Japanese culture. This include Japanese foods, shows, mythology, pop-culture, etc...
  • Chinese Mythology and Cuisine
  • Puzzles and Riddles~Even though he is no good at them ("HEY, what are you talking about? I'm great at these things!"), Flynn spends much of his spare time trying to solve and decode these. His ability to solve has significantly improved since he first started.
  • Fantasy
  • Alice Naida~"I do NOT have feelings for her anymore! She left me and that is that. We don't even talk. Ever." He does hold a number of grudges towards her and tries not to think of her but... Truth remains.
  • Ruyi-Jingu-Bang~Despite his fondness for the weapon, it holds too many memories of Alice for him to want to see it.

  • Russian Foods
  • Military Technology~"I know, I know it brings a lot of great and wonderful things--we wouldn't even be here in Yggdrasil if it weren't for technology. But, it gets waaaaaay out of hand at times. Look at all the damage it's done... Technology is great, IF you know how to use it and humans aren't too good at that..."
  • People who go on and on about their Religion~"I mean, religion is great and all, but seriously? Chill peoples! Let everyone believe what they want to believe. Doing what they want to do, however, is a different matter..."
  • Most American Cartoons
  • Swimming~He only learned how to swim because Alice had wanted to teach him how and dragged him into the pool.
  • Disloyalty and Betrayal.

  • Extremely Quick Thinking. Flynn can see one thing and connect it with another thing within moments of seeing both and, after seeing, can come up with ridiculous battle strategies to defeat any challenges.
  • Speed and Versatility. These are the focuses of Flynn's combat skills. Speed, the ability to move faster than one's opponent can make sure that victory is always a possibilty--no matter what the odds. Versatility, the ability to perform necessary feats whenever the need arises--it works well with speed.
  • Determination and Bravery. Flynn never gives up, no matter what the odds. He believes that victory is always possible and the only time that you lose is if you give up.
  • Wonderful MANA endurance. He can last quiiiiiiite a while with the low MANA consuming spells.

  • Easily distracted. Yes. This is a major issue during most things--fortunately, he can stay very well focused in combat.
  • Quick Decision Making. While this is, at times, a valuable asset, it could also be a large downfall. You should always think carefully before charging into combat. That isn't Flynn's strong point...
  • He isn't serious... About ANYTHING. Flynn is always cracking jokes and making puns--even in the middle of a battle. He has the amazing ability to get on the nerves of others easily which isn't always beneficial to his health.
  • Health Points. This was never really a focus of Flynn's as he believed that the ability to evade was far more important that the ability to sustain hits.
Both Flynn's In-Game Avatar and Real Life Persona have the same appearance.

He has messy red hair usually held up with a red bandana. His eyes are hazel in color and often compared to the color of perfectly browned cookie. Flynn is about 6"1' tall in height and weighs about 131 lbs.

As a college student, Flynn typically dresses in a bachelor-esque style. He wears funky colored ties with dress shirts of the colors red, white, black, or burgundy. For pants, he usually wears jeans.


Flynn is a very friendly and sociable guy who typically sets the mood when he's around. He rarely holds grudges against others and is always ready to lend a helping hand. He cares deeply for his friends and always wants to be by their side fighting alongside them when they are in danger. He gets angry when people get into situations that can get them killed since he wants to protect as many people as he can.

While he has the potential for a leader person and often leads groups, Flynn rather enjoys having another leader around. Flynn is a very loyal person both to his friends and to those he works with. He expects some level of loyalty in return and can't stand the thoughts of betrayal and mutiny.

Despite his increasingly growing reputation and prowess, the red haired man shows no signs of arrogance, and is rather modest about his abilities--only jokingly boasting about his abilities. He readily praises others for leaps in their combat abilities.

The first child of a three child family, all the expectations were typically weighed on Flynn. Indeed, he was the most responsible kid in his family--albeit, not always the brightest. He was, naturally, the leader of the three brothers and would often drag his brothers on ridiculous adventures (such as going to the mall alone at age seven, raiding the school playground at age eight, etc.) He was leader of his neighborhood's Kendo-team and is an accomplished sword-fighter both in real life and in YggOn.

At age thirteen, he was attending a neighborhood festival. It was because of a challenge between the Archery and Kendo groups--a challenge started by the Kendo-team. Even though he wasn't the best swordsman on the team and wasn't the one who had challenged the Archery-team, Aarynn was the only member who decided to follow through with the challenge after seeing an Archery demonstration--all the other members were mortified. In the end, the competition between the teams was simple. It would be one-on-one game to see who could strike who first--Aarynn was armed with a bamboo sword while the archer was given a bow with foam tips. The two would start side fifty meters apart and first strike would win. It wasn't a fair match... but he took the challenge anyway.

Aarynn simply charged towards his opponent, evading arrows left and right and made it to about five meters away from her. His opponent was a girl. Upon realizing that, Aarynn decided against tackling his opponent. That was about when she actually hit him. Square in the face--that was actually his fault, he accidentally dodged into the arrow. And ended up accidentally crashing into Alice Naida anyways. That's how the two met.

Image Sword Stab Up

So begins...

Aarynn Fletcher's Story


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Character Portrait: Alice Naida Character Portrait: Aarynn Fletcher
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Aarynn Fletcher -- Valhalla Union University, Elysia Island [NEUTRAL TERRITORY]

Aarynn Fletcher took a long deep breath as he stopped walking and viewed the beautiful, summery vista of island city of Elysia. Behind the red haired bachelor stood a huge blue, white, and golden building--Valhalla Union University.

Today had been the last day of the second term and students were just beginning to step out of the their classrooms. At first, only one paper flew into the air. Then, another one followed. And another. And another. By the time the sixth paper was made airborne, they weren't single sheets anymore. Papers filled the air; chemistry equations, literature essays, neuroscience notes, all sorts of papers flew in all directions covering the ground with white--almost like Christmas.

Aarynn grinned. Freedom! School was finally out--one load of stress out of the way. The fellow decided to let out his joy. "Woooooohoooooooo!"

Someone clapped his back. "Two and a half months of Elysium, huh?" It was Jinkuro Hakame, one of Aarynn's college-buddies. His spiked back jet-black hair glistened in the summer daylight and, with Jinkuro being a good half-a-foot shorter than Aarynn, the glisten was nearly blinding.

"Yeah-ha!" Aarynn laughed as he pumped his fist through the air. "Elysium... And YggOn!" He smirked at his friend, "You going to be there?"

At this, Jinkuro laughed cheerily as well. "Totally!"

"Wonderful! I'll make sure the others are coming as well."

"Alright." The Asian bachelor shifted in another direction and raised his hand, waving. "I'll see you online, then!"

Aarynn nodded, smiling. Presently, he had made it to the farthest boundary of the school--the northern gate--and decided to make sure he had everything with him and take one last look at the University before stepping out for a good three months. Just as he turned to reach into his bag, he felt himself walk into something. Something warm. It was someone. Aarynn quickly looked up to apologize... and quickly found his voice very dry.

It was Alice, his childhood friend--a girl that he had tried to have a relationship with but failed a few months ago. Today, she was dressed fairly nicely in a soft, light colored yellow shirt and a pair of skinny jeans.

"Ooh. Hey Alice," he managed to say, albeit, a little weakly. Immediately, Aarynn felt like slapping himself--how did he always manage to say such lame things to girls? Especially to Alice.

The chocolate haired girl seemed to study him for a moment with her ocean blue eyes. Then, she said, "Hey," before stepping to the left to avoid the red-haired bachelor and passing by him.


The girl paused.

"I've already told you that I'm sorry. And I mean it!" Aarynn's voice seemed a little desperate. He added, wistfully, "Won't you forgive me?"

The girl took a breath and shifted. Then, she had a change in mind and walked off without a word.

Aarynn's heart dropped. He sighed. "Guess I'll see you around too..." Time to head back to the abode.

Alice Naida -- Valhalla Union University, Elysia Island [NEUTRAL TERRITORY]

Alice Naida had quickly fled the scene. She felt really bad about it. She had wanted to talk to Aarynn; he had sounded so... so remorseful and he had apologized so many times now that he had to have meant it. But, this was for the best. Things didn't work out between them, it simply couldn't. Now, it was best to move on. But, a soft voice in the back of her head whispered, I don't want to move on. It was true. Despite every logical atom of her entity telling her that there was nothing for her with Aarynn, Alice couldn't help but want to be together with him. She still had feelings for him and didn't help that maybe, just maybe, he still had feelings for her too. That's why she had to rush off so quickly, too prevent her from doing something stupid.

In any case, she needed to get back to her Neuroscience class. Earlier today, she had left her purse in the room. Nothing extremely essential was in the bag, but her favorite bookmark was part of the contents--she didn't want to spend three months without that.

As the chocolate-haired girl bounced up the stairs leading to the science wing of the building, she thought about how she was going to spend the rest of the day. After getting home, Alice would probably take a short nap and, after that, she would probably plop herself on her couch and settle into a good novel. Then, YggOn sounded good. Yup. That would be the plan.
