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Takuya Kagamine

"I will protect my friends! Even if it means throwing my life away, I will not let the same thing happen to them again!

0 · 817 views · located in Tokyo, Japan

a character in “Yggdrasil Online”, as played by code6435


>Takuya Kagamine<
”I just want everyone to be together.”
Simple Plan |Last One Standing


My Details

Takuya Kagamine

Black Swordsman|Taku



Void magic

Blades of Vengeance – Takuya unleashes dark shadow blades that homes in on his enemy.

Shadow Illusion – Takuya makes clones of himself that inflicts next to next damage to his opponent. This magic is usually used as either to distract enemies or to confuse them.

Void Blast - Takuya concentrates his void magic and sets it on a single point. Moments after, a huge blast of darkness will be shot from his guns. The blast only reaches a few meters in front of him, but the blast is so intensifying, the surroundings of the blast becomes dead, and people standing beside it will be effected with less damage than being hit directly.

Dark Eclipse – A long black blade that is as dark as the void. It could only be wield by Takuya and if any others touch it they will be engulfed in pure darkness that can only be expelled by light magic. It appeared alongside with Takuya when he first entered the game, and has since then stayed with him. It is said that it can amplify dark magic on the user.

Two E718 – By infiltrating the Helios Infinitum guild, Takuya was able to obtain the E718s, the only pistols known to not overheat but requires ammo magazines, thus he always commence stealth operations to steal the magazines for these two gun. It has a 24 ammo capacity, and has less to no recoil. With the help of his dark magic, he is able to fuse the bullets with his dark magic, enhancing it with magic properties.

Dark Radiance

Things about me

Sky observing – Takuya, given a guild assistant who is worthy of his rank because of his power, or rather, everyone voted on it, has the tendencies to look up in the sky. If you can’t find him anywhere, you can see him looking at the sky in an open field. That has been his habit since young, but it aren’t about to go away anytime. Whenever he does this, he’ll be so absorbed that only when you stand in his view or call to him near to him will he notice you.

Too worrying - Takuya has a tendency to worry about something more often than people normally will. He doesn't relax until he can be sure that he can relax, but if things like his guild member being bullied by other guilds, he will destroy that guild and leave no traces behind. He is feared by players outside the guild as the Black Swordsman, but he is also loved by his guild members as the one who protects them every time there's trouble.

Intense training - Takuya tends to be seen training a lot whenever before mission. He puts countless of weights on himself before going into training, and these training isn't something a normal human could handle. His superior swordsmanship comes from this and the fact that he's a professional Kendo member in his school.

-His guild-
-Peace and harmony-
-Watching the sights of children run around happily-

-People who bullies the weak ones in his guild-
-Selfish peoples-

-Monstrous strength-
-Quick reaction time-
-No hesitation-

-Being relatively careless sometime. To sum it up, an airhead-
-Too kind towards his own guild members-
-Literally doesn't wants to get involve in fights that doesn't concern his guild-

Standing at 5 feet 9 inches tall, Takuya has a jet black hair with eyes lightly coated with white, making it grey. During the game, he wears a long black coat that reaches down to his ankle, paired by a black shirt inside, a black belt and black pants. He has a light build. During his school days, he could always be seen wearing his uniform, a bluish purplish jacket with a white collar shirt inside, a light blue cross on the collar. Accented with a loose red tie, he also wears a long dark blue pants. During his free times, he would be seen wearing a simple black t-shirt and long black pants.

A bit about myself

Takuya, according to the guild master, is a strong and kind person who refuse to let harm reach his guild members, even if it means putting his own life on the line. When seen outside the guild by other players, he is pictured as ruthless and merciless. But within his humble guild, he is very different from what he was outside. He gets angry rather rarely, but is very easily angered if anything happens to his guild. He is also very calm during all kinds of situations, and tends to keep his cool. Out of game, Takuya can be the exact same. He holds his friends very dearly, and pays next to no attention to other people. People don't dare to approach because of his feared past, so that's why he is often seen alone.

As the respective leader of the Kendo club, Takuya is always being respect at school and is always receiving love letters or confessions from various girls. He turns them all down because he believes that his true love will come to him one day and it will be him in love. He has good studies and excellent athlete skills. But deep down inside, he never wanted to be respected like that. He wants to be placed at the same level as his friends. His popularity has always caused him to have no friends, and to the point where people wanted to do his bidding.

He had lived alone in his apartment as since he was young, his parents and siblings was in a care accident, leaving them in pieces. That might have been his trauma, and since then, he doesn't like to get involved with people he don't know, despite that he is famous in school and anywhere Kendo.

One strange day, when walking back to home from school, a letter was inside his room, and what came along with it was a surprise to him. A pen drive and a small piece of paper that consisted of letters. Inside it was these words:

Dear Takuya Kagamine,
We have been watching you from afar. Your name have perceived our interest. Your powers is what we need to complete our project. We are the company that created the game Yggdrasil Online, and we would like for you to join our closed beta test. You have been invited as one of the beta testers. Rejoice, as you no longer have to worry of your popularity in school. You shall be born anew, and your past sins shall be cleared. All we ask is for you to put in the game inside the pen drive we have gave you into your Nerve Visor, and upon entering the game, enter the code we have sent along with this letter, and shall have first hand experience on the game. Join now... Black Swordsman.

By CEO of Ganstepor Co.,
Helia Venson

Upon memorizing the code, he quickly and settled to his bed, and activated the game with a command. While inside the game, he entered the code, and a new form was bestowed upon to him. He reached upon the world of YggOn. It was there he met the lots of beta testers that will become major players in the current year.

With a black coat over him, a black sword in hand, he has been named as the Black Swordsman, and by the rankings of a local ranker, he was ranked the fifth most powerful beta player. His skills of Kendo paid off, and now he was known throughout the world. The CEO lied ti him. He thought that he would become more secretive in the game, but it only racked up his popularity higher. But during one of the days he was as a beta tester, a major accident happened.

It began three days before the official open of the game. The beta testers gathered to a party for congratulating the opening of their new favorite game. Something went wrong, and an NPC, clad in black robe and a long black blade, stood before them. The place became a slaughter fest. He killed every one of his friends, and he and a few others was the only survivor. He left them alive because he said they were important chess piece, but the poor terrified Takuya, with his closest friend in his hands, died as he perished into nothing. That blade killed the avatars in game, and also killed the players in real life. Takuya, with anger like no other, started rampaging on the robed man, only to be terribly overpowered by him.

Now, with the invitation of Fiona Cason, a beta tester the same as him who survived the onslaught, of joining the Dark Radiance, he accepted it and bet his entire life to protecting them, and will not let the same thing happened to him again.

[What doesn’t fit what I’ve laid out for you? Take it to here.]

So begins...

Takuya Kagamine's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takuya Kagamine Character Portrait: Yui Akiyama
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The cities are as crowded as ever. Billions of floating cars roamed the skies and the ground was filled with walking citizens. The ever so busy streets was filled with steps of the people, busy business men talking on their phone, the screaming sounds of little children excited for they shall visit next; the famous Toyz4Kidz store where they sell hundreds of toys for children. The stores and restaurants was filled by a flood of humans, and the yelling of orders echoed throughout the store. The giant bustling towns of advanced machinery eased the lives of billions of people whose work has a lot of stress placed upon them.


In this fine morning, birds chirped in the blue skies as the greetings of the workers sounded in the air. "Good morning!", "Hello.", "Nice to see you.". All the greetings followed by replies and then topics of discussions came. The children that ran around the fields, wearing a smile so rare from the past. The cows in the distant field mooed, as the farmer started gathering it's milk. In the biggest building in the middle, lies the city town hall, where soldiers with swords and spears, armors and cloths stood to guard the place. Inside the building, was a big meeting of the leaders of each city, including the ones on the two most powerful guild in their side, Lendon Alstair of Wings of Vengeance and Fiona Lenon of Dark Radiance.

"So how do we go about finding the leaders of the other side?" A question raised by one of the member in the room.
"Easy! We'll just destroy the whole damn city with him in it!" Lendon yelled out as he punched him fist into his palm.
"No. We should plan this whole thing out. We CANNOT let this fail." Fiona, raising her voice yet keeping her calm tone.
"But that'll just give them more time to destroy us! We can't let them take over us! We need to keep pushing them so they can't retaliate!" Lendon objected loudly, the scream echoed throughout the room. The other members was deep in thought, when Fiona stood up. "My guild members can take care of that. Very much will you trust them, Lendon?" Fiona asked, with a sarcastic tone. Lendon stood back. Her guild members are the one that is filled with powerful mages. Especially the Black Swordsman, Takuya. His name was known throughout the city sides as he and a few others were the only survivor of the Beta Onslaught. He quickly left the room, slamming the door hardly, as Fiona sat down with all the stares of the room locked onto her.

Takuya Kagamine

In that fresh morning of the day, the school bells rung. Takuya turned and look to find his friend, Cason, waiting for him in front of his desk. His smile wore on his face enlightened a little of his mood. Together in the school corridor they walked as the a sound beeped from his Nerve Visor. He activated it with a command of 'Open mail', and instantly, a blue visor covered his eyes and a white tab, title being Messages popped up. He inspected it. It was from Fiona, his guild leader. She asked him to go Caseus, the name of the city where the guild's main Headquarters is. He quickly closed it and waved good bye to his friend, as they separated ways. He opened up the message again, and replied using the virtual keyboard appeared that can only be seen by only him. He told her that he will be there in an hour and sent it.

As he reached home, he put in the password of his room's network, and the door unlocked with a click. He pushed the door opened and it closed by itself. He took of his shoes and walked inside the spacious room, and took a quick shower, followed by a meal prepared sooner later. He took the meal, specifically a cup noodles, and brought it to his living room and switched on the TV. Minutes later, with a quick slurp of his noodle, he drank all the remaining soup. He brought it to the kitchen and washed it, throwing it into the dustbin beside. He closed the lights and the TV, but left the fan on, as he then proceeded and slept on the couch, switching on the game with a quick command of 'Game commence'.

He dived into the virtual world, and streamed through the various amount of codes at his side. Upon passing a thin wall of codes, his avatar was switched, but the only differences was his black coat and his black blade at his back. He landed upon the wide green fields of a wide and big town and as he turned, a familiar sight came into view. The city guild walls surround the city, and the entrance was protected by the powerful magics of his guild master, Fiona's light magic barrier. He stepped inside, as if the obstacle did not happened, and made his way into the biggest building in the center. The rows of houses was familiar, but it was still a surprise to him every time he logs in the game. The past history houses looked like these, but the time he lived in, the houses were all so every different than this one.

Yui Akiyama

With a greeting by the big rising sun, she wakes up from her sleep. She was absent from class today because she was hit with a flu. She waked to her kitchen with he blanket on, and staggered along the way. She prepared porridge before hand, and now she just had to pour it into a small bowl for herself. She flicked on the light switch, and the fluorescent bulb came into life. She clicked on the TV and started drinking her porridge.

Slowly she was getting better, and so she opened the windows, with a great view of the city from above. She stretched herself and inhaled. With the let out of her breath, she went on and took a book she was currently reading and opened the page with her bookmark. Her reading speed was so fast, that she practically read a page a minute. But stopped suddenly, and placed the bookmark where she stopped reading, and placed it back into her bookshelf.

She laid on her bed, after closing the curtains and closing everything; lights, TV, stoves. She activated her password protection network, and then an alarm to warn her not to go too far with playing the game. Finally, with confirmations of everything, she commenced the launching of the game, Yggdrasil Online, with 'Game commence', and instantaneously she dived into the virtual world. She passed by the thin wall of codes, and her normal clothing of the black t-shirt and skirt was changed into a black and orange armor along with a sniper rifle behind her back, a pistol at the left waist and a blade-less handle with a glowing green circle appeared.

She landed inside the city of Gansux, the machinery town of one of the leading guild in the Scientific side, Helios Infinitum. She quickly rushed towards the entrance, where a giant door with gears visible on the door, and after a touch on the door, steams came out. Gears rolled as the door slowly opened. She stepped inside, a corridor leading towards a big spacious room can be seen. Talking and cheering can be heard from the inside, as when Yui walked a few steps after entering, the doors closed shut. Once she walked ahead into the red carpeted room, a big hall with tables and chairs, all occupied by the guild members can be seen. She quickly occupies one of the empty seats and took out her book and started reading on it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takuya Kagamine Character Portrait: Yui Akiyama Character Portrait: Rikou Fernandez
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Takuya Kagamine

Upon reaching that big building, a giant two sided door, two times his height. Before he stepped inside the door, he mumbled something which seemed to be a password. "Black Swordsman". It was his code. His title was the recognition of his entire guild, and as he stepped inside the lit hall, the members came towards and greeted him, all with their smiles on their faces. "Welcome back, Taku." A distant voice further in revealed Fiona. Her petite figure and her white dress was the most stood out feature of her. Her legs swung in the air, and Takuya slowly approached her. "What's is it, that you need me, Fiona?" He asked, replie
d with a sign signalling for him to follow her. They approached a door to the left, and it closed right after Takuya stepped in.

They followed the long empty hall, lit by the candle fires, and the hall echoed their footsteps. No longer than five minutes later, they reached a rather normal room with a giant table in the middle. It was colored red with black stripes, and once Fiona touched it, a screen popped out, showing their guild logo. It changed with a lot of tabs opening, and Fiona closed all of them, with the exception of one of them; the current frontline city of Bio Walls, Tekyou Hanamon. The largest building in the middle was categorized as the guild's position. She pointed at the walls, with a four tank lined up in order, facing its back towards the walls, hiding the generator.

"Two choice; Guard our frontline base, Cranium City or attack with WoV. Choose." She declared. Takuya waved his hands and proceeded to pointing his finger to Cranium City. "Guard. I have some business after this that I should conserve my energy first." With that as his reply, he walked back out of the room. Fiona, marking a paper beside, ticking the side that says 'Cranium'. "Should have knew." She smirked.

Yui Akiyama

With the approaching of one of her friends in game, Yui stopped reading. She looked up, and found Tessy, her closest online friend. "So, what are gonna do? About him." Tessy asked, a smile on her face. Instantly, Yui broke into blushes, as she tries to avoid the subject. "W-What are you talking, Tes?! W-Who were you talking about?!" She quickly hid her face and dragged Tessy outside and to an alleyway. "You better no tell anyone about this, or I'll skin you alive! Got that?!" She yelled out in anger, while Tessy smiled nervously. "Alright, alright. You have my promise." Yui finally calmed down, and turned away. "Thanks..."

A beeping sound rung in her ears, as she checked the time. "It's 5 already, so I have to go. See you later, Tes." She announced, and looked up towards the sky. "Make sure you don't tell anyone." With that as her last speech and 'End game' command, she logged out the game.

The visor covering sight blinked green, as the alarm went off. She had to get back up now and go cook her dinner. She shuted off her visor and placed it on her bed. She went and clicked the lights back on, lighting the whole room. She walked to her kitchen and turned the heater up. She took eggs from her fridge and broke it, the contents flowing down inside the stove. Minutes later, she made a western breakfast, although it should be dinner now, but didn't cared. She was about to go out and buy meals anyway, so this is just snacks before it. She finished the meal, washed the plates, and wore her usual clothes; a white shirt with long blue pants.

She was walking alone in the streets, next to the Taisho River, which was the biggest river in the city, when she heard a loud splash. She tried to find the splash incident, but to her surprise, none was there. She thought it was her imagination, so she brushed it off and continued towards the supermarket, when she was approached by a boy, with relatively young face.

"Miss, can you tell me what place is this, and also what is the date?"

She clicked her tongue and brought up her plain black watch. She was surprised that someone dressed like this wasn't seen by anyone, and the worst possible question was how did he not know where is this? Higomiya City is probably the best known throughout the world! Nevertheless, she answered his questions. "This is Higomiya City, and today is the fifteen of March."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takuya Kagamine Character Portrait: Robin Hawthrone
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::Robin Hawthrone::

"Deep breathes Sally, take deep breaths." Robin said to the frustrated freshman who was out of breath. Probably because Robin wasn't letting her use a bow, but making her stretch a strap. The girl couldn't even compose her breathing and stand straight. So Robin was starting from the very beginning, she was aiming to make the girl's arms stronger, she knew it was going to take long, but she loved both teaching and archery, listening to the whines and complaining of her friends were not annoying for her.

The brunette girl threw the strap away with an impatient groan. Her face was twisted with disappointment and unbelief. "Isn't this the Archery Club? Why am I trying to pull a goddamn plastic belt?!"

"Sally, you're not ready--"

"You keep saying I'm not ready Robin, when will I be ready?"

Robin wasn't sure, she would be able to pull the string of a bow in about at least one year in her condition. She named this kind of people like Sally, 'science and technology babies' in her head. They had no idea of bearing the hardships of working to achieve something they wanted, the technology has made the people lazy and weak. Robin liked to give her examples about that, the one she most liked was about throwing some of them in a classical Saw movie. See if they survive.

"Okay, here it is." She went over the huge table made from lime tree and picked up an one piece bow that could fit Sally's height and mass. Robin flashed a smart aleck grin to the petite girl and extended the wooden bow for her to take. "Try to stretch the strings now."

Sally smiled confidently and took the bow and balanced it, to see if it fitted her hand perfectly. Of course it did, Robin had picked it out for her after all, it was pretty light and easy to use!

The girl's smile started to waver after she tugged on the string on the first try. On the other hand, Robin's grin was telling the exact same thing she was thinking: "I hate to say 'I told you' but, I told you.".

The girl was exhausted after a minute of pulling.

"Why can't I pull it?" She turned to Robin, who was playing with the bow.

"I've explained it to you before softie, basically you have no strength in your bones and your muscles are all tallow. I'm trying to make them stronger."

Sally looked like she was going to cry, so Robin grinned at her and put a hand on her shoulder. "You're still a beginner Sally, don't fret yourself over it. Practicing makes it perfect." When she saw the brunette's pout she captured her in a headlock and muffled her hair. "Ch-eer up! I'm helping you!"

"Okay okay! Geez, let me go already! You win!" Sally struggled to get out of her hold but Robin was way stronger that the petite girl. She broke in laughs after a while and this made the copper haired girl let go of her.

"Soooooooo," Robin extended the word for Sally to complete what she was going to say.

"I'm not going to complain and keep practicing!" Sally picked up the strap she had threw away and strolled towards the changing room with lazy steps. Robin watched her retreating figure for a while, her brown hair was pulled in a high ponytail and her forehead was covered with a thick blanket of sweat, she was flushed and she still was panting. Robin sighed and sit on the polished wooden floor of the Archery Club's meeting room. She was having a hard time dealing with swaggy freshmans, probably because she was stressed lately. She had her university exam coming up, and there was 'that case' she had to deal with.

She waved her hand tiredly when Sally bid goodbye to her and lay on the cold floor for about fifteen minutes, watching the lime white ceiling. She was lethargic to raise her arm and push away the copper lock tickling her face, so she had wasted some time to huff it away with her breath.

She thought she was daydreaming at first, but when she noticed she couldn't move her body, she knew it was one of the visions she was having. She hated those, because she immediately forgot what she has seen when she woke up, and remembered it while she was living exact same thing she had dreamed of.


She straightened herself on her elbows, suddenly remembering her mother. She didn't keep the track of time, so who knows what time it is. She quickly got up, slightly staggering on her way to gather her things up, it took her five minutes. “Waaaaahhh!” She mumbled nervously at herself, she was late!

She opened the sliding door with accesing her student ID card to the idendity reader and dashed through the halls of the academy as soon as the door opened, She bumped one of her students and barely heard his protests. She made out “Robin” and “Calm down.”. Heck, she didn’t remember seeing the guy somewhere before, and yet it wasn’t a surprise he knew her name. Who didn’t know her anyways? Short ginger with crazy curly hair. Basicly, there was no other ginger in her school, why Lady Luck, why?

She stopped in front of her locker and took of her school shoes and took them off with one hand while the other opened the little door of her locker, she couldn’t help but gaze at inside, searching for a photo of her father. But no, none was there. They had stopped coming after she was logged on Yggdrasil Online. Robin had not logged on the game for one week to see if anything suspicious was going to happen but nada for that too. Her only regret was that she was going to be boiled by the guild leader very well. Meep.


“Muum! I’m home!” She called out for her mother after closing the door of their small apartment flat. It was cute and warm, her mum liked it especially because it was easy to keep clean. Robin admitted she was the one who dirtied their home mostly but she liked eating popcorn!

She mentally slapped herself when she remembered her mother wouldn’t be home this weekend. Surprise surprise! It was friday today! Robin wanted to became an ostrich and bury her head under soil really bad for one moment.

Robin dragged herself to her plainly decorated room and threw her schoolbag away who knows where. She hopped on her comfortable bed and started to stare at the ceiling. She was alone for two and a half day. What should I do, she thought. She had three choices.

A.) Yggdrasil Online,
B.) Studying
C.) Yggdrasil Online.

She honestly was afraid of Fiona’s temper, there, she admitted it. But there was something eating her inside out, like a really bad thing was going to happen soon. And she couldn’t face her friends if she wasn’t there and they—

Stop thinking unnecessary things, she tried to soothe herself. With a sudden decision, she got up and closed the curtains and switched the game open and making herself comfortable with the extra pillows she put under her head.

She loved the feeling when she was transferring to the virtual world, passing through many codes and numbers left a tingling sensation on her skin, switching her avatar. It was nothing different than the real her, only her hair was a shade darker, closer to crimson. Her clothes changed as well, her capri and tank top were raplaced with a simple Camelot-styled satin-cotton sea blue dress. She prefered to keep on her cloak this time.

As she materialized on a green field, Robin had a feeling that something was awfully wrong. She started praying that Fiona wouldn’t scold her THAT bad.

Don’t pray for the impossible, she remembered her mother’s advice. But it wouldn’t hurt trying right?

She turned around herself and tried to recognize the area. Ah! She thought when she felt the familiar feeling of a barrier nearby. She used it as a compass and reached the familiar city. She smiled with nostalgia but shivered as she thought nostalgia was particular to old people.

She made her way towards the city and furrowed her eyebrows, the bad sensation on her belly had started to increase. But she didn’t stop walking and watched the cloudy sky, hoping it would calm her down.

Passing through the strong light barrier, she noted that it was strong, stronger than it was before. Something was happening. She was considering strolling around the city and hanging around with other players but the feeling was telling her to go to the headquarters directly.

She obeyed it this time. When she was in front of the entrance of the overly huge building she looked around with a ‘cat’ look plastered on her face. She had to say her entry password on loud andâ€ĻWhat kind of nickname and password was “Frizzly”?! Frizzly for goodness’ sake!

When she was sure no one was looking at her, she muttered “Frizzly” under her breath and had to repeat it louder because her voice wasn’t strong enough for the sensor.

When the gigantic doors of Dark Radiance headquarters opened for her, all the heads turned on her and she got into a silent staring competition with the guild members.

After a while she scratched her neck awkwardly and managed to say “Yo, been a long time!”

There was no way that Fiona couldn’t have noticed her.



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takuya Kagamine Character Portrait: Ruka Kaname Character Portrait: Yui Akiyama Character Portrait: Robin Hawthrone
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Takuya Kagamine

He walked out the candle lit room. The door that closed behind him once before, swung open right when he took a step towards it. The guild members all kept on chatting, some came and asked what did Takuya chose. "Cranium. I'll leave the battle up to you, youngsters." He said, smirking. That reply left the questioned members into a slight depression. His skills in a battle was unmatched, and any enemy stood in his way was all tore to pieces with his empowered Void Magic. But it was all going to be wasted, as his liking to not participate any invasions brought down the chances of successful invasions.

Takuya was reaching his way towards the giant door, attempting to exit again, when a message tab came into view. He opened the mail, and a message, stating 'From Fiona' left him questioned. "If you found these two girls, bring them to the conference room. I have something to ask them. Of course, you're coming too." is what was written in the message. He raised his hand, turning around, figuring out who was who, and the only two that he didn't recognize came into view. He replied the message with an 'Okay', and left to bring these two girls; Ruka Kaname and Robin Hawthrone, to the conference room he was in before.

Upon entering into their 'personal space', Takuya raised a hand and greeted them. He smiled and waited for a response, before adding in, "So are you two Ruka Kaname and Robin Hawthrone? Nice to meet you, I'm Takuya."

Wings of Vengeance

The leader, Lendon Alstair, was cheering and laughing, drinking beer. The members was all drunk except for him, as his toleration for alcohol was very good, and thus he was the one left out being not drunk. The guild had celebrated for the success of the latest invasion towards Galuna, the obstruction of the invasion towards Tekyou Hanamon, and a relieve party for the upcoming invasion. They were now currently in Galuna, where the city was filled with hole in walls and grounds, and the citizens all hid in their houses until the wall is fixed, as they were programmed to do so.

Lendon walked out to the balcony, and stared at the full moon hanging upon the dark blue sky. He leaned head-first onto the fence, and took another sip of his beer. He decided to inform everyone in Wings of Vengeance guild, to meet up at right here, and have a conference on the decisions of the forces, splitting the guild into two. He wrote the message rather quick and short, it being, "Come to Galuna Inn. We will have a conference on TekHa invasion. NO EXCUSES.". He sighed, and took another giant sip of his beer, waiting for the members to gather around.

Bio Walls

In a dim room lit by a table lamp, Astru Rendos sat in his chair, thinking of something. He let down his hands that was placed below his nose, and took a feather pen. He started writing something on a blank sheet of paper. It was more or less his habit from the real world, and what he wrote are mostly diaries, novels or letters. He's a real good writer, but he always avoids the praise by saying he's not good enough, but in truth, he just wanted to avoid the consequence if he did get famous; being not able to hang out with his friends in Yggdrasil Online. He valued friendship over anything, and would do anything to protect them or their friends too. Thus the style of Bio Walls was known; Protect and protect.

Minutes later after writing, a knock on the door was hear. "Come in, Margaret." The door slid open with a 'shh', and a women in a formal blue uniform walked in. She took the paper on her arms, and handed it over to Astru. He took the paper and checked it with a glance, and placed the paper down. He looked back up to Margaret for a moment before standing up aand pacing towards the window beside, his hands behind him. He looked at the white moon shining on Norais, the city of research labs.

The city was on top of a hill, with the only entrance being the foot of the mountain, and a huge green sphere, also called as force fields, covered the roof. It was made so that it could look transparent from the inside, and rock solid on the outside. The buildings are all organized neatly, but only two to three houses are in line. The others are all filled with machinery and weapons, standing a few inches below the houses. The city wasn't called the city of research labs for nothing. It was a dangerous bet to focus researches on one city, as if the enemy DO manage to enter the force field, they would abandon the place and self-destruct it. The researches the place left behind will be powerful enough to destroy the force field from inside, and spread a bit further, so the enemy will be destroyed in minutes.

Astru turned to Margaret, and gave her an order. "Go gather everyone here. We must have an discussion to protect our frontline base, Tekyou Hanamon. I will not allow for excuses like unable to come. Everyone present MUST come." Margaret nodded, and walked her way out the room. Astru turned back to the moon, almost as if admiring it. "We have to act faster. We don't have much time."

Helios Infinitum

Yastin Cason, alone in his tracks, stands in the middle field of dead bodies. He huffed and huffed, until he finally caught his breath to make another command. "Last round. Level ten. Fifty minutes." He readied his stance, as suddenly, a thousands of millions of human soldiers appeared and they all charged at him with their spears, swords, axes. With a swift move of his leg, he raised his double pistol, and pulled half of his body back. Spears stabbed past his side ways body, and they let out a surprised face. "Eat this." Emphasizing the last word, and pulled the trigger. The bullets hit the soldiers one by one, a line formed, but was then filled again by the soldiers at the side. He yelled to the top of throat, aiming his gun at every face he can see and pulling the trigger every time a face was aimed. "DIE, YOU FUCKING ASSHOLES!"

An hour later, the soldiers was all dead, on the ground. A giant 3D sign floated in the middle, as Yastin dropped to his knees, and sat back down later. The 3D sign was a floating warning of the ending of something, then suddenly, the wide battlefield filled with millions of dead soldiers disappeared as a thin white force field ran through over the entire place. What appeared after was a big metallic room with a room on top. A person inside raised a thumbs up, replied by Yastin's tired middle finger facing at the man.

That man was Rensus Sen. He claimed that he was Yastin's best friend, but his attitude towards him is really something that isn't friends, but more of enemy. They sat down on a bench in the city park, and Yastin gulped down liters of water from the plastic bottle. "Boy, that was refreshing." He let out a 'phew', then he turned to his huge friend. "What's my points?" He asked, wiping the sweat of his face. "98.67. Still at the top, followed by the Cool Beauty. She is still a 0.01 percent lower than you." Yastin clicked his tongue. Yui had the same fast shooting skills as him, but her reliance on snipers is what made her the second top of the rankings. Yastin stood back up and stretched his body. "Time to go and hold that useless conference. Not like we have any point on holding it, since I just know that everyone will join in the main force." He smirked, and send a message to everyone in the guild, telling them to gather at Hexion City for a conference. His showed his proud stance to Rensus, and he laughed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takuya Kagamine Character Portrait: Ruka Kaname Character Portrait: Robin Hawthrone
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0.00 INK

Ruka turned to Takuya, you could see how irate she was at the moment. Ruka couldn't help, but make this expression since there is so much tension in the air, Ruka felt sick to her stomach, "Yes, what do you want", Ruka said this in the coldest tone possible. She didn't know who she was talking to, and forgot her manners. Ruka thought for a second...Takuya Where have I heard this name before? Its been such a long time that I have forgotten? Takuya...Takuya... Oh! Takuya Kagamine, that's Fiona's special soldier. Ruka stared at him for a while, a smirk formed on her lips,"So your the young man Fiona had her eyes on, interesting". Ruka stared up at him,"So my first question still stands. What do you want"? Ruka still didn't like the fact he was in her personal space, but he must ave a good reason...right? Then it hit her, Ruka started to get a very uncomfortable feeling, which was making her dizzy,"Please don't tell me Fiona sent you".


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takuya Kagamine Character Portrait: Ruka Kaname Character Portrait: Robin Hawthrone
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Takuya Kagamine

"So my first question still stands. What do you want?"

"Please don't tell me Fiona sent you."

"In fact, yes. She did. She just needs you two to choose either guarding Cranium; the city of the target of invasion of Helios assisted by Bio, or join up with main attack force with Wings on Tekyou; the target city of our invasion. She is probably not gonna lecture you. She won't have the time to, anyway." He shrugged, as he smiled an expression real light. He knew that they were probably afraid of Fiona's scoldings. He experienced it; it wasn't as nice as it sounds. That huge bright figure behind her every time she gets angry is so terrifying, that the members called her a monster; albeit no offence, just a statement. It was true, though, that she was a monster. That beta test zone was completely obliterated by her excessive magic power, and boy, was she strong. She isn't appointed a leader for no reason. "I just need you two to follow me. Don't be scared nor shy; the guild ain't gonna bite you." He laughed at his own joke.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takuya Kagamine Character Portrait: Ruka Kaname Character Portrait: Robin Hawthrone
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:: Robin Hawthrone ::

"So are you two Ruka Kaname and Robin Hawthrone? Nice to meet you, I'm Takuya."

As soon as she heard the voice she jumped away three steps away from him. She would never admit she was surprised -and she wasn't paying attention to her surroundings- what shocked her the most was, the boy knew her name. She had never told her name to anyone, she was Frizzy. And he had called Platinum Angel "Ruka". Beautiful name for a beautiful girl, she couldn't help but thinking. And the boy in front of her was all black. Hair, outfit, his eyes. Nope, his eyes were actually were between black and grey and he looked very thin, almost slender. He had a smile on his face and he looked rather plain, not that absolutely handsome but a mighty aura of charisma was streaming from him. She stood there for moment, merely staring at the guy and trying to understand what was going, not noticing the looks she was getting.

Guild members were whispering to each other, and finally she could get out of her thoughts and the alarm bulbs in her head lighted up. This was Black Swordsman, the monstrous airhead, or at least she heard something like this about him she didn't exactly remember. He always was the leader of Dark Radiance guild when they were clashing with Helios Infinitum, his techniques and fighting skills were peerless and unrivaled, Robin herself didn't witness that, because she would be always behind and doing hit-and-run attacks and would be using Jedi from afar, shooting the opposing team and automatically logging them off the game. She had two main ideas galloping in her head now;

1.) Only Fiona knew the members' real names.
2.) This guy and Fiona were pretty close!

"I'm screwed!" She groaned and glanced at Platinum Angel, slapping her forehead. "She's searching for me right? Okay, Black Swo-- I mean, Takuya, nice to meet you too, you seem like an awesome guy I heard you were amazing at fighting. That's not the point! Look, can you say sorry to Fiona for me, I'm not that brave to face her yet, I had things to do! I was really busy, did something bad happen? I hope I can help, I volunteer! I'm not Katniss Everdeen, what am I talking about, but hey--"

She didn't notice Ruka and he started talking in the middle of her blabbing. She finally realized what he had said.

"What? She is gonna bite me! I expect her to do exactly that!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takuya Kagamine Character Portrait: Ruka Kaname Character Portrait: Robin Hawthrone
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Ruka Kaname

"I just need you two to follow me. Don't be scared nor shy; the guild ain't gonna bite you." He laughed at his own joke.

"What? She is gonna bite me! I expect her to do exactly that!"

Ruka sighed at Takuya,"Another useless war, can't anybody think of something better to do"?

Ruka didn't enjoy wars, that doesn't mean she wouldn't partake in one, it just means she rather not fight in it, knowing she would meet people she didn't want to meet. Also Ruka's obsession would come out, Ruka got a shiver up her spine just thinking of the fact if she went to fight blood would be everywhere. A smile came on her lips,then she quickly hid it. Shit! It happened again! This always happened during the time war was coming and it upset Ruka to no end, her obsession was making Ruka angry at herself.

She heard Robin's outburst, and Ruka couldn't help but laugh at her expression. It was a mixture of fear and anxiety, Robin looked like a rabbit who was just caught between two bear traps. "Your picture of Fiona is quite funny". She said to Robin, warmly.

She looked at Takuya and nodded,"Okay, I'll go with you", she started to follow Takuya.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takuya Kagamine Character Portrait: Ruka Kaname Character Portrait: Robin Hawthrone
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:: Robin Hawthrone ::

"Your picture of Fiona is quite funny". She said to Robin, warmly.

She looked at Takuya and nodded,"Okay, I'll go with you", she started to follow Takuya.

Robin's jaw dropped and she stared at their backs and nearly lost them in the crowd. She quickly followed and bumped into some members and immediately apologized to them. Didn't they had some mercy, her legs were so short that Robin was about to think she had Hobbit blood running in her veins.

"Wait up! You extraordinary tall people!" She yelled after them. They're fearless I tell you, she said practically to no one in her head. They stopped and waited for her to catch up with them.

"I'm sorry," Takuya said, a guilty look on his face. "I thought you were following us."

"I was following but," She angrily pointed her legs. "These are not helping at all."

Ruka giggled again, causing Robin to think if she was that funny. Takuya smiled and shrugged, "We'll try walking slowly then."

You bet, Robin thought. Wish I had your legs while running away from Fiona.

"So we got to choose between protecting Cranium and pursuing Helios Infinitum. This is a simple decision, so why is Fiona calling us?" Ruka asked with a sharp tone to Takuya, who was trying to slow his steps down. Robin was skipping while they were walking slowly. She remembered Takuya saying Fiona didn't have time to scold them, perhaps she was planning a serious thing so she needed them to discuss her strategy out? Robin didn't know.

"Is this battle going to be 'different' than the others?" She glanced at Takuya, "What is going on exactly?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takuya Kagamine Character Portrait: Ruka Kaname Character Portrait: Siobhan Annex Character Portrait: Robin Hawthrone Character Portrait: Nathan Reed Character Portrait: Loki Akatsuki
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0.00 INK

Takuya Kagamine

"Is this battle going to be 'different' than the others?" She glanced at Takuya, "What is going on exactly?"

Takuya looked back at her. He also wondered why was this battle different than usual. He shook his head and turned towards the door. "I don't know either. They said that it was the frontline city, and that if it falls, we'll be overrun by the smaller guilds on the other side. They said that they should take this chance and charge into the enemy's frontline base." He opened the door and hushed them inside after.

They walked along in the candle lit hallway, and when they've reached the room, it was rather plain and normal. Fiona stood behind the table that projected the screen floating on top. "Seems like she's busy figuring a strategy." He whispered to them, and walked a bit forward, to the side. "There. The two you needed for me to find." Fiona then turned back at them. "Oh, so you're here." She quickly closed the floating tab, and opened another one. It was a list of probably over 1000 members, but she somehow shortened it to the only two names who was already here in the room; Ruka Kaname 'Platinum Angel' and Robin Hawthrone 'Frizzly'. It had two column, one being 'Cranium' and the other 'Tekyou'. "Pick one. Protect Cranuim or charge ahead into battle with Wings on Tekyou."

Helios Infinitum - Lendon Alstair

Yastin spun around in his chair for quite a while now, his body all tired. That training program his members invented were both a great help and a great lot of strain on his body. 98.67 percent if something a normal human cannot possess, and even though he's really powerful, he's still human. It wasn't long before he decided to stop spinning and was about to get up when a voice through the speaker stopped him. "Mister Yastin Cason, sir!" The voice of a soldier came out next. Yastin raised one of brows and replied him. "What's the problem?" He sat there silently for a while, with noises of orders in the background of the speaker echoed throughout the room.

"A man came and said that he came here for work. He said that we sent three soldiers to assassinate him, but he tortured them to death after that. he also said that we're next if we don't let him in. Snipers are already stationed within the walls, and they are ready to fire whenever you give the command. Orders, sir?" The voice asked as he panted after that. Yastin was interested who this man was, and to find out who defiled the name of Helios. He stood back up, and pulled out his trusty double pulse pistol. "I'll go and deal with him. Any suspicious movement from him, and it's bullets he'll eat. Got that?" He asked, wearing his black gloves. "Yes, sir!" The voice died out next after, and Yastin proceeded to the entrance of the guild building.

Sooner after, Yastin finally arrived. The man stood in front of the gate. Snipers all aimed accurately at him, following the orders of their leader. Yastin stepped forward and raised his hands, signaling the snipers to hold their attack. He placed them down and patted the man's shoulders. "Are you the mercenary I've been hearing of? The White Reaper?" He laughed at his own joke. He already knew that this man here was the mercenary, but he just wanted to lighten up the mood. "Come, let us go to my office. We'll talk things out there." He hushed for the man to follow him.

"You come to my office too, Ashron. I have some business to talk to you with." He spoke out of nowhere. He was actually talking to his second-in-command, Ashron Gregmier aka 'Loyal Servant'. He was Yastin's other closest friend who often hanged out him and Rensus, so he mostly entrusts boring things like filling documents and planning out strategies to him. "Alright. Will head there first." Ashron replied with a rather mature voice. "That's my trusty tool for expelling boredom, Loyal Servant." Yastin laughed as the voice from beside rang again. "I ain't your tool, nor do I expel boredom. These work need to be delicately handled and one wrong step, the entire guild might fall. Please. Don't take these as boredom; do your job as a guild leader well." Ashron argued. Yastin suddenly laughed extremely loudly and continued fighting with Ashron.

Inside the room awaited a man in a long blue coat with a black light armor on the inside and a long pants with gun holders. He wore glasses and a face palm was followed when Yastin laughed. "Please, sit down." Once the White Reaper sat down, Yastin introduced himself. "Names Yastin. Yastin Cason. And that blue guy over there is Ashron." He said, pointing at the obviously angered Ashron. "I'm not just some blue guy. I'm your god damn secretary." Ashron walked a bit forward and push his glasses up higher. "Fucking annoying guild leader. Anyway, my name is Ashron Gregmier. You can call me Ash, nice to meet you." He introduced himself.

"Okay, back to subject." Yastin sat down on his chair. "What is it that you need to come to us for work
? I hope it's not killing others. We don't do stuff like that, unlike WoVs."

Helios Infinitum - Lendon Alstair| Different time

A knock on the door turned Lendon's gaze of boredom from his eyes to the door. Lendon actually knew who it was, but he always wished it was someone new. "Hey Lendon, Guess who!" Lendon's expression turned even worse, this time with a sigh. "What do you need, Loki?" He asked, placing his palms on his face.

Wings of Vengeance - Galuna Inn

The members all chatted loudly and openly, laughing here and there when the opening of a door by Siobhan Annex stopped their chatting. Most of them continued, and that left Siobhan unnoticed by anyone. A man ran over to her, and greeted her. "Hey! You came!" He's voice was rather... young, and he was quite the shorty; even shorter than Siobhan. His smile was like that of an innocent child, and he looked at Siobhan with a wide smile. "Oh, I haven't introduced myself yet, have I?" He took a few steps back. "My name is Ken Amada. Nice to meet you." He grabbed Siobhan's hands suddenly, and hushed her to follow him. "C'mon! We'll have you meet with the leader. He needs to talk with everyone about something."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takuya Kagamine Character Portrait: Ruka Kaname Character Portrait: Robin Hawthrone Character Portrait: Loki Akatsuki
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0.00 INK

Ruka Kaname
It had two column, one being 'Cranium' and the other 'Tekyou'. "Pick one. Protect Cranuim or charge ahead into battle with Wings on Tekyou."

Ruka gave a soft sigh,"Either way, we still have to fight", Ruka couldn't help but laugh at her own complaint.

Attack or Stay...Ruka wasn't a fan of crowded areas, and being here would just crowd her, so she knew which one she would chose.

"I'll go and fight with the Wings".

It wasn't until a second later after the words had already came out of her mouth, that she had felt a clod chill over her, causing her spine to shiver.

And at that moment Ruka couldn't help, but feel somewhat regretful of her words. Ruka knew she couldn't show her fear, and keep her face blank of expression.

Yet even with no emotion you could see that her face was paler then usually in the candle-light room.

Before Ruka could stop herself, she had asked in a monotone voice," If I am allowed to know who will be going into battle from WoV"?

Ruka knew this was a personal question that shouldn't have been asked,but something inside of her wanted to know, or at least she wanted to make sure of the feeling she had inside.

" Is the Angel of Mischief going to be in the battle"?

Loki Akatsuki
Lendon's expression turned even worse, this time with a sigh. "What do you need, Loki?" He asked, placing his palms on his face.

Loki opened the door with a quick motion, a mischievous smile played on his lips as he entered the room.

The door closed loudly causing an echo which made Lendon groan angrily.

Loki pulled up a chair and sat beside Lendon facing him, Loki took a few minutes to observe Lendon's condition.

"You look tired, has this war made you so distracted, that you don't even have the time to glare at me".

Lendon would always smile or become irate at Loki's comments, but for the first time he showed no sign of emotion, which caused Loki to become upset and mad.

"First Ruka and know You! Both of you are making my day miserable. How am I supposed to cause you torment, when something other then me is doing that to you already"? Lendon didn't even move.

"Maybe I should just end this war myself,so I can get the old Lendon back".

At that moment Loki saw a small flinch come from Lendon,which caused him to smile happily," How about this, if I fight in the war, you have to get me something I really want".

Loki was spinning around in the chair as he said this, he soon stopped to face Lendon staring him down with his strong gaze,which even gave Loki a shiver.

Lendon glared at him, as if he was the cause of all his worries, as if he already knew the answer.

Loki felt special inside, knowing that Lendon was glaring at him,"You know what I want. I want her. I want Platinum Angel at least for one day, and I will fight".


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takuya Kagamine Character Portrait: Ruka Kaname Character Portrait: Robin Hawthrone
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0.00 INK

:: Robin Hawthrone ::

It had two column, one being 'Cranium' and the other 'Tekyou'. "Pick one. Protect Cranuim or charge ahead into battle with Wings on Tekyou."

Wheeew, no scolding. This was her lucky day after all, but there was this little thing bothering her. Why gathering all of the players -well, the most of them- here for a question like this? Robin couldn't understand the woman at times, her mode changed so easily, she was smiling and fuming at the same time. Short ginger girl didn't notice she was eating her nails until her teeth made contact with her flesh, neither she noticed she was the silent one till she heard Ruka's laugh.

"Either way, we still have to fight"

Yep, fighting and more fighting. In the midst of this all, she was slowly forgetting her real reason for joining this fuss. Playing with the sleeves of her dress, she stared at the column her name had placed on. If she went to Tekyou, maybe she could find him, just maybe. He was a man who loved science very much, he could be a member of Bio Walls or Helios Infinitum. But there was the probability that he was going to attack Cranium while Robin was going to be attacking Tekyou, as well.

What was she going to do?

"I'll go and fight with the Wings"

Robin turned to Ruka with a 'whoosh', her hair swished around her and her locks jumped up and down for a while as she stared at her. Platinum Angel was clearly the fighter and brave type, but why was she pale while her face was emotionless? Robin became more confused than the usual when she asked about "Angel of Mischief". What kind was that? She stopped and thought for a while, fidgeting and tapping her foot to the ground. Then she remembered the stories of mythology her mother hummed to her when she was a child...In the Greek Mythology, god of mischief was probably Hermes, which was a 'guy'...There was one in the Norse Mythology too, "Loki.", which she knew from Marvel series. Bingo!

"A-ha!" She said with a grin, snapping her middle finger and thumb together. "'If I was your boyfriend, I'd never let you gooooo~!'" She sang playfully and her grin grew wider and wider as the seconds passed. "I get you, Ruka, are you unsecure to go to the battle without your boyfriend eh? I perfectly understand you!"

Maybe with teasing her, she could gain more time to decide what she was going to do. May Loki help her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alice Naida Character Portrait: Takuya Kagamine Character Portrait: Yui Akiyama
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(Alright! People start posting!)

Helios Infinitum

In the hall of the main guild building, where countless of guild members gathered and chatted. That once spacious room is now filled with the lines and rows of members in armors and cloths. The tables were all moved to the sides, stacked up to the roof. The windows on top shone back down on the room, and more specifically the leader on stage, Yastin Cason, in his battle suit. The noises that filled the room immediately crumbled as Yastin raised his hand, palm facing them. "So now we are about to go into the battle of Cranium and Tekyou, so right after this, I will have two of my most trustworthy soldiers to brief you on the objectives." He fixed his breath and inhaled a whole lot, before finally yelling, "Let's do this, soldiers!" The soldiers all cheered and two men started to separate the whole group into two. One at the front of the stage, one at the back. Soldiers from the entrance also started to pour in, seeing as they are the Bio Walls members that decided to join main attack force, and the ones at the back started marching they way out towards Norais.

Bio Walls

In the biggest research lab at Norais, all the members gathered up in lines and sat in their chairs placed out for them. It was lined up by a long column of 8 and a row of more than 12. One by one, the members sat on every one of them, chatting with their friend members and couples or whatnot. Margaret came towards the stage first, and adjusted the microphone on it. Later, she took a step to the side, and behind, from the stairs, was Astru Rendos, in his seemingly battledsuit. The voices all stopped and looked at the commander in stage. He patted the microphone, as he saw more armored men coming in from the entrance. They all took the chairs themselves and all their focused eyes locked onto the commander. With the raise of his voice, the silence broke.

"So now, we gathered here for the briefing of the upcoming invasion from those magician bastards, and their target is Tekyou, the frontline base of our guild." As he yelled, a giant screen reflected onto the gigantic wall behind him. The points are all being pointed out as he announced. "This is the five points's location, and each of you members will spread out and guard each of of them." He announced, as five points, including the main one, appeared into these points. Two points were centered at a building that can be only entered from the third building from the top most left, one point was set in the intersection of the middle street, one point had itself stationed on the top most tower in the South, and the main command point, was somehow hidden from the screen, giving out an unknown name. "I will send Margaret to retrive the members involved in guarding the main point, so everyone can go on and separate yourself into the groups of defending the points. There is no need on briefing to the sub points." With that, Astru ended his speech and walked off.

Defending force

As Margaret gathers the few soldiers appointed to guard the main command point, some, or two, were familiar faces. "So, the leader chose Yui and Naida." She smirked and turned her gaze back towards the paper on her hand. She passed it to the other few, namely only Yui, Naida, Jason, Ken, Ren, Jin, Ho and Darren. They were the few top best in both Helios and Bios, and now they had chosen to defend Tekyou. The papers they received, was the perspective roles of each member. "I have laid out the roles for each of you. These are the ones that suit you the best in this defense mission, so please." She placed her hands on her head, her other free arm supporting it. "Don't get into fights and lose the main point." As she said that, Jason and Jin knocked their heads together, eyes signaling that they don't like each other. Ken and Ren followed, but they sat back at the chairs while staring at each other with disgusts. Ho and Darren are particularly the peacemaker of these two group. They are both good friends, and they hung out a lot together. "Please don't fight." Darren begged. "Yeah, please. Don't make this mission a fail." Ho tried to convince them. Yui and Naida both sat alone in their seats, eyes locking onto the sheet they held. "I'm the sniper, eh?" She mumbled under her breath. She turned to Naida, curious to see what she ended up in.

Attacking Force

Once the decided members lined up and the Bio Walls members following, the man in front clapped his hand. A floating screen appeared out of the device he pulled out from his pocket and placed it on the ground. There, a picture of a city surround by gigantic cannon-like objects. Those were the pulse cannons, lined up in a circular formation and surround the city. The picture was captured by a camera from above, disguised as birds. Cranium city was famous for their 360 pulse cannons, and the fact that it was once the city of Helios made them more agitated. "As you can see, they will be guarding this city, and in a 360 degree, the will spread in an organized form." He circled around the walls of the city. Suddenly, small red spots started appearing in a form that is very organized, as if planned by a very smart leader. It all stood both in front and inside of the city, and a particular circle stood in front of the many small red spots on the entrance. A pointer, with a name that was on top of the line, was shown. The name, 'Black Swordsman'. "As you can see, the Black Swordsman will be there, at the battlefield entrance." And as he announced that fact, the members started to hesitate. They were all talking about how they would go to the defense force but the man in front stopped them. "Wait." He changed the screen into a picture of an underground system.

It lined in a big entrance, with rocky textures and steel posts supporting the hole and a big blue device was edited into the middle end of it. This is the underground system of Cranium. It was known to have the biggest size compared to other underground systems, and it had only one gigantic entrance. "This is the underground path of Cranium. It was a picture we took back then when took over the city. Can't believe it was actually used for this purpose." He smirked, and shook his head. "Anyway, back to briefing." he said, as the picture returned back to the bird's eye view of the whole city. "The underground one is the main command point for the Cranium, as everyone knows. The five sub points are the North building, by the lab. The South building, the store near the entrance. The West building, at the fifth floor of the hotel. The East building, the public pool. The final one is at the top floor of this tower. The heart of the city, the bird's eye view and the building on top of the main command point." He pointed at the long tower overlooking the whole city. "This tower is the main command center, meaning most members will be here, so we'll have to concentrate part of our forces to here." He said, and then he closed the screen.

"Your job." He said seriously. "To conquer all these points with the logo data uploaded to your Visor drives. So just wirelessly connect the point with your Visor, and have it do the rest. That's it. Now, march onwards to victory, soldiers!" He added, as the members inside started to pour back outside and grabbed their weapons.

Timeskip to battle (Please do reply to the ones in the attacking force and defending force)

Right outside the city of Cranium, outposts and camps were built. Soldiers ran around, screaming orders and commanders giving out commands. There, Yastin stood alone in the middle of the camp. Soldiers all came to and ran from him, shooting questions at him and replying like machine guns, until a moment after, his two best friend, Rensus and Astron, came. They patted him on the shoulder and helped answering questions the soldiers asked. Moments after it stopped. Yastin led them both to his tent, and had them sat side by sides with him. "So, when are we gonna attack?" Rensus raised the first question. "Anytime now. After the preparation is done, we can start anytime, without an order." Astron replied, breaking off Yastin's wanting to reply. Yastin quickly strangled his neck and told him not to interrupt his answers. He stopped and stepped back into his chair. "That's basically it, Rensus. Now, you two are gonna charge into battle like idiots." Yastin quickly laughed at his joke, slamming his palms on the table beside. Rensus and Astron both looked at him sarcastically. While he was laughing, they plotted something and went back to normal. Suddenly, a soldier came rushing in. He saluted before stating his business. "Sir Yastin , sir Rensus and sir Astron! We have already finished the preparation, now we just need someone to start the battle." The trio nodded, and the soldier ran off outside, followed by the constant yelling of the captains. Yastin took the glove beside him and wore it, and Rensus pulled out his gigantic pulse machine gun. Astron was the first to step outside, and the soldier was all in rows and lines, already prepared for the upcoming battle. The trio step in front of the all, and with the yell of a single command, they all charged.

"Let's go!"

The thousands of soldiers all spread outside the city, and they surrounded it. They all stood in ordered lines and the commanders are still screaming to the top of their throats even at here. Typically, the ones guarding the main point were all already brief on their needs, and is now on their guarding point. Ken, Ren, Jason and Jin are still on their normal behaviors; fighting each other while still restricting themselves from destroying the building and Darren and Ho is still playing the peacemakers. Yui and Naida, on the other hand, stayed at their positions without giving a care to the fight. Yui took up her sniper and polished it with her cloth, and the same went for her other weapons. She mumbled something under her breath, before placing her sniper rifle to the window beside her. She toyed around with her sniper, trying to check whether it's functioning properly, and when she stopped and yelled something, the others all quickly went into battle stations. Darren picked up his pulse saber, Ho pulled out a pulse bow and arrow, Ken and Ren both held the same pulse launcher and Jason and Jin each took double pistols. Yui quickly clicked a button beside her sniper, and yells started. She told the others something that made them pulled they guards up;

"There they come."

Wings of Vengeance

The muscle-head leader of the guild, Lendon Alstairs, drank his beer as he waited for more and more members to pour into the big room. Fortunately, Galuna Inn had provided a room spacious enough to hold that many magicians in one city. But, the offside is, the room was darker, plus with all the people breathing the same air as each other, they might feel uncomfortable or even trapped. Luckily, ice magicians were here too 'cool' the place down. With a giant clap of the muscled leader, the noise that echo throughout the room immediately died, and all stares were switched to Lendon. He sat back down on the chair behind him, and his short speech started. "So, now we are here, to gather for the invasion of those dumb Scientific and get back our once rightful city, Tekyou Hanamon." He stood back up and grabbed a beer that someone brought him. "So now, let's fight back, and give them our best!" He thrust the beer towards them. "This is Wings of Vengeance, and they will learn not to mess with guild!" The magicians all cheered, and someone took over Lendon's speech, leaving Lendon no choice but to sit in one corner and continue drinking.

Dark Radiance

In that similar hall where the conference was held, hundreds of guild members gathered, and only few came in from the entrance. Fiona sat atop a table to make her feel higher, and when the last member to walk out the hall, she broke the silence in the air with her cute petite voice. "Hello, everyone. This is Fiona Lenon, your guild master of Dark Radiance, and a perspective light user." She said, but the silence only came flowing back into the hall. "Alright, so we'll be having a briefing on the defending of Cranium, and honestly, the Scientific assholes have no idea who they're up against with. This briefing was only created just so I can guide you to defend which point and where are them, but honestly, I don't care." Small laughter of the members filled the air, and Fiona continued. "You can all just separate yourselves and guard one point, not that I care, but Takuya over here, is gonna do the front lines." She pointed to the swordsman sleeping in his seat. "Don't bother waking him up. He's just too relaxed for the upcoming battle." She said, more laughter filled the air. "Okay, okay, let's stop it. Now, all I want you all to do, is to guard the places with your lives. I'm not gonna separate you into groups or whatnot, but the most important we need is teamwork!" She yelled, and the cheers of the magicians all followed, filling the room with screams and whistles. The members all started to march out the room and chatted all their way towards Cranium.

Attacking Force

The man stood above the stage, and blabbered out commands on the magicians. His speech was rather short, and it was boring as well. "Now, we're about to attack Teyou Hanamon, and we're not about to stop now." He said. Some of the magicians were already asleep, and some were on the verge of charging outside. But the resisted it. It was hard, but they resisted it, to respect the magician on the stage. "We're just gonna charge our way towards the city and we will show them no mercy!" That last part actually motivated the members, as they all cheered loudly. The marched their way outside, but a bang was heard when they did. The boring magician who made the speech just now was send flying to the wall by Lendon, accused for being boring, and the members all laughed, seeing that Lendon has a habit of doing that. He quickly rushed his way to the front of the marching magicians, and led his way towards Tekyou Hanamon.

Timeskip to battle (Please do reply to the ones in the attacking force and defending force)

The magicians all marched their ways towards their target city, and it wasn't long 'till they finally saw a tall tower in sight. They all chatted, making jokes, some with serious faces, some with worrying eyes, but nonetheless, the leader's bashful attitude had them all relaxed as his power is not something to underestimate, even to the ones at the Scientific side. The soldiers that stood in the walls all quickly noticed their presence and they all lifted their weapons up, pointing at the marching group. With the magic of the one caster, the battle was officially started, and it will quickly turn into a slaughter of these two sides and a huge blast of fireball was the trigger.

A lone black swordsman stood in front of the other magicians, all tailing behind him, as he took a yawn. He stretched his arms and and sat back down on the ground. He commanded for the magicians to relax, which they did not, and instead they walked a few steps further towards the battlefield. A man came and stood beside him, lending him a hand to stand up. Takuya accepted it, and brushed off the dirt on his pants. "So, you're really gonna lead the battle? I thought you don't care about these?" The man asked. His voice was not all that matured, but it was a 100% sure that it was someone the same age as Takuya. He was in a full body armor, with the helmet covering his face, a cape with his guild's logo on it, and a blade at his left waist. He pulled his helmet up, and to Takuya's surprise, it was Cason, his school friend who'd often walk him to school and back to home from school. Takuya quickly patted Cason's armored shoulder, and a 'clank' was heard. "Yo! You were here? I thought you had a family outing to Teison? Are you back?" He asked, a smile forming on his face. Cason replied with a nervous smile and pretended to scratch the back of his head. "Well, a lot happened, but I'm back! So now le-" His greeting was quickly interrupted, as the cheers from the opposing side was heard, and firstly, a pulse bullet was shot, commencing the battle. "No time to talk! Let's end this battle quickly and have lunch at McD!" Cason yelled, as he shoved Takuya first into battle. He staggered for a bit, but quickly gained his balance after. He pulled out his blade, and signaled for the battle to start; with a huge wave created from a slice created by his blade.

"Let's go, everyone!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takuya Kagamine Character Portrait: Yui Akiyama Character Portrait: Robin Hawthrone
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(OOC Note: Oh my god, such a long post. >.< Anyway, we're going forward into out first plot (Yay ^.^).)

Takuya Kagamine

That one swing of his attack ignited the battle, as hundreds of magicians and soldiers rage on into battle, and one by one, soldiers and magicians all disappear. Blue and red colored codes floats in the air, as Takuya did absolutely nothing but stood in his place, the magicians still all rushing by his side. Explosions occurred, but he dismissed it as a result of Explosion Magic. The battle was something Takuya had hoped not to see, the adrenaline in his body slowly built up, and this had done nothing but bring his sadistic self up to surface. He tried to fight it off, holding it in, when a man of familiar voice sounded right behind him.


The man patted on his shoulders and to Takuya's surprise again, it was Cason, his helmet off and sweat trickled down his face. Takuya quickly took a few steps back, Cason following, and after they reached the corner of the city walls, Takuya urged the sweaty man to sit down. He made an illusion where Takuya was fighting on the front lines, but it was quickly recognized by the enemy, as a bullet flew right through it, making it disappear into a small black mist. He turned back to Cason, whose face this time were of worries. "So what did you want?" Takuya asked in a lazy manner. Cason quickly grabbed his hands and pulled him towards the entrance. "Some of the enemy managed to get some... things... in... and we need you to destroy them." He panted quickly. "Why me? I mean, there are a lot more people that can do precise shots than me." Quickly, they were inside the city. Lots of explosions occurred, and Takuya knew it was true. But Cason's last sentence had Takuya running.

"Robin's in danger! She is surrounded by the enemy on the hill near Cranium! You need to go find her!"

Takuya's immediate running had Cason lost his balance a bit, but Cason knew that Takuya couldn't leave his guild family member behind, that's why he asked Takuya. By the way, Cason's magic is Scanning Magic, where he does scan at the scale of a city. That is how he found the metallic spider things and how he knew Robin was in danger.

Takuya's dark magic enabled him to move from places to places, thus he only need the location of his target. Although the maximum range is short, but Takuya's blade enhanced the power, thus making the transport faster and further. No sooner than five minutes had Takuya reached behind the assaulting force approaching Robin, and he took them out in less than a minute. The open fires was only precisely five shots and no more than that had Takuya wiped them all out. The sound must have alerted the other searching forces, as they quickly made their way towards Takuya's location. "Robin! You okay?!"

No sooner had he asked that, the searching forces finally reached their location. He reached out a hand over Robin, attempting to protect her, his blade pointing at them. One of them fired a shot, only to be stopped by dark shield. It was Takuya's magic, and just when he swung his blade and a giant giant black wave was created, it was nullified by something big and red in color. The same goes for the magicians and soldiers on the battlefield; a giant red wall nullified all their magics and stopped the bullets. "What is happening?!"

Yui Akiyama

On the other hand, the defense force on Tekyou Hanamon of the Scientific side seemed to have a problem on oncoming brutes and their magic powers. The force field was enough to hold thousands of incoming attacks, but the fact that the force field only covered the part of the city that isn't protected by the force field seemed to have been discovered by the attack force, but in truth, the leading leader, Lendon only knew what's in front of him and what to do; that is, an entrance and to force his way through.

Most of the attacks were focused on the walls, making it crumble more and more, and some fired their attacks on the force field, attempting to mislead the ones on the towers. Yui, on the other hand, was still observing the attacking force atop the tower, while the others on the same area had mostly all left the building to assist the defense of the entrance of the building since some had decided to sneak inside the city. Yui soon became used to the sounds of gunshots, explosions and screams, and all she did was observe. She couldn't make a shot, because either the force field was obstructing from doing so, or she could just plain believe that the soldiers can take care of it.

Suddenly, all the sound that she would usually hear every few second stopped frantically. She thought for a second that it was just them all planning something devious out, but then, just as her thought intruded her mind, she saw something that she possibly had never seen before. A red wall appeared every now and then, and smaller gunshots were heard, followed screams of order. She then attempted to fire a bullet, but it was stopped midway, and dropped like a falling bird. The red wall appeared then, and then disappeared. "What the fuck?!" She thought in her head. What was happening?


In a dark room, lit by only a small lamp in the middle, five figure sat a circle around the light. Their bodies were covered by the shadows. "So... Is it time for our first project?" A man asked, his voice sounded as if muffled by cloth. "Yes... It should be time now." Another man voiced out. His voice was rather like a maniac, as if he was a crazed murderer who loved killing. "Then we shall have the leader to go and welcome the player, now shouldn't we?" A woman this time voiced out. Her voice was very teenager-like, and her voice screams out sarcasm. "I have already laid out the walls, I shall have the Arena appear next." This time, an emotionless voice. Again, it sounded like a teenager's voice. A man stood up among the shadows, and the next moment after he voiced out his agreement, he left the room.

"Let's start this party now, shall we?"

The soldiers and magicians all voiced their worries and angers. Suddenly, a voice sounded into the battlefields and cities. His voice ever so commanding and charming, as the players all wondered where it came from. "Welcome, my children. This may be the first time we met each other, but this shall also be the last time we shall meet." He commanded. Suddenly, players involved in the game, millions of players were all simultaneously transport to a deserted area.

There, all the meetings of their friends, families and enemies alike were gathered here.
"What do you want?!"
"Why are you here?!"
"How are you here?!"
"You play this game too?!"
Questions boomed around the area. But the appearance of one avatar as if projected by hologram had silenced the whole area. He wore a lab coat, covering the brown t-shirt and long black pants inside. His hands tucked into the pocket and his face covered by a black shadow. "Welcome to Yggdrasil Online, my children. I am the creator of this game, Helia Venson and I am pleased to meet you, the players. I have summoned you here for one, and one reason only. We shall now commence the first biggest event ever ever held in Yggdrasil Online; the Guild Arena Battle." Just as when he said that, a huge arena appeared right in the middle of the crowd. The players all gasped and some awed, but some were definitely showing killing intents, especially Takuya.

"I shall now have you all participate in this. There are but a few rules, but I do hope that you stay abide to these rules or I shall be forced to delete your avatar and kill your body in the real-life."

Suddenly, a huge sign, with numbers that goes until one to three, appeared. All the players leaned forward to scan the sign.

"1. Every guild must participate in this.
2. Five members per guild shall be chosen to participate.
3. Those who decided to leave shall have their avatars deleted and their lives to be forfeited."

"You can now log off to rest. Tomorrow, all guild members are to log in and if they fail to do so, their guilds will be exterminated, and they shall not have a chance to enter another ones ever again." He flew higher. He bowed the next moment. "Well then, I guess I shall bid you all farewell." With that, he disappeared.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takuya Kagamine Character Portrait: Robin Hawthrone
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:: Robin Hawthrone ::

No alert arrows and no moving, okay, she could do that. But if she was to strike them, more would came eventually, so no attacking too. She had to take risk somehow; standing there like a damsel in distress wasn't like her, she knew she could handle some guns and bullets. Robin had considered sliding down the cliff and joining the battlefield, she was a good runner even though she was short, she could easily make them lose her in the crowd. But then she would have to join the real fight. Choices choices. Never good at them.

She was about to dart and prepare her bow when the familiar tingling feeling on the depths of her belly started to spread. Robin cursed and gritted her teeth, trying to step forwards, but soon the tingling left its place to a annoying numbness. Her arms gave in first, her fingers that were tightly wrapped around the iron body loosened as she dropped Jedi. It didn't even take a second until her whole body was paralyzed. Her vision went black

Ah how I hate this flashback-ish visions...


The first thing her five senses perceived was a voice. A male's voice.

"Welcome, my children. This may be the first time we met each other, but this shall also be the last time we shall meet."

Robin didn't think, didn't move. Only her core was avilable in the body she was currently in. The control wasn't on her. But she was assuming the body belonged to a girl. The girl's body tensed and she knitted her eyebrows. Robin didn't notice she was sitting on the ground till the girl took a boy in black's hand as support and she stood up, picking up what seemed like a bow.

A bow? Boy in black? Rust locks surrounding her vision? Robin was in her own body?

The rest of the vision was so blurry, voices and images were going and returning.

"What do you want?!"

"Why are you here?!"

"How are you here?!"

"You play this game too?!"

Robin was surrounded by the hugest crowd she had ever seen, the buzzing of the whole area was pinning her ears. She was feeling an intense mix of shock, fear and worry. She looked around frantically, not noticing she was clutching on someone's coat. Precisely Takuya's coat, because she couldn't stand properly and she was dizzy.

The last things she managed to get from the vision were; Helia Venson, death, Guild Arena Battle, rules and the hostile glare Takuya was shooting at that disappearing hologram.


Robin woke up with shoots coming from guns. She was laying on her stomache, she rolled on her back and pushed the ground with her feet, attempting to lean her back on giant rock. Slashing and ripping sounds came afterwards, with pained cries and more shooting.

Then all of them stopped less then in a minute while Robin was trying to gather her thoughts up.

"Robin! You okay?!"

Robin snapped her head directly to where the voice came from. Takuya stood there, with his blade out and ready to kill. Robin was about to answer when the footsteps echoed on the hill. He reached out a hand over her and pointed his sword toward them. The enemy started firing and Robin covered her still pounding ears from the early vision. She wanted to help Takuya but she wasn't sure if she could stand. But then everything she could see was suddenly dyed in red.

She stood up, leaning on the rock and she took this chance to see what was happening. Red barriers were everywhere, they were nullifying the attacks of both Religious and Sciencetific side.

"Welcome, my children. This may be the first time we met each other, but this shall also be the last time we shall meet."

Robin felt like someone had bitch slapped her right in the face. She remembered this. She remembered this voice. This commanding yet charismatic voice.

Robin lived the second most horrifying thing in her life in the next fifteen minutes. She actually remembered her vision, everything she had saw was happening one by one. They were really going to die if they decided to leave now. Ridiculous. All this fuss over an online game?! What was wrong with this man?! Kill, exterminate? Then what was going to happen the losers of this guild battle?

The biggest problem started after the man disappeared. Robin's stomach was upside down, her knees were trembling like crazy and she could see the stars. If she wasn't clutching on Takuya, she would find herself on her butt by now. She gave a big sigh, noticing she was holding her breath. The whole area was in a mess, everyone was yelling and arguing with each other. All guilds were mixed, a disaster was going to happen for sure.

Robin sat on the ground, her feet couldn't carry her anymore, she was so tired.

"What the hell happened?" She asked the most genius question ever, mostly to herself. "This...this must be a joke. That man, Helia Venson, I saw him...I saw this happening..."