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Benjamin Connors

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a character in “You'll Always Be My Thunder.”, as played by Tatertots


Full Name: Benjamin Edward Connors III

Nicknames: Benny, Benji, Ben, Bec, Ed, B3

Age: 23

Appearance: ImageImage

Personality: All in all, Benny Connors is an asshole. It’s plain and simple. The guy gets away with nearly everything without so much as a slap on the wrist. He’s pretty rude and arrogant and there’s just no changing him. He will fight to the death to prove that he’s right and you’re wrong. He will stop at nothing to humiliate you. He’s a party animal. A night owl. A narcissistic asshole who doesn’t really care much for what you think. Well, at least that’s what he shows you. Believe it or not but Benny has feelings. Somewhere deep down. Very, very, veeerrryyy deep down.

History: What’s there to say about Benjamin Edward Connors III? Growing up, Benny was always what you could call a free spirit. He was a bright kid but always a little too laid back for his own good. He was never reprimanded for his ill-doings because well, boys will be boys. His parents never had much control over him anyway. Well, now here we are. Twenty-three years old, a college drop-out living with his parents with no job and no girlfriend. Isn't that exactly where all twenty-three yearolds want to be?

So begins...

Benjamin Connors's Story


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Character Portrait: Violet Greco Character Portrait: Benjamin Connors
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Violet’s Friday night hadn’t been much different from its usual boringness, other than the fact that her mother had made dinner for the first time in years , than she’d given V her normal “I think this ones the one.” Talk about her latest boyfriend. After that, Violet had gone to her room, peeled off her cloths and spent the night painting random images on her wall, in an oversize t-shit and boy short underwear.

She’d lost track of time, which tended to happen more then she’d like to admit. When she’d finally come back to reality, the night had long since passed and the sky was lighting up. Her arms were covered in paint. She stood up from where she was sitting and took a few steps back admiring her newest addition her beautifully painted wall. She glanced to her clock next to her night stand, sighing when she realized she was leaving in less than an hour.

It had been exactly a week since her mother had told her she was going to meet her father and she had no choice. It didn’t matter that she was nineteen, her mother was practically forcing her to go and meet him. But, in all honesty that wasn’t the part she was dreading. The part she was dreading was having to spend the next few weeks traveling across the country with her ass hole of a neighbor, Benjamin. He was probably the most shallow person she’d ever met.

She’d begged her mother to let her drive herself, she could get there in half the time. Her mother though wasn’t buying it, she was worried about Violet getting there, without getting into trouble or getting hurt, seeing as she’d never really been outside their small town. Apparently though, her mother didn’t know Benji very well, because he was the definition of trouble. Eventually though Violet had just stopped arguing with her mother and started packing.

She wasn’t entirely sure why she was going to meet her father, after nineteen year of not so much as a birthday card. Why did he want to meet her now? More importantly why should she have to make the effort to go to him? She glanced out the window, she wasn’t sure she’d be leaving any time soon if Benji didn’t come back home. She’d climbed out her second story bedroom window last night to sit on her roof. Unfortunately, her bedroom window and where she sat on her roof, faced the Conner’s house and was perfectly parallel with Benjamin’s bedroom. She watched him leave last night and he’d yet to return, maybe with any luck he wouldn’t and her mother would let her drive herself or just get her a damn airplane ticket.

“Vi, darling are you ready?” she heard her mother’s voice and her footsteps as she came up there stairs. She’d never been able to sleep in, her mother was always up way to early, which meant in turn she was awake, her mother didn’t believe in sleeping in.

“Yeah, I’ll be down in a sec.” she sighed running her fingers through her long brown hair. She grabbed her IPod off her night stand, before washing the paint from her arms, grabbing her suitcase and heading down stairs.

She set her suite case down by the door, before heading into the kitchen where Mrs. Conners and her mother were sitting talking and laughing over coffee. She opened the fridge, grabbing one of her mother’s stupid organic smoothies, taking a drink from it as she lend against the counter listening to the two older women for a minute.

“So did your delinquent son decide to bail?” Violet said simply, glancing to Mrs. Connors, before looking to her mother whole looked completely horrified at how rude she’d just been.

“Violet Raene, you apologize, right now.” She ordered, Vi rolled her eyes taking another drink.

“Sorry.” She said with a fake smile.


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Character Portrait: Violet Greco Character Portrait: Benjamin Connors
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Violet was tired of listening her mother and Mrs. Connors talk about how excited they were to be able to get their kids out of the house and have some time to their selves for once despite the face she was right there. Once again she was invisible, she let out a miserable groan, still they continued to talk.

The front door flung open reveling a distraught Benjamin. Violet had to fight back a laugh as his mother mumbled about what a mess he was, it was painfully obvious where he’d just come from and that he’d just woken up. Of course her mother was blind to that and apparently so was his mother. what the hell did they think he was doing, helping old people cross the road. she thought bitterly. Everything was so easy for him. She shook her head as he headed back over to his house to get a shirt.

He mother, laced her fingers with hers as she led her out the door and Vi reluctantly followed. They had to be kidding, she was waiting for her mother to turn around and say it was all a big joke. Her mother was throwing her to the wolves, did her mother really think Ben was going to look after her, he didn’t give a shit about anyone but himself.

She turned to face her mom “Mom, please don’t make me do this.” she begged desperately. “Benji doesn’t like me and I don’t like him. Mom, if you love-“ she continued, but her mother cut her off before she could finish, placing her hands on either shoulder as she held Violet’s eyes.

“Violet stop being so dramatic.” She said in a soft tone. “You’ll be fine, Benjamin’s a good kid, you guys don’t even know each other, just give him a chance alright.” Violet sighed.

In what world did Benjamin and good go in the same sentence. She knew enough about him, not to want to give him a chance or get to know him. But, she nodded despite herself and her mom smiled, kissing the top of cheek.

“Let’s get this show on the road, huh?” The sarcasm in her voice irritated her, but she forced a smile, that was somewhat believable as she grabbed her suitcase, opening the passenger side door and putting her suitcase in the back seat, before climbing into the passenger seat.

Once they were both in the car, with the windows rolled up and their mothers were waving goodbye like the two of them were leaving forever. She turned to him.

“Listen Connors, I don’t to be stuck with you anymore then you want to be stuck with me.” She said bluntly. “So rules of the road. No touching me, refrain from undressing me with yours eyes, call me V, and I’m not one of your trashy one night stands, so don’t try anything.” She smirked. “Think you can handle that pretty boy.”

That was probably the most she’d ever said to him in her entire, despite they lived next door to each other their entire lives. She’d heard a million stories about him and he’d probably heard even worse ones about her. She sat back in her seat and waved to their mother’s as they pulled away.


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Character Portrait: Violet Greco Character Portrait: Benjamin Connors
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Benny rolled his eyes as Violet barked orders at him. “Believe me princess, I wouldn’t sleep with you if you were the last bitch on earth. I’ve got standards.” Benny started the ignition, put the car in gear and gave two honks to their mothers as he embarked on a journey that would most likely kill him before they reach their destination. Benny dreaded having to come on this trip. Since he found out the one question he kept asking his mother over and over again was, “but why me?” Didn’t this girl have friends? Couldn’t her mother have bought her a plane ticket? Like shit, I’ll lend her the damn money. Just fucking why me? Benny couldn’t get the thoughts out of his head. It’s as though he were being punished for something.

“I have to make a quick stop before we actually go.” Benny mumbled as he turned left, instead of heading straight towards the highway. Benny knew he was going to get shit for it from Violet but he’s already made a vow to himself that he would ignore about 90% of what she says so he wasn’t quite worried about her. All he was worried about was getting his fix for this trip because he knew if he didn’t, he’d go insane. I mean, could you imagine being stuck in a car with spawn of Satan for God knows how long? It would drive even the sanest and most patient person off a cliff. Benny’s ’69 Chevy Camaro roared as he sped down the street, trying to beat the traffic signals. “We’re going to see
” Benny started before V had a chance to ask where they were going, but quickly stopped before revealing a little too much information, “a friend of mine.” He finished.

Benny had a reputation in town. If you didn’t know him personally, you knew enough about him to say that you grew up with him. You see, Benny was the son of a big time stock broker. His father having put everything they had into stocks years ago, hit it big and decided to call it quits before his stocks hit rock bottom. Benny is now the son of a big time attorney. His father went into law after leaving stocks and his mother a quaint little cafĂ© in town that was popular to the folks that lived in town. They lived modestly though, never spending more than necessary and putting everything else in their life saving. However, having parents with big names in a small town wasn’t how most people knew of Ben. Benjamin who was named after his father, and his fathers’ father, didn’t hold the same reputation they had. Ben was notorious for his I-don’t-give-a-shit attitude, along with the amount of girls he has supposedly slept with and the amount of parties he’s thrown down. Not to mention his ties with drugs. Anyone who had ears knew of Benny Connors. And they certainly didn’t hear about him helping at the local food bank.

The car sputtered to a stop in front of a small house. The grass in the yard was dead despite it being the end of May. The house looked like a mess but this is exactly where Benny needed to be. “Just wait here,” he said as he was getting out of the car. He jogged around the front of the car and up to the front door. He rang the doorbell and waited, soon after, a husky guy, who probably hasn’t even heard of exercise, was at the door.


“What’s up, Vic. Listen, I need more. I’m going on a trip and I won’t be back for a while.”

“Can’t Ed. You’re maxed out until you pay up.” The husky guy crossed his arms.

“Hey man, come on. The money’s coming. But I need you to hook me up this time.”

“I already told you, I can’t. Tio won’t give me more until I give him his money and you’re the one I’m waiting on.”

“What the hell, Vic. You can trust me. If I said the money’s coming, then the money is coming.”

“Get out of here, Ed. It’s not going to happen.”

“Fine Vic, fine.” Ben put his arms up in defeat and began backing away. “But you just lost a fucking customer you fat fuck.”

“What the fuck did you just say to me?” The large man barked at Ben as he was walking back to his car.

Benji turned around and stood his ground, “you heard me. You just lost a customer, you. Fat. Fuck.” He said slowly towards the end.

Vic took a step towards Ben to start an argument but before he could get any closer, Ben had swung his fist out and hit Vic in the temple, knocking him out instantly. Vic hit the ground with a head bouncing thud. He was out cold for sure. Ben leaned over him and reached into his pockets, pulling out a small baggie of drugs. He pulled up Vic’s shirt to reveal a small pistol, he took it and tucked it into the back of his pants.

“I didn’t want to have to do this, Vic.” Ben whispered as he took the big man’s wallet, taking three hundred dollar bills and stuffing the money into his pocket. “The name is Ben by the way. No one calls me Ed.” He mumbled as he tossed Vic’s wallet on his chest and ran back to his car.

Ben pulled the gun from his pants and tossed it into the back seat along with the drugs, as he got into the car. He didn’t even look at Violet, although he knew she would say something soon enough. He drove off, leaving Vic on his own front yard unconscious and a warrant for his death by drug dealers behind.


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Character Portrait: Violet Greco Character Portrait: Benjamin Connors
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did he just say standers? Violet thought to herself. She had to fight back a laugh. But, she had to admit his words kind of stung. Not that she really cared what he thought, but he was just like everyone else. A small part of her had almost hoped that he might be different, although she’d never admit that.

“I have to make a quick stop before we actually go.” His voice pulled her from her thoughts and she just sighed, deciding that even if she threw a fit, he was still going to do what he wanted in the end. “We’re going to see
” he trailed off as if figuring out how to word it without giving himself away, but she wasn’t stupid. “A friend of mine.” he finished and Vi rolled her eyes, shaking her head.

Of course he was going to get drugs. She was seriously debating getting out of the car and walking back home once he stopped at his so-called “friends” house. But, what was she going to tell her mom, Benji bought drugs so I walked home. That was the lamest excuse, it sounded lame even to her and he mother wouldn’t buy it, despite it being the truth. So as they pulled up to the house and he told her to wait in the car, she had no choice. She watched him for a minuet as he confronted the guy before she looked away.

She hated the fact that he was such an ass and it was making her dread the trip that much more. She’d been in the car with him less than twenty minutes and she was already sick of him. She glanced back up just in time to see Ben, deck the large man. He eyes widened, her heart speed, up and her jaw literally dropped.

“What the hell” she groaned miserably under her breath before letting her head fall against the back rest as he got back into the a took off. It was silent for a moment and he didn’t even acknowledge her presence.

” she trailed off trying to stay calm. “What the fuck was that?” she asked still stunned. “I know you don’t want to acknowledge my existence.” She said keeping her eyes on him. “But if you’re going to be knocking people out, so fair warning would be nice.” She said before turning her eyes back on the road. “Nice hit though.” She smirked, trying to lighten the mood between them, knowing she was going to at least have to pretend to like him if she wanted to trip to be bearable.

She wanted to yell at him and lecture him, but what good would it really do. He didn't give a shit about anyone, he did his own thing. So yelling at him was just a waist of breath and as miserable as she was going to be for the next few weeks, fighting with him would only make it that much worse.


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Character Portrait: Violet Greco Character Portrait: Benjamin Connors
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”Nice hit though.” The words rung out in Ben’s mind. Wait what. Did Violet actually just say something nice to me? What the hell. Benji’s mind was a clutter at the moment. Lost in endearing words and fear of the death threats he’ll be getting when he’s back in town. Maybe he just won’t return. Maybe he’ll just stay away forever. Never to return to his home because some druggies have a hit on him. Benny smirked. “Thanks,” he finally managed to spit out.

Benny wasn’t really looking for more friends. A hook up buddy, maybe, but he knew he wouldn’t be able to get that out of Violet. She was pretty though, Benny would admit that. She was definitely not a sore sight but Benny would never think of actually hooking up with her. Look at her, she’s this tiny little thing, a gorgeous girl, with stunning eyes but she had no friends. Benny wouldn’t be caught dead with a girl whose name didn’t exist and Violet Greco was that girl. She wasn’t known like Benny was, then again no one was known like Benny was but that isn’t the point. The point is, a girl as stunning as Violet being as quiet as she is, there’s got to be something wrong with her. And Benny don’t fuck with girls who have got a screw loose.

Music was always a nice touch in road trips. Not having to talk, not having to pay each other attention, music took the ease off things. Except when Benny was so irritated that he had to be taking a road trip with the person he disliked the most. Music wouldn’t ease things off that easily. Not with these two in the car. Benny wasn’t quite sure why he hated Violet, but he’s positive there was a reason. Possibly the way that she stole his pebble collection when he was five which he had been stacking up on the sidewalk in front of his house. He was positive she ruined his stack and stole his pebbles, especially when she laughed about it when he accused her. Who knew five year olds could be so cruel? Benny knew. And that’s probably why he hates Violet.

“So, why the hell am I the one that’s lugging your ass all the way across the country anyway? And why the hell are we going?” Ben was irritated that he had to babysit and he was going to make sure Violet knew it.


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Character Portrait: Violet Greco Character Portrait: Benjamin Connors
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”He speaks.” Benny silently laughing mockingly. “I’m sorry you’re stuck with me. I know being seen with me is social suicide for a guy like you.” Violet paused for a brief moment, causing Benny to take a quick glance at her. ”Don’t worry, I get the hint Ben and staying out of people’s way is what I’m best at.”

His eyebrows furrowed, his eyes directed towards the line on the road. “Wait. What. What the hell do you mean a guy like me? What am I like?” What the hell was that supposed to mean? What in the hell did Violet mean by a guy like me? I’m not a bad guy. I’m just a little
out there. Fuck that. I’m perfectly normal. If there’s anyone here that’s ‘special’ it’s Violet. She’s the one who never goes out. She’s the one that doesn’t have any friends. She’s the one that never left her damn house and didn’t have a life. Who was she to be mocking Ben? Fucking nobody. That’s who. Benny wasn’t quiet anymore. Benny wasn’t letting the music drown out the outside anymore. He was angry. What the hell did this girl know about anything? She didn’t know Benny. She didn’t know the first thing about him.

No one really knew Benny. No one really knew Benny, and that included Benny himself. He was a free spirit. He was loud; a menace; a fun-loving, loud mouthed, well known, free-fucking-spirit. Right? Wrong. Benny portrayed himself as this, but he wasn’t this. He wasn’t this picture that he painted. There was a pain inside of him that he never confronted. He has an empty void inside of him that he filled with drugs and sex. Only problem is, it doesn’t work. A pain inside of him no one knows about. A pain inside of him, he’s been denying himself. That’s why his mom wants him to go on this trip. She wants Ben to go on some self-discovering, ‘I-gotta-find-me bullshit.’ But why in the hell does he have to suffer with Violet.

“And why does your mom care so much about you finding him? He’s never been around so who the hell cares?”


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Character Portrait: Violet Greco Character Portrait: Benjamin Connors
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She should have known he’d take her words out of context. She hadn’t meant them in a bad way, it had actually been a complement. But, he obviously hadn’t caught that and she could tell simply by the way he’d tensed that he’d take it as more of an insult.

“Wait. What. What the hell do you mean a guy like me? What am I like?” she rolled his eyes at how defensive he’d gotten and she opened her mouth to speak, but he cut her off quickly with another question. “And why does your mom care so much about you finding him? He’s never been around so who the hell cares?”

She honestly didn’t know why her mother was all for her meeting her father. In the past, when Violet had brought him up, she’d ignored her questions or simply changed the subject. Now she was all for her meeting him and pushing her against her will. Vi figured it was because her mother was tired of her. Her mother had never wanted kids, she’d never told Violet that, but it was obvious. So a part of Violet knew her mother was hopping she’d call home at the end of the summer and say she was staying with her father.

“I didn’t mean it as a bad thing.” She finally said. “It was a complement. I just meant your popular, people know you and I’m the “Hippie Lady’s” daughter, I’m not exactly everyone’s first choice to go on a road trip with” she explained with a shrug. “And, I honestly have no idea, why my mother wants me to meet him.” She sighed. “I assume it’s so she can finally get rid of me.” Violet said like it wasn’t a big deal.

She finished her drawing and flipped her sketch book closed, she’d come back to it later. She turned her gaze out the window hoping that Benji wouldn’t ask her anymore questions. She just wasn’t in the mood to be interrogated and he seemed like the type to ask a million questions, because despite the fact that they’d grown up less than fifty feet away from each other, they knew nothing about one another.

“So you think we could stop and get something to eat or do you plan on driving the entire way without stopping.” She said truing her gaze to him.